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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Scientific Software Developer in Deutschland"

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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Scientific Software Developer in Deutschland"

55 500 € Durchschnittliches Monatsgehalt

Durchschnittliches Gehaltsniveau in den letzten 12 Monaten: "Scientific Software Developer in Deutschland"

Währung: EUR USD Jahr: 2024
Das Balkendiagramm zeigt die Änderung des Gehaltsniveaus in der Scientific Software Developer Branche in Deutschland

Verteilung des Stellenangebots "Scientific Software Developer" in Deutschland

Währung: EUR
Wie die Grafik zeigt, in Deutschland gilt Schleswig-Holstein als die Region mit der größten Zahl der offenen Stellen in und an zweiter Stelle folgt Nordrhein-Westfalen. Den dritten Platz nimmt Berlin ein.

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Empfohlene Stellenangebote

Software-Developer - Schnittstellen (m/w/d)
über Jobware Personalberatung, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Software-Developer - Schnittstellen (m/w/d) über Jobware Personalberatung, Raum Bielefeld Software-Developer - Schnittstellen (m/w/d) Raum Bielefeld Vollzeit Aufgaben Du sorgst dich um die reibungslose Integration von Lösungen bei Kunden Mit den Fachabteilungen spezifizierst du die Schnittstellen zwischen Lösungen und verschiedenen Systemen (Buchhaltung, Warenwirtschaft, Personal, etc.) Realisierung der technischen Umsetzung Übertragung von Daten auf Datenbankebene (JSON, Flatfiles, XML.) z.B. über Queue-Systeme Profil Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich der Informatik, vergleichbare Ausbildung oder Quereinstieg mit einschlägiger Berufserfahrung Praktische Erfahrung in der Anwendungsentwicklung mit .NET Tabellen- und Indexdesign unter SQL-Server und Zugriffen mit ADO.NET Kenntnisse zu Standardschnittstellen (MS Dynamics 365, SAP, ...) wünschenswert Fließende Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse Benefits Attraktives Gehalt Flexibilität durch Gleitzeit und mobiles Arbeiten Ein familiärer Umgang in einer agiler Arbeitsumgebung Altersvorsorge für eine gesicherte Zukunft Weiterbildungs- und Mitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten Arbeitgeber Modernes Unternehmen mit fortschrittlichen Technologien und Arbeitsmethoden Mittelständisch mit rund 70 Mitarbeitenden und auf Wachstumskurs Über 25 Jahren Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Digitalisierungslösungen Rund 75.000 Anwender aus 28 Ländern JOBWARE PERSONALBERATUNG Die Personalberatung vermittelt seit dem Jahr 2000 sowohl technische als auch betriebswirtschaftliche Fach- und Führungskräfte auf allen Ebenen. Feste Ansprechpartner engagieren sich persönlich, individuell, professionell und branchenübergreifend. INTERESSIERT? Selbstverständlich behandeln wir Ihre Bewerbung streng vertraulich. Hier finden Sie Informationen zu unserem Datenschutz. Jetzt bewerben Sie möchten sich beruflich verändern? Melden Sie sich kostenlos in unserem Kandidaten-Netzwerk an und die Jobware Personalberater unterstützen Sie bei Ihrer Job-Suche! Erst nach einem ausführlichen Gespräch mit Ihnen und Ihrer Zustimmung stellen wir Sie bei unseren Kunden vor. Kandidaten-Netzwerk Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Frau Anja Galka-Jürgens Tel.: 05251 5401-146 Mobil: 0151 15675670 - gerne auch außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten! Mail: [email protected]
Software Developer - Cloud-native (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Darmstadt
Du arbeitest in einem Scrum-Team, das sich auf Cloud-native Anwendungen konzentriert Deine Hauptaufgabe ist es, sauberen und effizienten Code entsprechend den Anforderungen zu entwickeln Du spielst eine aktive Rolle dabei, unsere Softwarelandschaft nach modernen Prinzipien wie "Microservices", "API-First", "Cloud-native", "Headless" und "Event-driven" zu gestalten Sowohl Kunden als auch Teamkollegen können sich auf dich als kompetenten Ansprechpartner in fachlichen und technischen Fragen verlassen Deine Arbeit besteht darin, moderne Softwarelösungen zu entwickeln, die uns helfen, tägliche Herausforderungen erfolgreich zu bewältigen Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder ähnliche Qualifikationen Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung Idealerweise beherrschst du eine der folgenden Programmiersprachen: C#, JavaScript, PHP (Laravel) Du bist vertraut mit Cloud-native Architekturen und Anwendungen Erste Kenntnisse in der Google Cloud Platform sind von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich Deine Arbeitsweise ist geprägt von Motivation, Zuverlässigkeit, Selbstständigkeit und Sorgfalt Flexibilität und Teamfähigkeit zeichnen dich aus, und du bist bereit, in einem dynamischen Umfeld zu arbeiten Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
