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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "IT Procurement Manager in Deutschland"

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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "IT Procurement Manager in Deutschland"

56 000 € Durchschnittliches Monatsgehalt

Durchschnittliches Gehaltsniveau in den letzten 12 Monaten: "IT Procurement Manager in Deutschland"

Währung: EUR USD Jahr: 2024
Das Balkendiagramm zeigt die Änderung des Gehaltsniveaus in der IT Procurement Manager Branche in Deutschland

Verteilung des Stellenangebots "IT Procurement Manager" in Deutschland

Währung: EUR
Wie die Grafik zeigt, in Deutschland gilt Thüringen als die Region mit der größten Zahl der offenen Stellen in und an zweiter Stelle folgt Nordrhein-Westfalen. Den dritten Platz nimmt Berlin ein.

Empfohlene Stellenangebote

Junior Procurement Manager (m/w/d) in Voll- oder Teilzeit
The Stepstone Group, Düsseldorf
Stellenbeschreibung Du bist für die internationale, zentrale Beschaffung von Dienstleistungen im Bereich Professional Services und Consultancy für die Business Partner innerhalb der The Stepstone Group Organisation zuständig und setzt dabei die Strategien innerhalb der Warengruppen Professional Services und Consultancy um. Dein Fokus liegt auf der Verhandlung von Konditionen und zugehörigen Rahmenverträgen, die mit Unterstützung der Rechtsabteilung für die gesamte The Stepstone Group aufgesetzt werden. Du berätst unsere Fachabteilungen in allen Fragen rund um den Beschaffungsprozess und gestaltest Optimierungsprozesse von Verträgen in enger Abstimmung mit internen Stakeholdern proaktiv mit. Du agierst als Schnittstelle und gestaltest Netzwerke innerhalb der The Stepstone Group, mit dem Ziel der Identifizierung von gruppenweiten Kostenverringerungs-, Optimierungs- und Synergiepotenzialen. Du fungierst als kaufmännischer Key Account für unsere Lieferanten im Bereich von Professional Services und Consultancy und beteiligst Dich am Aufbau und Management von strategischen Kundenbeziehungen für unser Group Procurement. Qualifikationen Erforderlich: 1 bis 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Einkauf, idealerweise im Bereich des Einkaufs von Dienstleistungen Selbstständige, strukturierte und eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise Zahlenverständnis, Gewissenhaftigkeit, Analysefähigkeit und ein gutes Kommunikationsvermögen Wünschenswert: Abgeschlossenes Studium mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem und/oder technischem Hintergrund, oder entsprechende kaufmännische Ausbildung Fähigkeit, das Wesentliche im Auge zu behalten, sowie ein echter Teamplayer #wearebettertogether Zusätzliche Informationen Dein Start bei The Stepstone Group: Wir wollen, dass Du Dich von Anfang an wohl fühlst und Du direkt mit dem Netzwerken starten kannst. Deshalb geht’s bei uns immer mit einer mehrtägigen Onboarding-Veranstaltung los, während Du Deine neuen Kolleg*innen, unsere Produkte und unsere Kultur kennenlernst. Danach geht’s in Deinem Fachbereich weiter – mit einer mehrwöchigen, individuellen Einarbeitung. ​ Deine Weiterentwicklung: Wir wachsen – und wollen natürlich, dass Du mit uns wächst. Dabei unterstützen wir Dich mit zielgerichteten Trainings, die Dich in Deiner persönlichen und fachlichen Entwicklung weiterbringen. ​ Big Player mit Start-up-Flair: Auch wenn wir ganz schön groß geworden sind, haben wir unsere Lockerheit aus den Anfangstagen nicht verloren. Das heißt konkret: Wir duzen uns, haben kurze Kommunikationswege, flache Hierarchien und super hilfsbereite Kolleg*innen. ​ Social Days: Reden ist Silber, Handeln ist Gold – genau deshalb haben bei uns alle Mitarbeiter*innen 2 Social Days im Jahr. Diese können flexibel für soziales und nachhaltiges Engagement eingesetzt werden. Und das Beste daran: Du musst dir dafür keinen Urlaub nehmen. ​ Urlaubstage: Wo wir gerade beim Thema Urlaub sind… Bei uns gibt’s 30 Tage Urlaub im Jahr plus einen Brauchtumstag. Außerdem sind Weihnachten und Silvester bei uns immer frei. ​ Vierbeiner willkommen! Du möchtest Deinen Hund mitbringen? Sehr gern. Bei uns ist jeden Tag "Bring-Deinen-Hund-mit-zur-Arbeit-Tag"!​ Unser Standort? Wir sind gut erreichbar – ob mit dem Auto, der Bahn oder mit dem Fahrrad. Übrigens: Parkplatz oder Jobticket werden 50 % von uns gesponsert. ​ Jobbike: Und auch für alle Radler*innen haben wir gute News: Mit unserem Jobbike-Angebot unterstützen wir Dich, schnell und nachhaltig in unser Office zu kommen (nach einem Jahr Betriebszugehörigkeit). ​ Mobile Office: Auch das ist bei uns möglich! In der Regel bieten wir Dir zwei Tage mobiles Arbeiten pro Woche. Frag gerne direkt im Interview, wie die Regelung für Deine Rolle ist. ​ Lust auf Kaffee? Bei uns gibt es kostenlosen, frisch gebrühten Kaffee. Apropos frisch, natürlich gibt’s bei uns auch jeden Tag frisches Obst. ​ Unsere Hauspost: Schlange stehen ist nicht Dein Ding? Dann lass Dir Deine Pakete doch einfach ins Office liefern. ​ Noch mehr Benefits: Weihnachtsfeier, Sommerparty, Teamevents, Incentives, Zuschuss zur betrieblichen Altersvorsorge oder super Angebote zu Großkundenkonditionen (z. B. für Mobilfunkverträge, Sixt und Hotelbuchungen bei HRS) – unsere Liste ist lang. Da ist bestimmt auch für Dich etwas dabei! ​ Standort The Stepstone Group, Düsseldorf
