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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Inside Sales Specialist in Deutschland"

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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Inside Sales Specialist in Deutschland"

40 000 € Durchschnittliches Monatsgehalt

Durchschnittliches Gehaltsniveau in den letzten 12 Monaten: "Inside Sales Specialist in Deutschland"

Währung: EUR USD Jahr: 2024
Das Balkendiagramm zeigt die Änderung des Gehaltsniveaus in der Inside Sales Specialist Branche in Deutschland

Verteilung des Stellenangebots "Inside Sales Specialist" in Deutschland

Währung: EUR
Wie die Grafik zeigt, in Deutschland gilt Nordrhein-Westfalen als die Region mit der größten Zahl der offenen Stellen in und an zweiter Stelle folgt Baden-Württemberg. Den dritten Platz nimmt Berlin ein.

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Empfohlene Stellenangebote

International Sales Consultant - Digital Marketing (w/m/d)
Offerista Group GmbH, Wien, AT
WIR SIND AUF DER SUCHE NACH... einem International Sales Consultant - Digital Marketing (w/m/d) an einem unserer Office Locations oder remote in Österreich oder Deutschland. Kunden weltweit begeistern - das ist genau, was du kannst, liebst und willst. Bringe diese Leidenschaft in unser Team ein, gewinne internationale Deals für uns und erweitere somit unseren globalen Kundenstamm.Klingt nach dir? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung! :)Vollzeit | Wien, Dresden, Berlin, remote | ab sofortDEINE MISSION BEI UNSWeltweit begeistern: Überzeuge Kunden aus verschiedenen Ländern mit deinem Fachwissen und deinem Charisma. Sei es am Telefon, in Videokonferenzen oder bei persönlichen Treffen - du überzeugst von Anfang an.Kundenakquise: Dein Fokus liegt auf der Neukundengewinnung mit aktuellem Fokus auf dem gesamten EU Raum. Zudem betreust und berätst du unsere Bestandskunden.Pitchday! Gemeinsam mit deinen Sales- Kolleg:innen oder auch Solo präsentierst du unsere Digital Marketing-Konzepte auf internationaler Bühne und begeisterst mit deinem Know-how.Immer am Puls der Zeit: Die digitale Marketingwelt ist dynamisch und vielfältig - du bleibst stets auf dem Laufenden, verfolgst proaktiv Trends in verschiedenen Märkten und teilst dein Wissen gerne im Team. Aufbau von internationalen Beziehungen: Du schätzt langfristige Geschäftsbeziehungen. Zeige deine Kreativität und Ideen, wie du diese Beziehungen auf internationaler Ebene aufbaust und pflegst.Du unterstützt unseren Director International Sales bei Projekten, Präsentationen und Kommunikation mit Kunden und Kolleg:innen.DAS WÜNSCHEN WIR UNSIdealerweise bringst du mindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Sales mit, 2 davon mindestens im internationalen Vertrieb. Pluspunkte gibt's, wenn deine Erfahrungen im Bereich digitaler Medien sind.Du bringst einen relevanten Ausbildungsbackground, vorzugsweise in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Marketing, Vertrieb, oder Ähnlichem mit.Du bist begeisterte/r Netzwerker:in und bringst spannende Kontakte aus der Handels, Brands und/oder Agentur Welt mit. Relevante Sales- und/oder Verhandlungsschulungen runden dein Profil perfekt ab.Kommunikationstalent: Mit deinem Charisma, positiven Ausstrahlung und deiner ausgeprägten Kommunikationsstärke ziehst du Menschen in deinen Bann. Sprachkenntnisse: Du beherrschst Deutsch und Englisch verhandlungssicher in Wort und Schrift. Jede weitere Sprache ist ein Plus.marina.pedevilla#diversity&inclusion - sei DU selbst und bring dich ein in unsere #nodiscrimination Unternehmenskultur mit flachen Hierarchien, Offenheit und ganz viel Herzlichkeit.#lean - leanes, agiles und hochdynamisches Arbeitsumfeld mit abwechslungsreichen Tätigkeiten und viel Raum für Kreativität und Mitgestaltung unseres gemeinsamen Weges.#personalgrowth - wir supporten dich mit deinem persönlichen Offerista Development Plan, Workshops, Trainings und viel regelmäßigem Feedback.#officegoals - arbeite in modernen, und gut angebundenen Offices, ergonomisch ausgestattet und mit täglich frischem Obst, Gemüse & Joghurt sowie einer Tee- und Kaffee Flatrate mit deiner Lieblingsmilch (vegan-friendly).#stateoftheart - Laptop, Tastatur, Bildschirm? Hier bekommst du highest quality Equipment.#100%flexibile- flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, Vertrauensarbeitszeit, Mobile-Working Regelungen sowie die Möglichkeit eines Sabbaticals.#teamfuckingawesome - feiere mit uns legendäre Teamevents und -feste, wie unsere jährliche Summerparty oder unser Christmas Event.#familyfirst - bring Kind und Hund auch gerne mal mit ins Office und lass uns dich unterstützen mit einem Zuschuss für deine Kinderbetreuung.#corporatebenefits - erhalte exklusive Discounts bei verschiedenen Anbietern.#sustainability - wir sind klimaneutral! Doch da geht noch was! Bring dich als #orangeofficer ein, um Offerista noch nachhaltiger zu machen.WERDE TEIL UNSERES TEAMS UND GESTALTE MIT UNSWir sind Visionär:innen, Bessermacher:innen und Weiterdenker:innen. Voller Hingabe gestalten wir die digitale Einkaufswelt von Morgen. In Europa bereits als Marktführer im digitalen Handelsmarketing bekannt, verschaffen unsere hochmodernen Produkte dem Einzelhandel internationale digitale Reichweite und Ladenbesuche. Das Erreichte erfüllt uns mit Stolz, das Künftige spornt uns an. Wir sind Offerista - und wir sind auf der Suche nach hellen Köpfen, die uns noch besser machen.  DRESDEN | BERLIN | WIEN | SOFIA | WARSCHAU | BUDAPEST | BUKAREST | REMOTE  
Sales Specialist Consultancy (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Hamburg
Akquise neuer Kunden über entsprechende Business Development ToolsAusbau von Geschäfts-Partnerschaften durch Führen von persönlichen Kunden-MeetingsAufbau langfristiger Kunden- und Kandidaten-Beziehungen sowie NetzwerkpflegeDu überblickst dafür den internen Kandidat:innen- und Mitarbeiter:innen-Pool sowie die gängigen externen Bewerberdatenbanken und soziale NetzwerkeKunden-Pitches für spannende GroßprojekteKundenberatung und Angebotserstellung inkl. KonditionsverhandlungenPräsentation der Dienstleistung beim KundenErfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium oder eine vergleichbare kaufmännische Ausbildung, idealerweise kombiniert mit erster Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb. Quereinsteiger und Berufsanfänger sind jedoch ebenfalls herzlich willkommen!Sportlicher Ehrgeiz sowie ErfolgshungerÜberzeugende Kommunikation mit AbschlussstärkeIntrinsische Motivation und Durchhaltevermögen sowie Begeisterung und Leidenschaft für den Job mit hoher EigeninitiativeFreude an Teamgeist, der dazu beiträgt, dass Ziele gemeinsam erreicht und gefeiert werden können
Sales Associate at Digital Health Venture (m/f/d)
Nia Health GmbH, Berlin
BeschreibungWir suchen ab sofort eine*n ehrgeizige*n und verantwortungsbewusste*n Sales ​Associate (f/m/d), der/die unsere ehrgeizigen Wachstumsziele aktiv vorantreiben und unser Digital Health Venture auf das nächste Level bringen will. Als Teil unseres Business Development Teams und in direkter Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründern besteht Deine Aufgabe darin, die Koordination und Umsetzung unserer Vertriebs- und Geschäftsentwicklung zu unterstützen. Wenn Du ein*e Absolvent*in bzw. Studierende in der Endphase Deines Studiums bist und gerne in einem dynamischen Team mitarbeiten möchtest, das sich der Patientenunterstützung verschrieben hat, würden wir uns freuen, von Dir zu hören!Das Praktikum ist auf eine Dauer von 6 Monaten bestimmt.Deine AufgabenUnterstütze uns bei der Ansprache von Ärzt*innen und potenziellen B2B-Kooperationspartnern (telefonisch und face-to-face).Identifiziere und akquiriere neue B2B-Kooperationspartner, mit denen wir neue Partnerschaften aufbauen können. Pflege bestehender Partnerschaften und entwickle Strategien zum Ausbau der Partnerschaft.Tracke den Erfolg unserer Vertriebsmaßnahmen in unserem CRM-System (HubSpot) und arbeite KPI-getrieben.Führe Marktforschung durch und generiere Marktinsights zur Evaluierung von Business-Development-Projekten.Treibe proaktiv Outbound-Initiativen vor und erstelle als Teil unseres Business Development Teams ansprechende Pitches.Dein ProfilDu beendest gerade Dein Bachelor- oder Masterstudium in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Geisteswissenschaften, Public Health oder ähnlichem mit sehr guten Noten. Du bringst erste Praxiserfahrungen aus mind. einem der