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IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) bundesweit
Vestner Aufzüge GmbH, Rodgau
Vestner Aufzüge GmbH -- IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) bundesweit [](==) Mit Innovation zum Erfolg! VESTNER Aufzüge GmbH ist ein inter­natio­nal tätiges Unter­nehmen mit Haupt­sitz in Aschheim-Dornach bei München. Durch unsere über 90-jährige Erfahrung im Auf­zugs­bau bieten wir höchste Qualität, innovative Technik und kunden­orien­tierte Lösungen. Diese Faktoren tragen dazu bei, dass VESTNER eines der erfolg­reichsten mittel­ständischen Aufzugs­unter­nehmen mit über 10.000 natio­nalen und inter­natio­nalen Kunden ist. Wir suchen bundesweit (Berlin, Hannover, Hamburg, Ratingen, Leipzig, Rodgau, Filderstadt oder Dornach) einen: *IT-System­administrator (m/w/d)* In den ersten 6 Monaten genießen Sie an 4 Tagen der Woche eine umfangreiche Einarbeitung am Standort Dornach. Aufgabengebiet: * Administration der Windows-Server-Infra­struktur, der Windows-Arbeits­plätze, der Datenbank-Server sowie der im Unter­nehmen einge­setzten Anwen­dungen * Betreuung respektive Anpas­sung neuer Geräte und Software-Kompo­nenten sowie Ausbau und Pflege der beste­henden IT-Struktur * First-Level-Support * Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen hinsichtlich Datensicherheit sowie IT-Sicherheit * Trouble­shooting in Bezug auf die Netz­werkumgebung * Routing / Switching * Mitarbeit an Pro­jekten * Dokumentation der IT-Struktur * Point of Contact für IT-Dienst­leister Wir erwarten von Ihnen: * Ausbildung zum Fach­informatiker (m/w/d) für System­inte­gration oder eine ver­gleichbare Qualifi­kation wie z. B. ein Studium * Gute Kenntnisse bezüglich Client-Systemen bzw. Server-Betriebs­systemen von Microsoft, Virtuali­sierung und VMware, IT-Sicher­heits­systemen (Fortinet) sowie im Daten­bankbereich (MS SQL) * Sichere Netzwerk­kenntnisse und ein gutes technisches Ver­ständnis von komplexen Netz­werk­infra­strukturen * Gute Englisch­kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift * Analytische Denkweise sowie die Fähig­keit, komplexe Themen­gebiete zu erschließen * Lösungs­orientierte und selbst­ständige Arbeitsweise * Sie sind eine proaktive Persön­lichkeit mit hohem Anspruch im Hinblick auf die Weiter­entwicklung bzw. Opti­mierung von Lösungen und Prozessen * Sie haben Spaß an den Heraus­forde­rungen, die im Zuge der digitalen Trans­formation und der Gestaltung auto­matisierter Geschäfts­prozesse entstehen, und steuern Ihre Ideen zur Opti­mierung bei Wir bieten Ihnen: * Parkplätze vor dem Haus * Gute Erreichbarkeit mit den öffent­lichen Verkehrs­mitteln * Fitnessstudio in der Nähe (2 Minuten Fußweg zu Clever Fit) * Supermärkte (fußläufig erreichbar) * Kantine in der Nähe * Brotzeitversorgung (täglich und frisch) * Tätigkeit in einem moti­vierten Team * Weiterbildungs­maßnahmen * Familiäres Betriebs­klima * 30 Tage Urlaub Ihr nächster Schri Sie bewerben sich bei uns! Senden Sie bitte Ihre aus­sage­kräftige Bewerbung (Moti­vations­schreiben, Lebens­lauf und Zeug­nisse) unter Angabe Ihrer Gehalts­vor­stellung sowie des mög­lichen Start­termins an [bewerbung Standort Vestner Aufzüge GmbH, Rodgau
IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d)
Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim
Immundiagnostik AG Stubenwald-Allee 8a 64625 Bensheim T: +49 6251 70190-0www.immundiagnostik.comDie Immundiagnostik AG in Bensheim ist ein modernes, mittelständisches Unternehmen, das auf Labordiagnostika für die medizinische Forschung und Praxis spezialisiert ist. Wir entwickeln und produzieren neuartige Tests zur Risikoerkennung von Krankheiten, zur Differenzialdiagnostik sowie zur Therapiekontrolle. Weitere Informationen über uns finden Sie unter www.immundiagnostik.com . Zur Stärkung unseres dynamischen Teams bei der Betreuung und Unterstützung unserer ca. 150 Mitarbeiter in allen IT-Angelegenheiten suchen wir einen engagierten IT-Administrator. Sowohl Fachinformatiker als auch Quereinsteiger mit entsprechender Erfahrung sind bei uns willkommen.Ab sofort gesucht:IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) in VollzeitRef.: 2024-02-IT-01Ihre Aufgaben: Installation, Konfiguration und Wartung von Windows BetriebssystemenVerwaltung und Überwachung von Windows Servern und Linux ServernAdministration von Netzwerken und Sicherstellung der NetzwerksicherheitUnterstützung bei der Einrichtung und Verwaltung von Mobile Device Management LösungenFehlerbehebung und Support für Mitarbeiter bei IT-ProblemenDurchführung von regelmäßigen System- und SicherheitsupdatesArbeiten an verschiedenen IT-Projekten und Unterstützung bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer IT-InfrastrukturIhr Profil: Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker oder eine vergleichbare qualifizierte Qualifikation im IT-BereichErfahrung in der Administration von Windows BetriebssystemenKenntnisse in der Verwaltung von Windows Servern und Linux Servern sind von VorteilGrundlegende Kenntnisse in der NetzwerkadministrationErfahrung mit Mobile Device Management Lösungen ist wünschenswertGute Problemlösungsfähigkeiten und KommunikationsfähigkeitenTeamfähigkeit und Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit in einem kleinen TeamFließende Deutschkenntnisse, gute EnglischkenntnisseUnser Angebot:Anspruchsvolle, abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem engagierten und professionellen TeamModernes Arbeitsumfeld an einem attraktiven StandortNach sechsmonatiger Einarbeitungszeit ist nach Absprache im Team teilweise Home-Office möglichRegelmäßige Weiterbildung durch Workshops unserer eingesetzten ProdukteAngemessene Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und WeihnachtsgeldFlexible Arbeitszeiten, 28 Tage UrlaubWenn Sie eine Leidenschaft für IT haben und gerne in einem dynamischen, stark wachsenden und zukunftsorientierten Umfeld arbeiten möchten, dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf, Gehaltsvorstellung und Ihres frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins unter Angabe der Ref.