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IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) bundesweit
Vestner Aufzüge GmbH, Rodgau
Vestner Aufzüge GmbH -- IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) bundesweit [](==) Mit Innovation zum Erfolg! VESTNER Aufzüge GmbH ist ein inter­natio­nal tätiges Unter­nehmen mit Haupt­sitz in Aschheim-Dornach bei München. Durch unsere über 90-jährige Erfahrung im Auf­zugs­bau bieten wir höchste Qualität, innovative Technik und kunden­orien­tierte Lösungen. Diese Faktoren tragen dazu bei, dass VESTNER eines der erfolg­reichsten mittel­ständischen Aufzugs­unter­nehmen mit über 10.000 natio­nalen und inter­natio­nalen Kunden ist. Wir suchen bundesweit (Berlin, Hannover, Hamburg, Ratingen, Leipzig, Rodgau, Filderstadt oder Dornach) einen: *IT-System­administrator (m/w/d)* In den ersten 6 Monaten genießen Sie an 4 Tagen der Woche eine umfangreiche Einarbeitung am Standort Dornach. Aufgabengebiet: * Administration der Windows-Server-Infra­struktur, der Windows-Arbeits­plätze, der Datenbank-Server sowie der im Unter­nehmen einge­setzten Anwen­dungen * Betreuung respektive Anpas­sung neuer Geräte und Software-Kompo­nenten sowie Ausbau und Pflege der beste­henden IT-Struktur * First-Level-Support * Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen hinsichtlich Datensicherheit sowie IT-Sicherheit * Trouble­shooting in Bezug auf die Netz­werkumgebung * Routing / Switching * Mitarbeit an Pro­jekten * Dokumentation der IT-Struktur * Point of Contact für IT-Dienst­leister Wir erwarten von Ihnen: * Ausbildung zum Fach­informatiker (m/w/d) für System­inte­gration oder eine ver­gleichbare Qualifi­kation wie z. B. ein Studium * Gute Kenntnisse bezüglich Client-Systemen bzw. Server-Betriebs­systemen von Microsoft, Virtuali­sierung und VMware, IT-Sicher­heits­systemen (Fortinet) sowie im Daten­bankbereich (MS SQL) * Sichere Netzwerk­kenntnisse und ein gutes technisches Ver­ständnis von komplexen Netz­werk­infra­strukturen * Gute Englisch­kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift * Analytische Denkweise sowie die Fähig­keit, komplexe Themen­gebiete zu erschließen * Lösungs­orientierte und selbst­ständige Arbeitsweise * Sie sind eine proaktive Persön­lichkeit mit hohem Anspruch im Hinblick auf die Weiter­entwicklung bzw. Opti­mierung von Lösungen und Prozessen * Sie haben Spaß an den Heraus­forde­rungen, die im Zuge der digitalen Trans­formation und der Gestaltung auto­matisierter Geschäfts­prozesse entstehen, und steuern Ihre Ideen zur Opti­mierung bei Wir bieten Ihnen: * Parkplätze vor dem Haus * Gute Erreichbarkeit mit den öffent­lichen Verkehrs­mitteln * Fitnessstudio in der Nähe (2 Minuten Fußweg zu Clever Fit) * Supermärkte (fußläufig erreichbar) * Kantine in der Nähe * Brotzeitversorgung (täglich und frisch) * Tätigkeit in einem moti­vierten Team * Weiterbildungs­maßnahmen * Familiäres Betriebs­klima * 30 Tage Urlaub Ihr nächster Schri Sie bewerben sich bei uns! Senden Sie bitte Ihre aus­sage­kräftige Bewerbung (Moti­vations­schreiben, Lebens­lauf und Zeug­nisse) unter Angabe Ihrer Gehalts­vor­stellung sowie des mög­lichen Start­termins an [bewerbung Standort Vestner Aufzüge GmbH, Rodgau
IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d)
Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim
Immundiagnostik AG Stubenwald-Allee 8a 64625 Bensheim T: +49 6251 70190-0www.immundiagnostik.comDie Immundiagnostik AG in Bensheim ist ein modernes, mittelständisches Unternehmen, das auf Labordiagnostika für die medizinische Forschung und Praxis spezialisiert ist. Wir entwickeln und produzieren neuartige Tests zur Risikoerkennung von Krankheiten, zur Differenzialdiagnostik sowie zur Therapiekontrolle. Weitere Informationen über uns finden Sie unter www.immundiagnostik.com . Zur Stärkung unseres dynamischen Teams bei der Betreuung und Unterstützung unserer ca. 150 Mitarbeiter in allen IT-Angelegenheiten suchen wir einen engagierten IT-Administrator. Sowohl Fachinformatiker als auch Quereinsteiger mit entsprechender Erfahrung sind bei uns willkommen.Ab sofort gesucht:IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) in VollzeitRef.: 2024-02-IT-01Ihre Aufgaben: Installation, Konfiguration und Wartung von Windows BetriebssystemenVerwaltung und Überwachung von Windows Servern und Linux ServernAdministration von Netzwerken und Sicherstellung der NetzwerksicherheitUnterstützung bei der Einrichtung und Verwaltung von Mobile Device Management LösungenFehlerbehebung und Support für Mitarbeiter bei IT-ProblemenDurchführung von regelmäßigen System- und SicherheitsupdatesArbeiten an verschiedenen IT-Projekten und Unterstützung bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer IT-InfrastrukturIhr Profil: Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker oder eine vergleichbare qualifizierte Qualifikation im IT-BereichErfahrung in der Administration von Windows BetriebssystemenKenntnisse in der Verwaltung von Windows Servern und Linux Servern sind von VorteilGrundlegende Kenntnisse in der NetzwerkadministrationErfahrung mit Mobile Device