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(Senior) Spezialist Corporate und International Taxes
GETEC Group, Berlin
Deine zukünftige Aufgabe Zu Deinem vielfältigen Aufgabengebiet gehört die eigenverantwortliche Bearbeitung von Einzelfragen zum nationalen und internationalen Steuerrecht (z. B. zu Betriebsstätten, Umwandlungen, Gewerbesteuer und Accounting), Du übernimmst die Leitung einzelner Projekte für die Gruppe sowie die Koordination externer Berater. Als Schnittstelle zwischen Business, Finance, IT und Tax trägst Du im Rahmen der Geschäftsstrategie zur ertragsteuerlichen Optimierung und Compliance auf Group-Ebene in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Head of Tax bei. Im Rahmen der Erstellung/des Reviews der Ertragsteuererklärungen sowie für Quartals- und Konzernabschlüsse bist Du für die Konsolidierung der Einkünfte für den deutschen Organkreis, das Tax Reporting sowie für die Prüfung von Steuerbescheiden und die Begleitung von Betriebsprüfungen verantwortlich. Du gewährleistet auf Group-Ebene und unterstützt die operativen Einheiten bei der Erfüllung gesetzlicher Reporting- und Erklärungsverpflichtungen, z. B. Quellensteuer, DAC 6, Pillar II sowie CbCR, public CbCR und HZB in Zusammenarbeit mit TP-Kollegen. Als Verantwortlicher für die Ertragsteuer-Compliance innerhalb der Gruppe erarbeitest und aktualisierst Du Richtlinien, Policies und Merkblätter, entwickelst standardisierte Prozesse und führst interne Steuerreviews und -risikokontrollen durch. Du übernimmst eine begleitende Rolle bei M&A-Aktivitäten und unterstützt die Plattformen beim Roll-Out des Tax-CMS. Du überwachst kontinuierlich ertragsteuerrechtliche Änderungen von Gesetzen und Richtlinien und initiierst aktiv die Umsetzung auf Group-Ebene. Darüber hinaus führst Du Mitarbeiter-Schulungen durch und erstellst interne Tax Awareness-Videos zum Thema Ertragsteuern. Du begleitest die Implementierung des GTC-Tools sowie von SAP 4/Hana aus ertragsteuerlicher Sicht und unterstützt die weitere Automatisierung und Digitalisierung auf Gruppenebene durch proaktive Analyse, Entwicklung und Implementierung weiterer digitaler Steuerlösungen (z. B. im Bereich Quellensteuern). DU ALS MENSCH UND WAS DU MITBRINGST Du bringst Neugier auf steuerliche Sachverhalte, Projektarbeit und Digitalisierungsthemen mit. Du hast eine sorgfältige und praxisorientierte Arbeitsweise, treibst gerne Themen voran und es macht Dir nichts aus, Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Du verfügst über ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Diplom- oder Masterstudium in Wirtschafts-, Rechts- oder Steuerwissenschaften. Du hast mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Corporate und International Taxes in Beratungsunternehmen oder der Industrie gesammelt. Du besitzt eine große Affinität für Prozess- und Digitalisierungsthemen und hast sehr gute Kenntnisse im deutschen Steuer- und Handelsrecht sowie im internationalen Steuerrecht. Du hast ein hohes Maß an Teamfähigkeit und Sozialkompetenz, bist kommunikativ und Deine verhandlungssicheren Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse runden Dein Profil ab. Energie für MEHR WIR BIETEN MEHR Ab Tag eins bist Du Teil des Teams und hast die Chance direkt Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Wir bieten unseren Mitarbeitern das Jobrad-Konzept: 365 Tage im Jahr fit halten und zusätzlich die Umwelt schonen. Wir ermöglichen Dir eine gute Work-Life-Balance durch mobiles Arbeiten, flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie 30 Tagen Urlaub im Jahr. Du möchtest Dich weiterentwickeln? Wir bieten Dir eine Vielzahl an Weiterbildungs- und Coaching- Angeboten. Die Atmosphäre ist Dir wichtig? – Agiles Arbeiten und moderne Bürokonzepte sind für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Du willst Deine Energie für MEHR bei uns einbringen, aber Du erfüllst die Anforderungen der Stelle nicht zu 100%? Gar kein Problem – Zusammen laufen wir über die Ziellinie. Standort GETEC Group, Berlin
Business Partner Accounting (m/w/d)
CWS-boco Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg (Billbrookdeich)
Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt an einem unsererem Standorte Hamburg für unser CWS Corporate Team aus dem Bereich Bilanzierung & Treasury eine/n Business Partner Accounting (m/w/d) Ref.-Nr.: JR1007616 Deshalb lohnt sich dein Einstieg bei CWS Zukunftssicher: Langfristige Perspektive in einem wachsenden Unternehmen in einer immer wichtiger werdenden Branche Mehr als nur Kollegen: Du arbeitest in einem tollen und hochmotivierten Team, das den Einstieg für Dich zum Kinderspiel macht Spannende Aufgaben: Jeden Tag erwarten Dich neue Herausforderungen und abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben Hervorragende Einarbeitung: Erfahrene Kollegen bringen Dir alles bei, was Du wissen musst Flexibles/Hybrides Arbeiten: Die Möglichkeit im Office oder Remote zu arbeiten Auf diese Aufgaben kannst du dich freuen Die eigenverantwortliche Erstellung von Monats-, Quartals- und Jahresabschlüssen einer Division nach IFRS und HGB Ansprechpartner hinsichtlich aller Accounting Fragen der Division Du erläuterst gegenüber der Geschäftsführung die aktuelle Situation der Division und kannst in diesem Zusammenhang klare Handlungsempfehlungen abgeben Enge Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Shared Service Center in Sibiu (Rumänien) Zudem bist du für das Kontenclearing und die Durchführung von Meldungen bei Behörden und Finanzämtern verantwortlich Du organisierst und unterstützt die Erstellung des Anlagevermögens und die Durchführung der Konzernverrechnung Die Leitung von Betriebs- und Steuerprüfungen, sowie die Zusammenarbeit mit Wirtschaftsprüfern und Behörden Diese Fähigkeiten zeichnen dich aus Ein erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung sowie eine Weiterbildung zum Bilanzbuchhalter/in oder alternativ ein abgeschlossenes, betriebswirtschaftliches Studium Mehrjährige, fundierte Erfahrung im Bereich Bilanzierung Weder die Bilanzierung nach IFRS noch nach HGB stellen dich vor eine Herausforderung Die aktive Leitung von Projekten, insbesondere der Integration von Akquisitionen und neuen Geschäftsbereichen sind Dir nicht fremd Lösungsorientierte, strukturierte und analytische Arbeitsweise Idealerweise bereits erste Berührungspunkte mit ERP Systemen (SAP, MS D365) sowie eine sehr hohe Affinität für Excel zur Erstellung von Konzernreportings Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift Klingt spannend? Dann bewirb dich direkt über unser Bewerberportal, klicke auf „Bewerben“ und hinterlege deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen. Falls du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne jederzeit per Email über ********** melden. Wir freuen uns darauf, dich kennenzulernen! At CWS, we believe in a tomorrow that is healthier and safer than today. Every day, around 10,800 employees in 16 European countries work enthusiastically to achieve this goal. (Their) passion and (their) competence make us specialists and leading system providers for innovative, sustainable and digital rental solutions in the areas of hygiene, mats, workwear, clean rooms, health & care and fire protection.Über das Unternehmen:CWS-boco Deutschland GmbH
Tax Accountant, Assistant Vice President
2021 SSB International GMBH, Frankfurt, Germany
Experte Tax Accounting / Tax Fund Services / Tax Expert (m/w/d) in der Finanzdienstleistung Wen wir suchen Für unseren Bereich TAX Services – Investment Administration Insourcing Services in unserer Firma State Street Bank International GmbH in Frankfurt (Herriotstrasse) oder Leipzig suchen wir ab sofort einen Experte Tax Accounting / Tax Fund Services / Tax Expert (m/w/d) Wofür Sie verantwortlich sein werden Als Experte Tax Accounting / Tax Fund Services / Tax Expert (m/w/d) werden Sie Analyse, Bearbeitung und Buchungen von steuerlichen Korrekturen (z.B. historische Änderungen wegen Grundlagenbescheiden oder geänderten Kapitalmaßnahmen) Berechnungen und Korrekturen von Anlegerbezogenen Steuerkennzahlen im Rahmen der Erstellung der Feststellungserklärung Prüfung von steuerrechtlichen Buchungen Investmentrechtliche Buchungen wie z.B. Zielfondserträge steuerrechtlich bewerten und im steuerlichen Buchungsrahmen Anpassungen anstoßen Ansprechpartner für Anfragen des Finanzamts, der steuerlichen Betriebsprüfung, unserer Kunden sowie interner Schnittstellen Was wir schätzen Diese Fähigkeiten werden Ihnen helfen in der Position erfolgreich zu sein Fähigkeit Prioritäten zu setzen und Aufgaben in engen Fristen zu bearbeiten Strukturierte und organisierte Arbeitsweise mit hoher Detailgenauigkeit Flexibilität und lösungsorientierte Denkweise über die Prozessketten hinweg Ausbildung & bevorzugte Qualifikationen Abgeschlossenes wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium oder vergleichbare (Bank)Ausbildung mit fachbezogener Berufserfahrung Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung bei Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften oder einer Steuerberatungs- oder Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft im steuerlichen Bereich Financial Services für Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften und Banken fundierte Kenntnisse in der Fondsbuchhaltung bzw. mit dem System SimcorpDimension und /oder vergleichbaren Fondsbuchhaltungssystemen Kenntnisse im Investmentsteuergesetz und Erfahrung im Investmentsteuerreformgesetz Ausgeprägte Microsoft Office Kenntnisse, insbesondere Excel; allgemeine IT-Affinität Fließende Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse Was wir bieten Flexible Arbeitszeiten Abhängig von der Stelle sind ggf. Home Office Tage möglich Betriebliche Altersversorgung Gesundheitsprogramme Gruppenunfallversicherung Mentoringprogramm Kostenlose Deutsch- und Englischsprachkurse Persönliche Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und umfangreiche web basierte Trainingsangebote Global Inclusion, Global Outreach und Corporate Citizenship Programme inkl. ehrenamtlicher Arbeit Dynamisches, diverses, internationales und multikulturelles Arbeitsumfeld mit englischer Unternehmenssprache Über State Street Was wir tun. State Street ist eine der größten Depotbanken, Asset Manager und Asset Intelligence Firmen der Welt. Von Technologie zu Produktinnovation hinterlassen wir in der Finanzdienstleistungsindustrie unsere Spur. Seit mehr als zweihundert Jahren helfen wir unseren Kunden die Investitionen von Millionen von Menschen abzusichern und zu verwalten. Wir bieten Investment Servicing, Data & Analytics, Investment Research & Trading sowie Investment Management für institutionelle Kunden. Arbeiten, Leben, Wachsen. Es ist uns sehr wichtig ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen. Unsere Zusatzleistungen sind wettbewerbsfähig und umfangreich. Die Details hängen vom jeweiligen Standort ab, aber Sie können Versicherungen, betriebliche Altersversorgung und andere Zusatzleistungen erwarten. Sie können an einem flexiblen Arbeitszeitprogramm teilnehmen, das Ihnen hilft Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen. Unsere große Auswahl an Trainingsangeboten und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten werden Ihnen dabei helfen Ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Inklusion, Vielfalt und soziale Verantwortung. Wir glauben, dass die unterschiedlichen Hintergründe, Erfahrungen und Perspektiven unserer Mitarbeiter einen enormen Beitrag zu einem inklusiven Umfeld leisten, in dem jeder Erfolg haben kann während er unsere Organisation und unsere Kunden unterstützt. Wir heißen Kandidaten jeglicher Herkunft, Begabung, sexueller Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität, Persönlichkeit sowie jeglichen Alters herzlich willkommen. Ein weiterer grundlegender Wert von State Street ist das aktive Engagement innerhalb unserer Gemeinden auf der ganzen Welt, sowohl als Partner als auch als Initiator. Sie werden die Möglichkeit für eine ausgewogene Work-Life-Balance haben inklusive bezahlter Tage für ehrenamtliche Arbeit, Programme rund um soziale Tätigkeiten und Mitarbeiternetzwerke, je nachdem was Ihnen wichtig ist. State Street ist ein Arbeitgeber, der Chancengleichheit sowie Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Minderheiten unterstützt. Informieren Sie sich auf StateStreet.com/careers Across the globe, institutional investors rely on us to help them manage risk, respond to challenges, and drive performance and profitability. We keep our clients at the heart of everything we do, and smart, engaged employees are essential to our continued success. Our promise to maintain an environment where every employee feels valued and able to meet their full potential infuses our company values. It’s also part of our commitment to inclusion, development and engagement, and corporate social responsibility. You’ll have tools to help balance your professional and personal life, paid volunteer days, and access to employee networks that help you stay connected to what matters to you. Join us. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, we consider applications for all positions without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, age, disability, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, citizenship, marital status, domestic partnership or civil union status, familial status, military and veteran status, and other characteristics protected by applicable law. For more information, for U.S. jobs only, please read our CEO Statement.Über das Unternehmen:2021 SSB International GMBH
Program Task Order Financial Analyst with clearance-OCONUS
Program Task Order Financial Analyst with clearance-OCONUS Job Category: Finance and Accounting Time Type: Full time Minimum Clearance Required to Start: TS/SCI Employee Type: Regular-Long Term Assignment Percentage of Travel Required: Up to 10% Type of Travel: Outside Continental US * * * What You’ll Get to Do: As a CACI-SOAS USAREUR-AF TMISS Task Order Program Finance Analyst you will support US Army Europe/Africa G2 and other Intelligence related mission partners, as a key team member of a complex program that provides professional services in support of advisory and analysis efforts associated with Intelligence Warfighting Function (IWfF) mission areas. You will be a member of a team that supports the Intelligence Directorate of the Army Component Command of both the US European Command and US Africa Command. More About the Role: As a CACI SOAS USAREUR-AF TMISS Task Order Program Finance Analyst you will embed at Clay Kaserne in Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany and may travel as required, to perform services at other locations within the USEUCOM or US AFRICOM AOR or Area of Interest (AOI) to meet mission requirements in both CONUS and OCONUS locations. These positions are contingent upon SOFA approval or commensurate work-Visa requirements at the primary place of duty. Employee must be willing to work shifts, overtime, and/or deploy to austere or hostile fire zones as required. Other duties of the Program Finance Analyst will include but are not limited to: Responsible to create, maintain, and report all Task Order (TO) financial data to support the strategic plans of the client, Program Manager, Project Leads, and Program Operations Manager. Develop baseline budgets, forecasts, and Estimates at Completion (EACs) that detail the monthly and annual costs for labor, travel, materials, equipment, and ODCs that are required to support the operational vision of the Program Manager. Update forecasts and EACs monthly with actual costs incurred as well as updated forecast projections based on the newest mission requirements from the Program Manager, Project Leads, and Program Operations Manager. Track and analyze variances and trends on a monthly basis. Coordinates with CACI corporate contract and financial resources to ensure compliance with contractual cost reporting requirements. Under direction of the Program Manager and CACI Contracts Manager, coordinate updating contract pricing as needed to facilitate contract modifications and prepare Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimates for the client, Program Manager, and Project Leads when requested. Under the direction of the Program Manager, respond to requests for financial data by preparing spreadsheets, financial presentations, briefing charts, and ad hoc financial reports to support decision-making at all levels of the program or project. Track all funding at funding source and project levels as they relate to the Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs). Track and report CLINs as the expended costs incurred approach 75% of the funding for the CLIN to ensure contract performance can continue as planned by the Program Manager. Attend the monthly Integrated Program Reviews (IPRs) and other battle rhythm events requiring financial support. Review all project costs to ensure accounts and cost allocations are correct and coordinates adjustments or corrections when needed. Review all subcontractor invoices and timecards for employees and subcontractors. Manage subcontractors’ funding in accordance with prime contractor’s funding from the client. Coordinates production of prime invoice and produces detailed backup documentation, including costs incurred in the month but not billed (accruals). Continually seek out cost control improvements as well as process enhancements to streamline the project financial recordkeeping and reporting to ensure good stewardship of client funds while providing the Program Manager with information needed to achieve project goals within budget and schedule parameters. Write policies and procedures on program financial processes and responsibilities specific to this TO. Make recommendations to the Program Manager for funding allocations, movements, and de-obligations when requested to maximize the use of existing funds on the TO. You’ll Bring These Qualifications: BA/BS +6 Years of Experience 5 or more years experience in producing and delivering financial deliverables 5 or more years experience with program financial forecasting 5 or more years experience with tracking financial expenditures and forecasts on Cost Plus Fixed Fee type contracts Current and active TS/SCI clearance These Qualifications Would be Nice to Have: Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, or other related field 10 years of experience tracking Federal / DoD financial contracts, and supporting creation and tracking of financial deliverables Familiarity with Earned Value Management concepts What We Can Offer You: CACI-Special Operations and Asymmetric Solutions (SOAS) Operating Group resides within CACI’s Operations Support and Services Sector. As the premier provider of Special Operations capabilities; Tactical Advisory and Embedded Support; intelligence Applications to Law Enforcement; security cooperation and OCONUS Training Support Delivery for the company, CACI-SOAS has a reputation for uncompromising standards of quality in its people and its performance. Joining the CACI-SOAS team is a mark of excellence for those employees who complete our rigorous Mission-Focused Staffing process. CACI-SOAS’s mission places its personnel against the government’s most critical emerging challenges. Work with us, and you’ll be working with a team making a difference across the globe. CACI-SOAS offers competitive benefits, generous flex time off as well as numerous learning and development opportunities. As the Prime Contractor for this effort, CACI-SOAS offers unmatched stability and growth potential within the program. Candidate will qualify for: Moving expenses to relocate household from CONUS to Clay Kaserne in Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany Dependent Education Expenses Living Quarters Allowance Company-provided: education benefits, 401k with match, Overseas health insurance, stock purchase plan, and Flexible Time Off (FTO). Company Overview: CACI is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, status as a protected veteran, or any other protected characteristic. Pay Range: There are a host of factors that can influence final salary including, but not limited to, geographic location, Federal Government contract labor categories and contract wage rates, relevant prior work experience, specific skills and competencies, education, and certifications. Our employees value the flexibility at CACI that allows them to balance quality work and their personal lives. We offer competitive compensation, benefits and learning and development opportunities. Our broad and competitive mix of benefits options is designed to support and protect employees and their families. At CACI, you will receive comprehensive benefits such as; healthcare, wellness, financial, retirement, family support, continuing education, and time off benefits. Learn more here The proposed salary range for this position is: $68,400 - 143,700 USD SEE YOURSELF AT CACI... ...where you will have the opportunity to apply your innovative ideas to work that matters. You'll grow in an environment that values ethics and integrity. And you'll be at the core of some of our nation's most critical missions. Discover the meaningful work CACI does and how you can make an impact.Über das Unternehmen:02 CACI, INC.-FEDERAL
IT Business Analyst:in IT Financial Accounting
Hannover Rück-Gruppe, Hanover
Hannover Rück – als weltweiter Rückversicherer übernehmen wir Risiken anderer Versicherungen und entwickeln gemeinsam neue Produkte. Weltweit tragen rund 3.500 Expert:innen aus unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen täglich mit Know-how und Leidenschaft für ihren Beruf dazu bei, unsere herausragende Marktposition zu stärken und auszubauen. Weil wir mit Sicherheit anders arbeiten, sind wir eine der profitabelsten Rückversicherungsgruppen der Welt.Steigen Sie unbefristet in Vollzeit zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt in unseren Fachbereich IT Information Technology – IT Financial Accounting&Group Reporting am Standort Hannover ein als IT Business Analyst:in IT Financial Accounting.Darauf können Sie sich freuenSie analysieren, konzeptionieren, implementieren und koordinieren softwaretechnische Änderungen in IT-Systemen in enger Abstimmung mit Business-Analyst:innen, System-Manager:innen, Entwickler:innen sowie internen System-Anwender:innen aus dem Fachbereich Group Finance.