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Sales Development Representative / SDR (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Düsseldorf
Networking: Du identifizierst den Personalbedarf an Fach- und Führungskräften durch persönliche, telefonische und Video-Gespräche mit Insidern und Entscheidungsträgern der Unternehmenslandschaft sowie durch das regelmäßige Verfolgen des Stellen- und Kandidatenmarkts. Mit der Zeit und durch erfolgreiche Positionsbesetzungen wirst du zum anerkannten Experten oder zur anerkannten Expertin und go-to Headhunter in deinem Marktsegment (z.B. Engineering / Finance / Sales & Marketing / IT o.a.), sodass Kandidat:innen und Kund:innen bald von sich aus auf dich zukommen.Vertrieb: Du akquirierst selbstständig Suchaufträge zur Besetzung von Fach- und Führungspositionen und definierst gemeinsam mit deinen Kund:innen das jeweilige Anforderungsprofil und die Vorgehensweise bis zur erfolgreichen Besetzung der offenen Stellen. Du verhandelst die Konditionen für einzelne Suchaufträge genauso wie für Rahmenverträge und trittst gegenüber ausgewählten größeren Kund:innen als Key Account Manager auf. Als Teamplayer stellst Sie unsere Kolleg:innen aus anderen Fachbereichen deinen Business-Kontakten vor und akquirierst ggf. Suchaufträge für die jeweils fachlich zuständigen Kolleg:innen.Du bringst intrinsische Motivation, Durchhaltevermögen, Begeisterung und Leidenschaft für den Job im Sales mit!Du bringst erste Vertriebserfahrung (idealerweise) im B2B Umfeld mit.Du möchtest etwas bewegen und Einfluss auf den Erfolg jedes einzelnen Kundenprojekts nehmen.Lösungsorientierung bestimmt dabei Deine gesamte Arbeitsweise - Deine positive Lebenseinstellung unterstützt Dich dabei, Herausforderungen zu meistern und Dich weiterzuentwickeln.Du verfügst über Teamgeist, der dazu beiträgt, dass wir unsere Ziele erreichen und somit unsere Erfolge gemeinsam feiern können.Du weist ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium oder eine vergleichbare kaufmännische Ausbildung vor und sprichst fließend Deutsch, sowie Englisch.
Internationaler Agiler Produktmanager mit Homeoffice (gn)
ControlExpert GmbH, Düsseldorf
Internationaler Agiler Produktmanager mit Homeoffice (gn) Internationaler Agiler Produktmanager mit Homeoffice (gn) Vollzeit | Düsseldorf, Deutschland | Mit Berufserfahrung Als etablierter Marktführer bearbeitet ControlExpert seit 2002 mit 900 Mitarbeitern weltweit über 18 Mio. Kfz-Schadenvorgänge pro Jahr. In unserer Rolle als Digitalisierungsexperte vereinen wir KI-basierte Prozesse sowie neuste Technologien mit dem Wissen unserer Kfz-Experten. Gemeinsam mit CE´s firmeneigener Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung arbeiten wir an der Verwirklichung unserer Vision:Autofahrer auf der ganzen Welt werden ihren Schaden noch am selben Tag fair ersetzt bekommen. Hast du Lust etwas zu bewegen? Dann werde jetzt Teil von ControlExpert!Das erwartet dich bei uns:Du konzeptionierst eigenständig Software-Produkte für internationale Versicherungskunden, um die Business- sowie Kundenziele anhand der Marktbedürfnisse im Ausland zu fördernDu hat die einmalige Chance einen Geschäftsbereich mit deiner Expertise auszubauen und skalierbare Tech.-Produkte im Kfz-Versicherungsumfeld erfolgreich zu machenDu definierst gemeinsam mit deinen internationalen Stakeholdern eine inspirierende Produktvision, der du mit deiner Roadmap immer etwas näherkommstDafür übernimmst du die laterale Führung für ein interdisziplinäres TeamDu bist die Schnittstelle zwischen internationalen Auslandsgesellschaften und IT und begleitest den gesamten EntwicklungsprozessDein Kundengespür nutzt du für Verhaltensanalysen, Feedbackverarbeitungen sowie die kontinuierliche Optimierung deiner Produkte mittels KPIsDu arbeitest eng mit anderen Produktteams sowie der F&E zusammen, um qualitativ hochwertige Datenprodukte für unseren Mart zu entwickelnWir sind agil! Du hilfst dem Development-Team bei jedem Sprint mehr zu erreichenDas wünschen wir uns von dir:Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-) Mathematik oder Informatik oder einen vergleichbaren Abschluss Du hast bereits mehrjährige Erfahrung als Product Owner/Manager im agilen UmfeldDu bist pragmatisch, arbeitest Use-Case-basiert und behältst auch bei Komplexität deinen FokusDein selbstbewusstes und sympathisches Auftreten mit einem hohen Maß an Eigeninitiative und einer diplomatischen Vorgehensweise zeichnen dich ausDu besitzt sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftDu bringst eine ausgeprägte Reisebereitschaft für den internationalen Austausch mitIdealerweise verfügst du über Kenntnisse in der Portfolio-Priorisierung, Markteinführung neuer Produkte, Preisgestaltung und Finanzkennzahlen in der Tech-/Digitalbranche Darauf kannst du dich freuen: Du möchtest unsere Benefits auf einen Blick? Besuch doch einfach unsere Karriereseite!Eine Spezialrolle erfordert ein starkes Onboarding! Wir sorgen für deinen perfekten Start Work-Life-Balance: Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung mit Homeofficeanteil von ~60%Persönliche Entwicklung: große Freiräume und viele Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in einem agilem ArbeitsumfeldBetriebliche Altersvorsorge und vermögenswirksame LeistungenFahrrad-Leasing mit JobRadviele Mitarbeiterveranstaltungen (Sportevents, Afterwork, Feiern, ...)für ein leckeres Mittagessen zum fairen Preis sorgt unsere firmeneigene KücheBist du bereit, mit uns die Zukunft zu gestalten? Sende uns Lebenslauf und Zeugnisse schnell und einfach über den "
Country Sourcing Manager (Germany and Netherlands)
O-I, Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Company DescriptionRemember the last time you opened a bottle of wine, a cold beer after a hard day’s work or a bottle of sparkling mineral water to quench the thirst, well it was probably made by us, we are O-I and we love that we make more glass containers than anyone in the world.O-I has more than a century of experience crafting pure, sustainable, brand-building glass packaging for many of the world’s best-known food and beverage brands. We are proud to provide high quality glass packaging for beer, wine, spirits, food, non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.With nearly 25,000 employees and an unparalleled footprint spanning almost 72 plants in 20 countries, O-I is a truly global maker of glass packaging.From engineering and manufacturing to brand development, design and innovation, we are dedicated to providing unique solutions to exceed our customers’ expectations and fuel consumers’ desire for glass.Job Description•Develop and implement effective procurement sourcing strategies•Manage procurement for Germany and Netherlands in alignment with the business and operations•Build and maintain strong relationships with suppliers, negotiate contracts when needed, review vendor performance to assure contract adherence and drive continuous improvements•Work closely with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless coordination and execution of sourcing strategies•Ensure that all sourcing activities comply with local and international laws•Establish, implement and improve internal processes in collaboration with outsourced partners to reduce transactional workload•Managing local procurement teamQualifications•Bachelor’s degree in Business, Economics, Supply Chain, Engineering or similar.•Minimum 5 years of experience in strategic sourcing, procurement, contract and supplier management•Fluent in English and German (written/verbal)•Strong cross functional collaboration skills to work closely with internal and external stakeholders to deliver results•Project management experience•Self-driven•Excellent communication and interpersonal skillsWhat we offer:An exciting and challenging job in an international, modern and diverse environmentAttractive remuneration and benefitsThe possibility of mobile workingAdditional InformationIf you are smart, passionate, innovative, culturally open, curious and collaborative, we’d like to hear from you. O-I is committed to fostering an inclusive environment that attracts and embraces the brightest minds and creates a culture that welcomes a diversity of ideas and perspectives while encouraging growth and rewarding performanceÜber das Unternehmen:O-I
Pflichtpraktikum im Bereich Robotic Process Automation - Remote (m/w/d)
jovoco GmbH, Düsseldorf
Über das UnternehmenOur customers' time is the most valuable resource. We want to protect it in the project in the best possible way. Our projects always have the goal to save our customers' time or to enable the customer to offer a better product on the market.Was solltest Du mitbringen? Du befindest Dich im fortgeschrittenen Bachelor- oder bereits im Masterstudium Dein Studium hat einen Informatik-Hintergrund Du beherrschst bereits eine oder mehrere Programmiersprachen Du automatisierst und optimierst gerne IT-Vorgänge Du kannst APIs definieren Du kennst Dich mit Datenbanken (ER-Modellen und SQL) aus Erfahrung in der Beratung von IT-Projekten / Projektmanagement Du hast eventuell schon Erfahrung mit Microsoft Produkten (M365) und interessierst Dich für diese Du hast Dich über die MS Power Platform informiert und das Konzept begeistert Dich Erfahrung im Bereich Microsoft Power Automate / BI ist ein großes Plus Du verfügst über die Fähigkeit, Schulungen und Präsentationen vor Kund:innen (remote oder vor Ort) durchzuführen Strukturiertes und zielorientiertes Vorgehen Du hast ein starkes technisches Verständnis und schaffst es, komplexe technische Konzepte einfach zu erklären Ausgeprägte kommunikative Fähigkeiten Du besitzt die Fähigkeit zur Zusammenarbeit im Team Deine Deutschkenntnisse sind auf Muttersprachlerniveau und du verfügst über gute EnglischkenntnisseDein Learning Path?Wir wissen, dass Du vermutlich im Studium noch nicht mit der Power Platform gearbeitet hast. Entsprechend wollen wir Dich bei der Weiterbildung unterstützen. Mit Dir koordinieren wir einen Learning Path mit Online-Ressourcen, Zeit für Recherche, eine bezahlte Zertifizierung und ein Stundenkontingent fürs Lernen Du wendest die neu erlernten Technologien direkt auf Projekten bei Kund:innen an Dein Mentoring steht Dir regelmäßig zur Verfügung, um zusammen an Deinem technischen Werkzeugkasten zu arbeiten In Collaboration Calls codest Du zusammen mit Deinen Kolleg:innen und lernst so schnell in echten Szenarien Nach Einführung und ersten Erfahrungen in der Power Platform, hast Du langfristig die Möglichkeit, Expertise in einem bestimmten Power Platform Bereich aufzubauenWas erwartet Dich? Analyse von Kundenanforderungen und Bereitstellung kundenspezifischer Lösungen auf Basis von Power Automate Extrahierung von Daten aus SharePoint Pages Integration von Power Automate in bestehende Strukturen von Kund:innen Fehlerbehebung, Problemanalyse und Durchführung von Tests zur Sicherstellung der reibungslosen Funktion von Power Automate Schulung der Benutzer:innen und Vermittlung von Best Practices im Umgang mit Power Automate Bereitstellung von Support für Kund:innen Erstellung von benutzerdefinierten Workflows, um den Workflow-Betrieb zu verbessern und die Produktivität zu steigern Zusammenarbeit mit anderen TeamsDarauf kannst Du Dich freuen: Ein dynamisches, motiviertes Team Flache Hierarchien und eine kollegiale Arbeitsatmosphäre Unterstützung Deiner Weiterentwicklung Strukturierte Einarbeitung mit Mentor Remote Arbeit - gemeinsam finden wir für Dich das perfekte Arbeitsmodell Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung mit Kernarbeitszeiten Vergünstigte Fortbewegungsangebote Einen Bonus für deine geleistete Arbeit: Uns ist es wichtig, dich am Erfolg des Unternehmens teilhaben zu lassen! TeameventsUnser Jobangebot Pflichtpraktikum im Bereich Robotic Process Automation - Remote (m/w/d)klingt vielversprechend?Bei unserem Partner Workwise ist eine Bewerbung für diesen Job in nur wenigen Minuten und ohne Anschreiben möglich. Anschließend kann der Status der Bewerbung live verfolgt werden. Wir freuen wir uns auf eine Bewerbung über Workwise. Standort jovoco GmbH, Düsseldorf
International Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets
PreventionGenetics, Düsseldorf
Help us change livesAt Exact Sciences, we’re helping change how the world prevents, detects and guides treatment for cancer. We give patients and clinicians the clarity needed to make confident decisions when they matter most. Join our team to find a purpose-driven career, an inclusive culture, and robust benefits to support your life while you’re working to help others.Company OverviewExact Sciences is dedicated to delivering patient critical answers across the cancer journey from early detection to treatment decision making. With a strong focus on people and an empathetic spirit, which fuels the company’s culture, driving them to create and deliver solutions rooted in the needs of patients, providers, and families. From earlier cancer detection to treatment guidance and monitoring, Exact Sciences are helping people get the answers they need to make more informed decisions across the cancer continuum. With a leading portfolio of products for earlier detection and treatment guidance, they help people face the most challenging decisions with confidence with a dedication to continuously innovate, combining scientific rigor with an open-minded approach to deliver the next big thing.Exact Sciences is continuously expanding the pipeline with the aim of tackling a wider array of cancer tests through the following measures:Expanding the Oncotype IQ platform to include liquid and tissue-based tests, all with the goal of making cancer care smarter.Adapting biomarker-based technologies create a liquid biopsy capable of detecting cancers and precancers from a blood sample.Using their proven multi-marker approach to achieve analytical sensitivity needed to discriminate between normal and cancerous samples.Collaborating with world-class clinicians and scientists at Mayo Clinic to identify biomarkers associated with the 15 deadliest cancers.Building a cancer detection platform upon learnings from the development of Cologuard (commercially available in the US only).By 2020, Oncotype DX will have been used to guide treatment decisions for more than 1 million cancer patients worldwide in breast, prostate and colon cancer.In July 2019 Exact Sciences acquired Genomic Health, a genetic cancer detection company based in Redwood City, California, for USD 2.8 billion, creating the leading global cancer diagnostics company.In 2020 Exact Sciences acquired Thrive Earlier Detection Corp., a Massachusetts-based healthcare company, in a multi-billion-dollar deal, and Base Genomics, which has technology for DNA methylation analysis.In February 2021 Exact Sciences announced the acquisition of Ashion Analytics, LLC (Ashion) from The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope. Ashion is a CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited sequencing lab based in Phoenix, Arizona with the genomics testing capabilities necessary to address the increasingly complex needs of clinical, academic, and biopharma customers focused on precision cancer treatments.The company is based in the United States, with International headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. Position SummaryThe Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets, France is a hybrid role responsible for leading an international team of Medical Science Liaisons and supporting Exact Sciences International expansion strategy with key medical activities.This is an exciting chance to build the first Exact Sciences International MSL team in leading and executing an efficient and transparent conversion plan to bring MSL contractors in-house as well as hire and onboard new MSLs to create a diverse and inclusive team. The International Medical Affairs Senior Manager – MSL & Expansion Markets will be expected to develop and drive MSL strategy ensure field medical activities and insight generation result in demonstrable outcomes and further develop and grow the MSL capability at Exact Sciences International.In addition, this individual will be responsible for medical affairs activities in selected key markets across International. These markets will include those where we want to move directly into a market (currently through distributors) or those markets where we currently have limited patient access that require improved reimbursement pathways.The Medical lead will work closely with the Market Expansion Team and lead all associated medial activities that may include leading medical activities for change in market reimbursement, aligning new market needs with central medical team, developing core data strategy for new markets, and defining resourcing needs and transition to new hires. The position is also responsible for consolidating and interpreting medical intelligence and reporting it to the Expansion Markets team.The incumbent will work closely with other functions within the company, including Corporate Strategy, Marketing, and Commercial to advance cross-functional understanding of the MSL value proposition, identify gaps and achieve results in line with company objectives.Representing the medical function, this individual will also manage research and educational medical objectives, while supporting commercial business and reimbursement objectives for the Oncotype DX breast recurrence score test.This position requires professionals with established personal and scientific creditability to interact with thought leaders, government health authorities, and medical centers of excellence. This is a dynamic role and will continue to evolve.Responsibilities/DutiesLead an international team of MSLs toward the implementation of field medical activities by communicating expectations and guiding the team to maintain and effectively communicate deep scientific knowledge and excel at KOL engagement and support medical/scientific information needs of scientific and clinical experts.Accompany the team to meetings with KOLs and other HCPs to assess proficiency and provide timely and constructive performance feedback.Lead and coordinate MSL team meetings to support team building, best practice sharing, development, and the accomplishment of field medical objectives.Develop a MSL Strategic Plan as well as Medical Plan for the markets, which include plans for KOL engagement, data generation, educational and guideline initiatives and reimbursement initiatives that align with the business objectives.Identify and engage international, national, and regional thought leaders in breast cancer within assigned geographic regions to conduct scientific discussions and understand insights related to molecular diagnostics in early BC management, while also establishing and maintaining professional relationships with them.Act as primary contact for investigators interested in developing and performing studies with the company’s commercially available assays in breast cancer.Assist in R&D and investigator-initiated studies as appropriate.Lead national and regional Advisory Boards when external advice is needed.Provide clinical presentations and information in academic, community, and healthcare provider setting in both group and one-on-one situations.Support & partner with regional team to deliver key medical activities.Developing medical slides, giving medical training presentations, and training in internal meetings and for partner distributors.Support international access & reimbursement with medical and scientific expertise.Assure compliance with relevant corporate policies.Provide feedback and medical input to local commercial plans and strategies.Pivotal Experience & ExpertiseDegree in Medicine/Medical Doctor or PhD, PharmD.3+ years of therapeutic clinical experience desired.5 to 7 years of industry experience (working in pharma/biotech/med tech).At least 3 years in a Medical Science Liaison role.Previous MSL (or other) management experience.Expertise in Oncology. Experience in breast/GI/lung cancer is a plus.Experience in Diagnostics or Biotech industry is a plus.Experience in relevant geographies a plus.Excellent English. Skills in other languages preferred.Excellent oral, written and presentation communication skills.Ability to independently deliver quality results in a timely manner.Proven record of working in matrix environment and delivering as part of a cross-functional team.Track record of delivering innovative medical activities across markets.Cultural ImpactHighest integrity and ethical behavior.Mutual respect for colleagues.Collaborative within teams, uses resources carefully and can build a great place to work and grow.Ability to interact within culturally diverse teams.Business acumen and innovative mindset. Ability to manage though complexity and ambiguity, while focusing on the end goal.OtherOffice-based in the International headquarters in Zug or out of one of our European offices.Ability to travel approx.. >50%.#LI-TK1Our success relies on the experiences and perspectives of a diverse team, and Exact Sciences fosters a culture where all employees can develop personally and professionally with a sense of respect and belonging. If you require an accommodation, email E-Mail anzeigen. We’ll work with you to meet your accessibility needs.Not ready to apply? Join our talent community and stay up to date on what’s new at Exact Sciences. Standort PreventionGenetics, Düsseldorf
Senior Partner Account Manager
MarkJames Search, Düsseldorf
Our client, is a world leader in the technology industry, specialising in network devices and accessories is currently recruiting for a Senior Partner Account Manager in Germany in order to pursue its continuous and rapid growth.Job role and responsibilities:Recruit and manage key partners.Partner with engineering teams, to provide ongoing sales and technical training to the channel partners, to engage the solutions and drive revenue growth.Build business plans with key partners, to drive incremental sales pipeline and revenues.Execute against the plan with a permanent balance between short-term in-Quarter priorities and mid/long-term business development initiatives laying the foundations for future scalable and repeatable success.Own or contribute to foundational business routines such as reporting, forecasting, QBR, MDF management, channel rebates management etc. Desired Skills and Experience:5+ years channel sales and territory management in networking relevant sectors.Extensive experience with and comfortable to discuss in detail Telco provided managed network solutions for large multi - national enterprise. WAN/ LAN/ WIFI and ideally SDN (Software - Defined Networking)Strong experience enabling Channel programs and running go-to-market initiatives.Deep understanding of business strategy, organization, and way of developing business.Must have strong interpersonal skills and desire to work in a dynamic and fast-paced environment.Excellent presentation skills to executives & individual contributors, written and verbal communication skills.English and German Fluency. They offer:An independent role with own responsibilities in an innovative, and market-leading international companyA friendly and motivated team, great opportunities to development yourself with the companyAn attractive salary and annual holidaysGood Incentive Plan including food voucher, gifts for birthday, marriage, childbirth, company anniversary and so onRegular team events (quarterly team building, Christmas party, etc.)Modern office with free parking placesFree drinks and good tea and coffeeEmployee discounts on our wide range of our productsRemote workingPlease apply to be considered. Standort MarkJames Search, Düsseldorf