Management Lösungen ist wünschenswertGute Problemlösungsfähigkeiten und KommunikationsfähigkeitenTeamfähigkeit und Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit in einem kleinen TeamFließende Deutschkenntnisse, gute EnglischkenntnisseUnser Angebot:Anspruchsvolle, abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem engagierten und professionellen TeamModernes Arbeitsumfeld an einem attraktiven StandortNach sechsmonatiger Einarbeitungszeit ist nach Absprache im Team teilweise Home-Office möglichRegelmäßige Weiterbildung durch Workshops unserer eingesetzten ProdukteAngemessene Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und WeihnachtsgeldFlexible Arbeitszeiten, 28 Tage UrlaubWenn Sie eine Leidenschaft für IT haben und gerne in einem dynamischen, stark wachsenden und zukunftsorientierten Umfeld arbeiten möchten, dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf, Gehaltsvorstellung und Ihres frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins unter Angabe der Ref.-Nummer 2024-02-IT-01 vorzugsweise per E-Mail an: E-Mail anzeigen oder an Immundiagnostik AG, Oliver Kiesling, Stubenwald-Allee 8a, 64625 Bensheim. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Standort Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim
Customer Support Engineer (m/w/d) fu00fcr AIRBUS
STRATO Personal GmbH, Sulzbach (Taunus)
Customer Support Engineer (m/w/d) fu00fcr AIRBUS Als dynamischer und moderner Personaldienstleister bieten wir mit unserer langju00e4hrigen Erfahrung und unserem umfassendem Markt-Know-how in einem breiten Spektrum unterschiedlicher Branchen spannende Positionen bei interessanten und innovativen Unternehmen. Profitieren Sie von unseren nationalen und internationalen Netzwerken und nutzen Sie STRATO personal als Ihr persönliches Sprungbrett. Wir bieten Ihnen umfassende Betreuung und u00fcbernehmen alle administrativen Prozesse rund um die Bewerbung u2013 selbstverstu00e4ndlich fu00fcr Sie kostenfrei. STRATO personal GmbH Zeitarbeit/Arbeitsvermittlung/Outsourcing/Head Hunting/Onsite Management Starten Sie mit uns durch! Wir realisieren spannende Projekte mit unserem renommierten Kunden Airbus Secure Land Communication und suchen zum nu00e4chstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n motivierte/n Mitarbeiter fu00fcr die Position des \"Customer Support Engineer\" (m/w/d). Ihre Aufgaben: Verantwortung fu00fcr die Sicherstellung des definierten Betriebszustands eines Digitalfunk-Systems mit allen Netzelementen und Applikationen. Bearbeitung von gemeldete Incidents und Service Requests, Analyse von Störungsmeldungen und Lösung von technischen Probleme via Ferndiagnose oder Remote Access bzw. mittels Testanlagen. Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Vor-Ort-Support, der Produktentwicklung und Unterauftragnehmern zur Wiederherstellung und Fehlerbeseitigung an operationellen Systemen Ihr Profil: Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation Berufserfahrung im Bereich der Linux-Administration RedHat Enterprise Linux Server und CentOS) wu00fcnschenswert Kenntnisse im Bereich der Linux-Administration erforderlich Erfahrung in der Mitarbeit an komplexen Projektaufgaben Gute Kenntnisse im Bereich Virtualisierung (VMware, vCenter, RedHat Enterprise Virtualisierung) Fundierte Kenntnisse im Bereich Netzwerktechnik, TCP/IP, Switching und Routing Erfahrung mit SAN Storage Systemen Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse und versierte Englischkenntnisse Bereitschaft zur Arbeit im 3-Schicht-Betrieb Wir bieten Ihnen: Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag u00dcbertarifliche Vergu00fctung zzgl. Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld + Leistungspru00e4mien Perspektive auf u00dcbernahme Betriebliche Altersvorsorge mit Arbeitgeberzuschuss Mitarbeiterempfehlungsprogramm mit attraktiven Pru00e4mien Persönliche, standortnahe Betreuung und Beratung Kostenu00fcbernahme fu00fcr Arbeitskleidung und Gesundheitsuntersuchungen Ggf. Beteiligung an Fahrkarten Flexible Arbeitszeiten und teilweise mobiles Arbeiten Innovative und fu00fchrende Unternehmen wie Airbus Operations, Airbus Aerostructures, Airbus Defence & Space, Airbus Helicopters, Premium Aerotec (Airbus) sowie der Luftfahrt- und raumfahrttechnischen Zulieferindustrie Interessiert? Dann bewerben Sie sich bitte mit Ihren vollstu00e4ndigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (aktueller Lebenslauf sowie Ihre Zeugnisse der letzten drei beruflichen Stationen). Bitte haben Sie dafu00fcr Verstu00e4ndnis, dass Ihre Unterlagen aus organisatorischen Gru00fcnden nicht zuru00fcckgegeben werden können. Verzichten Sie deshalb auf die Zusendung teurer Mappen und Fotos, sowie auf Originalunterlagen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Ihre Daten in unserem EDV-System gemu00e4u00df den Bestimmungen des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes elektronisch bearbeiten bzw. speichern, wenn Sie sich bewerben. Mit Ihrer Bewerbung stimmen Sie der elektronischen Verarbeitung/Speicherung Ihrer Daten zu. Die Speicherung können Sie jederzeit widerrufen.
