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Internal Communications Manager / Leadership Team Assistant (m/w/d)
Element Materials Technology, Berlin
Überblick Element ist auf der Suche nach einem Internal Communications Manager / Leadership Team Assistant (m/w/d). In der Funktion als Internal Communications Manager / Leadership Team Assistant (m/w/d) sorgst Du dafür, dass die Mitarbeitenden innerhalb der Deutschland-Organisation stets informiert und in aktuelle Themen eingebunden sind. Damit verbunden ist, dass Du über verschiedene Kanäle kommunizierst, z. B. über unser Intranet (Element Hub), E-Mail, Teams, soziale Medien und andere regelmäßige Rundschreiben. Du koordinierst und steuerst die an die Mitarbeitenden gerichtete Kommunikation und arbeitest eng mit Abteilungen wie Marketing, IT und HR zusammen, um die technischen Aspekte der Kommunikationsinfrastruktur, -tools, -kanäle und E-Mail-Listen für Mitarbeitende auf aktuellem Stand zu halten und zu verbessern. Weiterhin arbeitest Du an der Erstellung von Richtlinien und Protokollen für ein gleiches Verständnis der Mitarbeitenden auf allen Ebenen mit. Verantwortlichkeiten Deine Aufgaben Du recherchierst und erstellst Inhalte für eine Reihe von internen Kommunikationskanälen wie . Intranet-Storys, E-Shots, Präsentationen für Town Halls, Newsletter und Präsentationen für das Leadership Team, um eine einheitliche Kommunikation („tone of voice“) zu gewährleisten Du unterstützt das deutsche Leadership Team insbesondere den Managing Director, in allen Belangen des Tagesgeschäfts, sorgst für ein effektives Zeitmanagement durch Planung, Koordination und Steuerung von Terminen und hältst der Geschäftsführung den Rücken frei In Deinen Händen liegt die anspruchsvolle Korrespondenz in deutscher und englischer Sprache In dieser kommunikativen Schnittstellenfunktion bist Du wichtige Ansprechperson – sowohl intern als auch extern Du erstellst Präsentationen Statistiken und Reports und erarbeitest Entscheidungsgrundlagen für das Leadership Team Bei der Organisation von Reisen, Meetings und Veranstaltungen behältst Du stets den Überblick und verwaltest die Termine im Kalender Auf Deine kompetente Zuarbeit setzen wir bei verschiedenen Projekten, die Du organisationsstark begleitest. Dafür bist Du bereit, gelegentlich Dienstreisen zu unseren deutschen Standorten zu unternehmen Fähigkeiten / Qualifikationen Dein Profil Du hast eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung, z. B. zur Bürokauffrau / zum Bürokaufmann bzw. Kauffrau / Kaufmann für Büromanagement (m/w/d) Du hast ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten, um Daten zu verstehen, Muster zu erkennen und relevante Informationen zu extrahieren Du hast sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Die schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation gehört zu Deinen Stärken Du bist sicher im Umgang mit Microsoft Office Anwendungen (Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint & Word) sowie mit Content Management Systemen (SharePoint, Intranet, interne social Networks) Du verstehst es mit hochvertraulichen Inhalten umzugehen und überzeugst mit hoher Sozialkompetenz und diplomatischem Geschick Du hast Freude an selbständiger, eigenverantwortlicher Arbeit Du bist ein Organisationstalent, bringst Teamgeist sowie eine strukturierte und verantwortungsbewusste Arbeitsweise mit Du hast mehrjährige Erfahrung im Bereich Kommunikation/Marketing Gegenüber Kolleg*innen und Vorgesetzten zeigst Du dich service- und lösungsorientiert und überzeugst Durch dein verbindliches, freundliches Auftreten und ein hohes Maß an Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Diskretion und Loyalität Deine Bewerbung Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung mit Angabe Deiner Gehaltsvorstellung sowie dem frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermin über unser Online Tool auf unserer Homepage https:/// oder per Email an Ansprechpartnerin Ich stehe Dir für Fragen zur Verfügung – melde Dich gern! Justina Okute Talent Acquisition style="margin: 0px;"> #LIJO1 Unternehmensübersicht Element ist eines der am schnellsten wachsenden Test-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsunternehmen der Welt. Weltweit haben wir mehr als 9.000 großartige, sehr gut ausgebildete Mitarbeiter, die an 270 Standorten in 30 Ländern tätig sind. Gemeinsam teilen wir das ehrgeizige Ziel „Make tomorrower safer than today“ Wir helfen unseren Kunden zu gewährleisten, dass ihre Produkte, Materialien, Prozesse und Dienstleistungen sicher, normenkonform und zweckmäßig sind. Von der frühen Forschung und Entwicklung über komplexe behördliche Zulassungen bis hin zur Produktion unterstützt unser globales Labornetzwerk aus Wissenschaftlern, Ingenieuren und Technikern unsere Kunden dabei, Sicherheit in Bezug auf Produktqualität, nachhaltige Ergebnisse und Marktzugänge sicherzustellen. Wir sind sehr stolz auf unsere globale Reichweite und Internationalität, gleichzeitig pflegen wir ein familiäres Miteinander. Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten weiterzuentwickeln, so dass Sie Ihre Karriere selbst in der Hand haben. Bei uns gibt es vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten für Ihr Engagement und Ihre Leistung. Branchen auf der ganzen Welt verlassen sich auf unsere Sorgfalt, Liebe zum Detail und die absolute Genauigkeit unserer Arbeit. Die Rolle, die wir bei der Schaffung einer sichereren Welt spielen, ist viel größer als wir. Diversity-Erklärung Bei Element sind wir stolz darauf, dass unsere Mitarbeiter immer an erster Stelle stehen. Wir sind ein Arbeitgeber der Chancengleichheit, der Vielfalt und Integration als grundlegend für unsere Vision anerkennt, "der vertrauenswürdigste Testpartner der Welt" zu werden. Alle entsprechend qualifizierten Bewerber werden auf der Grundlage objektiver, arbeitsbezogener Kriterien und ohne Rücksicht auf Alter, Behinderung, ethnische Herkunft, Geschlecht, Familienstand, Rasse, Religion, Verantwortung für Familienangehörige, sexuelle Orientierung oder Geschlechtsidentität oder andere Merkmale in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Gesetzen oder anderen Merkmalen in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Gesetzen für eine Beschäftigung in Betracht gezogen. Standort Element Materials Technology, Berlin
Internal Communications Manager / Leadership Team Assistant (m/w/d)
Element Materials Technology, Mülheim
Überblick Element ist auf der Suche nach einem Internal Communications Manager / Leadership Team Assistant (m/w/d). In der Funktion als Internal Communications Manager / Leadership Team Assistant (m/w/d) sorgst Du dafür, dass die Mitarbeitenden innerhalb der Deutschland-Organisation stets informiert und in aktuelle Themen eingebunden sind. Damit verbunden ist, dass Du über verschiedene Kanäle kommunizierst, z. B. über unser Intranet (Element Hub), E-Mail, Teams, soziale Medien und andere regelmäßige Rundschreiben. Du koordinierst und steuerst die an die Mitarbeitenden gerichtete Kommunikation und arbeitest eng mit Abteilungen wie Marketing, IT und HR zusammen, um die technischen Aspekte der Kommunikationsinfrastruktur, -tools, -kanäle und E-Mail-Listen für Mitarbeitende auf aktuellem Stand zu halten und zu verbessern. Weiterhin arbeitest Du an der Erstellung von Richtlinien und Protokollen für ein gleiches Verständnis der Mitarbeitenden auf allen Ebenen mit. Verantwortlichkeiten Deine Aufgaben Du recherchierst und erstellst Inhalte für eine Reihe von internen Kommunikationskanälen wie . Intranet-Storys, E-Shots, Präsentationen für Town Halls, Newsletter und Präsentationen für das Leadership Team, um eine einheitliche Kommunikation („tone of voice“) zu gewährleisten Du unterstützt das deutsche Leadership Team insbesondere den Managing Director, in allen Belangen des Tagesgeschäfts, sorgst für ein effektives Zeitmanagement durch Planung, Koordination und Steuerung von Terminen und hältst der Geschäftsführung den Rücken frei In Deinen Händen liegt die anspruchsvolle Korrespondenz in deutscher und englischer Sprache In dieser kommunikativen Schnittstellenfunktion bist Du wichtige Ansprechperson – sowohl intern als auch extern Du erstellst