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Research-Associate or/and PhD student (d/m/f) for Power-Electronic-Converter-Development and Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin
Make new discoveries, drive projects forward, accept responsibility: at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science (H-BRS), we depend on staff who do just this. In cooperation with around 1,000 colleagues, we develop new solutions to help find appropriate responses to the many challenges of our times. We do this to further improve the H-BRS with the 9,000 students from more than 100 countries who are currently enrolled in ist 40 courses. Do you accept the challenge? By concession of the right to award doctorates for the Promotionskolleg NRW (PK NRW), direct doctoral studies at the H-BRS in conjunction with PK NRW have become possible. The realization of a PhD as a scientific employee is desired and supported. As of the next possible date we require the following for the research project "FHIL-Reloaded - Development of a test infrastructure for the normative validation of dynamic processes of grid-forming decentralized generation plants" for our Department of Engineering and Communication at the Sankt Augustin campus: Research Associate or/and PhD student (d/m/f) for Power-Electronic-Converter-Development and Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop with focus on Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop As a research associate, you will be responsible for scientific collaboration in the field of design and development of power electronic converters. The responsibility will be fulfilled as a team in collaboration with researchers having various level of experience and type of expertise. You are not expected to have expertise in all fields; rather we offer to work with the team to become expert. Your tasks: You model and simulate power electronic circuits. develop circuit diagrams and PCB layouts. optimize switching-cells and gate-drives for SiC- and GaN-Semiconductors for power electronic circuits. develop and optimize test-benches for characterization of wide-bandgap-semiconductors and magnetic components. determine processor technologies, design and implement control and operation management for fast-switching power electronic converters. perform testing of power-electronic-converters with Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop-Systems. carry out installation and commissioning of fast-switching power electronic converters. create scientific reports and publications. support the team in other research projects. Our expectations: You have a master’s or bachelor’s degree (FH, TU/TH) in electrical engineering, sustainable engineering or a comparable course of study. ideally have knowledge of control/operation of power electronic circuits using microcontrollers and/or DSP’s/FPGA’s. ideally have experience in the area of power and/or hardware-in-the-loop. like to work in a team, determined to work and contribute, self-initiated and „think outside the box“. are enthusiastic about issues of application-oriented research. have English and German skills on C1-level. have previous knowledge in the field of design and realization of power electronic converters and their peripherals. What we offer: We as employers offer exciting, varied work in an innovative environment, full-time remunerated according to your qualifications up to salary group E13 TV-L and of fixed duration until 30th September 2026. are family focused and offer flexible working hours and childcare facilities facilitate advanced training and continuing education for professional and personal development provide a library and a cafeteria value the liveable Rhineland area as an optimum environment for higher education – distinguished by unique local advantages such as the cathedral city of Cologne, the cosmopolitan city of Bonn, and the unspoilt countryside in the Eifel, Siebengebirge and Rhine districts We want to have more female scientists at our university and are therefore especially pleased to receive applications from female applicants with children are warmly welcomed. H-BRS is certified family-friendly – and proud of it. People with severe disabilities are an integral part of our university. They are given preference in the application procedure provided they are equally well qualified. If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Marco Jung at +49 2241 865 316. Become part of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) and use our online form to send us your application by March 03,2024 (reference number 10/23). Standort Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin
Praktikum Client Success Knowledge and Information Manager (m/w/d)
Scalable GmbH, Munich
