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Werkstudent:in Process Management - Supply Chain (m/w/d)
ABOUT YOU Holding SE & Co. KG, Hamburg
Als Teilbereich unseres Procurement Departments, verantworten wir einen stabilen Datenfluss parallel zur Supply Chain. Durch die saubere und automatisierte Verarbeitung der Produktdaten bereiten wir einen schnellen Wareneingang vor und stellen sicher, dass unsere Produkte so zeitnah wie möglich online gehen können.Als Werkstudent:in Process Management - Supply Chain (m/w/d) im Bereich Data Exchange bist Du Teil eines flexiblen Teams, welches sich mit spannenden, innovativen und vielseitigen Projekten rund um die Warenbeschaffung befasst. Hierbei bist Du von einem jungen und kompetenten Team umgeben, welches Dich begleitet und fördert. Aufgaben Mitwirken an einem spannenden Implementierungsprojekt zur Automatisierung von Datenflüssen in der Supply ChainUnterstützung beim Projektmanagement von (strategischen) Optimierungsinitiativen im Bereich Supply Chain und ProcurementUnterstützung des Onboarding neuer Partner an unsere Schnittstelle zum elektronischen Datenaustausch (EDI)Abstimmung mit internen Stakeholdern und externen Stakeholdern/LieferantenMonitoring und Pflege von Kennzahlen in einem DashboardOperative Anpassung des Konvertierungssystems, sowie der DatengrundlageErstellung von Dokumentationen zur Sicherung der Prozesse Anforderungen Laufendes Studium im Bereich BWL, Logistik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder ÄhnlichesGute MS Office Kenntnisse, vor allem Excel, weitere IT-Kenntnisse von Vorteil Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftHohe Motivation, strukturierte und selbstständige Arbeitsweise Freude an Teamarbeit, Kommunikation und an administrativen Aufgaben Benefits 40% Mitarbeiterrabatt in unserem Online Shop Täglich frisches Bio-Obst und Getränke Kostenlose Sportangebote (Fußball, Volleyball, Yoga) & Begünstigung von Fitnessangeboten MobilitätszuschussAgiles Arbeitsumfeld und crossfunktionale, internationale Teams FeedbackkulturHunde erlaubtWeiterbildungsangebote in unserer AY AcademyDu wirst eigene Aufgaben und Projekte übernehmen und dabei jede Menge lernen. Unser Team besteht aus Expert:innen verschiedenster Bereiche: Ob Mode, Marketing, Business oder Tech – uns verbindet die Leidenschaft für das, was wir tun. Wir motivieren und unterstützen uns gegenseitig, teilen unser Know-How miteinander und stehen anderen Meinungen und neuen Ideen offen gegenüber.
International Product & Sales Manager - NEM (m/w/d)
Kopani Consulting GmbH, Hamburg
Unser renommierter Kunde & Distributeur in der Pharmaindustrie sucht einen "International Product & Sales Manager (m/w/d)" für den Standort Hamburg. Hier erwarten dich nicht nur spannende Aufgaben im Management von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, sondern auch die Betreuung internationaler Kunden in Städten wie Barcelona, Budapest oder Buenos Aires.AufgabenHandels-Experte: Du verantwortest den globalen Handel durch Ein- und Verkauf von NahrungsergänzungsmittelnKunden-Champion: Du pflegst Kundenkontakte weltweit und akquirierst Neukunden in deinen MärktenProduktstrategie-Guru: Du entwickelst und implementierst dynamische Strategien für den Wettbewerb deiner bestehenden und neuen ProdukteGlobales Netzwerk: Du knüpfst und pflegst internationale Lieferantenbeziehungen, um unser Portfolio zu erweitern und zu stärkenQualifikationAbschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung zum Groß- und Außenhandelskaufmann+3 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Ein- und Verkauf von Rohstoffen oder SalesKenntnisse in der Branche der Pharmazie, Nahrungseränzungsmittel oder LEH Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, Verhandlungsgeschick, Reisebereitschaft (20%)Verhandlungssicheres Englisch & DeutschBenefitsDu wirst Teil eines jungen und motivierten Teams, das gemeinsam an spannenden Projekten arbeitetDie Position bietet die Möglichkeit zu internationalen Reisen in spannende Städte wie