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(Junior/Senior) SAP Basis Administrator (m/w/d)
OEDIV, Frankfurt am Main
(Junior/Senior) SAP Basis Administrator (m/w/d) OEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung KG ist der Premiumanbieter von Infrastruktur-lösungen und Managed Services für den deutschen Mittelstand. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei vor allem auf Microsoft und SAP-Technologien sowie Cloud- und Security Lösungen. Wir sind ein Unternehmen der Oetker-Gruppe, die mit mehr als 36.000 Mitarbeitenden und rund 7,3 Milliarden Euro Umsatz weltweit zu den großen europäischen Familienunternehmen gehört. Im Bereich Business Services sind wir auf der Suche nach jungen Talenten, die sich in diesen Bereichen weiterentwickeln wollen Kolleg*Innen, die das Team mit ihren Erfahrungen und Kenntnissen unterstützen können Wenn Du Dich angesprochen fühlst sowie eine zielorientierte und eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise mit hoher Dienstleistungsorientierung, Teamplayer-Mentalität und Freude an der Mitgestaltung der OEDIV-Kultur hast, freuen wir uns über Deine Bewerbung! Das sind Deine Aufgaben: Du stellst einen hochwertigen Betrieb der komplexen SAP-Landschaften sicher und bist Ansprechpartner*in für unsere Kunden Die Übernahme der SAPBasis-Betreuung inklusive der Datenbankadministration gehört zu Deinen Aufgaben Du nimmst aktiv an der Kundenkommunikation und Koordination von Kundenanfragen teil Störungen für SAP Basis- und Datenbankthemen werden mit Deiner Hilfe behoben Du führst Systemkopien durch und betreust das Release- und Patchmanagement Du berätst unsere Kunden bei der Entscheidung für den Einsatz von Cloud Technologien oder hybriden Lösungsansätzen (On-Premise & Cloud) und gestaltest zusammen mit Deinen Kolleg*innen aktiv die SAP Netweaver Landschaft und darauf aufbauende Produkte (Business Suite, F&R, CAR, PI und HANA-Plattformen) weiter Das bringst Du mit: Du verfügst über eine abgeschlossene IT-Berufsausbildung und hast (erste) branchenspezifische Berufserfahrung sammeln können und/ oder qualifizierte Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen gemeistert Du hast Kenntnisse in der Basis-Betreuung von SAP ABAP und Java-Systemlandschaften Du bringst bereits Grundkenntnisse im Umgang mit den Betriebssystemen Linux und UNIX mit Deine Kenntnisse in der Administration einer der SAP-Datenbanksysteme (. SAP HANA, SAP ASE, Oracle, DB2 on Unix) unterstreichen Dein Profil Du überzeugst mit einem ausgeprägten Verständnis für technische Zusammenhänge (Applikation, Betriebssysteme, Netzwerk) Das erwartet Dich: Eine gelebte Du-Kultur und ein unternehmensweites Wir-Gefühl Regelmäßige After-Work Events und Betriebsfeste Individuelles Onboarding für neue Mitarbeitende mit übergreifenden Welcome-Veranstaltungen und einer Rechenzentrumsführung Vielfältige Karriere- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie externer Englisch- und Deutschunterricht JobRad und Fahrradstellplätze, ein subventioniertes Deutschland- und regionales JobTicket sowie eine sehr gute Anbindung an die Autobahn mit kostenlosem Parkhaus Verschiedene Gesundheitsmaßnahmen und eine ergonomische Arbeitsplatzausstattung in einer hochmodernen Arbeitsumgebung und klimatisierten Büros Rundumversorgung für das leibliche Wohl: Kostenlose Kaffeespezialitäten, gekühltes Wasser und frisches Obst sowie ein eigenes Restaurant inklusive Frühstücksangebot Für unsere weiteren Standorte den „Sodexo Restaurant Pass“ mit einem flächendeckenden Partnernetzwerk Ein attraktives Gehaltspaket inkl. betrieblicher und tariflicher Altersvorsorge sowie Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld Eine tarifliche 37h-Woche 30 Urlaubstage, tarifliche Sonderurlaubstage sowie zusätzlichen Urlaub am 24.12. und 31.12. 12 Tage im Monat mobiles Arbeiten, flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung mit Gleitzeitkonto und verschiedenen Teilzeitmodellen Corporate Benefits und Vergünstigungen im Dr. Oetker Shop Der Hauptsitz von OEDIV ist Bielefeld. Zusätzlich bieten wir auch Co-Working Spaces in Oldenburg, Köln, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Augsburg, Rostock und Chemnitz an. Eintrittsdatum: ab sofort Standort OEDIV, Frankfurt am Main
Trainee (m/w/d) Customer Service - befristet für 18 Monate
Syngenta Crop Protection, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen
UnternehmensbeschreibungSyngenta zählt zu den führenden Unternehmen der Agrarchemiebranche. Mehr als 28.000 Mitarbeiter arbeiten in über 90 Ländern weltweit daran, das Ertragspotenzial von Kulturpflanzen ständig zu verbessern. Durch erstklassige Forschung, unsere globale Präsenz und die enge Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden helfen wir, die Ernteerträge und die landwirtschaftliche Produktivität zu steigern. Wir tragen dazu bei, die Umwelt zu schützen sowie die Gesundheit und Lebensqualität zu verbessern.StellenbeschreibungDie Syngenta Agro GmbH sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine (n):Trainee (m/w/d) Customer Service - befristet für 18 MonateRollenbeschreibung:Als internationales Unternehmen bieten wir Dir viele Möglichkeiten dich zu vernetzen, in verschiedenen Aufgaben auszuprobieren, an spannenden Projekten mitzuwirken und dich so beruflich weiterzuentwickeln. Von Anfang an übernimmst du anspruchsvolle und vielseitige Aufgaben im Customer Service. Bringe dabei dein Wissen und deine Persönlichkeit ein in unser kollegiales und wertschätzendes Team.Deine Aufgaben: Verarbeitung von Kundenbestellungen in SAP, von der Auftragsannahme bis hin zur Überwachung und Sicherstellung der termingerechten Lieferung sowie Freigabe der Aufträge zur Fakturierung und digitalen RechnungsversandAktive telefonische Betreuung und Vertrieb unserer Produkte bei zugeordneten KundenAnsprechpartner für Auslieferungsläger/SpeditionenÜberwachung der ZahlungsmodalitätenErstellen von Stornos und Gutschriften bei Fehllieferungen oder RetourenPflege von Kundendaten in SAPRevisionskonforme Dokumentation aller Geschäftsvorgänge im Customer ServiceDurchführung von Inventuren bei unseren Auslieferungslägern in Deutschland, Österreich und der SchweizZusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Abteilungen und internationalen KollegenTeilnahme und Mitgestaltung an abwechslungsreichen ProjektenErstellung und Durchführung von anspruchsvollen PräsentationenQualifikationenWas wir von Dir erwarten:Kaufmännische Ausbildung / landwirtschaftliches Studium oder vergleichbarKenntnisse im Handel mit Landwirtschaftlichen Betriebsmitteln wünschenswertEigenständiges Arbeiten, TeamfähigkeitFreundliche, offene Kundenansprache am TelefonSorgfältiges ArbeitenErfahrung mit logistischen Abläufen sind von VorteilSehr gute Deutsch- und EnglischkenntnisseGute Microsoft Office KenntnisseGrundkenntnisse im Umgang mit Warenwirtschaftssystem SAP R/3 von Vorteil Zusätzliche InformationenWir bieten:Attraktives Gehaltspaket (inkl. Weihnachtsgeld/Urlaubsgeld)30 Tage UrlaubBetriebliche Altersvorsorge (inkl. Arbeitgeberzuschuss)24h GruppenunfallversicherungKostenlos Wasser, Kaffee, Tee, Obst am StandortSodexo Gutscheine zur Bezuschussung des MittargessensFirmenkonditionen beim Fitnessstudio Fitness FirstKarrieremöglichkeiten innerhalb eines internationalen Top-UnternehmensOffene Unternehmenskultur, Dynamisches Team, flache HierarchieFirmeneventsMitarbeiterrabatte (Corporate Benefits)Standort: Frankfurt am MainAnstellung: vollzeit, befristet für 18 MonateSyngenta ist ein Arbeitgeber für Chancengleichheit und diskriminiert nicht bei Recruitment, Einstellung, Ausbildung, Beförderung oder anderen Beschäftigungspraktiken aus Gründen der Rasse, der Hautfarbe, der Religion, des Geschlechts, der nationalen Herkunft, des Alters, der sexuellen Orientierung, des Familienstandes oder des Veteranenstatus, der Behinderung oder jeder andere gesetzlich geschützte Status.Über das Unternehmen:Syngenta Crop Protection
Senior IT Administrator Infrastructure Operations & Endpoint Management (m/w/d)
Jedox GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Senior IT Administrator Infrastructure Operations & Endpoint Management (m/f/d) Your tasksAs Senior Administrator Infrastructure Operations & Endpoint Management, you will play a key role in ensuring the smooth operation of our organization's IT infrastructure. With our clear cloud-only strategy, your main responsibilities include the development of policies and processes for device provisioning and lifecycle management, as well as further development and administration of our server and network infrastructure. Your close collaboration with our cybersecurity team and service desk will ensure the security and integrity of our systems and enable the best possible working environment for our global organization. You will develop