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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "IT Application Manager in Deutschland"

66 032 € Durchschnittliches Monatsgehalt

Durchschnittliches Gehaltsniveau in den letzten 12 Monaten: "IT Application Manager in Deutschland"

Währung: EUR USD Jahr: 2024
Das Balkendiagramm zeigt die Änderung des Gehaltsniveaus in der IT Application Manager Branche in Deutschland

Verteilung des Stellenangebots "IT Application Manager" in Deutschland

Währung: EUR
Wie die Grafik zeigt, in Deutschland gilt Nordrhein-Westfalen als die Region mit der größten Zahl der offenen Stellen in und an zweiter Stelle folgt Hamburg. Den dritten Platz nimmt Sachsen ein.

Empfohlene Stellenangebote

Application Manager (m/w/d)
BAUHAUS, Mannheim
Willkommen bei BAUHAUS! BAUHAUS baut vor allem auf eines: Den Einsatz aller Mitarbeiter:innen – füreinander und für jeden einzelnen Kunden. Denn nur mit Respekt, Zusammenhalt und Leidenschaft macht es Spaß, jeden Tag aufs Neue alles zu geben. Wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam mit neuen Talenten Tag für Tag noch besser zu werden!Jetzt Teil der BAUHAUS-Erfolgsgeschichte im BAUHAUS Service Center Deutschland in Mannheim werden. Ihre Aufgaben: Als Application Manager (m/w/d) stellen Sie in der Schnittstellenfunktion gemeinsam mit den Kolleg:innen des Teams die gute Kommunikation und Abstimmung zwischen den Fachbereichen, der Corporate IT und externen Dienstleistern und Herstellern sicherSie sind Teil des Teams Application Management der Corporate IT, welches die BAUHAUS Fachbereiche beim Betrieb ihrer Applikationen berät und unterstütztSie führen Beratungen bei der Auswahl und Integration von neuen Applikationen durch und begleiten Optimierungen an bestehenden ApplikationenSie richten Schnittstellen zu Umsystemen ein, betreuen diese und kümmern sich somit um die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der gesamten ApplikationslandschaftMit Ihrem grundlegenden Verständnis für Betriebsabläufe und Ihren technischen Kenntnissen unterstützen Sie im Troubleshooting und tragen zum reibungslosen Betrieb der Anwendungen beiSie sind beteiligt an der Dokumentation und Pflege von Störungen im Incident Management System und kümmern sich um die Optimierung und Pflege der internen Applikations-Dokumentationen Ihr Profil: Abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker (m/w/d) oder Studium der Informatik / Wirtschaftsinformatik bzw. vergleichbare Qualifikation oder Quereinsteiger (m/w/d)Generalistische Erfahrungen in der technischen Beratung und Betreuung von Server-Applikationen & Schnittstellen bspw. erworben als Application Support Engineer, Systemadministrator, IT Specialist / IT Berater / Freelancer (je m/w/d)Gute Kenntnisse über Server Infrastrukturen (Windows oder Linux, Patchmanagement, Lifecycle, etc.)Wünschenswert sind erste Erfahrungen in anwendungsnahen IT-Tätigkeiten wie Scripting (PowerShell, Bash, CMD, Python, etc.), Zertifikaten und Scheduled Tasks, etc. Idealerweise erste Erfahrungen mit ITIL und IT Service Management ProzessenLösungsorientierter Arbeitsstil, Kommunikations- und Moderationskompetenz, Offenheit, Lernbereitschaft, ganzheitliches, strukturiertes Denken sowie Interesse an der Entwicklung neuer Prozesse und AbläufeSehr gute Deutsch- (mind. C1) und gute Englischkenntnisse Unser Angebot: Eine reizvolle Aufgabe in einem Familienunternehmen mit persönlichen und fachlichen EntwicklungsmöglichkeitenUnbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis sowie eine attraktive VergütungEine ausgeglichene Work-Life-Balance, die Möglichkeit für tageweises mobiles Arbeiten und 30 Tage UrlaubAttraktiver Standort im Herzen der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar mit kostenfreien Parkplätzen und einem firmeneigenen RestaurantExklusives Modell zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung mit attraktiven ArbeitgeberzuschüssenWeitere Zusatzleistungen wie z.B. vermögenswirksame Leistungen sowie Mitarbeitervorteile über Corporate BenefitsEine betriebsnahe Kindertagesstätte mit familienfreundlichem BetreuungsangebotTeam- und Firmenevents sowie Einkaufsvorteile durch die BAUHAUS Mitarbeiterkarte Die Stelle kann in Vollzeit (40 Wochenstunden) oder Teilzeit (ab 32 Wochenstunden) besetzt werden. Willkommen im #TeamBAUHAUS. Marius Herget (HR, Recruiting) freut sich auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen. Bewerben Standort BAUHAUS, Gutenbergstraße 21, 68167 Mannheim, Deutschland
Application Manager / Anwendungsberater Bau-Software (w/m/d)
Matthäi Bauunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen
Die Matthäi-Gruppe ist seit 90 Jahren als Bauunternehmen ein verlässlicher Partner. Inzwischen sind wir in allen Disziplinen des Bauens vertreten. An über 70 Standorten arbeiten rund 3.000 Menschen daran, leistungsstarke Infrastruktur zu ermöglichen, die der Gesellschaft heute und morgen wertvolle Dienste leistet. Dabei überzeugen wir durch innovative Bauweisen und eine Unternehmensphilosophie, die immer den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellt.Sie unterstützen unser Team in Bremen als Application Manager / Anwendungsberater Bau-Software (w/m/d) Ihre Rolle:Als Anwendungsberater (w/m/d) übernehmen Sie die Planung, Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines unserer externen Softwarelösungen (Nevaris, 123erfasst, CIB oder Docuware). Gemeinsam im Team tragen Sie so wesentlich zu einer optimalen Weiterentwicklung und Nutzung der Produkte bei.Ihre Aufgaben im Detail:Entwicklung von Produkt-Roadmaps, Priorisierung der Features und Planung von Release-ZyklenAufbau und Pflege einer engen Beziehung zum Hersteller, um frühzeitig in Entwicklungszyklen für Produktfeatures involviert zu seinSicherstellung eines reibungslosen Ablaufs der Integration neuer FeaturesErkennung von Schulungsbedarf auf Grundlage von neuen Features oder häufig gestellten Fragen Das bringen Sie mit:Abgeschlossenes Studium oder Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung oder eine vergleichbare IT-bezogene AusbildungBerufserfahrung im ERP-UmfeldUmgang mit Schnittstellen, Protokollen (API, oData, Rest, LDAP) und Datenbanken (SQL)Durchführen von Patches und Updates (Erfahrung Windows Server)Freude an der Weiterentwicklung eines Tools zur optimalen Anwendung Wir bieten Ihnen:Eine spannende Herausforderung in einem starken Team mit hervorragenden EntwicklungsmöglichkeitenVergütung nach Bau-Tarif mit SonderkonditionenMöglichkeit der MitarbeiterbeteiligungBetriebliche KrankenzusatzversicherungFirmenfitness (Partnerstudios)Bike-LeasingBetriebliche Altersvorsorge, betrieblicher Gesundheits- und Arbeitsschutz uvm.Und für uns sehr wichtig: ein Umfeld mit einem großartigen Team in einem sehr guten Betriebsklima! Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt?Dann freuen wir uns über Ihre Nachricht und Lebenslauf unter Angabe der Referenznummer YF-6661 an bewerbung[AT]matthaei.de.Informationen zum Head Office: Matthäi Bauunternehmen GmbH & Co.KG Bremer Straße 135 27283 Verden/AllerTelefon: +49 4231 766-0 bewerbung[AT]matthaei.de www.matthaei.de