Barcelona, Budapest oder Buenos AiresAls Mitarbeiter genießt du exklusive Vorteile wie einen Personal Trainer im eigenen Fitness Studio und Osteopath zur Förderung deiner GesundheitDiese Position bietet durch stetiges Wachstum des Unternehmens langfristige Perspektiven auf erste FührungsverantwortungDaten:Office: Hamburg ZentrumEintrittsdatum: ab JanuarGehalt: €50.000 - €75.000 Fixum + €5 – €15k BonusBewerbungsinformationen:Kopani Consulting GmbH ist eine Personalberatung mit über zehn Jahren Erfahrung in der Rekrutierung und Beratung von Spezialisten und Führungskräften aus der Pharmaindustrie und Medizintechnikbranche. Aufgrund dieser Erfahrung können wir Fachexperten und Kunden individuell und diskret unterstützen.Schicke uns bitte Deine aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen inkl. Gehaltswunsch und Deinen frühesten möglichen Starttermin an Maximilian Richter: Tel.: +49 (0) 89 2870 24412Du suchst eine andere Stelle?Gerne beraten wir Dich hinsichtlich weiterer Top-Positionen. Du erhältst von mir einen vollumfänglichen Überblick der Branche, einen Benchmark zu Deinem Gehalt sowie weitere Möglichkeiten zur fachlichen und persönlichen WeiterentwicklungWir, Kopani Consulting, sind eine Personalberatung spezialisiert in Life Science. Unser Fokus liegt auf der pharmazeutischen Industrie sowie der Medizintechnik Branche. Unser absolutes Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist die Zusammenführung von qualifizierten Fachkräften und den passenden Unternehmen. Damit sind wir seit 2017 sehr erfolgreich am Markt vertreten. Wir arbeiten mit vielen unterschiedlichen Unternehmen zusammen, von Big Playern bis hin zu interessanten Mittelständlern sowie Familiengeführten Unternehmen. Standort Kopani Consulting GmbH, Hamburg
Ausbildung 2024 zum/zur Kaufmann/-frau für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistungen (m/w/d)
FedEx, Hamburg
FedEx Logistics ist Teil der FedEx Corporation und bietet internationale Transportlösungen per Luft, See und Bahn. Als See- und Luftfrachtspedition verfügt FedEx Logistics über die Erfahrung und Infrastruktur, um unseren anspruchsvollen Kunden innovative, wettbewerbsfähige und integrierte Supply Chain Lösungen in über 80 Ländern der Welt anzubieten.Deine Aufgaben:Während Deiner Ausbildung lernst Du alle logistischen und kaufmännischen Prozesse eines dienstleistungsorientierten Unternehmens kennenDu lernst weltweite Transporte zu organisieren und Logistikketten zu überwachenDu wirst zur Expertin/zum Experten in den Bereichen Transport & Zoll in einem innovativen digitalisierten internationalen UmfeldDu organisierst und überwachst internationale und nationale Transporte per Seefracht, Bahnfracht oder per StraßentransportDu berätst und betreust nationale und internationale Kunden auf Deutsch und EnglischDu arbeitest mit Kolleg/-innen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen und lernst unser internationales Netzwerk kennenDu lernst und wirkst in allen Tätigkeitsbereichen und Abteilungen des UnternehmenMit Deinem Hintergrundwissen erstellst Du überzeugende Angebote, verhandelst geschickt Preise und koordinierst LiefertermineDein Profil:Du hast einen guten Schulabschluss (mind. mittlere Reife) oder bist Quereinsteiger/-inDu bist gut in Mathe, Geografie und EnglischDu verfügst über eine hohe Motivation, Lernbereitschaft und ZuverlässigkeitDu bist kommunikationsstark, arbeitest gerne im Team und hast Spaß am Umgang mit anderen MenschenDu kannst eigenverantwortlich arbeitenDu verfügst über gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse und bist sicher im Umgang mit dem PC (MS-Office ProgrammeUnser Angebot:Eine praxisorientiere Ausbildung für Kaufleute für Spedition- und Logistikdienstleistungen mit internationalem Schwerpunkt und sehr guten ÜbernahmechancenFundierte Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Luftfracht und Logistik innerhalb eines weltweit agierenden Unternehmens.Die Möglichkeit eine internationale Berufsschulklasse, mit bilingualem Unterricht in ausgewählten