policies and processes for the rollout of our devices and lifecycle management using Windows Autopilot and Microsoft Intune You implement and monitor patch management using tools such as Patch My PC and WSUS You take care of the administration of internal and external domains and certificates You are responsible for managing and enrolling Apple devices in Apple Business Manager and Microsoft Intune You keep an eye on the VPN systems and ensure a smooth RADIUS server connection You are responsible for managing the Microsoft Entra (Azure) environment, including Microsoft Defender You administer all Linux environments You enjoy continuously optimizing our internal service processes The position is to be filled in Frankfurt or Freiburg.your profile Ideally, you have at least 5 years of experience as an IT specialist for system integration or have a degree in (business) informatics You are familiar with Microsoft Azure, Intune and Microsoft 365 You have knowledge of ITIL and enjoy optimizing and automating processes You enjoy teamwork and communication, as well as solving problems together with end users You like to work independently You are fluent in German and English About usJedox is a leading software solution that enables business planning, budgeting and forecasting for finance, sales and other business functions with cutting-edge technology to drive digital transformation and create tangible customer value. Constant innovation has made us one of the leading companies in the field of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). Our values: The success of our #One team is based on our core company values, which we are very proud of here at Jedox. Our growth mindset drives us to constantly learn, evolve and push ourselves to new heights. Our core is to work together as #OneTeam, with a shared passion for achieving excellence in everything we do. We work with precision and hold ourselves to the highest standards to ensure we deliver impactful results and consistently exceed our clients' expectations. Our focus on people ensures that our people are at the heart of everything we do, enabling us to attract and retain top talent. We believe that effective communication and engagement are essential to building strong relationships both internally and with our customers, partners and stakeholders. Why should you join our team? At Jedox, we want our customers to achieve #superpowers. It's that fantastic feeling when an organization performs the way they imagined it would. We call planning for the future and achieving goals super plans and we want you to achieve the same. That's why our culture at Jedox is characterized by global collaboration, passion for people and development, diversity and commitment to innovation. We call this our #OneTeam mantra, which is embedded in everything we do. We believe in lifelong learning and encourage our team members to develop personally and professionally. This includes internal and external training and certifications. We also like to meet regularly (online or in person) around the world to work together, spend time together, for team events and to have fun or even play sports together. We also provide many benefits outside the office to ensure employee satisfaction. Some of these benefits are: Flexible working : We love working together in the office as an #Oneteam, but we also enjoy the opportunity to work from anywhere and set our own hours Company pension scheme and occupational disability insurance Take time to look after yourself: we offer 30 vacation days and comprehensive health benefits. Plan your future: Planning means different things to different people. Work with your manager to create a career plan that fits your path. Reduce your footprint: All offices are centrally located and easily accessible by public transport. You also have the option of a JobRad. Drinks, coffee, fruit and muesli are available for you in our offices. Efficient working environment: We value flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths. Corporate Benefits: Receive company discounts for many brands and products. Jedox is committed to equal opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or belief, nationality, social or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation or any other status protected by the laws and regulations in the geographic locations in which we operate.