StellenbeschreibungZusammen mit deinen neuen Kolleg:innen im Enablement Team bist Du Teil der zentralen Informationsschnittstelle zwischen dem Bereich Client Success und anderen Bereichen des Unternehmens. In dieser FunktionBist Du im ständigen Austausch mit anderen internen Abteilungen wie Marketing und Produkt, um sämtliche für unsere Mitarbeiter:innen und Kund:innen relevanten Informationen einschließlich Änderungen am Produkt und der Customer Journey aufzubereiten und mit dem gesamten Team zu teilenStellst Du sicher, dass unsere internen Kommunikationswege stetig verbessert und von allen anderen Abteilungen und Kolleg:innen eingehalten werdenUnterstützt Du bei der Content-Erstellung für unser Client Success Team und hilfst dabei, komplexe Sachverhalte zu vereinfachen und diese leicht zugänglich zu machen.Pflegst Du unsere Datenbanken und kontrollierst den verfügbaren Content wie z.B. Textelemente, FAQs und Chatbot-Bausteine in festen Intervallen auf AktualitätBist Du dafür verantwortlich, aus geplanten Änderungen am Produkt potenzielle Kund:innenanfragen zu antizipieren und unsere Teams bestmöglich auf die Neuerungen vorzubereitenQualifikationen„Communication is Key“, für diese Rolle suchen wir ein Kommunikationstalent, das nicht nur Freude am Kommunizieren und dem Arbeiten in einem dynamischen Arbeitsumfeld hat, sondern im besten FallMindestens 3 Monate Zeit für das Praktikum mitbringtDerzeit in einem Studium eingeschrieben ist oder eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung und großes Interesse am Finanzmarkt hatBereits erste Erfahrungen im Informations- und Kommunikationsmanagement in vorangegangenen Praktika sammeln konnteSehr gute Deutsch- sowie gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift besitztEine starke Kundenorientierung und hohe Qualitätsstandards vertrittSehr gute organisatorische Fähigkeiten besitzt und dadurch auch in dynamischen Situationen detailliert und strukturiert arbeitetSelbstständig arbeitet und sich als Teamplayer:in aktiv einbringtZusätzliche InformationenWerde Teil eines der am schnellsten wachsenden und sichtbarsten Fintech-Startups in Europa und schaffe einen innovativen Service, der einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf das Leben unserer Kunden hatZusammenarbeit mit einem internationalen, vielfältigen, integrativen und wachsenden Team, das es liebt, die besten Produkte für unsere Kunden zu entwickelnBei uns sind alle Praktika gleich viel wert: Wir vergüten auch Pflichtpraktika Arbeite flexibel von zuhause oder in unserem zentralen Office mitten in München oder BerlinInterne Knowledge Sharing Sessions über die Grenzen Deines Teams hinaus Produktives Arbeiten mit modernster Hardware und Tools Standort Scalable GmbH, Munich
Global Junior Procurement Manager IT (m/w/d)
The Stepstone Group, Düsseldorf
Job Description Du bist für die internationale, zentrale Beschaffung von Hardware, Software und IT-Dienstleistungen für die Business Partner innerhalb der Stepstone Organisation zuständig und setzt dabei die Strategien innerhalb der IT Warengruppen um Dein Fokus liegt auf der Verhandlung von Konditionen und zugehöriger Rahmenverträge, die mit Unterstützung der Rechtsabteilung für die gesamte Stepstone Gruppe aufgesetzt werden Du berätst unsere Fachabteilungen für alle Fragen rund um den Beschaffungsprozess und gestaltest Optimierungsprozesse von IT-Verträgen in enger Abstimmung mit internen Stakeholdern proaktiv mit Du agierst als Schnittstelle und gestaltest Netzwerke innerhalb der Stepstone Gruppe, mit dem Ziel der Identifizierung gruppenweiter Kostenverringerungs-, Optimierungs- und Synergiepotenziale Du fungierst als kaufmännischer Key Account für unsere Lieferanten im Bereich der Software- und IT-Dienstleistungen und beteiligst Dich am Aufbau und Management von strategischen Kundenbeziehungen für unser IT Procurement Qualifications Erforderlich: 1 bis 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Einkauf, idealerweise im Bereich IT Selbstständige, strukturierte und eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise Zahlenverständnis, Gewissenhaftigkeit, Analysefähigkeit und ein gutes Kommunikationsvermögen Wünschenswert: Abgeschlossenes Studium mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem und/oder technischem Hintergrund, oder entsprechende kaufmännische Ausbildung mit Schwerpunkt IT Fähigkeit, das Wesentliche im Auge zu behalten, sowie ein echter Teamplayer #wearebettertogether Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office Anwendungen, insbesondere PowerPoint Affinität für die Erstellung von Reports/Dashboards und Präsentationen Additional Information Dein Start bei The Stepstone Group: Wir wollen, dass Du Dich von Anfang an wohl fühlst und Du direkt mit dem Netzwerken starten kannst. Deshalb geht’s bei uns immer mit einer mehrtägigen Onboarding-Veranstaltung los, während Du Deine neuen Kolleg*innen, unsere