Strategy Manager & Director
BluePrint Executive Search, Düsseldorf
A unique opportunity to move from strategy consulting to the industry. Our client is one of the world’s leading Energy service providers with their headquarters based in Germany, with more than 40,000 employees working internationally across many countries.The Team:This opportunity is with the internal consulting/strategy division, which is headed up by a senior management team of ex top-tier strategy consultants. The team acts as a strategic partner, supporting the Board and Executive Management on high-impact, visionary projects to shape the future of Energy. These range from initial strategy development to implementation, digital, operations and transformation, across all of their key business units including Corporate, Renewables, Customer Solutions and Energy Networks.With over 20 nationalities, it's a diverse international environment. The primary business language is English, however, for current positions German language is required. It's a highly energetic team with a collaborative culture, combined with real 'fun-factor' and an outstanding team spirit.The Role:The team is growing and currently hiring at the Project Manager and Director level. At both levels, you will act as a direct sparring partner for their top senior management team, being responsible for designing and realizing their most important projects. As a director, you will also be coaching principals and project managers, acting as a thought leader, and making a significant contribution to the Group’s overall commercial success.Key Requirements:A Degree from a leading university (minimum Master’s degree level required).For the Project Manager position: At least 4-5 years of relevant professional experience at a leading management consulting firmFor the Director position: A minimum of 8-10 years of relevant professional experience (a large portion of which should be from a top management consulting firm) **PLEASE ONLY APPLY IF YOU HAVE STRATEGY CONSULTING EXPERIENCE FROM A TOP CONSULTING FIRM**A genuine interest in the Energy sector (previous experience in the Energy sector is not required).Outstanding analytic and problem-solving capabilitiesFull fluency in German language is requiredIn addition, for the director role:Even in difficult situations, your excellent communication and moderation skills allow you to effectively win over senior management.An entrepreneurial mindset, strong leadership and decision-making ability, a talent for creative and innovative thinking, and prepared to take risks and a readiness to accept responsibility.What they offer:This is a great opportunity for a Principal (Director role) or Engagement Manager (Project Manager role) in a consulting firm to move into a very successful multinational corporation. The positions offer a lot of entrepreneurial freedom and operational responsibility, combined with future development opportunities into top management roles within the wider global business.As this team supports the European business, there will be some travel across Europe. However, there is also a lot of work locally. Overall, one can expect a much better work-life balance than top-tier consulting firms.Apply:If you feel you meet the above requirements and are interested in confidentially discussing this opportunity, please send your CV to E-Mail anzeigen or click apply Standort BluePrint Executive Search, Düsseldorf
Marketing Manager
Listgrove Ltd, Düsseldorf
Polyethylene/Polypropylene Compounding Recycling, Circularity and SustainabilityRemote position: option for person to be based in Germany, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia or RomaniaJob ref: CST /59450Salary/Benefits: Attractive based on experienceThe Company:Our client is an integrated, international oil and gas company. It is active in over 30 countries with a dynamic international workforce of 25,000 people and a track record of more than 80 years in the industry. They are committed to doing business responsibly and sustainably, supporting communities and striving to meet the best possible health, safety and security standards wherever it operates. A key part of this strategy is further expanding its polymer compounding business with a strong commitment to recycling technologies.Purpose of Role:The Group DS Circular Chemicals Recycling Marketing Manager is responsible for P&L of polyolefin recycling business as well as related market development programs, in order to create new, profitable and growing sustainable chemical portfolio and support sustainability goals of the Downstream division.It defines and supervises the execution of the business plan for polyolefin recycling in line with the strategic directions for Downstream circular chemicals. Leads the Recycling business team to reach the strategic targets.Responsibilities:Define the business plan, oversee the business opportunities (new product development, testing, customer trials, negotiation).Set marketing strategy for polyolefin recycling business line, define priorities for targeted applications, pricing strategies and Value Propositions. Leads value focused market development, provides direction and toolset to the sales team, directs sales pipeline priorities.Drives products' awareness at potential customers, industry influencers, builds industry network and develops best practices.Identifies profitability drivers and proposes actions and mid- and long term strategies to address it. Responsible for screening the ‘market and make’ proposals for inorganic targets.Accountable for market part of business cases to support the Organic & Inorganic Investments and actively involved in due diligence to enable growth of the recycling business line.Direct and support Recycling Sales Head at Chemical Business Unit to build, manage and develop customer base (strategic pipeline) in order to ensure smooth and fast market entry and to reach targeted market shares in line with strategic plans.Runs Market Intelligence on product applications and European regulations related to the product applications. Integrates market and technical information to suggest new ideas for development steps.Supervise market developers. Collaborate closely with other DS and MOL Group departments, especially with Chemical Business Unit and Circular Economy Services as well as with External Partners to enable growth of the business line.Manages his/her business team with ownership, ensures sustainable solutions and customer focused operation. Responsible for the development and succession of his/her subordinates.Responsible for ensuring and controlling of compliance with the related legal and company rules - with special regard to the general regulations defining company operation: Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, rules of Conflict of Interest, HSE and Data Protection.The Person:MSc degree in Economics/ Business Management/ Engineering8-10 years relevant professional experience working within plastic/polymer/packaging industry. Additional knowledge of recycling is an advantageKnowledge of polymers (product and process)Proven working experience in international environmentKnowledge of sales process and pipeline managementValue selling skills and active listeningFluent in EnglishProfessional competencies:Customer FocusTeam leadershipBusiness AcumenMarketplace insightCommunicationRisk AssessmentDecision MakingFor reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (f/m/d) is avoided. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.For EU roles, candidates must be eligible to work and live in the European Union. Proof of eligibility will be required with your application.To apply please contact Conrad TaylorE-Mail anzeigenWhy select Listgrove?Established in 1975Recruited in 68 countriesRecognised International brandGlobal network of Clients and candidatesJoin over 80,000 professionals from the plastics, packaging, petrochemicals, chemicals, energy and recycling sectors by following us on LinkedIn. www.linkedin.com/company/listgrove-limitedTHROUGHOUT 2023 & 2024 YOU CAN ALSO MEET WITH LISTGROVE AT THE FOLLOWING EXHIBITIONS:PLAST 2023 Milan Italy, Kunststoffenbeurs's-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands,Interplas Birmingham UK, NPE Orlando USARecruiting business leaders and functional specialists with the skills and knowledge to deliver a sustainable future.Performance through PeoplePlease visit www.listgrove.com for more information on our services, global success and testimonials.Listgrove Limited Registered in England No: 01197713 Standort Listgrove Ltd, Düsseldorf
Senior Territory Sales Executive - German speaking
Freshworks, Düsseldorf