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the financial sector - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Would you like to advance your career in IT? Then now is your chance to apply as an IT system administrator! Our prestigious client in the financial sector is looking for a motivated and experienced candidate to join their IT team. In this role you will be responsible for the administration, configuration and optimization of applications, server systems and infrastructures. Are you a team player with a passion for improving IT systems? Then don't hesitate any longer and apply today! We look forward to getting to know you. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the financial sector - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: As an expert, you take care of incidents in 2nd level support and the implementation of changes You support self-developed software solutions with your know-how You take over the administration, configuration and optimization of applications, server systems and infrastructures, whether cloud, local or hybrid You manage Azure Cloud infrastructures such as Azure Kubernetes, Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Active Directory and Mobile Endpoint Manager with ease You migrate systems as well as container and virtualization environments with ease You are responsible for projects, sub-projects and other important tasks Your qualifications: You have completed training as an IT specialist for system integration or have a similar qualification or professional experience in the IT environment You are familiar with Microsoft servers, client operating systems, Active Directory environment and Linux system administration You have sound experience in dealing with Microsoft cloud solutions (Azure and M365), TCP/IP networks, routing, firewalls and VPNs You are familiar with DevOps, containerization and automation, as well as scripting in PowerShell or Bash, and are also familiar with Ansible, Terraform, Kubernetes, VMware, Check_MK, databases, M365 and cloud environments (Azure, AWS, GCP) Ideally, you have knowledge of the structures in the financial sector, especially in banks and stock exchanges You show initiative, a sense of responsibility, solution-oriented action and are characterized by your organizational and structured way of working You have a class B driving license and are fluent in written and spoken German and English You enjoy 30 days of vacation a year to give your rest and relaxation the space you deserve You have a good work-life balance thanks to flexible working hours and home office options You will be supported in your career and personal development You can participate in a wide range of trainings and courses, including certification opportunities, so that you are always up to date You benefit from various measures to promote your health and well-being, e.g. with a subsidy for your sports subscription You can look forward to unforgettable employee events such as summer parties, Christmas parties and various team events As part of the team, you will enjoy exclusive employee discounts and benefit from the client's products or services You will receive individual mobility offers, such as job bikes, including bikes or e-bikes, as well as company car arrangements You will experience a team-oriented and appreciative corporate culture as well as a familiar working atmosphere with flat hierarchies With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in Asset Management - hybrid working (remote & on-site)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you an experienced IT specialist looking for a new professional challenge? Then this job could be the perfect opportunity for you! Our long-standing partner company in asset management is looking for a motivated and experienced IT system administrator to strengthen the IT team and move forward together into a promising future. In this position as a valued team member, you will be responsible for the installation, configuration and maintenance of complex IT systems, networks and software solutions. If this description appeals to you and you are ready to embark on a new career path, we would be delighted to receive your application. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in Asset Management - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You analyze, procure hardware and software and organize hardware and software operations through updates, backups and user support You install, configure and maintain complex IT systems, networks and software You ensure functionality by initiating relevant measures in good time You administer servers and applications using security regulations, including access authorizations You carry out error analyses in the event of hardware and software malfunctions and propose solutions with the involvement of the relevant manufacturers You support internal or external IT departments in troubleshooting and protect systems by developing