System Administrator (m/f/d) 2nd & 3rd Level - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Bad Homburg
Not just looking for a job, but an opportunity to take your passion for technology and support to the next level? Then you've come to the right place! We are looking for a System Administrator (m/f/d) in 2nd and 3rd level support at our Schwalbach location for our respected client company in the beauty industry. Challenging tasks, innovative technologies and an inspiring working environment await you here. Become part of our team, master technical challenges with creativity, actively shape the future of the system administrator and develop your full potential! Don't miss this opportunity and apply today! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. System Administrator (m/f/d) 2nd & 3rd Level - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are responsible for the administration of the virtual server and server landscape (Microsoft, Linux, BSD) You ensure reliable IT security You take care of the administration of the firewall and the network You support the conception and further development of advertising material and the translation of print media into the digital world You confidently coordinate collaboration with agencies and internal departments Your qualifications: You have completed training as an IT specialist for system integration or have 3-5 years of experience in a similar position You have experience in dealing with operating systems (VMware (Vsphere), FreeBSD, Linux, Microsoft Windows Server, Windows 10/11, Android) You are an all-rounder with a hands-on mentality who is familiar with backup solutions such as Veeam, Microsoft and FreeBSD You have in-depth knowledge of Microsoft environments, Exchange Server, OPNsense firewall and SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, MSSQL2019) Ideally, you are familiar with SwyxWare telephone system, SAP Business One ERP system and Gigaton LogoS warehouse management system You have a good command of German and English You can expect exciting tasks in a rapidly growing company with numerous digitization projects You have a wide range of opportunities to help shape the company You work in a motivated team and in a modern IT environment You will be offered customized training You will be supported with personal development opportunities You can reach your workplace easily thanks to good transport connections You have the opportunity to work hybrid hours by arrangement With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
11-2024 IT Network Administrator (m/f/d)
Hessisches Polizeipru00e4sidium Einsatz, Mainz-Kastel
11-2024 IT Network Administrator (m/f/d) At the Hessian Police Headquarters Deployment (HPE) in Mainz-Kastel in the Central Services Department, in the main subject area Z2 - Information and Communication Technology, subject area Z25, Networks/Multimedia - two permanent full-time positions (40 hours / week) are available at the earliest possible date as IT Network Administrator (m/f/d) Reference number 11-2024 to be filled. As a member of our team, you will become part of the Hessian police force and make an indispensable contribution to safety and quality of life in Hesse. Your work actively contributes to ensuring the police's ability to work and to optimizing it for the future. Our offer A permanent position in the public sector that offers you long-term career security and prospects Varied tasks in an exciting and sometimes unique working environment Versatile and multi-faceted activities and projects Assumption of independent fields of activity according to personal aptitude Job-related, regular training and further education offers Compatibility of family and career: Awarded the \"Family-friendly employer of the state of Hesse\" seal of approval, including a company contingent for the \"wi&you - Schöne Ferien\" vacation program of the city of Wiesbaden Work-life balance: up to 30 days' vacation, overtime compensation in the form of time off, 24 and 31 December off, 1 additional individually plannable day off per year Flexible working hours as part of our service hours with flexitime and digital time recording as well as the option to work from home up to two days a week An attractive salary depending on qualifications and experience up to E11 TV-H plus additional benefits in the form of a child allowance, annual bonus, capital-forming benefits and company pension scheme Free travel with the state ticket for free use of public transport in Hesse and in several neighboring areas, such as Mainz, initially limited until 31.12.2026 Health and sports offers at the place of employment including the right to use the Gympass service An attractive location with good infrastructure and transport links in the state capital of Wiesbaden with direct proximity to the banks of the Rhine as well as a gym and fitness room Free use of the electric charging stations subject to availability Personal business smartphone The chance to develop your career in a dynamic and future-proof environment where there will be many opportunities for personal and professional development in the coming years Your tasks Full support of the authority's networks (commissioning, configuration, administration, development, support and troubleshooting) Planning and implementation/commissioning of new installations, renewals and network expansions Setting up network services, user and device management via Active Directory, certificates, VPN, servers, virtualization Development of demand-oriented standards in the field of multimedia and signal transmission Support for special computing systems (e.g. image processing PCs) Collaboration in subject-specific project groups - also in a leading role Technical guidance of the decentralized field offices Collaboration in the supervision of trainees Your profile Completed vocational training as an IT specialist (m/f/d) for system integration, Bachelor of Computer Science or in a comparable course of study or comparable relevant vocational training in the IT sector Proven knowledge and/or experience in one or more of the following areas: o Network technologies and network administration, ideally with certifications in sub-areas o Configuration and operation of firewalls o Administration, operation and further development of Linux and Windows server landscapes o Virtualization (e.g. vSphere, Proxmox) o Working with ticket systems o UPS systems Ability to organize independently, structured way of working, professional documentation, ability to work in a team and reliability Good written and spoken German (level B2) Driving license class B Also desirable are o Knowledge in the field of multimedia installations and media control (e.g. Crestron, AMX) o Experience in (IT) project management o Knowledge in the field of applied IT security o Trainer aptitude certificate AdA If you would like to contribute your expertise and passion for network technology to strengthen the digital infrastructure of the Hessian police and thus make an important contribution to the security of our country, then apply to us now! Contact: For technical questions, please contact Mr. Spangenberg (Tel. 06134 / 602 - 2250) and Mr. Kerz (Tel. 06134 / 602 - 2255) or send an e-mail to [email protected] . If you have any questions about the selection procedure, please contact Mr. Chada (Tel. 06134 / 602 - 4333). What else is important: A prerequisite for working at the Hessian Police Headquarters is the willingness to participate in a background check for the protection of state institutions and events in accordance with u00a7 13 a of the Hessian Law on Public Safety and Order (HSOG). For this purpose, the attachment \"Declaration of background check\" (in the application portal below the text of the advertisement or under the \"Attachments\" tab) must be completed and uploaded immediately to your applicant profile together with a current identification document (copy of ID card or passport on both sides). General information: The following documents are required for the selection procedure Cover letter Curriculum vitae in tabular form Examination certificate from the apprenticeship or course of study Employment references In the case of foreign qualifications and documents, also the German recognition or translation of the documents in German Certificates of attendance for further education and training courses Proof of a class \"B\" driving license (old: class 3) If applicable, proof of required German language skills (certificate) Proof of valid residence permit and work permit, if applicable Proof of disability/severe disability, if applicable Declaration of background check (with a copy of a valid ID document on both sides) Please send us your detailed application by 20.06.2024 at the latest, preferably via stellensuche.hessen.de or by email to [email protected] . Late applications will not be considered. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified after the selection process has been completed. Only applications that include all required documents can be considered. Employees of the Hessian State Administration are requested to apply via the service portal and, in addition to submitting the complete application documents, to declare their consent to the personnel administration of the Hessian Police Headquarters Operations inspecting their personnel file. To do this, you must complete the attachment \"Declaration of consent to access PA\" (in the application portal below the text of the advertisement or under the \"Attachments\" tab) and upload it to your applicant profile. According to the Hessian Equal Opportunities Act, the local authority is obliged to increase the proportion of women. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. Part-time employment is possible in principle, but it must be ensured that the position is filled in full. The Hessian Police Headquarters promotes equality between women and men and supports the compatibility of family and career within the scope of official possibilities and is certified with the seal of approval \"Family-friendly employer state of Hesse\". Volunteering is encouraged in Hesse. Experience and skills acquired in voluntary work can be positively taken into account in the context of suitability, aptitude and professional performance if they are useful for the intended activity. Applicants with severe disabilities will be given special consideration if they are equally suitable within the framework of the relevant provisions. We guarantee that your application documents will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations within six months of the end of the process. The collection and processing of personal data for the purpose of carrying out the application procedure is carried out on the basis of u00a7 23 of the German Data Protection Act. Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act (GDSIG) and Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/649 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 25, 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation). Supplementary information: Requirements for the applicant: Expert knowledge: Network administration, management, organization
IT system administrator (m/f/d) Frankfurt am Main
Global Service GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) Frankfurt am Main Who we are: Committed, dynamic and competent, that's us, the GLOBAL GROUP. The members of the GLOBAL GROUP are committed to providing a comprehensive range of services to companies in various business sectors and private customers with more than 1000 employees (m/f/d). We need committed and competent employees (m/f/d), especially in IT, who will drive our system landscape and infrastructure forward. To strengthen our dedicated IT team in Frankfurt am Main, we are looking for you at the earliest possible date as IT System Administrator (m/f/d) Your core task: Development, conception, implementation and support of suitable IT solutions Ongoing error and system analysis/monitoring of the IT infrastructure for sustainable optimization Client/server and network administration (installation, configuration and updating) Client management, including software distribution, patch management and inventory Administration of telecommunication services (VoIP telephony, mobile device management) Administration of user and access rights (Identity & Access Management) Sustainable documentation and, if necessary, training of the implemented IT solutions Cross-location IT support for all employees (m/f/d) of the company A profile that suits us: Completed training as an IT specialist in system integration (m/f/d) or comparable vocational training Sound knowledge of administration, configuration and monitoring of a pure Microsoft Windows client/server environment Ideally experience with Active Directory, Azure AD, Office 365 and Teams Confident and competent appearance as well as a high degree of flexibility and a service-oriented and independent way of working Your fluency in German enables you to advise and support your colleagues (m/f/d) The opportunity we offer you: A secure and permanent job in a friendly working atmosphere with short, quick decision-making processes Optimal connection to public transport due to central location Employer-financed JobTicket Social benefit offers, such as company pension scheme & company health insurance Purchase discounts (corporate benefits) Comprehensive equipment for mobile working from home Regular feedback meetings and individual support for individual employees (m/f/d) Were we able to inspire you for this job? Then apply directly online - stating your salary expectations and availability - to Ms. Laura Lopes Stanisci and become part of the GLOBAL team. Laura Lopes Stanisci - Recruiter Talent Acquisition
IT-Administrator (m/w/d) in Frankfurt - hybrides Arbeiten (Remote & Pru00e4senz)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Bist Du auf der Suche nach einer neuen beruflichen Herausforderung im IT-Bereich? Hier ist eine aufregende Gelegenheit fu00fcr dich! Werde Teil des Teams als IT-Administrator:in bei einem angesehenen Kundenunternehmen, eine Dachorganisation des deutschen Sports, am Standort Frankfurt. Zusammen mit einem dynamischen Team arbeitest du an innovativen Lösungen und setzt sie um. Dabei spielst du eine entscheidende Rolle, um die IT-Infrastruktur reibungslos und effizient zu betreiben. Wenn du u00fcber Erfahrung in der Administration verfu00fcgst und nach einer neuen Möglichkeit suchst, deine Fu00e4higkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir freuen uns darauf, dich kennenzulernen und gemeinsam Grou00dfes zu erreichen. Die vorliegende Stelle ist im Rahmen der Direktvermittlung / im Rahmen der Personalvermittlung zu besetzen. IT-Administrator (m/w/d) in Frankfurt - hybrides Arbeiten (Remote & Pru00e4senz) Ihre Aufgaben: Du u00fcbernimmst die Administration und Konfiguration des Microsoft Tenants, einschlieu00dflich Azure AD, Exchange Online, Teams, Identitu00e4ts- und Zugriffsverwaltung sowie bestehender On-Premise-Komponenten wie Microsoft Server, VMWare Virtualisierung und Veeam Backup Du verwaltest mobile Endgeru00e4te mit Microsoft Endpoint-Manager Du ku00fcmmerst dich um die Betreuung der IT-Sicherheit und begleitest Penetrationstests Du planst und fu00fchrst IT-Projekte durch, gegebenenfalls unter Einbeziehung und Koordination externer Dienstleister Du bist fu00fcr den IT-Anwendersupport in einer Windows- und Microsoft 365-Umgebung sowie der Inhouse Telefon- und Konferenzsysteme zustu00e4ndig Du erstellst und erweiterst die IT-Dokumentationen, -Berichte und Infrastrukturu00fcbersichten Ihre Qualifikationen: Du hast ein Informatik-Studium bzw. eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker oder eine vergleichbare Aus-/Weiterbildung im IT-Umfeld mit nachweislicher Berufserfahrung in der Microsoft 365/Windows Administration Du besitzt sehr gute Kenntnisse der Microsoft-365-Produkte mit Schwerpunkt User Management, Exchange Online, Teams und SharePoint Online sowie im Windows Client- und Serverbereich Du kennst dich mit der Microsoft Azure Cloudtechnologie aus, hast Erfahrung mit Microsoft Endpoint Managers und Zertifizierungen von Microsoft sind von Vorteil Du hast Erfahrung im Projektmanagement und in der Leitung von IT-Projekten mit internen und externen Teilnehmern Du zeigst Engagement und deine Bereitschaft, dich in neue komplexe IT-Systeme einzuarbeiten, ist stark ausgepru00e4gt Du zeichnest dich durch dein ausgepru00e4gtes Servicedenken, deine Teamfu00e4higkeit, Zielorientierung und dein eigenstu00e4ndiges, strukturiertes Vorgehen aus Du erhu00e4ltst einen nachhaltigen Job mit vielfu00e4ltigem Gestaltungsspielraum im Herzen von Sportdeutschland Du profitierst von flexiblen und mobilen Arbeitsmodellen sowie einer leistungsgerechten Vergu00fctung Du hast Zugang zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung sowie zu Betriebssportangeboten, einem hauseigenen Fitnessraum und Fahrrad-Leasing Du erlebst ein Umfeld mit Vielfalt, gegenseitige Wertschu00e4tzung und kollaborative Zusammenarbeit im Team Du arbeitest in einem interessanten, aufgeschlossenen und innovativen Team Du erlebst eine offene und dynamische Unternehmenskultur Du hast spannende, abwechslungsreiche und verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben Du leistest einen wertvollen Beitrag und arbeitest gemeinsam an der Zukunft des Unternehmens Du wirst mit umfangreichen Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten fu00fcr deine fachliche und persönliche Weiterentwicklung gefördert Bei uns wird Ihr Berufsweg zum persönlichen Walk of Fame u2013 wir bieten Ihnen spannende Perspektiven in den Bereichen Assistenz & Sekretariat, Marketing, Vertrieb, HR sowie Einkauf & Logistik. Jetzt auf \"direkt bewerben\" klicken!