Company DescriptionFreshworks makes it fast and easy for businesses to delight their customers and employees. We do this by taking a fresh approach to building and delivering software that is affordable, quick to implement, and designed for the end user. Headquartered in San Mateo, California, Freshworks has a global team operating from 13 global locations to serve more than 65,000 companies - from startups to public companies - that rely on Freshworks software-as-a-service (SaaS) to enable a better customer experience (CRM, CX) and employee experience (ITSM). Freshworks’ cloud-based software suite includes Freshdesk (omni-channel customer support), Freshsales (sales automation), Freshmarketer (marketing automation), Freshservice (IT service desk), Freshchat (AI-powered bots), supported by Neo, our underlying platform of shared services.Freshworks is featured in global national press including CNBC, Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg and has been a BuiltIn Best Place to work in San Francisco and Denver for the last 3 years. Our customer ratings have earned Freshworks products TrustRadius Top Rated Software ratings and G2 Best of Awards for Best Feature Set, Best Value for the Price and Best Relationship.Job location - GermanyJob DescriptionThis is an individual contributor position (IC). As a Senior Territory Sales Executive at Freshworks, you will play a leading role in accelerating our company's revenue growth in Germany. In this role, you will advocate multiple Freshworks product lines (CX, CRM, ITSM). As a brand ambassador, you will champion our innovative Software-as-a-Service products to make organizations more productive, efficient and customer-oriented.Working hand-in-hand with our marketing, presales team and business development representatives, you will especially be responsible for acquiring new customers. The business development representatives (BDRs) will support you during the initial contact with potential customers and their qualifications. You will be partially responsible for helping your team of BDRs become successful. Your role and responsibilitiesAlong with your manager, define and execute sales action plans to meet predefined goals in the region, and to exceed your sales goals through stakeholder mapping, prospecting, qualifying, and closing opportunitiesBuild, develop and manage your sales pipelineCommunicate constantly with other departments, such as marketing and pre-sales, regarding the design and execution of campaigns to improve our internal and external processesUse and administer available resources effectively, e.g. steering the business development and presales representatives to reach your individual sales goalsProvide regular reporting of pipeline and forecasting to the Sales ManagerTravel to customer locations and customer-focused events regularlyEducate yourself to become an expert in SaaS productsQualificationsMinimum 8 years of field sales experience with CSM (CX), CRM or ITSM products in the DACH market with a focus on large customersPast experience as a Business Development Manager is a plusFluent in German and EnglishConsistent achievements/overachievement of sales goals Highly motivated, with a driven personality and a positive attitude towards sales and SaaS productsCustomer-oriented with very strong communication skills, eagerness to learn and consultancy skills in order to understand our customers and to best support themWilling to go the extra mile with a strong work ethic; self-directed and resourcefulThese are some benefits you can expect from us in return:25 days annual Paid-Time-Off (PTO) + an additional 5 days off for the 1st 5 years of serviceLife & Long-Term Disability insuranceLearning & Reading budget of up to €1.000 per yearFitness budget of up to €30 per monthFree online yoga classes twice a weekSmunch: order delicious home-cooked meals straight to the office on us 2X a weekFully stocked pantry with healthy fruits, snacks, gourmet coffee, and breakfast optionsWeekly family lunch and quarterly team-building eventsCompany Funded Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for both you and your familyLong Service AwardsDiscounted Tax Support ServicesAt Freshworks, we are creating a global workplace that enables everyone to find their true potential, purpose, and passion irrespective of their background, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion and ethnicity. We are committed to providing equal opportunity for all and believe that diversity in the workplace creates a more vibrant, richer work environment that advances the goals of our employees, communities and the business. Standort Freshworks, Düsseldorf
Sales Manager Germany (Networking/Power Solutions)
Expert Executive Recruiters (EER Global), Düsseldorf
Sales Manager GermanyOur client is a global industry leader in the design and manufacture of power conversion as well as networking solutions for the defense and aerospace markets and they work closely with the industry’s leading OEMs, integrators, and subsystem developers. Their products include DC/DC converters, AC/DC inverters, solid state power distribution, generator control, VPX, and rugged battery backup solutions, switches, routers, USB hubs and media converters..They are now seeking an energetic and experienced Sales professional to help manage sales activities and customer support. As member of the international Sales Team, you will be reporting to the European Sales Director, working closely with outside sales, production operations, business development, business units, and quality assurance departments.Job Description:Conduct market research to identify potential clients and understand industry trendsIdentify and target potential clients through cold calling, networking, and online platformsDevelop and implement strategies for lead generation to build a pipeline of potential clientsConduct needs assessments to understand client requirements and tailor solutionsCreate compelling and customized proposals outlining product or service offerings, pricing structures, and termsNegotiate terms and conditions with potential clients to reach mutually beneficial agreementsBuild and maintain strong, long-lasting relationships with clients to foster repeat businessWork closely with internal teams, such as marketing and product development, to align strategies and ensure effective communicationDeliver persuasive presentations to showcase the value proposition of products or servicesDevelop accurate sales forecasts and set performance goals accordinglyTrack and manage the sales pipeline, ensuring timely follow-ups and progress updatesStay informed about competitors' products, pricing, and strategies to position our offerings effectively in the marketGenerate regular reports on sales performance, key metrics, and market trends for management review and strategic decision-makingSkills & Requirements:· Minimum of 5 years experience in sales (70% hunting/30% farmer)Preferred background in power electronics/networking productsMust have a background in the defense or aerospace industriesPrevious experience selling to OEMsHigh degree of integrity, professionalism and interpersonal skillsDetail-oriented with the ability to work in a multinational, multi-cultural environmentDeveloped & demonstrated teamwork and collaboration skillsExperience with Salesforce CRM preferredFlexible, adaptable, able to work in a fast-paced, dynamic, changing environmentAbility to work under pressure to tight deadlinesPeople skills, eloquent and persistentNative German speaker with fluency in English (Technical, commercial and negotiations)Willingness to travel within region/country (50-70% of the time) Standort Expert Executive Recruiters (EER Global), Düsseldorf
Strategic Account Manager (IC) - German speaking
Freshworks, Düsseldorf
Freshworks makes it fast and easy for businesses to delight their customers and employees. We do this by taking a fresh approach to building and delivering software that is affordable, quick to implement, and designed for the end user. Headquartered in San Mateo, California, Freshworks has a global team operating from 13 global locations to serve more than 65,000 companies - from startups to public companies - that rely on Freshworks software-as-a-service (SaaS) to enable a better customer experience (CRM, CX) and employee experience (ITSM). Freshworks’ cloud-based software suite includes Freshdesk (omni-channel customer support), Freshsales (sales automation), Freshmarketer (marketing automation), Freshservice (IT service desk), Freshchat (AI-powered bots), supported by Neo, our underlying platform of shared services.Freshworks is featured in global national press including CNBC, Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg and has been a BuiltIn Best Place to work in San Francisco and Denver for the last 3 years. Our customer ratings have earned Freshworks products TrustRadius Top Rated Software ratings and G2 Best of Awards for Best Feature Set, Best Value for the Price and Best Relationship.Job location - GermanyJob DescriptionThis is an Individual Contributor (IC) role. As a Strategic Account Manager at Freshworks, you’ll drive sales into existing defined paying accounts in the DACH region. Your accounts will all have strategic importance to the growth of the region. You will collaborate with teams across Freshworks to manage all aspects of the sales process, including business development, lead management, qualification, evaluation, and closing. You will advocate multiple Freshworks product lines, and as a brand ambassador, you will champion our innovative Software-as-a-Service products to make organizations more productive, efficient and customer-oriented. You will be tasked with increasing spending on existing product lines as well as cross-selling additional products. You will be partly targeted on churn while also managing the whole renewal and uptick process.Role and ResponsibilitiesDrive sales in a defined set of paying accounts to meet or exceed revenue targets in the DACH Market.Develop and execute a strategic plan that leads to the creation and maintenance of a robust sales pipeline, including opportunities in existing accountsManage numerous accounts concurrently and strategicallyManage the renewal process end-to-endWork alongside the CSM organization to reduce churn in your book of businessProvide regular reporting of pipeline and forecastingCreate and articulate compelling value conversations with C-Level stakeholders and also work in alignment with inside stakeholders, namely AEs, Customer Success, Implementations, Billing, Support, deals teams etcAnalyze sales/metrics data from your accounts to help evolve your strategyAssist customers in identifying industry-relevant use cases and educate customers to make a strong business impactDevelop long-term strategic relationships with key accounts to maintain best-in-class service and customer satisfactionKeep abreast of competition, competitive issues and productsParticipate in team-building and company-growth activities, including strategy setting, sales training, marketing efforts and customer careTravel to customer locations in support of sales efforts as and when requiredQualifications8+ years of experience in direct/field sales with SaaS solutions (B2B environment)Sales experience with CX, CRM or ITSM products is a strong advantageFluent in German (business level)Experience in identifying, developing, negotiating, and closing large-scale technology dealsExperience in presenting a technology suite of products within an existing portfolio of accountsExperience in proactively growing customer relationships while being curious to understand client’s businessPrior experience in an environment where they managed a book of business in technology sales, which included large growth in net new opportunitiesConsult and translate customer business and technology needs into technology solutionsProven track record of consistent territory growth and quota achievementUnderstanding of Customer Experience/Employee Experience in a world of digital business transformationThese are some benefits you can expect from us in return25 days annual Paid-Time-Off (PTO) + additional 5 days off for the 1st 5 years of serviceLife & Long-Term Disability insuranceLearning & Reading budget of up to €1.000 per yearFitness budget of up to €30 per monthFree online yoga classes twice a weekSmunch: order delicious home-cooked meals straight to the office on us 2X a weekFully stocked pantry with healthy fruits, snacks, gourmet coffee, and breakfast optionsWeekly family lunch and quarterly team-building eventsCompany Funded Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for both you and your familyLong Service AwardsDiscounted Tax Support ServicesAt Freshworks, we are creating a global workplace that enables everyone to find their true potential, purpose, and passion, irrespective of their background, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion and ethnicity. We are committed to providing equal opportunity for all and believe that diversity in the workplace creates a more vibrant, richer work environment that advances the goals of our employees, communities and the business. Standort Freshworks, Düsseldorf