Präsentationen Statistiken und Reports und erarbeitest Entscheidungsgrundlagen für das Leadership Team Bei der Organisation von Reisen, Meetings und Veranstaltungen behältst Du stets den Überblick und verwaltest die Termine im Kalender Auf Deine kompetente Zuarbeit setzen wir bei verschiedenen Projekten, die Du organisationsstark begleitest. Dafür bist Du bereit, gelegentlich Dienstreisen zu unseren deutschen Standorten zu unternehmen Fähigkeiten / Qualifikationen Dein Profil Du hast eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung, z. B. zur Bürokauffrau / zum Bürokaufmann bzw. Kauffrau / Kaufmann für Büromanagement (m/w/d) Du hast ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten, um Daten zu verstehen, Muster zu erkennen und relevante Informationen zu extrahieren Du hast sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Die schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation gehört zu Deinen Stärken Du bist sicher im Umgang mit Microsoft Office Anwendungen (Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint & Word) sowie mit Content Management Systemen (SharePoint, Intranet, interne social Networks) Du verstehst es mit hochvertraulichen Inhalten umzugehen und überzeugst mit hoher Sozialkompetenz und diplomatischem Geschick Du hast Freude an selbständiger, eigenverantwortlicher Arbeit Du bist ein Organisationstalent, bringst Teamgeist sowie eine strukturierte und verantwortungsbewusste Arbeitsweise mit Du hast mehrjährige Erfahrung im Bereich Kommunikation/Marketing Gegenüber Kolleg*innen und Vorgesetzten zeigst Du dich service- und lösungsorientiert und überzeugst Durch dein verbindliches, freundliches Auftreten und ein hohes Maß an Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Diskretion und Loyalität Deine Bewerbung Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung mit Angabe Deiner Gehaltsvorstellung sowie dem frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermin über unser Online Tool auf unserer Homepage https:/// oder per Email an Ansprechpartnerin Ich stehe Dir für Fragen zur Verfügung – melde Dich gern! Justina Okute Talent Acquisition style="margin: 0px;"> #LIJO1 Unternehmensübersicht Element ist eines der am schnellsten wachsenden Test-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsunternehmen der Welt. Weltweit haben wir mehr als 9.000 großartige, sehr gut ausgebildete Mitarbeiter, die an 270 Standorten in 30 Ländern tätig sind. Gemeinsam teilen wir das ehrgeizige Ziel „Make tomorrower safer than today“ Wir helfen unseren Kunden zu gewährleisten, dass ihre Produkte, Materialien, Prozesse und Dienstleistungen sicher, normenkonform und zweckmäßig sind. Von der frühen Forschung und Entwicklung über komplexe behördliche Zulassungen bis hin zur Produktion unterstützt unser globales Labornetzwerk aus Wissenschaftlern, Ingenieuren und Technikern unsere Kunden dabei, Sicherheit in Bezug auf Produktqualität, nachhaltige Ergebnisse und Marktzugänge sicherzustellen. Wir sind sehr stolz auf unsere globale Reichweite und Internationalität, gleichzeitig pflegen wir ein familiäres Miteinander. Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten weiterzuentwickeln, so dass Sie Ihre Karriere selbst in der Hand haben. Bei uns gibt es vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten für Ihr Engagement und Ihre Leistung. Branchen auf der ganzen Welt verlassen sich auf unsere Sorgfalt, Liebe zum Detail und die absolute Genauigkeit unserer Arbeit. Die Rolle, die wir bei der Schaffung einer sichereren Welt spielen, ist viel größer als wir. Diversity-Erklärung Bei Element sind wir stolz darauf, dass unsere Mitarbeiter immer an erster Stelle stehen. Wir sind ein Arbeitgeber der Chancengleichheit, der Vielfalt und Integration als grundlegend für unsere Vision anerkennt, "der vertrauenswürdigste Testpartner der Welt" zu werden. Alle entsprechend qualifizierten Bewerber werden auf der Grundlage objektiver, arbeitsbezogener Kriterien und ohne Rücksicht auf Alter, Behinderung, ethnische Herkunft, Geschlecht, Familienstand, Rasse, Religion, Verantwortung für Familienangehörige, sexuelle Orientierung oder Geschlechtsidentität oder andere Merkmale in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Gesetzen oder anderen Merkmalen in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Gesetzen für eine Beschäftigung in Betracht gezogen. Standort Element Materials Technology, Mülheim
Senior IT Category Manager
Johnson Controls, Ratingen, NW, DE
What will you do We are seeking an experienced Senior Category Manager to lead our IT procurement efforts across the EMEALA region with Global Alignment.  In this pivotal role, you’ll collaborate with cross-functional regional and global teams, negotiate strategic contracts, and optimize our IT spend. Your expertise will drive efficiency, cost savings, and innovation within our technology category.How will you do itDevelop and execute the IT category strategy for EMEALA, aligning with overall Global Procurement functions and business objectives.Lead end-to-end procurement processes, including vendor selection, contract negotiations, and supplier relationship management.Collaborate with internal stakeholders (IT, Finance, Legal) to ensure seamless procurement operations.Identify cost-saving, TWC (Trade Working Capital) opportunities, drive competitive bidding, and manage supplier performance.Stay abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and market dynamics.Foster strong relationships with key vendors and partners.What we look forBachelor’s degree in business, Supply Chain, or related field (Master’s preferred).Minimum of 8 years of experience in IT procurement, with a focus on Global markets.Proven track record of managing complex IT categories and achieving cost savings.Strong negotiation skills and ability to influence stakeholders.Familiarity with legal and contractual aspects of procurement.Excellent communication and leadership abilities.#LI-MP1#LI-Hybrid
(Senior) IT Project Manager - IT Business Development (m/f/d)
ABOUT YOU, HQ Hamburg (hybrid**)
Are you ready to take on dynamic challenges and immerse yourself in cutting-edge technology?The IT Business Development Team mainly supports +40 Development Teams at ABOUT YOU Tech in structuring and optimizing their projects and processes. To achieve this they closely work with the top management and the Tech & Product Leads of the company. The team’s projects vary a lot e.g. external software selection and migrations, cost center planning topics, IT investment cases, cost saving, process implementation, and change projects.In the role of IT Project Manager, you will oversee a wide range of cross-functional IT projects and spearhead change management initiatives. Your role will be diverse and impactful.Do you enjoy facing new challenges, and are eager to learn and pick up a wide range of different topics, processes, and projects that involve state-of-the-art technology? Do you like to continuously increase output, realize learnings, and don’t have a problem with quick topic switches? Then you are the perfect match for this Team! AWS JIRA Google Cloud Platform What you will doLead multiple tech projects with a wide variety and a duration between 4 weeks and 6 months, while maintaining and improving a very high project management standard within the company.Gain invaluable insights into a wide array of projects across the ABOUT YOU group, working with the latest technologies and tools to support our 40+ Tech Teams.Improving our tech organization e.g. by lean process optimization, enable automations, improving/reviewing our software tool landscape, IT service supplier contract management and negotiation, optimizing our cost structure, and other projects that are often sponsored by upper management.Collaborate with tech leads and top management to discuss, align, and report project status regularly, ensuring transparency and accountability.Be a problem-solver and change agent, finding efficient & pragmatic solutions to blockers and helping establish agile processes within our teams.We value continuous learning, reflecting, knowledge sharing, and being the go-to team for blockers and impediments, to then enable