Lernfeldern des schulischen Rahmenlehrplans (in englischer Sprache) zu besuchen.Fitness-Mitgliedschaft (EGYM Well pass, Premium Mitgliedschaft)Monatliche Bezuschussung von ÖPNV (Bonvoyo)Vermögenswirksame LeistungenEin internationales Arbeitsumfeld, das Spaß macht und echte Herausforderungen, sowie Gestaltungsspielräume bietetEine ganzheitliche Ausbildung, die durch Aufgabenvielfalt geprägt ist, sowie die Arbeit in einem dynamischen Team.Intensives Onboarding und eine persönliche Ausbildungsbegleitung durch Ausbilder/-innen und Fachpersonal aus unterschiedlichen Unternehmensbereichen. Durch regelmäßiges Feedback kannst Du dich stets weiterentwickeln.Viel Raum für eigene Arbeits- und Verantwortungsbereiche – und das bei flachen Hierarchien und moderner Infrastruktur.Wir bieten Dir ein spannendes Umfeld in einem innovativen, internationalen Speditionsunternehmen mit viel Freiraum für Deine Persönlichkeit und Kreativität. Unsere Unternehmenskultur ist unvergleichlich. FedEx stellt seine Mitarbeiter/-innen an oberste Stelle, denn sie sind unser wichtigstes Kapital, mit dessen Hilfe wir unsere Geschäftsziele erreichen können.Du bist bereit, Deine Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten einzubringen und mit uns gemeinsam zu wachsen?Dann freuen wir uns auf Deine vollständige Online-Bewerbung an die folgende Adresse:**********Unser Standort:FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage (Germany) GmbH Heidenkampsweg 82, 20097 HamburgAdditional InformationPosting Date: 2024-02-05FedEx Logistics provides freight forwarding, as well as import and export services that allow companies to reach markets throughout the world. They help customers of all sizes solve the intricacies of shipping goods globally by providing comprehensive international ocean and air freight forwarding, surface transportation and distribution, customs brokerage, trade and customs advisory services, and advanced e-commerce and trade facilitation solutions. We're glad you stopped by and hope your job search experience with FedEx Logistics, Inc. will be rewarding. We look forward to hearing from you!Verantwortlichkeiten:UNAVAILABLEQualifikationen:UNAVAILABLEÜber das Unternehmen:FedExBranche:UNAVAILABLEWebsite:https://fedex.jibeapply.com
Business Analyst Abrechnungssoftware
Meyer Associates GmbH, Hamburg
Das UnternehmenUnser Kunde, eines der größten Softwareunternehmen Deutschlands, ist ein international führender Anbieter für IT-Systeme in Gesundheitseinrichtungen und Digitalisierer der Branche. Über eine Million Gesundheitsprofis in über 50 Ländern der Welt nutzen die Softwareprodukte unseres Kunden zur Unterstützung aller ärztlichen und organisatorischen Tätigkeiten in Arztpraxen, Krankenhäusern, Apotheken und vielen weiteren Beteiligten im Gesundheitswesen. Im Zuge des weiteren Wachstums des Unternehmens, suchen wir einenBusiness Analyst AbrechnungssoftwareIhre neuen Aufgaben Als Business Analyst Abrechnungssoftware sind Sie im agilen Team in enger Abstimmung mit Developer:innen für die Weiterentwicklung einer Abrechnungssoftware für soziale Einrichtungen verantwortlich. Es erwarten Sie insbesondere folgende, spannende Aufgaben:Verantwortung für die Planung und Durchführung von SCRUM-MeetingsErste Ansprechperson für Product Manager und DeveloperGestaltung der Anwendungen gemeinsam mit UX-Expert:innenAnalyse der Requirements der Kunden und User:innenDokumentation von ProgrammänderungenDurchführung von Schulungen für interne und externe StakeholderDas bringen Sie mitAbgeschlossenes Studium mit Schwerpunkt IT, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Medizinische Informatik, oder eine vergleichbare AusbildungIdealerweise mehrjährige Berufserfahrung als PO für Software- oder Informationslösungen im Gesundheitswesen, insbesondere in der Healthcare-ITIdealerweise Erfahrung im Umfeld sozialer EinrichtungenErfahrung mit agilen Methoden und im AnforderungsmanagementKunden- und lösungsorientiertes HandelnFließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftDas bietet Ihnen unser KundeSie dürfen ein Marktführer-Umfeld, eine verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe sowie Platz für Initiative erwartenEs wird Ihnen eine Aufgabe in einem innovativen und wachsenden Unternehmen sowie ein attraktives Gehaltspaket und weitere interessante Nebenleistungen geboten.So bewerben Sie sichInteressierte Kandidaten (all genders) bewerben sich entweder unter Angabe der Referenznummer 2023-143 über E-Mail anzeigen oder klicken oben auf "Einfach bewerben". Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen Karsten Fuchs gerne zur Verfügung. Standort Meyer Associates GmbH, Hamburg
IT Project Manager (m/f/d) for Airbus
STRATO Personal GmbH, Hamburg
IT Project Manager (m/f/d) for Airbus As a dynamic and modern personnel service provider we offer you, based on our long-standing experience and extensive market know-how in a wide range of different industries, exciting job positions at interesting and innovative companies. Benefit from our national and international networks and use STRATO personal as your personal steppingstone. We offer you comprehensive support and take over all administrative processes related to the application - and of course it is free of charge for you. STRATO personal GmbH Temporary Employment/Employment Placement/Outsourcing/Head Hunting/Onsite Management Take off with us! We offer exciting projects at our renowned customer Airbus Aerostructures and we are looking for a motivated employee for the position \"IT Projekt Manager\" (m/f/d). Your tasks: Planning and controlling the projects, managing project budgets, risks, opportunities and stakeholders Controlling suppliers, steer the project team and ensure quality Communicating with and manage external service providers and internal stakeholders Understanding and presenting complex IT issues in a way that is tailored to different target groups, from subject matter experts to high-level managers Creating standardized and meaningful documents to prepare management decisions Supporting in requirements analysis Ensuring a smooth operation of the applications the Jobholder is responsible for, before handing them over to operations of our IT Service Lines Your profile: Completed studies in the field of Computer Science, Business Informatics or a comparable qualification More than three years of professional experience in the field of IT/information systems, project leader and project management Experience in setting up ITIL services Experience in classic IT process models as well as with agile frameworks, ideally Scrum and SAFe Knowledge of project management software, agile and kanban tools Basic knowledge of German Business fluent in English We offer you: Permanent employment contract Perspective to be taken over at our customer Salaries above the general pay scale and incentive compensations (bonus) Equal pay model Company pension scheme with employer subsidy Well-directed training and further education opportunities Employee recommendation program with attractive compensations (bonus) Individual and local support and advice Travel allowance Assumption of costs for work cloth and health examinations fleixible working hours and partly home office Innovative and leading companies like Airbus Operations, Airbus Aerostructures, Airbus Defence & Space, Premium Aerotec, Airbus Helicopters and the aerospace supply industry Interested? Then please apply with your complete application documents. (Curiculum vitae and your certificates from the last three professional positions.) Please understand that your documents cannot be returned because of organizational reasons. Therefore, refrain from sending expensive folders and photos, as well as original documents. Please note that we process or store your data electronically in our IT system when you apply, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. With your application you agree to the electronic processing / storage of your data. You can disagree at any time if you do not want your data stored.