Produkte und unsere Kultur kennenlernst. Danach geht’s in Deinem Fachbereich weiter – mit einer mehrwöchigen, individuellen Einarbeitung. ​ Deine Weiterentwicklung: Wir wachsen – und wollen natürlich, dass Du mit uns wächst. Dabei unterstützen wir Dich mit zielgerichteten Trainings, die Dich in Deiner persönlichen und fachlichen Entwicklung weiterbringen. ​ Big Player mit Start-up-Flair: Auch wenn wir ganz schön groß geworden sind, haben wir unsere Lockerheit aus den Anfangstagen nicht verloren. Das heißt konkret: Wir duzen uns, haben kurze Kommunikationswege, flache Hierarchien und super hilfsbereite Kolleg*innen. ​ Social Days: Reden ist Silber, Handeln ist Gold – genau deshalb haben bei uns alle Mitarbeiter*innen 2 Social Days im Jahr. Diese können flexibel für soziales und nachhaltiges Engagement eingesetzt werden. Und das Beste daran: Du musst dir dafür keinen Urlaub nehmen. ​ Urlaubstage: Wo wir gerade beim Thema Urlaub sind… Bei uns gibt’s 30 Tage Urlaub im Jahr plus einen Brauchtumstag. Außerdem sind Weihnachten und Silvester bei uns immer frei. ​ Vierbeiner willkommen! Du möchtest Deinen Hund mitbringen? Sehr gern. Bei uns ist jeden Tag "Bring-Deinen-Hund-mit-zur-Arbeit-Tag"!​ Unser Standort? Wir sind gut erreichbar – ob mit dem Auto, der Bahn oder mit dem Fahrrad. Übrigens: Parkplatz oder Jobticket werden 50 % von uns gesponsert. ​ Jobbike: Und auch für alle Radler*innen haben wir gute News: Mit unserem Jobbike-Angebot unterstützen wir Dich, schnell und nachhaltig in unser Office zu kommen (nach einem Jahr Betriebszugehörigkeit). ​ Mobile Office: Auch das ist bei uns möglich! In der Regel bieten wir Dir zwei Tage mobiles Arbeiten pro Woche. Frag gerne direkt im Interview, wie die Regelung für Deine Rolle ist. ​ Lust auf Kaffee? Bei uns gibt es kostenlosen, frisch gebrühten Kaffee. Apropos frisch, natürlich gibt’s bei uns auch jeden Tag frisches Obst. ​ Unsere Hauspost: Schlange stehen ist nicht Dein Ding? Dann lass Dir Deine Pakete doch einfach ins Office liefern. ​ Noch mehr Benefits: Weihnachtsfeier, Sommerparty, Teamevents, Incentives, Zuschuss zur betrieblichen Altersvorsorge oder super Angebote zu Großkundenkonditionen (z. B. für Mobilfunkverträge, Sixt und Hotelbuchungen bei HRS) – unsere Liste ist lang. Da ist bestimmt auch für Dich etwas dabei! ​ Standort The Stepstone Group, Düsseldorf
Senior Manager Strategy and M&A
Veralto, Frankfurt
VeraltoImagine a world where everyone has access to clean water, safe food and medicines, and trusted essential goods. That is the tomorrow Veralto is creating today. Veralto (NYSE: VLTO) is a $4.8B global leader in essential technology solutions. Our industry-leading companies are building on a long-established legacy of innovation and customer trust to create a safer, cleaner, more vibrant future. Veralto’s Water Quality companies—Aquatic Informatics, ChemTreat, Hach, McCrometer, OTT HydroMet, Sea-Bird Scientific, Trojan Technologies, and XOS—help customers manage, treat, purify, and protect the global water supply, from municipal and wastewater treatment facilities to lakes, rivers, watersheds, and oceans. And our Product Quality and Innovation companies— Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx —help protect the world’s food, medicine, and essentials by enabling customers to track and authenticate the billions of goods that travel the global supply chain every day. Veralto is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with 300+ locations worldwide. Our global team of 16,000 associates is guided by the Veralto Enterprise System and united by a powerful purpose: Safeguarding the World’s Most Vital Resources.Product Quality & InnovationProduct Quality & Innovation is comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx, a group of technology companies dedicated to helping customers give products unique identities.Our businesses touch consumer, industrial, and pharmaceutical products to ensure freshness, consistency, and accurate labeling and tracking.From the iconic colors of a beloved brand to essential technology that enables confidence in the products we use every day, we are on a mission to bring our customer's vision to life and inspire trust.Our companies deliver software and digital hardware solutions that help the customer win today - with an eye to the needs of tomorrow. Future-focused and digitally driven, we bring the world connected technology that ensures design and production run smoothly and shelves are stocked with authentic quality products.About The RoleVeralto is looking for a Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development to contribute to the strategic direction of its $2B Product Quality & Innovation Group. Reporting directly to the Senior Director of Strategy & Business Development for Product Quality & Innovation, and working with various