International Category Manager (m/w/d) Steel Structure & Subcontractor
BELECTRIC GmbH, Nuremberg
International Category Manager (m/w/d) Steel Structure& Subcontractor Vollzeit, Berlin, Kolitzheim, Nürnberg, Supply Chain & ProcurementKomm ins #TEAMBELECTRIC!WER WIR SINDWir sind ein multikulturelles internationales Unternehmen mit viel Teamspirit. Mit 500 MitarbeiterInnen in 5 Ländern arbeiten wir daran, für kommende Generationen eine klimafreundliche Energieerzeugung sicherzustellen. Wir bauen Freiflächen-Solarkraft­werke in ganz Europa und sichern als einer der weltweit größten O&M-Dienstleister den jahrzehntelangen Anlagenbetrieb unserer Kunden.AufgabenAngebote vergleichen, kaufmännisch und technisch bewerten sowie Verträge verhandeln – genau deine Stärken! Du bist ein leidenschaftlicher Stratege und überzeugst alle mit deiner kommunikativen Art. Bewirb dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres Teams!Verantwortung für den strategischen Einkauf von Bauleistungen, Stahlbau-Unterkonstruktionen, sowie Hilfssystemen (z.B. Zäune, Trassen und Überwachungssysteme CCTV) für internationale Freiflächen Photovoltaik KraftwerkeEntwicklung einer gemeinsamen ProduktgruppenstrategieLieferantensuche, -auswahl und -entwicklungDurchführung von Ausschreibungen, zum Teil über ein eSourcing-SystemErstellung von technischen und kaufmännischen AngebotsvergleichenVertragsverhandlungen in enger Interaktion mit den SchnittstellenpartnernEnge Zusammenarbeit mit den Auslandsgesellschaften der Belectric GruppeEnge Zusammenarbeit (und Vertretung) mit Kollegen aus dem Category Management Unterkonstruktion, Konstruktion & Installation, BauwesenProfilAbgeschlossene kaufmännische oder technische Ausbildung oder abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Bauingenieurwesen oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder eine vergleichbare QualifikationMehrjährige Erfahrung und fundierte Fachkenntnisse im strategischen EinkaufErfahrung im VertragsmanagementErfahrung im Bereich Stahlbau und/oder Vergabe von Bauleistungen.Nice to have: Erfahrung im Projektumfeld oder ProjektmanagementGute Kenntnisse in MS OfficeSehr gute Deutsch- und EnglischkenntnisseDeine Skills: kommunikativer Teamplayer (m/w/d) mit sehr guter Organisationsfähigkeit, Verhandlungskompetenz & DurchsetzungsvermögenDas bieten wirJobs für (d)eine grüne Zukunft. Flache Hierarchien mit guten Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Unbefristete Arbeitsverträge. Ein familiäres und kollegiales Miteinander im internationalen Umfeld. Flexible Arbeitszeiten und mobiles Arbeiten. JobRad-Leasing. VWL und bAV. Regelmäßige Mitarbeiterevents. Neugierig? All unsere Vorteile findest du unterwww.belectric.com/karriere .Der Weg zu unsMelanie AdolphHead of People International & OrganizationTel.+49 9385-548-9246Klara TheobaldJunior People Manager Recruiting & DevelopmentTel.+49 9385-548- 9184Oder bewirb dich gleich unter Angabe der ReferenznummerYF22365288 , am besten über unser Onlineportal:www.belectric.com .BELECTRIC GmbH | Wadenbrunner Str. 10 | 97509 KolitzheimMauerstraße 77 | 10117 BerlinStraße des Friedens 15 | 14943 LuckenwaldeBahnhofstraße 2 | 90402 Nürnberg (Coworking-Space)bewerbung[AT]belectric.com|www.belectric.com
Global Junior Procurement Manager IT (m/w/d)
The Stepstone Group, Düsseldorf
Job Description Du bist für die internationale, zentrale Beschaffung von Hardware, Software und IT-Dienstleistungen für die Business Partner innerhalb der Stepstone Organisation zuständig und setzt dabei die Strategien innerhalb der IT Warengruppen um Dein Fokus liegt auf der Verhandlung von Konditionen und zugehöriger Rahmenverträge, die mit Unterstützung der Rechtsabteilung für die gesamte Stepstone Gruppe aufgesetzt werden Du berätst unsere Fachabteilungen für alle Fragen rund um den Beschaffungsprozess und gestaltest Optimierungsprozesse von IT-Verträgen in enger Abstimmung mit internen Stakeholdern proaktiv mit Du agierst als Schnittstelle und gestaltest Netzwerke innerhalb der Stepstone Gruppe, mit dem Ziel der Identifizierung gruppenweiter