folgenden, relevanten Bereiche mit: Vertrieb, Marketing, Pharma, Beratung oder Startup.Du würdest Dich selbst als kommunikative Person bezeichnen. Du greifst gerne zum Telefonhörer, bist selbstbewusst und kannst Andere inspirieren.Du bist wissbegierig und begeisterst Dich für die Digital Health Branche.Du zeichnest Dich durch eine zupackende und tatkräftige Einstellung aus; Herausforderungen reizen Dich und Du übernimmst gerne Verantwortung.Du bist ein*e starke*r Kommunikator*in und verfügst über exzellente Deutsch- und sehr gute Englischkenntnisse.Warum wir? Deine BenefitsWir investieren in Dich. Wir bieten eine steile Lernkurve und die Möglichkeit, durch ständiges Feedback und eine Kultur des kontinuierlichen Lernens über Dich hinauszuwachsen. Gleichzeitig geben wir Dir den Freiraum, Dich selbstständig zu entfalten. Deine Energie und Dein Wissen werden auf die bessere Versorgung chronisch Kranker ausgerichtet. Bei uns hast Du eine Aufgabe mit echtem Impact!Durch unsere flachen Hierarchien arbeitest Du direkt mit unseren Gründern zusammen und bekommst darüber hinaus direkten Kontakt zu KOL der Digital Health Szene.Werde Teil eines einladenden, vielfältigen und internationalen Teams. Du hast die Möglichkeit, an unseren Teamevents, Mittagessen und Aktivitäten teilzunehmen, die wir regelmäßig veranstalten.Unser Ziel ist es, das Praktikum in eine unbefristete Festanstellung zu überführen. Ein monatliches Budget, über das Du frei in unserer Benefits App verfügen kannst, sei es für Fitnessmitgliedschaften, Wellness oder sonstige Aktivitäten.Ein attraktives Büro im Herzen von Kreuzberg. 2.660,00 € pro Monat innerhalb des Praktikums, mit leistungsgerechter Anpassung nach der Praktikumszeit.Bewirb Dich noch heute!Wenn Du Dich angesprochen fühlst, dann freuen wir uns auf Deine Bewerbung. Bitte ergänze Deine Bewerbung (CV) um die Angabe deines frühestmöglichen Einstiegstermins, Deines voraussichtlichen Studienendes und Deiner Verfügbarkeit.Über unsDie Nia Health GmbH, unterstützt von institutionellen VCs, entwickelt und vermarktet auf innovativen Technologien der künstlichen Intelligenz basierende medizinische Software, um Menschen mit chronischen Erkrankungen eine vollumfängliche digitale Unterstützung anzubieten. Nia Health ist ein Medizinproduktehersteller und entstand 2019 aus einer Ausgründung der Charité Berlin. Ihr erstes Produkt, die preisgekrönte Neurodermitis-App Nia, bietet bereits tausenden Patienten und Angehörigen in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich tägliche Unterstützung. Nia ist inzwischen die meistgenutzte Neurodermitis-App im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die Nia Health GmbH wurde 2020 mit dem Europäischen Innovationspreis "EIT Health Headstart Award" ausgezeichnet und kooperiert bereits mit führenden Pharmaunternehmen sowie Krankenkassen. Standort Nia Health GmbH, Berlin
Finanzassistentin/Finanzassistent „internationales Geschäft“
S-International Baden-Württemberg Nord GmbH & Co. KG, Ludwigsburg
Du hast Lust auf einen Berufseinstieg mit vielen Perspektiven im internationalen Bankgeschäft? Hier ist dein ganz besonderer Karriere-Turbo: Du spezialisierst dich schon während deiner Ausbildung auf das internationale Bankgeschäft. Denn neben den klassischen bankfachlichen Ausbildungsinhalten sammelst du zusätzliche Berufserfahrung in unserem Kompetenzcenter, der . Dort wirst du nach deiner Ausbildung in einem der Teams in der dokumentären Sachbearbeitung in Ludwigsburg oder Esslingen eingesetzt. Dein großes Plus: Bei der S-International erhältst du wertvolle Einblicke in das kommerzielle Auslandsgeschäft sowie in das Zins-, Währungs- und Rohstoffmanagement. Hier kannst du deine Potenziale individuell entfalten und Knowhow für die Abwicklung von dokumentären Transaktionen für die Firmenkunden der Sparkassen mit internationalen Bankgeschäften aufbauen. Das erwartet dich… An erster Stelle in der Ausbildung steht die Kundenberatung. Dazu lernst du unter anderem folgende Bereiche kennen: Anlageberatung und Kreditgeschäft, Kontoführung und Zahlungsverkehr Baufinanzierung Rechnungswesen und Steuerung Beratung zu passgenauen Lösungen für unsere Firmenkunden mit internationalem Bankgeschäft in über Ländern Abwicklung von Transaktionen im internationalen Bankgeschäft Parallel dazu erwarten dich innerbetriebliche Unterrichte zu theoretischen Inhalten sowie Workshops, die dich persönlich weiterbringen. Diese Ausbildung als Bankkauffrau/Bankkaufmann mit Zusatzqualifikation „Privates Vermögensmanagement" findet parallel in der Kreissparkasse, bei der S-International Baden-Württemberg Nord und in der statt. Sie dauert zwei Jahre. Das bringst du mit… Für diese Ausbildung solltest du: freundlich und sicher auftreten, kommunikativ und leistungsbereit sein, eine hohe Lernbereitschaft und gute Englischkenntnisse mitbringen, Teamwork schätzen, gern selbstständig, digital und eigenverantwortlich arbeiten. Wenn du dich zusätzlich für Wirtschafts- und Finanzthemen interessierst und schon etwas Vorwissen mitbringst – umso besser. Abitur oder Fachhochschulreife mit gutem Ergebnis setzen wir voraus. Du hast Interesse? Nutze deine Karrierechance. Bewirb dich einfach online über die . Wir freuen uns auf dich! Standort S-International Baden-Württemberg Nord GmbH & Co. KG, Ludwigsburg
Export Area Manager / Area Sales Manager Export / Sales Specialist (m/w/d) - Asia-Pacific
Blickle Räder + Rollen GmbH u. Co. KG, Rosenfeld
Über unsWir sind eine mittelständische Unternehmensgruppe mit 20 Vertriebsgesellschaften in Europa, Nordamerika, Asien und Australien und beschäftigen insgesamt über 1.300 Mitarbeiter. Wir zählen weltweit zu den führenden Herstellern unserer Branche und exportieren unsere Produkte in über 120 Länder. Die Schwerpunkte unserer Fertigung sind Stanz- und Umformtechnik, Schweißen und Montage sowie Kunststoffverarbeitung. Unsere Kunden sind überwiegend Industriefirmen, die unsere Produkte in ihre Erzeugnisse einbauen sowie der technische Fachhandel.Eine seriöse, dynamische Geschäftspolitik, die Qualität unserer Produkte und ein gutes Betriebsklima sind die Grundlagen unseres anhaltenden Erfolges. Im Zuge einer Nachfolgeregelung suchen wir Sie als Export Area Manager / Area Sales Manager Export / Sales Specialist (m/w/d) - Asia-Pacific Standort: RosenfeldIhre AufgabenKompetenter Ansprechpartner für unsere internationale Kundschaft im Raum Asia-PacificTechnische Beratung und Abwicklung der Korrespondenz mit unseren Niederlassungen und internationalen VertriebspartnernAngebotserstellung und -verfolgungBetreuung von Besuchern und Reisetätigkeit in die betreuten Länder nach gründlicher EinarbeitungDurchführung von technischen ProdukttrainingsMitwirkung bei der Erarbeitung von Marktstrategien und dem weiteren Auf- und Ausbau unserer internationalen VertriebsorganisationIhr ProfilVertriebserfahrung im technischen Vertrieb von beratungsintensiven ProduktenAbgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung, wie z. B. zum Kaufmann für Groß- und Außenhandelsmanagement (m/w/d), idealerweise in einem vertriebsnahen Umfeld sowie fundierte Berufserfahrung im internationalen Geschäft. Alternativ ein betriebswirtschaftliches oder technisches Studium, wie z. B. BWL-Handel, BWL-International Business oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen sowie Berufserfahrung im entsprechenden SegmentGutes technisches VerständnisKontaktfähigkeit und VerhandlungsgeschickKommunikationssicheres Englisch in Wort und SchriftKenntnisse asiatischer Sprachen sind von VorteilDienstsitz ist RosenfeldGültiger Führerschein Klasse BUnser AngebotKommen Sie an: Individuelle Einarbeitung in das entsprechende AufgabengebietGestalten Sie Ihre Zukunft: Mit spannenden Schulungs- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, die Sie beruflich und persönlich wachsen lassenProfitieren Sie von: Vielfältigen Mitarbeiterangeboten, wie Dienstrad-Leasing, Corporate Benefits, kostenfreie Wasserspender und einem abwechslungsreichen Speisenangebot im Blickle-BetriebsrestaurantBleiben Sie flexibel: Mit dem Blickle-Gleitzeitmodell, flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und unserer Homeoffice-RegelungWir sichern Sie ab: Langfristiger und sicherer Arbeitsplatz in einer expandierenden, zukunftsorientierten und gesunden mittelständischen UnternehmensgruppeWir bieten Ihnen: Eine angemessene Vergütung, Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld, 30 Urlaubstage, eine faire Überstundenregelung und die Blickle ErfolgsprämieHaben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt?Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre vollständige Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse), die Sie uns bitte in unserem Karriereportal zusenden. Für nähere Informationen steht Ihnen Herr Raumann (Telefon: 07428 932-191) gerne zur Verfügung.Blickle Räder + Rollen GmbH u. Co. KG Heinrich-Blickle-Str. 1 72348 Rosenfeld Germany Tel.: 07428 932-0 Fax: 07428 932-79191E-Mail anzeigenwww.blickle.com Standort Blickle Räder + Rollen GmbH u. Co. KG, Rosenfeld