Application Manager DMS / IT-Anwendungsbetreuer (m/w/d)
Application Manager DMS / IT-Anwendungsbetreuer (m/w/d) SPITZKE SE, verschiedene Standorte SPITZKE. Gestalten in vernetzten Dimensionen. Wir sind eine starke Unternehmensgruppe mit rund 2.300 Mitarbeitenden an 18 Standorten in Deutschland und Europa. Gemeinsam gestalten wir Europas Bahninfrastruktur und bringen diese voran. Als Systemlieferant für schienengebundene Mobilität schaffen wir täglich neue Verbindungen: für Fern- und Regionalbahnen ebenso wie für S- und U-Bahnen, Straßenbahnen oder Industriebahnen - von der Planung über die Ausführung, vom Neubau über die Instandsetzung bis hin zur Instandhaltung. Dazu bündeln und vernetzen wir unsere Kompetenzen Fahrweg, Technik, Ausrüstung / Elektrotechnik, Großprojekte / Ingenieurbau, Logistik und Fertigung. Spannende Herausforderungen und vielfältige Aufgaben gehören bei uns immer dazu: Unter einem Dach vereinen wir 130 Jobprofile und rund 20 Ausbildungsberufe. Application Manager DMS / IT-Anwendungsbetreuer (m/w/d) Referenznummer: 1010/61/00 Gestalte. Optimiere. Berate. Als Application Manager (m/w/d) bei SPITZKE übernimmst Du eine wichtige Schlüsselrolle, wenn es um die reibungslose Funktionalität unserer Anwendungen geht. Dabei arbeitest Du eng mit unseren Fachabteilungen zusammen, um Anforderungen zu verstehen und Lösungen zu entwickeln. Unser IT-Bereich bietet Dir nicht nur die Möglichkeit, in einem dynamischen und innovativen Umfeld zu arbeiten, sondern auch die Chance, Teil eines engagierten Teams zu sein. Wir legen großen Wert auf Teamarbeit und unterstützen uns gegenseitig, um gemeinsam unsere Ziele zu erreichen. Wenn Du eine Leidenschaft für IT hast und gerne in einem dynamischen Umfeld arbeitest, dann bewirb Dich jetzt als Application Manager (m/w/d) im Bereich DMS und werde Teil unseres Teams im GVZ Berlin Süd. Du kommst nicht aus der Region? Kein Problem, wir bieten Dir optionale Arbeitsorte in einer unserer Niederlassungen in Bochum, Buchloe, Erlensee, Kaltenkirchen und Leer! Was Dich begeistert 2nd Level Support: Administration und Betreuung der Nutzer unseres DMS-Systems zur digitalen Begleitung unserer Bauvorhaben und der darauf basierenden unternehmensweiten Workflows (z. B. digitale Bauakte, Zeiterfassung, Rechnungsprüfung oder mobile Anwendungen) IT-Betrieb: Zusammenarbeit mit Anwendern, Key-Usern und dem IT-Support-Team zu fachübergreifenden Themen wie Systemupdates oder Trainings /u200b Schulungen Beratung: Schnittstelle zwischen Hersteller /u200b externen Dienstleistern und internen Fachbereichen sowie Beratung unserer Mitarbeitenden zu Auswahl, Einsatz und Handhabung von IT-Anwendungen und Apps Projekte: Anforderungsbasierte Erweiterung und Neuentwicklung von Anwendungen und von Schnittstellen zu anderen Anwendungen, wie z. B. dem ERP-System, auf Basis von Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central oder Apps in der Cloud Was uns begeistert Qualifikation: Abgeschlossene Ausbildung, z. B. als Fachinformatiker (m/w/d) für Anwendungsentwicklung oder Systemintegration. Alternativ ein Studium der Informatik bzw. Wirtschaftsinformatik. Quereinstieg mit fundierter Berufserfahrung im DMS-Umfeld (RIB iTWO site, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central oder Lobster_data) möglich Fähigkeiten: Kenntnisse in der Konzeption, Anpassung und Einführung von Anwendungssoftware oder in der Anwendungsentwicklung. Know-how in der Integration neuer Softwarekomponenten in bestehende IT-Landschaften Initiative: Analytisches Denken, lösungsorientierte und flexible Arbeitsweise mit hohem Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Eigeninitiative sowie Spaß daran, im Team etwas zu bewegen Vorteile bei SPITZKE Sicherer Arbeitsplatz: 1936 wurde SPITZKE gegründet. Insbesondere in den vergangenen 30 Jahren sind wir stetig, wirtschaftlich solide und krisenfest gewachsen. Diese Entwicklung wollen wir fortschreiben. Dein Arbeitsplatz bei uns ist so sicher wie in kaum einer anderen Branche. Modernes Arbeitsumfeld: Bei uns findest Du ein auf Dich zugeschnittenes Arbeitsumfeld mit modernster Technik - vom Büroarbeitsplatz mit neuester Hard- und Software bis zu innovativen Großgeräten in unserem modernen Technikpark. Teamwork: Was wir schaffen, schaffen wir immer gemeinsam - so ist es bei allen unseren Projekten. Mitarbeitende bei der SPITZKE SE können sich immer darauf verlassen, dass unsere Teams für sie da sind. Mobiles Arbeiten: Alle unsere Büroarbeitsplätze ermöglichen mobiles Arbeiten - mit Dienst-Smartphone, leichten Laptops und großem Datenvolumen. Mobiles Arbeiten ist an zwei Tagen pro Monat in Absprache mit Deiner Führungskraft möglich, sofern es Deine Tätigkeit bei uns zulässt. Interne Kommunikation: Bei SPITZKE sind wir eine Gemeinschaft. Daher ist uns die interne Kommunikation sehr wichtig. In unserer Mitarbeitendenzeitung, unserem Intranet, unserer SPITZKE-App und vielen anderen Kanälen findest Du alle Neuigkeiten aus unserer Unternehmensgruppe. Gesundheitsförderung: Wir fühlen uns ohne Wenn und Aber der Gesundheit unserer Mitarbeitenden verpflichtet. Daher setzen wir uns dafür ein, dass Du über Dein gesamtes Berufsleben und darüber hinaus gesund, leistungsfähig und fit bleibst. Jobs, die Verbindung schaffen. JETZT BEWERBEN SPITZKE SE Enrico Dahms, GVZ Berlin Süd Märkische Allee 39-41, 14979 Großbeeren +49 33701 901-20486 [email protected] www.spitzke.com
Application Manager (m/w/d)
Michael Page, München
Verantwortung für die Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung der UnternehmensanwendungenSicherstellung der Verfügbarkeit und Performance der AnwendungenPlanung und Umsetzung von Software-Updates und -UpgradesKoordination von Change- und Incident-Management-ProzessenEnge Zusammenarbeit mit internen Stakeholdern und externen DienstleisternAnalyse von Anforderungen und Erarbeitung von LösungskonzeptenAbgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder eine vergleichbare AusbildungMehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Application Management oder IT-BetriebGute Kenntnisse in der Administration von UnternehmensanwendungenErfahrung mit gängigen Betriebssystemen, Datenbanken und NetzwerktechnologienITIL-Zertifizierung von VorteilAusgeprägte Kommunikations- und TeamfähigkeitSehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
