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Junior Area Sales Manager (m/w/d)
Glatt Group, Binzen
Junior Area Sales Manager (m/w/d) Glatt Process Technology Pharma ist der starke Partner der Pharmaindustrie. Für unsere Kunden entwickeln und produzieren wir individuelle Anlagen zur Herstellung fester pharmazeutischer Produkte, wie Tabletten und Kapseln. Unser Portfolio umfasst die integrierte Prozesslösung vom Engineering bis zur Manufaktur. Ob maßgeschneiderte Einzelanlage oder ganze Herstelllinien im Batch-, kontinuierlichen oder hybriden Einsatzbereich: Glatt bietet pharmazeutische Lösungen vom Labor- bis zum Produktionsmaßstab an. Für unseren Hauptsitz in Binzen suchen wir zur Verstärkung unserer Abteilung „Sales & Service“ einen Junior Area Sales Manager (m/w/d) Ihr Aufgabengebiet: Sie werden nach einer intensiven Einarbeitungsphase für Ihre eigene Verkaufsregion verantwortlich sein. Neben intensiven Schulungen zu unseren Technologien werden Sie während Ihrer Einarbeitungsphase auch diverse Abteilungen durchlaufen: Das Innovationszentrum bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit unsere Anlagen näher kennenzulernen und an diesen auch Versuche durchzuführen. In unserer Abteilung Projektmanagement erhalten Sie einen tiefen Einblick in die unterschiedlichen Phasen des Projektmanagements und arbeiten bereits gemeinsam mit unseren Profis. Die Angebotserstellung und die Projektabwicklung für unsere Umbauten werden Ihnen in unserer Abteilung Retrofits nähergebracht. Ihr Netzwerk innerhalb der Glatt Gruppe bauen Sie sich durch die Besuche an nationalen und internationalen Standorten auf. Ihr Bewerberprofil: Sie haben Ihr Studium in der Verfahrenstechnik oder Ingenieurswesen erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Sie haben Lust auf einen Karriereeinstieg im Vertrieb. Sie verfügen über sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, weitere Sprachen sind von Vorteil. Sie haben gute MS Office Kenntnisse und können sich schnell in neue Programme einarbeiten. Sie sind aufgeschlossen, kommunikativ und überzeugen durch Ihr sicheres Auftreten. Unsere Benefits: Eine verantwortungsvolle und interessante Tätigkeit mit einer langfristigen Perspektive Einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz in einem renommierten, global agierenden und stetig wachsenden Familienunternehmen Eine Unternehmenskultur, die den einzelnen Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellt Sowie selbstverständlich: ein attraktives Gehaltspaket inkl. Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld, Treueprämie, flexible und familienfreundliche Arbeitszeiten, ein persönliches Zeitwertkonto, diverse freiwillige betriebliche Sozialleistungen, ein Betriebsrestaurant mit frischer und regionaler Küche, einen modern und ergonomisch gestalteten Arbeitsplatz und ein Team, das sich auf Sie freut Standort Glatt Group, Binzen
Werkschutzfachkraft (m/w/d) Tagdienst
1072 Evonik Operations GmbH_28, Rheinfelden
Was wir bieten Entdecken Sie mit uns eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten. Blicken Sie mit uns nach vorne und gestalten Sie innovative Lösungen mit, um unsere Welt nachhaltiger und das Leben gesünder, lebendiger und komfortabler zu machen. Bei Evonik haben Sie die Chance, sich gemeinsam mit mehr als 33.000 Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu entwickeln und zu wachsen. Neben attraktiven Karrierewegen und hochwertigen Entwicklungsprogrammen bieten wir eine leistungsorientierte Vergütung, Maßnahmen zur Gesundheitsförderung sowie hybride und flexible Arbeitsmodelle mit #SmartWork. Bringen Sie sich ein, entwickeln Sie Ihre Stärken weiter, gehen Sie neue Wege und finden Sie bei uns einen Job, der zu Ihnen passt. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über Evonik direkt von unseren Mitarbeitern: https://careers.evonik.com/de/ueber-uns/das-sind-wir/ Verantwortlichkeiten Durchführung der Empfangsdienste für Besucher, Fremdfirmen und Lieferanten Kontrolle von Personen und Fahrzeugen Erfassung und Erteilung von Zugangsberechtigungen für Betriebsfremde Einleitung von Maßnahmen bei Not- oder Gefahrensituationen sowie bei Schadensereignissen Verwiegung und Abfertigung von LKWs Wach- und Streifengänge, sowie Kontrolle von Gebäuden und Anlagen Anforderungen Abgeschlossene Sachkundeprüfung gemäß §34a GewO, geprüfte Schutz- und Sicherheitskraft wünschenswert Erste Berufserfahrung im Sicherheitsbereich Erfahrung im Umgang mit Microsoft Office Gute deutsche und englische Sprachkenntnisse Selbstständige Arbeitsweise und ausgeprägte Teamfähigkeit Hohe Service- und Dienstleistungsorientierung in Verbindung mit einem sicheren Auftreten Your Application To ensure that your application is proceeded as quickly as possible and to protect the environment, please apply online via our careers portal. Further information about Evonik as Employer can be found at https://careers.evonik.com. Please address your application to the Talent Acquisition Manager, stating your earliest possible starting date and your salary expectations. Your Talent Acquisition Manager: Patrick Peters Company is Evonik Operations GmbH This is your opportunity to join a thriving global organization that combines cutting-edge science, technology and engineering with world-class business services to create solutions that answer real-world problems. If you join us, we’ll expect you to take ownership of your work, team up with other great minds, and add your name to creations that make a positive difference for generations. As one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals operating in more than 100 countries with over 32,000 employees, we need your diversity of thought to make us better. In return for your passion, initiative and creativity, you’ll enjoy opportunities to improve and to be respected for your contribution. Click here to learn more about Evonik from our employees.Über das Unternehmen:1072 Evonik Operations GmbH_28
GRENKE UK, Baden-Baden
WAS WIR TUN UND WIE WIR ARBEITEN Die GRENKE AG ist mit rund 2.100 Mitarbeiter:innen in mehr als 30 Ländern „Möglichmacher“ für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen. Wir schaffen schnelle und einfache Finanzierungslösungen, die unseren Kunden helfen, ihre Geschäftsideen in die Tat umzusetzen. Denn wir sind überzeugt davon, die Geschäftswelt bietet viele Chancen, wenn man den Mut hat diese umzusetzen. Und so agieren auch wir, im Umgang mit unseren Kunden aber auch in unseren starken Teams: Mit Persönlichkeit, unternehmerischem Denken, selbstbestimmt, gesundem Pragmatismus aber auch der nötigen Entschlossenheit. Das ist Teil unserer Unternehmenskultur – und die Möglichkeit beruflich und persönlich zu wachsen. WAS SIE ERWARTET // Neu- und Weiterentwicklung von Softwaresystemen in crossfunktionalen Teams, ansässig in einem festen Fachteam // Erarbeitung von Konzepten und Modellen auf Basis von Anforderungen in verschiedenen Projekten // Austausch mit unseren (internationalen) internen Kunden im Bereich Leasing // Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Product Managern, Project Managern und Software Architects // Mitwirkung an fortlaufenden Weiterentwicklungen projektübergreifender Modelle sowie deren Methoden, Standards und Werkzeuge // Aktive Mitarbeit an der Planung, Umsetzung und Dokumentation von Projekten im IT-Umfeld WAS SIE MITBRINGEN // Wünschenswert wäre ein abgeschlossenes Studium mit Schwerpunkt Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Software Engineering oder einer vergleichbaren Ausbildung // Erfahrung mit und Affinität zur Kommunikation mit verschiedenen Stakeholder-Gruppen im Unternehmen // Leidenschaft, komplexe Sachverhalte und moderne technische Lösungen zu analysieren und erfolgreich in einen kundenzentrierten Prozess zu überführen // Die Fähigkeit, als Vordenker*in bestehende Prozesse zu hinterfragen und im Sinne des Geschäftsmodells und des Kunden weiterzuentwickeln // Einsatzbereitschaft und Teamgeist sowie eine stark ausgeprägte Entscheidungsfreude und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise WAS WIR BIETEN // Ein vielfältiges Angebot an Fort- und Weiterbildungen, u.a. in Form von LinkedIn Learning // Unternehmensweites Networking durch unser Buddy-Programm und Explore Breaks // Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung und Möglichkeit zu Remote Work // 30 Urlaubstage im Jahr sowie 24.12 und 31.12. frei // Ein vielseitiges Angebot an Gesundheits- und Sportaktivitäten inklusive Arbeitgeberzuschuss sowie die Möglichkeit zum Bike-Leasing // Zuschuss zum Mittagessen in unserer Kantine sowie kostenlose Getränke wie Wasser, Tee und Kaffee // Einen attraktiven Standort mit unkomplizierter Verkehrsanbindung und kostenlosen Parkplätzen Standort GRENKE UK, Baden-Baden
Group Product Marketing Manager - ATE Business Group + Marketing/Business Manager - Advantest CTO Team (m/f/d)
Advantest Europe GmbH, Böblingen