our tech teams to help themselves.Based on agile/scrum working way we ensure continuous improvements within the teams e.g. moderating regular retrospectives to improve the status quo and helping with change management Who you are For a Mid-Level IT Project Manager Role: At least 2 years of experience in agile IT project managementFor a Senior IT Project Manager Position: At least 4 years of experience in agile IT project managementProficient in managing IT projects using agile methodologies e.g. external software implementation, projects related to cost optimization or process implementationsCapable of effectively communicating and managing stakeholders at all levels, including C-level executivesStrong on-point communication skills in English and GermanAnalytical, structured, and efficient task management approach while keeping the focus on the set goals IT knowledge e.g. experience with APIs, SQL, managing IT tools, or IT infrastructure projects (e.g., AWS) would be helpfulProficiency in MS Office, particularly Excel Nice to have Experience in IT consultingExperience with cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud or Azure Experience with administering IT tools e.g. Atlassian JIRA would be helpful Skilled in change management like introducing processes and helping with organizational changes would be helpfulCertification or practical experience in agile process implementation Additional Information *SalaryWe have defined salary ranges for all levels for this function – feel free to reach out if you have questions.Medior: 58.000-70.000€Senior: 70.000-85.000€**Working model:Due to the upcoming tasks and responsibilities for this position, it is required to work onsite at our headquarters in Hamburg on a weekly basis. Therefore we’ve implemented a hybrid working model that allows us to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and to work onsite from Tuesday to Thursday.BenefitsHybrid working Fresh fruit every day Sports courses Exclusive employee discounts Free drinks Language courses Company parties Help in the relocation process Mobility subsidy State-of-the-art technology Central Location Flexible Working Hours Company pension Professional training Dog-friendly office AY Academy Feedback Culture Job Bikes YOU ARE THE CORE OF ABOUT YOU. We take responsibility for creating an inclusive and exceptional environment where all genders, nationalities and ethnicities feel welcomed and accepted exactly as they are. We believe that a diverse workforce essentially contributes to the ABOUT YOU culture. In order to maintain talent and diversity, we emphasize the care for physical health, mental health and overall well-being. Our values and work ethics essentially contribute to our brand mission: empower acceptance and shape an inclusive, fair and circular fashion culture.We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents.
IT Project Manager (m/f/d) with very good English skills
PS Direkt GmbH & Co. KG Private Arbeitsvermittlung, Köln
IT Project Manager (m/f/d) with very good English skills Enjoy going to the office in the morning For a service company in Cologne we are looking for a full-time IT Project Manager with very good English skills. Form of contract: direct placement The position will suit you if you have experience as an IT project manager, IT project coordinator or experience with HMTL/CSS/JS. Your tasks Development, planning and support of IT projects Preparation of offers and project plans including cost estimates Implementation of resource planning and quality assurance control Contact person in the area of software development and for the respective IT projects Written and telephone customer contact and support for active projects Continuous further development and optimization of processes, tools and methods Preparation of accounts and project controlling Your profile Successfully completed studies in the media sector, communication sciences or alternatively a completed Vocational training incl. professional experience in the commercial /IT /media sector Professional experience in IT project management Very good written and spoken English skills Ideally knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, CSS, JS Independent and reliable way of working PS Direct - your benefits Individual application coaching Career coaching Preparation for job interviews with companies Fast placement and personal support Best contacts to renowned companies in the region Please understand that documents sent by post will not be returned. Your documents and your applicant data with personal reference will be processed in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG-new). Cologne connects people - just like us! PS Direkt successfully brings companies and applicants together in and around Cologne.
IT Project Manager (m/f/d) for Airbus
STRATO Personal GmbH, Hamburg
IT Project Manager (m/f/d) for Airbus As a dynamic and modern personnel service provider we offer you, based on our long-standing experience and extensive market know-how in a wide range of different industries, exciting job positions at interesting and innovative companies. Benefit from our national and international networks and use STRATO personal as your personal steppingstone. We offer you comprehensive support and take over all administrative processes related to the application - and of course it is free of charge for you. STRATO personal GmbH Temporary Employment/Employment Placement/Outsourcing/Head Hunting/Onsite Management Take off with us! We offer exciting projects at our renowned customer Airbus Aerostructures and we are looking for a motivated employee for the position \"IT Projekt Manager\" (m/f/d). Your tasks: Planning and controlling the projects, managing project budgets, risks, opportunities and stakeholders Controlling suppliers, steer the project team and ensure quality Communicating with and manage external service providers and internal stakeholders Understanding and presenting complex IT issues in a way that is tailored to different target groups, from subject matter experts to high-level managers Creating standardized and meaningful documents to prepare management decisions Supporting in requirements analysis Ensuring a smooth operation of the applications the Jobholder is responsible for, before handing them over to operations of our IT Service Lines Your profile: Completed studies in the field of Computer Science, Business Informatics or a comparable qualification More than three years of professional experience in the field of IT/information systems, project leader and project management Experience in setting up ITIL services Experience in classic IT process models as well as with agile frameworks, ideally Scrum and SAFe Knowledge of project management software, agile and kanban tools Basic knowledge of German Business fluent in English We offer you: Permanent employment contract Perspective to be taken over at our customer Salaries above the general pay scale and incentive compensations (bonus) Equal pay model Company pension scheme with employer subsidy Well-directed training and further education opportunities Employee recommendation program with attractive compensations (bonus) Individual and local support and advice Travel allowance Assumption of costs for work cloth and health examinations fleixible working hours and partly home office Innovative and leading companies like Airbus Operations, Airbus Aerostructures, Airbus Defence & Space, Premium Aerotec, Airbus Helicopters and the aerospace supply industry Interested? Then please apply with your complete application documents. (Curiculum vitae and your certificates from the last three professional positions.) Please understand that your documents cannot be returned because of organizational reasons. Therefore, refrain from sending expensive folders and photos, as well as original documents. Please note that we process or store your data electronically in our IT system when you apply, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. With your application you agree to the electronic processing / storage of your data. You can disagree at any time if you do not want your data stored.