Übernahme einer koordinativen Schnittstellenfunktion zwischen dem Corporate Accounting und des Controllings sowie der Software-EntwicklungMitarbeit in Projekten mit dem Schwerpunkt der Migration auf S/4HANAAnalyse sowie systemische Umsetzung (Customizing) der fachlichen Anforderungen in den Modulen des externen und internen Rechnungswesens in SAP FI, SAP CODatenseitige und prozessuale Analyse des SAP ECC-Systems in Vorbereitung auf die Umstellung auf S/4HANAProzessdesign und -optimierung (Redesign) durch methodische und analytische ModerationBearbeitung von fachlichen Anfragen sowie Troubleshootings im Rahmen des TagesgeschäftsProzessberatung im Bereich Governance & ComplianceDas bringen Sie mit Bachelorstudium der Wirtschaftsinformatik, der Betriebswirtschaftslehre bzw. vergleichbarer Abschluss mit einschlägigen Berufspraktika oder abgeschlossenes MasterstudiumErste Berufserfahrung oder Praktika in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche, idealerweise in der VersicherungswirtschaftHohe Affinität zu Prozessen des externen Rechnungswesens (nationale u. internationale GAAP) und Controlling sowie zu IT-strategischen FragestellungenIdealerweise erste erworbene Kenntnisse in SAP Financials (FI, CO) sowie dem SAP-Berechtigungssystem; Vorkenntnisse in S/4HANA wünschenswertDeutsch und Englisch auf verhandlungssicherem (mindestens C1) NiveauBereitschaft zu gelegentlichen Reisen, circa ein- bis zweimal pro JahrPersönlich überzeugen Sie durch Ihr sicheres Auftreten sowie Ihr Organisations- und Planungsgeschick. Wenn Sie auch Entscheidungs- und Durchsetzungsvermögen haben, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig!Nicht alle Anforderungen erfüllt? Kein Problem, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!Das bieten wir Ihnen Flexibilität: Ein hybrides Arbeitsmodell mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und 30 Tagen Urlaub im Jahr, Überstundenausgleich in FreizeitArbeiten im Ausland: Bis zu 20 Tage im Jahr innerhalb des EWR- & EFTA-RaumesVergütung: Attraktives Grundgehalt, Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld, leistungsabhängige Sonderboni, betriebliche Altersvorsorge sowie vergünstigte Mitarbeiter:innen-AktienLebenslanges Lernen: Persönliches Wachstum durch individuelle Entwicklung und Weiterbildung im Rahmen von fachlichen und Soft-Skill-Seminaren, Sprachkursen und der Möglichkeit, durch Hospitationen in andere Abteilungen zu schnuppernGesundes Arbeiten: Kooperation mit Fitnessstudio, eine ausgezeichnete Kantine mit bunten regionalen Angeboten von vegan bis deftigIndividuelle Familienförderung: In allen Lebenssituationen durch Betriebskita, Familienservice und Employee Assistance ProgramMobilität: Mobil unterwegs mit dem kostenlosen Deutschlandticket und dem JobRad, kostenlose Parkplätze und Ladestationen für E-FahrzeugeConnecting Power: Zusammen feiern wir Feste, Teamevents und interne Networking-VeranstaltungenIhre Bewerbung Wir sind #somewhatdifferent – Menschen mit ihren eigenen Geschichten, Erfahrungen und Karrierewegen. Bei uns sind alle willkommen. Werden Sie jetzt Teil unseres vielfältigen Teams! Bewerben Sie sich einfach und sicher unter Angabe der Kennziffer 1260 über unser Bewerbungs-Portal.Mehr zu unserer Arbeitswelt, Ihren Einstiegsmöglichkeiten und Entwicklungschancen erfahren Sie unter Solange die Stelle ausgeschrieben ist, sind wir noch auf der Suche! Standort Hannover Rück-Gruppe, Hanover
(Senior) Manager Internal Audit IT (m/f/d)
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Bad Homburg
As a globally active healthcare group, we have a special goal: ever better medicine for ever more people. In our four business segments, we combine an enormous range of knowledge, talents and experience. This allows us to look beyond the tried and tested, and continue our search for ever better solutions. Start your #careerwithapurpose now....+ ← Bad Homburg / Hessen · Permanent · Full-time · As of now (Senior) Manager Internal Audit IT (m/f/d) We are Fresenius' Internal Audit team: a key function in the governance of our healthcare group, consisting of around 30 highly skilled, refreshingly diverse, inspiringly innovative people commit­ted to agile, cross-disciplinary and international cooperation. Leveraging our expertise on matters such as cybersecurity, IT consulting, IT forensics etc., we play a crucial part in enabling the top management to make responsible, well-informed decisions based on our thoroughly conducted audits. We lead the way when it comes to mitigating risks and improving processes: not merely by pointing fingers and commenting from the side-lines, but by jumping right into the fields of action, rolling up our sleeves, getting down to the nitty-gritty, analyzing the situations from within, and then developing solid, specific advice and detailed suggestions for the management board to consider and implement. Can you picture yourself in this special role: objectively examining complex matters, carefully scrutinizing details, discussing sensitive topics, asking critical questions? Then we would love to meet you! Your responsibilities The main goal of your job will be to pre-emptively identify potential IT security weaknesses, followed by proposing improvement measures for our IT and business organizations to implement. Depending on your level of previous experience and areas of interests, you can either join the team as a member, or directly aim at becoming our new audit lead. In case of the latter, you’ll be trusted with the high-responsibility task of leading complex audits within various business segments, considering the available resources, timelines, quality requirements and other relevant standards as laid out by the DIIR (German Institute for Internal Revision), IIA, and the Fresenius Internal Audit Manual. Additional responsibilities will be developing the audit planning, preparing the program, fieldwork execution, reporting, and follow-up. You’ll carry out audit procedures, outline audit program tests, assess observations, and document the work results. Furthermore, you’ll develop recommendations to mitigate the identified risks, and follow up on the agreed measures based on the respective audit reports. You will frequently communicate and closely cooperate with the persons in charge of the audited entities and internal audit teams. To sum it up: You will make important contributions to our IT security management system, further its future development, and increase its effectiveness with reliable measures to protect the company’s assets. Your background Master’s degree, preferably in one of the following fields (or similar): IT / computer science, (business) informatics, business administration, economics, accounting, health care management, governance, risk management, compliance etc. Minimum 4 years of work experience (8+ years if you’re applying for the senior lead position) with external audit in a Big4, ideally in the health care sector, e.g. management of / consulting for hospitals, medical or pharmaceutical companies Additional advantage: audit-related certifications (e.g. CIA, CFA, CISA); knowledge in the area(s) of internal auditing (DIIR standards, CIA, investigations, COSO, ICS life cycle), controlling, accounting, ICS, risk management, compliance, legal requirements (in Pharma), antitrust, data privacy, production and construction, IT-related processes Very good level of English, a decent level of German will be beneficial, Spanish is welcome, very good analytical skills, curiosity, openness to learn & familiarize yourself with new topics, hands-on mentality for solving problems, willingness / readiness to travel occasionally (20 %) Empathetic “people person” and dependable team player with well-honed social, communication, (re-)presentation and negotiating skills; intercultural competence, discretion Our offer to you There’s a lot to discover at Fresenius. After all, we have a lot to offer. Regardless of the type of expertise or amount of experience you bring to the table, we can add purpose to your career: Whether you work with customers or work behind the scenes, you'll be helping to advance patient care Individualized opportunities for autonomous career planning and professional development A corporate culture that offers enough latitude for innovative thinking, with a view to finding the best, not the fastest, solution together. A multitude of dedicated colleagues offering an array of different competencies, talents and experiences The benefits of a successful global group combined with the close-knit culture of a medium-sized company The opportunity to work mobile, in consultation with your manager Apply now Share this job Print this Page Your contact Natascha Yildiz-Mohr Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA DEU Bad Homburg EK1 Kennziffer JR- At a glance Job category: Audit, Line Management Audit Working condition: Full-time Business segment: Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA Location: Bad Homburg / Hessen Closing date for application: none – We are looking forward to your application More information Information about the application process Our offer at a glance “The whole environment is just plain positive: the healthcare group is solid and growth-oriented, just like the industry itself. This gives me ways to develop and shape my career. A special motivation for me: the well-being of our patients.“ Christian Wagner Vice President Corporate Finance, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA We welcome diversity At Fresenius all job applicants are welcome – regardless of gender, age, origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual identity and orientation, or any other personal characteristics. All terms used in this job advertisement to denote persons refer to all genders equally (male, female, diverse). #careerswithapurpose at Fresenius Over , people across the globe work at Fresenius to provide better ever medicine for ever more people. Our independent business segments Fresenius Medical Care, Fresenius Kabi, Fresenius Helios and Fresenius Vamed offer a wide spectrum of products and services in the health sector. We offer you the opportunity to make a difference with your career – and to become part of our impressive growth story. Standort Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Bad Homburg
(Senior) Manager Internal Audit (m/f/d)
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Bad Homburg
As a globally active healthcare group, we have a special goal: ever better medicine for ever more people. In our four business segments, we combine an enormous range of knowledge, talents and experience. This allows us to look beyond the tried and tested, and continue our search for ever better solutions. Start your #careerwithapurpose now....