Advantest - We enable tomorrowʻs technology.IoT, 5G and Artificial Intelligence. Unthinkable without us. More than half of all the microchips produced worldwide first pass through our hands. As the global market leader of automated test systems in the semiconductor industry we help the world to realize the digital transformation, enable our customers to shape the future and offer you the exciting jobs intended for pioneers. Are you seeking answers and opportunities for your future? At our site in Böblingen you will find both as Group Product Marketing Manager - ATE Business Group + Marketing/Business Manager - Advantest CTO Team (m/f/d)Your ResponsibilitiesIn this double role as the Group Product Marketing Manager for Automated Test Equipment (ATE) in the ATE Business Group and the Marketing/Business Manager within the Advantest CTO Team, the to be hired person will report to the ATE Business Group EVP who is also the Advantest CTO. He/she will play a pivotal role in defining the overall marketing strategy, product positioning and business development for our cutting-edge solutions. His/her leadership and strategic guidance will be instrumental in driving the success of the ATE Business Group. He/she will also manage the «applied» technology life cycle as the Marketing/Business Manager within the Advantest CTO Team.Job Description:1. Market Strategy and Planning:Support the development and implementation of a comprehensive product marketing strategy for ATE solutions in the semiconductor test industry.Participate in market analysis, competitive research and customer insights to identify opportunities and challenges.Establish and maintain an «executive network» to key partners and customers.2. Product Portfolio Management:Work closely with BU Product Marketing, R&D and Engineering teams to define the product roadmap and help to prioritize feature enhancements.Ensure the product portfolio aligns with Advantest's vision and meets evolving customer needs.3. Product Positioning and Messaging:Support the creation and communication of compelling product positioning and messaging to effectively target key customer segments.4. Reporting and Analysis:Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies and tactics.Continuously monitor and analyze market trends, sales data and customer feedback to inform decision-making.5. Manage the «applied» technology life cycleManage the «technology development lifecycle» x-functionally as part of the CTO team together with R&D, customers and key industry experts.Your QualificationsMaster degree or University degree or equivalent in Marketing, Business, Engineering or a related field;MBA is a plusProven experience (10+ years) in product marketing and/or management in the semiconductor test industry, particularly in Automated Test EquipmentDeep understanding of the semiconductor test market, including trends, technologies and key playersExceptional leadership and interpersonal skills, with a track record of successfully managing cross-functional teamsAbility to facilitate and understand highly technical discussions with experts and developers and drive cross functional teams to the best solutionsAbility and experience for growing an emerging businessAbility to run a «business» in the mid...long-termSeniority to deal with executive management while technical depth for working with R&DGood English communications skills (listening, written and spoken)Strong communication and presentation abilitiesProficiency in market research, data analysis and strategic thinking.Ability to translate market insights into actionable marketing plansWorking in an international environment, intercultural understandingSelf-motivated individual with desire to learn, can-do attitude, self-drivenAbility to travel as neededRequirements (want):Experience in design / bring-up of semiconductorExperience with agile development (i.e. Scrum and SAFe)Experience in regulated environments and processesGerman language skillsOur offerFlexibilityBenefitsDevelopmentFitnessSecurityFlexible and trust-based working hours, 30 vacation days + option for additional vacation days, mobile working, individual part-time models and programs for extended periods of absenceAttractive salary, share in Advantest ́s success through our exceptionally appealing bonus program as well as numerous subsidies, discounts and offerings (e.g. bike leasing)Structured onboarding programs and mentoring, development discussions, technical and soft skill trainings, language courses and knowledge sessionsErgonomic working environment, sports and fitness options and events (e.g. Global Challenge) as well as health daysAttractive company pension scheme, comprehensive insurance coverage and support in emergency situationsTake your next career step with us! Apply now, preferably via our online application tool. If you have any questions, Kathrin Hinz will be happy to answer them at +49 (0) 7031.204.8392For further information visit: www.advantest-career.deApply nowWould you like to know more about jobs at Advantest and about our unique team spirit? Our employees offer you their personal insights into our working environment.Would you like to take a closer look how our working environment looks like? Here you can take a short virtual 360° tour of our company - click the link to get to know us better. Böblingen Amerang Standort Advantest Europe GmbH, Böblingen
Group Product Marketing Manager - ATE Business Group + Marketing/Business Manager - Advantest CTO Team (m/f/d)
Advantest Europe GmbH, Sindelfingen
Advantest - We enable tomorrowʻs technology.IoT, 5G and Artificial Intelligence. Unthinkable without us. More than half of all the microchips produced worldwide first pass through our hands. As the global market leader of automated test systems in the semiconductor industry we help the world to realize the digital transformation, enable our customers to shape the future and offer you the exciting jobs intended for pioneers. Are you seeking answers and opportunities for your future? At our site in Böblingen you will find both as Group Product Marketing Manager - ATE Business Group + Marketing/Business Manager - Advantest CTO Team (m/f/d)Your ResponsibilitiesIn this double role as the Group Product Marketing Manager for Automated Test Equipment (ATE) in the ATE Business Group and the Marketing/Business Manager within the Advantest CTO Team, the to be hired person will report to the ATE Business Group EVP who is also the Advantest CTO. He/she will play a pivotal role in defining the overall marketing strategy, product positioning and business development for our cutting-edge solutions. His/her leadership and strategic guidance will be instrumental in driving the success of the ATE Business Group. He/she will also manage the «applied» technology life cycle as the Marketing/Business Manager within the Advantest CTO Team.Job Description:1. Market Strategy and Planning:Support the development and implementation of a comprehensive product marketing strategy for ATE solutions in the semiconductor test industry.Participate in market analysis, competitive research and customer insights to identify opportunities and challenges.Establish and maintain an «executive network» to key partners and customers.2. Product Portfolio Management:Work closely with BU Product Marketing, R&D and Engineering teams to define the product roadmap and help to prioritize feature enhancements.Ensure the product portfolio aligns with Advantest's vision and meets evolving customer needs.3. Product Positioning and Messaging:Support the creation and communication of compelling product positioning and messaging to effectively target key customer segments.4. Reporting and Analysis:Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies and tactics.Continuously monitor and analyze market trends, sales data and customer feedback to inform decision-making.5. Manage the «applied» technology life cycleManage the «technology development lifecycle» x-functionally as part of the CTO team together with R&D, customers and key industry experts.Your QualificationsMaster degree or University degree or equivalent in Marketing, Business, Engineering or a related field;MBA is a plusProven experience (10+ years) in product marketing and/or management in the semiconductor test industry, particularly in Automated Test EquipmentDeep understanding of the semiconductor test market, including trends, technologies and key playersExceptional leadership and interpersonal skills, with a track record of successfully managing cross-functional teamsAbility to facilitate and understand highly technical discussions with experts and developers and drive cross functional teams to the best solutionsAbility and experience for growing an emerging businessAbility to run a «business» in the mid...long-termSeniority to deal with executive management while technical depth for working with R&DGood English communications skills (listening, written and spoken)Strong communication and presentation abilitiesProficiency in market research, data analysis and strategic thinking.Ability to translate market insights into actionable marketing plansWorking in an international environment, intercultural understandingSelf-motivated individual with desire to learn, can-do attitude, self-drivenAbility to travel as neededRequirements (want):Experience in design / bring-up of semiconductorExperience