IT License Manager (m|w|d) (Assistant - Information Technology (Business Informatics))
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Deggendorf
IT License Manager (m|w|d) (Assistant - Computer Science (Business Informatics)) IT LICENSE MANAGER (M|W|D) for the IT center at the earliest possible date Deggendorf Full-time (limited to two years) Apply until: 09.06.2024 MAIN TASKS You will be responsible for IT license management at Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT). In this context, you will plan, manage, check and optimize all software licenses of the THD. To this end, you will introduce a software solution for license management and conduct license audits by the manufacturers. In addition, you will be responsible for IT contract management in close cooperation with central contract management and central purchasing at THD. You will conduct price and contract negotiations in the context of IT procurements, optimize DIT's IT contracts in coordination with stakeholders and support the creation of Bavaria-wide framework contracts. Finally, you will develop and establish the processes required for IT licenses and IT contracts at DIT. YOUR PROFILE You have a university degree (Bachelor FH / Uni) in computer science, applied computer science or business informatics or a vocational training in the IT sector and several years of relevant professional experience. A professional handling of IT technologies and IT terms is a matter of course for you, and you also have experience in the creation and optimization of processes. Strong communication skills and a service-oriented approach as well as very good German and good English skills round off your profile. WORK ENVIRONMENT The THD is not only the strongest research and most international university in Bavaria, it is also considered the fastest growing. The foundation is formed by eight faculties of Business, Engineering, Health and Computer Science, whose focus is on practice-oriented and future-oriented teaching and applied research at the highest level, and a wide range of support services, such as a regular onboarding event, guarantee you a smooth start to your new job. You will also benefit from good transport links, nearby city and nature, with leisure activities to suit all tastes. The progress and steady growth of our university would be unthinkable without a diverse community - let yourself be inspired by the dynamic and young spirit of our university family. WE OFFER YOU good work-life balance an international environment Advantages of the public service At www.th-deg.de/arbeiten-an-der-thd [ http://www.th-deg.de/arbeiten-an-der-thd ] you will find our other benefits! CONTACT & APPLICATION If you are interested in a position at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, we look forward to receiving your application with the usual documents (CV, certificates, proof of professional background and the relevant subject-related references) via our application management at www.th-deg.de/stellenangebote.Fragen. Our HRM team will be happy to answer your questions about the application process. You can also connect with us on LinkedIn! The position is generally part-time. Remuneration is in accordance with the provisions of the TV-L. The position is suitable for severely disabled people. Severely disabled applicants will be given preference if their suitability, qualifications and professional performance are otherwise essentially equal. In the case of foreign university degrees, a certificate evaluation from the ZAB must be submitted for the final assessment of the recruitment requirements during the recruitment process ( https://www.kmk.org/zab/zeugnisbewertung.html ). OUR AWARDS WURI (Worlds Universities with Real Impact) Ranking: Entrepreneurial Spirit: rank 5 worldwide Industrial Application: rank 29 worldwide Most Innovative University: rank 29 worldwide System accreditation (since October 2020): U-Multirank awards for: \"International Orientation of Degree Programs\" \"Contact to Work Environment\" and many more: u00a9 THD Deggendorf - all rights reserved
IT Project Manager / Solution Designer (m/f/d)
DHL, Bonn
IT Project Manager & Solution Designer (m/f/d) GLAV-231420 Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Full-time Corporate Center DHL Group Permanent Job Type: Full Time u2013 Permanent Work Model: Hybrid Job Description Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to apply your knowledge and contribution to a global leader in logistics? Look no further! We are seeking for a skilled technical expert, with project management, strong communication abilities, and experienced in aligning IT solutions with the business needs. Key Responsibilities Collaborate with business departments to capture functional requirements and develop concepts. Work with architects and product owners to create IT Solutions based on the requirements. Coordinate requirements with existing IT systems and projects. Collaborate closely with architects and product owners from different development teams. Communicate regularly with stakeholders from both business and IT, including external software vendors and IT service providers. Manage external IT service providers and software vendors. Take end to end responsibility for specific functional topics and associated systems. Oversee the entire lifecycle of business applications, including development, implementation, quality assurance, configuration, operation and maintenance. Essential Qualifications 5 years of relevant work experience German language skill required (Minimum C1) Solid knowledge in at least one of the following: output management, PDF processing, production processes. Proficiency using tools like Jira, Confluence, O365 or Visio. Knowledge of stakeholder management. Experience in IT project management. University degree in computer science, business informatics, or equivalent qualification. Benefits we Offer. Great opportunity to work for the biggest logistics company in the world. International and virtual environment. Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Does this opportunity spark your interest? We eagerly look forward to receiving your application. For further information you can contact Shawn Gibson at: [email protected] Get tailored job recommendations based on your interests.
IT Security Manager (m/f/d)
Corden Pharma International GmbH, Heidelberg
CordenPharma is one of the leading Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMO) and develops and produces active pharmaceutical ingredients, medicines and associated packaging services on behalf of its customers as a u201cfull-serviceu201d service provider. The group employs around 3,000 people. Our network in Europe and the USA offers flexible and specialized solutions across five technology platforms: peptides, lipids & carbohydrates, injectables, highly potent active ingredients & oncology and small molecules. We strive for excellence in supporting this network and are committed to providing the highest quality products for the benefit of patients. CordenPharma International (CPI) acts as the management company of the CordenPharma Group. In addition to the Executive Leadership Team, CPI has central functions such as Sales & Marketing, Legal, HR and Corporate Development, which work for the CordenPharma Group across locations and at an international level. We are looking for one as soon as possible IT SECURITY MANAGER (M/F/D) 100% Plankstadt ASAP Full-time Permanent Main activities and responsibilities Conduct security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement security solutions Support development and maintenance of ISO 27001 based ISMS Stay up to date with industry trends and emerging technologies to continually improve security strategies Perform risk assessments and develop risk management plans Conduct security awareness training for management, IT specialists and employees Support investigation of security incidents, incident response and remediation Participate in the development and execution of disaster recovery plans Evaluate and recommend security products and services Your Profile Bacheloru2019s degree in computer science, Cybersecurity or related field 3+ years of experience in cybersecurity or related field Knowledge of common network protocols and technologies Understanding of security frameworks such as ISO 27001, NIST and CIS Controls Familiarity with security tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and vulnerability scanners Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English What we offer 30 days of vacation Dynamic and exciting work environment Good Traffic Connections Positive working atmosphere and open management culture with focus on continuous improvement of processes to stay innovative Home Office
IT Project Manager Web Platforms and Applications (m/f/d)
Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH, Köln