Junior Sales Manager (m/w/d) digitale Mitarbeitergewinnung
Rankingdocs GmbH, Hamburg
Als Expertenteam für Mitarbeitergewinnung im Gesundheitswesen helfen wir unseren Kunden dabei, sich als starke Arbeitgebermarke zu behaupten und ihre Mitarbeitergewinnung zu digitalisieren. Mit unseren Fachkräfte-Plattformen haben wir weiterhin eine Möglichkeit geschaffen, Personalvermittlung vollständig zu digitalisieren und mehr als 1.500 Kunden Zugang zu qualifiziertem Personal zu ermöglichen.Wir suchen dich ab sofort als Junior Sales Manager (m/w/d), um uns bei der Gewinnung neuer Interessenten zu unterstützen und den Vertrieb weiterzuentwickeln.AufgabenVertriebsvorbereitungen (Analyse und Recherche potenzieller Interessenten)Telefonische Kontaktaufnahme zu Interessenten und Akquise über verschiedene Inbound- und Outbound-KanäleVideo-Onboardings neuer Kunden auf unseren Vermittlungs-PlattformenVorbereitung von Terminen für unsere StrategieberaterStetige Weiterentwicklung des VertriebsQualifikationDu verfügst über Erfahrung im digitalen Vertrieb und / oder in der KundenberatungDu verfügst über perfekte Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftDu bist energetisch und Dir fällt der Umgang mit verschiedensten Menschen und Charakteren leichtDu verfügst über ein aufgeschlossenes, sympathisches und kompetentes AuftretenDu arbeitest eigenständig, übernimmst Verantwortung und bringst dich aktiv einDu hast eine strukturierte ArbeitsweiseDu hast idealerweise bereits erste berufliche Erfahrungen im Gesundheitswesen gesammelt - ist aber kein MussBenefitsWir leben flache Hierarchien und ein ausgeprägtes „Wir“-Gefühl. Rankingdocs ist mehr als nur die Summe seiner Teile. Jeder ist wichtig. Kleine Rädchen findest du nicht bei uns, Wertschätzung, Vertrauen und ein offenes Miteinander dafür umso mehrSehr gute Vergütung und zusätzliche ProvisionsmöglichkeitenSteile Lernkurve und viele Möglichkeiten zur WeiterentwicklungZentrale Lage in Hamburg (direkt an der U-Bahnstation Lübecker Str.)Top-Ausstattung (Macbook, Iphone, Stehschreibtisch u.v.m.)Regelmäßiger Team-Brunch, Klasse A-Kaffeebohnen und reichlich Softdrinks auch für dein leibliches Wohl30 Tage UrlaubOffice-Dog und Office-CatViel Gestaltungsspielraum und die Möglichkeit, den Vertrieb in einem jungen Team aktiv mitzugestaltenDu magst Menschen? Dann wirst du deinen Job lieben :)Wir freuen uns über deine Bewerbung!Mit Rankingdocs finden mehr als 1.500 Arbeitgeber im Gesundheitswesen schnell und unkompliziert neue Mitarbeiter und passende Sofort-Lösungen für ihre Vakanzen. Standort Rankingdocs GmbH, Hamburg
Senior Sales Executive Automotive Industry - Testing, Inspection & Certification
UL Solutions, Stuttgart
About usAt UL, we know why we come to work: A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.TasksSupports planning of sales strategy and maintains ongoing plan to prioritize and maintain relationships with UL’s key accounts in dedicated region.Connects with customers Face-to-Face and remotely (video, phone, email) to promote and sell UL products and services.Uses technical credibility to build relationships with buyers and centers of influence.Drives sales process from beginning to end, leveraging support from Sales Support Specialists and Inside Sales Executives when/if necessary.Follows up with customers to ensure renewal of services where applicable and spots opportunities to sell specialty product / services.Meets with new logo prospects from inbound and outbound channels to qualify their needs, understand decision makers, and land new customers.Supports discovery, opportunity identification, proposals, and closing for sales of core UL products and services.Leverages technical support (engineers) when customer has a qualified need.Brings in additional resources when advantageous to support sales process, and delegates leadership of the sale to Technical Inside Sales Executives for highly technical or specialized products / services.Transitions implementation to success / fulfillment teams after sales have been closed to ensure seamless service delivery.Profile5+ years of working experience in sales (direct sales, medium/large or key accounts management) and demonstrated account management capability.Experience in sales of Testing, Inspection & Certification services or similar complex services.Automotive industry knowledge would be ideal.Proven ability to manage and sell into large, diverse accounts, both individually and with the assistance of supporting personnel.Strong command of German and English is a must.Familiarity with Salesforce or similar CRM tools would be a plus.Excellent interpersonal skills, business acumen and ability to solve complex problems.Great communicator able to present dynamic solutions to customers.Available to business travels.We offerMission: For UL, corporate and social responsibility isn’t new. Making the world a safer, more secure and sustainable place has been our business model for the last 130 years and is deeply engrained in everything we do.People: Ask any UL employee what they love most about working here, and you’ll almost always hear, "the people.” Going beyond what is possible is the standard at UL. We’re able to deliver the best because we employ the best. Interesting work: Every day is different for us here as we eagerly anticipate the next innovation that our customers create. We’re inspired to take on the challenge that will transform how people live, work and play. And as a global company, in many roles, you will get international experience working with colleagues around the world. Grow & Achieve: We learn, work and grow together with targeted development, reward and recognition programs as well as our very own UL University that offers extensive training programs for employees at all stages, including a technical training track for applicable roles.Total Rewards: All employees at UL are eligible for bonus compensation. Depending on your role, you can work with your manager on flexible working arrangements. We also provide employees with paid time off including vacation, holiday, sick and volunteer time off. We also believe our people are our foundation so we provide training and development to foster career development Standort UL Solutions, Stuttgart
Sales Executive Automotive Industry - Testing, Inspection & Certification
UL Solutions, Stuttgart
About usAt UL, we know why we come to work: A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.TasksSupports planning of sales strategy and maintains ongoing plan to prioritize and maintain relationships with UL’s key accounts in dedicated region.Connects with customers Face-to-Face and remotely (video, phone, email) to promote and sell UL products and services.Uses technical credibility to build relationships with buyers and centers of influence.Drives sales process from beginning to end, leveraging support from Sales Support Specialists and Inside Sales Executives when/if necessary.Follows up with customers to ensure renewal of services where applicable and spots opportunities to sell specialty product / services.Meets with new logo prospects from inbound and outbound channels to qualify their needs, understand decision makers, and land new customers.Supports discovery, opportunity identification, proposals, and closing for sales of core UL products and services.Leverages technical support (engineers) when customer has a qualified need.Brings in additional resources when advantageous to support sales process, and delegates leadership of the sale to Technical Inside Sales Executives for highly technical or specialized products / services.Transitions implementation to success / fulfillment teams after sales have been closed to ensure seamless service delivery.Profile5+ years of working experience in sales (direct sales, medium/large or key accounts management) and demonstrated account management capability.Experience in sales of Testing, Inspection & Certification services or similar complex