with agile development (i.e. Scrum and SAFe)Experience in regulated environments and processesGerman language skillsOur offerFlexibilityBenefitsDevelopmentFitnessSecurityFlexible and trust-based working hours, 30 vacation days + option for additional vacation days, mobile working, individual part-time models and programs for extended periods of absenceAttractive salary, share in Advantest´s success through our exceptionally appealing bonus program as well as numerous subsidies, discounts and offerings (e.g. bike leasing)Structured onboarding programs and mentoring, development discussions, technical and soft skill trainings, language courses and knowledge sessionsErgonomic working environment, sports and fitness options and events (e.g. Global Challenge) as well as health daysAttractive company pension scheme, comprehensive insurance coverage and support in emergency situationsTake your next career step with us! Apply now, preferably via our online application tool. If you have any questions, Kathrin Hinz will be happy to answer them at +49 (0) 7031.204.8392For further information visit: www.advantest-career.deApply nowWould you like to know more about jobs at Advantest and about our unique team spirit? Our employees offer you their personal insights into our working environment.Would you like to take a closer look how our working environment looks like? Here you can take a short virtual 360° tour of our company - click the link to get to know us better. Böblingen Amerang Standort Advantest Europe GmbH, Sindelfingen
Associate Client Engagement Manager
Microchip Technology, Karlsruhe
Are you looking for a unique opportunity to be a part of something great? Want to join a 20,000-member team that works on the technology that powers the world around us? Looking for an atmosphere of trust, empowerment, respect, diversity, and communication? How about an opportunity to own a piece of a multi-billion dollar (with a B!) global organization? We offer all that and more at Microchip Technology, Inc. People come to work at Microchip because we help design the technology that runs the world. They stay because our culture supports their growth and stability. They are challenged and driven by an incredible array of products and solutions with unlimited career potential. Microchip’s nationally-recognized Leadership Passage Programs support career growth where we proudly enroll over a thousand people annually. We take pride in our commitment to employee development, values-based decision making, and strong sense of community, driven by our ; we affectionately refer to it as the and it’s won us countless awards for diversity and workplace excellence. Our company is built by dedicated team players who love to challenge the status quo; we did not achieve record revenue and over without a great team dedicated to empowering innovation. People like you. Visit our page to see what exciting opportunities and company await! Job Description: Are you a self-starter? Do you think different? At Microchip Technology, our values system empowers our employees to develop and thrive in a supportive, collaborative, professional, global, and rewarding working environment. We embrace change and continuous improvement, driving both to the mutual benefit of ourselves and our clients. We are looking for like-minded people who can share our passion for success. As an Associate Client Engagement Manager , you will start your journey at Microchip Technology to become a sales professional in one of the Best Companies to Sell For . Utilize Microchip’s Client Engagement Process to drive design wins to revenue at select target clients. Use insight and consultative selling techniques to teach customers about their industry and offer unique perspectives on their business, which link back to Microchip‘s solutions. Drive the company business relationship with the assigned clients. Identify the key client stakeholders and coach those stakeholders to build consensus for Microchip’s solutions within their organization. Contribute and participate within a global team environment, to successfully develop and implement sales strategies across client’s divisions and geographical locations. Communicate effectively with Microchip product divisions providing quantifiable feedback and ROI for their investments in clients. Take control MCHP resources for PRE and POST sales. (i.e. FAE/BU for promotion, hands-on training, seminar. FQE for QA issues. MCHP Management for build relationship with customer.) Continue to share success wins with valuable insights to help the global sales team to increase knowledge for driving new opportunities and new wins. Work closely with Engineers and the C-level contacts of our top clients and lead them on the most innovative solutions in Megatrends like IoT, AI & Machine Learning, Datacenter, ADAS, 5G or E-Mobility. Requirements/Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in a business or engineering (semiconductor) discipline with a strong academic track record Work experience in Semiconductor / electronic components environment is welcome. Technical understanding of a market specific segment like process-, energy- or automation technology or similar. Competencies: Strategic/Critical Thinking—Systematically solves problems and hypothesizes possible client pain points, expectations, and implicit needs; brainstorms with team members to devise solutions to solve complex client challenges. Out of the box thinking – come up with alternative solutions. Communication—Tailors communication to the client’s needs with authority; effectively delivers presentations and has strong verbal and written communication skills. Interpersonal Influence—Uses rational and emotional drivers that would appeal to clients to comfortably drive conversations to elements of value for both parties. Networking—Identifies the right client stakeholders and builds connections quickly to drive consensus for design wins; works cooperatively with a wide range of internal stakeholders for success. Ownership—Goes out of his or her way to complete a task and has relentless drive to achieve results; is independent and self-directed and takes initiative. Workflow Management—Sets clear, realistic, and time-bound objectives that align to business growth; breaks each objective into tasks and process steps that can be achieved within a realistic timeframe. Challenge – Identifying, analyzing, and improving upon existing business processes within an organization for optimization and to enhance efficiency; Constantly trying to find new ways for better outcome. Driver License: B / BE Business fluent language skills in German and English Travel Time: 0% - 25% Standort Microchip Technology, Karlsruhe
Product Marketing Manager (m/f/d)
Advantest Europe GmbH, Magstadt
Advantest - We enable tomorrowʻs technology.IoT, 5G and Artificial Intelligence. Unthinkable without us. More than half of all the microchips produced worldwide first pass through our hands. As the global market leader of automated test systems in the semiconductor industry we help the world to realize the digital transformation, enable our customers to shape the future and offer you the exciting jobs intended for pioneers. Are you seeking answers and opportunities for your future? At our site in Böblingen you will find both as Product Marketing Manager (m/f/d)Your ResponsibilitiesIf you ever wanted to be directly involved in shaping future products and solutions for the semiconductor industry, this is your opportunity! We are looking for a Product Marketing Manager who will contribute to the success of the V93000 Automated Test Equipment (ATE).The Product Marketing Manager ensures that new test solutions address upcoming application and semiconductor technology trends and owns their market introduction and roll-out strategy.As Product Marketing Manager, you will:Contribute to the strategic business and product planning for the V93000 platformOwn the definition of competitively differentiated solutions (HW, SW, 3rd party components) by consolidating customer requirements, observing market trends, and translating both in superior product definitionsManage the «4 Ps of Marketing» (product, pricing, position, and promotion)Generate compelling presentations for pre-sales activities, trade shows and technical reviews with customersSupport our field teams to provide the right technical, commercial, and strategic solution to our customersConsult senior marketing and management on market trends and customer test strategiesYou are working closely with our worldwide customers, sales and business development teams, application experts, R&D, Business Leaders, and V93000 Business Unit management.Your QualificationsUniversity degree in Electrical Engineering (or equivalent)Profound understanding of electronic solutions (Hardware/Software), semiconductor applications and IC technologyWillingness to learn marketing & business aspects of an international companyAttitude to win - oftentimes requiring hands on problem solvingStructured approach to problem analysis and problem solvingExperience in test and measurement, ideally knowledge about semiconductor test development, test methodologies, and test trendsExcellent interpersonal skills and ability to create cross-functional alignment with key stakeholdersSolid communication and presentation/customer facing skills. Ability to discuss technical and business solutions directly with industry leaders.Fluent English skills combined with an interest in travel (approx. 