IT-Administrator (w/m/d)
Grillfu00fcrst GmbH, Fulda
IT Administrator (f/m/d) We are looking for a dedicated IT administrator (f/m/d) for our administrative location in Fulda. Your tasks: Administration and further development of our Microsoft 365 services based on the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and PowerShell Administration of the network and security solutions used Installation and maintenance of computers, servers and other hardware at our locations Mobile device management Development of new IT strategies and continuous optimization of the existing IT structure Maintaining and updating documentation Support and training for all employees What you bring with you Training as an IT specialist or a comparable qualification Sound knowledge in the areas of networks, databases, servers and operating systems Extensive experience in Microsoft server systems, software distribution and scripting Good knowledge of German and English Structured way of working and strong problem-solving skills Initiative and sense of responsibility High data sensitivity and reliability Willingness to travel and class B driver's license What you can expect with us A motivated team that will train you well The possibility of a VW ID3 for 100 euros cost sharing Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes Flexible working hours and mobile working Varied job with diverse tasks Individual further training Company pension scheme to secure your future Attractive benefit programs Joint company events that bring our team together Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Advanced knowledge: Security systems (IT), data security, client-server technology, system support, system administration, system management, database administration, management, organization, network administration, management, organization
IT Administrator (m/f/d) System Integration as IT Consultant - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Bad Homburg
Welcome to the fascinating world of IT - the gateway to endless digital possibilities! We are looking for a passionate IT Administrator (m/f/d) for our innovative client company in Bad Homburg. In this role as an IT Consultant in the field of system integration, it's not just about running systems smoothly, but about creating digital masterpieces. You will always maintain an overview of business-critical services and server systems and be responsible for rapid troubleshooting. Are you ready for an adventure that goes beyond the usual IT routine? Then apply now and become a shaper of the digital future in the IT world. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT Administrator (m/f/d) System Integration as IT Consultant - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You will look after the in-house IT infrastructure, including clients, Windows and Linux servers - including virtual ones - as well as the network infrastructure with switches, gateways and firewalls You take care of the installation, configuration, administration and optimization of Windows and Linux systems as well as routers, switches and storage systems You monitor business-critical services and server systems and are responsible for troubleshooting You have good knowledge of virtualization and backup, especially in dealing with VMware clusters and Veeam Ideally, you already have experience with Microsoft Entra ID and other Microsoft products You are available to users for all IT-related questions and provide user support You document, process customer inquiries, fault reports and analyze and rectify any hardware and software faults that occur You plan and carry out internal projects Your qualifications: You have several years of experience in the administration and operation of IT services You have trained as an IT specialist (m/f/d) with a focus on system integration or have a degree in computer science or a comparable qualification in the IT sector As an IT all-rounder, you have good to very good knowledge of the Microsoft environment, especially Active Directory, Exchange Server, SQL Server, Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022 and Windows 10/11 You also have in-depth knowledge of IT security and network technologies You are characterized by good communication skills You are a team player with initiative and are used to working independently, customer- and service-oriented You have a confident demeanor and are willing to continuously develop your skills You are fluent in German and have a good command of written and spoken English You work in a small but highly qualified team You take on a high level of personal responsibility and have plenty of room for creativity and initiative You can expect an exciting working day with multifaceted tasks in the IT industry of the future You demonstrate a hands-on mentality at work You have a wide range of development prospects and are encouraged in your professional and personal qualifications You can count on a long-term collaboration that includes attractive performance-related remuneration including a company pension scheme You have the option of mobile working You benefit from various benefits, such as a very good company canteen with fresh, healthy food, free parking and the option of leasing a bike You will experience an open, diverse corporate culture and flat hierarchies With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in Asset Management - hybrid working (remote & on-site)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you an experienced IT expert looking for new professional challenges? Then this position as an IT system administrator could be the perfect opportunity for you! Our long-standing partner company in asset management is looking for a motivated and experienced specialist to join the IT team in Frankfurt with immediate effect and help us move forward together into a promising future. In this position as a valued team member, you will be responsible for the installation, configuration and maintenance of complex IT systems, networks and software solutions. If this description appeals to you and you are ready to embark on a new career path, we would be delighted to receive your application. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. IT system administrator (m/f/d) in asset management - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You analyze, procure hardware and software and organize hardware and software operations through updates, backups and user support You install, configure and maintain complex IT systems, networks and software You ensure functionality by initiating relevant measures in good time You administer servers and applications using security regulations, including access authorizations You carry out error analyses in the event of hardware and software malfunctions and propose solutions with the involvement of the relevant manufacturers You support internal or external IT departments in troubleshooting and protect systems by developing security guidelines You provide technical support in 2nd level support and carry out briefings and training for users You customize systems and software while advising on the selection and procurement of operational software Your qualifications: You have a degree in computer science or have completed training as an IT specialist with relevant experience You have many years of practical knowledge in the support, monitoring and maintenance of IT systems You have in-depth knowledge of hardware and software applications, solution development for troubleshooting, customization of IT systems and networks (Microsoft Active Directory, mail systems, TCP IPv4/IPv6, VMware, HCI environments, MS SQL Server, etc.) You have completed further training in IT security and IT law You are very familiar with PC operating systems and standard applications in the MS Windows and Office environment You are characterized by your positive appearance, your service orientation, paired with a high level of initiative and will-do commitment You work independently, proactively and solution-oriented and are known for your outstanding organizational talent and multitasking ability combined with a hands-on mentality You will experience a highly motivated, committed team and a collegial atmosphere You will work in a modern workplace with an American flair You will receive an attractive base salary with a performance-based bonus You will take on interesting, varied and responsible tasks You benefit from an extensive benefits program You will be supported in your personal and professional development You will experience an open, diverse corporate culture and flat hierarchies You work in an inspiring environment and can give free rein to your creative ideas With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT Team Leader m/f/d