Kostenverringerungs-, Optimierungs- und Synergiepotenziale Du fungierst als kaufmännischer Key Account für unsere Lieferanten im Bereich der Software- und IT-Dienstleistungen und beteiligst Dich am Aufbau und Management von strategischen Kundenbeziehungen für unser IT Procurement Qualifications Erforderlich: 1 bis 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Einkauf, idealerweise im Bereich IT Selbstständige, strukturierte und eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise Zahlenverständnis, Gewissenhaftigkeit, Analysefähigkeit und ein gutes Kommunikationsvermögen Wünschenswert: Abgeschlossenes Studium mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem und/oder technischem Hintergrund, oder entsprechende kaufmännische Ausbildung mit Schwerpunkt IT Fähigkeit, das Wesentliche im Auge zu behalten, sowie ein echter Teamplayer #wearebettertogether Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office Anwendungen, insbesondere PowerPoint Affinität für die Erstellung von Reports/Dashboards und Präsentationen Additional Information Dein Start bei The Stepstone Group: Wir wollen, dass Du Dich von Anfang an wohl fühlst und Du direkt mit dem Netzwerken starten kannst. Deshalb geht’s bei uns immer mit einer mehrtägigen Onboarding-Veranstaltung los, während Du Deine neuen Kolleg*innen, unsere Produkte und unsere Kultur kennenlernst. Danach geht’s in Deinem Fachbereich weiter – mit einer mehrwöchigen, individuellen Einarbeitung. ​ Deine Weiterentwicklung: Wir wachsen – und wollen natürlich, dass Du mit uns wächst. Dabei unterstützen wir Dich mit zielgerichteten Trainings, die Dich in Deiner persönlichen und fachlichen Entwicklung weiterbringen. ​ Big Player mit Start-up-Flair: Auch wenn wir ganz schön groß geworden sind, haben wir unsere Lockerheit aus den Anfangstagen nicht verloren. Das heißt konkret: Wir duzen uns, haben kurze Kommunikationswege, flache Hierarchien und super hilfsbereite Kolleg*innen. ​ Social Days: Reden ist Silber, Handeln ist Gold – genau deshalb haben bei uns alle Mitarbeiter*innen 2 Social Days im Jahr. Diese können flexibel für soziales und nachhaltiges Engagement eingesetzt werden. Und das Beste daran: Du musst dir dafür keinen Urlaub nehmen. ​ Urlaubstage: Wo wir gerade beim Thema Urlaub sind… Bei uns gibt’s 30 Tage Urlaub im Jahr plus einen Brauchtumstag. Außerdem sind Weihnachten und Silvester bei uns immer frei. ​ Vierbeiner willkommen! Du möchtest Deinen Hund mitbringen? Sehr gern. Bei uns ist jeden Tag "Bring-Deinen-Hund-mit-zur-Arbeit-Tag"!​ Unser Standort? Wir sind gut erreichbar – ob mit dem Auto, der Bahn oder mit dem Fahrrad. Übrigens: Parkplatz oder Jobticket werden 50 % von uns gesponsert. ​ Jobbike: Und auch für alle Radler*innen haben wir gute News: Mit unserem Jobbike-Angebot unterstützen wir Dich, schnell und nachhaltig in unser Office zu kommen (nach einem Jahr Betriebszugehörigkeit). ​ Mobile Office: Auch das ist bei uns möglich! In der Regel bieten wir Dir zwei Tage mobiles Arbeiten pro Woche. Frag gerne direkt im Interview, wie die Regelung für Deine Rolle ist. ​ Lust auf Kaffee? Bei uns gibt es kostenlosen, frisch gebrühten Kaffee. Apropos frisch, natürlich gibt’s bei uns auch jeden Tag frisches Obst. ​ Unsere Hauspost: Schlange stehen ist nicht Dein Ding? Dann lass Dir Deine Pakete doch einfach ins Office liefern. ​ Noch mehr Benefits: Weihnachtsfeier, Sommerparty, Teamevents, Incentives, Zuschuss zur betrieblichen Altersvorsorge oder super Angebote zu Großkundenkonditionen (z. B. für Mobilfunkverträge, Sixt und Hotelbuchungen bei HRS) – unsere Liste ist lang. Da ist bestimmt auch für Dich etwas dabei! ​ Standort The Stepstone Group, Düsseldorf
Job in Germany: Procurement Manager (all genders)Internet Access Technologies
M3 Connect GmbH, Aachen
IT, WiFi We are an established, expanding Aachen-basedcompany and specialist in the WiFi sector. Future-orientedtechnology is our passion and in order to always think one stepahead, we need a team of forward thinkers. Doyou want responsibility and are you looking for challenges? Then don't think twice and join us! From now on we are looking for aBuyer, (Senior) Buyer, Procurement Specialist, Supply ChainManager, Category Manager or comparable as: Procurement Manager (all genders) for Internet Access Technologies Your expectations as a Procurement Manager(all genders): You procure acompetitive product portfolio in the business customer andwholesale segment Keeping the threadstogether and managing the supply chain with internal and externalinterfaces is part of your day-to-day business - ensuring resilientsupply chains You analyze local &global procurement markets You carry outsupplier sourcing independently Bydocumenting new and existing customer contracts