services.Automotive industry knowledge would be ideal.Proven ability to manage and sell into large, diverse accounts, both individually and with the assistance of supporting personnel.Strong command of German and English is a must.Familiarity with Salesforce or similar CRM tools would be a plus.Excellent interpersonal skills, business acumen and ability to solve complex problems.Great communicator able to present dynamic solutions to customers.Available to business travels.We offerMission: For UL, corporate and social responsibility isn’t new. Making the world a safer, more secure and sustainable place has been our business model for the last 130 years and is deeply engrained in everything we do.People: Ask any UL employee what they love most about working here, and you’ll almost always hear, "the people.” Going beyond what is possible is the standard at UL. We’re able to deliver the best because we employ the best. Interesting work: Every day is different for us here as we eagerly anticipate the next innovation that our customers create. We’re inspired to take on the challenge that will transform how people live, work and play. And as a global company, in many roles, you will get international experience working with colleagues around the world. Grow & Achieve: We learn, work and grow together with targeted development, reward and recognition programs as well as our very own UL University that offers extensive training programs for employees at all stages, including a technical training track for applicable roles.Total Rewards: All employees at UL are eligible for bonus compensation. Depending on your role, you can work with your manager on flexible working arrangements. We also provide employees with paid time off including vacation, holiday, sick and volunteer time off. We also believe our people are our foundation so we provide training and development to foster career development Standort UL Solutions, Stuttgart
Inside Sales (m/w/d) - befristet für 1 Jahr
Wir suchen Sie für den Standort: Herdorf Inside Sales (m/w) - befristet für 1 Jahr Sie fühlen sich dazu berufen in einem anspruchsvollen technologischen Umfeld die bestmögliche Kundenbetreuung zu gewährleisten? Dabei gehen Sie auch mal neue Wege und möchten die Visionen von heute bereits morgen in die Tat umsetzen? Sie leben unsere Werte Ehrlichkeit, Mut und Helfen unserer offenen Unternehmenskultur genauso wie wir? Dann suchen wir Sie für unseren Standort in Herdorf - befristet für ein Jahr.IHRE AUFGABEN:Betreuung von Bestands- und Neukunden (zugeordnete Kunden Accounts)Vorbereitung und Erstellung von Angeboten (vorhandene Produkte und Neuprojekte)Aufbereitung von Vertriebsdaten für 3-Monatsplanung und Jahresplanung (Absatz/Umsatzplanung, Budgetplanung)Debitorenmanagement intern und Klärung Zahlungsverkehr mit KundenAbstimmung von Serien- und Einzelverpackung intern und mit KundenRegelmäßiges Sichten von Aufgaben auf Kunden-Portalen und deren BearbeitungStammdatenpflege im ERP-System (Preis-, Artikel- und Kundenstammdaten)Pflege und Befüllung aller notwendigen Daten/Informationen in Kundenportalen (Angebote, Zertifikate, Rechnungen, etc.)internes Reporting (z.B. Preismanagement)IHR PROFIL:Qualifizierte Berufsausbildung (vorrangig Kaufmännisch mit technischem Verständnis)Zuverlässige und selbstständige ArbeitsweiseSehr gute Kenntnisse der MS-Office AnwendungenSehr gute EnglischkenntnisseKommunikationsstärke, Empathie und HumorWARUM THOMAS?Wir sind ein offenes Familienunternehmen, bei dem der Mensch im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns steht – vom Mitarbeiter bis zum Kunden. Dabei setzen wir auf charakterstarke, eigenverantwortliche Mitarbeiter mit einer hohen Sozialkompetenz. Die Gesundheit unserer Mitarbeiter ist uns ein ebenso großes Anliegen wie die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie. Teil dieser Erfolgsgeschichte und eines dynamischen Teams zu werden ist Ihre Chance!WIR SIND:Mit rund 900 Mitarbeitern entwickelt und fertigt unser Familienunternehmen elektromagnetische und fluidische Aktoriksysteme für die Automotive- und Mobilhydraulik-Industrie. Unser Anspruch, mit den von uns entwickelten Produkten unsere Kunden zu begleiten, hat uns zu einem führenden internationalen Zulieferer wachsen lassen.Bei der Entwicklung und Fertigung unserer Produkte folgen wir einer Null-Fehler-Qualitäts-Philosophie. Zu unseren Kunden zählen die Premiumhersteller der Automobilindustrie, führende internationale Hersteller von Fahrzeugen und mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen sowie Systemzulieferer. Seit Jahrzehnten profitieren sie vom Nutzen unserer hoch modernen Produkte und vertrauen auf deren Qualität und Leistungsfähigkeit.Der wesentliche Schlüssel für unseren Erfolg sind hoch qualifizierte und motivierte Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, denen Thomas mit Wertschätzung und Verantwortung begegnet. Im Familienunternehmenskodex der Inhaberfamilie ist festgehalten, dass das Wohl des Unternehmens und somit auch der Mitarbeiter an erster Stelle steht – Company First. Standort THOMAS MAGNETE GmbH, Herdorf
Sales Manager - Vascular - DACH
Plexus Partners, Essen
Overview:Plexus are partnered with a highly innovative vascular device company on a positive growth trajectory in Europe. We are seeking a driven Sales Manager for the DACH region to drive sales and expand market share within Switzerland and Germany. The ideal candidate will leverage their expertise with interventional device sales, along with exemplary territory and account management skills, to achieve strategic sales objectives.Responsibilities:Develop and execute sales strategies to surpass company targets, including planning impactful activities and documenting outcomes.Create tactical plans for territory mapping and objective attainment, maintaining up-to-date account information.Generate annual and quarterly sales forecasts and consistently report on performance and activities.Identify and pursue opportunities to enter new accounts, conducting effective product presentations and training sessions.Cultivate business relationships within defined territories, supporting physician user experience and providing technical support.Collaborate with marketing and sales teams to enhance account penetration, participating in industry events and assisting in the development of training and marketing materials.Additional responsibilities may include supporting markets or events outside the designated territory.Requirements:Minimum of 5 years of experience in sales within the neurovascular or cardiovascular space, preferably in a cath-lab environment or as a medical device training specialist.Proven track record of consistent sales achievement, and an existing network in Germany or Switzerland. Preference for candidates with medical device clinical experience.Strong organizational, analytical, and interpersonal skills.Proactive and self-sufficient with a strong work ethic.Ability to work independently and manage time efficiently.Excellent communication skills and a team player mindset.Adaptability to an international environment.Benefits:Competitive salary and benefits package.Incredible commission scheme (arguable the most lucrative in the industry). Opportunity for professional growth within an innovative company.Collaboration with a dynamic and diverse team.Work from home flexibility with travel opportunities.Exposure to cutting-edge medical technologies and industry events.Portfolio of exceptional and unique devices with robust clinical results. If this sounds interesting, please apply via the link or send your CV via email directly to: E-Mail anzeigenIf you have not heard back in 21 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Standort Plexus Partners, Essen
Regional Sales Manager, Cryo Nerve Pain Management - Germany
VIDA Connected Specialists, Cologne