Data Analyst & Automation Manager (m/f/d) for AIRBUS
SimpleXX GmbH, Hamburg
Data Analyst & Automation Manager (m/f/d) for AIRBUS Data Analyst & Automation Manager (m/f/d) for AIRBUS ________________________________________________________________ Start a successful future together with us as Data Analyst & Automation Manager. As a decades-long specialist and personnel supplier for the aerospace industry and in partnership with Airbus, SimpleXX GmbH is looking for a Data Analyst & Automation Manager for the Finkenwerder site at the next possible date within the framework of temporary employment with a takeover option. Among other things, you will be involved in supporting the purchasing department in decision-making by analyzing and providing relevant data and applying project management processes, methods and tools. Furthermore, you will be responsible for ensuring the availability and compliance of procurement management data in data analytics & process mining platforms. As an Airbus aerospace company, you can expect challenging activities in an innovative working environment that is future-proof and offers you very good career opportunities. Do you have a high level of self-motivation and the corresponding commitment? Does this appeal to you? Then apply for our vacancy today. We look forward to receiving your application! The following tasks await you: Support purchase department in decision-making by analyzing and providing relevant data as well as applying project management processes, methods and tools Ensure Supply Management data availability and compliance in Data Analytics & Process Mining platforms Apply the data mesh principles of Satair in order to ensure Supply Management data availability and compliance Take ownership on the Supply Management data products Create and maintain the Supply Management dashboards in our Data Analytics platforms Responsibility to lead and deploy improvements and deliver Data Analytics & Automation Create solutions accordingly with internal and external stakeholders as well as with external suppliers Advocate and position Supply Management within the Data & Automation communities in Satair Ensure process compliance in our data models and automation solutions Explore new Data and Automation solutions, and select the appropriate for each project Embark the organization on the usage of digital applications, Robotics as well as Data Provide training concepts and knowledge to the Supply Management organization We wish: A degree in business informatics, business administration, supply chain / logistics, or a comparable qualification Professional experience in the areas of change management, IT / information systems, customer service and supply chain / logistics The ability to quickly recognize and analyze technical relationships and functionalities Strong communication skills, as well as an independent, structured, deadline-oriented and results-oriented way of working Business fluent in English Tools: Python, SQL, SAP, Google Workspace What SimpleXX is all about: Our additional offer - what we offer you and what you can expect from us Generally an open-ended employment contract Prospect of being taken on by the client company - Recruiting strategy: temp 2 perm Equal Pay & Equal Treatment model at the customer (conditions are based on AIRBUS tariff groupings) Above-tariff remuneration with attractive bonuses and allowances Christmas and vacation bonus Payment of special bonuses Generally a 35-hour week and a working time account for free disposal (combination of time off in lieu or payment for overtime worked) Possibility to work from home in consultation with our client Up to 30 days annual leave Employer subsidy for public transport Additional bonuses: Successful employee referrals are rewarded extra (placement bonus) Employee support: Excellent employee support (quick feedback on administrative questions and additional support - human, personal and qualified advice and multilingual) You will receive professional protective and work clothing in accordance with the operating conditions and activity You receive excellent medical care through our cooperation with various company medical centers (costs for health check-ups are covered) Support through further training and qualification opportunities if required during the project period as part of your activities Company pension scheme with employer contribution Employer subsidy for capital-forming benefits optional Expat partner: we also accompany our employees on the particularly attractive and popular foreign assignments Of course, SimpleXX will also be happy to be your partner in the future, especially when it comes to other client companies (whether for direct placement or temporary employment). We work with well-known customers throughout Germany (innovative and leading national and international customer companies). ________________________________________________________________ You can find more interesting job offers in our job exchange on our homepage: http://www.go-simplexx.de/special-pages/jobboerse-liste / We also have personnel requirements for which there are no published job advertisements. For this reason, it is always worth sending us an unsolicited application. Take the opportunity and become part of our network. We look forward to receiving your application by email via the email address given below or via the \"Employer's website/internet address\" link below. SimpleXX would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by email) may be subject to security vulnerabilities. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible. If you nevertheless decide to apply by email, please agree to our privacy policy in the email text. Otherwise applications cannot be considered.