15%) to maintain relationship with customers and other Advantest sites in Asia, U.S. and Europe.This is a plus:Experience in Marketing / Product Management / Pre-sales (or equivalent experience)Understanding of power, analog and mixed signal ICsExperience with semiconductor test development, methodologies, and trendsLeadership in cross functional teamsFluent German language skillsOur offerFlexibilityBenefitsDevelopmentFitnessSecurityFlexible and trust-based working hours, 30 vacation days + option for additional vacation days, mobile working, individual part-time models and programs for extended periods of absenceAttractive salary, share in Advantest´s success through our exceptionally appealing bonus program as well as numerous subsidies, discounts and offerings (e.g. bike leasing)Structured onboarding programs and mentoring, development discussions, technical and soft skill trainings, language courses and knowledge sessionsErgonomic working environment, sports and fitness options and events (e.g. Global Challenge) as well as health daysAttractive company pension scheme, comprehensive insurance coverage and support in emergency situationsTake your next career step with us! Apply now, preferably via our online application tool. If you have any questions, Alena Nicolai will be happy to answer them at +49 (0) 7031.204.8380For further information visit: www.advantest-career.deApply nowWould you like to know more about jobs at Advantest and about our unique team spirit? Our employees offer you their personal insights into our working environment.Would you like to take a closer look how our working environment looks like? Here you can take a short virtual 360° tour of our company - click the link to get to know us better. Böblingen Amerang Standort Advantest Europe GmbH, Magstadt
Sales Manager Aerospace (m/f/d)
Woodward German Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
Woodward is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control solutions for the aerospace and industrial markets. The company's innovative fluid, combustion, electrical and motion control systems help our customers provide cleaner, more reliable and more efficient equipment.Primary Location Germany-Baden-Wuerttemberg-Stuttgart (Handwerkstrasse)Sales Manager Aerospace (m/f/d)Woodward is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control solutions for the aerospace and industrial markets. The company's innovative fluid, combustion, electrical and motion control systems help our customers provide cleaner, more reliable and more efficient equipment.Your tasksIdentify and develop new strategic business opportunities with existing and new customersCompose and execute opportunity win-strategyResponsible for the development of complex multi-year account plans (Gold Sheet)Identify and maintain strategic relationships inside and outside of the accountsProvide input regarding customer needs to the demand forecasting processAccountable for forecasting revenue for profit plan and shortfalls to revenue forecastLead cross-functional teams through development and approval of proposals, including presentations to customerDevelop negotiation strategy for initial and renewal contracts & agreementsEstablish proposal pricing strategies and cost targetsYour Profile:Bachelor or master's degree in business administration/engineering or a comparable degreeSolid experience in sales for international projects preferably in an aerospace environmentSkilled in international business practicesGood financial knowledge and understanding of technical aspectsHigh degree of initiative and responsibility and the ability to work in a professional and independent mannerFlexibility and willingness to travel worldwide and quickly integrate into a dynamic multinational teamFluent in English and GermanBenefits:Flexible working hours, extensive further training program, employee discounts, home office, Mercedes-Benz leasing discounts, job bike, company doctorKontakt:Apply OnlineFind out what moves us and apply at E-Mail anzeigen .Your contact person: Stefan Müller, Telefon: 07443 / 249 - 303 , E-Mail: E-Mail anzeigenWoodward German Holding GmbH & Co. KGHandwerkstraße 29 70565 Stuttgart Standort Woodward German Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
Sales Manager Aerospace (m/f/d)
Woodward German Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Ludwigsburg
Woodward is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control solutions for the aerospace and industrial markets. The company's innovative fluid, combustion, electrical and motion control systems help our customers provide cleaner, more reliable and more efficient equipment.Primary Location Germany-Baden-Wuerttemberg-Stuttgart (Handwerkstrasse)Sales Manager Aerospace (m/f/d)Woodward is an independent designer, manufacturer and service provider of control solutions for the aerospace and industrial markets. The company's innovative fluid, combustion, electrical and motion control systems help our customers provide cleaner, more reliable and more efficient equipment.Your tasksIdentify and develop new strategic business opportunities with existing and new customersCompose and execute opportunity win-strategyResponsible for the development of complex multi-year account plans (Gold Sheet)Identify and maintain strategic relationships inside and outside of the accountsProvide input regarding customer needs to the demand forecasting processAccountable for forecasting revenue for profit plan and shortfalls to revenue forecastLead cross-functional teams through development and approval of proposals, including presentations to customerDevelop negotiation strategy for initial and renewal contracts & agreementsEstablish proposal pricing strategies and cost targetsYour Profile:Bachelor or master's degree in business administration/engineering or a comparable degreeSolid experience in sales for international projects preferably in an aerospace environmentSkilled in international business practicesGood financial knowledge and understanding of technical aspectsHigh degree of initiative and responsibility and the ability to work in a professional and independent mannerFlexibility and willingness to travel worldwide and quickly integrate into a dynamic multinational teamFluent in English and GermanBenefits:Flexible working hours, extensive further training program, employee discounts, home office, Mercedes-Benz leasing discounts, job bike, company doctorKontakt:Apply Online Find out what moves us and apply at E-Mail anzeigen . Your contact person: Stefan Müller, Telefon: 07443 / 249 - 303 , E-Mail: E-Mail anzeigen German Holding GmbH & Co. KG Handwerkstraße 29 70565 Stuttgart Standort Woodward German Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Ludwigsburg
Health, Safety and Environmental Specialist & DGO (m/f/d)
NVision Imaging Technologies, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg
Your missionAs a Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Specialist (m/w/d) & DGO at NVision, you occupy a pivotal role within our Business Operations Team. Your expertise and dedication not only reinforce our commitment to the safety and well-being of our workforce but also bolster the very foundation upon which our organization thrives. By ensuring the meticulous implementation and thorough execution of all HSE-related matters and overseeing our DG operations, you play a central part in promoting a proactive safety culture, thereby aiding NVision in maintaining an exemplary standard of operational excellence. Your role transcends mere compliance; you are instrumental in shaping a resilient and sustainable work environment that aligns with our corporate values, driving our mission forward, and contributing significantly to the broader success and growth of our organization.Tasks:Craft and enforce HSE & DG protocols, ensuring they align with existing legislation.Validate adherence to all legal, regulatory, and customer specific mandates.Preparation of all required documentation such as risk assessments, operating instructions and checklistsOversee and execute the proper shipment of dangerous goods internationally and, ensuring safe and compliant transportationManage the safe and compliant disposal of hazardous waste, aligning with all relevant regulationsFoster a culture that encourages safe behaviors, minimizing workplace hazardsEquip team members with the skills to assess risks, pinpoint hazards, and enact the necessary preventive measuresOversee our annual safety programs and spearhead the safety onboarding process for new hiresAid in devising regular checks, gauging our alignment with health, safety, and environmental standardsStay abreast of emerging legislations and maintain expertise in current