Application Manager ERP Spezialist (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Frankfurt am Main
Betreuung und Optimierung des bestehenden Microsoft Dyanmics 365 (Business Central) ERP SystemsAnalyse und Verbesserung bestehender Geschäftsprozesse durch ERP-LösungenSicherstellung der Datensicherheit innerhalb des SystemsVerwaltung von Projekten zur Erweiterung der ERP-FunktionalitätenAbgeschlossene Ausbildung oder Studium im Bereich Informationstechnologie oder eine vergleichbare QualifikationMehrjährige praktische Erfahrung mit einem ERP System, idealerweise mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Business Central)Erfahrung in der Anpassung und Konfiguration von ERP SystemenErste Erfahrungen mit Workflow ManagementFließende Deutschkenntnisse, gute Englischkenntnisse
Application Manager (m/w/d) Business Central in Dresden
DIS AG Personaldienstleistungen, Dresden
Our customer is a market leader in the implementation of customer projects for drive technology in industrial applications. Its core business is the machining of highly complex components. The position of Application Manager (m/f/d) for Business Central is to be filled in direct recruitment. Our task is to bring you and our client companies together. If you are looking for the next step in your career, get in touch with us and benefit from our network of the best. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. Application Manager (m/f/d) Business Central in Dresden Your tasks: Responsibility for and support of the application management of the ERP application Business Central Further development of process requirements in the Business Central application Acceptance of new requirements from the specialist departments and support until implementation or independent technical implementation Support for interfaces and automation from software applications Contact person for technical issues System configuration, maintenance and user administration Creation of system instructions and user training Close cooperation with the central IT department in maintaining the IT infrastructure Your qualifications: Completed vocational training as an IT specialist (m/f/d) for application development or system integration or a comparable qualification including professional experience Practical experience in the use of Business Central or an ERP system Understanding of business interrelationships, ideally in a manufacturing environment Practical experience in IT support with regard to networks, Microsoft Office 365 tenants and domain changes Confident working style, personality and strong communication skills Ability to process, enthusiasm and solution-oriented action At least a C1 level of German Performance-related remuneration Company pension plan Responsible work in an innovative company Ample further training opportunities 30 days vacation Job bike leasing / job ticket With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
Application Manager (m/f/d)
puro Personaldienstleistung GmbH, Dreieich
Application Manager (m/f/d) Job ID: 13675-EV Location: Dreieich Employment type(s): Full-time A successful company is looking for a talented Application Support Engineer. Responsibility for implementation and support of applications for customers included. Get excited about new technologies and become part of a dynamic team as an Application Support Engineer! The position is to be filled on a temporary basis with the option of permanent employment. By the way: A cover letter is not necessary to apply to us. Your profile Completed IT training, professional experience or comparable qualifications Desirable: Several years of experience in application management and support or in a consulting role Understanding of business processes In-depth SAP knowledge at user level, administration knowledge is an advantage Desirable: Initial experience with Salesforce and document management systems Initial management experience with external service providers and stakeholder management Advantages and benefits Mobile working and flexible induction Further training opportunities and scope for your own ideas Free parking and modern office equipment Pension and accident insurance in the Corporate Benefits Program Coffee and tea specialties, including short decision-making processes Your tasks Ensuring the smooth operation of ERP, CRM and other applications Expert advice on business processes and implementation in the applications Coordination of new projects: from concept to go-live Coordination with specialist departments for optimal implementation of requirements in the systems Documentation of successful projects Monitoring the application market for innovations and new applications Have we piqued your interest? Optimize your application chances with our many years of experience. Visit us now at www.kununu.de and find out more! Enrico Vetter puro Personaldienstleistung GmbH Dultstr. 1 80331 Munich +49 89 232364717 [email protected] http://www.puro-personal.de Department(s): IT
Application Manager (m/f/d)
LEONARDO Personalmanagement GmbH, Mufcnster
Application Manager (m/f/d) Strong together. Your project. Application manager (m/f/d) in Mu00fcnster Is the support and further development of software applications your thing? Then YOU are in the right place! As an Application Manager (m/f/d), you will take on the interface function within the friendly team in Mu00fcnster. Your tasks Ensuring smooth operation of the specialist applications Supporting users with questions, problems and customization requests Management of internal and external service providers Active participation in projects to optimize IT applications Implementation of solutions in close cooperation with the specialist departments and the IT department Your profile Completed studies in business administration, business informatics or comparable training University dropouts and career changers are very welcome Advanced knowledge of business administration High affinity for projects and IT as well as strong motivation Communication skills, organizational talent and solution-oriented work Your benefits Pension plan Flexible working hours Future-proof workplace Challenging tasks Team events and much more. Apply now - we look forward to hearing from you! TOP EMPLOYER of the MIDDLE STATE Since 2019 for the 5th time in a row Awarded by Focus Business in cooperation with kununu Induction & support Regardless of whether you choose direct recruitment or specialized temporary employment, you can look forward to comprehensive training and individual support from LEONARDO. In addition, we are always happy to assist you personally with any questions you may have.