Software Developer (m/w/d) Testsystem
, Bad Oldesloe
Wir bereiten Sie auf Ihren neuen Job vor – durch interne Schulungen sowie Entwicklungs­möglich­keiten, z. B. dank der Minimax Viking Akademie. Sie erhalten eine leistungs­gerechte Vergütung und attraktive Sozial­leistungen eines krisen­sicheren Groß­unter­nehmens – z. B. Urlaubs- und Weihnachts­geld, Sonder­zahlungen, Sonder­urlaub, Bezu­schussung der betrieb­lichen Alters­vorsorge und vieles mehr. Sie arbeiten bei einem Spitzen­unter­nehmen der Branche – mit einem festen Team und der Mög­lich­keit zum mobilen Arbeiten. Neben einer bezuschussten Betriebs­kantine an unserem Hauptsitz in Bad Oldesloe bieten wir Ihnen kosten­freie Mitarbeiter­park­plätze. Wir fördern Ihre Gesund­heit – z. B. durch einen IAS-Betriebs­arzt, unser Gesundheits­portal, Schutz­impfungen und Hygiene­konzepte. Lust auf Strand und Sonne? Unsere konzern­eigenen Ferien­wohnungen an der Ostsee stehen auch Ihnen zu ver­günstigten Konditionen zur Ver­fügung. Und noch so viel mehr: Werden Sie Teil eines Teams, das sich die Hände reicht, statt die Ellen­bogen auszufahren. Wir setzen auf Eigen­verantwortung und Kollegiali­tät, Engagement und Innovations­geist. Denn im Brand­schutz kommt es auf jeden Einzelnen an. In Ihrer Rolle sind Sie von Beginn an aktiv in die Entwicklung unserer Soft­ware ein­ge­bunden. Zu Ihren Haupt­auf­gaben gehören dabei die Wartung und kontinuierliche Weiter­entwick­lung des Test­systems für Brandmelde­zentralen. Für die Programmier­aufgaben am Test­system verwenden Sie Python, Robot Frame­work und Shell-Skripte. Die kollaborative Zusammen­arbeit in inter­disziplinären Teams ergänzt schließ­lich die Viel­seitig­keit Ihrer Tätig­keit. Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Informatik oder einem verwandten technischen Feld Fundierte Kenntnisse in Linux, Python und idealer­weise einer Hoch­sprache wie C++ oder C# Kenntnisse in der Embedded-Software-Entwick­lung und Erfahrung mit der CAN-Schnitt­stelle von Vor­teil Begeisterung für das Produkt sowie seine Entstehung und Über­zeugung, dass das Test­system genauso wichtig ist wie das Produkt Die Fähigkeit, Probleme zu identifizieren, Lösungs­ansätze zu entwickeln und diese im Team umzu­setzen, ist in diesem Job das A und O! Wenn Sie außer­dem Über­zeugungs­kraft sowie Leiden­schaft für Ihre Arbeit mitbringen und ein Team­player sind, dann schauen Sie sich an, was Minimax zu bieten hat!Eine Stellenanzeige von Minimax Viking Research & Development GmbH
Software Developer (m/w/d) Embedded Linux
, Bad Oldesloe
Wir bereiten Sie auf Ihren neuen Job vor – durch interne Schulungen sowie Entwicklungs­möglich­keiten, z. B. dank der Minimax Viking Akademie. Sie erhalten eine leistungs­gerechte Vergütung und attraktive Sozial­leistungen eines krisen­sicheren Groß­unter­nehmens – z. B. Urlaubs- und Weihnachts­geld, Sonder­zahlungen, Sonder­urlaub, Bezu­schussung der betrieb­lichen Alters­vorsorge und vieles mehr. Sie arbeiten bei einem Spitzen­unter­nehmen der Branche – mit einem festen Team, Note­book und der Mög­lich­keit zum mobilen Arbeiten. Neben einer bezuschussten Betriebs­kantine an unserem Hauptsitz in Bad Oldesloe bieten wir Ihnen kosten­freie Mitarbeiter­park­plätze. Wir fördern Ihre Gesund­heit – z. B. durch einen IAS-Betriebs­arzt, unser Gesundheits­portal, Schutz­impfungen und Hygiene­konzepte. Lust auf Strand und Sonne? Unsere konzern­eigenen Ferien­wohnungen an der Ostsee stehen auch Ihnen zu ver­günstigten Konditionen zur Ver­fügung. Und noch so viel mehr: Werden Sie Teil eines Teams, das sich die Hände reicht, statt die Ellen­bogen auszufahren. Wir setzen auf Eigen­verantwortung und Kollegiali­tät, Engagement und Innovations­geist. Denn im Brand­schutz kommt es auf jeden Einzelnen an. Zu Ihren Haupt­aufgaben gehören der Entwurf, die Imple­mentie­rung und die Wartung von Embedded Linux-Systemen unter Ver­wendung von Yocto und C/C++. Im Rahmen dessen unter­stützen Sie im DevOps-Bereich, um die CI- und CD-Prozesse sicher­zustellen und weiter­zuentwickeln (Continuous Integration und Continuous Deployment). In Zusammen­arbeit mit inter­disziplin­ären Teams obliegt Ihnen zudem die Defini­tion, Gestal­tung und Einfüh­rung neuer Funktionen. Im gleichen Zuge stellen Sie die Leistung, Quali­tät und Robust­heit von Software­anwendungen sicher. Schließlich aktualisieren Sie Ihr Fach­wissen hinsicht­lich neuer Trends in der Software­entwicklung und der Implemen­tierung von Best Practices stetig weiter. Abgeschlossenes Bachelor- oder Master-Studium im Bereich Informatik bzw. einem verwandten technischen Feld Tiefe Kenntnisse und starkes Interesse