in a structuredmanner, you organize the contract management Your strengths as a procurementmanager (all genders): Severalyears of professional experience in procurement, preferably in theICT industry Your strengths include a veryhigh degree of independence as well as solution and resultorientation You have impressive knowledge inthe fields of telecommunications, Internet, Ethernet, networking,reseller solutions and infrastructures Dueto your foresight and structured way of working, you master youreveryday work You also have very good Germanand good English language skills, both written and spoken. Finally, you have a practiced handling of MSOffice What you can expect: 30 vacation days + special leave Fitness room & JobRad Company pension and daycare subsidies Capital-forming benefits Fruit& drinks Individual further training Working in an agile company with an informalculture and permanent employment Space& time for creativity Internationalprojects IT equipment according to yourneeds Workshops & tech talks Collaborations, trade fairs & teamevents Working together in partnership Interested? Send your application documents via our career portal orto E-Mail anzeigen m3connect GmbH Human resources department Pascalstrasse 18 52076 Aachen Germany +4924089368100 E-Mail anzeigen www.m3connect.de I am interested Standort M3 Connect GmbH, Aachen
IT & Telecommunications Project Manager (m/w/d)
Northvolt, Heide, Germany
Job Description We are seeking a highly skilled IT & Telecommunications Project Manager with a robust background in overseeing complex IT Infrastructure projects. In this role, the IT Project Manager will be responsible for managing IT projects throughout the entire lifecycle of a project, from initial design and planning to execution, rollout and closure. About the jobThe IT Project Manager will be collaborating closely with Passive Network Design Engineers and IT Architects during the early design phases of the project. The IT & Telecommunications Project Manager will ensure prompt and precise responses to queries from 3rd party design contractors. Additionally, this role requires collaboration with representatives from other relevant Northvolt disciplines such as Electrical and Construction but also aligning and managing the full scope of IT with the help from multiple IT Teams. This collaboration aims to guarantee alignment and seamless coordination across all Northvolt teams involved in the project with dependencies to IT. Furthermore, the IT & Telecommunications Project Manager will manage and coordinate all the ongoing activities during commissioning and ensure proper verification and testing of all IT deliverables before closing and handing over the projects to the respective business owners. This multifaceted role demands a high level of technical proficiency, excellent communication skills, and a keen eye for detail to ensure the successful implementation of the IT Project. Key responsibilities include but are not limited to:Provide IT Design input to all relevant internal and external stakeholders.Coordinate and manage work activities related to the following Design Phases: Conceptual Design, Basic Design, Detailed DesignRepresent IT in the Core Team meetings for the Factory Projects and work with the IT Purchasing department to prepare for procurement of the IT scope.Create the IT Project Plan supporting the project. Manage Time, Cost, Quality and Scope for the IT Project.Manage a team of design and commissioning resources for the IT scope. Assure documentation is completed and kept updated by all parties.The person we are looking for is a strong team player, curious, and eager to learn. You will get the chance to have a real impact on our success story in Germany and see the results of your work. Our organization requires and values great self-discipline and natural talent to make things happen. Qualities that we cherish are sense of quality, friendliness, grit and a sense of humour.Northvolt is an equal opportunity employer. We're a diverse group of individuals, united by a common mission, who recognise that while our actions as individuals have a role to play in driving Northvolt towards its goals, we always seek to move forward as a team. We offer you an open and welcoming atmosphere where we win as a team – and fail as a team. Northvolt is growing at the speed of light and we are a strong believer in internal career development. For us it’s important to look at your skills and potential, please refrain form including your picture and age with your application to help us with this. Apply with CV in English or your complete LinkedIn profile. Planned starting date is asap. This role will be based in Heide, Germany.