-Nummer 2024-02-IT-01 vorzugsweise per E-Mail an: E-Mail anzeigen oder an Immundiagnostik AG, Oliver Kiesling, Stubenwald-Allee 8a, 64625 Bensheim. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Standort Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) at a public institution - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Do you want to take on a new professional challenge that not only appeals to your IT skills, but also offers comprehensive training and an inspiring working environment? For one of our renowned clients, a social and diaconal institution, we are looking for a motivated IT system administrator at the Frankfurt location as soon as possible. Become part of a team that is characterized by its competent and multi-professional approach. Welcome to DIS AG, where not only the search for a new position ends, but an exciting journey into your professional future begins. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) at a public institution - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You take care of the VMware cluster, the storage and the administration of the Microsoft server environment You work in 2nd level support and support the 1st level support of IT coordination You are independently responsible for the installation and operation of Windows-based application servers You will be involved in the optimization, harmonization and further development of the IT infrastructure You ensure the operation of the network and server infrastructure at the company's locations in the Frankfurt am Main area You will help set up and administer IT security systems You will be responsible for the standardization and automation of administration activities as well as the creation and maintenance of infrastructure documentation You will be responsible for provider management for the reliable operation of the MPLS network with central firewall between the locations as well as smooth on-site support Your qualifications: You have completed IT training as an IT specialist (m/f/d) or comparable qualifications and have already gained several years of professional experience in the above-mentioned areas of responsibility You have in-depth knowledge of VMware, MS Server, MS Exchange, Veeam, MS SQL Server and PowerShell and can prove this through appropriate training and further education certificates You have good experience in network technologies (LAN, WAN, TCP/IP VPN) and IT security You have already gained experience in project management, especially in projects with server and domain migration in the Microsoft environment You are characterized by your independence, a high ability to work in a team as well as a high willingness to learn and a strong analytical mindset You are customer and service-oriented You will have a challenging and varied field of activity You will work in a competent and multi-professional team You enjoy a pleasant working atmosphere You will receive individual and comprehensive training You will have the opportunity to take part in internal and external training courses You can organize your working hours flexibly and work on the move You get an employer-financed Germany ticket You will receive remuneration according to E10 of the Church Contract Regulations (KDO) You will benefit from an employer-financed supplementary pension scheme via the EZVK and other family-supporting additional benefits via the family budget You can participate in the Jobrad program With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
System Administrator (m/f/d) in a technology group - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Kelkheim (Taunus)
DIS AG offers you the opportunity for an exciting adventure as a System Administrator for a leading global technology group. Here you can not only work with state-of-the-art servers, but also in an environment that calls for your skills. Your workplace in idyllic Kelkheim promises not only innovative systems, but also an inspiring environment that encourages your creativity. Prepare to be the architect of this renowned company's digital future. Your journey in the world of IT starts here - be a part of it and help us set the standards of tomorrow. We look forward to receiving your application and setting new standards together! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. System Administrator (m/f/d) in a technology group - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are responsible for the support, expansion and optimization of the IT infrastructure (Windows, Linux, MS Office) You also support and advise users with regard to the applications / systems used You ensure ongoing IT operations You take care of the maintenance and installation of Windows workstations (PCs, notebooks) and look after the VoIP telephone systems You provide support with hardware and software troubleshooting You work on IT projects in an international environment Your qualifications: You have completed training in the IT sector and ideally also have professional experience You have good MS Windows knowledge (Linux knowledge desirable) You are confident with MS Office programs You are a team player and your structured way of working characterizes you You are business fluent in English and fluent in written and spoken German You will have an exciting area of responsibility in a successful medium-sized company (in Kelkheim) with an interesting product portfolio and a long-standing tradition You have a long-term and crisis-proof job (permanent position with a growth-oriented employer) You can actively incorporate your ideas thanks to the wide scope for action In addition to an attractive salary with additional benefits, you can expect a one-off transfer bonus of 1,500 euros (gross) You will also have a high level of personal responsibility in a familiar working atmosphere You will also encounter an appreciative corporate culture with short decision-making processes With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