an Embedded Linux (inklusive Netzwerk­konfiguration) Praxiserfahrung mit dem Yocto-Projekt Sehr gute Programmier­kenntnisse in Python und C/C++ Fundierte Erfahrung in der Nutzung von Git Ausgeprägtes Verständnis für Embedded-Hardware-Architekturen Erfahrung mit Hardware-Protokollen wie I2C, SPI, UART, USB Idealerweise fortge­schrittene Kenntnisse im Debugging und Analyse von Core-Dumps zu Fehlersuche und -behebung Verständnis für Sicherheits­techniken wie Secure Boot, Hardware Root of Trust und Zertifikate wünschenswert Wenn Sie außerdem gern ergebnis­orientiert sowie strukturiert arbeiten, reichlich Kommunikations­stärke im Gepäck haben und ein Team­player sind, dann schauen Sie sich an, was Minimax zu bieten hat!Eine Stellenanzeige von Minimax Viking Research & Development GmbH
Software Developer Lab Automation System (f/m/d)
Beckman Coulter Diagnostics, Unterschleißheim
Wondering what’s within Beckman CoulterDiagnostics? Take a closerlook.At firstglance, you’ll see that for more than 80 years we’ve been dedicatedto advancing and optimizing the laboratory to move science andhealthcare forward. Join a team where you can be heard, besupported, and always be yourself. We’re building a culture thatcelebrates backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of all ourassociates. Look again and you’ll see we are invested in you,providing the opportunity to build a meaningful career, becreative, and try new things with the support you need to besuccessful.Beckman CoulterDiagnostics is proud to work alongside a community of six fellowDiagnostics Companies at Danaher. Together, we’re working at thepace of change to improve patient lives with diagnostic tools thataddress the world’s biggest healthchallenges. TheSoftware Developer Lab Automation System(f/m/d)for Beckman Coulter Diagnostics is responsible to translaterequirements into softwaredesign.This position is partof the Software Engineering department located in Munichand will be hybrid. At Beckman Coulter, our vision is torelentlessly re-imagine healthcare, one diagnosis at atime.If you thrive in amulti-functional, fast paced role and want to work to build aworld-class R&D organization—readon.In this role,you will have the opportunityto:Translaterequirements into softwaredesign.Prepare appropriatedocumentation as required by internal product development processesand regulatory agencies such as FDA andISO.Create architecture,design, code, and unit testmodules/components.Participatein design, code and test reviews and code inspections, ensuringapplication of software engineering best practices, as well as thefeasibility, efficacy and compliance to functional and regulatorystandards.Investigatesoftware, hardware, and system problems using a variety oftechniques and provides innovativesolutions.Theessential requirements of the jobinclude:Bachelor’sdegree with several years of work experience in computer science,Software Engineering or a relatedfieldDevelopment experiencewith Visual C#Veryexperienced in .NET / .NET Core and Multithreading as well as inNUnit / MSTestExperience inagile SoftwareDevelopmentExperience withOOA/OOD development methodologies, UML tools and designpatternsItwould be a plus if you also possess previous experiencein:VisualStudio 2019 orhigherSoftware lifecycle(requirements, design, code, test) and software developmentprocesses for a regulated environment (ISO13845 andISO62304)AtBeckman Coulter Diagnostics we believe in designing a better, moresustainable workforce. We recognize the benefits of flexible,hybrid working arrangements for eligible roles and are committed toproviding enriching careers, no matter the work arrangement. Thisposition is eligible for a hybrid work arrangement in which you canwork part-time at the Company location identified above andpart-time remotely from your home. Additional information aboutthis hybrid work arrangement will be provided by your interviewteam. Explore the flexibility and challenge that working forBeckman Coulter Diagnostics canprovide.At Danaher we bringtogether science, technology and operational capabilities toaccelerate the real-life impact of tomorrow’s science andtechnology. We partner with customers across the globe to help themsolve their most complex challenges, architecting solutions thatbring the power of science to life. Our global teams are pioneeringwhat’s next across Life Sciences, Diagnostics, Biotechnology andbeyond. For more information, visit www.danaher.com.AtDanaher, we value diversity and the existence of similarities anddifferences, both visible and not, found in our workforce,workplace and throughout the markets we serve. Our associates,customers and shareholders contribute unique and differentperspectives as a result of these diverseattributes.