security guidelines You provide technical support in 2nd level support and carry out briefings and training for users You customize systems and software while advising on the selection and procurement of operational software Your qualifications: You have a degree in computer science or have completed training as an IT specialist with relevant experience You have many years of practical knowledge in the support, monitoring and maintenance of IT systems You have in-depth knowledge of hardware and software applications, developing solutions for troubleshooting, customizing IT systems and networks (Microsoft Active Directory, mail systems, TCP IPv4/IPv6, VMware, HCI environments, MS SQL Server, etc.) You have completed further training in IT security and IT law You are very familiar with PC operating systems and standard applications in the MS Windows and Office environment You are characterized by your positive appearance, your service orientation, paired with a high level of initiative and will-do commitment You work independently, proactively and solution-oriented and are known for your outstanding organizational talent and multitasking ability combined with a hands-on mentality You will experience a highly motivated, committed team and a collegial atmosphere You will work in a modern workplace with an American flair You will receive an attractive base salary with a performance-based bonus You will take on interesting, varied and responsible tasks You benefit from an extensive benefits program You will be supported in your personal and professional development You will experience an open, diverse corporate culture and flat hierarchies You work in an inspiring environment and can give free rein to your creative ideas With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the hotel industry - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you a passionate IT enthusiast looking to take the next step in your career? We are currently looking for an experienced and highly motivated IT System Administrator (m/f/d) for one of our prestigious client companies in Hochheim. In this challenging position, you will be responsible for the comprehensive administration of server systems and the further development of the IT infrastructure. Take on this exciting challenge, actively shape the digital future and use your skills where they are needed. If you recognize yourself in this description, we look forward to receiving your application! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the hotel industry - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You administer and monitor the data centers, including computing, storage & networking You carry out maintenance work on the central components to ensure smooth operation You are responsible for monitoring the server and network components and for identifying and resolving any problems that arise (troubleshooting) You are responsible for 2nd level infrastructure support and the administration of the network infrastructure (LAN and WAN side) You secure backups, archive in a legally compliant manner and are responsible for disaster recovery You will monitor compliance with agreed service level agreements (internal / external service providers) and promote the continuous development and automation of IT processes You will participate in exciting IT projects to continuously improve the infrastructure Your qualifications: You have a university degree in IT or comparable training in the same field as well as several years of professional experience in IT system administration You have sound experience with hypervisor systems (e.g. VMware, vSphere, Hyper-V) and in the area of network configuration You are very familiar with firewalls, VMWare, backups and switching You are familiar with monitoring systems to identify and resolve potential problems at an early stage Ideally, you have knowledge of Microsoft 365, Google G Suite, cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure) and mobile device management (MDM) You are characterized by your social skills, strong communication skills, ability to work in a team and under pressure as well as your analytical mindset and a proactive way of working You have a good command of English to be able to communicate easily in an international team You have flexible working hours and the ability to work remotely, sometimes even from home You will take on interesting, varied and responsible tasks in a highly motivated, competent and international team You will be supported in your professional and personal development opportunities You will experience a pleasant working atmosphere and an appreciative corporate culture where your opinion is welcome You work in an open, friendly and appreciative working environment with fast communication between all team members You benefit from various benefits, such as free drinks, company pension scheme, special birthday leave, JobRad, employee discounts for overnight stays in our hotels and much more You can