Project Manager Study Start-Up - sponsor-dedicated / Focus on budget and contracts
Pharmiweb, Hamburg
As a leading global contract research organization (CRO) with a passion for scientific rigor and decades of clinical development experience, Fortrea provides pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device customers a wide range of clinical development, patient access and technology solutions across more than 20 therapeutic areas. With over 19,000 staff conducting operations in more than 90 countries, Fortrea is transforming drug and device development for partners and patients across the globe.As a Project Manager Study Start-Up at Fortrea , you will be central to the successful execution of clinical trials for new drugs in Germany. Location: MunichThis position will allow you to participate in the development of innovative medicines that set a new standard , especially in the field of oncology , while working exclusively for one of our most important international clients . If you are looking for an opportunity to take on more responsibility, demonstrate your leadership skills and be able to use your expertise in the field of study start-ups, then this position is a great opportunity. We are looking for an individual with good and solid study start-up knowledge combine with an interest in financial matters such as budget and contract negotiations, local regulatory environment and submission and approval processes . What you can expect from us : a meaningful job in a stable , diverse, successful and reputable company an attractive and competitive salary , including 13th salary and holiday pay a true work-life balance Flexible working hours and company regulations to compensate for time off Travel time = working time Comprehensive onboarding with the support of your personal mentor a permanent home office employment contract an attractive , employer-funded pension plan Excellent training and development opportunities as well as support for your personal training plans Continuous support from your line manager Your tasks : Organization and management of all necessary submissions and applications to ethics committees and authorities in Germany Budget responsibility including contract negotiations and conclusion with the study centers Management and coordination of local start-up processes including vendor management Country- specific adaptation of global study documents Close collaboration with internal and external teams Support in training , mentoring and further development of new employees Participation in customer-specific working groups and other internal projects as a Subject Matter Expert Your background : University degree in natural sciences such as biology , biochemistry , chemistry , public health , pharmacology , medicine , etc.; alternatively , a completed vocational training in the field of health / nursing or equivalent professional experience (e.g. as a study nurse , research nurse , study coordinator , etc.) Sound professional experience in the field of Study Start Up Experience with submissions to the German ethics committees and authorities Proven leadership skills through coaching , mentoring and/ or coordination of teams Efficient time management and organizational talent as well as a careful , detailed way of working Skills to establish and maintain effective and trusting working relationships with internal and external partners Excellent communication skills in business- fluent German as well as good written and spoken English skills are a must We look forward to your application ! Fortrea is actively seeking motivated problem-solvers and creative thinkers who share our passion for overcoming barriers in clinical trials. Our unwavering commitment is to revolutionize the development process, ensuring the swift delivery of life-changing ideas and therapies to patients in need. Join our exceptional team and embrace a collaborative workspace where personal growth is nurtured, enabling you to make a meaningful global impact. For more information about Fortrea, visit www.fortrea.com.Fortrea is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer:As an EOE/AA employer, Fortrea strives for diversity and inclusion in the workforce and does not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind. We make employment decisions based on the needs of our business and the qualifications of the individual and do not discriminate based upon race, religion, color, national origin, gender (including pregnancy or other medical conditions/needs), family or parental status, marital, civil union or domestic partnership status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, personal appearance, age, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic. We encourage all to apply.For more information about how we collect and store your personal data, please see our Privacy Statement.