As a leading provider of innovative technologies for the treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) and related conditions, electrophysiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons around the globe count on to deliver best-in-class solutions that can treat even the most complex cases. Our Ablation System is the first and only medical device approved by the FDA for the treatment of long standing persistent Afib, our Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Exclusion System products are the most widely used LAA management devices worldwide, and we are expanding into pain management therapies. We invest in innovation, clinical science, and education to focus on improving lives for our patients’ worldwide.We foster a culture of inclusion by embracing diverse experiences and individuals where everyone’s authentic self is welcome. We offer supporting programs and resources that provide enriching and equitable opportunities for each person to contribute professionally and personally. Position Summary: The Regional Sales Manager, CryoNB is responsible for prospecting, qualifying, and closing direct business sales in cardiac/thoracic operating and related departments within hospitals. This role must be able to train and support the surgeon and their staff in various procedures and provide support in the O.R. and during follow-up patient care as required. This position requires excellent relationship management, teamwork, and strategic planning with the Product Development team.Who are You? You are looking for a growing international company within the Medical Device industry. You work well independently but have the ability to work effectively as part of a team. You are positive and constructive in life, and you focus on the opportunities that are available. Roles And Responsibilities Develop, implement, and execute a strategic sales plan for designated territory to achieve assigned targets Continually identify new customers, contacts, and opportunities Provide clinical support and during follow-up patient care as required. Increase penetration and adoption within existing accounts to build upon and grow the base business Work closely with the Area Director to implement and execute strategies to achieve corporate sales goals Work with marketing to share industry news and trends and receive feedback of the same Attend industry trade shows and events as needed Manage your territory and track customer activity Responsible for understanding and satisfying the requirements for obtaining access to a hospital, healthcare system, or other client site Used to work inside the OR environment Additional Responsibilities Ability to conduct accurate forecasting of the territory. Ability to travel 80% in fulfillment of the role. Ability to present in large and small groups. Ability to work under fast-paced conditions. Ability to make decisions and use good judgment Ability to prioritize various duties and multitask as required Ability to successfully work with others Additional duties as assigned A Little About Yourself Bachelor’s degree or demonstrated equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Specific knowledge and selling experience related to cardiac and thoracic fields are highly preferred. Knowledge and experience in Neuromodulation is also advantageous. Must have successful track record with sales quota achievement. Must have strong clinical and technical aptitude. Excellent interpersonal skills. The candidate must enjoy and excel at personal relationship building. Problem-solving / trouble-shooting skills Must be confident, goal oriented, self-motivated and a team player Must have strong and proven relationship building skills Computer experience with Microsoft programs such as PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, and Word Ability to travel 80% depending on territory size, location, and maturity Fluent in English What We Offer The chance to work with an international team with more than 20 different nationalities, with 120 international employees (on-site and in the field) which makes it a dynamic place to work. The offer includes a competitive base salary, performance-based bonus plan, training and development opportunities, 28 days’ annual paid leave, 2 days’ volunteer time off, mental health support benefit, and dynamic company events. Standort VIDA Connected Specialists, Cologne
Senior Sales Manager for South Germany
JD Ross Energy, Munich
As Senior Sales Manager, you will be responsible for the successful sales of my client's commerce sales channel via electrical wholesalers in southern Germany. You will lead a team of three area sales managers who will be reporting into you.About the business:They are an EV infrastructure manufacturer who is providing charging components and charging solutions for private, semi- public and public use. As they have founded the SCHUKO plug system they are also developing and manufacturing high quality plugs and sockets for craft and construction site. Their sales is managed by both sales channels commerce and direct sales and our main customers are wholesalers, utilities and OEM. The electrician branch as key multiplicator is mainly responsible of the installation of their EV charging products.Your Responsibilities:Be responsible for your sales region (South Germany) with the entire product portfolioSuccessfully developing existing partners and building new customers/businessLead and develop your team of three Area Sales Managers who will report directly into youDesigning and successfully implementing annual customer appraisalsRepresent the business at trade fairs and events and continuously develop your networkPlanning and supporting projectsPlan and conduct product trainings and webinars with technical trainerYour profile:Education in the technical or commercial field5 years experience in sales in the EV charging/e-mobility sectorGood network in southern GermanyStrong negotiation experienceLeadership/management experience as you will be leading a team of three sales managersStructured and solution-oriented approachWillingness to travel to customers Benefits:Competitive salary and performance-based incentivesNew bonus structure to be implemented in Q1Company car and wallbox charging stationA dynamic and collaborative work environment at the forefront of sustainable technologyOpportunities for professional development and career advancement30 days holidayHow to Apply:Please submit your resume detailing your relevant experience to E-Mail anzeigen. ️ Standort JD Ross Energy, Munich
Regional Sales Manager, Cryo Nerve Pain Management - Germany
VIDA Connected Specialists, Frankfurt
As a leading provider of innovative technologies for the treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) and related conditions, electrophysiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons around the globe count on to deliver best-in-class solutions that can treat even the most complex cases. Our Ablation System is the first and only medical device approved by the FDA for the treatment of long standing persistent Afib, our Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Exclusion System products are the most widely used LAA management devices worldwide, and we are expanding into pain management therapies. We invest in innovation, clinical science, and education to focus on improving lives for our patients’ worldwide.We foster a culture of inclusion by embracing diverse experiences and individuals where everyone’s authentic self is welcome. We offer supporting programs and resources that provide enriching and equitable opportunities for each person to contribute professionally and personally. Position Summary: The Regional Sales Manager, CryoNB is responsible for prospecting, qualifying, and closing direct business sales in cardiac/thoracic operating and related departments within hospitals. This role must be able to train and support the surgeon and their staff in various procedures and provide support in the O.R. and during follow-up patient care as required. This position requires excellent relationship management, teamwork, and strategic planning with the Product Development team.Who are You? You are looking for a growing international company within the Medical Device industry. You work well independently but have the ability to work effectively as part of a team. You are positive and constructive in life, and you focus on the opportunities that are available. Roles And Responsibilities Develop, implement, and execute a strategic sales plan for designated territory to achieve assigned targets Continually identify new customers, contacts, and opportunities Provide clinical support and during follow-up patient care as required. Increase penetration and adoption within existing accounts to build upon and grow the base business Work closely with the Area Director to implement and execute strategies to achieve corporate sales goals Work with marketing to share industry news and trends and receive feedback of the same Attend industry trade shows and events as needed Manage your