INGSERV GmbH, Kassel
IT Team Leader m/f/d IT Administrator (m/f/d) Location: Kassel, Hesse Employment type(s): Full-time As an IT specialist, you will be responsible for the server and client landscapes. In cooperation with the entire IT team, you will provide a secure and flexible working environment for all employees. You are the first point of contact for IT problems and are responsible for finding a solution. This position offers committed IT administrators interesting development opportunities and prospects. Employment at INGSERV and the associated project-related activity within the framework of temporary employment offers good options for a qualified start at a leading logistics services company in Kassel. You will take on these challenges: You ensure the operation of the locations in your area of responsibility Planning, care and maintenance of the communication systems and technical infrastructure You lead IT user training courses and train or educate employees You record customer requirements and check that they are implemented on time and correctly You plan and manage projects, with a focus on networks Our expectations of you: You have a degree in business informatics or comparable Alternatively, you have completed training as a system administrator with several years of professional experience Strong knowledge of IT infrastructures and MS Office Knowledge of Netware (Microsoft/Exchange/Server from 2003/Braintribe) You are familiar with data backup systems Knowledge of Matrix42 is desirable You are characterized by a service and solution-oriented way of working, are flexible and a team player You are willing to travel and have a driver's license About INGSERV: As an international engineering services company, Ingserv has many years of expertise in supporting successful technology and trading companies with project management and consulting on operational and strategic tasks. Your perspective for the future: Varied, responsible and challenging tasks Permanent employment, performance-related remuneration secured by collective agreements Flexible working hours, overtime compensation and above-average social benefits Support for your professional development Direct and effective communication Contact details: [email protected] Contact person: Dipl.-Ing. Nicolej Schwarz
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in real estate development - hybrid work (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Wiesbaden
Are you not only looking for a new professional position, but are you striving to take your passion for technology and administration to the next level? Then this position is just right for you! We are looking for an IT System Administrator Professional (m/f/d) for our prestigious client company in the housing industry in Wiesbaden. Exciting projects, innovative technologies and an inspiring working environment await you here. Become part of our team, master technical challenges with creativity, actively shape the future of system administration and develop your full potential! Take advantage of this unique opportunity and apply today! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in real estate development - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You will be responsible for the administration, maintenance and documentation of the company's physical and virtual infrastructure in the areas of network, server, clients and software You further develop the company's IT environment You provide services for the specialist departments, participate in projects and sometimes also take over project management You take care of the provision of application systems and standard services You carry out the patch management of software components and manage all assets including the procurement process You supervise and support the 2nd/3rd level employees Your qualifications: You have a degree in (business) informatics or comparable training in an information technology profession with several years of experience in IT You have good to very good knowledge of MS Windows (client/server), MS Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server, VMWare (virtualization), Citrix, Netapp storage, software distribution (maintenance, deployment, patching), backup (Veeam, Veritas Backup Exec), network & client security (firewall, VPN) and VOIP telephony Swyx (Enreach) On Premise You have project experience You are characterized by your high social, consulting and communication skills You are a team player and able to work under pressure You have a strong service attitude You benefit from a high work-life balance through the collective agreement You work in a flexible annual working time model and with flexitime You will experience a human, open and constructive working atmosphere with flat hierarchies You take part in the internal training program and external training measures You have access to health management You will experience a pleasant working atmosphere and an appreciative corporate culture You will receive a free job ticket You have access to a vehicle pool for appointments on site After your individual training, you will have the opportunity to work remotely You will take on interesting, varied and responsible tasks With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
Customer Support Engineer (m/w/d) fu00fcr AIRBUS
STRATO Personal GmbH, Sulzbach (Taunus)
Customer Support Engineer (m/f/d) for AIRBUS As a dynamic and modern personnel service provider, we offer our many years of experience and our comprehensive market know-how in a wide range of different industries exciting positions with interesting and innovative companies. Benefit from from our national and international networks and take advantage of STRATO personal as your personal springboard. We offer you comprehensive support and take care of all the administrative processes relating to your application - for you, of course free of charge. STRATO personal GmbH Temporary employment/employment agency/outsourcing/head hunting/onsite Management Get started with us! We realize exciting projects with our renowned client Airbus Secure Land Communication and are looking for the next possible possible date a motivated employee for the position of \"Customer Support Engineer\" (m/f/d). Your tasks: Responsibility for ensuring the defined operating status of a digital radio system with all network elements and applications Processing reported incidents and service requests, analyzing fault reports and solving technical problems via remote diagnosis or remote access or using test systems Working closely with on-site support, product development and subcontractors to restore and troubleshoot operational systems Your profile: Completed studies in the field of computer science or a comparable qualification Professional experience in the field of Linux administration RedHat Enterprise Linux Server and CentOS) desirable Knowledge in the field of Linux administration required Experience in working on complex project tasks Good knowledge of virtualization (VMware, vCenter, RedHat Enterprise Virtualization) Sound knowledge of network technology, TCP/IP, switching and routing Experience with SAN storage systems Very good knowledge of German and proficient in English Willingness to work in 3-shift operation We offer you: Permanent employment contract Above-tariff remuneration plus vacation and Christmas bonuses + performance bonuses Prospect of being taken on Company pension scheme with employer subsidy Employee referral program with attractive bonuses Personal, local support and advice Assumption of costs for work clothing and health checks Contribution to travel tickets, if applicable Flexible working hours and partly mobile working Innovative and leading companies such as Airbus Operations, Airbus Aerostructures, Airbus Defence & Space, Airbus Helicopters, Premium Aerotec (Airbus) and the aerospace supply industry Interested? Then please apply with your complete application documents (current CV and references from your last three professional positions). Please understand that your documents must consist of cannot be returned for organizational reasons. Therefore, please refrain from sending expensive folders and photos, and original documents. Please note that we will store your data in our IT system in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act or store it when you apply. With your application you agree to the electronic processing/storage of your data. The storage at any time.
