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SAP Systemadministrator

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Systemadministrator Für Datenbanken

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Wirtschaftsinformatiker für M365-Projekte (m/w/d)
über Jobware Personalberatung, Bensheim
Wirtschaftsinformatiker für M365-Projekte (m/w/d) über Jobware Personalberatung, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (mit remote) Wirtschaftsinformatiker für M365-Projekte (m/w/d) Ludwigshafen am Rhein (mit remote) Vollzeit Aufgaben Als M-365-Spezialist liegt dein Fokus auf der Prozessberatung und der Optimierung von Unternehmensprozessen durch den Einsatz moderner M365-Tools, wie MS Teams, Planner, OneNote, SharePoint und weiterer MS-Produkte Du analysierst zusammen mit den Key-Usern der Fachbereiche essenzielle Arbeitsprozesse und übernimmst die Teil- oder Gesamtprojektleitung Durch deine Beratung, wie M365-Tools ideal genutzt werden können, bist du an der Optimierung der Prozesse und damit an der Steigerung von Effizienz und Effektivität des Unternehmens maßgeblich beteiligt Im technischen Zusammenspiel von Servern und mobilen Endgeräten teilst du dein M365-Spezialwissen mit den IT-Administratoren der operativen Einheiten In konzernübergreifenden IT-Projekten unterstützt du die weitere Digitalisierung sowie die Ablösung von NON-MS-Werkzeugen Profil Du verfügst über eine abgeschlossene IT-Ausbildung, z. B. als Fachinformatiker/in, Informatiktechniker/in oder bist Bachelor oder Master in (Wirtschafts-)Informatik Du bringst umfassende Kenntnisse in der MS 365-Administration und speziell in Azure AD, Intune, Exchange Online, Teams, SharePoint und OneDrive mit sowie ein sehr gutes Verständnis für Geschäftsprozesse im Hinblick moderner Arbeitsplatzumgebungen Eine weitere Basis bilden deine Erfahrungen im Projekt- und Changemanagement, z. B durch die Mitarbeit bei der Einführung von IT-Systemen Selbstständiges, analytisches Denken und Handeln verbunden mit einer ausgeprägten Lösungskompetenz und kundenorientierter Kommunikationsfähigkeit zeichnen dich aus Deutsch (C2) und fachbezogenes Englisch sowie die Bereitschaft, die betreuten Tochtergesellschaften gelegentlich vor Ort zu besuchen, werden vorausgesetzt Benefits Abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einer spannenden Unternehmensgruppe uf02d von Start-ups bis zum etablierten Markenproduzenten und von Special-Interest-Verlagen bis zur KI-/AI-Softwareentwicklung Umfassende Einarbeitung durch wirklich nette und teamorientierte Kollegen Wertschätzende Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe Die Möglichkeit, eigenständig und gestaltend zu agieren Hybrides Arbeiten in modernen Büros und remote 30 Tage Urlaub, VL, Jobrad und Jobticket (ortsabhängig) Sicherer Arbeitsplatz, unbefristete Position Schulungsbudget für die fachliche und persönliche Weiterentwicklung Angebot regelmäßiger Englischkurse Arbeitgeber Eine interne IT-Gesellschaft, eingebunden in eine etablierte, deutsche Unternehmensgruppe, die rund 30 interne Tochterunternehmen in übergreifenden IT-Projekten unterstützt Sicherer Arbeitgeber, der durch regelmäßigen Zukauf von erfolgversprechenden Start-Ups im Umfeld Informationstechnologie, Online-Business und Bildung technologisch und zukunftsorientiert expandiert und eine Reihe bekannter Marken etabliert hat JOBWARE PERSONALBERATUNG Die Personalberatung vermittelt seit dem Jahr 2000 sowohl technische als auch betriebswirtschaftliche Fach- und Führungskräfte auf allen Ebenen. Feste Ansprechpartner engagieren sich persönlich, individuell, professionell und branchenübergreifend. INTERESSIERT? Selbstverständlich behandeln wir Ihre Bewerbung streng vertraulich. Hier finden Sie Informationen zu unserem Datenschutz. Jetzt bewerben Sie möchten sich beruflich verändern? Melden Sie sich kostenlos in unserem Kandidaten-Netzwerk an und die Jobware Personalberater unterstützen Sie bei Ihrer Job-Suche! Erst nach einem ausführlichen Gespräch mit Ihnen und Ihrer Zustimmung stellen wir Sie bei unseren Kunden vor. Kandidaten-Netzwerk Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Frau Anja Galka-Jürgens Tel.: 05251 5401-146 Mobil: 0151 15675670 - gerne auch außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten! Mail: [email protected]
IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d)
Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim
Immundiagnostik AG Stubenwald-Allee 8a 64625 Bensheim T: +49 6251 70190-0www.immundiagnostik.comDie Immundiagnostik AG in Bensheim ist ein modernes, mittelständisches Unternehmen, das auf Labordiagnostika für die medizinische Forschung und Praxis spezialisiert ist. Wir entwickeln und produzieren neuartige Tests zur Risikoerkennung von Krankheiten, zur Differenzialdiagnostik sowie zur Therapiekontrolle. Weitere Informationen über uns finden Sie unter www.immundiagnostik.com . Zur Stärkung unseres dynamischen Teams bei der Betreuung und Unterstützung unserer ca. 150 Mitarbeiter in allen IT-Angelegenheiten suchen wir einen engagierten IT-Administrator. Sowohl Fachinformatiker als auch Quereinsteiger mit entsprechender Erfahrung sind bei uns willkommen.Ab sofort gesucht:IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) in VollzeitRef.: 2024-02-IT-01Ihre Aufgaben: Installation, Konfiguration und Wartung von Windows BetriebssystemenVerwaltung und Überwachung von Windows Servern und Linux ServernAdministration von Netzwerken und Sicherstellung der NetzwerksicherheitUnterstützung bei der Einrichtung und Verwaltung von Mobile Device Management LösungenFehlerbehebung und Support für Mitarbeiter bei IT-ProblemenDurchführung von regelmäßigen System- und SicherheitsupdatesArbeiten an verschiedenen IT-Projekten und Unterstützung bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer IT-InfrastrukturIhr Profil: Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker oder eine vergleichbare qualifizierte Qualifikation im IT-BereichErfahrung in der Administration von Windows BetriebssystemenKenntnisse in der Verwaltung von Windows Servern und Linux Servern sind von VorteilGrundlegende Kenntnisse in der NetzwerkadministrationErfahrung