territory and track customer activity Responsible for understanding and satisfying the requirements for obtaining access to a hospital, healthcare system, or other client site Used to work inside the OR environment Additional Responsibilities Ability to conduct accurate forecasting of the territory. Ability to travel 80% in fulfillment of the role. Ability to present in large and small groups. Ability to work under fast-paced conditions. Ability to make decisions and use good judgment Ability to prioritize various duties and multitask as required Ability to successfully work with others Additional duties as assigned A Little About Yourself Bachelor’s degree or demonstrated equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Specific knowledge and selling experience related to cardiac and thoracic fields are highly preferred. Knowledge and experience in Neuromodulation is also advantageous. Must have successful track record with sales quota achievement. Must have strong clinical and technical aptitude. Excellent interpersonal skills. The candidate must enjoy and excel at personal relationship building. Problem-solving / trouble-shooting skills Must be confident, goal oriented, self-motivated and a team player Must have strong and proven relationship building skills Computer experience with Microsoft programs such as PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, and Word Ability to travel 80% depending on territory size, location, and maturity Fluent in English What We Offer The chance to work with an international team with more than 20 different nationalities, with 120 international employees (on-site and in the field) which makes it a dynamic place to work. The offer includes a competitive base salary, performance-based bonus plan, training and development opportunities, 28 days’ annual paid leave, 2 days’ volunteer time off, mental health support benefit, and dynamic company events. Standort VIDA Connected Specialists, Frankfurt
Sales Manager - Vascular - DACH
Plexus Partners, Frankfurt
Overview:Plexus are partnered with a highly innovative vascular device company on a positive growth trajectory in Europe. We are seeking a driven Sales Manager for the DACH region to drive sales and expand market share within Switzerland and Germany. The ideal candidate will leverage their expertise with interventional device sales, along with exemplary territory and account management skills, to achieve strategic sales objectives.Responsibilities:Develop and execute sales strategies to surpass company targets, including planning impactful activities and documenting outcomes.Create tactical plans for territory mapping and objective attainment, maintaining up-to-date account information.Generate annual and quarterly sales forecasts and consistently report on performance and activities.Identify and pursue opportunities to enter new accounts, conducting effective product presentations and training sessions.Cultivate business relationships within defined territories, supporting physician user experience and providing technical support.Collaborate with marketing and sales teams to enhance account penetration, participating in industry events and assisting in the development of training and marketing materials.Additional responsibilities may include supporting markets or events outside the designated territory.Requirements:Minimum of 5 years of experience in sales within the neurovascular or cardiovascular space, preferably in a cath-lab environment or as a medical device training specialist.Proven track record of consistent sales achievement, and an existing network in Germany or Switzerland. Preference for candidates with medical device clinical experience.Strong organizational, analytical, and interpersonal skills.Proactive and self-sufficient with a strong work ethic.Ability to work independently and manage time efficiently.Excellent communication skills and a team player mindset.Adaptability to an international environment.Benefits:Competitive salary and benefits package.Incredible commission scheme (arguable the most lucrative in the industry). Opportunity for professional growth within an innovative company.Collaboration with a dynamic and diverse team.Work from home flexibility with travel opportunities.Exposure to cutting-edge medical technologies and industry events.Portfolio of exceptional and unique devices with robust clinical results. If this sounds interesting, please apply via the link or send your CV via email directly to: E-Mail anzeigenIf you have not heard back in 21 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Standort Plexus Partners, Frankfurt
Sales Manager - Vascular - DACH
Plexus Partners, Dortmund
Overview:Plexus are partnered with a highly innovative vascular device company on a positive growth trajectory in Europe. We are seeking a driven Sales Manager for the DACH region to drive sales and expand market share within Switzerland and Germany. The ideal candidate will leverage their expertise with interventional device sales, along with exemplary territory and account management skills, to achieve strategic sales objectives.Responsibilities:Develop and execute sales strategies to surpass company targets, including planning impactful activities and documenting outcomes.Create tactical plans for territory mapping and objective attainment, maintaining up-to-date account information.Generate annual and quarterly sales forecasts and consistently report on performance and activities.Identify and pursue opportunities to enter new accounts, conducting effective product presentations and training sessions.Cultivate business relationships within defined territories, supporting physician user experience and providing technical support.Collaborate with marketing and sales teams to enhance account penetration, participating in industry events and assisting in the development of training and marketing materials.Additional responsibilities may include supporting markets or events outside the designated territory.Requirements:Minimum of 5 years of experience in sales within the neurovascular or cardiovascular space, preferably in a cath-lab environment or as a medical device training specialist.Proven track record of consistent sales achievement, and an existing network in Germany or Switzerland. Preference for candidates with medical device clinical experience.Strong organizational, analytical, and interpersonal skills.Proactive and self-sufficient with a strong work ethic.Ability to work independently and manage time efficiently.Excellent communication skills and a team player mindset.Adaptability to an international environment.Benefits:Competitive salary and benefits package.Incredible commission scheme (arguable the most lucrative in the industry). Opportunity for professional growth within an innovative company.Collaboration with a dynamic and diverse team.Work from home flexibility with travel opportunities.Exposure to cutting-edge medical technologies and industry events.Portfolio of exceptional and unique devices with robust clinical results. If this sounds interesting, please apply via the link or send your CV via email directly to: E-Mail anzeigenIf you have not heard back in 21 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Standort Plexus Partners, Dortmund
Security Sales Account Manager
One Identity, Düsseldorf