Gestionnaire de programme TI - IT Program Manager
Northvolt, Montreal, QC, Canada
Job Description (English below)Gestionnaire de programme TINous sommes présentement à la recherche d’un.e gestionnaire de programme expérimenté afin de se joindre à notre mission d’accélérer la transition vers un avenir plus vert. Ce poste fait partie de notre audacieuse, passionnée et excellente équipe basée à Montréal, Québec. En se joignant à notre équipe, vous jouerez un rôle clé dans l'établissement et la croissance de notre équipe TI locale et contribuerez à la construction de l'une des premières usines de batteries à grande échelle en Amérique du Nord. À propos du posteNous recherchons un.e gestionnaire de programme TI pour gérer et coordonner le volet TI de tous les projets en cours pour Northvolt Six à Montréal, Canada. Ce rôle relèvera de l'équipe centralisée en gestion de projets TI (IT PMO) et collaborera avec les parties prenantes locales et centrales. Le/la gestionnaire de programme aura sous sa responsabilité des gestionnaires de projet TI locaux. Le.la gestionnaire de Programme Informatique sera le porte-parole pour tous les projets informatiques au Canada, en fera la coordination, et allouera les ressources nécessaires en fonction des besoins. Les responsabilités comprennent la mise en œuvre de procédures standard et de méthodes de travail basées sur les meilleures pratiques ainsi que sur le modèle interne IT PMO. De plus, le.la Gestionnaire dirigera de manière proactive les efforts visant à affiner ou à adapter les processus au besoin, garantissant ainsi l'exécution transparente des projets et des opérations. Le.la gestionnaire de programme aura la responsabilité d’élaborer une feuille de route exhaustive des projets TI et des jalons qui appuient la stratégie de déploiement de l'entreprise. Cette personne sera chargée du budget pour les projets informatiques et assurera la prévision des ressources nécessaires à l'exécution de la stratégie d'entreprise. En tant que point de contact principal, le.la gestionnaire de programme coordonnera les principales étapes des livrables informatiques avec les partenaires commerciaux externes de Northvolt et les parties prenantes internes. Principales responsabilités:Établir la gouvernance du programme pour tous les projets informatiques relevant des Nouveaux Projets d'Usine au Canada. Créer des rapports d'état et des indicateurs de performance pour tous les projets informatiques relevant des Nouveaux Projets d'Usine dans le pays. Sensibiliser à la Feuille de route informatique soutenant la stratégie de déploiement d'usine de l'entreprise. Travailler en liaison avec les équipes commerciales pour les discussions contractuelles avec les fournisseurs externes. Travailler en liaison avec les contrôleurs commerciaux et les équipes financières pour gérer le budget et le financement des projets informatique. Collaborer avec le service des achats pour l’approvisionnement soutenant l’échéancier informatique. Gérer et soutenir une équipe de Gestionnaires de projet informatique.--- IT Program ManagerWe are looking for an experienced IT Program Manager to join us in our mission to contribute to a greener future. The role is a part of our both, passionate and excellent team based in Montreal, Quebec. By joining us, you will be a key player in establishing our IT efforts and contribute to building one of the first large scale North American battery factories. About the jobWe are looking for an IT Program Manager to manage and coordinate the IT scope of all ongoing Factory projects at Northvolt Six in Montreal, Canada. This role will report into the central IT PMO organization and collaborate with both local stakeholders as well as central teams. The IT Program Manager will have local IT Project Managers reporting into the local Program Organization in Canada. The IT Program Manager will be the local spokesperson for all IT projects in Canada and should, manage and coordinate projects and allocate resources according to local needs and requirements. The job would include implementing standard procedures and ways of working based on best practices and the IT PMO Blueprint. Furthermore, the IT Program Manager will proactively lead efforts to refine or adapt business processes as necessary, ensuring the seamless execution of projects and operations. The IT Program Manager should provide an overall roadmap of IT projects and milestones supporting the corporate rollout strategy. The IT Program Manager owns the IT budget for projects and manages the forecasting of capabilities required to execute on the corporate strategy. The IT Program Manager will also be the main counterpart for any 3rd party vendor assigned to support the IT scope of Factory Projects for both Design and Commissioning activities. The role includes coordinate high-level milestones of IT deliverables with external Northvolt Business Partners and key internal stakeholders. Key Responsibilities:Create Program Governance for all IT Projects under New Factory Projects in country. Create Status reporting and KPIs for all IT Projects under New Factory Projects in country. Create awareness of the IT Roadmap supporting the corporate Factory rollout strategy. Liaise with Commercial teams for contractual discussions with 3rd party vendors. Liaise with Business controllers and Finance teams to manage the budget and funding for the IT Scope. Work with the Purchasing department for IT Procurement supporting the IT Roadmap. Manage and support a team of IT Project Managers.
Project Manager (m/f/d) - IT Procurement
ABOUT YOU, HQ Hamburg (hybrid**)
The IT Cost Controlling Team at ABOUT YOU Tech is dedicated to optimizing our IT costs. This role involves technical project management, and collaboration with company leadership and technical leads to manage IT investment strategies, negotiate software agreements, and identify and implement opportunities for cost optimization.As an Project Manager – IT Procurement, you will oversee a varied portfolio of cost-related IT projects, including but not limited to AWS and other significant IT expenditures. This role is responsible for managing cost-saving projects and processes. Especially AWS cost structure and saving potential need to be managed. You will work intimately with C-Level executives and the management team, managing the financial aspects of our cloud infrastructure, negotiating with software vendors, and enhancing IT project management processes.What you will doLead multiple tech projects, ranging from 2 weeks to 6 months, focusing on cost-saving initiatives in IT, vendor negotiations, and contract management.Collaborate with IT project managers, controllers, and technical leads to optimize the IT cost structure.Handle end-to-end contract management, including planning, negotiating, monitoring contracts, verifying invoices, and conducting tenders to achieve the best price/value composition.Prepare and monitor cost