mit Mobile Device Management Lösungen ist wünschenswertGute Problemlösungsfähigkeiten und KommunikationsfähigkeitenTeamfähigkeit und Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit in einem kleinen TeamFließende Deutschkenntnisse, gute EnglischkenntnisseUnser Angebot:Anspruchsvolle, abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem engagierten und professionellen TeamModernes Arbeitsumfeld an einem attraktiven StandortNach sechsmonatiger Einarbeitungszeit ist nach Absprache im Team teilweise Home-Office möglichRegelmäßige Weiterbildung durch Workshops unserer eingesetzten ProdukteAngemessene Vergütung mit Urlaubs- und WeihnachtsgeldFlexible Arbeitszeiten, 28 Tage UrlaubWenn Sie eine Leidenschaft für IT haben und gerne in einem dynamischen, stark wachsenden und zukunftsorientierten Umfeld arbeiten möchten, dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf, Gehaltsvorstellung und Ihres frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins unter Angabe der Ref.-Nummer 2024-02-IT-01 vorzugsweise per E-Mail an: E-Mail anzeigen oder an Immundiagnostik AG, Oliver Kiesling, Stubenwald-Allee 8a, 64625 Bensheim. Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Standort Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim
Network and System Administrator (m/f/d) in mechanical engineering - hybrid work (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Reichelsheim (Wetterau)
We are looking for a passionate IT professional who is ready to become part of a team that not only masters everyday IT, but also shapes the digital future. For our innovative client company in the industrial sector, we are looking for a Network and System Administrator at the Reichelsheim site. This is not just about operating network systems, but about creating digital worlds. Your mission: to push the boundaries of technology and shape the future of IT. Are you ready for an adventure that goes beyond the usual IT routine? Then apply directly to us now and become a network wizard in the world of data streams and algorithms! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. Network and system administrator (m/f/d) in mechanical engineering - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are responsible for user support (helpdesk) and various training courses Evaluation and implementation of upgrades for hardware and software are also part of your tasks You document internal processes and ensure daily backups and system restores You are responsible for maintaining and supporting local network systems such as firewalls, routers, switches, servers, internet, VPN and telephone systems You manage inventories, procure hardware, software and licenses Your support in identifying and eliminating network vulnerabilities rounds off your responsibilities Your qualifications: You have a degree with a technical focus or a similar qualification with several years of professional experience You already have in-depth knowledge of Windows Server OS and Active Directory You already have experience in supporting a large LAN/WAN infrastructure Your knowledge of Windows Server OS and Active Directory is very good You have first practical experience with Windows Server OS, VMWare, Veeam, SonicWall Firewall, Cisco Switches, Ivanti, PTRG and CB/CBit9 You quickly understand new complex security requirements and have the ability to identify and remediate all assessed risks and vulnerabilities You will receive attractive remuneration with a collectively agreed salary, vacation and Christmas bonuses and other special payments You are entitled to 30 days' vacation A high level of job security is guaranteed Flexible working hours and a working time account allow you to achieve a good work-life balance You will be offered a company pension allowance You have access to an extensive range of internal training courses for personal and professional development You will receive an induction tailored to your individual needs and benefit from corporate benefits You can look forward to various company celebrations, joint activities and a positive working environment You will experience a collegial working atmosphere at eye level With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
Senior Controller (m/w/d) im Fachbereich Marketing, Sales und Customer
MEWA Textil-Service SE & CO. Management OHG, Wiesbaden
Mewa ist ein wertorientiertes Familienu00adunteru00adnehmen und als Dienstleister für das moderne Textil-Management führend in Europa. Unseren Erfolg verdanken wir unseren rund 5.700 Mitarbeitern. Wir wachsen beständig aus eigener Kraft. Deshalb können wir sichere und perspektivenreiche Arbeitsplätze bieten.Wir sind Chancengeber für Mitmacher, die gemeinsam mit uns mehr erreichen wollen bei einem Weltmarktführer mit Tradition. Wir suchen für den Standort Wiesbaden einen Senior Controller (m/w/d) im Fachbereich Marketing, Sales und Customer Herausforderungen für Mitmacher: Ihr nächster Karriereschritt führt Sie in unsere Gruppe u201ePlanung, Berichtswesen & Data Analyticsu201c, in der wir unseren Kundenbereich (Marketing, Sales und Customer) mit unentu00adbehrlichen Prognosen, Daten und kaufu00admännischen Informationen versorgen.Hier zählen wir speziell auf Ihre Reporting-Erfahrung, wenn Sie als Hauptu00adveru00adantu00adwortu00adlicher für das Berichtsu00adwesen die digitalen Berichte für den Geschäftsbereich implementieren, bereitstellen und weiteru00adentwickeln – in Absprache mit allen Prozessbeteiligten und in Koordination mit dem IT-Team.Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören sowohl die Konsoliu00addierung (Prüfung, Analyse und Kommentierung) der Berichte (Ist-, Plan- und Forecast-Zahlen sowie Kalkulationen und Analysen) als auch die Erstellung detaillierter Kennzahlen- / Leistungsu00adanalysen, inkl. Ad-hoc-Analysen mit Handlungsu00adempfehlungen für das Top-Management zur Umsetzung von Korrekturmaßnahmen.Sie stehen den Controllern fachlich in Berichtsu00adthemen zur Seite und schulen interne Kunden im Umgang mit den digitalen Reportingtools.Nicht zuletzt unterstützen Sie bei der Erstellung von Monats- und Quartalsberichten für unseren Bereich Marketing, Sales und Customer Service und kommenu00adtieren die Highlights des Monats mit den internen verfügbaren Informationen, die Sie aus Ihren regelu00admäßigen Meetings mit den internen Kunden mitnehmen. Das Besondere an Ihnen: Wir rechnen mit Ihrer Bewerbung, wenn Sie nach Ihrem (Master-)Studium der BWL, möglichst mit Schwerpunkt Controlling, Wirtschaftsinformatik und/oder Finanzen bereits mehrere Jahre im Controlling tätig waren.Sie sind jetzt bereits in regem Austausch mit den Ansprechpartnern aus der IT und gewohnt, auf Augenhöhe zu kommunizieren.Sie sind absolut fit in MS Excel und haben schon mit modernen ERP- und BI-Systemen gearbeitet, bevorzugt mit SAP.Klar, dass Sie stark in Analyse und Strategie sind, auf allen Ebenen selbstbewusst kommunizieren und bei differierenden Interessen harmonische Lösungen herbeiführen.Sie treiben Projekte mit Biss voran und stehen für High Performance im operativen Tagesgeschäft? Willkommen im Team!Familienu00adunternehmenAuf Dauer angelegter, sicherer ArbeitsplatzKarrierechancen Intensive Einarbeitung und WeiterentwicklungJob TicketJob Ticket für den öffentlichen NahverkehrJob RadJob Rad inkl. Arbeitu00adgeberzuschussFlexible ArbeitszeitenVereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf (Gleitzeitmodell)Zusatzleistungen Zuschuss zu vermögenswirksamen LeistungenMitarbeiteru00adrabatteEin breites Angebot an Mitarbeiteru00advergünstigungenWeiterbildungen Großes Angebot an internen Schulungen Ihre Bewerbung:Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Online-Bewerbung, alternativ können Sie sich auch per E-Mail bewerben. HIER BEWERBEN Ihr Weg zu uns:MEWA Textil-Service SE & Co.Management OHGJohn-F.-Kennedy Str. 465189 Wiesbaden Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:Diana KabusTel.: +49 611 / 7601 - 819 www.mewa.jobs MEWA Textil-Service SE & CO. Management OHG http://www.mewa.de http://www.mewa.de https://relaxx-files.raven51.de/kcenter-google-postings/kc-9315/logo_goo... 2024-07-05T20:59:59.999Z FULL_TIME EUR YEAR null 2024-05-06 Wiesbaden 65189 John-F.-Kennedy-Straße 4 50.06791080000001 8.2733186
Network Administrator Cisco / Microsoft (m/f/d) - 645-9143
top itservices AG, Frankfurt am Main
Network Administrator Cisco / Microsoft (m/f/d) - 645-9143 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and fill a vacant position at a leading company. Your challenges Planning, implementation and commissioning of network infrastructures in the Microsoft or Cisco area Carrying out error analyses and rectifying faults Technical support for IT topics in various areas as well as the creation and maintenance of IT documentation Support for the helpdesk system and the knowledge database Your qualification Completed training or studies in the IT field, e.g. IT specialist for system integration or a similar qualification Several years of professional experience in network administration and system integration In-depth knowledge of Microsoft Active Directory and network technology, including commissioning and configuration Very good German and good written and spoken English skills Your advantages Networking with interesting and renowned companies Location-independent and flexible thanks to the option to work remotely Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our collaboration Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 645-9143. Natalie Tudyka will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 69 2992074-28. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/r7u7n5 You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms in order to improve readability, all forms are always meant.
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) with industry tariff surcharges electrical up to 56.568u20ac
IMPACT GmbH, Hanau
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) with industry tariff surcharges electrical up to 56.568u20ac IMPACT - that stands for \"effect, impact\". What does this have to do with our company? Quite simply: through our excellent contacts, both with small businesses and and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations, we are your first port of call when it comes to finding the best possible IMPACT for your next career move. Give it a try try it out! We were commissioned by our client, an international company in the electrical engineering, to recruit YOU as part of the temporary employment to recruit. What are you waiting for? - Give your professional career a boost too new IMPACT! We offer: Attractive remuneration up to u20ac56,568 per year according to the chemical industry pay scale Very good chances of being taken on Tax and duty-free inflation adjustment bonus Up to 30 days' vacation Social benefits, such as vacation and Christmas bonuses Corporate benefits - employee discounts of up to 80% with well-known manufacturers \"Turn friends into colleagues\" - Recommend friends, acquaintances or former colleagues and receive up to u20ac500! An exclusive experience of your choice worth u20ac500. Further information can be found at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=468234998636748&set=a.443168124476769 Your profile: Successfully completed training/further training in the IT sector or completed studies in the IT sector Several years of professional experience in the above-mentioned field Experience in the administration of Windows systems Strong analytical thinking skills Quick comprehension Very good language skills in German and English Primary residence in Germany Your tasks: Further development of the IT infrastructure through process optimization Administration, optimization and configuration of Windows systems Support for the company's virtual system landscape Planning and administration of the network infrastructure Ensuring network security and data security by carrying out continuous tests We are already looking forward to getting to know you! For this all you have to do is fill out the application form - it takes 2 minutes! Or simply give us a call and we will inform you about the position: 069-297 289 60. You are of course welcome to send us your documents directly to [email protected] .