+ ← Bad Homburg / Hessen · Permanent · Full-time · As of now (Senior) Manager Internal Audit (m/f/d) We are Fresenius' Internal Audit team: a key function in the governance of our healthcare group, consisting of around 30 highly skilled, refreshingly diverse, inspiringly innovative people committed to agile, cross-disciplinary and international cooperation. Leveraging our expertise on matters such as cyber and IT security, Anti-Fraud or Anti-Corruption Management, Data Security forensics etc., we play a crucial part in enabling the top management to make responsible, well-informed decisions based on our thoroughly conducted audits. We lead the way when it comes to mitigating risks and improving processes: not merely by pointing fingers and commenting from the side-lines, but by jumping right into the fields of action, rolling up our sleeves, getting down to the nitty-gritty, analyzing the situations from within, and then developing solid, specific advice and detailed suggestions for the management board to consider and implement. Can you picture yourself in this special role: objectively examining complex matters, carefully scrutinizing details, discussing sensitive topics, asking critical questions? Then we would love to meet you! Your responsibilities The main goal of your job will be — after a thorough analysis — to pre-emptively identify potential weaknesses, followed by proposing improvement measures for our business organizations to implement. Depending on your level of previous experience and areas of interests, you can either join the team as a member, or directly aim at becoming our new audit lead. In case of the latter, you’ll be trusted with the high-responsibility task of leading complex audits within various business segments, considering the available resources, timelines, quality requirements and other relevant standards as laid out by the International Institute of Auditors IIA, and the Fresenius Internal Audit Manual. Additional responsibilities will be developing new audit programs, for challenges the organization is facing such as ESG or other regulation. You’ll carry out audit procedures, assess observations, and document the work results. Furthermore, you’ll develop recommendations to mitigate the identified risks, and follow up on the agreed measures based on the respective audit reports. You’ll frequently communicate and closely cooperate with the persons in charge of the audited entities and internal audit teams. To sum it up: You’ll make important contributions to our management systems, and their future development. Your background Master’s degree, preferably in one of the following fields (or similar): business administration, economics, accounting, health care management, governance, risk management, compliance etc. Minimum of 4 years of work experience (minimum of 8 years if you’re applying for the senior lead position) with external audit in a Big4, ideally in the health care sector, e.g. management of / consulting for hospitals, medical or pharmaceutical companies Additional advantage: audit-related certifications (e.g. CIA, CFA, CISA); knowledge in the area(s) of internal auditing (DIIR standards, CIA, investigations, COSO, ICS life cycle), controlling, accounting, ICS, risk management, compliance, legal requirements (in Pharma), antitrust, data privacy, production and construction, IT-related processes Very good level of English, German beneficial, additional language Spanish nice to have, very good analytical skills, curiosity, openness to learn & familiarize yourself with new topics, hands-on mentality for solving problems, willingness / readiness to travel occasionally (40 %) Empathetic “people person” and dependable team player with well-honed social, communication, presentation and negotiating skills; intercultural competence and discretion Your benefits There’s a lot to discover at Fresenius. After all, we have a lot to offer. Regardless of the type of expertise or amount of experience you bring to the table, we can add purpose to your career: Whether you work with customers or work behind the scenes, you'll be helping to advance patient care Individualized opportunities for autonomous career planning and professional development A corporate culture that offers enough latitude for innovative thinking, with a view to finding the best, not the fastest, solution together A multitude of dedicated people offering an array of different competencies, talents and experiences The benefits of a successful global group combined with the close-knit culture of a medium-sized company The opportunity to work mobile, in consultation with your manager Apply now Share this job Print this Page Your contact Natascha Yildiz-Mohr Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA Bad Homburg Kennziffer JR- At a glance Job category: Audit, Internal Audit Working condition: Full-time Business segment: Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA Location: Bad Homburg / Hessen Closing date for application: none – We are looking forward to your application More information Information about the application process Our offer at a glance “The whole environment is just plain positive: the healthcare group is solid and growth-oriented, just like the industry itself. This gives me ways to develop and shape my career. A special motivation for me: the well-being of our patients.“ Christian Wagner Vice President Corporate Finance, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA We welcome diversity At Fresenius all job applicants are welcome – regardless of gender, age, origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual identity and orientation, or any other personal characteristics. All terms used in this job advertisement to denote persons refer to all genders equally (male, female, diverse). #careerswithapurpose at Fresenius Over , people across the globe work at Fresenius to provide better ever medicine for ever more people. Our independent business segments Fresenius Medical Care, Fresenius Kabi, Fresenius Helios and Fresenius Vamed offer a wide spectrum of products and services in the health sector. We offer you the opportunity to make a difference with your career – and to become part of our impressive growth story. Standort Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Bad Homburg
Praktikum / Werkstudent Tax & Accounting (m/w/d)
Zeppelin Rental GmbH, München-Garching (Parkring )
Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir in unserer Zentrale in Garching b. München einen Praktikanten / Werkstudenten (m/w/d) in den Bereichen Tax & Accounting. Praktikumsdauer mindestens 3 Monate in Vollzeit, gerne auch mehr. Werkstudententätigkeit 16 - 20 Stunden pro Woche, in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit sind auf Deinen Wunsch hin bis zu 40 Stunden pro Woche möglich. DARAUF HAST DU LUST Im Bereich Tax arbeitest Du aktiv am Meldeprozess für monatliche Umsatzsteuererklärungen (Inland und Ausland) mit. Du unterstützt im operativen Tagesgeschäft bei steuerlichen Klärungsthemen innerhalb unserer Gesellschaft. Du wirkst im Jahresabschluss nach HGB und StR mit, arbeitest in SAP und leitest alle notwendigen Meldungen an den Konzern weiter. Du hilfst bei der Ausarbeitung und kontinuierlichen Fortentwicklung unseres Tax Compliance Management System. Du übernimmst kleinere Sonderprojekte und unterstützt weitere Projekte und Aufgaben. DAS WÜNSCHEN WIR UNS Laufendes Studium im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder Rechtswissenschaften mit steuerlichen Kenntnisse. Idealerweise Erfahrung durch Praktika, Berufsausbildung, Werkstudententätigkeiten oder einem entsprechenden Studienschwerpunkt. Selbstständige, analytische und verantwortungsbewusste Arbeitsweise. Teamspirit sowie Spaß in hybriden Teams und mit Personen außerhalb des Teams zusammenzuarbeiten. Freude an der Arbeit mit Zahlen und an Projekten sowie routinierter Umgang mit Microsoft 365. Erste Erfahrungen in SAP wünschenswert. Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift. DARAUF KANNST DU DICH FREUEN Einzigartige Unternehmenskultur: Basierend auf den Werten von Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin handeln wir als Stiftungsunternehmen zukunftsorientiert, sozial und nachhaltig. Mit Zeppelin wachsen: Sammle während deines Studiums bei uns erste berufliche Erfahrung im Rahmen von abwechslungsreichen, herausfordernden Aufgaben mit Raum für Eigeninitiative und selbstständigem Handeln. Dabei steht dir immer ein Team unterstützend zur Seite. Flexibilität und Arbeitsausstattung: Wir bieten dir die Möglichkeit im Einklang mit deinem Vorlesungsplan mobil und flexibel zu arbeiten. Selbstverständlich erhältst du von uns einen eigenen Laptop. Z Colourful: Die Verankerung und Wertschätzung von Vielfalt ist wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Unternehmensstrategie, die wir mit Impulsreihen, Netzwerken und Inklusionsmaßnahmen stärken. Unsere Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Als Konzern ergreift Zeppelin zahlreiche Maßnahmen in den Bereichen der CO2-Reduktion und ist sich seiner gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung bewusst. We Create Solutions! More than 10,000 employees work in the construction and industrial sector. And they do so in 26 countries around the world! As a foundation company, the Zeppelin Group lives values that go back to aviation pioneer and visionary Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin. This is the fundament for a unique corporate culture in which "creative power" is at the heart of everything we do. Zeppelin's customer promise "We Create Solutions" also stands for this. At Zeppelin, you grow with your tasks. That's why we're looking for people who aren't afraid to take creative paths to find new solutions. If you are a team player with common sense and your heart is in the right place, we look forward to receiving your application! More Information about Zeppelin Group: zeppelin.com/en.htmlÜber das Unternehmen:Zeppelin Rental GmbH
Junior Key Account Contract Manager (m/w/d)
fabplus GmbH, Donauworth
Junior Key Account Contract Manager (m/w/d) Die fabplus GmbH - Ingenieure – stellt Unternehmen Personalressourcen für verschiedene Projekte zur Verfügung.Dies kann in Form der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung, Personalvermittlung oder im Werkvertragswesen in den Bereichen Luftfahrt, Automotive, Maschinenbau, Finance & Office und Engineering erfolgen.Als Mitarbeiter der fabplus GmbH haben Sie die Perspektive, sich beim Auftraggeber zur Festanstellung zu positionieren. Sie profitieren von einer professionellen Zusammenarbeit in Form von leistungsgerechter und übertariflicher Vergütung, Perspektive im Berufsleben und Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie einer ganzheitlichen Mitarbeiterbetreuung. Wir suchen für unseren renommierten, internationalen und innovativen Auftraggeber aus der Luft- u. Raumfahrtbranche am Standort Donauwörth einen zuverlässigen und motivierten Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) zur Verstärkung des Teams. Ihre Aufgaben: Überwachung der Qualität und Leistung des Geschäfts anhand von KPI und Unterstützung bei der Definition/Überwachung von erforderlichen WiederherstellungsmaßnahmenVerwaltung der finanziellen Verpflichtungen aus Verträgen: Unterstützung bei der Rechnungsstellung, Überwachung der Gewinnspanne und Einhaltung der Cash-ZieleUnterstützung der Senior Key Account Managerin bei der Betreuung eines Portfolios von Großkunden im Bereich Komponentenreparatur und by the hour services mit komplexen VerträgenUnterstützung bei der Erstellung von Strategien in Abstimmung mit allen anderen relevanten internen Stakeholdern (Sales, Marketing, Program Support Office) für bestimmte Kunden, um die Part by the hour-Abdeckung sowie die Kundenbindung zu erhöhen und zu erweiternUnterstützung bei der Preisgestaltung sowie bei Angeboten in Abstimmung mit den relevanten AbteilungenZusammenarbeit mit den Regionen zur Unterstützung der Finanzplanung (Operativer Plan/Prognosen) und Verfolgung von Geschäftsmöglichkeiten Ihre Qualifikationen: Abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium in der Betriebswirtschaft, im Bereich Ingenieurwesen oder eine abgeschlossene mind. 3-jährige kaufmännische Berufsausbildung sowie zusätzliche erweiterte fachspezifische Erfahrung und qualifizierte Weiterbildung (z. B. Betriebswirt) oder vergleichbar Berufserfahrung in den Bereichen MRO, Angebote, Vertrieb, Support & Services oder Programme und vergleichbar Grundverständnis des operativen MRO-GeschäftsErfahrungen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt sind von VorteilVerhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse sowie weitere Sprachkenntnisse sind von Vorteil Wir haben Ihr Interesse geweckt?Dann zögern Sie nicht und überzeugen uns, dass Sie der perfekte Kandidat (m/w/d) für die ausgeschriebene Stelle sind.Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen senden Sie uns bitte bevorzugt über unsere Online - Bewerbungsplattform oder auch gerne per E-Mail an bewerbung@fabplusAlternativ können Sie uns Ihre Unterlagen per Post an fabplus GmbH, Höslerstraße 7b, 86660 Tapfheim senden.
International Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets
PreventionGenetics, Munich
Help us change livesAt Exact Sciences, we’re helping change how the world prevents, detects and guides treatment for cancer. We give patients and clinicians the clarity needed to make confident decisions when they matter most. Join our team to find a purpose-driven career, an inclusive culture, and robust benefits to support your life while you’re working to help others.Company OverviewExact Sciences is dedicated to delivering patient critical answers across the cancer journey from early detection to treatment decision making. With a strong focus on people and an empathetic spirit, which fuels the company’s culture, driving them to create and deliver solutions rooted in the needs of patients, providers, and families. From earlier cancer detection to treatment guidance and monitoring, Exact Sciences are helping people get the answers they need to make more informed decisions across the cancer continuum. With a leading portfolio of products for earlier detection and treatment guidance, they help people face the most challenging decisions with confidence with a dedication to continuously innovate, combining scientific rigor with an open-minded approach to deliver the next big thing.Exact Sciences is continuously expanding the pipeline with the aim of tackling a wider array of cancer tests through the following measures:Expanding the Oncotype IQ platform to include liquid and tissue-based tests, all with the goal of making cancer care smarter.Adapting biomarker-based technologies create a liquid biopsy capable of detecting cancers and precancers from a blood sample.Using their proven multi-marker approach to achieve analytical sensitivity needed to discriminate between normal and cancerous samples.Collaborating with world-class clinicians and scientists at Mayo Clinic to identify biomarkers associated with the 15 deadliest cancers.Building a cancer detection platform upon learnings from the development of Cologuard (commercially available in the US only).By 2020, Oncotype DX will have been used to guide treatment decisions for more than 1 million cancer patients worldwide in breast, prostate and colon cancer.In July 2019 Exact Sciences acquired Genomic Health, a genetic cancer detection company based in Redwood City, California, for USD 2.8 billion, creating the leading global cancer diagnostics company.In 2020 Exact Sciences acquired Thrive Earlier Detection Corp., a Massachusetts-based healthcare company, in a multi-billion-dollar deal, and Base Genomics, which has technology for DNA methylation analysis.In February 2021 Exact Sciences announced the acquisition of Ashion Analytics, LLC (Ashion) from The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope. Ashion is a CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited sequencing lab based in Phoenix, Arizona with the genomics testing capabilities necessary to address the increasingly complex needs of clinical, academic, and biopharma customers focused on precision cancer treatments.The company is based in the United States, with International headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. Position SummaryThe Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets, France is a hybrid role responsible for leading an international team of Medical Science Liaisons and supporting Exact Sciences International expansion strategy with key medical activities.This is an exciting chance to build the first Exact Sciences International MSL team in leading and executing an efficient and transparent conversion plan to bring MSL contractors in-house as well as hire and onboard new MSLs to create a diverse and inclusive team. The International Medical Affairs Senior Manager – MSL & Expansion Markets will be expected to develop and drive MSL strategy ensure field medical activities and insight generation result in demonstrable outcomes and further develop and grow the MSL capability at Exact Sciences International.In addition, this individual will be responsible for medical affairs activities in selected key markets across International. These markets will include those where we want to move directly into a market (currently through distributors) or those markets where we currently have limited patient access that require improved reimbursement pathways.The Medical lead will work closely with the Market Expansion Team and lead all associated medial activities that may include leading medical activities for change in market reimbursement, aligning new market needs with central medical team, developing core data strategy for new markets, and defining resourcing needs and transition to new hires. The position is also responsible for consolidating and interpreting medical intelligence and reporting it to the Expansion Markets team.The incumbent will work closely with other functions within the company, including Corporate Strategy, Marketing, and Commercial to advance cross-functional understanding of the MSL value proposition, identify gaps and achieve results in line with company objectives.Representing the medical function, this individual will also manage research and educational medical objectives, while supporting commercial business and reimbursement objectives for the Oncotype DX breast recurrence score test.This position requires professionals with established personal and scientific creditability to interact with thought leaders, government health authorities, and medical centers of excellence. This is a dynamic role and will continue to evolve.Responsibilities/DutiesLead an international team of MSLs toward the implementation of field medical activities by communicating expectations and guiding the team to maintain and effectively communicate deep scientific knowledge and excel at KOL engagement and support medical/scientific information needs of scientific and clinical experts.Accompany the team to meetings with KOLs and other HCPs to assess proficiency and provide timely and constructive performance feedback.Lead and coordinate MSL team meetings to support team building, best practice sharing, development, and the accomplishment of field medical objectives.Develop a MSL Strategic Plan as well as Medical Plan for the markets, which include plans for KOL engagement, data generation, educational and guideline initiatives and reimbursement initiatives that align with the business objectives.Identify and engage international, national, and regional thought leaders in breast cancer within assigned geographic regions to conduct scientific discussions and understand insights related to molecular diagnostics in early BC management, while also establishing and maintaining professional relationships with them.Act as primary contact for investigators interested in developing and performing studies with the company’s commercially available assays in breast cancer.Assist in R&D and investigator-initiated studies as appropriate.Lead national and regional Advisory Boards when external advice is needed.Provide clinical presentations and information in academic, community, and healthcare provider setting in both group and one-on-one situations.Support & partner with regional team to deliver key medical activities.Developing medical slides, giving medical training presentations, and training in internal meetings and for partner distributors.Support international access & reimbursement with medical and scientific expertise.Assure compliance with relevant corporate policies.Provide feedback and medical input to local commercial plans and strategies.Pivotal Experience & ExpertiseDegree in Medicine/Medical Doctor or PhD, PharmD.3+ years of therapeutic clinical experience desired.5 to 7 years of industry experience (working in pharma/biotech/med tech).At least 3 years in a Medical Science Liaison role.Previous MSL (or other) management experience.Expertise in Oncology. Experience in breast/GI/lung cancer is a plus.Experience in Diagnostics or Biotech industry is a plus.Experience in relevant geographies a plus.Excellent English. Skills in other languages preferred.Excellent oral, written and presentation communication skills.Ability to independently deliver quality results in a timely manner.Proven record of working in matrix environment and delivering as part of a cross-functional team.Track record of delivering innovative medical activities across markets.Cultural ImpactHighest integrity and ethical behavior.Mutual respect for colleagues.Collaborative within teams, uses resources carefully and can build a great place to work and grow.Ability to interact within culturally diverse teams.Business acumen and innovative mindset. Ability to manage though complexity and ambiguity, while focusing on the end goal.OtherOffice-based in the International headquarters in Zug or out of one of our European offices.Ability to travel approx.. >50%.#LI-TK1Our success relies on the experiences and perspectives of a diverse team, and Exact Sciences fosters a culture where all employees can develop personally and professionally with a sense of respect and belonging. If you require an accommodation, email E-Mail anzeigen. We’ll work with you to meet your accessibility needs.Not ready to apply? Join our talent community and stay up to date on what’s new at Exact Sciences. Standort PreventionGenetics, Munich
International Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets
PreventionGenetics, Cologne
Help us change livesAt Exact Sciences, we’re helping change how the world prevents, detects and guides treatment for cancer. We give patients and clinicians the clarity needed to make confident decisions when they matter most. Join our team to find a purpose-driven career, an inclusive culture, and robust benefits to support your life while you’re working to help others.Company OverviewExact Sciences is dedicated to delivering patient critical answers across the cancer journey from early detection to treatment decision making. With a strong focus on people and an empathetic spirit, which fuels the company’s culture, driving them to create and deliver solutions rooted in the needs of patients, providers, and families. From earlier cancer detection to treatment guidance and monitoring, Exact Sciences are helping people get the answers they need to make more informed decisions across the cancer continuum. With a leading portfolio of products for earlier detection and treatment guidance, they help people face the most challenging decisions with confidence with a dedication to continuously innovate, combining scientific rigor with an open-minded approach to deliver the next big thing.Exact Sciences is continuously expanding the pipeline with the aim of tackling a wider array of cancer tests through the following measures:Expanding the Oncotype IQ platform to include liquid and tissue-based tests, all with the goal of making cancer care smarter.Adapting biomarker-based technologies create a liquid biopsy capable of detecting cancers and precancers from a blood sample.Using their proven multi-marker approach to achieve analytical sensitivity needed to discriminate between normal and cancerous samples.Collaborating with world-class clinicians and scientists at Mayo Clinic to identify biomarkers associated with the 15 deadliest cancers.Building a cancer detection platform upon learnings from the development of Cologuard (commercially available in the US only).By 2020, Oncotype DX will have been used to guide treatment decisions for more than 1 million cancer patients worldwide in breast, prostate and colon cancer.In July 2019 Exact Sciences acquired Genomic Health, a genetic cancer detection company based in Redwood City, California, for USD 2.8 billion, creating the leading global cancer diagnostics company.In 2020 Exact Sciences acquired Thrive Earlier Detection Corp., a Massachusetts-based healthcare company, in a multi-billion-dollar deal, and Base Genomics, which has technology for DNA methylation analysis.In February 2021 Exact Sciences announced the acquisition of Ashion Analytics, LLC (Ashion) from The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope. Ashion is a CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited sequencing lab based in Phoenix, Arizona with the genomics testing capabilities necessary to address the increasingly complex needs of clinical, academic, and biopharma customers focused on precision cancer treatments.The company is based in the United States, with International headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. Position SummaryThe Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets, France is a hybrid role responsible for leading an international team of Medical Science Liaisons and supporting Exact Sciences International expansion strategy with key medical activities.This is an exciting chance to build the first Exact Sciences International MSL team in leading and executing an efficient and transparent conversion plan to bring MSL contractors in-house as well as hire and onboard new MSLs to create a diverse and inclusive team. The International Medical Affairs Senior Manager – MSL & Expansion Markets will be expected to develop and drive MSL strategy ensure field medical activities and insight generation result in demonstrable outcomes and further develop and grow the MSL capability at Exact Sciences International.In addition, this individual will be responsible for medical affairs activities in selected key markets across International. These markets will include those where we want to move directly into a market (currently through distributors) or those markets where we currently have limited patient access that require improved reimbursement pathways.The Medical lead will work closely with the Market Expansion Team and lead all associated medial activities that may include leading medical activities for change in market reimbursement, aligning new market needs with central medical team, developing core data strategy for new markets, and defining resourcing needs and transition to new hires. The position is also responsible for consolidating and interpreting medical intelligence and reporting it to the Expansion Markets team.The incumbent will work closely with other functions within the company, including Corporate Strategy, Marketing, and Commercial to advance cross-functional understanding of the MSL value proposition, identify gaps and achieve results in line with company objectives.Representing the medical function, this individual will also manage research and educational medical objectives, while supporting commercial business and reimbursement