Network and System Administrator (m/f/d) in mechanical engineering - hybrid work (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Reichelsheim (Wetterau)
We are looking for a passionate IT professional who is ready to become part of a team that not only masters everyday IT, but also shapes the digital future. For our innovative client company in the industrial sector, we are looking for a Network and System Administrator at the Reichelsheim site. This is not just about operating network systems, but about creating digital worlds. Your mission: to push the boundaries of technology and shape the future of IT. Are you ready for an adventure that goes beyond the usual IT routine? Then apply directly to us now and become a network wizard in the world of data streams and algorithms! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. Network and system administrator (m/f/d) in mechanical engineering - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are responsible for user support (helpdesk) and various training courses Evaluation and implementation of upgrades for hardware and software are also part of your tasks You document internal processes and ensure daily backups and system restores You are responsible for maintaining and supporting local network systems such as firewalls, routers, switches, servers, internet, VPN and telephone systems You manage inventories, procure hardware, software and licenses Your support in identifying and eliminating network vulnerabilities rounds off your responsibilities Your qualifications: You have a degree with a technical focus or a similar qualification with several years of professional experience You already have in-depth knowledge of Windows Server OS and Active Directory You already have experience in supporting a large LAN/WAN infrastructure Your knowledge of Windows Server OS and Active Directory is very good You have first practical experience with Windows Server OS, VMWare, Veeam, SonicWall Firewall, Cisco Switches, Ivanti, PTRG and CB/CBit9 You quickly understand new complex security requirements and have the ability to identify and remediate all assessed risks and vulnerabilities You will receive attractive remuneration with a collectively agreed salary, vacation and Christmas bonuses and other special payments You are entitled to 30 days' vacation A high level of job security is guaranteed Flexible working hours and a working time account allow you to achieve a good work-life balance You will be offered a company pension allowance You have access to an extensive range of internal training courses for personal and professional development You will receive an induction tailored to your individual needs and benefit from corporate benefits You can look forward to various company celebrations, joint activities and a positive working environment You will experience a collegial working atmosphere at eye level With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the IT industry - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you a passionate IT enthusiast ready to take the next step in your professional development? Our renowned client, from the IT consulting sector, is looking for an experienced and motivated full-time IT System Administrator in Frankfurt. You will be responsible for the continuous monitoring of the customer's IT system landscape. Immerse yourself in an exciting challenge, actively shape the digital future and use your skills exactly where they are needed. If this sounds like you, we look forward to receiving your application! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the IT industry - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are the first point of contact and support customers independently via telephone, e-mail and remote software such as Anydesk or Teams You help customers with questions and problems in the area of virtualization solutions, Windows and Linux server services, server hardware, storage components, server operating systems and networks You continuously monitor the customer's IT system landscape You carry out monthly health checks You create suggestions for improvement and assist with reporting You take over the execution and control of various managed services as part of your area of responsibility Your qualifications: You have successfully completed training in the IT sector, such as IT specialist for system integration, or have comparable know-how You are characterized by a professional and service-oriented appearance towards customers and colleagues You are an effective communicator who can shine both in a team and independently You are familiar with Windows (client/server), Linux, DNS, DHCP and network infrastructures You have a strong interest in IT security and implement it professionally for customers You already have experience in virtualization and cloud computing or are highly motivated to learn these skills with us You are curious about new trends and cloud technologies and willing to continuously develop your skills You have a very good command of written and spoken German You experience an open and dynamic corporate culture You take on exciting tasks and support a wide range of customers You enjoy the security of a permanent employment contract You will be rewarded for your commitment and performance with an attractive salary You have the option of working from home and hybrid working, which offers you freedom and flexibility You can organize your working day flexibly to achieve an optimal work-life balance You get 30 vacation days per year to support your work-life balance You have access to free drinks You will work in a team that values and leverages differences to achieve exceptional results You will be supported in your development through access to top industry certifications, the perfect springboard for your career You benefit from a full allowance for capital-forming benefits You have a stress-free journey to the centrally located offices with excellent public transport connections and free parking Your colleagues will support you in word and deed right from the start and ensure that your start is crowned with success With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) with industry tariff surcharges electrical up to 56.568u20ac