Software Developer- Computer Vision (m/w)
AllatNet Recruiting, Nürnberg, Stuttgart, München, Lindau
Ihr Aufgabenbereich - Entwicklung von radar- und kamerabasierten Assistenzsystemen- Entwicklung von Signalverarbeitungsverfahren sowie Fusions- und Regelungsalgorithmen - Implementieren der Softwarealgorithmen und -modulen Ihr Profil - Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in der in der Informatik oder vergleichbaren Fachrichtung- Erfahrung im Bereich der Bildverarbeitung- Gute C/C++ Kenntnisse- Erfahrung mit der Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmik und der digitalen Schaltungstechnik wünschenswert- Sehr gute englisch und deutsch Sprachkenntnisse- Organisations- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit- Teamorientierung, Flexibilität und Verantwortungsbewusstsein.- Selbstständige, zielgerichtete ArbeitsweiseAuf Ihre Bewerbung freut sich Hanen Grati.Tel: +49 (0) 751 56 84 97 35E-Mail: [email protected] an einer neuen Herausforderung?Dann bewerben Sie sich jetzt per Mail unter [email protected] möchten sich lieber schnell und unkompliziert bewerben? Gerne können Sie uns jetzt auch Ihre Bewerbung per WhatsApp unter der Nummer +49 (0) 751 56 84 97 30 zukommen lassen.
Software Developer Java EE (w/m/d)
AllatNet Recruiting, Ingolstadt, München
Ihr Aufgabenbereich - Entwicklung von grafischen Benutzeroberflächen im Automotive Bereich auf Basis von Java/JEE- Sie arbeiten an User-Interface-Komponenten für Navigation, Online-Dienste und andere Applikationen - Sie können auf bestehendes Framework zurückgreifen oder erweitern- Sie sind für das Design, die Implementierung und die Dokumentation der von Ihnen entwickelten Software verantwortlich Ihr Profil - Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in der in der Informatik oder vergleichbaren Fachrichtung- Auch Berufseinsteiger (m/w) mit Erfahrungen im Rahmen von Praktika oder Abschlussarbeiten sind willkommen- Praxiserfahrung im Java- und JEE-Umfeld- Idealerweise sind Sie vertraut mit den Betriebssystemen Linux- Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse- Organisations- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit- Teamorientierung, Flexibilität und Verantwortungsbewusstsein.- Selbstständige, zielgerichtete ArbeitsweiseAuf Ihre Bewerbung freut sich Hanen Grati.Tel: +49 (0) 751 56 84 97 35E-Mail: [email protected] an einer neuen Herausforderung?Dann bewerben Sie sich jetzt per Mail unter [email protected] möchten sich lieber schnell und unkompliziert bewerben? Gerne können Sie uns jetzt auch Ihre Bewerbung per WhatsApp unter der Nummer +49 (0) 751 56 84 97 30 zukommen lassen.Wir freuen uns auf Dich!