objectives for the Oncotype DX breast recurrence score test.This position requires professionals with established personal and scientific creditability to interact with thought leaders, government health authorities, and medical centers of excellence. This is a dynamic role and will continue to evolve.Responsibilities/DutiesLead an international team of MSLs toward the implementation of field medical activities by communicating expectations and guiding the team to maintain and effectively communicate deep scientific knowledge and excel at KOL engagement and support medical/scientific information needs of scientific and clinical experts.Accompany the team to meetings with KOLs and other HCPs to assess proficiency and provide timely and constructive performance feedback.Lead and coordinate MSL team meetings to support team building, best practice sharing, development, and the accomplishment of field medical objectives.Develop a MSL Strategic Plan as well as Medical Plan for the markets, which include plans for KOL engagement, data generation, educational and guideline initiatives and reimbursement initiatives that align with the business objectives.Identify and engage international, national, and regional thought leaders in breast cancer within assigned geographic regions to conduct scientific discussions and understand insights related to molecular diagnostics in early BC management, while also establishing and maintaining professional relationships with them.Act as primary contact for investigators interested in developing and performing studies with the company’s commercially available assays in breast cancer.Assist in R&D and investigator-initiated studies as appropriate.Lead national and regional Advisory Boards when external advice is needed.Provide clinical presentations and information in academic, community, and healthcare provider setting in both group and one-on-one situations.Support & partner with regional team to deliver key medical activities.Developing medical slides, giving medical training presentations, and training in internal meetings and for partner distributors.Support international access & reimbursement with medical and scientific expertise.Assure compliance with relevant corporate policies.Provide feedback and medical input to local commercial plans and strategies.Pivotal Experience & ExpertiseDegree in Medicine/Medical Doctor or PhD, PharmD.3+ years of therapeutic clinical experience desired.5 to 7 years of industry experience (working in pharma/biotech/med tech).At least 3 years in a Medical Science Liaison role.Previous MSL (or other) management experience.Expertise in Oncology. Experience in breast/GI/lung cancer is a plus.Experience in Diagnostics or Biotech industry is a plus.Experience in relevant geographies a plus.Excellent English. Skills in other languages preferred.Excellent oral, written and presentation communication skills.Ability to independently deliver quality results in a timely manner.Proven record of working in matrix environment and delivering as part of a cross-functional team.Track record of delivering innovative medical activities across markets.Cultural ImpactHighest integrity and ethical behavior.Mutual respect for colleagues.Collaborative within teams, uses resources carefully and can build a great place to work and grow.Ability to interact within culturally diverse teams.Business acumen and innovative mindset. Ability to manage though complexity and ambiguity, while focusing on the end goal.OtherOffice-based in the International headquarters in Zug or out of one of our European offices.Ability to travel approx.. >50%.#LI-TK1Our success relies on the experiences and perspectives of a diverse team, and Exact Sciences fosters a culture where all employees can develop personally and professionally with a sense of respect and belonging. If you require an accommodation, email E-Mail anzeigen. We’ll work with you to meet your accessibility needs.Not ready to apply? Join our talent community and stay up to date on what’s new at Exact Sciences. Standort PreventionGenetics, Cologne
Junior Financial Manager (m/w/d)
Telefonica S.A., Düsseldorf, NW
Vertragsart: Vollzeit, unbefristet  Eintritt: ab nächstmöglichem Zeitpunkt    Working anywhere. Wir arbeiten dort, wo es am produktivsten ist. Darum hast du, nach erfolgreichem Bewerbungsprozess, die Möglichkeit deutschlandweit zu arbeiten. Bei Telefónica setzen wir auf ein flexibles Hybridmodell, das sowohl die Vorteile von Remote- als auch Vor-Ort-Arbeiten angemessen berücksichtigt. Du wirst entsprechend deinem Wohnort, dem nächsten Telefónica Standort zugeordnet. Weitere Details besprechen wir mit dir im Bewerbungsprozess. Wer wir sind Wir sind O2 Telefónica – mit unseren Mobilfunkmarken verbinden wir Millionen von Menschen und bieten unserer Kundschaft mobile Freiheit in der digitalen Welt. Darüber hinaus gestalten wir als führender Telekommunikationsanbieter maßgeblich die Digitalisierung in Deutschland mit. Unsere rund 7.400 Mitarbeiter:innen hierzulande treiben die Transformation jeden Tag ein Stück voran – auch in unserem eigenen Unternehmen. Telefónica zählt zu den Top-Arbeitgebern in Deutschland und ist Teil des globalen Telekommunikationskonzerns Telefónica S.A. mit mehr als 110.000 engagierten Mitarbeiter:innen weltweit. Werde auch du Teil unseres einzigartigen Teams und lass uns gemeinsam etwas bewegen!  Als Junior Financial Manager (m/w/d) bist du für Einhaltung unserer finanziellen Ziele im Rahmen unseres 5G Netzausbaues verantwortlich. Du kümmerst dich um die Planung und Steuerung unseres Budgets für den Mobile Access & Transport Bereich innerhalb der Technology bei Telefónica Deutschland.Du arbeitest eng mit den verschiedenen Fachabteilungen innerhalb des Mobile Access & Transport Bereiches sowie mit unserem Partner & Financial Management, Controlling, Accounting und dem Einkauf zusammen. Was dich erwartetErstellung von Reports zum Tracking von Bestell- und Wareneingangs-Volumen, sowie Identifikation von Budgetabweichungen und Definition von Maßnahmen, um Budgetparameter einzuhaltenMitarbeiten bei Ausschreibungen, sowie Vertragsgestaltung, Sicherstellung der Bestellbarkeit und Nachverfolgung von Verträgen Unterstützen und Durchführen des Katalogmanagements zur Sicherstellung der Katalogverfügbarkeit, insb. durch regelmäßiges Tracking, Überwachung der Katalogstände sowie Identifikation von Engpässen Kontaktpflege zu Service Dienstleistern sowie Hardware- und Software-Lieferanten Was du mitbringstAbgeschlossenes wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium oder vergleichbare QualifikationErste Berufserfahrung in den Bereichen „Finanzen“ und Vertragsmanagement inkl. Betreuung und Steuerung von Lieferanten und/oder Service PartnernErfahrung mit Datenanalyse- und Datenvisualisierung-Tools zur Darstellung großer Datenmengen (z.B. Tableau, Power BI) sowie bestmöglich mit Process Mining Tools (z.B. Celonis)Analytisches Denken und schnelle AuffassungsgabeVersierter Umgang mit Präsentationstechniken sowei strukturierte Arbeitsweise mit hoher EigeninitiativeVerhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englisch-Kenntnisse Was wir dir bieten Modernes, flexibles Arbeitsumfeld: Arbeite innerhalb Deutschlands wo du willst. Ob im Homeoffice oder einem unserer Büros. Wir bieten dir dabei maximale Flexibilität deinen Arbeitstag zu gestalten. Weiterbildung & Entwicklung: Alles, was du für deinen individuellen Wachstumsweg brauchst. Mit einem persönlichem Entwicklungsplan, Learning Journeys und der Möglichkeit von Job Rotations, erreichst du mit uns deine Ziele – entsprechend unserem Leitgedanken „connect, learn and move2grow". Finanzielle Vorteile: Ein Smartphone zur dienstlichen und privaten Nutzung sowie die Möglichkeit über ein Guthaben auch Partner, Freunde und Familie zu versorgen, ist für uns selbstverständlich. Darüber hinaus profitierst du von unserem KiTa Zuschuss und einer Vielzahl an Corporate Benefits. Gesundheit: Unser „Feel Good“ Programm sorgt dafür, dass es dir gut geht. Unter anderem bieten wir Fitnesskurse, Ernährungsberatungen und Angebote zur Verbesserung der Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz sowie der Work-Life-Balance an. Soziales Engagement: Wir engagieren uns auch außerhalb der Unternehmensgrenzen. Du kannst im Rahmen von Volunteering Days / Holidays oder Spendenläufen soziale Projekte unterstützen. Wie du dich bewirbst und was du noch wissen solltest  Überzeuge uns mit deinem aussagekräftigen Lebenslauf sowie dazugehörigen Zeugnissen. Ein Motivationsschreiben oder Anschreiben brauchst du bei uns nicht. Bitte beachte, dass Bewerbungen nur über unser Bewerberportal möglich sind und Bewerbungen per E-Mail nicht berücksichtigt werden können.    Du hast Fragen zu unserem Bewerbungsprozess und Interesse an weiteren Informationen zu der Stelle? Dann wende dich bitte an unser Recruiting Team (**********).    Bei gleicher Eignung werden Bewerber:innen mit einer Schwerbehinderung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Alle Geschlechter sind gleichermaßen willkommen.  Über das Unternehmen:Telefonica S.A.
International Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets
PreventionGenetics, Düsseldorf
Help us change livesAt Exact Sciences, we’re helping change how the world prevents, detects and guides treatment for cancer. We give patients and clinicians the clarity needed to make confident decisions when they matter most. Join our team to find a purpose-driven career, an inclusive culture, and robust benefits to support your life while you’re working to help others.Company OverviewExact Sciences is dedicated to delivering patient critical answers across the cancer journey from early detection to treatment decision making. With a strong focus on people and an empathetic spirit, which fuels the company’s culture, driving them to create and deliver solutions rooted in the needs of patients, providers, and families. From earlier cancer detection to treatment guidance and monitoring, Exact Sciences are helping people get the answers they need to make more informed decisions across the cancer continuum. With a leading portfolio of products for earlier detection and treatment guidance, they help people face the most challenging decisions with confidence with a dedication to continuously innovate, combining scientific rigor with an open-minded approach to deliver the next big thing.Exact Sciences is continuously expanding the pipeline with the aim of tackling a wider array of cancer tests through the following measures:Expanding the Oncotype IQ platform to include liquid and tissue-based tests, all with the goal of making cancer care smarter.Adapting biomarker-based technologies create a liquid biopsy capable of detecting cancers and precancers from a blood sample.Using their proven multi-marker approach to achieve analytical sensitivity needed to discriminate between normal and cancerous samples.Collaborating with world-class clinicians and scientists at Mayo Clinic to identify biomarkers associated with the 15 deadliest cancers.Building a cancer detection platform upon learnings from the development of Cologuard (commercially available in the US only).By 2020, Oncotype DX will have been used to guide treatment decisions for more than 1 million cancer patients worldwide in breast, prostate and colon cancer.In July 2019 Exact Sciences acquired Genomic Health, a genetic cancer detection company based in Redwood City, California, for USD 2.8 billion, creating the leading global cancer diagnostics company.In 2020 Exact Sciences acquired Thrive Earlier Detection Corp., a Massachusetts-based healthcare company, in a multi-billion-dollar deal, and Base Genomics, which has technology for DNA methylation analysis.In February 2021 Exact Sciences announced the acquisition of Ashion Analytics, LLC (Ashion) from The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope. Ashion is a CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited sequencing lab based in Phoenix, Arizona with the genomics testing capabilities necessary to address the increasingly complex needs of clinical, academic, and biopharma customers focused on precision cancer treatments.The company is based in the United States, with International headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. Position SummaryThe Medical Affairs Senior Manager, MSL & Expansion Markets, France is a hybrid role responsible for leading an international team of Medical Science Liaisons and supporting Exact Sciences International expansion strategy with key medical activities.This is an exciting chance to build the first Exact Sciences International MSL team in leading and executing an efficient and transparent conversion plan to bring MSL contractors in-house as well as hire and onboard new MSLs to create a diverse and inclusive team. The International Medical Affairs Senior Manager – MSL & Expansion Markets will be expected to develop and drive MSL strategy ensure field medical activities and insight generation result in demonstrable outcomes and further develop and grow the MSL capability at Exact Sciences International.In addition, this individual will be responsible for medical affairs activities in selected key markets across International. These markets will include those where we want to move directly into a market (currently through distributors) or those markets where we currently have limited patient access that require improved reimbursement pathways.The Medical lead will work closely with the Market Expansion Team and lead all associated medial activities that may include leading medical activities for change in market reimbursement, aligning new market needs with central medical team, developing core data strategy for new markets, and defining resourcing needs and transition to new hires. The position is also responsible for consolidating and interpreting medical intelligence and reporting it to the Expansion Markets team.The incumbent will work closely with other functions within the company, including Corporate Strategy, Marketing, and Commercial to advance cross-functional understanding of the MSL value proposition, identify gaps and achieve results in line with company objectives.Representing the medical function, this individual will also manage research and educational medical objectives, while supporting commercial business and reimbursement objectives for the Oncotype DX breast recurrence score test.This position requires professionals with established personal and scientific creditability to interact with thought leaders, government health authorities, and medical centers of excellence. This