HEYDUDE: Sr. Key Account Manager Market Germany/Austria (ETW m/f/d - INTERIM)
Agentur Olaf Zern, Düsseldorf
Our partners from Crocs are looking for a Senior Key Account Manager Market for the Germany/Austria for their brand HEYDUDE. The position is interim and limited to 6 months, with a possibility of extension. The role is to be performed remote from Germany. Become part of the HEYDUDE Family and work in a unique environment with a 'startup dynamic' under the umbrella of a fast growing and solid global brand. Become a DUDE! HEYDUDE crafts comfortable, versatile, and accessible footwear and accessories. Founded in Italy in 2008, HEYDUDE pays diligent attention to detail, and a passion for outstanding craftsmanship into every pair of HEYDUDE shoes. HEYDUDE believes its innovative, ultra-light comfort and casual, yet versatile style is a winning combination. In February of 2022, Crocs, Inc. acquired HEYDUDE, a casual footwear brand with very high growth and high profit. This acquisition not only adds an outstanding brand to the Crocs portfolio, but will provide a wealth of opportunity for teamwork, career growth, and best practice sharing across the two brands. Introduction on the role: The (interim) Sr. KAM is driving commercial activities with selected German/Austria market family footwear key account channel and department stores channel supporting the Heydude market roll out. Building and executing a strong commercial and strategically lead focused sales plan for several selected accounts, coordinate and activate all brand departments to execute relevant coop and sales activities to maximize success and create an exponential future growth path. Main short- and midterm focus is to intensify the relation-, introduction and develop of the HeyDude brand and business with selected market leading key accounts. The Sr. KAM is supporting the strategic vision and roadmap with the priority for key account growth in the German/Austria market. The role will support executing our Wholesale strategic planning, drive brand priorities and pillars, and influence and collaborate with cross functional teams across German/Austria market and our EMEA regional headquarters. What will you do? German & Austrian Market Family Footwear Key Accounts and Department Store Account leadership to drive Key Account Growth: Develop, manage, and execute the sales and business plans for the assigned (key) accounts within the German/Austrian market and coordination – in connection with market sales lead - a sales plan (by account and product) Deliver the expected exponential growth with focus on selected family footwear key accounts and department stores. Leverage processes and operating tools to drive the cooperation by implementing the strategic model for these customers. Supporting and executing German & Austrian market /EMEA wholesale Strategies with focus on Family Footwear Key Accounts and Department Store: Drive input and being the footwear business advocate for all relevant aspects of the Key account business. Plan, analyze and implement projects and initiatives in an effective and short time period across internal functions and lead the initiatives across all focus channels and Key Accounts. Develops, in coordination with the market sales lead, a sales plan (by account and product) for selected German/Austrian market family footwear Key Accounts and Department Stores and executes accordingly. Develop German & Austrian Market Family Footwear Key Accounts and Department store profitability and productivity: Consults with manager regarding development of business plans and is accountable for achieving sales quotas. Analyzes, evaluates and reports required sales information in a timely manner. Visits the Key customers as well as stores routinely, to evaluate assortments and make proper revisions to satisfy market needs. Negotiate terms and conditions with key accounts in line and agreed with company expectations. Partner with Finance, Operations, Marketing, Merchandising and Logistics teams to drive stronger profitability and focus on key KPIs. Who are you? Bachelor’s degree or similar in a related field or equivalent work experience 5+ years of successful sales and key account management preferably in the footwear, casual or sport industry within the German & Austrian national key account and department store environment. Deep knowledge & experience of the wholesale landscape focused on German/Austrian Family Footwear Key Accounts and Department store channel.Ability to assess customer needs quickly and to establish industry leading relationship between the brand and key account channel. Experiences to move successfully in a complex matrix organization driving partnership and relationship focus.Proven ability in driving successful growth strategies in complex environments.Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skillsBalance of strategy and deal maker mentality with innovative, flexible, and creative problem-solving skills.Willing to travel in market, EMEA HQ What do we offer? A job within a unique environment with a 'startup dynamic' under the umbrella of a fast growing and solid global brand; Fun workplace, innovating working environment; 50% discount on the most comfortable shoes in the world; Our great training curriculum with in-person sessions and a global eLearning platform offers you a lot of room for personal growth to get a little bit better every day; And so much more! Sounds pretty amazing right? Well, what are you waiting for?! We value diversity and provide equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. Standort Agentur Olaf Zern, Düsseldorf
Client Relations Associate, Germany
Gold Group, Düsseldorf
Client Relations Associate, Dusseldorf, Germany Upto €47,000 + Comp Applications welcomed by talent involed within the finance industry for this amazing opportunity based in Dusseldorf. Please note it is essential that you are fluent in both German and English (written and verbal). What we are looking for: We are currently looking for a Client Relations Associate to be based in Dusseldorf who will play an integral role in managing client relations and product offers across the business. You will have some basic exposure to the financial sector and a genuine interest in covering various different investment asset classes from shipping and aviation to real estate and energy. Every day will be different, learning something new, talking to new people, developing your skills in various different avenues and working within a successful and nimble financial services team. Working with the leadership team to identify new opportunities, preparing marketing materials and supporting the onboarding of new client relationships and projects (incl. managing the KYC & signing processes). Carrying out market research to identify and establish contact with new clients, coordinating the signing of contractual agreements, working on the research and preparation of workshop and seminar resources and assisting across the various business units with the creation of invoices and documentation. Performing due diligence on new clients, requesting KYC information, documentation, review, and verification of received documentation and review of KYC records as to completeness, including verifying that due diligence has been performed and that standards are complied with and that the files and risk assessments are current and up to date. Monitoring of the market and the industry's releases to maintain the company's internal database and to update and identify business opportunities. Identifying possible investors and carrying out research to determine their contact persons and investment preferences (investment manager profiles, fund profiles, investor profiles. Researching and updating investor's strategic asset allocation changes in the company's database support in the preparation of concise reports on investors feedback following the marketing of business products and to create and assist the preparation of relevant marketing materials and pitches for prospective clients. Please register your interest today. Services advertised by Gold Group are those of an Agency and/or an Employment Business. We will contact you within the next 14 days if you are selected for interview. For a copy of our privacy policy please visit our website. Standort Gold Group, Düsseldorf
Key Account Manager
ENNOVI, Düsseldorf
About CompanyENNOVI, a Mobility Electrification Solutions Partner, is a world leader in designing and manufacturing customized interconnect and high-precision system solutions for electric vehicles. The company is fully dedicated to the mobility market with the agility to act at speed in realizing EV OEMs’ needs, from product, process, and manufacturing, on a global level. ENNOVI is accelerating EV market customers’ ideas and requirements through end-to-end competencies in battery systems, power and signal interconnect needs. Headquartered in Singapore, ENNOVI has more than 10,000 employees across 15 sites globally, where all its activities are socially responsible, with minimal environmental impact. ENNOVI. Electrify faster. Learn more at www.ennovi.com.Ennovi is an equal opportunity employer in conformance with all applicable laws and regulations to individuals who are qualified to perform job requirements. The Company administers its personnel policies, programs, and practices in a non-discriminatory manner in all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruitment, hiring, work assignment, promotion, transfer, termination, wage and salary administration, and selection for training.Learn more at www.ennovi.com.Why Join UsAt Ennovi, we envision a future of electrification and innovation and strive to create an inspiring workplace where our employees are integral to shaping that future. We offer a dynamic, collaborative and inclusive culture that encourages continuous learning, professional growth, and a sense of purpose. As a part of the Ennovi family, employees experience the excitement of being at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and contributing to a sustainable future.Our commitment to the transformation is epitomized by our five pillars: Speed, Innovation, Best Talent, Global Reach, and Sustainability. This entails navigating exponential market changes through agile structures, fostering innovation across all aspects of our business, strategically expanding our global footprint, championing sustainability initiatives and nurturing a winning team.JOB DESCRIPTIONSenior customer-facing role focused on building opportunities with existing or new OEM customers. We’re looking for someone with a passion for the automotive sector to join our team and manage our existing OEM and Tier 1 client base. This is a strategic role, delivering solutions for some of the current challenges facing the automotive industry. To be successful you must have a proven track record in developing OEM and