take part in regular company events, team-building seminars and after-work meetings With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT Administrator (m/f/d) in Frankfurt - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you looking for a new professional challenge in the IT sector? Here is an exciting opportunity for you! Become an IT administrator at a prestigious umbrella organization of German sport in Frankfurt. Together with a dynamic team, you will work on innovative solutions and ensure a smooth and efficient IT infrastructure. If you have experience in IT administration and would like to demonstrate your skills in a new position, then you've come to the right place! We look forward to getting to know you and achieving great things together. This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT Administrator (m/f/d) in Frankfurt - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You will be responsible for the administration and configuration of the Microsoft tenant, including Azure AD, Exchange Online, Teams, identity and access management as well as existing on-premise components such as Microsoft Server, VMWare virtualization and Veeam Backup You manage mobile devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager You take care of IT security and accompany penetration tests You plan and implement IT projects, involving and coordinating external service providers where necessary You are responsible for IT user support in a Windows and Microsoft 365 environment as well as the in-house telephone and conference systems You create and expand the IT documentation, reports and infrastructure overviews Your qualifications: You have a degree in computer science or a completed apprenticeship as an IT specialist or comparable training/further training in the IT environment with proven professional experience in Microsoft 365/Windows administration You have very good knowledge of Microsoft 365 products with a focus on user management, Exchange Online, Teams and SharePoint Online as well as in the Windows client and server area You are familiar with Microsoft Azure cloud technology, have experience with Microsoft Endpoint Managers and Microsoft certifications are an advantage You have experience in project management and leading IT projects with internal and external participants You show commitment and your willingness to familiarize yourself with new complex IT systems is strong You are characterized by your strong service mindset, your ability to work in a team, your goal orientation and your independent, structured approach You will have a sustainable job with plenty of scope for creativity in the heart of Germany's sporting scene You benefit from flexible and mobile working models and performance-related pay You have access to a company pension scheme as well as company sports activities, an in-house fitness room and bicycle leasing You will experience an environment with diversity, mutual appreciation and collaborative teamwork You work in an interesting, open-minded and innovative team You will experience an open and dynamic corporate culture You have exciting, varied and responsible tasks You make a valuable contribution and work together on the future of the company You will be supported with extensive training opportunities for your professional and personal development With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
Senior IT Administrator Infrastructure Operations & Endpoint Management (m/w/d)
Jedox GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Senior IT Administrator Infrastructure Operations & Endpoint Management (m/w/d) Deine AufgabenAls Senior Administrator Infrastructure Operations & Endpoint Management nimmst du eine mau00dfgebliche Rolle ein, um den reibungslosen Betrieb der IT-Infrastruktur unserer Organisation sicherzustellen. Bei unserer klaren Cloud-Only Strategie umfassen Deine Hauptverantwortlichkeiten die Entwicklung von Richtlinien und Prozessen fu00fcr die Geru00e4tebereitstellung und das Lifecycle-Management, sowie Weiterentwicklung und Administration unserer Sever- und Netzwerkinfrastruktur. Deine enge Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Cybersecurity Team und Servicedesk gewu00e4hrleistet die Sicherheit und Integritu00e4t unserer Systeme und ermöglicht eine bestmögliche Arbeitsumgebung fu00fcr unser globales Unternehmen. Du entwickelst Richtlinien und Prozesse fu00fcr das ausrollen unserer Geru00e4te sowie Lifecycle-Management unter Verwendung von Windows Autopilot und Microsoft Intune Du implementierst und u00fcberwachst der Patch-Verwaltung mithilfe von Tools wie Patch My PC und WSUS Du ku00fcmmerst dich um die Verwaltung von internen und externen Domu00e4nen sowie Zertifikaten Du bist verantwortlich fu00fcr die Verwaltung und Registrierung von Apple-Geru00e4ten im Apple Business Manager und in Microsoft Intune Du behu00e4ltst die VPN-Systeme im Auge und sorgst fu00fcr eine reibungslose RADIUS-Server-Verbindung Du bist fu00fcr die