Software Developer LabView (m/w/d)
AllatNet Recruiting, Stuttgart
Ihr Aufgabenbereich -Sie sind zuständig für die Entwicklung von Softwareanwendungen für verschiedene Steuerungs- und Regelungsaufgaben in LabView-Der größte Teil davon ist für den Endverbraucher bestimmt und umfasst Bereiche wie z. B. Serielle Bussysteme, Bedienerschnittstellen, Steuerungsalgorithmen, Datenbanken sowie Messtechnik und Signalverarbeitung-Sie entwickeln Konzepte, führen Anforderungsanalysen sowie Implementierungen von Softwarelösungen durch Ihr Profil -Sie verfügen über ein erfolgreich absolviertes Studium im Bereich der Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Mechatronik oder vergleichbares-Sehr gute Kenntnisse in LabView-Allgemeine Kenntnisse in der Softwareentwicklung und in Programmiersprachen-Erfahrung mit seriellen Bussystemen-Fundierte Kenntnisse in der Mess-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik-Sie sind kommunikativ, teamfähig und engagiert-Ihre sehr guten Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift runden Ihr Profil ab-Sie sind ReisebereitAuf Ihre Bewerbung freuen wir uns.Tel.: +49 (0)751 56 84 97 30E-Mail: [email protected]
Software Developer Java (m/f/d) - 436-11392
top itservices AG, Mufcnchen
Software Developer Java (m/f/d) - 436-11392 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and fill a vacant position at a leading information technology company as a Java software developer (m/f/d). SOFTWARE DEVELOPER JAVA (M/F/D) Field of activity Conception, design, development and implementation of technically sophisticated and high-quality software solutions Systematic planning and professional implementation of software tests Deployment of microservices with CI/CD pipelines Holistic support and active co-design of the entire software lifecycle (Docker, OpenShift and Kubernetes) Creating documentation and working independently in the project teams Requirements profile Completed studies in (business) informatics or a comparable qualification Several years of professional experience in software development with Java Experienced in the development of microservices with Java, SpringBoot, Spring, RESTful WebServices Ability to accurately estimate effort in the context of software development project requirements Know-how in the financial sector is desirable Business fluent in written and spoken German Information about the project Networking with interesting and renowned companies Location-independent and flexible thanks to the option to work remotely Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our collaboration Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 436-11392. Alina Wauters will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 221 272649-28. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/11udkdk You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms for the sake of better readability, all are always meant.
Software Developer (m/f/d) Rietberg
AGIL! GmbH, Rietberg
Software Developer (m/f/d) Rietberg Location: Rietberg Employment type(s): Full-time Working hours: 35 - 40 hours per week A G i L ! Staff At A G i L! we do not rely on traditional temporary work, but on the targeted placement of people in long-term career prospects. Our customers find suitable employees through us and have the opportunity to hire them permanently after a short time. We are happy to support you in this process. Apply easily via WhatsApp under the number 02941 9772877. As a specialist personnel company based in Lippstadt, A G i L! GmbH has been supporting internationally operating companies in the areas of consulting, recruiting and applicant pre-selection since 2008. Our way of working is based on equality. We discuss the position together, take time to understand the working environment and give you the freedom to decide whether the position suits you. Our contracts are always permanent, and the majority of our employees are ultimately taken on. In the meantime, we offer remuneration on a par with permanent employment with our clients from the outset. Simply apply and we'll discuss the rest together. Your tasks Developing customer-specific automation solutions for our machines and systems Implementing and validating the PLC programs you develop directly on the system Commissioning hardware and software (PLC/HMI/bus/safety/actuators/ Sensors/interfaces/etc.) and process optimization internally and externally Close cooperation with our customers for coordination and training purposes Your profile Degree in a technical field, technician or comparable training Direct entry possible after studies/training (even without professional experience) Desirable with professional experience: Knowledge of PLC programming Knowledge of drive commissioning and controller optimization Experience in mechanical and plant engineering Systematic, analytical and structured way of working Willingness to travel Your advantages Fair and growing remuneration Long-term employment opportunity in a permanent position Induction training from experienced employees Free advice and referral to the customer Employee referral bonus (up to u20ac750) Contact us Please click on \"Apply now\" and send us your application documents in just a few steps. Alternatively, you can send us your application with CV, stating your earliest starting date, as a PDF by e-mail. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the application process by telephone. For candidates who live more than 50 km away from Lippstadt, we will first arrange a telephone interview to clarify initial details. Our HR department will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the rest of the application process. A G i L ! Ltd. Mr. Cedric Topp Ostenfeldmark 12 59557 Lippstadt +49 2941 9772877 application[at] agil-gruppe.de http://www.agil-gruppe.de Instagram A G i L ! Ltd. Facebook A G i L ! Ltd. WhatsApp: 02941 9772877 Department(s): Other professions Type(s) of personnel requirement: Direct placement (free of charge)
Software Developer Equipment Technology (m/f/d)
Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG, Coburg
Software Developer Equipment Technology (m/f/d) Tasks Independent development and validation of software for operating equipment (VisualStudio (C#), Simatic S7 TIA, embedded devices) Experience with industrial robots (ABB) Commissioning of equipment on site within a defined period of time Determination and control of electrical machine safety and compliance with specific legal regulations and standards as well as commissioning of machines at Brose locations worldwide Independent processing of warranty and complaint claims for extensive work and technical support of new suppliers for qualification as well as consulting of production planners in the field of electrical engineering and software Profile Completed technical studies in the field of electrical engineering, computer science, physics or comparable knowledge and skills acquired in another way Several years of professional experience in a comparable position Confident in programming various high-level languages, such as C#, Pascal, etc. Relevant knowledge of network technology (TCP-IP, ProfiNet) Fluency in written and spoken English