HSE laws affecting our industryAssist local teams in dealings with regulatory bodies and produce necessary safety performance or incident reportsServe as the primary liaison with our occupational health provider, facilitating the creation and monitoring of the yearly planAdvise staff on the selection of appropriate safety gear, including personal protective equipmentLead investigations into workplace incidents, identifying root causes and recommending corrective actionsDevelop and establish emergency response plansExecution of DG Trainings for our EmployeesYour profileDegree in engineering or natural sciences or technical trainingOccupational safety specialist in accordance with § 6 ASiG and DGUV regulation 2Training as a hazardous goods officer (Gefahrgutbeauftragter) with a valid training certificate from the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) for road transport (ADR) and possibly other modes of transport (e.g. IATA)QHSE-specific advanced training or interest in further trainingSeveral years of professional experience in the HSE & DG environmentComprehensive knowledge of the legal framework, standards and regulationsVery good knowledge of German and EnglishWhy us?Competitive compensationOnsite working model with home-office opportuntiesAmple opportunity for personal initiatives, openness to new ideas and room for considerable personal impactImpactful product promoting better understanding and treatment of diseaseInternational team, from over 15 different nationalitiesEnjoyable work atmosphere with an open-door and open communications mentalityIndefinite employment contract30 vacation dayscontact informationAny questions? Please contact:Emilija StojanovskaTalent Acquisition Managermail: ********************About usNVision is a quantum biotech startup based in Ulm, Germany, with Tier 1 investors from Silicon Valley, Europe, and Israel. We are just leaving stealth mode, moving from local R&D to global commercialization and expansion. We are developing a technology that will enable MRI-based imaging of real-time metabolism in the body, with tremendous potential for research and applications in oncology, cardiology, neurology and more. What we are building is complex and fascinating and has vast potential for impactful applications. Our company brings together expertise in physics, chemistry, engineering, and medicine and we are collaborating with KOL scientists and clinicians from top medical and research centers such as Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York, MD Anderson in Texas, Technical University of Munich, Cambridge University in the UK and more.We offer a dynamic international working environment, with immense room for growth, that encourages personal initiative and open communication.Über das Unternehmen:NVision Imaging Technologies
GER - Territory Sales Manager (M/W)
Metrologic Group, Uhingen, Baden-Württemberg
[English version below]Wer sind wir?Die Metrologic Group, ein Unternehmen der Sandvik-Gruppe, ist weltweit führend im Bereich der 3D-Mess- und Prüfsoftware und bietet Softwarelösungen mit Mehrwert, CMM-Hardware-Controller für die Messtechnikindustrie (insbesondere 3D-Mess- und Prüfsysteme mit Robotern, CMMs, Laser Trackern, tragbaren Scannern und Messarmen). Unser Team wächst schneller als je zuvor! Was schlagen wir vor?Art des Vertrags: UnbefristetAnfangsdatum: ASAP Die Position:Sie berichten direkt an den DACH Sales Director und sind für die Umsetzung der Zielvorgaben des Unternehmens verantwortlich.Sie sind verantwortlich für die Entwicklung des Umsatzes in dem Ihnen zugewiesenen Gebiet mit einem bestehenden Kundenstamm.Sie sind verantwortlich für die Identifizierung von potenziellen Neukunden, das Management von direkten und indirekten Verkäufen (OEM, Wiederverkäufer) sowie Pflege und Entwicklung unseres Bestandskundenstammes. Hauptaufgaben:Aufbau Ihres Kundenportfolios und Pflege des bestehenden Portfolios (50/50 hunting/farming)Analyse der Kundenbedürfnisse, Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Preisangeboten (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Anwendungsingenieur)Förderung des Images des Unternehmens und der Metrologic-Produkte auf den Ihnen anvertrauten Märkten durch Teilnahme an lokalen Veranstaltungen und MessenVerfolgung des Handelsgeschäfts, vom ersten Kontakt bis zur endgültigen Lieferung aller Produkte und Dienstleistungen der Metrologic GroupSicherstellung der Entwicklung wiederkehrender Umsätze (ARR)Sicherstellung der KundenzufriedenheitSicherstellung der kommerziellen Nachbereitung (Retroplanung, Berichterstattung, Kundenbeziehungen, ...)Austausch von Informationen mit der Vertriebsabteilung über die Entwicklung unseres Umfelds, unserer Märkte und der Ihnen anvertrauten Kunden. Für diese Aufgabe suchen wir jemanden mit folgenden Voraussetzungen:Eine Erstausbildung von 2 bis 5 Jahren mit einer Spezialisierung in Mechanik, Design, Robotik, Elektrotechnik oder einem technischen Hintergrund ist erforderlich.Erste nennenswerte Erfahrungen im Verkauf technischer Produkte in einem industriellen Umfeld wären von Vorteil.Eine ausgeprägte Verkaufsorientierung ist für den Erfolg in dieser Position erforderlich.Kommunikations- und Verhandlungsgeschick sind unerlässlich. Diese Position ist für Sie geeignet, wenn Sie in der Lage sind:Ihre Tätigkeit zu koordinieren.Sicherstellung des Informationsflusses innerhalb des Unternehmens.Verwendung von CRM (Sales Force oder andere)Kundenbesuche vor Ort beim Kunden durchzuführen (Führerschein Klasse B)Deutsch sprechen (Muttersprache oder fortgeschrittenes C1/C2-Niveau) für die Interaktion mit dem Team in Deutschland und unseren KundenEnglischkenntnisse auf professionellem Niveau (B2/C1) sind für die Interaktion innerhalb der Metrologic Group erforderlich.Wenn Sie jemand sind, der über die Erwartungen hinausgeht und dafür lebt, Probleme zu lösen, dann suchen wir Sie! Was wir Ihnen bieten:Ein sehr attraktives Paket / VergütungIT-Ausstattung + FirmentelefonFirmenwagenRemote- oder HybridarbeitIndividueller EinarbeitungsprozessVollständige Deckung der arbeitsbezogenen Ausgaben einschließlich Verpflegungspauschalen ...Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit dem untenstehenden Formular.Who are we?Metrologic Group, a Sandvik company global leader in 3D measurement and inspection software, providing added value software solutions , CMM hardware controllers for the metrology industry (specifically 3D measurement and inspection with robots, CMMs, laser trackers, portable scanners and portable arms). Our team is growing faster than ever! What do we propose?Type of contract : Permanent Starting date : ASAP The position:Reporting directly to the DACH Sales Manager you are in charge of implementing the company’s sales policy. You will be responsible for developing the revenue of the assigned territory from an existing clientele.As well as identifying prospects, new customers, managing both direct and indirect sales (OEM, resellers) as well as maintenance contract renewals. Major responsibilities:Develop your customer portfolio (50% hunting) and maintain the existing one (50% farming)Carry out the analysis of the customer’s needs, prepare and edit the price offers (in support of the application engineer)Promote the image of the company and Metrologic products on the markets entrusted to you, by participating to local events and trade showsFollow up the commercial business, from the first contact to the final delivery on all products and services of Metrologic GroupEnsure the follow-up of the turnover related to the annual maintenance on your territoryEnsure customer satisfactionEnsure the commercial follow-up (retro planning, reporting, customer relations,…)Share information with the Sales Department on the evolution of our environment, our markets and the accounts entrusted to you. To succeed in this role we are seeking someone with:An initial education of 2 to 5 years with a specialization in mechanics, design, robotics, electrical engineering, or a technical background is required. A first significant experience in sales of technical products in an industrial environment would be an asset. A strong sales orientation is necessary to succeed in this position. Communication and negotiation skills are mandatory. This position is for you if you are able to:Coordinate your activity.Ensure the circulation of information within the company.Use of CRM (Sales Force, or others)Drive a car (driving licence required)Speak German (native or advanced C1/C2 level) for interactions within the team in Germany and our clientsSpeak English at a professional level (B2/C1 level) is necessary for interactions within Metrologic GroupIf you are someone who goes beyond expectations and lives to solve problems, we are looking for you! What we're offering : Very attractive package / compensation.IT equipment + company phoneCompany carRemote or hybrid workCustomize on-boarding process.Full coverage of work-related expenses including daily allowance ...Please, send your application using the form below.Über das Unternehmen:Metrologic Group
Sales Manager - Europe - (Extrusion Blow Moulding Machinery)