is a dynamic role and will continue to evolve.Responsibilities/DutiesLead an international team of MSLs toward the implementation of field medical activities by communicating expectations and guiding the team to maintain and effectively communicate deep scientific knowledge and excel at KOL engagement and support medical/scientific information needs of scientific and clinical experts.Accompany the team to meetings with KOLs and other HCPs to assess proficiency and provide timely and constructive performance feedback.Lead and coordinate MSL team meetings to support team building, best practice sharing, development, and the accomplishment of field medical objectives.Develop a MSL Strategic Plan as well as Medical Plan for the markets, which include plans for KOL engagement, data generation, educational and guideline initiatives and reimbursement initiatives that align with the business objectives.Identify and engage international, national, and regional thought leaders in breast cancer within assigned geographic regions to conduct scientific discussions and understand insights related to molecular diagnostics in early BC management, while also establishing and maintaining professional relationships with them.Act as primary contact for investigators interested in developing and performing studies with the company’s commercially available assays in breast cancer.Assist in R&D and investigator-initiated studies as appropriate.Lead national and regional Advisory Boards when external advice is needed.Provide clinical presentations and information in academic, community, and healthcare provider setting in both group and one-on-one situations.Support & partner with regional team to deliver key medical activities.Developing medical slides, giving medical training presentations, and training in internal meetings and for partner distributors.Support international access & reimbursement with medical and scientific expertise.Assure compliance with relevant corporate policies.Provide feedback and medical input to local commercial plans and strategies.Pivotal Experience & ExpertiseDegree in Medicine/Medical Doctor or PhD, PharmD.3+ years of therapeutic clinical experience desired.5 to 7 years of industry experience (working in pharma/biotech/med tech).At least 3 years in a Medical Science Liaison role.Previous MSL (or other) management experience.Expertise in Oncology. Experience in breast/GI/lung cancer is a plus.Experience in Diagnostics or Biotech industry is a plus.Experience in relevant geographies a plus.Excellent English. Skills in other languages preferred.Excellent oral, written and presentation communication skills.Ability to independently deliver quality results in a timely manner.Proven record of working in matrix environment and delivering as part of a cross-functional team.Track record of delivering innovative medical activities across markets.Cultural ImpactHighest integrity and ethical behavior.Mutual respect for colleagues.Collaborative within teams, uses resources carefully and can build a great place to work and grow.Ability to interact within culturally diverse teams.Business acumen and innovative mindset. Ability to manage though complexity and ambiguity, while focusing on the end goal.OtherOffice-based in the International headquarters in Zug or out of one of our European offices.Ability to travel approx.. >50%.#LI-TK1Our success relies on the experiences and perspectives of a diverse team, and Exact Sciences fosters a culture where all employees can develop personally and professionally with a sense of respect and belonging. If you require an accommodation, email E-Mail anzeigen. We’ll work with you to meet your accessibility needs.Not ready to apply? Join our talent community and stay up to date on what’s new at Exact Sciences. Standort PreventionGenetics, Düsseldorf
Senior Manager international TAX (m/w/d) | Ulm, Nürnberg, Augsburg | 95.000 - 115.000 € | Hybrid
Talentlify, Augsburg
Im Rahmen einer Beauftragung durch einen Kunden im Bereich des Steuerrechts sind wir derzeit auf der Suche nach qualifizierten Volljurist:innen oder Steuerberater:innen für Mandate im internationalen Steuerrecht.Unser Kunde legt einen klaren Schwerpunkt auf vollumfängliche rechtliche Beratung im internationalen Steuerrecht.AufgabenUnterstützung und Betreuung von nationalen und international agierenden Unternehmen bei den SteuerthemenBetreuung bei steuerlichen Outbound Angelegenheiten (Repatriierung von Gewinnen, Transfer Pricing, Gründung von Gesellschaften und/oder Betriebsstätten im Ausland)Beratung von ausländischen Mandaten bei Inbound-Themen (Quuellensteuerbefreiiungen, Betriebststättengründung)Betreuung von Compliance-Themen (Erstellung von Verrechnungspreisdokumentationen, DAC 6)QualifikationVolljurist (m/w/d) mit mindestens befriedigenden Staatsexamina oder Steuerberater (m/w/d)Mindestens 4 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Anwalt oder Steuerberater im internationalen SteuerrechtVerhandlungssichere Deutsch- und EnglischkenntnisseBenefits30 Urlaubstage plus Weihnachten und SilvesterMöglichkeit auf ein SabbaticalHybrides Arbeiten (40 % remote Anteil)Flexible Anpassung der Arbeitszeiten und individuelle ArbeitszeitmodelleLeistungsabhängige BoniprogrammeFördermöglichkeiten und ein breites Netzwerk anFalls Sie Fragen zur Position haben oder Sie sich bewerben möchten, freuen wir uns über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme über diese Anzeige oder per LinkedIn.Talentlify ist Dein zuverlässiger Partner bei der Suche nach beruflichen Herausforderungen. Mit branchenübergreifender Expertise und innovativen Rekrutierungsmethoden unterstützen wir Dich dabei, die perfekte berufliche Ergänzung zu finden. Unser Fokus liegt darauf, Deine beruflichen Ziele zu verstehen und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten, damit Du Dich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren kannst – Deinen beruflichen Erfolg. Vertraue auf Talentlify, um die richtige Gelegenheit für Deinen Erfolg zu entdecken. Standort Talentlify, Augsburg
Associate Corporate Finance | M&A | Investment Banking
Crossgate GmbH, Frankfurt
Position As (Senior) Associate in our Corporate Finance team, you will play a pivotal role in executing M&A and Corporate Finance transactions. You'll work closely with senior professionals and clients, gaining hands-on experience in deal origination and client management, financial analysis, due diligence, and deal execution (incl. negotiations). Integral to our high-performing execution-focused deal teams, you will promptly engage in all phases and aspects of global Corporate Finance and M&A projects. These projects epass some of the most dynamic industries of our time, with a particular emphasis on technology or tech-related businesses like DeepTech, Clean/GreenTech, Digital Services, TMT, Digital Media, Esports & Gaming You will be in charge of and responsible for critical phases of live transactions - predominantly equity financing / cap raises and sell-side M&A. Not only do we interpret this role to be client facing, we do want you to have direct contact with the clients and all other stakeholders involved in the respective transaction. In addition, we want you to assume leadership responsibilities towards junior team members. Start date (immediate or scheduled) as well as all other details (highlypetitivepensation) to be discussed individually. Your responsibilities Engage in the day-to-day management of transaction processes as vital member of dedicated deal teams (including client / counterparty facing as well as coordination of service providers and other advisors) Collaborate with senior team members in deal structuring and negotiations (and further build your understanding of transaction nuances and key elements of negotiations, including legal and other documents) Assume ownership & responsibility for critical tasks and parts of deal and other projects Conduct financial modeling (business plans, transaction/deal models, valuations etc) Preparation of transaction material & marketing documents (incl. Investment/Information memoranda; investor presentations, financial models) as well as presentations, pitches, investment proposals and valuations Preparation of market andpetitive analyses as well as industry screenings for the identification of potential targets/buyers/investors Cultivate and maintain client relationships through effectivemunication and professionalism Build sector expertise and professional network (proactively but also promoted by us) Provide leadership and supervision as well as training to peers and other team members Your profile Successful candidates typically Have at least two years of relevant work experience and a proven transaction track-record/history Are equipped with a skill set and technical capabilities in line with the expectations and responsibilities of an IB Associate Hold a qualifying academic degree with excellent academic background and have a genuine interest in Corporate Finance Advisory Demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset, being highly self-motivated and results-driven, having a high degree of stamina to work within a high energy and fast-paced intellectual environment Have proven to be team player and are keen to take on responsibility and ownership for their work and the transactions they work on Show strong analytical capabilities and profound understanding of accounting principles, are highly numerical and articulate Are business-fluent in both, German & English (additional languages are a plus) ; and Have excellentmand ofmon business software as well as industry-specific tools Our approach We offer a high degree of autonomy and promote a healthy work-life balance. Our overarching team approach fosters a collaborative and supportive team environment, placing a premium on innovation and excellence. We embrace an open and transparent culture that wees new ideas and unconventional approaches, fostering a unique spirit of collaboration built on strong personal and professional relationships. Additionally, we are determined to offer professional growth and development opportunities through mentorship and (internal & external) training opportunities. About us Crossgate is a partner-owned and run Corporate Finance and M&A advisory boutique with a deeply-rooted passion for entrepreneurship and scalable, technology-based or tech-enabled business models. With our subsidiary CARRY, Europe's first dedicated CF advisory house geared towards this specific niche, we are particularly catering to the global esports industry & Gamingmunity. We provide a wide range of transaction and sector-specific advice on significant - usually cross-border - M&A transactions, financing (equity/cap raises and debt) to corporations as well as HNWIs, family offices and financial investors (mainly PE & VC) around the globe. Apply now Apply now via the application button! Standort Crossgate GmbH, Frankfurt
Senior Manager Strategy and M&A
Veralto, Frankfurt
VeraltoImagine a world where everyone has access to clean water, safe food and medicines, and trusted essential goods. That is the tomorrow Veralto is creating today. Veralto (NYSE: VLTO) is a $4.8B global leader in essential technology solutions. Our industry-leading companies are building on a long-established legacy of innovation and customer trust to create a safer, cleaner, more vibrant future. Veralto’s Water Quality companies—Aquatic Informatics, ChemTreat, Hach, McCrometer, OTT HydroMet, Sea-Bird Scientific, Trojan Technologies, and XOS—help customers manage, treat, purify, and protect the global water supply, from municipal and wastewater treatment facilities to lakes, rivers, watersheds, and oceans. And our Product Quality and Innovation companies— Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx —help protect the world’s food, medicine, and essentials by enabling customers to track and authenticate the billions of goods that travel the global supply chain every day. Veralto is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with 300+ locations worldwide. Our global team of 16,000 associates is guided by the Veralto Enterprise System and united by a powerful purpose: Safeguarding the World’s Most Vital Resources.Product Quality & InnovationProduct Quality & Innovation is comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx, a group of technology companies dedicated to helping customers give products unique identities.Our businesses touch consumer, industrial, and pharmaceutical products to ensure freshness, consistency, and accurate labeling and tracking.From the iconic colors of a beloved brand to essential technology that enables confidence in the products we use every day, we are on a mission to bring our customer's vision to life and inspire trust.Our companies deliver software and digital hardware solutions that help the customer win today - with an eye to the needs of tomorrow. Future-focused and digitally driven, we bring the world connected technology that ensures design and production run smoothly and shelves are stocked with authentic quality products.About The RoleVeralto is looking for a Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development to contribute to the strategic direction of its $2B Product Quality & Innovation Group. Reporting directly to the Senior Director of Strategy & Business Development for Product Quality & Innovation, and working with various strategic partners across five large operating companies and the wider Veralto Strategy and Corporate Development organization, this highly visible role is instrumental in shaping the strategic direction and inorganic growth trajectory of the business and driving shareholder value.Your ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will contribute to the inorganic buildout of the Product Quality & Innovation Group, primarily comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx. The Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will specifically drive inorganic strategy and oversee deals for the Product Quality & Innovation Group. This role has the opportunity to significantly impact the Group through strategically attractive acquisitions that will deliver strong returns on capital.Your ExperienceYou will:Learn established processes for market work and deal execution from long-tenured colleagues at Veralto and be a steward of process improvement through VESBecome the expert on adjacent and non-adjacent spaces through primary, proprietary market workServe as a project leader in conducting target company diligence Build an M&A funnel and drive decision-making across executive stakeholders by simplifying complex topics and communicating the business levers that define winning and losingOversee cultivation of near-, mid-, and long-term target relationshipsPartner with Veralto Corporate Development team to successfully execute dealsFacilitate business Strategic Planning Process and group-level strategy discussionsYour AttributesThe essential requirements of the job include: 3-5 years evaluating the market attractiveness and strategic fit of new businesses/markets/domains2-3 years in a top-tier consulting firm or equivalent experience focused on market analysis and/or growth/strategy commercial projectsUndergraduate degree in science, engineering, or other technical discipline and top tier MBASubstantial experience and/or formal education that has allowed the development of a deep understanding of a domain and/or industry resulting in key customer insights and empathy2-3 years’ experience executing in a non-consulting roleParticipated in 2-3 outside or inside diligence projects Standort Veralto, Frankfurt