IT system administrator (m/f/d)
CBC ComputerBusinessCenter Frankfurt GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in Frankfurt am Main The CBC Group is one of the leading IT consulting and service companies in the Rhine-Main area. In addition to the IT system house C.B.C. Computer Business Center GmbH in Frankfurt, the CBC Group includes companies in Essen and Wiesbaden as well as the renote company based in Frankfurt. We provide a wide range of specialized IT services for our well-known customers. We have been an owner-managed company since our foundation in 1982 and attach particular importance to our philosophy. We are looking to support our team: IT System Administrator (m/f/d) Have you already gained professional experience in IT? Are you now looking for an exciting new role where you can deepen and apply the skills you have learned and also develop as an IT system administrator? Then take the next step with us! Apply to CBC ComputerBusinessCenter GmbH and start your career with one of our well-known client companies in the Rhine-Main area. These are your tasks: Installation and configuration of Microsoft Windows servers. Administration of Windows domains based on Microsoft Windows Server. Maintenance and expansion of the virtual server landscape. Administration of the Exchange Server, based on Microsoft Exchange. This is your profile: Ideally, you have studied computer science or completed comparable training in the IT sector, e.g. IT specialist for system integration, or have equivalent professional experience. You have good knowledge of a Windows Server environment as well as extended experience with Microsoft Office products and preferably also some experience with PowerShell. You are familiar with virtual systems and the Active Directory. Ideally, you already have the relevant Microsoft certifications. These are your personal skills: You are characterized by the willingness to constantly familiarize yourself with new IT topics and to seek and find new solutions with enthusiasm. In addition to the ability to work independently and in a solution-oriented manner, you are a team player and have a very good command of German and English. If you are also reliable, able to work under pressure and enjoy working in a dynamic team, we look forward to receiving your application. What we offer you: Room to develop your own ideas in an owner-managed company Flat hierarchies, short decision-making processes, fast promotion opportunities The latest technologies from leading providers Varied tasks, high learning curve in the team Further training opportunities (certificates, coaching, seminars) Flexible working hours, appropriate work-life balance Fixed salary plus profit-sharing (depending on commitment) Employee events and promotions Good accessibility, central location No travel activity
IT system administrator (gn)
Bankpower GmbH Personaldienstleistungen, Frankfurt am Main
IT System Administrator (gn) As a joint venture between Deutsche Bank and ManpowerGroup, we have been successfully filling vacancies in the banking, finance and insurance sectors since 1998. We create connections and have an excellent network within this specialized industry. Benefit from our network! We support you in your desire for a career change and offer you a wide range of job prospects. The position is to be filled as part of a direct placement in a permanent, full-time position. Your benefits with our client: 30 days vacation Focus on further development Travel allowance Fitness studio (Office FFM) Afterwork events Attractive basic salary with bonuses Vouchers in kind Capital-forming benefits Company pension scheme Your tasks at a glance: Determination of requirements and procurement of hardware and software Installation, configuration and maintenance of IT systems and networks Ensuring system functionality and organizing operations Administration of servers and applications, including security Error analysis and proposed solutions in the event of faults Protecting systems from attacks Technical support in the event of problems Customization of systems and software, user advice What you bring with you: Degree in computer science, IT specialist training or comparable qualification Many years of practical experience in the support of IT systems and IT servers Valid knowledge of hardware, software and networks: AD, mail systems, TCP IPv4/IPv6, VMware, HCI, SQL Server Experience in troubleshooting Further training in IT security and law Very good knowledge of MS Windows and Office applications Independent, proactive and solution-oriented way of working Your path to a new job: If you recognize yourself here, we look forward to receiving your informative application documents including your salary details and availability by e-mail to [email protected] Ms. Aroso Rahi is available for a direct exchange. Arrange an uncomplicated appointment at: https://tinyurl.com/ArosoRahiBankPower All personal formulations in this job advertisement are to be considered gender-neutral. We live diversity and equal opportunities and therefore naturally welcome applications from people with disabilities. We will of course treat your application with absolute discretion. We look forward to hearing from you!
IT Administrator:in w/m/d
weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH, Wiesbaden
IT Administrator f/m/d We are looking for...an employee for our internal IT department to support us in the areas of server administration, network administration and IT support as soon as possible. Your tasksTogether with your colleagues, you will support our project teams in successfully completing their work. You will be responsible for the hardware equipment of all employees as well as the maintenance, installation and ongoing operation of our server and network infrastructure. You are one of the first points of contact for the entire weltenbauer. Team if a computer goes on strike or the Internet is down. In this way, you create the basis for all weltenbauer. employees to work smoothly. Together with your colleagues, you will take care of our internal IT services and the entire infrastructure in our network. Together, you will plan, monitor and maintain all critical components, servers and services. In your day-to-day work, you will keep an eye on ongoing operations and the IT security of the entire system. In your work, you will be closely integrated into our IT team and coordinate with your colleagues from the development teams. This may involve setting up a build infrastructure or automation. Together as an IT team, you are an important part of keeping the development of our projects running \"under the hood\" and creating a pleasant and positive working environment. You work full-time in our office in Wiesbaden. Your profile You have successfully completed an apprenticeship as an IT specialist or a degree in computer science. Alternatively, you have suitable professional experience in the above-mentioned areas. You have experience in the areas of network infrastructure and server administration You know your way around computer hardware and are not afraid to take a computer apart and put it back together again. You have an open and personable manner and are proactive in seeing when something needs to be done. You want to work in a pleasant working environment and fulfill your position according to your skills and talents. You have a good command of written and spoken German, can express yourself appropriately for the occasion and also have a solid command of English. You are willing to take responsibility for your work results and are not afraid to support your colleagues in their tasks. Working at weltenbauer Working at weltenbauer means taking responsibility for topics, projects and customers in order to achieve a common goal. We all pull together and support each other. Our daily collaboration is based on agile values and principles, the support of colleagues and superiors, a professional working environment and a good dose of humor. All employees have a personal time account with us. This allows us to organize our work flexibly and compensate 100% of overtime. All employees can regularly use part of their working time for personal training in project-relevant topics. In addition, all employees are given the opportunity to attend an external conference or training course at company expense at least once a year. This is inspiring, allows you to think outside the box and is fun! If you are someone who enjoys working in a team and is willing to take on responsibility, we look forward to receiving your application! About unsweltenbauer. designs and develops computer games, 3D industrial applications and digital solutions for different platforms and environments. We create software for mobile devices, desktop systems, next-gen consoles and mixed reality environments. We are experts in the use of 3D technologies and know how to build virtual worlds! You can find more information about working at weltenbauer. at weltenbauer-se.com/jobs-and-careers