System Administrator Windows (m/f/d) - 645-7002
top itservices AG, Frankfurt am Main
System Administrator Windows (m/f/d) - 645-7002 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and fill a vacant position at a leading information technology company as a Windows System Administrator (m/f/d). SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR WINDOWS (M/F/D) Your tasks Installation, configuration and maintenance of Windows operating systems Carrying out and implementing regular security measures Responsibility for L1/L2/L3 support and Active Directory Conception of IT solutions and implementation of IT projects What you should bring with you Completed training in the field of computer science or a similar qualification Professional experience in the administration of Windows operating systems Sound specialist knowledge in dealing with Windows Very good written and spoken German skills Information about the position Networking with interesting and renowned companies Full local flexibility 100% remote work Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our cooperation Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 645-7002. Wladislaw Samakin will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 69 2992074-34. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/krodm5 You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms for the sake of better readability, all are always meant.
Application Consultant Commercial (m/f/d)
ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen, Darmstadt
For our \"Customer and Product Management\" division we are looking for a Application Consultant Commercial (m/f/d) The position can be based at our office in Gieu00dfen, Darmstadt or Kassel. This position is a full-time position, which is in principle divisible. The ekom21 ekom21 is a renowned technology company in the field of complete IT solutions for the public sector. As the largest BSI-certified IT service provider in Hesse, with a comprehensive product and service portfolio, we support over 500 customers with 29,000 users. Our more than 720 employees at our locations in Giessen, Kassel and Darmstadt generated a turnover of 300 million euros in 2022. The ekom21 solution portfolio ranges from hardware and software solutions to customized consulting services. Your tasks and responsibilities Your main tasks will include customer consulting and customer support, in particular advising and supporting customers on the phone, via e-mail service, ticket system and on site, including error management and communication with the software manufacturer Your tasks will include project management for the introduction of new software. You will be responsible for planning and conducting individual workshops and product sales for migewa21, migewa classic and all modules Your tasks include supporting the specialist software migewa21, migewa classic with all modules, including change management, quality management and conceptual activities You are the technical process administrator The level of pay is based on a salary up to EG 11 TVöD (VKA) and will be subject to a final individual assessment and personal qualifications. Your application ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen guarantees professional equality for all genders. People with severe disabilities are given priority if they are equally qualified. ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen aims to increase the proportion of women and supports the compatibility of work and family life. We kindly ask you to submit your application with complete documents by 23.06.2024 via our careers page and to refrain from sending applications by post or e-mail. We would also like to inform you in advance that the selection procedure is expected to take place on 03.07.2024 in Darmstadt. Working at ekom21 As a family-friendly company, people are at the heart of everything we do. ekom21 actively supports the compatibility of work and family life by offering flexible working hours and part-time models within the scope of the company's possibilities. We also attach great importance to our comprehensive company health management and our further training management. What you bring with you Degree in computer science (B.Sc. / B.A.), administrative informatics (B.Sc. / B.A.), business informatics (B.Sc./ B.A.) or three years of training in the field of IT or administration with additional skills and experience equivalent to the required academic background Strong moderation and communication skills Advanced expertise in the workings of public authorities Ability to work independently Strong customer orientation, team-oriented work and assertiveness, convincing communication skills and good judgment Ability to recognize, analyze and implement complex interrelationships Ability to grasp things quickly Structured work In-depth knowledge of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO) and the Ordinance on the Organization of the Trade Notification Procedure (GewAnzV) Class B driving license What we offer you Measures to promote health Free Germany ticket as a job ticket Bicycle leasing via ekom21 Mobile working with flexible working hours Binding annual appraisal interviews Structured induction An open corporate culture A trusting, familiar working atmosphere Individual development opportunities Extensive social benefits Company pension scheme via the ZVK Your contact person If you have any questions about the organizational process, please contact Ms. Celina Gries ekom21 - KGRZ Hesse Corporation under public law Robert-Bosch-Strau00dfe 13 64293 Darmstadt [email protected] We would like to point out that applications that we do not receive via the B-ITE applicant portal but are sent to us by post or email will be stored and processed by us electronically. If you do not agree to this, it is necessary to object to this storage by means of a personally signed declaration. Declarations sent to us by e-mail in this regard do not fulfill the criterion of a legally binding declaration of intent. The stored data will be deleted 90 days after the rejection. ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen is certified according to ISO 27001 on the basis of IT basic protection by the Federal Office for Information Security u00a9 2018 by ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen, Corporation under public law, Marketing/V2 Giessen, Central Hesse. All rights reserved.
Systemadministrator Linux (m/w/d) - 645-7001
top itservices AG, Frankfurt am Main
System Administrator Linux (m/f/d) - 645-7001 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and fill a vacant position at a leading information technology company as a Linux System Administrator (m/f/d). SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR LINUX (M/F/D) Your tasks Carrying out the administration and support of the Linux system landscape Troubleshooting errors and faults in the system Ensuring the functionality of the system landscape Implementation of software and hardware updates Creation of documentation and the necessary reporting Your profile Completed training, e.g. IT specialist for system integration, studies in computer science or a comparable qualification Several years of experience in working with Linux Extensive know-how in system administration Very good written and spoken German and English skills Your advantages Networking with interesting and renowned companies Location-independent and flexible thanks to the option to work remotely Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our collaboration Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 645-7001. Wladislaw Samakin will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 69 2992074-34. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/krlc15 You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms for the sake of better readability, all are always meant.