One Identity enables organizations of all sizes to better secure, manage, monitor, protect, and analyze information and infrastructure to help fuel innovation and drive their businesses forward. With team members around the globe, we intend to continue to grow revenues and add value to customers.When you join our team, you will have the opportunity to build and develop products at a scale few others can provide. Our product portfolio serves a large base of customers and we are addressing the strategic imperatives for enterprise businesses. Working with some of the most talented employees the industry has to offer, we provide enhanced career opportunities for team members to learn and grow in a rapidly changing environment.This role is positioned as a Security Account Manager, in Germany, where you will be responsible for selling our Identity Governance, Access, Privileged and Log Management solutions. The right candidate will proactively be identifying and solving customer business, compliance and security challenges by providing domain expertise and by using higher complexity product- and services lines to shape and deliver the right solutions.ResponsibilitiesBe a thought leader and trusted advisor in the domain of Identity Governance, Access, Privileged Account and Log ManagementHunts for new business in a defined territory to ensure opportunities are identified, shaped and closedAttains a license & services revenue targetCapable to act on existing and create & shape new opportunitiesCustomarily and regularly engaged at customer/client facilities and delivers high impact presentations leveraging strong business skillsBe a strong sales person with valid knowledge to work with customers decision makers, especially in economical verticalsUnderstands organizational changes and communicates also vision associated financial/commercial advantages of the proposed solutionWorks closely with other sales members, our sales specialists, our pre-sales consultancy team & the right partners to assist with overall system design and integrationIs the trusted advisor for the customer in the domain of playQualifications5+ years experience in selling Identity & Access Management solutions with a software-license quota;Proven Identity & Access Management knowledge and success in Germany in economical verticals5+ years in security sales5+ years experience in selling together with channel partners IAM softwareBa/Masters degree;Capable of qualifying, shaping and closing deals (complex deals as well as single deals)Excellent communication-, negotiation-, influencing skillsAble to align business needs to IT, business units, decision makersEnergized, productive & efficient > very high activity level;Self starter & high level of self-awareness;Able to provide at least 3 references;Hands-on and can-do mentality.Company DescriptionOne Identity enables organizations of all sizes to better secure, manage, monitor, protect, and analyze information and infrastructure to help fuel innovation and drive their businesses forward. With team members around the globe, we intend to continue to grow revenues and add value to customers. When you join our team, you will have the opportunity to build and develop products at a scale few others can provide. Our product portfolio serves a large base of customers and we are addressing the strategic imperatives for enterprise businesses. Working with some of the most talented employees the industry has to offer, we provide enhanced career opportunities for team members to learn and grow in a rapidly changing environment. Standort One Identity, Düsseldorf
Security Sales Account Manager
One Identity, Essen
One Identity enables organizations of all sizes to better secure, manage, monitor, protect, and analyze information and infrastructure to help fuel innovation and drive their businesses forward. With team members around the globe, we intend to continue to grow revenues and add value to customers.When you join our team, you will have the opportunity to build and develop products at a scale few others can provide. Our product portfolio serves a large base of customers and we are addressing the strategic imperatives for enterprise businesses. Working with some of the most talented employees the industry has to offer, we provide enhanced career opportunities for team members to learn and grow in a rapidly changing environment.This role is positioned as a Security Account Manager, in Germany, where you will be responsible for selling our Identity Governance, Access, Privileged and Log Management solutions. The right candidate will proactively be identifying and solving customer business, compliance and security challenges by providing domain expertise and by using higher complexity product- and services lines to shape and deliver the right solutions.ResponsibilitiesBe a thought leader and trusted advisor in the domain of Identity Governance, Access, Privileged Account and Log ManagementHunts for new business in a defined territory to ensure opportunities are identified, shaped and closedAttains a license & services revenue targetCapable to act on existing and create & shape new opportunitiesCustomarily and regularly engaged at customer/client facilities and delivers high impact presentations leveraging strong business skillsBe a strong sales person with valid knowledge to work with customers decision makers, especially in economical verticalsUnderstands organizational changes and communicates also vision associated financial/commercial advantages of the proposed solutionWorks closely with other sales members, our sales specialists, our pre-sales consultancy team & the right partners to assist with overall system design and integrationIs the trusted advisor for the customer in the domain of playQualifications5+ years experience in selling Identity & Access Management solutions with a software-license quota;Proven Identity & Access Management knowledge and success in Germany in economical verticals5+ years in security sales5+ years experience in selling together with channel partners IAM softwareBa/Masters degree;Capable of qualifying, shaping and closing deals (complex deals as well as single deals)Excellent communication-, negotiation-, influencing skillsAble to align business needs to IT, business units, decision makersEnergized, productive & efficient > very high activity level;Self starter & high level of self-awareness;Able to provide at least 3 references;Hands-on and can-do mentality.Company DescriptionOne Identity enables organizations of all sizes to better secure, manage, monitor, protect, and analyze information and infrastructure to help fuel innovation and drive their businesses forward. With team members around the globe, we intend to continue to grow revenues and add value to customers. When you join our team, you will have the opportunity to build and develop products at a scale few others can provide. Our product portfolio serves a large base of customers and we are addressing the strategic imperatives for enterprise businesses. Working with some of the most talented employees the industry has to offer, we provide enhanced career opportunities for team members to learn and grow in a rapidly changing environment. Standort One Identity, Essen
Regional Sales Manager, Cryo Nerve Pain Management - Germany
VIDA Connected Specialists, Munich
As a leading provider of innovative technologies for the treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) and related conditions, electrophysiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons around the globe count on to deliver best-in-class solutions that can treat even the most complex cases. Our Ablation System is the first and only medical device approved by the FDA for the treatment of long standing persistent Afib, our Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Exclusion System products are the most widely used LAA management devices worldwide, and we are expanding into pain management therapies. We invest in innovation, clinical science, and education to focus on improving lives for our patients’ worldwide.We foster a culture of inclusion by embracing diverse experiences and individuals where everyone’s authentic self is welcome. We offer supporting programs and resources that provide enriching and equitable opportunities for each person to contribute professionally and personally. Position Summary: The Regional Sales Manager, CryoNB is responsible for prospecting, qualifying, and closing direct business sales in cardiac/thoracic operating and related departments within hospitals. This role must be able to train and support the surgeon and their staff in various procedures and provide support in the O.R. and during follow-up patient care as required. This position requires excellent relationship management, teamwork, and strategic planning with the Product Development team.Who are You? You are looking for a growing international company within the Medical Device industry. You work well independently but have the ability to work effectively as part of a team. You are positive and constructive in life, and you focus on the opportunities that are available. Roles And Responsibilities Develop, implement, and execute a strategic sales plan for designated territory to achieve assigned targets Continually identify new customers, contacts, and opportunities Provide clinical support and during follow-up patient care as required. Increase penetration and adoption within existing accounts to build upon and grow the base business Work closely with the Area Director to implement and execute