IMPACT GmbH, Hanau
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) with industry tariff surcharges electrical up to 56.568u20ac IMPACT - that stands for \"effect, impact\". What does this have to do with our company? Quite simply: through our excellent contacts, both with small businesses and and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations, we are your first port of call when it comes to finding the best possible IMPACT for your next career move. Give it a try try it out! We were commissioned by our client, an international company in the electrical engineering, to recruit YOU as part of the temporary employment to recruit. What are you waiting for? - Give your professional career a boost too new IMPACT! We offer: Attractive remuneration up to u20ac56,568 per year according to the chemical industry pay scale Very good chances of being taken on Tax and duty-free inflation adjustment bonus Up to 30 days' vacation Social benefits, such as vacation and Christmas bonuses Corporate benefits - employee discounts of up to 80% with well-known manufacturers \"Turn friends into colleagues\" - Recommend friends, acquaintances or former colleagues and receive up to u20ac500! An exclusive experience of your choice worth u20ac500. Further information can be found at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=468234998636748&set=a.443168124476769 Your profile: Successfully completed training/further training in the IT sector or completed studies in the IT sector Several years of professional experience in the above-mentioned field Experience in the administration of Windows systems Strong analytical thinking skills Quick comprehension Very good language skills in German and English Primary residence in Germany Your tasks: Further development of the IT infrastructure through process optimization Administration, optimization and configuration of Windows systems Support for the company's virtual system landscape Planning and administration of the network infrastructure Ensuring network security and data security by carrying out continuous tests We are already looking forward to getting to know you! For this all you have to do is fill out the application form - it takes 2 minutes! Or simply give us a call and we will inform you about the position: 069-297 289 60. You are of course welcome to send us your documents directly to [email protected] .
System Administrator Windows (m/f/d) - 645-7002
top itservices AG, Frankfurt am Main
System Administrator Windows (m/f/d) - 645-7002 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and fill a vacant position at a leading information technology company as a Windows System Administrator (m/f/d). SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR WINDOWS (M/F/D) Your tasks Installation, configuration and maintenance of Windows operating systems Carrying out and implementing regular security measures Responsibility for L1/L2/L3 support and Active Directory Conception of IT solutions and implementation of IT projects What you should bring with you Completed training in the field of computer science or a similar qualification Professional experience in the administration of Windows operating systems Sound specialist knowledge in dealing with Windows Very good written and spoken German skills Information about the position Networking with interesting and renowned companies Full local flexibility 100% remote work Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our cooperation Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 645-7002. Wladislaw Samakin will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 69 2992074-34. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/krodm5 You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms for the sake of better readability, all are always meant.
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) for the Linux environment
Akkodis Germany Tech Experts GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Are you looking for a versatile position that constantly offers new challenges? Do you value independent and dynamic work in your field of activity? Then you could be the perfect addition to our team at Akkodis! We offer permanent employment and look forward to receiving your application. We are looking for a:n This position is to be filled on a temporary basis. IT system administrator (m/f/d) for the Linux environment Your tasks: Planning and installation of Linux systems Administration of Linux systems and services 2nd and 3rd level support Ensuring compliance with update and end-of-life processes Monitoring the Linux system landscape and analyzing the logs Further development of centralized server administration Your qualifications: Several years of professional experience in the administration of Linux systems Sound knowledge of current Linux distributions and derivatives (Debian, Red Hat, etc.) Good knowledge of common scripting languages and markup languages (Bash, YAML, etc.) Knowledge of common web services and automation tools (Apache, Tomcat, Ansible, Docker) Basic knowledge of networks (IPv4, TCP/IP), virtualization (VSphere) and LDAP Knowledge of the interaction between Linux and Windows AD, Windows client/server and advanced network knowledge would be advantageous Your profile is rounded off by a very good command of German What you can expect: Team spirit and diversity Work-life balance Attractive remuneration Social benefits Versatile further training opportunities Team and sporting events Global network Attractive employee referral program Benefits may vary depending on position and location. An overview of our benefits can be found on our website under Careers and Benefits. Would you like to find out more about us and about this and possibly other positions? Then send us your application directly. We welcome applications from people who contribute to the diversity of our company.