IT System Administrator - Helpdesk (m/f/d) - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Pfungstadt
Are you looking for new challenges in the IT industry? Apply to us now as an IT system administrator (m/f/d)! Our client, a leading IT service provider, is looking for a motivated candidate to join their collegial team in Pfungstadt with immediate effect. As an IT System Administrator, you will be responsible for the planning, implementation and maintenance of IT systems and networks. You will keep an eye on the IT infrastructure, ensure the security of systems and data and resolve problems. Are you a team player with a passion for optimizing IT systems? Then don't hesitate - apply today! We look forward to getting to know you personally. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator - Helpdesk (m/f/d) - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You provide support in the server/client area and set up data backups You are responsible for IT security and provide user briefings on the IT environment You provide support for X-ray machine connections, solutions for digital hygiene documentation and systems for digital patient information and educational documentation You provide user briefings on the IT environment You carry out updates and upgrades and work with the ticket system Your qualifications: You have a computer science-based, technical or comparable training as a system administrator and work independently, are focused and flexible. You have an affinity for support tasks and telephone customer contact, using the knowledge we have structured and the support of 3rd level colleagues. You have experience with Windows client operating systems, including downloading and installing them and using the registry editor. You have extensive knowledge of current Windows server operating systems, including download, installation, configuration, virtualization, Active Directory, group policies, backup strategies and ideally PowerShell. You have network knowledge of IP addresses, DHCP, DNS, NAT, VLAN, gateways and how to use simple internet routers. You work in a job that challenges you and that you enjoy, in the exciting field of dental IT. You will benefit from excellent training opportunities and challenging tasks in a highly technically skilled team. You will be integrated into a company that is excellently established in the industry You will have the opportunity to work from home part of the time You will be offered customized training You will work in a company where the values of teamwork, honesty and openness are very important. With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator and Network Administrator (m/f/d) IT Support
ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH, Driedorf
IT System Administrator and Network Administrator (m/f/d) IT Support Make a successful start with us now as an IT System Administrator and Network Administrator (m/f/d) on a temporary basis with the option of being taken on! Your new job is full-time in Driedorf in the field of IT support. Your advantages in this job Very good chances of being taken on Good working atmosphere Payments on account On-site support Staff discounts These tasks await you Problem analysis, troubleshooting and support in the hardware and software area Installation, configuration and administration of workstations including mobile devices Administration and monitoring of network components Support for internal and external IT projects Documentation of the implemented solutions You have the following knowledge and skills Hardware installation, software installation Network administration, management and organization Network monitoring System support, system administration, system management With professional experience You score with these skills reliability Ability to work in a team Diligence/accuracy Motivation/willingness to perform Look forward to an attractive salary of u20ac17.85 per hour! Do you have any questions about the job? Contact us on 0 64 41 / 2 00 19 - 0 or by email at [email protected] from Monday to Thursday between 08:00 and 17:00 and on Friday between 08:00 and 15:00, or visit us in person at the branch. By submitting your application, you agree to the data protection guidelines of ARWA Personaldienstleistungen GmbH. These can be found on our homepage www.arwa.de under \"Data protection\".
SAP Basis Administrator (m/w/d) - 712-2201
top itservices AG, Wiesbaden
SAP Basis Administrator (m/f/d) - 712-2201 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and join us in filling a vacant permanent position as SAP Basis Administrator (m/f/d). Your tasks Administration of database systems, e.g. Oracle, as well as ensuring SAP basic operation Monitoring, optimization and hardening of the database systems Evaluation of products in the database and SAP environment Analysis of errors in SAP as well as the import of hints Your qualification Completed studies in computer science or comparable training Professional experience in database administration with SAP Basis Expertise in Oracle database systems, SQL and PL/SQL Experienced handling of Windows and Linux servers Information about the project Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our cooperation Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Direct placement in a permanent position with our client company Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 712-2201. Marie-Sophie Imkeit will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 621 170279-60. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/6hsu38 You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms for the sake of better readability, all are always meant.
Network Administrator (m/f/d)
abakus Personal GmbH & Co. KG Hersfeld, Bad Hersfeld
Network Administrator (m/f/d) Many good reasons for our customer In addition to fair and attractive remuneration, you will be offered the following additional benefits: Flat hierarchies - short decision-making processes Permanent employment contract Extensive induction period Regular further training Up to 30 vacation days Flexible working hours What you can expect in your new job For our client, a leading IT service provider, we are looking for you as a System and Network Administrator (m/f/d) on placement. Support in all matters relating to the IT systems used Support, care and maintenance of network peripherals, servers, workstations, printers and telecommunications systems Further development and support of the virtual infrastructure Project tasks Monitoring of backup and recovery processes Support for software solutions used (MS Exchange, DocuWare, MS SQL Server, etc.) Further development of current systems, creation of corresponding concepts and participation in procurement What you bring with you Successfully completed university studies in information technology or business informatics or training as an IT specialist (system integration) with several years of professional experience (m/f/d) Very good knowledge of Microsoft operating systems (Windows Server, Windows 7 and Windows 10) Very good network knowledge (TCP/IP, VLAN, WLAN, VPN) and site networking Extensive experience in dealing with virus protection applications, MS Office, MS Exchange, Active Directory, MS SQL Your application Have we piqued your interest in the position of Network Administrator (m/f/d)? Then we should definitely get to know each other! The quickest way to contact us is via the \"Apply now\" button. We look forward to receiving your CV for Network Administrator (m/f/d). Do you have any questions in advance? Then give us a call - we will be happy to advise and support you in all phases of the job search. We look forward to receiving your online application for Network Administrator (m/f/d)! Your contact person abakus Personal GmbH & Co.KG Thomas Heiner Frankfurter Street 7 36251 Bad Hersfeld Tel. 06621-400890 The term \"employee\" and other personal designations used on this page are gender-independent. They are used exclusively for reasons of better readability.