reports, such as monthly cost reports and KPI reports, in cooperation with stakeholders.Direct and actively plan the IT budget across multiple teams for IT vendors and hosting costs.Gain insights into a broad spectrum of projects, processes, tools, and cutting-edge technologies (e.g., AWS, Datadog) while working with various teams to establish FinOps principles.Regularly discuss, align, and report project statuses with leads, top management, and the Tech team.Identify issues and devise efficient, pragmatic solutions to overcome blockers.Select and evaluate new software and negotiate with vendors.Who you areYou have at least 2 years of experience in agile IT project management.Familiar with cloud services, especially AWS services ensuring optimal cost-effectiveness and smooth operations would be helpful.Possess a solid financial background, including managing and operating cost centers.Skilled in negotiating with software vendors to secure the best terms and prices.Proficient in contract management from negotiation to execution and oversight.A proven track record in managing IT projects using agile methodologies.Proficient in MS Office, particularly Excel.Proactive, hands-on, and able to solve problems creatively. Nice to have Experience in IT-consultingAnalytical mindset Growth Opportunity: We prioritize potential alongside skills in our recruitment process. Not meeting every criterion isn’t a barrier; it’s your growth mindset that counts. If you’re eager to learn and develop, we welcome your application. Additional Information **Working model:Due to the upcoming tasks and responsibilities for this position, it is required to work onsite at our headquarters in Hamburg on a weekly basis. Therefore we’ve implemented a hybrid working model that allows us to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and to work onsite from Tuesday to Thursday.BenefitsHybrid working Täglich frisches Obst Sportkurse Exklusive Mitarbeiter Rabatte Kostenlose Getränke Sprachkurse Company Events Relocation Unterstützung Mobilitätszuschlag State-of-the-art Technologien Zentrale Lage Flexible Arbeitszeiten Betriebliche Altersvorsorge Weiterbildungs- angebote Hunde erlaubt AY Academy Feedbackkultur YOU ARE THE CORE OF ABOUT YOU.We take responsibility for creating an inclusive and exceptional environment where all genders, nationalities, and ethnicities feel welcomed and accepted exactly as they are. We believe that a diverse workforce essentially contributes to the ABOUT YOU culture. To maintain talent and diversity, we emphasize the care for physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. Our values and work ethics essentially contribute to our brand mission: empower acceptance and shape an inclusive, fair, and circular fashion culture.We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you, it is very easy to upload your application documents. :-)
Project Manager (m/f/d) - IT Procurement
ABOUT YOU, HQ Hamburg (hybrid**)
The IT Cost Controlling Team at ABOUT YOU Tech is dedicated to optimizing our IT costs. This role involves technical project management, and collaboration with company leadership and technical leads to manage IT investment strategies, negotiate software agreements, and identify and implement opportunities for cost optimization.As an Project Manager – IT Procurement, you will oversee a varied portfolio of cost-related IT projects, including but not limited to AWS and other significant IT expenditures. This role is responsible for managing cost-saving projects and processes. Especially AWS cost structure and saving potential need to be managed. You will work intimately with C-Level executives and the management team, managing the financial aspects of our cloud infrastructure, negotiating with software vendors, and enhancing IT project management processes.What you will doLead multiple tech projects, ranging from 2 weeks to 6 months, focusing on cost-saving initiatives in IT, vendor negotiations, and contract management.Collaborate with IT project managers, controllers, and technical leads to optimize the IT cost structure.Handle end-to-end contract management, including planning, negotiating, monitoring contracts, verifying invoices, and conducting tenders to achieve the best price/value composition.Prepare and monitor cost reports, such as monthly cost reports and KPI reports, in cooperation with stakeholders.Direct and actively plan the IT budget across multiple teams for IT vendors and hosting costs.Gain insights into a broad spectrum of projects, processes, tools, and cutting-edge technologies (e.g., AWS, Datadog) while working with various teams to establish FinOps principles.Regularly discuss, align, and report project statuses with leads, top management, and the Tech team.Identify issues and devise efficient, pragmatic solutions to overcome blockers.Select and evaluate new software and negotiate with vendors.Who you areYou have at least 2 years of experience in agile IT project management.Familiar with cloud services, especially AWS services ensuring optimal cost-effectiveness and smooth operations would be helpful.Possess a solid financial background, including managing and operating cost centers.Skilled in negotiating with software vendors to secure the best terms and prices.Proficient in contract management from negotiation to execution and oversight.A proven track record in managing IT projects using agile methodologies.Proficient in MS Office, particularly Excel.Proactive, hands-on, and able to solve problems creatively. Nice to have Experience in IT-consultingAnalytical mindset Growth Opportunity: We prioritize potential alongside skills in our recruitment process. Not meeting every criterion isn’t a barrier; it’s your growth mindset that counts. If you’re eager to learn and develop, we welcome your application. Additional Information **Working model:Due to the upcoming tasks and responsibilities for this position, it is required to work onsite at our headquarters in Hamburg on a weekly basis. Therefore we’ve implemented a hybrid working model that allows us to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and to work onsite from Tuesday to Thursday.BenefitsHybrid working Fresh fruit every day Sports courses Exclusive employee discounts Free drinks Language courses Company parties Help in the relocation process Mobility subsidy State-of-the-art technology Central Location Flexible Working Hours Company pension Professional training Dog-friendly office AY Academy Feedback Culture YOU ARE THE CORE OF ABOUT YOU.We take responsibility for creating an inclusive and exceptional environment where all genders, nationalities, and ethnicities feel welcomed and accepted exactly as they are. We believe that a diverse workforce essentially contributes to the ABOUT YOU culture. To maintain talent and diversity, we emphasize the care for physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. Our values and work ethics essentially contribute to our brand mission: empower acceptance and shape an inclusive, fair, and circular fashion culture.We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you, it is very easy to upload your application documents. :-)