Software Developer (m/f/d) Vehicle Simulation
Younivers GmbH, Mufcnchen
Software developer (m/f/d) vehicle simulation For our client, we are looking for a Software Developer (m/f/d) Vehicle Simulation in the southwest of Munich at the earliest possible date The company is based in Munich and focuses on the development and production of specialized vehicles and system technology. The company offers international solutions and logistical support for various applications. Your tasks: Development and optimization of software components for the realistic or prototypical simulation of vehicles in virtual environments Realistic modeling of vehicle components and properties for use in simulation software. Experimental evaluation of vehicle prototypes and continuous improvement of existing simulation models. Close cooperation with development teams for engines and vehicles; integration, documentation and maintenance of the developed software solutions Performing system tests and customizations to ensure and improve stability and support for presentations. Your profile: Degree in computer science or comparable scientific training, with strong knowledge of software technology (object orientation, modeling, testing). Experience in the development of commercial software products for Windows and Linux as well as in the design of distributed systems Profound skills in C++ and Qt; good command of written and spoken English. Team-oriented with strong independence and communication skills; experience with 3D engines such as Unreal and Unity. Familiarity with modern deployment techniques, commissioning and software testing on technical systems, especially in the field of military training simulation for land vehicles. Our benefits for you: You will receive a permanent employment contract and have the chance of being taken on permanently by our client We offer inflation compensation payments of up to 2300 euros, vacation and Christmas bonuses in accordance with the IGZ collective agreement First bonus payment of 700 euros gross after 4 months and a further 700 euros gross after 14 months Possibility of a job ticket for the train (talk to us about it) Successfully recommend someone for the job and you will receive a promotion bonus of 500 euros We support flexible vacation planning so that you can achieve a good work-life balance Free work clothes are provided to ensure you are well equipped Have we piqued your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application via our application form. Simply click on the \"APPLY NOW\" button. Do you know someone who fits the vacancy? Then get our referral bonus now! Get in touch with us right away by phone. We look forward to receiving your application!
Software Developer Database Systems (m/f/d)
VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH, Stockelsdorf
Software Developer Database Systems (m/f/d) What you can expect Further development of the company's own database system for X-ray images (product development) Implementation of customer-specific software modules and adaptations (project development) Integration into the customer's design, development and commissioning processes Interface with the customer, other departments and external service providers What you should bring with you Completed studies in the field of computer science, software development or a similar education with at least 4 years of professional experience in the described area of responsibility Very good programming skills in C#, knowledge of WPF desirable Very good knowledge of database systems, SQL (MS SQL, MySQL,...) Systematic, structured and solution-oriented way of thinking and working Strong team and communication skills Independent and customer-oriented work Very good German and good English skills What we offer you Diversity of perspectives through a wide variety of industries and customers An international and collegial working environment Flexible working model - optimal work-life balance Individual training and quarterly feedback and development meetings Various career models (specialist, expert and/or management career) to suit your individual strengths and ambitions Above-law contributions to the company pension scheme and corporate benefits platform with exclusive employee discounts for numerous stores For your health: ergonomic workstations, active breaks during working hours, changing offers from the company health promotion program, various company sports groups Your contact to usPlease apply online using our online form via the link in the respective job advertisement. You can send us your application documents with just a few clicks. This enables us to process your application quickly and efficiently. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or +49 451 290 286 0. We look forward to getting to know you! About usVisiConsult is a developer and manufacturer of X-ray systems with around 125 employees, a head office near Lu00fcbeck and other locations in America and Asia. As a family-owned company, we distribute standardized and individual systems worldwide in the field of non-destructive testing, the security and electronics sectors. As the global market leader in customized X-ray inspection systems, we know that good teamwork is a key success factor. Alongside curiosity and courage, team spirit, reliability and a sense of responsibility are therefore important aspects of our day-to-day work in order to create innovative solutions with passion for long-term success.
Software developer for industrial applications
ESM Software & Engineering GmbH, Gummersbach
Software developer for industrial applications We would like to welcome you as a new employee (m/f/d) and thus as part of our company in the field of software development. Your tasks will include: Development of interfaces and workflows for applications in mechanical and plant engineering Documentation in German and English Your profile: At least two years of experience in programming with C# .NET Core knowledge Knowledge in dealing with Kubernetes Knowledge of control engineering Knowledge of English Have we sparked your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application. Mr. Herrmann will be happy to answer any further questions on the phone.