Bundesanzeiger Verlag is a media company based in Cologne that is both rich in tradition and forward-looking. As a legislative partner, we operate online platforms for the publication of statutory announcements, company data and registers. In addition, we offer a continuously growing range of multimedia content in the fields of law, business and tax. IT project manager for web platforms and applications (m/f/d) Your tasks are: As part of a project team, you will be responsible for exciting projects for the new and further development of various web platforms, applications, satellite systems and interfaces. Determine, analyze and document IT requirements in coordination with the respective stakeholders Create and review epics and user stories with the corresponding acceptance criteria Develop and take responsibility for project plans, taking into account budgets, capacities and timelines using tools such as JIRA, Confluence or similar Accompany and manage the service providers during development Create test plans and carry out functional tests for technical and functional acceptance on this basis Control the product deployment on the production environments That's what we want: Completed studies or training in the IT environment or comparable qualifications Several years of professional experience in IT project management Several years of experience in the field of requirements analysis and the resulting creation of technical concepts, epics and user stories Experience of working in an agile environment is an advantage Business fluent German and very good English skills Your prospects: 35-hour week Work-life balance thanks to flexible working time models Targeted and individual development opportunities Extensive induction and personal training measures Attractive location in Cologne with very good public transport connections and employee parking spaces Working in an agile and innovative team Use of leading technologies and agile processes Discounted and varied choice of food in our modern company restaurant We look forward to receiving your online application via our online form for the position of IT Project Manager Web Platforms and Applications (m/f/d). Contact person Christian Karnakowski Recruiting T: +49 (221) 9 76 68 -8475 Federal Gazette Publisher GmbH Amsterdamer Street 192 50735 Cologne Our privacy policy
IT Risk Manager (f/m/d)
HUK-COBURG Versicherungsgruppe, Coburg
IT Risk Manager (f/m/d) Full-time, from 01.08.2024 in Coburg, limited to 2 years In addition to a great team of more than 10,000 friendly colleagues and over 770 different job profiles, we offer experienced professionals and newcomers many attractive challenges that modern insurance companies face: Will the car of the future cause fewer accidents? What will retirement provision look like when everyone reaches the age of 100? We deal with the questions of tomorrow - for needs-based insurance for our more than 12 million customers - at our headquarters in Coburg in Upper Franconia and at our 38 branch offices in the office and in the field. What you can look forward to Comprehensive risk management in accordance with the security requirements of Solvency II, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, VA-IT, BA-IT and Kritis Carrying out risk assessments and subsequently summarizing and creating an overarching risk situation picture (including recognizing and evaluating risk accumulations) Preparation of ad hoc risk assessments and quarterly risk reports for various target groups (ISB, BCMB, department heads, Executive Board) Monitoring and adjusting risk scenarios in line with requirements in conjunction with the creation and maintenance of risk methodology documents Regular monitoring and needs assessment of the risk methods used as well as ongoing information gathering by conducting interviews and reporting measurement results Managing the identification of safety-relevant risks and assessing the risk potential Coordination and support of reporting channels from and to information security risk management What you bring with you A degree in (business) informatics or a comparable field of study, alternatively completed training in the IT sector with several years of professional experience Very sound knowledge in the areas of: Risk management, IT security, information security, continuity management, commercial law, labor law Basic regulatory requirements (e.g. VAIT/BAIT, IT-SiG, EU-DSGVO ...) Basic knowledge in the areas of telemedia law and corresponding national and international standards in the IT security environment (e.g. ISO 2700x) Good argumentation skills with strong communication skills and a good command of English Ability to innovate, analytical and conceptual skills as well as the willingness to familiarize yourself with further and new tasks in the field of activity What we offer you Flexible working: For us, flexible working means that you can adapt your working hours to suit your circumstances. There are no core or minimum working hours with us. Instead, you perform your workload within a defined working time frame - adapted to local requirements if necessary. Thanks to mobile working, you can even work up to half of your monthly working hours from home or on the road under certain conditions. Family-friendly working: We attach great importance to achieving an optimal work-life balance. For us, this includes support with childcare, vacation care and caring for relatives, as well as the opportunity to take on a part-time management position. We have been recognized as a family-friendly employer by the berufundfamilie audit since 2007. Results-oriented remuneration: In addition to your twelve monthly salaries, you will receive two collectively agreed special payments each year. And to make performance worthwhile, you will participate in a performance and results-oriented remuneration scheme, with the opportunity to receive more than one additional monthly salary. Your many years of loyalty to the company will also pay off: you will receive an anniversary payment, staggered according to your length of service. Lifelong learning: If you are working on the future, you must not stand still in the past. To ensure that you are always up to date, we support your professional development measures - both internally and externally. However, our training measures focus not only on the acquisition of company or job-specific qualifications, but also on the private promotion of individually desired skills - e.g. language courses, driver safety training and much more. Healthy working: Keep fit and healthy. We support you with free sports activities in our company sports facilities or a subsidy for your gym membership. Particularly active employees can take part in various HUK sports groups in their free time: e.g. running, biking or team sports such as soccer or basketball. Or learn how to integrate a healthy lifestyle into your everyday life, both professionally and privately, in lectures and seminars. And because health is also about nutrition, you can enjoy healthy and handmade delicacies in our coffee bars or the company restaurant. Have we piqued your interest? Then apply now! If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jonathan Kraus at the telephone number +49 9561 96-13281, [email protected].
IT Application Manager (m/f/d)
MUNK Group, Gufcnzburg
Safety. Made in Germany. The MUNK Group is a family-run company and, with its MUNK Gu00fcnzburger Steigtechnik, MUNK Rettungstechnik, MUNK Profiltechnik and MUNK Service divisions, is one of the most important providers of access and rescue technology as well as suitable service solutions. As a technology and innovation leader, the name MUNK has stood for safety for over 120 years. Made in Germany. for ladders, rolling scaffolding, special constructions and rescue technology. With over 400 dedicated employees, we develop professional and intelligent solutions for maximum safety at work in a family and appreciative environment. Because people need safety. We are looking for reinforcement for our location in Gu00fcnzburg at the earliest possible date as IT Application Manager (m/f/d) YOUR TASKS: Application support of the IT systems / support of the interfaces Carrying out program adaptations and extensions Recording and specifying IT requirements and assisting with implementation Support in process optimization and further development of existing business processes Planning and implementation of projects, documentation, monitoring and testing First-level support for our employees / independent implementation of employee training courses Internal project management and coordination of external service providers YOUR PROFILE: IT training / studies, e.g. IT specialist, IT clerk, business informatics or comparable experience in a similar position You have knowledge of database and ERP systems and ideally have basic programming skills Ability to understand complex business processes, explain them clearly and document them Good communication skills, service orientation and flexibility OUR OFFER: A challenging area of responsibility with the opportunity for further development Varied work with plenty of freedom and creative scope Secure job in an economically very healthy and family-friendly company Flat hierarchies and an open, appreciative corporate culture Attractive and performance-related remuneration We look forward to receiving your application! YOUR CONTACT PERSON: MUNK Group Mr. Harald Gruber Rudolf-Diesel-Strau00dfe 23 D-89312 Gu00fcnzburg Phone +49 (0) 82 21 / 36 16-561 www.munk-group.com
IT Project Manager with focus on test coordination (m/f/d)
Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH, Köln