IT System Administrator - Helpdesk (m/f/d) - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Pfungstadt
Are you looking for new challenges in the IT industry? Apply to us now as an IT system administrator (m/f/d)! Our client, a leading IT service provider, is looking for a motivated candidate to join their collegial team in Pfungstadt with immediate effect. As an IT System Administrator, you will be responsible for the planning, implementation and maintenance of IT systems and networks. You will keep an eye on the IT infrastructure, ensure the security of systems and data and resolve problems. Are you a team player with a passion for optimizing IT systems? Then don't hesitate - apply today! We look forward to getting to know you personally. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator - Helpdesk (m/f/d) - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You provide support in the server/client area and set up data backups You are responsible for IT security and provide user briefings on the IT environment You provide support for X-ray machine connections, solutions for digital hygiene documentation and systems for digital patient information and educational documentation You provide user briefings on the IT environment You carry out updates and upgrades and work with the ticket system Your qualifications: You have a computer science-based, technical or comparable training as a system administrator and work independently, are focused and flexible. You have an affinity for support tasks and telephone customer contact, using the knowledge we have structured and the support of 3rd level colleagues. You have experience with Windows client operating systems, including downloading and installing them and using the registry editor. You have extensive knowledge of current Windows server operating systems, including download, installation, configuration, virtualization, Active Directory, group policies, backup strategies and ideally PowerShell. You have network knowledge of IP addresses, DHCP, DNS, NAT, VLAN, gateways and how to use simple internet routers. You work in a job that challenges you and that you enjoy, in the exciting field of dental IT. You will benefit from excellent training opportunities and challenging tasks in a highly technically skilled team. You will be integrated into a company that is excellently established in the industry You will have the opportunity to work from home part of the time You will be offered customized training You will work in a company where the values of teamwork, honesty and openness are very important. With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT system administrator (m/f/d)
Mitchells & Butlers Germany GmbH, Wiesbaden
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) We, Mitchells & Butlers Germany GmbH, are a leading and sustainably growing system catering company with currently 43 locations throughout Germany. We are looking forward to strengthening our IT team at our head office in Wiesbaden with immediate effect or by arrangement. The IT department, partly with the involvement of external service providers, provides our locations with significant support in the areas of telephony, the cash register system and the entire PC, server and network infrastructure, both on the hardware and software side. Among other things, the department uses a ticket system for this purpose. This is how you can imagine your new job: You will accompany and support us in new document management projects, monitoring the systems used and signing and releasing internal documents In addition, we would like you, after your detailed training, to take project responsibility and independently monitor the setup and monitoring of all systems at our head office and locations You will also support us in replacing the server hardware in the locations and upgrading the W-LAN infrastructure Together we go into the planning and implementation of Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Office 365 projects You will also take care of user documentation and training You accompany and support us in the certification according to ISO 27001 We are currently working as a team on the following IT projects: Customization of Devolution Remote Desktop Manager with data and access to all locations for IT support Distribution and customization of CI signature Customization of the Sophos firewall for all locations As you describe yourself: At best, you have already worked as an IT system administrator or network administrator for three to five years. You also have experience in the following areas: MS client and server experience, especially WIN10, WIN11 - Server from 2012R2 If possible, knowledge of Azure AD MS Exchange from version 2013 Microsoft Office 365 and MS SharePoint We look forward to any further experience of the skills listed below. However, they are not essential: AD design and/or GPO design MS-SQL experience Linux Project and quality management Inventory and documentation (Docusnap) Sophos Firewall Hypersoft POS system And this is what you can expect from us: Many attractive additional financial benefits, such as a performance-related bonus system or a voluntary Christmas bonus, which we will be happy to explain to you in more detail in a personal meeting In addition to the contractually agreed annual leave, we grant you 7.5 vacation days (pro rata) A monthly inflation adjustment bonus of 100.00 euros net until 31.12.2024 Pluxee meal vouchers in the amount of u20ac7.20 per working day, which we offer in retail stores and selected restaurants can redeem Additional company health insurance from the sixth month of employment A permanent, full-time contract offers you planning security Trust-based working hours and the option to work from home ensure a better work-life balance between family, career and private interests. During induction, presence at the head office is necessary; after successful induction, 2 home office days per week are possible. Through intensive induction, as well as external and internal training opportunities, the chance to develop further with us Of course, we will equip you with the appropriate technology such as a laptop and smartphone Send us your documents by e-mail, stating your possible starting date and your desired salary. Do you have any questions about this vacancy? Then just give us a call!
IT System Administrator (m/d/w) - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG, Kassel
** You have already gained experience in the field of IT administration and are now looking for a new professional challenge? Then we have the ideal position for you! We are looking for an IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the Kassel area as part of a temporary employment contract with the option of being taken on. Here you will have the opportunity to implement system guidelines and thus contribute to the smooth running of day-to-day business. Sounds interesting? Then apply now, it's easy and benefit from our advantages! This position is to be filled on a temporary basis. IT System Administrator (m/d/w) - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: Installation, configuration and maintenance of hardware and software components Ensuring the security, integrity and availability of IT systems and data Resolving technical faults and providing support for users in the event of IT problems Planning and implementing system updates and upgrades Management of user accounts and access rights Implementation and monitoring of security policies and procedures Your qualifications: Completed vocational training in the field of computer science or comparable qualifications Professional experience in system administration or similar areas is an advantage Sound knowledge in the administration of Windows operating systems Experience with network technologies, protocols and security measures Problem-solving skills and a structured way of working Strong teamwork and communication skills Above-tariff remuneration Permanent employment contract Collective vacation and Christmas bonus The option of a company pension scheme Opportunities for individual further training and room for personal development If required, we will coach you for your first interview with the client With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now! We welcome applications from people who contribute to the diversity of our company.