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the IT industry - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you a passionate IT enthusiast ready to take the next step in your professional development? Our renowned client, from the IT consulting sector, is looking for an experienced and motivated full-time IT System Administrator in Frankfurt. You will be responsible for the continuous monitoring of the customer's IT system landscape. Immerse yourself in an exciting challenge, actively shape the digital future and use your skills exactly where they are needed. If this sounds like you, we look forward to receiving your application! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the IT industry - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are the first point of contact and support customers independently via telephone, e-mail and remote software such as Anydesk or Teams You help customers with questions and problems in the area of virtualization solutions, Windows and Linux server services, server hardware, storage components, server operating systems and networks You continuously monitor the customer's IT system landscape You carry out monthly health checks You create suggestions for improvement and assist with reporting You take over the execution and control of various managed services as part of your area of responsibility Your qualifications: You have successfully completed training in the IT sector, such as IT specialist for system integration, or have comparable know-how You are characterized by a professional and service-oriented appearance towards customers and colleagues You are an effective communicator who can shine both in a team and independently You are familiar with Windows (client/server), Linux, DNS, DHCP and network infrastructures You have a strong interest in IT security and implement it professionally for customers You already have experience in virtualization and cloud computing or are highly motivated to learn these skills with us You are curious about new trends and cloud technologies and willing to continuously develop your skills You have a very good command of written and spoken German You experience an open and dynamic corporate culture You take on exciting tasks and support a wide range of customers You enjoy the security of a permanent employment contract You will be rewarded for your commitment and performance with an attractive salary You have the option of working from home and hybrid working, which offers you freedom and flexibility You can organize your working day flexibly to achieve an optimal work-life balance You get 30 vacation days per year to support your work-life balance You have access to free drinks You will work in a team that values and leverages differences to achieve exceptional results You will be supported in your development through access to top industry certifications, the perfect springboard for your career You benefit from a full allowance for capital-forming benefits You have a stress-free journey to the centrally located offices with excellent public transport connections and free parking Your colleagues will support you in word and deed right from the start and ensure that your start is crowned with success With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
System Administrator (f/m/d) in software development - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Rödermark
Are you looking for an exciting professional challenge in the IT sector where you can develop your skills and grow? Then we have the perfect opportunity for you! We are looking for a creative System Administrator for local and cloud services (m/f/d) for a prestigious client company! Not only exciting projects and state-of-the-art technologies await you there, but also an inspiring working atmosphere. If you are ready to work in a dynamic environment and take on responsibility, then we look forward to getting to know you! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. System Administrator (f/m/d) in software development - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You will maintain and further develop the internal infrastructure You are responsible for the procurement of hardware and software You carry out installations on customer systems You work on the development of a cloud-based SaaS platform You take over the technical consulting in customer projects You support employees and customers in the technical area Your qualifications: You have hardware knowledge in servers, storage, power supply and network You have experience with Windows client and server operating systems, (Azure) Active Directory, VMware and Microsoft 365 You are familiar with Microsoft SQL Server (operation and basic SQL knowledge), firewall, backup and antivirus solutions You are familiar with cloud infrastructure (Microsoft Azure is an advantage) and have experience in using automation tools and (shell) scripting You have an analytical approach and a structured working style, as well as a high level of quality awareness You are a strong communicator in German and English You have the opportunity to actively shape the future with personal responsibility You work in an inspiring environment and can give free rein to your creative ideas You are part of a highly qualified, motivated and collegial team You will experience a working environment where interpersonal relationships are emphasized and flat hierarchies are maintained You have the opportunity to work on valuable, complex products You will be familiarized with the technical and professional topics in a coordinated manner You will work at a well-equipped workplace and enjoy spatial and temporal flexibility through mobile working You will find challenges and freedom for your personal and professional development With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
System Administrator Windows (m/f/d) - 645-7002
top itservices AG, Frankfurt am Main
System Administrator Windows (m/f/d) - 645-7002 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and fill a vacant position at a leading information technology company as a Windows System Administrator (m/f/d). SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR WINDOWS (M/F/D) Your tasks Installation, configuration and maintenance of Windows operating systems Carrying out and implementing regular security measures Responsibility for L1/L2/L3 support and Active Directory Conception of IT solutions and implementation of IT projects What you should bring with you Completed training in the field of computer science or a similar qualification Professional experience in the administration of Windows operating systems Sound specialist knowledge in dealing with Windows Very good written and spoken German skills Information about the position Networking with interesting and renowned companies Full local flexibility 100% remote work Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our cooperation Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 645-7002. Wladislaw Samakin will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 69 2992074-34. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/krodm5 You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms for the sake of better readability, all are always meant.
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the financial sector - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Would you like to advance your career in IT? Then now is the time to apply as an IT system administrator (m/f/d)! Our prestigious client from the financial sector is looking for a motivated and experienced candidate to join their IT team. As an IT System Administrator, you will be responsible for the administration, configuration and optimization of applications, server systems and infrastructures. Are you a team player with a passion for improving IT systems? Then don't hesitate any longer and apply today! We look forward to getting to know you. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the financial sector - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: As an expert, you take care of incidents in 2nd level support and the implementation of changes You support self-developed software solutions with your know-how You take over the administration, configuration and optimization of applications, server systems and infrastructures, whether cloud, local or hybrid You manage Azure Cloud infrastructures such as Azure Kubernetes, Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Active Directory and Mobile Endpoint Manager with ease You migrate systems as well as container and virtualization environments with ease You are responsible for projects, sub-projects and other important tasks Your qualifications: You have completed training as an IT specialist for system integration or have a similar qualification or professional experience in the IT environment You are familiar with Microsoft servers, client operating systems, Active Directory environment and Linux system administration You have sound experience in dealing with Microsoft cloud solutions (Azure and M365), TCP/IP networks, routing, firewalls and VPNs You are familiar with DevOps, containerization and automation, as well as scripting in PowerShell or Bash, and are also familiar with Ansible, Terraform, Kubernetes, VMware, Check_MK, databases, M365 and cloud environments (Azure, AWS, GCP) Ideally, you have knowledge of the structures in the financial sector, especially in banks and stock exchanges You show initiative, a sense of responsibility, solution-oriented action and are characterized by your organizational and structured way of working You have a class B driving license and are fluent in written and spoken German and English You enjoy 30 days of vacation a year to give your rest and relaxation the space you deserve You have a good work-life balance thanks to flexible working hours and home office options You will be supported in your career and personal development You can participate in a wide range of trainings and courses, including certification opportunities, so that you are always up to date You benefit from various measures to promote your health and well-being, e.g. with a subsidy for your sports subscription You can look forward to unforgettable employee events such as summer parties, Christmas parties and various team events As part of the team, you will enjoy exclusive employee discounts and benefit from the client's products or services You will receive individual mobility offers, such as job bikes, including bikes or e-bikes, as well as company car arrangements You will experience a team-oriented and appreciative corporate culture as well as a familiar working atmosphere with flat hierarchies With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!