strategic partners across five large operating companies and the wider Veralto Strategy and Corporate Development organization, this highly visible role is instrumental in shaping the strategic direction and inorganic growth trajectory of the business and driving shareholder value.Your ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will contribute to the inorganic buildout of the Product Quality & Innovation Group, primarily comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx. The Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will specifically drive inorganic strategy and oversee deals for the Product Quality & Innovation Group. This role has the opportunity to significantly impact the Group through strategically attractive acquisitions that will deliver strong returns on capital.Your ExperienceYou will:Learn established processes for market work and deal execution from long-tenured colleagues at Veralto and be a steward of process improvement through VESBecome the expert on adjacent and non-adjacent spaces through primary, proprietary market workServe as a project leader in conducting target company diligence Build an M&A funnel and drive decision-making across executive stakeholders by simplifying complex topics and communicating the business levers that define winning and losingOversee cultivation of near-, mid-, and long-term target relationshipsPartner with Veralto Corporate Development team to successfully execute dealsFacilitate business Strategic Planning Process and group-level strategy discussionsYour AttributesThe essential requirements of the job include: 3-5 years evaluating the market attractiveness and strategic fit of new businesses/markets/domains2-3 years in a top-tier consulting firm or equivalent experience focused on market analysis and/or growth/strategy commercial projectsUndergraduate degree in science, engineering, or other technical discipline and top tier MBASubstantial experience and/or formal education that has allowed the development of a deep understanding of a domain and/or industry resulting in key customer insights and empathy2-3 years’ experience executing in a non-consulting roleParticipated in 2-3 outside or inside diligence projects Standort Veralto, Frankfurt
Senior Manager Strategy and M&A
Veralto, Hamburg
VeraltoImagine a world where everyone has access to clean water, safe food and medicines, and trusted essential goods. That is the tomorrow Veralto is creating today. Veralto (NYSE: VLTO) is a $4.8B global leader in essential technology solutions. Our industry-leading companies are building on a long-established legacy of innovation and customer trust to create a safer, cleaner, more vibrant future. Veralto’s Water Quality companies—Aquatic Informatics, ChemTreat, Hach, McCrometer, OTT HydroMet, Sea-Bird Scientific, Trojan Technologies, and XOS—help customers manage, treat, purify, and protect the global water supply, from municipal and wastewater treatment facilities to lakes, rivers, watersheds, and oceans. And our Product Quality and Innovation companies— Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx —help protect the world’s food, medicine, and essentials by enabling customers to track and authenticate the billions of goods that travel the global supply chain every day. Veralto is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with 300+ locations worldwide. Our global team of 16,000 associates is guided by the Veralto Enterprise System and united by a powerful purpose: Safeguarding the World’s Most Vital Resources.Product Quality & InnovationProduct Quality & Innovation is comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx, a group of technology companies dedicated to helping customers give products unique identities.Our businesses touch consumer, industrial, and pharmaceutical products to ensure freshness, consistency, and accurate labeling and tracking.From the iconic colors of a beloved brand to essential technology that enables confidence in the products we use every day, we are on a mission to bring our customer's vision to life and inspire trust.Our companies deliver software and digital hardware solutions that help the customer win today - with an eye to the needs of tomorrow. Future-focused and digitally driven, we bring the world connected technology that ensures design and production run smoothly and shelves are stocked with authentic quality products.About The RoleVeralto is looking for a Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development to contribute to the strategic direction of its $2B Product Quality & Innovation Group. Reporting directly to the Senior Director of Strategy & Business Development for Product Quality & Innovation, and working with various strategic partners across five large operating companies and the wider Veralto Strategy and Corporate