Category Manager - Direct Materials
Johnson Controls, Ratingen, NW, DE
What you will doOur Procurement EMEALA Team is looking for an experienced professional who will develop, plan, implement, analyze, and execute regional Strategic Procurement activities related to assigned Direct Materials. We look for candidates who feel comfortable to work in a global organization providing highest quality and best cost to our factories and operation centers in the EMEALA region.How you will do itProvides strategic procurement programs that leverage the operations of Johnson Controls with measurable financial results globally.Develops and executes strategies designed to improve business process productivity, reduce costs and procurement related expenses while improving profitability as well as increasing our TWC (Trade Working Capital) aligned with all business units’ requirements.Supports regional procurement (EMEALA) teams by enhancing strategy and leveraging expertise and knowledge of region.Manages relationship with suppliers, including managing day to day operations, issue & escalation.Works effectively with all business units leaders globally to ensure alignment of the global strategy and adoption of best practices.Researches, identifies, negotiates, and registers appropriate service providers by region/country, to support business unit and plant operations.Develops relationship with business unit regional procurement managers to effectively leverage expertise across the organization.Develops business review format and common scorecard to evaluate ongoing performance.Understands market trends and regulation changes that may affect our business operations and communicate impacts proactively.Stays informed of any changes or updates in laws, tariffs, commodity classifications, and regulations at the International, National, Province/State and Local levels.What we look forRequiredMinimum of 5+ years’ experience in procurement roles in direct materials (preferably metals), working in international environmentStrong analytical skills including ability to analyze and learn cost structure models in many different regionsProven negotiation skillsAbility to communicate effectively across channels, with business unit personnel, purchasing staff, to achieve understanding of business goalsStrong communication skills, both verbal and writtenPreferredConfident communicator with stakeholders at all levelsOrganized with attention to detailDrive to ‘make things happen’ and create opportunitiesCreative problem solver Experience gathering and analyzing data to drive category decision-making Experience in MS Office and ideally Procurement processes including eProcurement suites#LI-MP1#LI-Hybrid
Einkäufer Procurement Manager (w|m|d)
wissner-bosserhoff GmbH, Wickede (Ruhr)
wissner-bosserhoff ist Europas führender Anbieter von innovativen, qualitativ hochwertigen Betten und Einrichtungslösungen für Pflegeheime und Krankenhäuser. Als Teil der international agierenden LINET Group mit über 1.850 Mitarbeitern sind wir in mehr als 110 Ländern vertreten. wi-bo.de Neue Herausforderungen – sichere Perspektiven Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem abwechslungsreichen Betätigungsfeld und schätzen es gleichzeitig, für ein Unternehmen mit sicheren Zukunftsperspektiven aktiv zu werden? Dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig! Zum sofortigen Eintritt suchen wir: Einkäufer – Procurement Manager (w|m|d) Ihre Aufgaben Weiterentwicklung des bestehenden Einkaufscontrollings Festlegung von KPIs und Metriken zur Messung der Effektivität und Effizienz von Einkaufsaktivitäten Führung von Anfrage- und Bestellabrufprozess, sowie die Klärung der technischen und kommerziellen vertraglichen Rückfragen Mitarbeit bei der Erstellung einer langfristigen Procurement-Excellence-Strategie Weiterentwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Lieferantenmanagements Initiierung und Management von Projekten zur Standardisierung, Digitalisierung und Optimierung von Methoden und Prozessen für den globalen Einkauf Regelmäßige Vorbereitung und Vorstellung verschiedener Projekt- und Maßnahmenberichte Ihr Profil Abgeschlossenes Studium im Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, alternativ eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung mit Weiterbildung bspw. zum Techniker (m/w/d) Hohes ökonomisches Verständnis und Unternehmerisches Denken Erfahrung in vergleichbarer Funktion Kenntnisse im Umgang mit ERP-System Ausgeprägte Analysefähigkeiten und hohe Affinität im Umgang mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Kennzahlen Vertragssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift Ausgeprägte Kommunikationsstärke Wir bieten Raum, ihre Ideen einzubringen und selbständig umzusetzen Flache Hierarchien und kurze Kommunikationswege Attraktive Vergütung nach Tarifvertrag der Metall- und Elektroindustrie NRW Flexible Arbeitszeit und Homeoffice Möglichkeit sowie weitere Benefits (z. B. Bikeleasing) Ihr Kontakt Personalmanagement | E-Mail: [email protected] | Tel.: 02377.784-206 wissner-bosserhoff GmbH | Hauptstraße 4-6 | 58739 Wickede (Ruhr) | wi-bo.de Bitte lassen Sie uns bei Interesse Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter Angabe des frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins und Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung zukommen. Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Buttelstedt
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Tröchtelborn
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Ringleben
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Herbsleben
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Kiliansroda
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Eckstedt
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Drei Gleichen
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Bienstädt
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Mönchenholzhausen
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d
Site Procurement Manager, Site ProcurementOperations
Amazon TA, Ingersleben