Software Developer (m/f/d) Frontend in Stendal or Berlin
AZV Altmark Zeitarbeit Vogel GmbH & Co. KG, Stendal
Software Developer (m/f/d) Frontend in Stendal or Berlin About us We are looking for a Software Developer (m/f/d) for the young dynamic team of our client. You can expect interesting projects with large corporations in the automotive industry and in mechanical and plant engineering. The position could be filled in Stendal or Berlin. If you are more of a commuter, there is a rail card for this. Working from home on a daily basis is also possible here. The flexitime working time model allows you to create your ideal work-life balance. You too can join the team Profile Completed training or studies in computer science or a comparable qualification in IT Professional experience in object-oriented, functional and reactive software development Initial experience with TypeScript / JavaScript / Angular Experience in the implementation of web applications on desktop and mobile devices Tasks Design and conceptualization of feature ideas, as well as the associated documentation Maintenance and further development of existing software functions Independently identifying and suggesting improvements to the product and workflow Exchange and discussion of needs and requirements from the field via the Application Center Supporting the support team in analyzing and resolving problems What the customer offers Start: immediately Permanent employment Working hours from Monday to Friday, flexible (flexitime) 30 vacation days Parking spaces directly in front of the office Free drinks and fruit Innovative office concept, modern workplace Home office up to 2 days/week Personal further training offers Future-proof workplace familiar working atmosphere, very nice team atmosphere
Software Developer (m/f/d) C# Programmer
AGIL! GmbH, Rietberg
Software Developer (m/f/d) C# Programmer Location: Mastholte Employment type(s): Full-time Working hours: 35 - 40 hours per week A G i L ! Staff At A G i L! we do not rely on traditional temporary work, but on the targeted placement of people in long-term career prospects. Our customers find suitable employees through us and have the opportunity to hire them permanently after a short time. We are happy to support you in this process. Apply easily via WhatsApp under the number 02941 9772877. As a specialist personnel company based in Lippstadt, A G i L! GmbH has been supporting internationally operating companies in the areas of consulting, recruiting and applicant pre-selection since 2008. Our way of working is based on equality. We discuss the position together, take time to understand the working environment and give you the freedom to decide whether the position suits you. Our contracts are always permanent, and the majority of our employees are ultimately taken on. In the meantime, we offer remuneration on a par with permanent employment with our clients from the outset. Simply apply and we'll discuss the rest together. Your new tasks Developing customer-specific automation solutions for our machines and systems Implementation and validation of the logics you have developed directly on the system, e.g. order management, material flow control, production planning, material consumption optimization, warehouse management, cutting optimization Interface implementation between subordinate PLC and higher-level host systems Creation and configuration of individual visualization applications Collaboration/co-design in the Kraft automation system (KCS) What you bring with you Degree in a technical field, technician or comparable training Direct entry possible after studies/training (even without professional experience) Desirable with professional experience: Knowledge of object-oriented programming and working with relational database systems (C#/SQL) Knowledge of the Microsoft environment (Visual Studio/.NET/WPF) Experience in mechanical and plant engineering desirable Team and communication skills Willingness to travel Benefits Fair and growing remuneration Long-term employment opportunity in a permanent position Induction training from experienced employees Free advice and referral to the customer Employee referral bonus (up to u20ac750) Contact us Please click on \"Apply now\" and send us your application documents in just a few steps. Alternatively, you can send us your application with CV, stating your earliest starting date, as a PDF by e-mail. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the application process by telephone. For candidates who live more than 50 km away from Lippstadt, we will first arrange a telephone interview to clarify initial details. Our HR department will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the rest of the application process. A G i L ! Ltd. Mr. Cedric Topp Ostenfeldmark 12 59557 Lippstadt +49 2941 9772877 application[at] agil-gruppe.de http://www.agil-gruppe.de Instagram A G i L ! Ltd. Facebook A G i L ! Ltd. WhatsApp: 02941 9772877 Department(s): IT / Programming Type(s) of personnel requirement: Direct placement (free of charge)
Software developer for automation technology (m/f/d)
Armon Direktvermittlung, Neustadt (Wied)
Software developer for automation technology (m/f/d) Are you looking for a new challenge or would you like a change? We are looking for a software developer for automation technology (m/f/d) on behalf of a customer at the earliest possible date. What your employer offers Salary depending on qualifications between 50,000EUR - 65,000EUR per year Security of a long-term job Targeted further training measures Regulated working hours/flexitime 30 vacation days Flat hierarchies Special payments (Christmas and vacation bonuses etc.) Annual target achievement bonus Your area of responsibility Development of complex control systems and innovative visualization systems for new injection molding machines Creation of customer-specific software Testing of sequence programs for injection molding machine control systems Execution of test setups and testing of circuits and devices Advising purchasing, customer service, quality assurance and sales on relevant issues Professional and personal requirements Electrical engineer or electrical technician with experience in automation technology Experience in object-oriented PLC programming in accordance with EN 61131-3 Company description With heart and soul, passion & highest appreciation Welcome to ARMON, your reliable and efficient personnel service provider from the Rhine-Moselle, Eifel, Hunsru00fcck, Westerwald and Taunus regions. As a second-generation family business, we have extensive experience in the hiring and placement of skilled workers for companies of all sizes and industries. We are leaders at our locations and attach great importance to personal support with open and honest dealings at eye level with clients, employees and applicants.