Bundesanzeiger Verlag is a media company based in Cologne that is both rich in tradition and forward-looking. As a legislative partner, we operate online platforms for the publication of statutory announcements, company data and registers. In addition, we offer a continuously growing range of multimedia content in the fields of law, business and tax. IT project manager with a focus on test coordination (m/f/d) Your tasks are: Support the development of test plans, test cases and acceptance criteria in close coordination with the respective stakeholders Contribute to establishing cross-project processes and standards relating to testing Create test plans and carry out functional tests for technical and functional acceptance on this basis Participate in product deployment in the test, staging and production environments and work closely with the Scrum development team to continuously improve the quality of the software Identify software bugs through black box testing, capture bug reports and support the development team in bug fixing Evaluate test results and create comprehensive test reports to ensure transparency and documentation of test processes Continuously update your knowledge of software testing to stay informed of the latest developments and optimize testing procedures This is what we want: Completed studies or training in the IT environment or comparable qualifications Ideally experience in testing and coordination of tests and/or requirements gathering Experience in the field of test automation is an advantage High level of comprehension and willingness to acquire complex professional and technical background knowledge Experience of working in an agile environment is an advantage Business fluent German and good English skills Your prospects: 35-hour week Work-life balance thanks to flexible working time models Targeted and individual development opportunities Extensive induction and personal training measures Attractive location in Cologne with very good public transport connections and employee parking spaces Working in an agile and innovative team Use of leading technologies and agile processes Discounted and varied choice of food in our modern company restaurant We look forward to receiving your online application via our online form to join us as an IT project manager with a focus on test coordination (m/f/d). Contact person Christian Karnakowski Recruiting T: +49 (221) 9 76 68 -8475 Federal Gazette Publisher GmbH Amsterdamer Street 192 50735 Cologne Our privacy policy
IT-Project Manager (m/w/d) Schwerpunkt CRM
baramundi software GmbH, Augsburg
IT-Project Manager (all genders) Schwerpunkt CRM Vollzeit | Services | Augsburg Über unsDie baramundi software GmbH ist ein dynamischer Spezialist für IT- und OT-Lösungen. Seit Gründung im Jahr 2000 entwickeln und vertreiben wir innovative Endpoint-Management-Software und -Services Made in Germany. Kernprodukt ist die u201ebaramundi Management Suiteu201c. Aktuell verwalten Administrator:innen in mittelständischen Unternehmen und Organisationen weltweit damit ca. 3 Millionen Endpoints sicher und effizient. Über 290 Mitarbeitende in Deutschland, Großbritannien, u00d6sterreich, Schweiz, Polen, Italien und den USA engagieren sich dafür, die baramundi Management Suite mit Leidenschaft zu entwickeln, zu vertreiben und unsere Kunden mit umfangreichem Service zu unterstützen. Wir freuen uns, dich kennenzulernen! Willkommen bei baramundi! u201eGib unseren Projekten deine Handschrift.u201cEine der wichtigsten Konstanten bei baramundi? Abwechslung. Ob Sales, Marketing, Finance, Support, Services oder Entwicklung: Unsere Abteilungen sind dein Fachbereich. Genau wie das Entwickeln, Managen und Optimieren von Projekten. Deine Expertise macht Abläufe rund und Projekte erfolgreich. Der dynamische baramundi Spirit in unserem PMO & BA Team hilft dir dabei. So wird aus Daily Work Teamwork. Und daraus der perfekte Workflow. Tu, was du am besten kannst:PLANEN Du verantwortest die Planung und Steuerung unterschiedlichster interner IT-Projekte und stellst den Projekterfolg unter Einhaltung der vereinbarten Termin-, Budget- und Qualitäts-Zielen sicherINNOVATIV DENKEN Du bist maßgeblich daran beteiligt, unsere Business Applikationen Schwerpunkt CRM und Sales-Prozesse innovativ weiterzuentwickeln und zu digitalisierenETWAS BEWEGEN Du unterstützt aktiv die Projektumsetzung und treibst diese voranBERATEN & BEGLEITEN Enge Beratung und Abstimmung mit den beteiligten Fachbereichen sowie das Management von externen Dienstleistern und Softwarelieferanten AUSTAUSCH PFLEGEN Du kommunizierst und koordinierst zwischen allen Stakeholdern und präsentierst Projektergebnisse souverän auf Management EbeneVORAUSSCHAUEN Die Mitwirkung bei der Projektportfolio- und Budgetplanung sowie bei der Weiterentwicklung von internen Projektmanagement- Methoden und -Standards runden Deine Aufgaben abSPASS HABEN Du findest deinen Platz in unserem bunten und kollegialen Umfeld Bring mit, was wir an dir schätzen:Abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder BWL, alternativ eine vergleichbare Ausbildung mit Berufspraxis Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der Leitung von Projekten sowie sicherer Umgang mit klassischen und agilen ProjektmethodenGrundlegende Kenntnisse von ERP- und CRM-Systemen Unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln sowie informationstechnisches VerständnisSpaß an komplexen Themen und eine ausgeprägte Hands-On und ServiceorientierungKommunikations-, Präsentations- und ModerationskompetenzSehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse runden dein Profil ab So ticken wir! 10 Gründe für deinen Einstieg bei baramundi!#1 KOMM' IN RUHE AN Unser Rundum-Sorglos-Paket macht den Einstieg besonders leicht. Deine persönliche:r Startbegleiter:in zeigt dir alles: vom Welcome-Frühstück bis zum vollausgestatteten Arbeitsplatz. #2 FÜHL DICH ZUHAUSE Das Mittagessen im hauseigenen Restaurant baraGusto und viele leckere Kaffeevariationen im gemütlichen Cafu00e9Mundi gibt es kostenlos. Wir kümmern uns um deine Post und Pakete. Einmal im Monat treffen sich alle baramundianer während der Arbeitszeit zum Pizzaessen und Quatschen. Einfach so. #3 ERFAHRE WERT UND WERTSCHu00c4TZUNG Wir glauben an Werte und leben sie: Miteinander und Vertrauen. Mut, Begeisterung und Kompetenz. Unsere Kommunikations-Kultur ist offen und ehrlich. Genau wie die regelmäßigen Team-Feedbacks. #4 LASS DICH BELOHNEN Unsere Anerkennung spürst du auch. Erfolgs-Boni ist ebenso selbstverständlich wie Weihnachtsgeld, betriebliche Altersvorsorge und Teamevents. #5 GENIESSE DAS LEBEN Arbeitszeit ist Lebenszeit. Deshalb darfst du sie bei uns individuell gestalten. Mit Gleitzeit in Voll- oder Teilzeit, Home-Office, Mobile Work und sogar Sabbatical-Option. Bei einer 37 Stunden Wochenarbeitszeit mit 30 Tagen Urlaub. #6 BLEIB GESUND Wir wollen, dass es dir gut geht. Deshalb haben wir ergonomische Möbel und organisieren Gesundheitstage, Massagen, Yoga- und Laufgruppen. #7 ENTWICKLE DICH WEITER Dein persönliches und fachliches Weiterkommen ist uns wichtig. Wir bezahlen Fortbildungen, Sprachkurse und Coachings während der Arbeitszeit. Sogar 2-jährige Arbeitsaufenthalte in unserer Niederlassung in den USA sind drin. #8 ARBEITE AUF AUGENHu00d6HE Wir sind alle per du, vom Azubi bis zur Geschäftsführung. Komplizierte Hierarchien gibt es bei uns nicht. #9 DEINE FAMILIE IST UNS WICHTIG Familie bedeutet bei uns da sein, sich kümmern und gegenseitig unterstützen. Das tun wir mit Kita-Zuschüssen und Ferienbetreuung genauso wie bei unserem Familien-Sommerfest. #10 MACH UNS NOCH BESSER Wir wollen ein großartiger Ort und Arbeitgeber sein. Dazu brauchen wir ehrliches Feedback. Du hast Anregungen und Ideen, die uns noch besser und glücklicher machen? Wir setzen sie um. Kontaktiere uns! Kontaktiere uns!Deine persönliches Recruiting-Team Giulia Di Chiazza, Alexandra Wagner, Doris Hoefflinger +49 821 5 67 08 - 150 Jetzt bewerben Jetzt bewerben
IT Project Manager Data Center - Planning and Construction (m/f/d)
Schwarz Dienstleistungen, Neckarsulm
As a central IT service provider, Schwarz IT KG is responsible for the selection, provision, operation and further development of IT infrastructures, IT platforms and business applications. Schwarz IT thus provides IT services for Kaufland and Lidl as well as for Schwarz Dienstleistung KG and Schwarz Zentrale Dienste KG. In order to optimally support the departments in their business processes with IT solutions, Schwarz IT takes up the requirements of the departments in consultations and develops professional and efficient IT solutions together with them. IT Project Manager Data Center - Planning and Construction (m/f/d) Field of activity: IT - Infrastructure // Location: Neckarsulm (hybrid) // Work model: Full-time Your tasks Our mission: To operate Schwarz Datacenter securely and stably and to enable the growth of the Schwarz Group by building further data centers. Schwarz IT operates its own data centers for the entire Schwarz Group on almost 5,000mu00b2 of IT space. Ensuring stable and secure IT operations and designing and implementing forward-looking IT architectures are our top priorities. Together, we ensure that hardware and software run smoothly. We also advise on the further development of existing architectures and the transition to innovative cloud solutions. Responsibility for IT projects in the infrastructure environment when planning and supporting the construction project of a data center as well as the successful and timely completion of these Central contact person (m/f/d) and interface for all project-related matters for internal employees, business partners, customers and suppliers Creation of documentation, results reports, work packages and templates Responsibility for requirements and change management, scheduling and resource planning, project controlling and reporting as well as risk management Personal contact and exchange at the Heilbronn site is an important element of collaboration and a central focal point of our working environment. At the same time, we offer the benefits of flexible working methods and enable mobile working for up to five days per working week. We also take the opportunity to meet regularly in person as a team. Our mindset: open doors, informal culture, respect, your ideas are always welcome. Your profile You are an experienced IT project manager and have experience in designing and building large infrastructure environments You have a broad knowledge of IT infrastructure You have initial experience in building data centers First contacts with common certifications in the data center environment such as ISO 50600 are an advantage Structured and analytical way of thinking and working characterize you You are ready for project-related travel to construction sites, workshops, etc. You are a facilitator and designer with a high level of assertiveness, enthusiasm, communication and teamwork skills You are business fluent in German and can also communicate professionally in international projects You have: a completed apprenticeship and further training as an IT project manager (m/f/d) with corresponding professional experience or a university degree in electrical engineering with relevant professional experience or a comparable degree Our offer Working hours: Flexible working hours allow you to better coordinate your professional and private life. You also have the option of working from home Agile working: As part of our team, you have the opportunity to drive forward cross-departmental and cross-location topics and projects Responsibility: There is plenty of scope for your own ideas and projects Team: We offer a secure workplace and a motivated team Further training: You can expect individual offers for personal and professional development Remuneration: The attractive remuneration and social benefits complete the picture We look forward to receiving your application! Schwarz Dienstleistung KG - Heiko Kiefer - Reference no. 41574 Stiftsbergstrau00dfe 1 - 74172 Neckarsulm www.it.schwarz