IT System Administrator / Application Manager (f/m/d)
Krankenhaus GmbH Wermelskirchen, Wermelskirchen
We are a modern acute hospital providing differentiated standard care in the Bergisches Land region with excellent transport links to the Cologne-Du00fcsseldorf Rhine route and the only hospital in the city with a core catchment area of around 70,000 inhabitants. We treat around 10,000 inpatients and 30,000 outpatients in 5 specialist departments every year. We have already implemented far-reaching investment, strategic and personnel decisions for the future and enjoy a high level of popularity among patients in the region. We are looking to recruit a new member of staff for our IT department as soon as possible IT system administrator / application administrator (f/m/d) 100% scope of employment (u00d8 weekly working time 38.50 hours) Your tasks Receiving and resolving service requests and fault reports, including on-call duty Installation and configuration of IT systems Administration of Windows client and server systems and IT end devices Implementation of user administration (user and authorization management) Installation of system and Windows updates Technical support and introduction of new projects in the hospital environment Your profile Successfully completed IT studies or vocational training in the IT sector (e.g. IT specialist or comparable qualification) Knowledge of Windows server and client systems, VMware, Linux, Office 365 and Exchange Experience with network technologies Basic knowledge of data protection and data security Experience in IT support / user support desirable Good written and spoken German and English skills High level of analytical thinking and strong communication skills Team player Independent, structured, pro-active way of working We offer A responsible and varied job with pleasant working conditions in an economically healthy hospital. A collegial environment in which cooperation and feedback are part of the corporate culture. Our performance-related remuneration is based on the TVöD / VKA. Extensive scope for shaping your own area of responsibility gives you room for your ideas and concepts. If you have any questions Ms. Daschner, Tel.: 02196-98-412 (organization and project management), is at your disposal. Your informative application please send exclusively by e-mail to [email protected] www.krankenhaus-wermelskirchen.de
Application Manager (m/f/d) Microsoft 365
Stadtwerke Potsdam GmbH, Potsdam
Work for the city you love Potsdam is a business location, innovation center, cultural landscape, living space - and the home of Stadtwerke Potsdam and its companies. We provide impetus for the growing city, drive it forward and take it to the next level. As a local partner, we guarantee reliable supply and waste disposal, mobility, swimming pools, sports and leisure activities every day. This is how we create the basis for everything, for normal life. We want to maintain the quality of life in Potsdam in the long term. That's why we take responsibility for our actions with an eye to tomorrow. For the setup, operation and further development of our Microsoft 365 SharePoint environment, we are looking for a Application Manager (m/f/d) Microsoft 365 Job ID 1556261 YOUR POSITION Support: You are responsible for end user support. To this end, you identify, analyze and solve any technical problems and malfunctions that arise. You will also monitor and manage access rights for users to SharePoint sites and other Microsoft 365 resources. To ensure the smooth operation of the applications, you will work closely with other IT teams and the relevant specialist departments and create and maintain operational documentation. Further development: You continuously evaluate the use of new functions and apps, identify potential for improvement in line with business requirements and implement optimization measures. You always keep an eye on compliance with data protection and security guidelines as well as other compliance requirements. Training: You support and train power users and other multipliers in the use of SharePoint and Microsoft 365 applications and write instructions for these uses. HOW YOU CONVINCE US Education: You have successfully completed a degree in business informatics/computer science or comparable training or further education combined with relevant professional experience in a similar environment. Technical expertise: You have sound knowledge in the configuration and integration of SharePoint functions and apps and have know-how in cloud technologies and best practices in the field of IT security. Competencies: You have a conceptual and goal-oriented way of working, judgment and integrity, interest in change processes and commitment as well as communication skills and team spirit. OUR OFFER Job security: A permanent position in a crisis-proof company. Work-life balance: 38-hour week, family-friendly and flexible working hours and the option of mobile working. Remuneration: Pay scale according to AVEU with 13th monthly salary and a performance-related special payment and employee electricity discount. Vacation: 30 days vacation and additional paid time off for 24.12. and 31.12. Mobility: subsidy for VBB or Deutschlandticket. Health: Free daily use of the sports and leisure pools in Potsdam, company medical check-ups, height-adjustable and modern workstations, sports and employee events and fresh fruit. Personnel development: a wide range of personal and professional development opportunities and promotion of your skills. AND: A motivated and collegial team that looks forward to working with you! We welcome applications from people with disabilities. We are also happy to accept applications in anonymized form. Do you have any questions? Maria Köhler from our Corporate Human Resources department will be happy to help you: Tel. 0331 661-9747 Data protection is very important to us. You can find more detailed information on this at www.swp-potsdam.de/bewerbung-datenschutzhinweise Stadtwerke Potsdam GmbH | Corporate Human Resources Department Steinstrau00dfe 104 - 106 House 14 | 14480 Potsdam
IT Project Manager Web Platforms and Applications (m/f/d)
Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH, Köln
Bundesanzeiger Verlag is a media company based in Cologne that is both rich in tradition and forward-looking. As a legislative partner, we operate online platforms for the publication of statutory announcements, company data and registers. In addition, we offer a continuously growing range of multimedia content in the fields of law, business and tax. IT project manager for web platforms and applications (m/f/d) Your tasks are: As part of a project team, you will be responsible for exciting projects for the new and further development of various web platforms, applications, satellite systems and interfaces. Determine, analyze and document IT requirements in coordination with the respective stakeholders Create and review epics and user stories with the corresponding acceptance criteria Develop and take responsibility for project plans, taking into account budgets, capacities and timelines using tools such as JIRA, Confluence or similar Accompany and manage the service providers during development Create test plans and carry out functional tests for technical and functional acceptance on this basis Control the product deployment on the production environments That's what we want: Completed studies or training in the IT environment or comparable qualifications Several years of professional experience in IT project management Several years of experience in the field of requirements analysis and the resulting creation of technical concepts, epics and user stories Experience of working in an agile environment is an advantage Business fluent German and very good English skills Your prospects: 35-hour week Work-life balance thanks to flexible working time models Targeted and individual development opportunities Extensive induction and personal training measures Attractive location in Cologne with very good public transport connections and employee parking spaces Working in an agile and innovative team Use of leading technologies and agile processes Discounted and varied choice of food in our modern company restaurant We look forward to receiving your online application via our online form for the position of IT Project Manager Web Platforms and Applications (m/f/d). Contact person Christian Karnakowski Recruiting T: +49 (221) 9 76 68 -8475 Federal Gazette Publisher GmbH Amsterdamer Street 192 50735 Cologne Our privacy policy
Application Manager (w/m/div.)