strategies to achieve corporate sales goals Work with marketing to share industry news and trends and receive feedback of the same Attend industry trade shows and events as needed Manage your territory and track customer activity Responsible for understanding and satisfying the requirements for obtaining access to a hospital, healthcare system, or other client site Used to work inside the OR environment Additional Responsibilities Ability to conduct accurate forecasting of the territory. Ability to travel 80% in fulfillment of the role. Ability to present in large and small groups. Ability to work under fast-paced conditions. Ability to make decisions and use good judgment Ability to prioritize various duties and multitask as required Ability to successfully work with others Additional duties as assigned A Little About Yourself Bachelor’s degree or demonstrated equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Specific knowledge and selling experience related to cardiac and thoracic fields are highly preferred. Knowledge and experience in Neuromodulation is also advantageous. Must have successful track record with sales quota achievement. Must have strong clinical and technical aptitude. Excellent interpersonal skills. The candidate must enjoy and excel at personal relationship building. Problem-solving / trouble-shooting skills Must be confident, goal oriented, self-motivated and a team player Must have strong and proven relationship building skills Computer experience with Microsoft programs such as PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, and Word Ability to travel 80% depending on territory size, location, and maturity Fluent in English What We Offer The chance to work with an international team with more than 20 different nationalities, with 120 international employees (on-site and in the field) which makes it a dynamic place to work. The offer includes a competitive base salary, performance-based bonus plan, training and development opportunities, 28 days’ annual paid leave, 2 days’ volunteer time off, mental health support benefit, and dynamic company events. Standort VIDA Connected Specialists, Munich
Sales Manager - Vascular - DACH
Plexus Partners, Munich
Overview:Plexus are partnered with a highly innovative vascular device company on a positive growth trajectory in Europe. We are seeking a driven Sales Manager for the DACH region to drive sales and expand market share within Switzerland and Germany. The ideal candidate will leverage their expertise with interventional device sales, along with exemplary territory and account management skills, to achieve strategic sales objectives.Responsibilities:Develop and execute sales strategies to surpass company targets, including planning impactful activities and documenting outcomes.Create tactical plans for territory mapping and objective attainment, maintaining up-to-date account information.Generate annual and quarterly sales forecasts and consistently report on performance and activities.Identify and pursue opportunities to enter new accounts, conducting effective product presentations and training sessions.Cultivate business relationships within defined territories, supporting physician user experience and providing technical support.Collaborate with marketing and sales teams to enhance account penetration, participating in industry events and assisting in the development of training and marketing materials.Additional responsibilities may include supporting markets or events outside the designated territory.Requirements:Minimum of 5 years of experience in sales within the neurovascular or cardiovascular space, preferably in a cath-lab environment or as a medical device training specialist.Proven track record of consistent sales achievement, and an existing network in Germany or Switzerland. Preference for candidates with medical device clinical experience.Strong organizational, analytical, and interpersonal skills.Proactive and self-sufficient with a strong work ethic.Ability to work independently and manage time efficiently.Excellent communication skills and a team player mindset.Adaptability to an international environment.Benefits:Competitive salary and benefits package.Incredible commission scheme (arguable the most lucrative in the industry). Opportunity for professional growth within an innovative company.Collaboration with a dynamic and diverse team.Work from home flexibility with travel opportunities.Exposure to cutting-edge medical technologies and industry events.Portfolio of exceptional and unique devices with robust clinical results. If this sounds interesting, please apply via the link or send your CV via email directly to: E-Mail anzeigenIf you have not heard back in 21 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Standort Plexus Partners, Munich
Security Sales Account Manager
One Identity, Stuttgart
One Identity enables organizations of all sizes to better secure, manage, monitor, protect, and analyze information and infrastructure to help fuel innovation and drive their businesses forward. With team members around the globe, we intend to continue to grow revenues and add value to customers.When you join our team, you will have the opportunity to build and develop products at a scale few others can provide. Our product portfolio serves a large base of customers and we are addressing the strategic imperatives for enterprise businesses. Working with some of the most talented employees the industry has to offer, we provide enhanced career opportunities for team members to learn and grow in a rapidly changing environment.This role is positioned as a Security Account Manager, in Germany, where you will be responsible for selling our Identity Governance, Access, Privileged and Log Management solutions. The right candidate will proactively be identifying and solving customer business, compliance and security challenges by providing domain expertise and by using higher complexity product- and services lines to shape and deliver the right solutions.ResponsibilitiesBe a thought leader and trusted advisor in the domain of Identity Governance, Access, Privileged Account and Log ManagementHunts for new business in a defined territory to ensure opportunities are identified, shaped and closedAttains a license & services revenue targetCapable to act on existing and create & shape new opportunitiesCustomarily and regularly engaged at customer/client facilities and delivers high impact presentations leveraging strong business skillsBe a strong sales person with valid knowledge to work with customers decision makers, especially in economical verticalsUnderstands organizational changes and communicates also vision associated financial/commercial advantages of the proposed solutionWorks closely with other sales members, our sales specialists, our pre-sales consultancy team & the right partners to assist with overall system design and integrationIs the trusted advisor for the customer in the domain of playQualifications5+ years experience in selling Identity & Access Management solutions with a software-license quota;Proven Identity & Access Management knowledge and success in Germany in economical verticals5+ years in security sales5+ years experience in selling together with channel partners IAM softwareBa/Masters degree;Capable of qualifying, shaping and closing deals (complex deals as well as single deals)Excellent communication-, negotiation-, influencing skillsAble to align business needs to IT, business units, decision makersEnergized, productive & efficient > very high activity level;Self starter & high level of self-awareness;Able to provide at least 3 references;Hands-on and can-do mentality.Company DescriptionOne Identity enables organizations of all sizes to better secure, manage, monitor, protect, and analyze information and infrastructure to help fuel innovation and drive their businesses forward. With team members around the globe, we intend to continue to grow revenues and add value to customers. When you join our team, you will have the opportunity to build and develop products at a scale few others can provide. Our product portfolio serves a large base of customers and we are addressing the strategic imperatives for enterprise businesses. Working with some of the most talented employees the industry has to offer, we provide enhanced career opportunities for team members to learn and grow in a rapidly changing environment. Standort One Identity, Stuttgart