IT-Service Manager*in (m/w/d)
hannIT, Hannover
IT Service Manager (m/f/d) The digital transformation is changing all areas of municipal administration. At hannIT, you can play an active role in shaping this change! hannIT is a strategic IT partner for the Hannover Region, cities, municipalities and municipal companies as well as regional utilities and transport companies. For our more than 200 employees, we combine the best of two worlds: the dynamism of the free economy with the security of the public sector. Behind our success is a fabulous team. For our competence center EWO, trade and registry office, we are looking for a service manager for the VOIS existing specialist procedures trade and appointment management at the earliest possible date. Tasks Specialist customer support for the trade and appointment management specialist procedures available in VOIS Service management, which includes the calculation of services, contract management and the development of service definitions Technical support for the specialist software as part of our SLA/OLA in accordance with service contracts with customers Collaboration and coordination with various internal or external decision-makers (e.g. process/program manufacturers) Planning updates and release changes in coordination with internal and external system administrators Organization and implementation of training courses, creation/adaptation of training documents Collaboration in projects Qualifications Successfully completed Bachelor's degree in**** (Business) Informatics or comparable Alternatively: Completed three-year training, e.g. as an IT specialist for application development and several years of professional experience as a service manager Knowledge of automation using scripting, e.g. PowerShell, is an advantage Knowledge of project and process management is desirable Entrepreneurial thinking and action Communication skills and customer orientation Comparable qualifications may also fulfill the requirements. Benefits Permanent employment contract in pay group 10 TVöD-VKA 30 vacation days and an annual bonus payment Flexible and family-friendly working time models in full-time (39h) and part-time Possibility of working from home Ergonomic workplace equipment - for office and home office Flat hierarchies with a welcoming culture and open, collegial cooperation Supplementary pension / company pension through hannIT Further education and training Discounted job ticket Smartphone - also for private use Wide range of offers as part of company health management Company fitness (Hansefit) and joint sporting events Company KITA \"computer mice\" Cross-divisional project collaboration Contact Diversity enriches working life and opens up new potential. That is why hannIT is actively committed to equal opportunities for all genders, the consideration of individual circumstances, the integration of people with disabilities and cooperation at eye level. Regardless of gender, origin or personal background, we welcome every application that meets the qualifications described. In order to increase equal opportunities in this area, we would particularly like to encourage women to apply. The position is also suitable for part-time work. Fancy a job in a dynamic IT environment with a regional focus? Then please apply by 09.06.2024 with your complete application documents in German (cover letter, CV, certificates and references if applicable) via our online job portal.
IT-Administrator / IT-Service Manager (m/w/d)
Trolli GmbH, Fufcrth
Hello, we are Trolli! Producers of the most creative and innovative fruit gums, from the global classic Sour Glowworms to the unique Burgers and Glotzer to the vegan Dinorex or the Bytes developed for gamers. Where that comes from, work has to be fun - and the 2,200 employees of our international Trolli family in Germany, Spain, China, France and the USA, who want to further develop the confectionery market with unique technology and a lot of imagination, agree. We are looking for full-time reinforcement for our team as soon as possible. IT Administrator / IT Service Manager (m/f/d) Get personally involved & become part of the Trolli family: As an IT administrator, you will be responsible for receiving, processing, classifying and responding to fault reports You monitor the IT infrastructure monitoring system, document support processes and document solutions in the knowledge database You act as a confident contact person in 1st level support Processing network faults (LAN, WLAN, WAN), replacing defective client hardware, providing mobile devices via a mobile device management tool or configuring, commissioning and supporting client telephony are no problem for you You support the organization, maintenance and safeguarding of network operations at all locations as well as the monitoring, implementation and introduction of network components, firewall and proxy systems You will also provide support with software rollouts using Microsoft products We are looking for you! You have completed an apprenticeship, a degree in IT or a comparable qualification You have impressive experience with MS operating systems and MS Office applications (MS365) Ideally, you have already gained experience in dealing with the products of the MECM family, Windows Server, Microsoft Active Directory/ Group Policies, Microsoft Terminal Services/ Citrix XenApp and would like to further develop your knowledge and skills in the field of virtualization technologies (VMWare vCenter) Your strengths include a high level of motivation, the ability to work in a team and a structured, analytical way of working You are a communication talent (knowledge of English is an advantage) with service awareness, look forward to the exchange, our national and international plants are waiting to get to know you If you also want to make the world more fun, click here! We will be happy to answer your questions: Beatrice Tischner - 0911 78703-582 Oststrau00dfe 94 - 90763 Fu00fcrth www.trolli.de
IT Service Manager (m/w/d) Aviation
zk professionals GmbH, Augsburg
IT Service Manager (m/w/d) Aviation Finden Sie hier ihren Job bei der zk professionals GmbH. Die zk professionals GmbH ist ein Unternehmen der Hito u2013The Aviation Group. Wir sind Ihr richtiger Ansprechpartner wenn es um Ihre Karriereplanung geht. Vertrauen Sie unserer Fachexpertise. http://www.hitogroup.de Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer zukunftssicheren Perspektive und möchten Ihre Chance in der Welt der Luft- und Raumfahrt nutzen, dann sind Sie bei uns genau RICHTIG! Wir sind Ihre Professionals fu00fcr Ihren Einstieg bei namhaften Unternehmen wie PREMIUM AEROTEC oder AIRBUS! Um den Standort in Augsburg zu unterstu00fctzen, suchen wir Sie als IT Service Manager (m/w/d) im Bereich Luft- und Raumfahrt. Warum ZK PROFESSIONALS? Sie verdienen bis zu 29,71u20ac pro Stunde (je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung) zzgl. verschiedener Zulagen und Zuschlu00e4ge Eine 35 Stunden Woche Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub Ein Arbeitszeitkonto zu Ihrer freien Verfu00fcgung Wertschu00e4tzung in Form von Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld Falls es u00dcberstunden gibt, werden wir diese natu00fcrlich Sondervergu00fcten Ihre Aufgaben: Als IT Service Manager sind Sie fu00fcr Verwaltung von externen Lieferanten in Augsburg und Zusammenarbeit mit vier Serviceline Managern zustu00e4ndig Sie bilden die autonome lokale Schnittstelle zu Senior Service Manager, der in Norddeutschland ansu00e4ssig ist Unterstu00fctzung des Teams bei der Neustrukturierung der Services im Einklang mit den neuesten ITIL-Standards u00dcberwachung des Serviceniveau der 2nd-Level-Lieferanten, Förderung kontinuierlicher Verbesserungen, Etablierung von Arbeitsablu00e4ufen und Optimierung der betrieblichen Effizienz Sie u00fcberwachen und verwalten die KPIs in ServiceNow IT Demand Management: Aktive Teilnahmen an IT-Demand-Meetings und Vertretung der Rolle des IT-Application Owners Sie Sorgen fu00fcr eine nahtlose Integration und Effizienz der IT-Anwendungen im Unternehmen Intensive Zusammenarbeit mit IT-Infrastructure und IT-Security Enge Zusammenarbeit mit wichtigen Benutzern aus den technischen Abteilungen und sorgen Sie so fu00fcr eine reibungslose Servicebereitstellung Benötigte Qualifikationen: Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation Mehrju00e4hrige Berufserfahrung im Bereich IT / Informationssysteme / Systemadministration Mehrju00e4hrige Erfahrung im Management hereterogener (Windows & Linux) Client/Server-Infrastrukturen Verhandlungssichere Englischkenntnisse Dienstreisebereitschaft Zuverlu00e4ssigkeit sowie eine ziel- und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise Team- und Kommunikationsfu00e4higkeit Wir haben Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung und darauf, Sie kennenzulernen!