IT System Administrator with focus on IT security (f/m/d)
Laborarztpraxis Rhein-Main MVZ GbR, Frankfurt am Main
Diagnosis: future-proof! The laboratory medical practice has been a steadily growing medical laboratory for many years. We are therefore looking for further support to complement our team: IT system administrator with a focus on IT security (f/m/d) As one of the leading medical laboratories in the Rhine-Main region, we work closely with practicing physicians. We achieve competent analyses and precise results with advanced technologies and a highly motivated and experienced team. Your tasks Conception, coordination and implementation of information security requirements Securing the IT infrastructure, involvement in IT security tasks Implementation of company specifications and guidelines regarding IT infrastructure / IT security Creation and updating of security guidelines, participation in the creation of emergency plans, reporting and reports Co-support of the IT system (Microsoft, Linux, virtualization and network connections) Communication management regarding faults, updates and status messages Support with application problems, error analysis and troubleshooting in the hardware and software area Collaboration in the team on internal IT projects Carrying out hardware and software maintenance / updates Your profile IT specialist with completed training in the IT sector / IT security or similarly acquired professional experience Experience in IT security (critical infrastructure) and knowledge of relevant standards (e.g. BSI basic protection, ISO2700X, etc.) Experience with administration of Microsoft and LinuxBS, virtualization and network connections Good communication skills and a friendly demeanor, some work with customers Careful, structured and independent way of working Organizational skills Enjoy working in a team Our offer Work in a collegial and open-minded team Professional and organizational development opportunities Responsible tasks in a dynamically growing company Comprehensive, well-founded professional training Further development of your professional potential Modern working environment Attractive remuneration (annual bonus, capital-forming benefits, company pension scheme) Job bike Are you interested? Apply now! Please send your complete application documents, stating your salary expectations and earliest starting date, to Ms. Kochte: Eva Maria Kochte Head of Human Resources and Legal Affairs Laboratory practice Rhein-Main MVZ GbR Berner Strau00dfe 117, 60437 Frankfurt www.laborarztpraxis.de Phone +49 69-669003-633 [email protected]
IT Support Specialist (m/f/d) - Hybrid working possible (Computer Scientist (advanced training))
DIS AG, Bad Zwesten
IT Support Specialist (m/f/d) - Hybrid working possible (Computer scientist (further education)) Would you like to develop your career and are you looking for an exciting challenge? We have the ideal position for you! A well-respected company based in Bad Zwesten is offering the versatile prospect of an IT Support Specialist (m/f/d) for the IT department as part of a permanent placement. Sounds exciting? Then apply now! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT Support Specialist (m/f/d) - Hybrid working possible Your tasks: Coordination of external service providers for troubleshooting and remote maintenance Support in the operational management of hospital information systems and - Ensuring smooth technical operation and data transfer to third parties Help with the maintenance of asset data and comprehensive documentation of the IT inventory Ensuring the continuity of local IT services during planned and unplanned absences Coordinating software updates and release changes for hospital information systems in collaboration with external service providers Your qualifications: Completed training as an IT specialist, IT business administrator, IT systems electronics technician or similar - career changer with previous experience in IT support Basic knowledge of Windows Server (AD, DHCP, DNS) and network technologies (TCP/IP), as well as solid knowledge of Windows client operating systems Experience in the documentation of IT resources and ticket processing (Confluence, i-doit, Zammad) Preferred: Previous experience with hospital information systems Practical experience in healthcare is an advantage Strong communication skills and strong customer focus Internal and external training opportunities Job security through a permanent contract A dedicated team in a familiar working atmosphere Attractive working conditions with appropriate pay and company pension scheme Company health promotion, such as e-bike/job bike leasing Joint team building activities With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT trainees for our exciting IT qualification program
Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main
The Deutsche Bundesbank is a special bank: an integral part of the European System of Central Banks with an important function in financial stability, banking supervision, monetary policy and payment transactions in Germany. Above all, however, we are a strong team of reliable and responsible people whose daily work also creates the technical IT conditions for a stable euro and other central bank tasks. Join us on the path to a digital central bank! IT trainees for our exciting IT qualification program Work location Frankfurt on the Main Working hours Full-time (part-time is possible in principle), fixed-term (initially for 2 years) Start date as of now Job ID 2024_0580_02 Do you already have knowledge of IT and want to develop into an IT specialist? With us, you have the opportunity to become part of a highly motivated team that ensures the smooth functioning of the client/server systems and network for European payment transactions. The Deutsche Bundesbank offers you a suitable and attractive qualification program in the IT area. Work of special value: your assignment with us Your tasks as a participant in the qualification program are varied. You will have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge directly in practice and expand your IT skills. During the program, you will be specifically prepared for your future tasks. After completing the qualification, you will support us in IT operations, analyze system and application statuses using state-of-the-art monitoring tools and develop solution concepts. You will have the opportunity to participate in European payment transactions and work on national and international IT projects. Special values: Your qualifications You have successfully completed vocational training in the IT sector (e.g. as a systems IT specialist, IT systems administrator) or in a similar field or have comparable knowledge from many years of professional experience Experience in incident and problem management is an advantage Willingness and health suitability