IT Project Manager (d/f/m) fu00fcr AIRBUS Aerostructures
SimpleXX GmbH, Hamburg
IT Project Manager (d/f/m) for AIRBUS Aerostructures ________________________________________________________________ Start a successful future together with us as IT Project Manager (d/f/m). As a preferred supplier of Airbus Aerostructures, SimpleXX GmbH is looking for an IT Project Manager (d/f/m) for the Finkenwerder site at the next possible date within the framework of temporary employment with a takeover option. Among other things, you will be responsible for the rollout and implementation of IT applications for Airbus Aerostructures with up to 10,000 users. You will also be responsible for managing the project team and ensuring quality. At Airbus Aerostructures as an aerospace company, you can expect challenging activities in an innovative working environment that is future-proof and offers you very good career opportunities. Do you have a high level of self-motivation and commitment? Does this appeal to you? Then apply for our vacancy today. We look forward to receiving your application! The following tasks await you: Responsible for the rollout and implementation of IT- applications for Airbus Aerostructures with up to 10.000 users Steer of project team and ensure quality Planning and controlling projects e.g. managing project budgets, risks and opportunities Use of modern project management methods Stakeholder management Control of the suppliers Presenting complex IT issues from subject matter experts to high-level managers Creating standardized documents to prepare management decisions Support in requirements analysis Ensuring smooth operation of the applications, before handing them over to operations of the IT Service Lines We wish: A degree in computer science, a technical degree, engineering, business informatics or a comparable qualification Professional experience in the areas of IT/information systems, project management and project management Experience with ARIS process management and cPlace project management an advantage Microsoft SharePoint knowledge is an advantage Strong communication skills to communicate with contacts at all levels in the international environment and to maintain business relationships Work in an independent, structured and results-oriented manner to efficiently coordinate workflows and achieve goals on time Analytical thinking Business fluent in English, basics in German Tools: Google Workspace an advantage, project management software, agile and kanban tools What SimpleXX is also about: Our additional offer - what we offer you and what you can expect from us Generally an open-ended employment contract Prospect of being taken on by the client company - Recruiting strategy: temp 2 perm Equal Pay & Equal Treatment model at the customer (conditions are based on AIRBUS tariff groupings) Above-tariff remuneration with attractive bonuses and allowances Christmas and vacation bonus Payment of special bonuses Generally a 35-hour week and a working time account for free disposal (combination of time off in lieu or payment for overtime worked) Possibility to work from home in consultation with our client Up to 30 days annual leave Employer subsidy for public transport Additional bonuses: Successful employee referrals are rewarded extra (placement bonus) Employee support: Excellent employee support (quick feedback on administrative questions and additional support - human, personal and qualified advice and multilingual) You will receive professional protective and work clothing in accordance with the operating conditions and activity You receive excellent medical care through our cooperation with various company medical centers (costs for health check-ups are covered) Support through further training and qualification opportunities if required during the project period as part of your activities Company pension scheme with employer contribution Employer subsidy for capital-forming benefits optional Expat partner: we also accompany our employees on the particularly attractive and popular foreign assignments Of course, SimpleXX will also be happy to be your partner in the future, especially when it comes to other client companies (whether for direct placement or temporary employment). We work with well-known customers throughout Germany (innovative and leading national and international customer companies). ________________________________________________________________ You can find more interesting job offers in our job exchange on our homepage: http://www.go-simplexx.de/special-pages/jobboerse-liste / We also have personnel requirements for which there are no published job advertisements. For this reason, it is always worth sending us an unsolicited application. Take the opportunity and become part of our network. We look forward to receiving your application by email via the email address given below or via the \"Employer's website/internet address\" link below.