IT Application Manager (m/f/d) Patient and Referrer Portal
UKSH Gesellschaft fu00fcr IT Services mbH, Lufcbeck
IT Application Manager (m/f/d) Patient and Referrer Portal UKSH Gesellschaft fu00fcr IT Services mbH, based in Lu00fcbeck, provides all IT services for the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) and thus supports cutting-edge medicine and research at Schleswig-Holstein's largest employer. Our service portfolio includes support for administrative and clinical systems, including customizing applications and providing the IT infrastructure, service desk and IT support. We also provide IT services to UKSH subsidiaries and other external customers. Join our team at the Lu00fcbeck campus and support us as soon as possible. What you can expect: IT application support for the UKSH patient and referring physician portal \"My UKSH\" Monitoring of system functions and interfaces Implementation of user support Identification of potential for improvement Regular coordination with specialist departments and stakeholders within and outside the UKSH What you bring with you: Completed training in IT, medical informatics or medical documentation or comparable training Good knowledge of the use of information technology in the healthcare sector Technical understanding of the use of information technology in healthcare Very good communication skills What we offer you: Working environment: Work in a team with lots of creative freedom that will train and support you well Appreciation: welcoming culture and transparency through open, honest interaction with each other Work-life balance: 38.5-hour week with flexible working hours and the option of mobile working Relaxation: 30 days of vacation per year Further training: Freedom for individual development as well as training measures such as LinkedIn learning Future: interesting and exciting topics in the digital transformation Events: corporate and sporting events Health: company medical service and an extensive university sports program at the universities in Kiel and Lu00fcbeck Nice-to-have: ValueNet, our multi-benefit portal, as well as further discounts with cooperation partners and a company daycare center Mobility: NAH.SH job ticket and bike leasing The UKSH and its subsidiaries are characterized by cosmopolitanism, tolerance and interculturality. We stand for equal opportunities and have set ourselves the goal of equality for all members of society. Due to legal regulations, valid proof of full measles immunity is required. Have we piqued your interest? Below if you are interested: please contact Ms. Cramer (phone no. 0451 500-93013, e-mail: [email protected]). Further information is also available at www.uksh.de/karriere and www.uksh.de/ITSG. Please send us your informative application documents with your cover letter, CV and references, quoting our job advertisement number KV.2024.06, to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Please state your salary expectations, your earliest possible starting date and your notice period. Thank you very much! We look forward to receiving your application! UKSH Company for IT Services mbH Human Resources u00a9 barameefotolia - fotolia.com
IT-Risikomanager (w/m/d)
ENTEGA AG, Darmstadt
Eine ENTEGA - das sind wir: Stabile Beine, bewegliche Arme, ein Herz, das fu00fcr Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz schlu00e4gt, und ein hellwacher Kopf u2013 das ist der Arbeitgeber ENTEGA! Wir packen zu und treiben die Themen der Zukunft, um DER nachhaltige und innovative Lösungsanbieter fu00fcr alle zu sein. Auf der Zielgeraden zum ökologisch visionu00e4ren Gesamtdienstleister stehen wir immer schon fu00fcr Verlu00e4sslichkeit u2013 auch als Arbeitgeber. Bei dieser Stelle handelt es sich um eine Position bei der ENTEGA AG. Sie wollen mit uns die Energiewende gestalten? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. Schwerbehinderte und ihnen Gleichgestellte werden bei gleicher Qualifikation und Befu00e4higung bevorzugt beru00fccksichtigt. IT-Risikomanager (w/m/d) Darmstadt | Unbefristet | Vollzeit | Hybrid Ihre Aufgaben - Die Zukunft mitgestalten: Bei der Entwicklung der IT-Risikomanagementstrategie fu00fcr den ENTEGA-Konzern setzen wir auf Ihre Expertise. Die Identifizierung, Analyse und Bewertung der IT-Risiken sowie die Ableitung der Handlungsempfehlungen fu00fcr das Management liegt bei Ihnen. Sie schaffen Transparenz u00fcber die aktuelle Risikosituation und unterstu00fctzen aktiv das Management der IT-Risiken. Sie interagieren eng mit dem Management und den verschiedenen Sicherheitsfunktionen wie z. B. Controlling, Business Continuity Management, Informationssicherheit, etc. im ENTEGA Konzern und seinen Tochtergesellschaften. Ihr Profil - Ein Herz fu00fcr Nachhaltigkeit: Akademische Ausbildung, vorzugsweise in der Fachrichtung Risikomanagement bzw. Informationssicherheit oder alternativ eine vergleichbare Qualifikation Expertise im Aufbau und der Fortentwicklung des IT-Risikomanagements sowie vorzugsweise ergu00e4nzend Informationssicherheit Vertiefte Kenntnis in etablierten Standards fu00fcr Risikomanagement und Erfahrung in der praktischen Anwendung Analytisches Denkvermögen und strategisches Planungsvermögen sowie eine hohe Selbstu00e4ndigkeit und Fu00e4higkeit die Entscheidungsfindung aktiv zu unterstu00fctzen Empathie und Teamfu00e4higkeit gepaart mit Kommunikationsstu00e4rke und Durchsetzungsvermögen Darauf können Sie sich verlassen: Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle: Familie und Beruf? Gehen bei uns Hand in Hand. Sport, Hobbys und Freunde im u00dcbrigen auch. Dank flexibler Arbeitszeitmodelle können Sie Privates und Berufliches bestens vereinen. Sport & Fitness: Bei kostenlosen Sportkursen, Sportevents und Teamwettku00e4mpfen bleiben wir in Bewegung und fördern Mitgliedschaften in zehn regionalen Fitnessstudios. Professionelles Onboarding: Bei Ihrer Einarbeitung steht Ihnen ein erfahrenes Teammitglied bei allen Fragen zur Seite. Fort- und Weiterbildung: Wir können die Energiewende nur meistern, wenn wir fachlich immer am Ball bleiben. Daher bieten wir Ihnen attraktive Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Auch die persönliche Weiterbildung genieu00dft bei uns einen hohen Stellenwert und wird in gezielten Coachings und Seminaren gefördert. Betriebliche Altersvorsorge: Auch in der (fernen) Zukunft können Sie sich auf uns verlassen: Wir bezuschussen Ihre betriebliche Altersvorsorge und bieten Ihnen eine Berufsunfu00e4higkeitsversicherung zu besonderen Konditionen an. Zuschu00fcsse zu Heil- und Hilfsmittel: Sie benötigen eine Brille oder ein Hörgeru00e4t? Gerne bezuschussen wir diese, ebenso wie Zahnersatz, Einlagen und vieles mehr. Anerkennendes Miteinander: In einem kollegialen, engagierten und leistungsorientierten Umfeld kommunizieren wir auf Augenhöhe und bringen Ideen ein, um Verbesserungen voranzutreiben. Urlaub & Auszeit: 30 Tage Urlaub stehen Ihnen zur Verfu00fcgung. Auch fu00fcr eine lu00e4ngere berufliche Auszeit finden wir gemeinsam individuelle Lösungen. Weitere Vorteile: Corporate Benefits, Mitarbeitertarife, Achtsamkeitsveranstaltungen, Teamevents und Mitarbeiterfeste: Wir haben noch viel mehr zu bieten! Jetzt auf entega.ag/karriere bewerben. Ihr Kontakt: Angela Wagner, Telefon: 06151 701-1448 Einfach klimafreundlich fu00fcr alle. In unseren Texten verzichten wir allein aus Gru00fcnden der Lesbarkeit auf eine geschlechtsspezifische Differenzierung. Gemeint sind stets alle Geschlechter.