PKV Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e. V., Köln
With over 35 million fully insured and supplementary policyholders, private health insurance (PKV) is an indispensable part of the German healthcare system. The Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V. is one of the leading associations of the German economy and represents the interests of private health insurance and its member companies. With our competent and committed employees, we are ideally prepared for the challenges of the future. Grow with us: Join our team in Cologne full-time (38h/week) at the earliest possible date as a Application Manager (f/m/div.) The application is an industry software (Java EE, React) for checking and transmitting various industry data in private health insurance. In this subject area, you can expect varied activities in a young, fast-growing team of project managers and application managers. As the link between specialist processes and technical implementation, you will have full responsibility for designing the industry software. Your main tasks You will be responsible for the overall coordination of the application operation of the industry software as the central interface between the development team, member companies and external project participants such as authorities and service providers in the healthcare sector. As Application Manager, you will be responsible for product and requirements management, including writing the associated operational documentation. You will act as the central point of contact and coordinator for incoming inquiries from member companies, specialist department groups and service providers regarding the application. You will carry out internal functional tests and coordinate the agile test phases with our member companies for new releases. You work in the relevant working groups and committees of the association Your profile Degree or training in the field of (business) informatics or a comparable qualification / professional experience (lateral entry possible) Experience in agile project and test management (digitization or software projects) ideally with reference to the insurance industry Strong customer orientation, openness, high communication and team skills as well as a confident and friendly demeanor Commitment and willingness to take on product responsibility and to develop professionally and personally What we offer A challenging working environment and team at the interface between healthcare policy and the insurance industry Plenty of scope for your own ideas and process design Additional payment for private health insurance and/or direct insurance Co-payment for sports (gym, urban sports club) Lively further training offer High flexibility to reconcile family and career (flexible working time model, flexitime) Home office option Attractive remuneration and social benefits 30 days vacation Free ticket to Germany Central in the south of Cologne, good public transport connections, modern architecture of the Cologne Oval Offices (COO) We look forward to receiving your detailed application, including your earliest possible starting date and salary expectations, please use our applicant portal: Association of Private Health Insurers e.V. Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 74 c - 50968 Cologne www.pkv.de
IT Application Manager (m/f/d)
MUNK Group, Gufcnzburg
Safety. Made in Germany. The MUNK Group is a family-run company and, with its MUNK Gu00fcnzburger Steigtechnik, MUNK Rettungstechnik, MUNK Profiltechnik and MUNK Service divisions, is one of the most important providers of access and rescue technology as well as suitable service solutions. As a technology and innovation leader, the name MUNK has stood for safety for over 120 years. Made in Germany. for ladders, rolling scaffolding, special constructions and rescue technology. With over 400 dedicated employees, we develop professional and intelligent solutions for maximum safety at work in a family and appreciative environment. Because people need safety. We are looking for reinforcement for our location in Gu00fcnzburg at the earliest possible date as IT Application Manager (m/f/d) YOUR TASKS: Application support of the IT systems / support of the interfaces Carrying out program adaptations and extensions Recording and specifying IT requirements and assisting with implementation Support in process optimization and further development of existing business processes Planning and implementation of projects, documentation, monitoring and testing First-level support for our employees / independent implementation of employee training courses Internal project management and coordination of external service providers YOUR PROFILE: IT training / studies, e.g. IT specialist, IT clerk, business informatics or comparable experience in a similar position You have knowledge of database and ERP systems and ideally have basic programming skills Ability to understand complex business processes, explain them clearly and document them Good communication skills, service orientation and flexibility OUR OFFER: A challenging area of responsibility with the opportunity for further development Varied work with plenty of freedom and creative scope Secure job in an economically very healthy and family-friendly company Flat hierarchies and an open, appreciative corporate culture Attractive and performance-related remuneration We look forward to receiving your application! YOUR CONTACT PERSON: MUNK Group Mr. Harald Gruber Rudolf-Diesel-Strau00dfe 23 D-89312 Gu00fcnzburg Phone +49 (0) 82 21 / 36 16-561 www.munk-group.com
Application Manager (m/f/d) with focus on SharePoint
PROSOZ Herten GmbH, Herten
Get ahead with Prosoz! We support local authorities throughout Germany on their journey into the digital future. As a full-service provider, we deliver solutions from a single source - from software to consulting. To drive forward the digital transformation in municipal administration, we are looking for you as a Application Manager (m/f/d) with a focus on SharePoint Join our full-time application management team working from home or in Herten in the heart of the Ruhr region - and make progress with the market leader for municipal IT solutions! This will be your job... As an expert in the design and further development of our IT systems, you will play a central role in our team. Your diverse tasks will include You are responsible for the design, implementation and further development of our SharePoint platform as well as for the support and optimization of other applications You configure and administer SharePoint sites, libraries, lists and workflows to improve efficiency and collaboration within the company You coordinate and manage projects, both internally and with external partners You record requirements, evaluate them in terms of their feasibility in the standard and initiate adjustments You are responsible for the subject-specific architecture of the systems for which you are responsible You support users in the use of SharePoint and are the first point of contact for technical questions and problems You contribute to the training and induction of employees and ensure that SharePoint best practices are followed This is what we want... You have successfully completed a degree in business