tier 1 accounts, sourcing new opportunities, and delivering a strong pipeline with ability to convert as well as manage through NPI processes. Account Management: Creating and implementing account development programmes, creating opportunities for future platforms and cross selling of product streamsBusiness Development:Pro-actively generating enquiries through targeted marketing, networking, and cold/ warm calling. You will be focusing on developing new partnership opportunities, negotiation of deal frameworks and terms, as well as supporting special strategic projects.Pipeline Management: Creating and reporting a current and ongoing pipeline ensuring all stakeholders are updated with upcoming projects.Team Management: Responsible for leading a team of FAEs dedicated to meeting the operational needs of assigned client segments.Be the primary point of contact and build long-term relationships with customers.Help customers through email, phone, online presentations, screen-share and in person meetings.Develop a trusted advisor relationship with key accounts, customer stakeholders and executive sponsors.Ensure the timely and successful delivery of our solutions according to customer needs and objectives.Clearly communicate the progress of monthly/quarterly initiatives to internal and external stakeholders.Forecast and track key account metrics.Update job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.Enhance department and organization's reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.Responsible for keeping current clients satisfied and delivering exceptional client service on a day-to-day basis.Monitor and analyze customer's usage of our product.Liaise between the customer and internal teams.Basic Qualifications & Specification7-10 years of automotive industry work experience in managing and building partnerships with OEM and Tier 1 Accounts special in France.Fluent in French, must be in western part of Europe.Engineering degree in Mechanical or Electronics.Understanding of the automotive OEM landscape.Demonstrated ability to research, size, and prioritize recommendations of new business and partnership opportunities.Proven track record of successful negotiation with both 3rd parties and cross-functionally within a large business structure.Passion, energy and drive to develop and grow multi-million-dollar business programs globally.Exceptional business development and partnership management track record.Strong command of business and financial modelling.Excellent presentation, written and verbal communication skills. Standort ENNOVI, Düsseldorf
Assistant Manager (w/f/d) Internal Audit - EMEA
Nippon Express Europe GmbH, Düsseldorf
The Nippon Express Group is one of the leading global logistics service providers whose Japanese corporation is headquartered in Tokyo. Our services range from air and ocean freight forwarding to cargo, removal services and warehouse operations. The company has numerous freight centers, warehouses and provides logistics services in over 45 countries on six continents with a global network of over 70,000 employees. The logistics focus is mainly on automotive and fashion industries, pharmaceutical products and further consumer goods. Since our founding in 1937, the Nippon Express Group has always used its logistics strengths as a social responsibility to connect people and regions. As the Assistant Manager (f/m/x) Internal Audit, you will play an assisting and supportive role within the Internal Audit team and will add to the effectiveness and quality of our internal audit processes. You will be located (together with your team colleagues) in our European headquarter - in the heart of Duesseldorf. These are your responsibilities: Plan and support internal audits of NX Group companies/branches in the EMEA region to review and verify financial and operational records for accuracy and compliance. Identify and evaluate areas of risk and potential operational improvement within the organization. Support the development of annual audit plans and determine the individual audit scope. Prepare audit reports and communicate findings and recommendations to the EMEA senior management. Provide recommendations for process improvements and schedule follow-up audits to monitor management's actions. Track corrective actions to ensure timely resolution of audit findings. Continuously gain knowledge on rules, regulations, best practices, tools, techniques and sector performance standards. Travel (5-7 times per year for the duration of one week, usually) to our locations within the EMEA region, to Japan or other regional offices. Requirements You hold a (min.) Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field. You have two to three years of experience within internal audit - experience in the logistics or supply chain industry or a consulting company is a plus but not required. Ideally, you are already familiar with auditing standards, internal controls, and risk assessment methodologies. You have an analytical mindset, and are known for your high level of solution-orientation. You have good project management skills and a strong work ethic. Thanks to your strong communication skills, you build relationships easily. You have initial experience with using audit software. Mandatory: Your are fluent in English AND German, any additional language is a plus. Benefits A permanent position within a leading logistics company Stimulating tasks within a diverse and international environment Great team members who will help you to get onboarded quickly Good Work-Life-Balance, possibility to Work From Home (hybrid model) Company car or job-ticket Standort Nippon Express Europe GmbH, Düsseldorf
Regional Sales Manager Middle East and Key Account Manager (m/w/d)
Judith Michel Personalberatung, Düsseldorf
The CompanyOur client, Process Insights AG, is focused on process monitoring, analytics, control and safety. With global operations across North America, Europe and Asia, Process Insights designs and manufactures analytical instrumentation used to provide compositional analysis and measure contaminants within gases and liquids in demanding and high cost-of-failure applications. The Company provides a broad portfolio of analytical technologies for in-line, on-line and at-line testing, including optical spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, chilled mirror / hygrometry and electrochemical technologies. Process Insights’ products provide real-time, tight-tolerance speciation and analysis, enabling its customers to enhance process efficiency, ensure safety and maintain environmental and regulatory compliance. Process Insights’ products serve a broad range of end markets including semiconductor, renewable / alternative energy, life sciences, chemical, environmental monitoring, agriculture, food & beverage, general industrial, labs & research, and water & wastewater. The future focus will be on sustainability industries such as hydrogen, power-to-X, batteries, decarbonization and energy efficiency. Due to further growth, we are now looking for the newly created position of Regional Sales Manager (m/f/d) for Middle East in combination with the KAM for the middle east activities of an Scandinavian company.Experienced sales person with a good feeling for the different cultures in the Middle EastRegional Sales Manager Middle East and Key Account Manager (m/f/d) Analytical measurement technology - growth and expansion of the region - home office in Germany or sales office in Frankfurt/MainActive communication, empathy and diplomacy are basic requirements for you to be successful in sales and global networking?Are you a committed technician (m/f/d) with knowledge of the relevantmarkets and multicultural region, highly motivated and a people person with the ability to approach people and enjoy change and growth - and see yourself in an active part of the work in interdisciplinary teams? Then we are looking exactly for you!The PositionThe RSM & KAM (m/f/d) must be able to build up a distribution network, serve direct and key accounts, operate OEM businesses and manage sales channels. Communication with the distributors will be important, as there will be key accounts in the countries that are served directly by Process Insights. Special sensitivity and diplomacy will be required here to find the best way to guarantee local support and still be able to sell the products to key customers at globally agreed prices. The job holder (m/f/d) will additionally take responsibility for one Key Account himself for the middle east activities of a fast growing hyper agile Scandinavian system integrator and distributor. The new position holder (m/f/d) will directly report to the Director Sales and Marketing EMEA. If successful, the deputy role is in prospect.Qualifying Attributes and SkillsFor this exceptional position - combination of RSM and KAM – Process Insights is looking for an intrinsically motivated, dedicated sales person with strong communication and persuasion skills who enjoys making a difference, who is independent, forward-thinking and decisive. This is a ‘bridge building’ sales role that requires coordination of stakeholders in the global network as well as the marketing team, global sales channels, key accounts and management team.Additional requirements:… (m/f/d) Bachelor Degree in the field of (electrical) engineering or natural sciences, possibly a completed master degree or PhD, ideally in (electrical) engineering or natural sciences… At least five years of professional experience in technical sales / in the development or expansion and management of the middle east region in area sales and/or key account management for customers in the chemical, petrochemical, water and wastewater, food and beverage, pulp and paper, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors… High affinity for the Middle East, the people, the cultures and peculiarities of business, knowledge of Arab customs - as well as knowledge of activities in Scandinavia and/or the US markets… Enjoy new things, change and further growth - making a difference… High esteem for and enjoy coordinating with and working in interdisciplinary teams… An enthusiastic networker to handle and smoothen any cultural distinctions, acts with sensitivity, empathy and diplomacy… Willingness to travel and attend web meetings… Confident skills of written and spoken English and Arabic, ideally German and/or a Scandinavian languageProcess Insights offers… A challenging, interesting and creative task in a growing international group of companies… A culture in which experience and personality are desired. Values such as honesty, trust, transparency, respectful cooperation and both speed and initiative describe the company very well… A professional, young team with an international orientation that looks forward to working together… A pleasant working atmosphere with flat hierarchies and "open doors" … To live the "speed of change" in a very successful global group and to actively shape the further development of Process InsightsWhat we want from you... Your enthusiasm for this future-proof and important position… A certain fit to the described tasks and requirements... Please, send your detailed application by E-Mail - including your experience - to Mrs. Judith Michel-Ehrsam at E-Mail anzeigen Standort Judith Michel Personalberatung, Düsseldorf
International Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets
Genomic Health, Inc., Düsseldorf
Help us change lives At Exact Sciences, we’re helping change how the world prevents, detects and guides treatment for cancer. We give patients and clinicians the clarity needed to make confident decisions when they matter most. Join our team to find a purpose-driven career, an inclusive culture, and robust benefits to support your life while you’re working to help others. Company Overview Exact Sciences is dedicated to delivering patient critical answers across the cancer journey from early detection to treatment decision making. With a strong focus on people and an empathetic spirit, which fuels the company’s culture, driving them to create and deliver solutions rooted in the needs of patients, providers, and families. From earlier cancer detection to treatment guidance and monitoring, Exact Sciences are helping people get the answers they need to make more informed decisions across the cancer continuum. With a leading portfolio of products for earlier detection and treatment guidance, they help people face the most challenging decisions with confidence with a dedication to continuously innovate, combining scientific rigor with an open-minded approach to deliver the next big thing. Exact Sciences is continuously expanding the pipeline with the aim of tackling a wider array of cancer tests through the following measures: Expanding the Oncotype IQ platform to include liquid and tissue-based tests, all with the goal of making cancer care smarter. Adapting biomarker-based technologies create a liquid biopsy capable of detecting cancers and precancers from a blood sample. Using their proven multi-marker approach to achieve analytical sensitivity needed to discriminate between normal and cancerous samples. Collaborating with world-class clinicians and scientists at Mayo Clinic to identify biomarkers associated with the 15 deadliest cancers. Building a cancer detection platform upon learnings from the development of Cologuard (commercially available in the US only). By 2020, Oncotype DX will have been used to guide treatment decisions for more than 1 million cancer patients worldwide in breast, prostate and colon cancer. In July 2019 Exact Sciences acquired Genomic Health, a genetic cancer detection company based in Redwood City, California, for USD 2.8 billion, creating the leading global cancer diagnostics company. In 2020 Exact Sciences acquired Thrive Earlier Detection Corp., a Massachusetts-based healthcare company, in a multi-billion-dollar deal, and Base Genomics, which has technology for DNA methylation analysis. In February 2021 Exact Sciences announced the acquisition of Ashion Analytics, LLC (Ashion) from The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope. Ashion is a CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited sequencing lab based in Phoenix, Arizona with the genomics testing capabilities necessary to address the increasingly complex needs of clinical, academic, and biopharma customers focused on precision cancer treatments. The company is based in the United States, with International headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. Position Summary The Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets, France is a hybrid role responsible for leading an international team of Medical Science Liaisons and supporting Exact Sciences International expansion strategy with key medical activities. This is an exciting chance to build the first Exact Sciences International MSL team in leading and executing an efficient and transparent conversion plan to bring MSL contractors in-house as well as hire and onboard new MSLs to create a diverse and inclusive team. The International Medical Affairs Senior Manager – MSL & Expansion Markets will be expected to develop and drive MSL strategy ensure field medical activities and insight generation result in demonstrable outcomes and further develop and grow the MSL capability at Exact Sciences International. In addition, this individual will be responsible for medical affairs activities in selected key markets across International. These markets will include those where we want to move directly into a market (currently through distributors) or those markets where we currently have limited patient access that require improved reimbursement pathways. The Medical lead will work closely with the Market Expansion Team and lead all associated medial activities that may include leading medical activities for change in market reimbursement, aligning new market needs with central medical team, developing core data strategy for new markets, and defining resourcing needs and transition to new hires. The position is also responsible for consolidating and interpreting medical intelligence and reporting it to the Expansion Markets team. The incumbent will work closely with other functions within the company, including Corporate Strategy, Marketing, and Commercial to advance cross-functional understanding of the MSL value proposition, identify gaps and achieve results in line with company objectives. Representing the medical function, this individual will also manage research and educational medical objectives, while supporting commercial business and reimbursement objectives for the Oncotype DX breast recurrence score test. This position requires professionals with established personal and scientific creditability to interact with thought leaders, government health authorities, and medical centers of excellence. This is a dynamic role and will continue to evolve. Responsibilities/Duties Lead an international team of MSLs toward the implementation of field medical activities by communicating expectations and guiding the team to maintain and effectively communicate deep scientific knowledge and excel at KOL engagement and support medical/scientific information needs of scientific and clinical experts. Accompany the team to meetings with KOLs and other HCPs to assess proficiency and provide timely and constructive performance feedback. Lead and coordinate MSL team meetings to support team building, best practice sharing, development, and the accomplishment of field medical objectives. Develop a MSL Strategic Plan as well as Medical Plan for the markets, which include plans for KOL engagement, data generation, educational and guideline initiatives and reimbursement initiatives that align with the business objectives. Identify and engage international, national, and regional thought leaders in breast cancer within assigned geographic regions to conduct scientific discussions and understand insights related to molecular diagnostics in early BC management, while also establishing and maintaining professional relationships with them. Act as primary contact for investigators interested in developing and performing studies with the company’s commercially available assays in breast cancer. Assist in R&D and investigator-initiated studies as appropriate. Lead national and regional Advisory Boards when external advice is needed. Provide clinical presentations and information in academic, community, and healthcare provider setting in both group and one-on-one situations. Support & partner with regional team to deliver key medical activities. Developing medical slides, giving medical training presentations, and training in internal meetings and for partner distributors. Support international access & reimbursement with medical and scientific expertise. Assure compliance with relevant corporate policies. Provide feedback and medical input to local commercial plans and strategies. Pivotal Experience & Expertise Degree in Medicine/Medical Doctor or PhD, PharmD. 3+ years of therapeutic clinical experience desired. 5 to 7 years of industry experience (working in pharma/biotech/med tech). At least 3 years in a Medical Science Liaison role. Previous MSL (or other) management experience. Expertise in Oncology. Experience in breast/GI/lung cancer is a plus. Experience in Diagnostics or Biotech industry is a plus. Experience in relevant geographies a plus. Excellent English. Skills in other languages preferred. Excellent oral, written and presentation communication skills. Ability to independently deliver quality results in a timely manner. Proven record of working in matrix environment and delivering as part of a cross-functional team. Track record of delivering innovative medical activities across markets. Cultural Impact Highest integrity and ethical behavior. Mutual respect for colleagues. Collaborative within teams, uses resources carefully and can build a great place to work and grow. Ability to interact within culturally diverse teams. Business acumen and innovative mindset. Ability to manage though complexity and ambiguity, while focusing on the end goal. Other Office-based in the International headquarters in Zug or out of one of our European offices. Ability to travel approx.. > 50%. #LI-TK1 Our success relies on the experiences and perspectives of a diverse team, and Exact Sciences fosters a culture where all employees can develop personally and professionally with a sense of respect and belonging. Standort Genomic Health, Inc., Düsseldorf
Strategic Relationship Manager / 100.000 € / North Rhine-Westphalia
Open Talent, Düsseldorf
Strategischer Beziehungsmanager (m/w/d) / 100.000 € / Nordrhein-Westfalen, DeutschlandMöchten Sie sich einem Marktführer in der schnelllebigen Welt digitaler Ingenieurwerkzeuge anschließen? Unser Kunde gewinnt schnell die Spitzenposition in seinem Markt und möchte daher sein Team mit einem erfahrenen Strategic Partnership Manager erweitern.Schließen Sie sich unserem Business Development Team in einer spannenden Wachstumsphase an. Ihr Fokus: die Etablierung wertvoller neuer Partnerschaften und die Pflege bestehender Schlüsselbeziehungen für das Wachstum. Sie werden eng mit unserem Customer Success Team zusammenarbeiten, um ein robustes digitales Ökosystem auf unserer wegweisenden industriellen Intelligenzplattform zu formen.Allein in den letzten 12 Monaten hat dieses Unternehmen über 400 Projekte in der gesamten EU unterzeichnet und kürzlich über 27 Millionen Euro an Finanzierung aufgebracht.Ihr Profil:Abschluss in Bauwesen, Ingenieurwesen oder BetriebswirtschaftMehr als 6 Jahre Erfahrung in einer globalen VertriebsumgebungÜber 4 Jahre Erfahrung in der Schwer- oder AutomobilindustrieKenntnisse über Verkaufs-, Service- und After-Sales-Prozesse in der Schwerindustrie sowie verschiedene Ansätze und unterstützende IT-Systeme in diesen ProzessenFließend in Englisch und Deutsch mit starken VerhandlungsfähigkeitenSchön zu haben:Vertriebserfahrung mit B2B-SoftwareproduktenErfahrung in der Automobil-, Ingenieur- oder SchwerindustrieIhre Hauptaufgaben:Key Account Management: Effektive Verwaltung sowohl bestehender als auch neuer Schlüsselkonten.Geschäftsfallentwicklung: Erstellen und Präsentieren technischer und überzeugender Geschäftsfälle zur Rechtfertigung einer Zusammenarbeit mit neuen SchlüsselkontenPartneridentifikation: Identifizierung potenzieller Unternehmenspartner für Schlüsselkonten, die digitale Lösungen für ihre Ingenieurausrüstung entwickeln möchtenFunktionsdefinition: Definition neuer Funktionen und Anwendungen für den KundenAufbau von Kundenbeziehungen: Vertiefung der Verbindungen zu Kunden und Übersetzung ihrer Bedürfnisse in die Entwicklung unserer ProduktePriorisierung von Anforderungen: Leidenschaftliches Mitwirken bei der Priorisierung von Produkt- und Kundenanforderungen bei der Erstellung von BenutzerstoriesDigitale Prozessinnovation: Erkunden und Verbessern von Kundenprozessen mithilfe digitaler TechnologienWie Sie diesen Job bekommen:Schritt 1: Screening-Gespräch mit Open Talent (20 Minuten)Schritt 2: Nicht-technisches Gespräch mit dem Leiter der Geschäftsentwicklung (1 Stunde)Schritt 3: Treffen mit dem Team (1 Stunde)Angebot!Wir führen bereits Vorstellungsgespräche durch, daher bewerben Sie sich bitte umgehend oder senden Sie Ihren Lebenslauf per E-Mail an: E-Mail anzeigen Standort Open Talent, Düsseldorf