Verwaltung der Microsoft Entra (Azure)-Umgebung zustu00e4ndig, einschlieu00dflich Microsoft Defender Du administrierst alle Linux-Umgebungen Dir macht es spau00df, unsere internen Serviceprozesse kontinuierlich zu optimieren Die Stelle ist in Frankfurt oder Freiburg zu besetzen.Dein Profil Idealerweise verfu00fcgst du u00fcber mindestens 5 Jahre Erfahrung als Fachinformatiker fu00fcr Systemintegration oder hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der (Wirtschafts-) Informatik Du kennst dich gut aus mit Microsoft Azure, Intune und Microsoft 365. Du hast Kenntnisse in ITIL und findest Freude an der Optimierung und Automatisierung von Prozessen Teamarbeit und Kommunikation machen dir Spau00df, ebenso wie die Lösung von Problemen gemeinsam mit Endbenutzern Du arbeitest gerne selbststu00e4ndig Du beherrschst Deutsch und Englisch flieu00dfend u00dcber unsJedox ist eine fu00fchrende Softwarelösung, die Geschu00e4ftsplanung, Budgetierung und Forecasting fu00fcr Finanzen, Vertrieb und andere Unternehmensfunktionen mit modernster Technologie ermöglicht, um die digitale Transformation voranzutreiben und spu00fcrbaren Kundennutzen zu schaffen. Stu00e4ndige Innovation hat uns zu einem der fu00fchrenden Unternehmen im Bereich Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) gemacht. Unsere Werte: Der Erfolg unseres # OneTeams basiert auf unseren zentralen Unternehmenswerten, auf die wir hier bei Jedox sehr stolz sind. Unser Wachstumsdenken treibt uns an, stu00e4ndig zu lernen, uns weiterzuentwickeln und uns zu neuen Höchstleistungen anzuspornen. Unser Kern ist es, als #OneTeam zusammenzuarbeiten, mit einer gemeinsamen Leidenschaft fu00fcr das Erreichen von Spitzenleistungen in allem, was wir tun. Wir arbeiten mit Pru00e4zision und halten uns selbst an die höchsten Standards, um sicherzustellen, dass wir wirkungsvolle Ergebnisse liefern und die Erwartungen unserer Kunden stu00e4ndig u00fcbertreffen. Unser Fokus auf den Menschen stellt sicher, dass unsere Mitarbeiter im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns stehen, was es uns ermöglicht, Spitzentalente anzuziehen und zu halten. Wir sind davon u00fcberzeugt, dass effektive Kommunikation und Engagement fu00fcr den Aufbau starker Beziehungen sowohl intern als auch zu unseren Kunden, Partnern und Stakeholdern unerlu00e4sslich sind. Warum solltest du in unser Team kommen? Wir bei Jedox wollen, dass unsere Kunden #Superplu00e4nnen erreichen. Es ist das fantastische Gefu00fchl, wenn eine Organisation so funktioniert, wie sie es sich vorgestellt hat. Das Planen der Zukunft und das Erreichen der Ziele nennen wir Superplu00e4nnen und wir möchten, dass Du dasselbe erreichst. Deshalb ist unsere Kultur bei Jedox gepru00e4gt von globaler Zusammenarbeit, Leidenschaft fu00fcr Menschen und Entwicklung, Vielfalt und Engagement fu00fcr Innovation. Wir bezeichnen dies als unser #OneTeam-Mantra, das in allem, was wir tun, verankert ist. Wir glauben an lebenslanges Lernen und ermutigen unsere Teammitglieder, sich persönlich und beruflich weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu gehören interne und externe Schulungen und Zertifizierungen. Wir treffen uns auch gerne regelmu00e4u00dfig (online oder persönlich) auf der ganzen Welt, um gemeinsam zu arbeiten, Zeit miteinander zu verbringen, fu00fcr Teamevents und um Spau00df zu haben oder sogar gemeinsam Sport zu treiben. Auch auu00dferhalb des Bu00fcros gewu00e4hrleisten wir viele Benefits, um die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeitenden zu gewu00e4hrlisten. Einige dieser Benefits sind: Flexibles Arbeiten : Wir lieben es, in den Bu00fcros als #Oneteam zusammenzuarbeiten, aber wir genieu00dfen auch die Möglichkeit, von u00fcberall aus zu arbeiten und die Arbeitszeiten selbst zu bestimmen Betriebliche Altersvorsorge und Berufsunfu00e4higkeitsversicherung Nimmu2018 dir die Zeit, um fu00fcr dich selbst zu sorgen: Wir bieten 30 Urlaubstage und umfassende Gesundheitsleistungen. Plane deine Zukunft: Planung bedeutet fu00fcr jeden etwas anderes. Arbeite mit deinem Vorgesetzten zusammen, um einen Karriereplan zu erstellen, der deinem Weg entspricht. Reduziere deinen Fuu00dfabdruc k : Alle Bu00fcros sind zentral gelegen und mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gut zu erreichen. Zudem hast du die Möglichkeit auf ein JobRad. In unseren Bu00fcros stehen Getru00e4nke, Kaffee, Obst und Mu00fcsli fu00fcr dich bereit. Effizientes Arbeitsumfeld : Wir schu00e4tzen flache Hierarchien und kurze Entscheidungswege. Corporate Benefits: Erhalte Unternehmensrabatte fu00fcr viele Marken und Produkte. Jedox setzt sich fu00fcr Chancengleichheit ein und diskriminiert nicht aufgrund der ethnischen Herkunft, Hautfarbe, Religion oder Weltanschauung, Nationalitu00e4t, sozialer oder ethnischer Herkunft, Alter, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung oder eines anderen Status, der durch die Gesetze und Vorschriften an den geografischen Standorten, an denen wir tu00e4tig sind, geschu00fctzt ist.