informatics or an apprenticeship as an IT specialist with business administration content or have a comparable qualification You have practical experience in the configuration, administration and customization of SharePoint platforms as well as in the support of other applications You have in-depth knowledge of SharePoint development with SharePoint Designer, PowerShell or other relevant tools You have experience in integrating SharePoint with other enterprise applications and systems You have good knowledge of databases (e.g. SQL Server) and web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) You are characterized by a high level of social and communicative competence, goal-oriented communication and a confident, constructive approach to conflict situations This is what you might think... You fit in with us if the following sentences could also come from you: I appreciate logic and structure, but can also react flexibly to changing requirements. I want to play an active role in shaping my working environment and make improvements by providing impetus. I feel comfortable in a team and believe that unbeatable success is achieved in a team Good reasons for PROSOZ... High level of personal responsibility and short decision-making paths Appreciative and open cooperation at eye level and a strong feedback culture Plenty of room to try things out and for your professional and personal development Flexible working hours and models that fully support your work-life balance Mobile working possible Home office option throughout Germany - whether you live in Frankfurt, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Leipzig, Cologne, Du00fcsseldorf, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Bremen or anywhere else in Germany, for example Permanent employment contract and at least 30 days' vacation Attractive remuneration package and numerous great benefits Comprehensive structured onboarding for orientation, arrival and networking Do you have any questions? Your personal contact is Gina from our recruiting team: Gina Vertgewall | Personnel Management | Tel. 02366 188 616 We look forward to hearing from you - you can get in touch with us in just a few clicks!For reasons of readability alone, we refrain from using gender-specific differentiation in our texts. We always refer to all genders.
IT Process Manager (m/w/d) - IT Business Development - onsite
ABOUT YOU, Hamburg
The IT Business Development Team mainly supports +40 Development Teams at ABOUT YOU Tech in structuring and optimizing their projects and processes. To achieve this they closely work with the top management and the Tech & Product Leads of the company. The team’s projects vary a lot e.g. external software selection and migrations, cost center planning topics, IT investment cases, cost saving, process implementation, and change projects.The Process Manager role helps support change management e.g. newly formed teams and other organizational changes. Assist with new process implementation and evaluation of processes. Moderates team workshops across the company e.g. retrospectives and workshops to improve cross-team processes. Do you enjoy the challenge of quickly getting to grips with a wide range of topics, processes, and people to provide them with optimum support? Do you want to work on solutions with a wide range of stakeholders and thus increase our speed? What you will do Work with a wide range of stakeholders e.g. with leads and their development teams from ABOUT YOU and SCAYLE and get insights into their way of working.Ensure continuous improvement within the teams e.g. moderating regular retrospectives to improve the status quoModerates team workshops across the company e.g. team buildings, workshops to improve cross-team processes, project lessons learned or workshops about agile/lean/kanban practices.Improving our tech organization e.g. by lean process optimization, increase automations, help with organizational change management.Be a problem-solver and change agent, finding efficient & pragmatic solutionsBecome a JIRA administrator who can be able to help and implement fast processes also for non-Tech TeamsGain invaluable insights into a wide array of teams and processes across the ABOUT YOU group, working with the latest technologies and tools to support our 40+ Tech Teams. Who you are At least 1 year of professional experience e.g. project management or process implementationYou show initiative, solution orientation, business value view and creativity when working on tasks and processesOrganizing is your strong suit, you always work in a very structured wayAn analytical and conscious way of thinking and approaching thingsFluent English (at least C2 level), written and spoken Nice to have Practical experience with agile/lean processes and methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (for example as Agile Coach / Scrum Master) is an advantageConsulting backgroundPractical experience with JIRA & Confluence or maybe even Admin knowledge in these toolsSkilled in change management like introducing processes and helping with organizational changes would be helpfulExperience in IT consultingAgile certification or practical experience in agile process implementationUniversity degree in Work / Business Psychology or similar studiesGerman language skillsBenefitsHybrid working Fresh fruit every day Sports courses Free access to code.talks Exclusive employee discounts Free drinks Language courses Laracast account for free Company parties Help in the relocation process Mobility subsidy State-of-the-art technology Central Location Flexible Working Hours Company pension Professional training Dog-friendly office Remote AY Academy Feedback Culture Job Bikes YOU ARE THE CORE OF ABOUT YOU.We take responsibility for creating an inclusive and exceptional environment where all genders, nationalities and ethnicities feel welcomed and accepted exactly as they are. We believe that a diverse workforce essentially contributes to the ABOUT YOU culture. In order to maintain talent and diversity, we emphasize the care for physical health, mental health and overall well-being. Our values and work ethics essentially contribute to our brand mission: empower acceptance and shape an inclusive, fair and circular fashion culture.We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents. :-)
IT Process Manager (m/f/d) - IT Business Development - onsite
ABOUT YOU, Hamburg