IT-Administrator (m/w/d)
Fahrrad XXL.de, Frankfurt am Main
IT Administrator (m/f/d) Your tasks You advise the individual departments in Frankfurt, as well as other companies in the Fahrrad-XXL Group, and manage the on-site service providers You are responsible for the administration and further development of the entire IT infrastructure You are responsible for the administration of Microsoft technologies (Microsoft 365, Windows Server and Windows Clients) You take care of the further development and administration of the LAN/WAN/WLAN infrastructure You work on the implementation of projects in the area of IT infrastructure and IT security and document the system landscape Your profile You have several years of professional experience in IT administration You have experience with the administration of Microsoft cloud solutions, network systems and ideally have some experience in IT security You have a structured, conceptual way of working with a focus on goals and results and high quality standards You have a strong consultative approach to work and a proactive working style You have very good communication and presentation skills in German and English We offer you Your personal development in a unique team full of dynamism and passion 30 days' vacation, transparent time recording and overtime compensation - flexitime with core working hours and the option to work from home for the right work-life balance Individual training opportunities, targeted support and a future-proof job Generous employee discounts on the entire product range, rental bikes to test out and an extensive corporate benefits program as well as subsidies from the Wellpass Allowance for company pension scheme and capital-forming benefits A highly motivated, passionate team that you can get to know even better at joint breakfasts, team events and company parties About us THE FAHRRAD XXL ONLINE SHOP: GERMANY'S LARGEST SELECTION In our online store, we offer you the largest selection of bicycles in the whole of Germany. You will also find a constantly growing number of bicycle accessories, such as helmets, lighting, tools and parts. We bring our service expertise to your home through our large consultation area. Through our various channels, you will always be up to date with the latest developments in the bicycle industry and will never miss an offer again. The Fahrrad XXL online store in the Main metropolis of Frankfurt is characterized by a young and dynamic corporate structure, flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths. Our e-commerce division is experiencing strong growth, which enables further diverse and exciting projects. We are always on the lookout for ambitious and performance-oriented employees who want to make a difference with us. We are XXL - are you too?
IT System Administrator and Network Administrator (m/f/d) IT Support
ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH, Driedorf
IT System Administrator and Network Administrator (m/f/d) IT Support Make a successful start with us now as an IT System Administrator and Network Administrator (m/f/d) on a temporary basis with the option of being taken on! Your new job is full-time in Driedorf in the field of IT support. Your advantages in this job Very good chances of being taken on Good working atmosphere Payments on account On-site support Staff discounts These tasks await you Problem analysis, troubleshooting and support in the hardware and software area Installation, configuration and administration of workstations including mobile devices Administration and monitoring of network components Support for internal and external IT projects Documentation of the implemented solutions You have the following knowledge and skills Hardware installation, software installation Network administration, management and organization Network monitoring System support, system administration, system management With professional experience You score with these skills reliability Ability to work in a team Diligence/accuracy Motivation/willingness to perform Look forward to an attractive salary of u20ac17.85 per hour! Do you have any questions about the job? Contact us on 0 64 41 / 2 00 19 - 0 or by email at [email protected] from Monday to Thursday between 08:00 and 17:00 and on Friday between 08:00 and 15:00, or visit us in person at the branch. By submitting your application, you agree to the data protection guidelines of ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH. These can be found on our homepage www.arwa.de under \"Data protection\".