Development organization, this highly visible role is instrumental in shaping the strategic direction and inorganic growth trajectory of the business and driving shareholder value.Your ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will contribute to the inorganic buildout of the Product Quality & Innovation Group, primarily comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx. The Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will specifically drive inorganic strategy and oversee deals for the Product Quality & Innovation Group. This role has the opportunity to significantly impact the Group through strategically attractive acquisitions that will deliver strong returns on capital.Your ExperienceYou will:Learn established processes for market work and deal execution from long-tenured colleagues at Veralto and be a steward of process improvement through VESBecome the expert on adjacent and non-adjacent spaces through primary, proprietary market workServe as a project leader in conducting target company diligence Build an M&A funnel and drive decision-making across executive stakeholders by simplifying complex topics and communicating the business levers that define winning and losingOversee cultivation of near-, mid-, and long-term target relationshipsPartner with Veralto Corporate Development team to successfully execute dealsFacilitate business Strategic Planning Process and group-level strategy discussionsYour AttributesThe essential requirements of the job include: 3-5 years evaluating the market attractiveness and strategic fit of new businesses/markets/domains2-3 years in a top-tier consulting firm or equivalent experience focused on market analysis and/or growth/strategy commercial projectsUndergraduate degree in science, engineering, or other technical discipline and top tier MBASubstantial experience and/or formal education that has allowed the development of a deep understanding of a domain and/or industry resulting in key customer insights and empathy2-3 years’ experience executing in a non-consulting roleParticipated in 2-3 outside or inside diligence projects Standort Veralto, Hamburg
Senior Manager Strategy and M&A
Veralto, Berlin
VeraltoImagine a world where everyone has access to clean water, safe food and medicines, and trusted essential goods. That is the tomorrow Veralto is creating today. Veralto (NYSE: VLTO) is a $4.8B global leader in essential technology solutions. Our industry-leading companies are building on a long-established legacy of innovation and customer trust to create a safer, cleaner, more vibrant future. Veralto’s Water Quality companies—Aquatic Informatics, ChemTreat, Hach, McCrometer, OTT HydroMet, Sea-Bird Scientific, Trojan Technologies, and XOS—help customers manage, treat, purify, and protect the global water supply, from municipal and wastewater treatment facilities to lakes, rivers, watersheds, and oceans. And our Product Quality and Innovation companies— Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx —help protect the world’s food, medicine, and essentials by enabling customers to track and authenticate the billions of goods that travel the global supply chain every day. Veralto is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with 300+ locations worldwide. Our global team of 16,000 associates is guided by the Veralto Enterprise System and united by a powerful purpose: Safeguarding the World’s Most Vital Resources.Product Quality & InnovationProduct Quality & Innovation is comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx, a group of technology companies dedicated to helping customers give products unique identities.Our businesses touch consumer, industrial, and pharmaceutical products to ensure freshness, consistency, and accurate labeling and tracking.From the iconic colors of a beloved brand to essential technology that enables confidence in the products we use every day, we are on a mission to bring our customer's vision to life and inspire trust.Our companies deliver software and digital hardware solutions that help the customer win today - with an eye to the needs of tomorrow. Future-focused and digitally driven, we bring the world connected technology that ensures design and production run smoothly and shelves are stocked with authentic quality products.About The RoleVeralto is looking for a Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development to contribute to the strategic direction of its $2B Product Quality & Innovation Group. Reporting directly to the Senior Director of Strategy & Business Development for Product Quality & Innovation, and working with various strategic partners across five large operating companies and the wider Veralto Strategy and Corporate Development organization, this highly visible role is instrumental in shaping the strategic direction