The IT Business Development Team mainly supports +40 Development Teams at ABOUT YOU Tech in structuring and optimizing their projects and processes. To achieve this they closely work with the top management and the Tech & Product Leads of the company. The team’s projects vary a lot e.g. external software selection and migrations, cost center planning topics, IT investment cases, cost saving, process implementation, and change projects.The Process Manager role helps support change management e.g. newly formed teams and other organizational changes. Assist with new process implementation and evaluation of processes. Moderates team workshops across the company e.g. retrospectives and workshops to improve cross-team processes. Do you enjoy the challenge of quickly getting to grips with a wide range of topics, processes, and people to provide them with optimum support? Do you want to work on solutions with a wide range of stakeholders and thus increase our speed? What you will do Work with a wide range of stakeholders e.g. with leads and their development teams from ABOUT YOU and SCAYLE and get insights into their way of working.Ensure continuous improvement within the teams e.g. moderating regular retrospectives to improve the status quoModerates team workshops across the company e.g. team buildings, workshops to improve cross-team processes, project lessons learned or workshops about agile/lean/kanban practices.Improving our tech organization e.g. by lean process optimization, increase automations, help with organizational change management.Be a problem-solver and change agent, finding efficient & pragmatic solutionsBecome a JIRA administrator who can be able to help and implement fast processes also for non-Tech TeamsGain invaluable insights into a wide array of teams and processes across the ABOUT YOU group, working with the latest technologies and tools to support our 40+ Tech Teams. Who you are At least 1 year of professional experience e.g. project management or process implementationYou show initiative, solution orientation, business value view and creativity when working on tasks and processesOrganizing is your strong suit, you always work in a very structured wayAn analytical and conscious way of thinking and approaching thingsFluent English (at least C2 level), written and spoken Nice to have Practical experience with agile/lean processes and methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (for example as Agile Coach / Scrum Master) is an advantageConsulting backgroundPractical experience with JIRA & Confluence or maybe even Admin knowledge in these toolsSkilled in change management like introducing processes and helping with organizational changes would be helpfulExperience in IT consultingAgile certification or practical experience in agile process implementationUniversity degree in Work / Business Psychology or similar studiesGerman language skillsBenefitsHybrid working Fresh fruit every day Sports courses Free access to code.talks Exclusive employee discounts Free drinks Language courses Laracast account for free Company parties Help in the relocation process Mobility subsidy State-of-the-art technology Central Location Flexible Working Hours Company pension Professional training Dog-friendly office Remote AY Academy Feedback Culture Job Bikes YOU ARE THE CORE OF ABOUT YOU.We take responsibility for creating an inclusive and exceptional environment where all genders, nationalities and ethnicities feel welcomed and accepted exactly as they are. We believe that a diverse workforce essentially contributes to the ABOUT YOU culture. In order to maintain talent and diversity, we emphasize the care for physical health, mental health and overall well-being. Our values and work ethics essentially contribute to our brand mission: empower acceptance and shape an inclusive, fair and circular fashion culture.We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents. :-)
Application Manager (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Frankfurt am Main
Sie sind verantwortlich für die ganzheitliche Betreuung und Optimierung mehrerer Applikationen innerhalb des UnternehmensDiese Applikationen managen Sie über den gesamten Applikationszyklus und verantworten die Sicherstellung der reibungslosen Funktionalität, Performance und Verfügbarkeit der AnwendungenDarüber hinaus kümmern Sie sich um die Implementierung von Lösungen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Anwendungsleistung und BenutzererfahrungSie arbeiten dabei aktiv zusammen mit Entwicklungsteams, um Anforderungen zu verstehen und technische Lösungen zu implementierenZudem gestalten Sie gemeinsam mit Ihrem Team die strategische Ausrichtung der Anwendungen und identifizieren verschiedene HandlungsmaßnahmenDie Erstellung und Pflege von technischen Dokumentationen, einschließlich Konfigurations- und Installationsanleitungen gehört ebenfalls in Ihr AufgabefeldSie verfügen über ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik/BWL oder eine vergleichbare QualifikationNachweisbare Erfahrung in der Verwaltung und Optimierung von UnternehmensanwendungenFundierte Kenntnisse in SQL und Datenbankmanagement sind erforderlichSie kennen sich im IT Servicemanagement aus (ITIL) sowie mit agilen Arbeitsmethoden (Scrum)Erfahrung mit der Integration und Betreuung verschiedener ApplikationenDarüber hinaus kennen Sie sich grundsätzlich in einer zusammenhängenden IT Infrastruktur ausSie bringen die Fähigkeit mit, komplexe technische Probleme zu analysieren und effektive Lösungen zu implementierenStarke Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und die Fähigkeit, mit verschiedenen Stakeholdern zu interagieren zeichnet Sie ausSelbständige, strukturierte Arbeitsweise und hohe ProblemlösungskompetenzFließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift runden Ihr Profil ab
IT Application Manager / IT System Administrator (m/f/d)
Goldschmidt Holding GmbH, Leipzig
BECOME PART OF OUR TEAM! Goldschmidt is an international group of companies and offers track-related products and services. Our expertise can be found in almost all rail networks worldwide. Every individual in the Goldschmidt team contributes to a sustainable and climate-neutral future every day. Look forward to your dream job in the rail industry. Future-oriented, crisis-proof and with long-term prospects. We are currently looking for a full-time or part-time position in Leipzig and occasionally Halle (Saale): IT APPLICATION ADMINISTRATOR/IT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR (M/F/D) YOUR TASKS Introduction, administration and further development of group-wide security features Maintaining the Microsoft 365 environment Administration and further development of the SharePoint environment On-site support for the Group company in Halle (Saale) as part of shared services (max. 20% of working time) User administration Define and enforce standards for end user workstations Troubleshooting, advising, supporting**** and supporting end users within the Goldschmidt Group Controlling external service providers OUR OFFER Motivated team in an attractive, crisis-proof and international environment Flexible working hours Workplace right in the heart of Leipzig Further training budget, specialist training courses Company and team events, e.g. company run, summer party Additional benefits, including subsidized job ticket, job bike or Egym Wellpass YOUR PROFILE Successfully completed training as an IT specialist or comparable training Professional experience in the relevant field Secure knowledge of the Microsoft SharePoint application system, Microsoft SQL Server and ideally Oracle Initial experience in the Microsoft Azure/Entra ID Cloud environment Independent and autonomous way of working Enjoy working in a team Very good German and good written and spoken English skills Are you looking for a challenge in an exciting, international environment and enjoy goal-oriented work in a dynamic team? Then apply for the Goldschmidt team, preferably by e-mail. Please let us know your possible starting date and your salary expectations. Applications from people with severe disabilities/equal opportunities are expressly welcome.