IT Linux System Engineer (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Wiesbaden
Optimierung der Linux Landschaften der KundenInstallation und Konfiguration von SystemenPlanung und Durchführung von RolloutsEntwicklung und Implementierung von Automatisierungslösungen, z.B. mit BashAbgeschlossene Ausbildung oder Studium im Bereich Informationstechnologie oder eine vergleichbare QualifikationPraktische Erfahrung in der Linux Server AdministrationKenntnisse im Bezug auf Container bzw. KubernetesErste Kenntnisse mit WebservernGrundlegende Kenntnisse mit Shell-Programmierung
IT System Administrator M365 (f/m/d) full-time in Frankfurt am Main
Köhler-Transfer GmbH & Co.KG, Frankfurt am Main
IT System Administrator M365 (f/m/d) full-time in Frankfurt am Main We are looking for a full-time IT System Administrator M365 (f/m/d) in Frankfurt am Main as soon as possible. Tasks You accompany the introduction of a modern service management solution for asset, license and contract management You support the planning and implementation of our new rollout strategy for end devices You ensure the operational IT operation of our M365 environment with Microsoft Teams, Sharepoint, Office and Defender You provide excellent 1st and 2nd level support for our users at the site and in the branches You coordinate the trusting cooperation with external service providers on your own responsibility We offer A corporate culture in which it is fun to contribute ideas, energy and initiative With us, you can expect an attractive salary and a pleasant working atmosphere in a value-oriented company, as well as a respectful, informal culture You can look forward to a demanding, varied and challenging role We offer opportunities for personal and professional development Flexible working hours allow you to achieve a good work-life balance (mobile working possible) Modern Workplace with Office 365 - whether in the office or on the road - look forward to a modern and technically advanced workplace Free drinks and coffee are available for you every day, as well as free employee parking Corporate benefits with monthly changing perks A free salary account with Commerzbank on request The option to lease a business bike at the end of the trial period Our mission Every day, with more than 5,000 journeys, we enable the social participation of around 12,500 people in central and southern Germany. We drive children and adults with disabilities safely to their schools or workshops as well as to hospitals and back home again. As a highly reliable partner, we accompany our passengers and their families every day with commitment and dedication - and have been doing so for over 20 years. As a transportation service provider for people with disabilities, we are the market leader in southern Germany. Our head office is in Frankfurt am Main. We also have branches in Baden-Wu00fcrttemberg, Bavaria and Thuringia. We are a dynamic and future-oriented company that strives to revolutionize our industry. We believe in the power of innovation and are looking for a talented employee (m/f/d) who shares our mission. Profile You have administration skills in Windows 10 & 11, Microsoft 365, as well as common PC hardware and network infrastructure You have a quick grasp of technical contexts You are a motivated team player, have a communicative nature and enjoy contact with our users Good written and spoken German skills An independent and self-reliant way of working rounds off your profile The icing on the cake - not a prerequisite With a completed vocational training in the field of IT (system integration) or professional experience in the above-mentioned areas, you also score points An M365 certificate in Azure administration or security is the icing on the cake of your application Already existing points of contact with Matrix42 ESM make you even more attractive Would you like to become part of our team? Then we look forward to receiving your application (including your CV, relevant references and details of your salary expectations and earliest possible start date). Contact / contact person Köhler Transfer GmbH & Co KG Head office Frankfurt Contact person: Sabrina Fend Mobile: 0175 44 35 299 www.koehlertransfer.de ( https://www.koehlertransfer.de /)
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in banking - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Neu-Isenburg
Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Our renowned partner from the banking sector is looking for a committed personality as IT System Administrator at the Neu-Isenburg location. In this position, you will be responsible for the planning, implementation and maintenance of IT systems. If you have extensive IT knowledge and are interested in working in an innovative environment where you are passionate about tackling challenging tasks, this career opportunity could be perfect for you. Join a dynamic team and actively contribute to shaping the digital future. We look forward to receiving your application! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. IT system administrator (m/f/d) in banking - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You take care of the local server environment and the local networks You work on the implementation of central cloud-based projects and support migration projects in cloud environments You create infrastructure concepts for the implementation of new local solutions and coordinate closely with the central IT department You develop, implement and monitor security solutions as well as local server and cloud platforms You are in contact with suppliers, service providers and the teams in the central infrastructure You ensure the provision of processing results to users and external partners (interface monitoring, operating) You forward error messages from the applications to the helpdesk You also take over the telephone on-call service on request or, if necessary, in rotation with your colleagues Your qualifications: You have a degree or comparable training / experience in the IT sector You have sound, practical knowledge in the administration of medium or large IT environments (VM-Ware, remote desktop, Microsoft 365, Azure/AWS cloud, Windows server, MS SQL server, Linux, etc.) You have programming skills in Windows scripting, .net technologies and Power Shell You are familiar with the structure and operation of an IT security architecture You have experience with cloud-based technologies and projects You are characterized by your analytical thinking skills Your way of working is goal- and customer-oriented You work in a highly motivated, supportive and dynamic team with an excellent working atmosphere You will experience an open, diverse corporate culture and flat hierarchies You can expect a pleasant working environment where values such as a sense of responsibility, appreciation and commitment are emphasized You can implement innovative ideas and will take on exciting topics in a high-tech company You benefit from various benefits (pension scheme, employee events, health measures, parking spaces, good canteen, etc.) With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the financial sector - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Kronberg im Taunus