Junior System Administrator (m/f/d) in the hospitality industry - hybrid working (remote & on-site)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you an enthusiastic IT expert looking to start your career in system administration? Then we have just the thing for you! Our prestigious client company is looking for a motivated Junior System Administrator to join their IT team. As part of a growing team, you will be responsible for supporting users and systems in the Windows environment as part of 1st/2nd level support. This position offers you the opportunity to participate in exciting projects and further deepen your practical knowledge. You will work in an inspiring environment and benefit from a respectful working atmosphere in an international context. If this description fits you, don't hesitate and apply directly to us today! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / recruitment agency. Junior System Administrator (m/f/d) in the hospitality industry - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You support users and systems in the Windows environment as part of 1st/2nd level support You accept customer inquiries, analyze them and contribute to the solution You take care of troubleshooting in the hardware and software area You install, configure and maintain hardware and software components You manage and administer the user, printer and group administration in the Active Directory and the company network You document processes, applications and events Your qualifications: You have completed training as an IT specialist for system integration or a comparable qualification You have professional experience in IT support (1st/2nd level) You have solid knowledge in the administration of Windows servers You are confident in using Active Directory and Microsoft applications such as Outlook, Word, Excel etc You are performance-oriented, work independently and are quick on the uptake You have sound experience in communicating with employees by email or telephone You speak and write very good German, and knowledge of English is an advantage You can expect an attractive salary You will work in a warm and appreciative working atmosphere in an international environment You benefit from vacation and Christmas bonuses as well as discounts at numerous corporate benefits partner companies You benefit from various benefits, such as an RMV job ticket, a parking space directly on the exhibition grounds and the option of a job bike You have the option of tickets for events and concerts in the Festhalle Frankfurt You can benefit from affordable and varied catering in both company restaurants A company pension scheme is available to you from the second year of employment You will take on interesting, varied and responsible tasks in a highly motivated, competent and modern team You will experience a pleasant working atmosphere and an appreciative corporate culture You can expect a company with flat hierarchies With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the IT industry - hybrid working (remote & presence)
DIS AG Office & Management, Frankfurt am Main
Are you a passionate IT enthusiast ready to take the next step in your professional development? Our renowned client, from the IT consulting sector, is looking for an experienced and motivated full-time IT System Administrator in Frankfurt. You will be responsible for the continuous monitoring of the customer's IT system landscape. Immerse yourself in an exciting challenge, actively shape the digital future and use your skills exactly where they are needed. If this sounds like you, we look forward to receiving your application! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the IT industry - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: You are the first point of contact and support customers independently via telephone, e-mail and remote software such as Anydesk or Teams You take on the execution and control of various managed services as part of your area of responsibility You help customers with questions and problems in the area of virtualization solutions, Windows and Linux server services, server hardware, storage components, server operating systems and networks You continuously monitor the customer's IT system landscape You create suggestions for improvement and support with reporting Your qualifications: You have successfully completed training in the IT sector, such as IT specialist for system integration, or have comparable know-how You are characterized by a professional and service-oriented appearance towards customers and colleagues You are an effective communicator who can shine both in a team and independently You are familiar with Windows (client/server), Linux, DNS, DHCP and network infrastructures You have a strong interest in IT security and implement it professionally for customers You already have experience in virtualization and cloud computing or are highly motivated to learn these skills with us You are curious about new trends and cloud technologies and willing to continuously develop your skills You have a very good command of written and spoken German You experience an open and dynamic corporate culture You take on exciting tasks and support a wide range of customers You enjoy the security of a permanent employment contract You will be rewarded for your commitment and performance with an attractive salary You have the option of working from home and hybrid working, which offers you freedom and flexibility You can organize your working day flexibly to achieve an optimal work-life balance You get 30 vacation days per year to support your work-life balance You have access to free drinks You will work in a team that values and leverages differences to achieve exceptional results You will be supported in your development through access to top industry certifications, the perfect springboard for your career You benefit from a full allowance for capital-forming benefits You have a stress-free journey to the centrally located offices with excellent public transport connections and free parking Your colleagues will support you in word and deed right from the start and ensure that your start is crowned with success With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!