Senior Manager Strategy and M&A
Veralto, Hamburg
VeraltoImagine a world where everyone has access to clean water, safe food and medicines, and trusted essential goods. That is the tomorrow Veralto is creating today. Veralto (NYSE: VLTO) is a $4.8B global leader in essential technology solutions. Our industry-leading companies are building on a long-established legacy of innovation and customer trust to create a safer, cleaner, more vibrant future. Veralto’s Water Quality companies—Aquatic Informatics, ChemTreat, Hach, McCrometer, OTT HydroMet, Sea-Bird Scientific, Trojan Technologies, and XOS—help customers manage, treat, purify, and protect the global water supply, from municipal and wastewater treatment facilities to lakes, rivers, watersheds, and oceans. And our Product Quality and Innovation companies— Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx —help protect the world’s food, medicine, and essentials by enabling customers to track and authenticate the billions of goods that travel the global supply chain every day. Veralto is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with 300+ locations worldwide. Our global team of 16,000 associates is guided by the Veralto Enterprise System and united by a powerful purpose: Safeguarding the World’s Most Vital Resources.Product Quality & InnovationProduct Quality & Innovation is comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx, a group of technology companies dedicated to helping customers give products unique identities.Our businesses touch consumer, industrial, and pharmaceutical products to ensure freshness, consistency, and accurate labeling and tracking.From the iconic colors of a beloved brand to essential technology that enables confidence in the products we use every day, we are on a mission to bring our customer's vision to life and inspire trust.Our companies deliver software and digital hardware solutions that help the customer win today - with an eye to the needs of tomorrow. Future-focused and digitally driven, we bring the world connected technology that ensures design and production run smoothly and shelves are stocked with authentic quality products.About The RoleVeralto is looking for a Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development to contribute to the strategic direction of its $2B Product Quality & Innovation Group. Reporting directly to the Senior Director of Strategy & Business Development for Product Quality & Innovation, and working with various strategic partners across five large operating companies and the wider Veralto Strategy and Corporate Development organization, this highly visible role is instrumental in shaping the strategic direction and inorganic growth trajectory of the business and driving shareholder value.Your ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will contribute to the inorganic buildout of the Product Quality & Innovation Group, primarily comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx. The Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will specifically drive inorganic strategy and oversee deals for the Product Quality & Innovation Group. This role has the opportunity to significantly impact the Group through strategically attractive acquisitions that will deliver strong returns on capital.Your ExperienceYou will:Learn established processes for market work and deal execution from long-tenured colleagues at Veralto and be a steward of process improvement through VESBecome the expert on adjacent and non-adjacent spaces through primary, proprietary market workServe as a project leader in conducting target company diligence Build an M&A funnel and drive decision-making across executive stakeholders by simplifying complex topics and communicating the business levers that define winning and losingOversee cultivation of near-, mid-, and long-term target relationshipsPartner with Veralto Corporate Development team to successfully execute dealsFacilitate business Strategic Planning Process and group-level strategy discussionsYour AttributesThe essential requirements of the job include: 3-5 years evaluating the market attractiveness and strategic fit of new businesses/markets/domains2-3 years in a top-tier consulting firm or equivalent experience focused on market analysis and/or growth/strategy commercial projectsUndergraduate degree in science, engineering, or other technical discipline and top tier MBASubstantial experience and/or formal education that has allowed the development of a deep understanding of a domain and/or industry resulting in key customer insights and empathy2-3 years’ experience executing in a non-consulting roleParticipated in 2-3 outside or inside diligence projects Standort Veralto, Hamburg
Senior Manager Strategy and M&A
Veralto, Berlin
VeraltoImagine a world where everyone has access to clean water, safe food and medicines, and trusted essential goods. That is the tomorrow Veralto is creating today. Veralto (NYSE: VLTO) is a $4.8B global leader in essential technology solutions. Our industry-leading companies are building on a long-established legacy of innovation and customer trust to create a safer, cleaner, more vibrant future. Veralto’s Water Quality companies—Aquatic Informatics, ChemTreat, Hach, McCrometer, OTT HydroMet, Sea-Bird Scientific, Trojan Technologies, and XOS—help customers manage, treat, purify, and protect the global water supply, from municipal and wastewater treatment facilities to lakes, rivers, watersheds, and oceans. And our Product Quality and Innovation companies— Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx —help protect the world’s food, medicine, and essentials by enabling customers to track and authenticate the billions of goods that travel the global supply chain every day. Veralto is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with 300+ locations worldwide. Our global team of 16,000 associates is guided by the Veralto Enterprise System and united by a powerful purpose: Safeguarding the World’s Most Vital Resources.Product Quality & InnovationProduct Quality & Innovation is comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx, a group of technology companies dedicated to helping customers give products unique identities.Our businesses touch consumer, industrial, and pharmaceutical products to ensure freshness, consistency, and accurate labeling and tracking.From the iconic colors of a beloved brand to essential technology that enables confidence in the products we use every day, we are on a mission to bring our customer's vision to life and inspire trust.Our companies deliver software and digital hardware solutions that help the customer win today - with an eye to the needs of tomorrow. Future-focused and digitally driven, we bring the world connected technology that ensures design and production run smoothly and shelves are stocked with authentic quality products.About The RoleVeralto is looking for a Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development to contribute to the strategic direction of its $2B Product Quality & Innovation Group. Reporting directly to the Senior Director of Strategy & Business Development for Product Quality & Innovation, and working with various strategic partners across five large operating companies and the wider Veralto Strategy and Corporate Development organization, this highly visible role is instrumental in shaping the strategic direction and inorganic growth trajectory of the business and driving shareholder value.Your ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will contribute to the inorganic buildout of the Product Quality & Innovation Group, primarily comprised of Videojet, Esko, X-Rite, Pantone, and Linx. The Senior Manager of Strategy and Business Development will specifically drive inorganic strategy and oversee deals for the Product Quality & Innovation Group. This role has the opportunity to significantly impact the Group through strategically attractive acquisitions that will deliver strong returns on capital.Your ExperienceYou will:Learn established processes for market work and deal execution from long-tenured colleagues at Veralto and be a steward of process improvement through VESBecome the expert on adjacent and non-adjacent spaces through primary, proprietary market workServe as a project leader in conducting target company diligence Build an M&A funnel and drive decision-making across executive stakeholders by simplifying complex topics and communicating the business levers that define winning and losingOversee cultivation of near-, mid-, and long-term target relationshipsPartner with Veralto Corporate Development team to successfully execute dealsFacilitate business Strategic Planning Process and group-level strategy discussionsYour AttributesThe essential requirements of the job include: 3-5 years evaluating the market attractiveness and strategic fit of new businesses/markets/domains2-3 years in a top-tier consulting firm or equivalent experience focused on market analysis and/or growth/strategy commercial projectsUndergraduate degree in science, engineering, or other technical discipline and top tier MBASubstantial experience and/or formal education that has allowed the development of a deep understanding of a domain and/or industry resulting in key customer insights and empathy2-3 years’ experience executing in a non-consulting roleParticipated in 2-3 outside or inside diligence projects Standort Veralto, Berlin
3-Month Off-Cycle Internship - Corporate Finance
Houlihan Lokey, Munich
Responsibilities One of the best ways to prepare yourself for your financial advisory career is through an internship at Houlihan Lokey. This is an excellent opportunity to be an integral part of our Industrial team, gain meaningful, on-the-job experience, and get to know Houlihan Lokey as a potential future employer. Throughout your internship, you will get similar levels of exposure as a first-year Analyst, assisting in the preparation of pitch and other client materials, and conducting market, industry, andpany analyses. Furthermore, you will gain experience in financial modelling, and valuation analyses, as well as Industrial-focused sector expertise, support the due diligence processes on the buy side and sell side processes and work as part of a project team on live transactions. Basic Qualifications Excellent verbal and writtenmunication skills with fluency in both German and English (additional language skills are also advantageous) You must be in your penultimate or final year of a bachelor's or master's degree You will have an outstanding academic record, with preference for a degree in accounting, economics, or finance Have previous internship experience within M&A advisory and/or related fields You will have an understanding of valuation theory, methodologies and applications Strong quantitative, financial and analytical skills Ability to work well under pressure with attention to detail Good proficiency with MS Office particularly PowerPoint and Excel Preferred Qualifications Previous experience in and/or interest in the sector International experience is also desirable, but not essential You must be motivated and have the ability to work cooperatively with all levels of staff in a rapidly changing, demanding, but ultimately rewarding environment Houlihan Lokey aims to attract talented students who share our passion for excellence andmitment. We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Job ID R1310 Standort Houlihan Lokey, Munich
3-Month Off-Cycle Internship - Corporate Finance (Debt Advisory)
Houlihan Lokey, Frankfurt
Responsibilities One of the best ways to prepare yourself for your financial advisory career is through an internship at Houlihan Lokey. This is an excellent opportunity to be an integral part of our Industrial team, gain meaningful, on-the-job experience, and get to know Houlihan Lokey as a potential future employer. Throughout your internship, you will get similar levels of exposure as a first-year Analyst, assisting in the preparation of pitch and other client materials, and conducting market, industry, andpany analyses. Furthermore, you will gain experience in financial modelling, and valuation analyses, as well as Industrial-focused sector expertise, support the due diligence processes on the buy side and sell side processes and work as part of a project team on live transactions. Basic Qualifications Excellent verbal and writtenmunication skills with fluency in both German and English (additional language skills are also advantageous) You must be in your penultimate or final year of a bachelor's or master's degree You will have an outstanding academic record, with preference for a degree in accounting, economics, or finance Have previous internship experience within M&A advisory and/or related fields You will have an understanding of valuation theory, methodologies and applications Strong quantitative, financial and analytical skills Ability to work well under pressure with attention to detail Good proficiency with MS Office particularly PowerPoint and Excel Preferred Qualifications Previous experience in and/or interest in the sector International experience is also desirable, but not essential You must be motivated and have the ability to work cooperatively with all levels of staff in a rapidly changing, demanding, but ultimately rewarding environment Houlihan Lokey aims to attract talented students who share our passion for excellence andmitment. We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Job ID R0696 Standort Houlihan Lokey, Frankfurt