Application Manager*in (m/w/d) (Dokumenten-Management-System)
Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus
Die Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus–Senftenberg (BTU) ist eine junge aufstrebende Universität und die einzige Technische Universität des Landes Brandenburg. Mit mehr als 1.500 Beschäftigten ist die BTU einer der größten Arbeitgeber in der Lausitz und kann hier vor allem durch ihre Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie überzeugen. Im Informations-, Kommunikations- und Medienzentrum (IKMZ) ist im Bereich IT-Services in der Arbeitsgruppe Anwendungssysteme in Cottbus folgende Stelle zum 22.07.2024 zu besetzen: Application Manager*in (m/w/d) (Dokumenten-Management-System) befristet für die Dauer von 2 Jahren, Vollzeit, E 11 TV-L Kennziffer: 105/24Die Stellenausschreibung ist ausschließlich an Bewerber*innen gerichtet, die noch nicht im öffentlichen Dienst des Landes Brandenburg beschäftigt waren.Die Arbeitsgruppe Anwendungssysteme betreibt für Mitarbeitende und Studierende der BTU zentrale IT-Systeme zur Unterstützung von Lehre, Forschung und Verwaltung, u. a. das Campusmanagementsystem (Verwaltung von Immatrikulationsprozessen, Studierenden, Prüfungsergebnissen u. ä.), Systeme für das Personalmanagement oder für die Verwaltung von Finanzen, ein zentrales Dokumentenmanagementsystem sowie das Bibliothekssystem.Das sind Ihre Aufgaben:Sie administrieren IT-Systeme der Hochschule (z.B. das zentrale Dokumenten­management­system).Sie arbeiten an der Integration der betreuten IT-Systeme in die System-Landschaft der Hochschule und entwickeln diese Integration fortlaufend weiter.Sie arbeiten zusammen mit den Nutzern der IT-Systeme an der Konzeption, Umsetzung, Optimierung und Weiterentwicklung von IT-gestützten Prozessen.Das bringen Sie mit:erfolgreich abgeschlossenes einschlägiges Hochschulstudium (Bachelor / FH-Diplom / gleichwertig) im Bereich der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder vergleichbarBeherrschung von Datenbank-Software inklusive SQL und relationalen Datenmodellenanalytisch-konzeptionelles Denken, Abstraktions- und Strukturierungsfähigkeitensichere Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftEnglischkenntnisseVon Vorteil wärenKenntnisse aktueller Web-Technologien (z.B. JEE, JavaScript, Angular, Web-Services)Erfahrungen in der administrativen Betreuung von produktiven Software-SystemenErfahrungen mit unterstützenden Tools (u. a. Versionsverwaltung, IDE) Für weitere Informationen über die zu besetzende Stelle steht Ihnen Herr Dr. Alek Opitz (E-Mail: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) , Tel.: +49 (0)355 69-5026) gern zur Verfügung. Das bieten wir Ihnen:Wir bieten Ihnen eine Beschäftigung nach dem Tarifvertrag der Länder. Unsere Mitarbeiter*innen profitieren von flexiblen Arbeitszeiten, Erholungsurlaub nach TV-L, verschiedenen internen und externen Weiterbildungsangeboten sowie einem aktiven Gesundheitsmanagement.Werden Sie ein Teil der BTU-Familie. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung und bieten Ihnen abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben mit hohem Entwicklungs- und Gestaltungspotenzial.Die BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg engagiert sich für Chancengleichheit und Diversität und strebt in allen Beschäftigtengruppen eine ausgewogene Geschlechterrelation an. Personen mit einer Schwerbehinderung sowie diesen Gleichgestellte werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig berücksichtigt.Auf die Vorlage von Bewerbungsfotos wird verzichtet. Bitte beachten Sie die näheren Hinweise zum Auswahlverfahren (https://www-docs.b-tu.de/verwaltung/public/stellen/Hinweise_zum_Auswahlverfahren.pdf) auf der Internetseite der BTU Cottbus–Senftenberg. Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen im PDF-Format richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer ausschließlich per E-Mail bis zum 25.06.2024 an die Leiterin des Informations-, Kommunikations- und Medienzentrums, Frau Dr. Claudia Börner, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, E-Mail: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .
Application Manager (f/m/d) in IT and ERP operations
N.O.C Engineering GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen
Image text / employer presentation Since 1995, N.O.C Engineering GmbH has stood for qualified engineering services in the fields of development, design, documentation, project and quality management, technical assistance as well as software and hardware development and test & experimentation. In a network covering the whole of Baden-Wu00fcrttemberg, we are close to our customers and offer our employees exciting projects at Germany's leading companies. More than 200 projects per year - across all sectors; from the automotive industry to medical technology. From mechanical engineering to automation technology - and more than 2000 well-known customers speak for themselves. Application Manager (f/m/d) in IT and ERP operations Job ID: 760 Location: Villingen-Schwenningen Employment type(s): Full-time Working hours: 35 - 40 hours per week Tasks, competencies and responsibilities In-depth knowledge of the processes in a manufacturing company (preferably automotive series production), particularly in the areas of materials management, logistics, production planning and control Experience in the administration of ERP systems (preferably ISSOS) Practice in dealing with relational databases (SQL server) Confident and empathetic interaction with end users in order to implement their needs and requirements sensibly but with a view to holistic processes in the ERP system Knowledge of the EDI connection of customers Technical requirements Completed training or studies in the field of information technology or comparable qualification Structured, user-oriented, solution- and service-oriented way of working Practical experience in operating commercial systems and database evaluations / reporting Sound knowledge of ERP-supported production processes and logistics Ability to instruct and support operational users Employer benefits / company offer Up to 30 days vacation Collectively agreed pay with automatic wage increase Company car and home office possible Permanent employment contract Employer-financed pension scheme and work account regulation Training, education and further training Good career and promotion opportunities Regular feedback meetings with your line manager Employee events Contact details for job advertisement Dipl. Ing. (FH) Patrick Gu00fcnter Company management We look forward to receiving your application at: [email protected] N.O.C Engineering GmbH Max-Planck-Strasse 11 78052 Villingen-Schwenningen Phone: 07721 40 609-11 Fax: 07721 40 609-29 Head office: 07721 40 60 9-0 Homepage: http://www.noc-engineering.de Department(s): Hardware development, IT, Software development Type(s) of personnel requirement: New appointment Collective agreement: BAP/DGB Pay grade: EG9+