Are you an IT system administrator with a passion for technology and an eye for detail? Perfect, because we're looking for you! With us, you will have the opportunity to use your skills in an energetic and innovative environment and actively help shape our IT infrastructure. Ensure that our systems run smoothly and help us overcome technological challenges. Become part of our motivated team and drive the digital future forward with us. Apply now as an IT system administrator and make a difference! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the financial sector - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are the contact person for all IT questions and support regarding the IT environment for internal users You support patch and vulnerability management and the monitoring of Sophos security technology You are responsible for taking over the IT security measures You provide various IT hardware and provide support for it You are responsible for analyzing and solving problems that arise as well as creating and maintaining system-relevant documentation Your qualifications: You have completed training as an IT specialist or a degree in IT, ideally with professional experience You have basic knowledge of network and security technology and are already confident with Windows Server, Office 365 and Active Directory You have a pragmatic and solution-oriented way of working with a hands-on mentality and high communication, organizational and team skills You are willing to learn in order to familiarize yourself with the necessary specialist knowledge and complex issues You have a very good command of written and spoken German, ideally a good command of English You benefit from individual support and further training in a sustainably growing company You will work with an experienced and motivated team with flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths You will receive a permanent employment contract and performance-related pay, as well as a company pension scheme You will have interesting and varied activities in your job You can reach your workplace easily thanks to good transport connections You work in a modern working environment with discounted lunch in a canteen With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator with focus on IT security (f/m/d)
Laborarztpraxis Rhein-Main MVZ GbR, Frankfurt am Main
Diagnosis: future-proof! The laboratory medical practice has been a steadily growing medical laboratory for many years. We are therefore looking for further support to complement our team: IT system administrator with a focus on IT security (f/m/d) As one of the leading medical laboratories in the Rhine-Main region, we work closely with practicing physicians. We achieve competent analyses and precise results with advanced technologies and a highly motivated and experienced team. Your tasks Conception, coordination and implementation of information security requirements Securing the IT infrastructure, involvement in IT security tasks Implementation of company specifications and guidelines regarding IT infrastructure / IT security Creation and updating of security guidelines, participation in the creation of emergency plans, reporting and reports Co-support of the IT system (Microsoft, Linux, virtualization and network connections) Communication management regarding faults, updates and status messages Support with application problems, error analysis and troubleshooting in the hardware and software area Collaboration in the team on internal IT projects Carrying out hardware and software maintenance / updates Your profile IT specialist with completed training in the IT sector / IT security or similarly acquired professional experience Experience in IT security (critical infrastructure) and knowledge of relevant standards (e.g. BSI basic protection, ISO2700X, etc.) Experience with administration of Microsoft and LinuxBS, virtualization and network connections Good communication skills and a friendly demeanor, some work with customers Careful, structured and independent way of working Organizational skills Enjoy working in a team Our offer Work in a collegial and open-minded team Professional and organizational development opportunities Responsible tasks in a dynamically growing company Comprehensive, well-founded professional training Further development of your professional potential Modern working environment Attractive remuneration (annual bonus, capital-forming benefits, company pension scheme) Job bike Are you interested? Apply now! Please send your complete application documents, stating your salary expectations and earliest starting date, to Ms. Kochte: Eva Maria Kochte Head of Human Resources and Legal Affairs Laboratory practice Rhein-Main MVZ GbR Berner Strau00dfe 117, 60437 Frankfurt www.laborarztpraxis.de Phone +49 69-669003-633 [email protected]
System administrator (M/W/D)
AMADEUS Projektbau GmbH, Limburg
System Administrator (M/F/D) Your mission: Making the AMADEUS Group more digital! We are looking for an experienced and dedicated system administrator to join our IT team. The ideal candidate (m/f/d) will have sound knowledge and experience in dealing with Windows servers, Linux servers and Windows networks. In addition, sound knowledge of Internet Security and Microsoft 365 incl. Exchange-Online is required. Good PC hardware skills round off your profile and make you a valuable member of our team. These exciting tasks await you: You will look after Windows and Linux servers and ensure trouble-free operation You manage and monitor network availability You implement and monitor security measures to protect the IT infrastructure You manage and administer the Microsoft 365 environment You provide technical support for end users and find solutions to software and hardware problems You will fit into our team if you meet the following requirements You bring with you: You have completed training or a degree in the field of computer science You have knowledge in the administration of Windows and Linux servers as well as in the network administration of Windows networks You have experience in the administration and optimization of Microsoft 365 You enjoy working in a team and are open to constructive feedback Also desirable are Several years of experience in system and network administration Good knowledge of PC hardware and its components PHP programming and database knowledge (mysql/MariaDB) What does the AMADEUS Group offer you? We offer a crisis-proof position in a company that has been established on the market for many years in an expanding industry. You will have the opportunity to play an active role in change processes and innovations. We also offer: Performance-related pay with 28 days' vacation and special leave days Diverse development and training opportunities (both through external training and an internal training program) Company health management (including EGYM Wellpass, bike leasing) Creative company events (e.g. after-work parties, trainee parties) Capital-forming benefits (company pension scheme) Have we piqued your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application, simply and easily via our application tool on the side or by email to [email protected] (https://mailto: [email protected] ). All we need is a short cover letter, CV, salary expectations and your earliest possible starting date.