Do you want to join a fast paced Global ProcurementOrganization team focused on Amazon Operations? By joining the SiteProcurement Operations Team, you have the opportunity to lead anddeliver strategic Procurement projects for our internal BusinessPartners, at local, regional, national, and european level.As a Site Procurement Manager, you will workin a team environment with Internal Amazon stakeholders, diverseProcurement peers, and external vendors, to procure value-addingsolutions to the Business. You will be joining a cross-functionalteam within one of our logistics sites, acting as a strategicBusiness Partner. You will drive continuousimprovement, innovation, prevent legal and supply risk, andsustainability through your Procurement missions.Key job responsibilities-Understand the business needs and ensure the requirements arejustified, analyzing and making recommendations to the business.Manage complex projects with high spends, risks, confidentiality,and time constraints, in ambiguous environment, across multiplessites;- Build effective stakeholder relationships,ensuring a high service level in terms of analyzing the scope ofwork, negotiating with vendors on cost, lead times and other keyelements for local, regional, country-wide, and Europe-wideprojects;- Utilize various applications and systems toprovide accurate metrics, reporting, and data incl. supplierperformance metrics. Use and enhance the available tools to analyzeopportunities and risks on spends, categories, vendors, legalaspects;- Lead the Site Procurement Operations Process,from needs detection and definition, to contracting andimplementation follow-up, going through sourcing, suppliers duediligence, negotiation, risk assessment, etc, using Coupa (ERP) andother tools. Deliver complex RFI and RFQ across multiple sites,BUs, and possibly countries;- Create and executecontractual agreements such as Work Orders and Master SupplyAgreements, driving contract compliance from vendors. Delivercontracts from A to Z mastering CLM (Contract LifeManagement);- Execute and support nationaland EU-wide procurement projects and initiatives (tenders, costoptimization, sustainability, process improvements etc.),proactively collaborating with other Global Procurement Teams suchas Category and partnering withFinance;- Manage and ensuregovernance on Supplier Performance to ensure a high service levelin terms of lead time, quality & maintenance, following-upcontracts. Lead and support MBR/QBR where required and as agreedwith Supplier Management Pillar and Categories. This also includesmaking sure the overall invoicing and payment process is runningcorrectly for Amazon and the Vendors, taking corrective andpreventive measures where needed;- Act asSubject Matter Expert (SME) for a local category to identify andseize savings opportunities, perform spend analysis and support astrategy definition for the country network. Deliver additionalmonetary value by using more complex cost/revenue managementleverages (operational savings, revenue generation, warrants, longterm contracts);- Work with internalstakeholders to understand the needs of the business and embedAmazon’s sustainability goals and processes by reducing waste,re-using materials and ensuring CSR compliance. Proactivelycontribute to strategic EU-wide cross-functional teams andinitiatives (with GPSS, Category, EU SPO Functional improvementPillars);- Meet targeted Key Performance Indicators todeliver value for the business such as savings, financial metrics,sustainability and maintaining compliance against thesecategories;- Be an ambassador by ensuring fullcompliance with the company Spending & Transaction policy,educating and driving the correct behaviors of businessstakeholders towards internal procurement policy handbook.Customers are internal stakeholder departments such as Operations,Finance, Engineering, legal etc. Lead MBR and QBR with maininternal and external stakeholders (GM, Change, RME,Vendors);- Act as Country SME for a large categoryand/or have the ability to extend SME responsibilities to EU scopelevel;- Provide trainings to the other Buyers onfunctional skills.About theteamOperations sits at the heart of the Amazon customerexperience. We look after everything from the moment a customerclicks buy, to the moment their item is delivered – from desktop todoorstep. Across Europe we have more than 50 fulfilment centres,hundreds of delivery stations, thousands of machines, and tens ofthousands of employees, all working together in harmony to makesure the right item gets delivered to the right person, in theright place, at the right time. In our buildings, millions of itemsare picked and packed by our employees every year. Andon the road, our teams and partners work hard to make sure we getour customers what they want, when they want, wherever they are. Weput the safety of our people above everything else, working in amodern, engaging environment as part of a team that welcomesindividuality and diversity. The culture inour Operation is built on the way our teams bond and a work ethicthat helps our business run like clockwork. We take real pride in ajob well done, looking out for each other as we play our part indelivering the quality service Amazon is known for around theworld. Regarding the team, The SiteProcurement Operations team (SPO) works collaboratively withinternal stakeholders and external suppliers to provide procurementsupport and solutions. This pillar sits at the heart of siteoperations and works with local stakeholders to deliver procurementsolutions to complex on-site projects.We areopen to hiring candidates to work out of one of the followinglocations:Erfurt, TH,DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’sDegree with Procurement or Supply Chain or significant Procurementexperience,- Relevant experience in a Procurementenvironment,- Proficient computer literacy in MS officesuite,- Qualifications and/or experience in sourcing,contract management, or equivalent role,- Negotiationskills (internal and external)- Contract managementskills- English & German language skills (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference C1)PREFERREDQUALIFICATIONS- Degree with Procurement or Supply Chainfocus.- Experience working in a large, global, highlymatrixed organization.- If no Procurement-related degree(or on top of it), CIPS/EIPM accreditation or equivalent functionalknowledge or accreditation.- Experience of ERP(SAP/Coupa)- Ability to manage multiple complex andsimultaneous projects requiring frequent communication,organization, time management, analysis methodology, andproblem-solving skills.- Ability to work in a large,global, highly matrixed organization.- Highlyself-motivated and customer-centric.- SupplierRelationship Management.- Able to demonstrateproblem-solving and analytical competence, with the ability toidentify complex issues, develop & deliversolutions.- Ability to effctively manage stakeholdersacross multiple business functions, sites, regions, and businessunits.Amazon is an equal opportunitiesemployer. We believe passionately that employing a diverseworkforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisionsbased on your experience and skills. We value your passion todiscover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy andthe security of your data is a longstanding top priority forAmazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice(https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how wecollect, use and transfer the personal data of ourcandidates.m/w/d