Mackenzie Stuart, Stuttgart
Job Title: Sales Manager - Europe (Extrusion Blow Moulding Machinery)Location: Germany, France, or the UKCompany Overview: We are recruiting on behalf of a leading manufacturer of Extrusion Blow Moulding Machinery, serving both the Packaging and Industrial sectors. With a strong global presence, we are seeking a dynamic Sales Manager to drive growth and manage key accounts in Europe region.Role Overview: As the Sales Manager for Europe, you will be responsible for developing and executing strategic sales initiatives to drive revenue growth and market share within the Extrusion Blow Moulding Machinery sector. Your primary focus will be on key account management and business development activities within Germany, France, and other German-speaking countries, including Austria and Switzerland. Fluency in German or French is essential for effective communication with clients and partners.Key Responsibilities:Develop and implement sales strategies to achieve revenue targets and market penetration within the assigned territory.Identify and target key accounts within the Packaging and Industrial sectors, building and maintaining strong relationships with decision-makers and stakeholders.Conduct market research and analysis to identify opportunities for growth and expansion within the region.Collaborate with cross-functional teams including marketing, engineering, and customer service to ensure customer satisfaction and successful project implementation.Negotiate contracts and agreements with clients, ensuring favourable terms and conditions for both parties.Provide regular sales forecasts and reports to senior management, including updates on market trends, competitor activity, and customer feedback.Qualifications:Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Engineering, or related field; MBA preferred.Minimum of 3 years of experience in sales and business development, within the machinery manufacturing industry.Proven track record of achieving sales targets and driving business growth.Strong interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build rapport and trust with clients and colleagues.Fluency in German or French is required, along with proficiency in English.Ability to travel frequently within Europe as needed.This is an exciting opportunity for a motivated and ambitious sales professional to join a dynamic team and make a significant impact on our business growth in Europe. If you are passionate about sales and have a strong understanding of the Blow moulding machinery industry, we encourage you to apply.Due to the high number of applications, if you have not heard back within 14 days, please assume you have been unsuccessful. Standort Mackenzie Stuart, Stuttgart
Group Product Marketing Manager
Delve Search - Global Search Consultants, Stuttgart
Group Product Marketing ManagerAre you ready to lead in the dynamic world of semiconductor test equipment? This is an opportunity to join a global leader in test and measurement and play a crucial role in shaping the future of Automated Test Equipment (ATE). We are seeking a highly skilled and visionary professional to take on the role of Senior Product Marketing Manager.The Company: The company stands at the forefront of technology, collaborating with technical visionaries in emerging markets. As a Senior Product Marketing Manager, you will work with a team of motivated and self-reliant individuals, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to provide cutting-edge semiconductor test equipment.Position Overview:This position can be based in Baden-Württemberg or Munich. Hybrid flexibility is available, but you would be required to live within commutable distance of these areas.Key Responsibilities:Market Strategy and Planning:Develop and implement a comprehensive product marketing strategy for ATE solutions in the semiconductor test industry.Conduct market analysis and competitor research, and gather customer insights to identify opportunities and challenges.Establish and maintain an executive network with key partners and customers.Product Portfolio Management:Collaborate with BU Product Marketing, R&D, and Engineering teams to define the product roadmap and prioritize feature enhancements.Ensure the product portfolio aligns with the company vision and meets evolving customer needs.Product Positioning and Messaging:Support the creation and communication of compelling product positioning and messaging to effectively target key customer segments.Reporting and Analysis:Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies.Monitor and analyze market trends, sales data, and customer feedback for informed decision-making.Manage the "applied" technology life cycle:Oversee the technology development lifecycle cross-functionally as part of the CTO team.Your Profile:Master's or University degree in Marketing, Business, Engineering, or a related field; MBA is a plus.Proven experience in product marketing and/or management in the semiconductor test industry. This can be from an equipment supplier or end-user background.Deep understanding of the semiconductor test market, including trends, technologies, and key players.Ability to facilitate technical discussions, drive cross-functional teams, and grow an emerging business.Seniority to engage with executive management and technical depth for collaboration with R&D.Proficiency in English (listening, written, and spoken) with strong communication and presentation abilities.Ability to travel as needed.In return they offer:Usage of state-of-the-art technology.Teamwork in an international environment.Open business culture with flat hierarchies.Attractive compensation and bonus package.Extraordinary fringe benefits.Flexible working times in an international environment. Standort Delve Search - Global Search Consultants, Stuttgart
Key Account Manager DACH
Masterfoam Group, Stuttgart
Company DescriptionMasterfoam Group is a foam fabricator founded in 1964 that specializes in the conversion of foams, foils, and felts for the automotive and industrial sectors. With over 160 skilled employees and production facilities in the Netherlands, Romania, Mexico, and Spain, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality products and services to our customers. Our modern equipment and team of experts can manufacture almost any flexible material in various forms, and we have been certified to ISO standards 9001, 14001, and IATF 16 949 for our production plants. Join us and work with a passionate team dedicated to delivering value to our customers!Role DescriptionAs a Key Account Manager DACH, you will be responsible for managing and growing our existing accounts in the German-speaking regions of Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Your day-to-day tasks will include building and maintaining relationships with key customers, collaborating with internal teams to develop new business opportunities, preparing sales reports, and managing contracts and pricing negotiations. This is a full-time remote role that requires strong communication and organizational skills, along with a proven track record of successful sales and account management.QualificationsBachelor's or Master's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Engineering, or a related fieldProven experience as a (Key-) Account Manager in the automotive or industrial sectorExcellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build and maintain relationships with customers and internal teamsStrong analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skillsFluency in German and English, both spoken and writtenExperience with CRM software and MS Office Suite, with the ability to prepare and present sales reports and forecastsA customer-focused mindset with a commitment to delivering value and exceeding expectationsWillingness to travel to customer locations and attend trade shows and conferences as neededWe offer Permanent position with long-term job and career prospects in a growing and internationally operating company A wide range of tasks with a high degree of personal responsibility, a young and dynamic team and fast decision-making processes through flat hierarchiesPlenty of room for your professional development and the chance to take responsibility to achieve sustainable growth Attractive and partly performance-related compensation package Company vehicle, also for private use Please send your application documents in German or English by mail to E-Mail anzeigen MASTERFOAM GROUPMasterfoam GmbH Gutenbergstrasse 19 48268 Greven Germany Standort Masterfoam Group, Stuttgart
Senior IT Services Sales Manager
Customertimes, Stuttgart