Sales Executive, Digital Signature - Germany
Entrust, Düsseldorf
The Company: Entrust relies on curious, dedicated and innovative individuals whom anticipate the future and provide solutions for a more connected, mobile and secure world. Entrust’s technologies and expertise help government agencies, enterprises and financial institutions in more than 150 countries serve and safeguard citizens, employees and consumers.We Believe: Securing identities is most effective when we value all identities. We are committed to ensuring that, through diversity and inclusion, the many voices that make up our communities are heard. From unconscious bias training for managers to global affinity groups that create connections both within and across our enterprise, Entrust expects and encourages all individuals to accept and respect one another. And, of course, to be themselves.Position Overview: Evidos, an Entrust company, is an international cloud platform for digital signing and digital identification. Based in Germany.Are you enthusiastic about the opportunities that digitization brings and do you speak the language of Enterprises like no other? Then we would like to get in touch with you!As a Sales Executive you are fully responsible for further expanding Evidos' services with the focus on the German market. In this entrepreneurial role, you focus entirely on attracting large future customers in Germany. Therefore you have a major influence on all phases of the sales process. A real entrepreneurial and free sales position in which you directly contribute to the further growth of Evidos!Responsibilities:You listen, analyze and understand the problems of our potential customers. You become an expert in Consultative Selling and you are able to build a positive business case to realize internal decision-making with our (potential) customers as quickly as possible; During the sales process you are in charge and together with the Inside Sales team you ensure a smooth follow-up and settlement. You have daily contact with the right colleagues (Product, Support, IT, Legal, Compliance, Business and/or management) to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible. In addition, you will actively detect, analyze and prospect new markets (Enterprises).Basic Qualifications:Must be fluent in German and English. Must have a Bachelor or Master's degree. You like to explore through your expertise and enthusiasm and you easily establish collaborations;Affinity with IT / SaaS is an advantage;You have at least 3 years of sales experience, preferably in a B2B environment;You have experience in recruiting potential new customers, expanding the existing network in a comparable environment and you know how to reach a deal in the deal closing phase;You are able to communicate with all types of organizations (SMEs and Enterprises) and you have experience in contact with people in various positions such as Business Unit Managers, Purchasing Managers and Sales.What we Offer:Dynamic position in a fast growing scale-up, with various growth and development opportunities, varied work and a lot of freedom in the way you give substance to your work;Room for personal development and the possibility to follow different training courses;Daily lunch with your colleagues, monthly drinks with the team and lots of other fun outings;Company lease car, Pensionable Contributions and a telephone costs reimbursement.Working at Evidos: At Evidos we strive to make our work environment as happy and healthy as possible. We believe that recreation, proper opportunity, a healthy work-life balance and team building is important. We give our over 40+ colleagues the autonomy and opportunity to develop themselves through the many career opportunities we have. Next to work, we do lots of fun things together. An organized VR-game day, BBQ on the beach, our weekly paddle games, bouldering and even a 4-day trip to Valencia helped us create an atmosphere that is both motivating but also having fun together in a safe environment. We all value spending time together and building a trustful working relation with each other.About Evidos and Entrust: Evidos was recently acquired by Entrust, giving us a larger network that allows us to scale up in enabling trusted identities, payments and data protection. We are ready to scale from tens of thousands to millions of daily document signing transactions in the coming years. Standort Entrust, Düsseldorf
Clinical Study Nurse
Pharmiweb, Düsseldorf
Clinical Study Nurse at ClinChoice (View all jobs) Tübingen, Germany Are you interested in working directly for a single sponsor while having the security and additional career opportunities that working for a global CRO can bring? Our team says it’s the best of both worlds.... ClinChoice is searching for a Clinical Study Nurse to join one of our clients, where you will work on-site at a hospital in Tübingen, initially 0.5 FTE for a 12 month contract. ClinChoice is a global full-service CRO with a strong focus on quality, professional development and supportive culture. As a client-facing role, we are looking for confident candidates with the ability to work independently whilst establishing a high-trust environment with the client counter-parts. Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities: Measure vital signs (i.e. blood pressure, pulse rate, BMI, etc.), perform ECG’s, draw blood and perform infusions including putting infusion tubes and clinical monitoring during/after the infusion. Ship blood and laboratory samples to the central labs. Check questionnaires, perform database screening and discuss study information with subjects to aid with informed consent. Support the Principal Investigator with subject eligibility. Maintain Investigator Site File. Assist project teams with study-specific documentation as appropriate. Complete Case Report Forms (CRFs/eCRFs) and Data Clarification Forms (DCFs). Track, quality check and maintain drug accountability records. Ensure completion of site status reports. Ensure source documents (e.g. laboratory reports) are reviewed and signed by The Investigator. Maintain study files and the databases for assigned projects. Co-coordinate ordering/dispatch and track trial materials. Assist with trial progress tracking and update distribution tasks by updating the Clinical Trial Management systems. Support with tracking and safety reporting of study progress. Provide activity reports, expenses and timesheets as required. Report adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs) to all relevant personnel parties. Enter data into the eCRF. Work with the Clinical Research Associate (CRA) to resolve queries. Adhere to the site and study-specific protocol training whilst undertaking visit duties. Maintain standards of professional competence and current clinical practices under ICG-GCP, EU Clinical Trials Directive EU2001/20EC and German Regulatory Requirements. Complete study visits at the site, in line with the study protocol requirements. Ensure all relevant information regarding subjects is recorded, reported and where necessary, acted upon the communicate any changes to the Investigator study team as appropriate. Work at site and Patient Services team to ensure that all aspects of service for assigned groups of subjects are met, through the adherence to study schedules, protocols and local clinical practice regulations and requirements. Flexible approach to working hours to accommodate the dynamic nature of research visits. Education and Experience: Registered Nurse or Medical Assistant with at least 2 years of post-registration experience. Previous experience as a Research Nurse or Medical Assistant including a recent (within the last 1 year) ICH-GCP update. Experience in neurology is desirable. Skills Requirements: Infusion experience essential. Good phlebotomy skills. ECG recording. Managing infusion reactions. Demonstrated organisational skills. Proven flexibility and the ability to work under pressure. Good communication skills. Proficiency in German mandatory, English desirable. Proactive contribution towards the team by being a flexible team player. Ability to work effectively both in a team & independently in a fast-paced environment. Excellent understanding of the clinical processes. Good knowledge of clinical trials, including EU Clinical Trials Directives, Good Clinical Practice for Clinical Trials, and German regulations is desirable, training can be provided. Excellent computer skills required, MS Office proficiency at a minimum. The Application ProcessOnce you have submitted your CV, you will receive an acknowledgement that we received it. If you have the requirements we need, you will be invited for phone interview as the first step. Unfortunately, due to the number of applications we receive, we cannot reply to everyone individually if you are not successful. Who will you be working for? About ClinChoiceClinChoice is a global full-service CRO specializing in clinical development and functional solutions for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and consumer health companies. We have over 28 years of proven high-quality delivery and results across all our services, with over 4,000 professionals in more than 20 countries across the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Our Company EthosOur mission drives our culture: to contribute to a healthier and safer world by accelerating the development and commercialization of innovative drugs and devices. Our employees are the most valuable company asset and they are the fulcrum around which all ClinChoice activities are built and close management and training is the core instrument to develop and maintain highly-qualified personnel. The continuous training keeps the resources qualified in terms of competence and expertise and gives to all personnel the clear tools needed to manage both internal and client processes with the same methodology. The success of these core values is evidenced by our below industry average turnover rates. ClinChoice is an equal opportunity employer. We have based our success on attracting, developing, and promoting talent guided by diversity and inclusivity. Our employees come from very diverse backgrounds: gender, race, beliefs, and ethnicities. We recognize this is our strength and celebrate it. Key words: Study Nurse, Research Nurse, Trial Nurse, Registered Nurse, Clinical Trials, Clinical Research, CRO, Contract Research Organisation, Outsourced, Outsourcing, Sponsor-dedicated #LI-DNP