to work different working hours (incl. on-call duty and some weekend assignments) Analytical skills, good time management, ability to work in a team, commitment and sense of responsibility Good written and spoken German and English skills We expect the willingness to undergo a security check in accordance with the Federal Security Clearance Act (Su00dcG). Valuable work deserves special benefits Remuneration & prospects international working environment, varied tasks, national and international exchange opportunities, your remuneration is 3,300 euros gross per month, after successful qualification a permanent employment contract is planned, with remuneration based on pay group 10 TVöD plus a bank bonus New Work Home office options, good technical equipment (e.g. smartphone, tablet, notebook), working hours: 39 hours/week, 30 days' vacation, promotion of compatibility of career and family/work-life balance Additional benefits Company health management, health and sports courses, company restaurant, free job ticket, central location Would you like to join our team? Then we look forward to receiving your application. If you have any questions in advance, simply get in touch with the relevant contact person. Your questions about the application will be answered by Zeynep Göru00fcken Tel. 069 9566 35728 [email protected] Your questions about the job will be answered by Ilona Stefanides Tel. 069 9566 36416 Please apply by 19.06.2024 with the job ID 2024_0580_02 via our online tool. Diversity and equal opportunities are important to us. Severely disabled people will be given preferential consideration if equally qualified. Part-time employment is generally possible. The Deutsche Bundesbank also promotes professional equality between women and men, particularly when filling management positions. We therefore particularly welcome applications from women. We welcome you in all your individuality! We look forward to getting to know you better with your application. You can find more information about the Bundesbank as an employer at www.bundesbank.de/karriere Deutsche Bundesbank | Wilhelm-Epstein-Strau00dfe 14 | 60431 Frankfurt am Main
IT-Berater / IT-Consultant (m/w/d) - Identity-Management
ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen, Darmstadt
For our \"IT Operations\" division we are looking for a IT Consultant / IT Consultant (m/f/d) - Identity Management The position can be based at our office in Gieu00dfen, Darmstadt, Fulda or Kassel. This position is a full-time position, which is in principle divisible. The ekom21 ekom21 is a renowned technology company in the field of complete IT solutions for the public sector. As the largest BSI-certified IT service provider in Hesse, with a comprehensive product and service portfolio, we support over 500 customers with 29,000 users. Our more than 720 employees at our locations in Giessen, Kassel and Darmstadt generated a turnover of 300 million euros in 2022. The ekom21 solution portfolio ranges from hardware and software solutions to customized consulting services. Your tasks and responsibilities Your main tasks include analyzing, developing and supporting the creation of concepts / offers for customer-related IT solutions You will identify opportunities for the continuous improvement of ekom21's identity services You are responsible for creating and maintaining the service portfolio The technical support of projects (especially concept work) is part of your tasks You will support and have partial responsibility in the areas of service design, service development and sales strategy for ekom21's identity service You give customer presentations The level of pay is based on a salary up to EG 11 TVöD (VKA) and will be subject to a final individual assessment and personal qualifications. Your application ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen guarantees professional equality for all genders. People with severe disabilities are given priority if they are equally qualified. ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen aims to increase the proportion of women and supports the compatibility of work and family life. We kindly ask you to submit your application with complete documents via our careers page and to refrain from sending applications by post or e-mail. Working at ekom21 As a family-friendly company, people are at the heart of everything we do. ekom21 actively supports the compatibility of work and family life by offering flexible working hours and part-time models within the scope of the company's possibilities. We also attach great importance to our comprehensive company health management and our further training management. What you bring with you Degree in business informatics (B.Sc./B.A.) or training as an IT specialist or IT business administrator with additional skills and experience that are equivalent to the required academic qualifications ITIL basic knowledge for the analysis of complex contexts in application, organizational and IT legal issues Knowledge of processes, structures and decision-making paths of municipal customers Product and solution understanding of the IT solutions used in the division (interface function to technical administration) Knowledge of the technical system integration of Open ID Connect or SAML2 and the infrastructures for the provision of identity provider infrastructures locally or hyperscaler infrastructures Strong customer orientation and team-oriented work Convincing communication skills German spoken and written What we offer you Measures to promote health Free Germany ticket as a job ticket Bicycle leasing via ekom21 Mobile working with flexible working hours Binding annual appraisal interviews Structured induction An open corporate culture A trusting, familiar working atmosphere Individual development opportunities Extensive social benefits Company pension scheme via the ZVK Your contact person If you have any questions about the organizational process, please contact Ms. Michaela Irmscher ekom21 - KGRZ Hesse Corporation under public law Robert-Bosch-Strau00dfe 13 64293 Darmstadt [email protected] We would like to point out that applications that we do not receive via the B-ITE applicant portal but are sent to us by post or email will be stored and processed by us electronically. If you do not agree to this, it is necessary to object to this storage by means of a personally signed declaration. Declarations sent to us by e-mail in this regard do not fulfill the criterion of a legally binding declaration of intent. The stored data will be deleted 90 days after the rejection. ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen is certified according to ISO 27001 on the basis of IT basic protection by the Federal Office for Information Security u00a9 2018 by ekom21 - KGRZ Hessen, Corporation under public law, Marketing/V2 Giessen, Central Hesse. All rights reserved.