About the projectCustomertimes is looking for a dedicated and experienced Senior Sales Manager with extensive experience in IT services sales, account management, client relationship management, strategy, and business development. The successful candidate has a proven track record of delivering outcomes that align with clients' priorities and driving business growth and profitability.What you’ll help us do: Introduce Customertimes to your business networkGenerate new business for Customertimes by selling IT services to the companies you have close relationships withBuild and lead a mid-/long-term strategy for the marketDevelop long-term C-level relationships to drive revenueTranslating business vision into a short and long-term strategy, backed by tactical actions to deliver business outcomesLand and expand within net new accounts. Managing these accounts by ensuring existing high NPS and customer satisfactionMeet and exceed annual sales quotaEffectively communicate the Customertimes value proposition through proposals and presentationsShare information with Customertimes leadership regarding business challenges faced by our customers and industry trends which may impact our businessContribute to the sales pipeline with detailed information regarding the number of potential and qualified prospects/opportunities, along with their status and next stepsIt’s all about you: 8+ years of experience building relationships with multi-billion companies and selling IT servicesMillion-Euro mentality. No small deals unless they land with a potential to growAbility to bring net new revenue to Customertimes within the first 6-9 months of your employmentOutstanding negotiation and consultative sales skillsExcellent leadership and management skillsStrong analytical and problem-solving skillsEffective communication skillsExceptional customer service skillsFluency in English and German (or native language)Also, the most successful candidates would have: experience selling Custom Software Development, System Integration, and/or Digital Engineering Services (i.e., outstaffing)experience selling Salesforce-related servicesWe offer: Full-time employment with CustomertimesMedical Insurance (MI): In accordance with Customertimes benefits policyPaid Time Off: 30 working days of vacation, 30 working days of sick daysHome office expense reimbursement: In accordance with Customertimes Business Expense Policy (€50 / month reimbursement for home office Internet expense)Sales bonus and commissions (details to be provided in Job Offer)Ability to work remotely (home office). As a globally distributed organization, we embraced remote work long before it was established as the mainstreamThis position requires working independently as well as coordinating with teams from other locationsYou are expected to contribute an average of 40 hours per week, but time can be managed flexibly – exceeding the quota is the key consideration Standort Customertimes, Stuttgart
Account Manager Germany – PP Compounds (m / f / d)
SIMPLEX Recruitment, Stuttgart
Position Purpose:This position is responsible for maximising sales opportunities by developing, maintaining and growing relationships with customers in Germany. The Account Manager will lead the establishment, negotiation, implementation and compliance of agreements, which drive profitable growth for the company. The Account Manager will focus on deploying site specific customer strategies and programs to retain existing business, improve penetration and growth of market share.Duties & Responsibilities:Account Manager will be responsible for growing and supporting assigned accounts allowing adequate time to develop relationships with multiple contacts.Develop strong relationships across the customer’s organisation to influence decision makers at all levels and drive compliance.Manage and maintain pricing strategy for multiple locations. Expand product categories for greater share on market and implement new programs to drive margin improvement.Manage extensive travel based on priorities and be responsible for customer action planning and project management to meet growth objectives.Negotiate sound and favourable agreements to drive business.Acts as the primary point of contact to the customers.Working directly with buyers, product development and marketing people at customers to anticipate future needs and ensure that solutions are developed to meet their needs.Working closely with the internal technical support team to ensure that customer’s current requirements are understood and met.Perform value added selling of the organization through customer education, sample requests, technical service, contract negotiations and quality solution.Preferred education, experience and skills:Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Management, Engineering or equivalent.Minimum 5 years of sales experience in a business-to-business environment demonstrated sales skills.At least 5 years of experience in the plastics industry.Fluent in German and English.The ability to discover and define commercial and technical customer requirements.Strong interpersonal, negotiation and influencing skills.Able to establish and build relationships at all levels.Clear sense of ethic and a high standard of professional conduct.Self-motivated professional with a straightforward approach to problem solving.Team player. Standort SIMPLEX Recruitment, Stuttgart
Sales Manager
Plasma International, Stuttgart
Sales Manager required for a global leader in the development of lithium-ion battery systems for the global automotive and energy storage industries.Our client has been instrumental in pushing the technological boundaries of lithium-ion battery-based electrification through the development and manufacture of innovative battery Systems for a wide range of application areas.They now seek to recruit an adept Sales Manager to drive the company’s growth in Europe targeting vehicle manufacturers.Working closely with key decision makers within your target area you will be responsible for providing technical advice to customers and developing solutions. You will be responsible for the organisation and implementation of the sales process, from the initial customer requirement to the preparation of the quotation, pricing and closing of the deal.You will be expected to maintain high levels of support to existing customers and acquire new customers by carrying out market and competition monitoring to identify new applications and business opportunities.Responsibilities: –Own and hit/exceed annual sales targets within assigned territory and accountsDevelop and execute a strategic plan to achieve sales targets and expand the customer baseBuild and maintain strong, long-lasting customer relationshipsPartner with customers to understand their business needs and objectivesEffectively communicate the value proposition through proposals and presentationsUnderstand category-specific landscapes and trendsReporting on forces that shift tactical budgets and strategic direction of accountsYou will be able to demonstrate the following: –Degree in industrial engineering or an engineering degree with a commercial focusAt least 3 years of sales experience of engineered products to the vehicle manufacturing industries.A good understanding of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and automotive engineeringKnowledge of electric and hybrid drive technology using battery solutions is desirableExcellent negotiation and sales skills as well as a confident mannerYou are willing to travel and have a very good command of German & EnglishThis is a fantastic opportunity to play a leading part in the establishment and growth of the company’s core product offering across Europe.Interested Sales Managers with the above experience are urged to apply without delay. Standort Plasma International, Stuttgart
Regional Channel Sales Manager (DACH)
LANDI Global, Stuttgart
This position is for the DACH region.Company Overview and VisionWith 5 million POS shipped every year, 18 years of experience, and +500 employees, LANDI is one of the leading providers of payment acceptance solutions.A trusted technology partner dedicated to providing world-class devices, exceptional solutions, and services to our valued clients.Innovation is at the core of LANDI's culture and approach, which enables our community of experts to anticipate and shape the future of commerce.LANDI is embarking on an exciting journey to become within 5 years the international leader in digital commerce.We're looking for passionate, experienced, and energetic people to help us become a truly global digital player.Our motto? Be sincere and pragmatic while striving for excellence and innovation.With this challenging journey ahead, we are seeking talented and results-driven Channel Sales Manager to be part of our dynamic team.Together, let's achieve remarkable things!PositionAs Channel Sales Manager for DACH, you will play a pivotal role in the company's growth by developing and executing a comprehensive “sale-out” strategy in the DACH region.You will be the face of LANDI for your market, managing relationships with both end-customers and our distributors. You will be responsible for identifying, onboarding, and nurturing customers along with our channel partners.Your leadership will be instrumental in achieving and exceeding revenue targets while strengthening partner relationships.We’re looking for an experienced channel sales manager, an entrepreneur, someone eager to make an impact in a growing company.You will report directly to the Head of Channel Sales EMEA.We usually don’t do big business without visiting our customers, expect business trips in the region.Key ResponsibilitiesSales StrategyIdentify and prioritize target market segments and geographic regions for revenue expansion.Collaborate with channel partners to define a clear sales plan and objectives.Business developmentIdentify and explore opportunities to expand LANDI’s presence in the region.Pitch LANDI’s value proposition to end customers.Close opportunities in cooperation with your channel partners.Partner ManagementMaintain strong relationships with your portfolio of channel partners, acting as their primary point of contact.Reporting and forecastingLeverage Salesforce to generate detailed reports on channel and customers activities, performance metrics, and revenue contributions.Analyze CRM data to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement.Ensure the accuracy of revenue forecasts by meticulously maintaining and updating sales data in the CRM.QualificationsBachelor’s degree in engineering or business administration, sales, marketing (master’s preferred).Business development experience (minimum 4 years).Proven track record (minimum 2 years) of successfully building and developing sales through channel sales.Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build (from scratch) and maintain strong client relationships.Proficiency in data analysis and the use of CRM tools (Salesforce). BenefitsCompetitive salary and performance-based bonuses.Opportunities for career advancement and professional development.Work with a passionate and talented team dedicated to success.Hybrid work. Standort LANDI Global, Stuttgart
Senior Sales Executive DACH
Inspera, Stuttgart
Inspera was born in #Norway as a #cloud ️ based digital assessment platform that helps plan, author and deliver digital exams globally We are on a mission to make #education assessment more inclusive, fair and relevant.This is an exciting role focused on driving the growth of Inspera within the DACH region during a period of digital transformation in the industry. The Senior Sales Executive DACH will be responsible for executing the regional go-to-market new business growth strategy with Inspera's leading digital assessment ecosystem.Specifically, you will be responsible for new customer acquisition and will work closely with an existing sales and account management team in the region. You will work with marketing and product colleagues to build, mature and convert a sales pipeline. Using a consultative sales approach to mature leads through to close.Key responsibilities & dutiesCreate and execute a strategic sales plan that expands Inspera's customer base and extends the company's reach in the DACH region.Meet and exceed agreed sales targets.Build and foster relationships with key targets within the Higher Education industry, including C-level and PVC-level senior managers.Build and maintain digital assessment market insight.Present and demonstrate Inspera's digital assessment capabilities to key prospects in the DACH region.Travel as necessary to conferences, events, and customer locations.Collaborate with other company departments, such as marketing, product or engineering, to showcase Inspera's capabilities to the market.Provide accurate and timely sales reporting to Finance and Sales management according to company guidelines and principles. RequirementsMinimum of 3 years in B2B EdTech sales experience required.Experience with a CRM system, ideally HubSpot.A passion for tech and digital transformation.Confident communicator both verbally and writtenResilience and ability to work both independently and as part of a team.Ability to travel approx. 20% of the time.Fluent German skills are desirable.Experience in the DACH market is a plus. Standort Inspera, Stuttgart
Product Marketing Manager Cryogenic Pumps
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases, Freiburg
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases is a leading provider of cryogenic pumps, heat exchangers, process systems, services, and solutions for the LNG and industrial gases industry. We are a subsidiary of Nikkiso Company Ltd, a leading industrial manufacturer headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with over $1.5 B in annual revenue, 8000 + employees worldwide, and publicly traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.We are looking for a Product Marketing Manager for Regional Nikkiso Cryogenic Pumps, reporting directly to the VP of Product Management & Innovation of the Cryogenic Pump Functional Unit, and working in alignment with the Nikkiso Pump Factory Product Marketing Managers.Experience in industrial applications is essential (cryogenic experience is a substantial benefit), especially in selling and promoting cryogenic pumps or machinery across the different applications in the industrial gases and air separation value chain.The mission will be to manage the Regional Nikkiso Pump product lines, from product development of standard pumps (such as cylinder and storage filling pumps, fuel station pumps, and marine fueling pumps) and aftersales solutions, to marketing, training, and technical & commercial sales support.RESPONSIBILITIESDevelop and manage a Standard range of Nikkiso pumps, by taking a leading role in initiating the product development effort, ensuring that our product range remain the most competitive, efficient, and first choice in the market.Manage the product development of all aftersales solutions related to the Nikkiso pump products.Seek and receive feedback about our product performance, customer perception, and applications, to ensure that our products are constantly being developed to include innovative features and added benefits to the customer.Responsible for the creation of the Product Master Specification of all new product initiatives.Accountable for the Orders Received in quantity/$Value/territory, and consolidated profit generation per product line/family.Set up and execute the marketing strategy, including the development of tools, presentations, brochures, articles, press releases, etc. related to the product range.Assist our global sales and service centers and distributors with all necessary technical and commercial inputs to grow our market share.Develop the training material and programs needed to increase the knowledge and competence of our sales personnel.Manage the transfer and market pricing between our manufacturing and sales entities, ensuring that our local price strategy is competitive across the different territories.Support the Business Line Managers to achieve the functional unit objectives in your market.Monitor the business through periodic follow ups, and participate as needed, Official Quarterly Business Review Meetings, with detailed agenda, and relevant minutes of meeting.Coordinate with the product company After Market Service Team and the Cryogenic Service Functional Unit, the after sales strategy, ensuring that the product lines, have the lowest life cycle cost and the highest reliability compared to all competitors.Recommend, negotiate, and follow up on Global Key Account Agreements with strategic customers.Observe and update on our competitors’ products and activities.Drive the issue of product localization and multi-branding, of Standard Product lines as required by the market conditions.Undertake ad-hoc projects, as required.Identify and target attractive new Industry segments and applications.EDUCATIONBS in Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering strongly preferred. BS in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field and strong product knowledge will also be considered.Inside sales team Support with technical and commercial issues for custom and standard machinery.EXPERIENCEStrong product management experienceStrong industrial pump product knowledge.Cryogenic pump & market knowledge are a plus.Rotating equipment product and sales management experience.Exposure to pricing strategy and analysis.Able to motivate direct sales with marketing tools and promotional schemes.KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIESFluency (written & oral) of English is a must.Additional Foreign Language fluency is a plus.Excellent communication and presentation skillsExcellent interpersonal skills.Committed team player with drive for success.Should have excellent communication skills & creative thinking.Person must be willing to work under critical schedules having in mind the final targeted results planned by management.Willing to travel as required.WORK ENVIRONMENTThis job operates in a professional office environment. This role routinely uses standard office equipment such as computers, phones, photocopiers, filing cabinets and fax machines.PHYSICAL DEMANDSThe physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to talk or hear. The employee is frequently required to stand; walk; use hands and reach with hands and armsOTHER DUTIESPlease note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities may change at any time with or without notice. Standort Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases, Freiburg