and inorganic growth trajectory of the business and driving shareholder value.Your ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will contribute to the inorganic buildout of the Product Quality & Innovation Group, primarily comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx. The Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will specifically drive inorganic strategy and oversee deals for the Product Quality & Innovation Group. This role has the opportunity to significantly impact the Group through strategically attractive acquisitions that will deliver strong returns on capital.Your ExperienceYou will:Learn established processes for market work and deal execution from long-tenured colleagues at Veralto and be a steward of process improvement through VESBecome the expert on adjacent and non-adjacent spaces through primary, proprietary market workServe as a project leader in conducting target company diligence Build an M&A funnel and drive decision-making across executive stakeholders by simplifying complex topics and communicating the business levers that define winning and losingOversee cultivation of near-, mid-, and long-term target relationshipsPartner with Veralto Corporate Development team to successfully execute dealsFacilitate business Strategic Planning Process and group-level strategy discussionsYour AttributesThe essential requirements of the job include: 3-5 years evaluating the market attractiveness and strategic fit of new businesses/markets/domains2-3 years in a top-tier consulting firm or equivalent experience focused on market analysis and/or growth/strategy commercial projectsUndergraduate degree in science, engineering, or other technical discipline and top tier MBASubstantial experience and/or formal education that has allowed the development of a deep understanding of a domain and/or industry resulting in key customer insights and empathy2-3 years’ experience executing in a non-consulting roleParticipated in 2-3 outside or inside diligence projects Standort Veralto, Berlin
Technical Program Manager III, AR BOS 2IS Initiatives and Integration International
Amazon EU SARL (Germany Branch) - D70, Berlin
Are you inspired by invention? Is problem solving through teamwork in your DNA? Do you like the idea of seeing how your work impacts the bigger picture? Answer yes to any of these and you’ll fit right in here at Amazon Robotics. We are a smart team of doers that work passionately to apply cutting edge advances in robotics and software to solve real-world challenges that will transform our customers’ experiences in ways we can’t even yet imagine. We invent new improvements every day. We are Amazon Robotics and we will give you the tools and support you need to invent with us in ways that are rewarding, fulfilling, and fun.Amazon Robotics is seeking a uniquely talented and highly motivated Senior Technical Program Manager to drive multiple initiatives that support our continued international growth and expansion, both in Europe and Asia Pacific. You will form part of a small, but high-profile team of Program Managers within our Business Operations & Strategy (BOS) Initiatives and Integration team, that work across Robotics Solution Design, Hardware & Software Engineering, Deployment Engineering and Robotics Supply-Chain, as well as with partner teams in Global Engineering Services, Site Operations and Finance teams. The ideal candidate will be an independent, customer obsessed and hands-on Technical Program Manager, who is comfortable working in highly ambiguous and fast paced environments. You will bring technical strength, business acumen, and have strong written/verbal communication skills to be able to interact with our partner teams, project stakeholders and senior business leaders. Key job responsibilitiesResponsibilities include day-to-day program management of an international portfolio of Robotic Systems projects, including management of early-stage project funding and end-to-end management of system retro-fits and expansion initiatives, including ownership of the project BOM. You will participate in and lead high visibility technology projects, providing escalation management, assessing risks, anticipating bottlenecks, and balancing business needs against technical constraints. The role requires travel, up to 25% of overall time, to locations across UK, Mainland Europe and Asia Pacific.Role can be based out of Luxembourg or Berlin. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations:Berlin, BE, DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor’s degree in a technical field such as Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, Operations Management, or equivalent- Relevant work experience- Experience identifying business opportunities and leading product development start to finish, with experience driving prioritization consensus across business units and serving as a liaison between customers and engineering- Experience communicating with technical and non-technical stakeholders at all levels through written papers, organizational communications, and business cases- Customer relationship skills including the ability to discover true requirements, underlying feature requests, recommend alternative technical and business approaches- Strong sense of ownership and accountability for program success- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, and capable of understanding engineering concepts- Project/Program management execution, ideally in E2E delivery of a cross-functional, high-impact initiative- Ability to travel up to 25% of the timePREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS- MBA or MS in Engineering, Management, or a related technical field supplemented with program management skills- Experience working with international customers/stakeholders- Strong data analytical skills Standort Amazon EU SARL (Germany Branch) - D70, Berlin
Sourcing Manager, Electronics
reMarkable, Oslo, Norway
Job Description A unique opportunity to be a key contributor to the development and supply of great products to our customers globally!reMarkable creates hardware and software products that help people all over the world find focus. We launched our original reMarkable 1 paper tablet in 2017. Since then, we’ve sold more than 2 million devices, grown to over 450 employees, and transformed from a small startup to a fast-growing scale-up. Following the successful launch of the reMarkable 2, which was named one of TIME's top 100 inventions of 2020, our subscription service Connect in 2021, and the Type Folio in 2023, we've set ourselves exciting growth and product development goals for the coming years. The team you will be joiningSourcing & Procurement is part of the Supply Chain and Operations organization in reMarkable. The ambition of the Sourcing & Procurement team is to develop and manage a world class supplier base with competitive terms and conditions, enabling reMarkable growth journey into a truly global tech company. The team holds the global responsibility of defining commodity strategies, sourcing new suppliers, negotiating terms and conditions and managing and developing suppliers, supplier relationships and contracts enabling reMarkable to make stellar, innovative products at competitive prices superseding our customer’s expectations.Do you want to make a meaningful impact in building the next generation supply chain?As Sourcing Manager for Electronic commodities, you work closely with our Engineers and Product Managers on new product development projects to set the commodity strategy and manage direct relationships with assigned Electronics component manufacturers in the entire product lifecycle. You will report to the Head of Commodity Management, and you will be a key contributor to defining and maintaining the commodity strategy and will have a central role in planning, implementing and following up on strategic initiatives.As Sourcing Manager, Electronics you will be responsible forDriving the full source to contract process, including orchestrating cross functional supplier qualificationActively monitor, assess, and report to key reMarkable stakeholders regarding global electronics market dynamics and their impact to reMarkable's businessWorking closely with our Supply Chain and Operations team to follow up with our active supply base of electronic components on supply continuityMonitoring supplier performance and ensure compliance on regular basisDriving cost improvement initiatives within your scope of commoditiesUsing your experience to balance the responsibility for strategic, tactical and operational initiativesWorking closely with our Engineering and Project Management stakeholders on new product development projects to define, plan and execute sourcing strategiesContribute to build and develop processes, tools and ways of workingWho we believe will succeed in this roleFirst of all, we believe you hold strong process improvement, problem-solving, and communication skills. As an experienced sourcing and procurement professional, you excel in negotiating contracts and have a commercial mindset. You are pragmatic, analytical, as well as a team player. Working experience of ERP systems is a plus. Technical expertise in electronics components and mass production suppliers, especially in the electronics industry is a differentiator. Your solid project management and business acumen enable you to handle stakeholders and dependencies. Established experience and proven track record of electronic component sourcing and procurement is required, with a preference for a relevant degree within engineering, administration or equivalent.