IT Administrator (W/M/D) Application operation of the Hessian tax authorities
Hessische Zentrale fu00fcr Datenverarbeitung, Wiesbaden
IT Administrator (W/M/D) Application operation of the Hessian tax authorities EXPERT (F/M/D) WANTED: IT Administrator(F/M/D) Application operation of the Hessian financial administration LocationWiesbaden(reference numberA8-20241502) The Hessische Zentrale fu00fcr Datenverarbeitung (HZD) is the full-service provider for the state of Hesse. With over 50 years of experience in information/communication technology, we play a decisive role in shaping the digitization process of the Hessian state administration. Develop innovative, future-proof and competitive IT solutions with us. HZD - FIT for our future. Your tasks: You will ensure smooth IT application operations for the Hessian tax offices and, in some cases, for other federal states, thereby making a significant contribution to tax justice in Germany. You will accompany the technological change from mainframes to LINUX servers and container-based application operation. Your profile: You have completed a relevant university degree in computer science or a comparable course of study or you have equivalent relevant skills and experience. You have in-depth specialist knowledge of IT systems, applications and software with several years of experience in the LINUX environment. You have broad knowledge and several years of experience in operational processes (incident, change and problem management). You have good knowledge and many years of experience in the field of deployment automation You are characterized by service and solution orientation as well as a structured way of working. The ability to cooperate, holistic thinking and conscientiousness round off your profile. We offer: A varied, challenging and responsible area of responsibility Targeted further training opportunities Flexible working hours and working time models, home office A secure workplace and location security The compatibility of work and family life Occupational health management State ticket for local public transport A position up to pay group 12 TV-H, plus a collectively agreed allowance of currently u20ac57.42 with a permanent employment contract. Our general recruitment criteria: We promote equality between women and men and are therefore particularly interested in receiving applications from women. Severely disabled applicants will be given special consideration if they are suitable. People from different backgrounds live in Hesse. We want this diversity to be reflected at HZD and therefore encourage people with a migration background to apply to us. In principle, there is the possibility of part-time employment. We look forward to receiving your application, which we will accept up to and including June 28, 2024. Please send us your complete and informative application documents to: [email protected] **(**Subject: Reference number A8-20241502) Please send application questions to: [email protected] (https://mailto: [email protected] ) orMrHu (telephone 0611 340-1134) (general) orMrDr. von Loewenich (telephone0611 340-3167) (technical) You can find further job offers at: https://hzd.hessen.de ( https://hzd.hessen.de )
IT system administrator (m/f/d)
Zeiss Sanatorien, Bad Wildungen
-------------------------------------- Job title IT System Administrator (m/f/d) Department IT Zeiss clinics The Zeiss Kliniken are a family-run company over four generations with the mission to promote health individually, personally and sustainably. At our two locations Klinik Reinhardsquelle and Gesundheitszentrum Helenenquelle, we offer rehabilitation and spa stays and pursue treatment approaches from the fields of prevention, rehabilitation and alternative medicine. In both clinics, interdisciplinarity is our strength, because we are convinced of it: When people come together to work to their individual strengths, we achieve the greatest possible satisfaction for our patients and guests! This is what you achieve: Monitoring system performance and ensuring availability Managing user accounts and access rights Implementation of backups and recovery measures Analyzing and solving software and hardware problems Implementation of security measures and support for data protection Installation, configuration and updating of hardware and software Evaluation of new technologies and recommendations for improving systems What you bring with you: Completed training/degree in IT or a comparable qualification, but career changers with technical understanding are also very welcome Good knowledge in the administration of server operating systems (e.g. Microsoft Windows Server 2016 +) as well as Active Directory, Group Policies, NTFS and certificates Good communication and teamwork skills, as well as a high willingness to learn Experience with network TCP/IP, including DNS, DHCP, WINS, routing, VLAN, managed WLAN and VPN Knowledge of SQL and Exchange Server What we offer you: A job with varied and responsible tasks Opportunity for self-realization in a corporate culture characterized by appreciation An open-ended employment contract Promotion of further education and training opportunities Company pension scheme, capital-forming benefits, free meals, JobRad, employee yoga and much more Health budget with many health services including exclusive benefits Attractive remuneration conditions, which we will be happy to discuss with you in person 30 vacation days Discount on fitness contracts Employee experience management Contact information For further information, please contact our HR department on 05621 808 274. Become part of our team and send us your application in writing or by e-mail to the following address: Zeiss Sanatorien GmbH & Co KG Human Resources Department Carl-Zeiss-Allee 5 34537 Bad Wildungen E-Mail: [email protected]
IT system administrator (m/f/d)
experts for professionals,eine Marke der I.K. Hofmann GmbH, Eschborn
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) Experts. Talents. Personalities. We are currently looking for our renowned client an IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in direct placement and full-time at the Eschborn location near Frankfurt am Main. Your tasks Administration of Windows, M365 and Windows Server 1st and 2nd level support Maintenance of the software management system (Baramundi) Quality assurance of the server components Monitoring the IT security systems Documentation of operationally relevant IT information Your profile You have completed vocational training and have several years of professional experience in the above-mentioned fields of activity Very good knowledge of network technologies and basic knowledge of VMware and Linux Experience in the support of VPN, firewall and Internet services Strategic and conceptual thinking and action as well as a strong awareness of quality and IT security Confident personal appearance and high reliability Experience in customer support and IT support for employees as well as a high level of motivation, commitment and team spirit Ideally, you have a training certificate or are interested in obtaining one Your benefits Working in a renowned company that has been operating successfully on the market for 35 years Opportunities to shape the further IT development of the company Entry into the innovative industry of professional development A friendly and highly motivated team that pulls together A pleasant workplace in a state-of-the-art office building A professionally sound induction and the opportunity for continuous further training Many employee benefits such as free job ticket, meal allowance, flexible working hours, home office We look forward to receiving your application! Send us your application documents to [email protected] . If you have any questions, please call me on 069-2562799-32. I look forward to hearing from you! Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge: Information technology, computer technology