Software Developer (m/f) for PHP
Bu00fccom GmbH, Erlangen
Software Developer (m/f) for PHP bu00fccom GmbH has been an established partner in the communications industry for over 30 years and is active in many other areas of service in the high-tech industry. Our long-term corporate strategy ensures satisfied employees and customers. We would therefore be delighted to welcome you to our highly qualified team. What makes bu00fccom GmbH special is a lively corporate culture characterized by mutual appreciation between colleagues in order to achieve exciting goals together. To strengthen our team, we are looking to fill a full-time position as a software developer (PHP) with immediate effect. Your profile: Degree in computer science or comparable training with professional experience Programming language PHP, Javascript, C# is an advantage Good knowledge of HTML, HTML5 Databases MySql, MsSql Ability to work in a team Personal initiative Sense of responsibility We offer: Varied tasks on your own system Years of experience in the telecommunications sector Independent work with flat hierarchies in a highly talented team Freedom and space for personal initiative and further development opportunities Very friendly and committed team We look forward to receiving your application. Please send us your documents by e-mail to: [email protected] Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Advanced knowledge: PHP programming language, JavaScript programming language, C# programming language Expert knowledge: Programming, HTML, XML, XHTML, XAML, XSLT
Software Developer Machine- / Deep-Learning (Home Office) (m/f/d)
zollsoft GmbH, Jena
Software Developer Machine- / Deep-Learning (Home Office) (m/f/d) Where you can lend a hand It will be exciting for you from day one, as you will become an active part of exciting projects in the areas of NLP, computer vision and many more. As an important part of the AI team, you will help to continuously develop our speech recognition for doctors and lesion classification (detection of melanomas), for example. It will never be boring with us, because your area of responsibility will include the complete pipeline of AI projects from data acquisition, preparation, model design to deployment. You will work on some things on your own, others together in a team. At zollsoft, we always learn from and with each other as equals and respond to your individual learning curve. With regular mentoring from experienced AI developers, we ensure that you get on well with the team and can develop further according to your wishes. You will also work closely with colleagues from other departments, such as Support, Product Management and Sales, outside of your own team. Software development also involves working across teams, which is why you will also be able to observe and support colleagues with other specializations at work. If you feel like it, you can also take on additional tasks as a product manager for a specific product or project at some point and thus continue to think outside the box. This position can be performed 100% from the home office. So you don't have to live in Thuringia or the surrounding area to work for us, but can decide for yourself when and where you want to work. Part-time employment is also no problem for us, but it would be ideal if you could devote at least 30 hours of your time to us each week. What you should bring with you You have studied something technical or scientific and can be really proud of your results (a doctorate also goes down well with us). You are enthusiastic about IT and have ideally already gained some experience with machine learning, neural networks, deep learning or similar. As an AI developer, you are passionate about writing clean and maintainable code. You don't always think stubbornly in one direction, but are curious and courageous enough to take unconventional paths. As a person, you are characterized by your interest and enthusiasm for new things, whether it's mastering new programming languages, frameworks, tools or algorithms. Ideally, you already have a good to very good knowledge of Python and have gained some experience with Linux and Bash and know what the words Tensorflow, Pytorch or Scikit-learn stand for. In order to really gain a foothold with us, it is essential that you speak German to at least C1 level. Why us? Even after 10 years, we still have a start-up atmosphere with the usual perks such as fruit and drinks, a relaxation room, free use of several fitness studios in Jena (and soon beyond) and courses in our office (e.g. yoga, back and fascia training). Depending on the area of work (and that is at least 75% of all areas of the company), we offer our new and old colleagues flexible working hours and home office and do not want to stop doing so post-corona. Above all, however, we are a close-knit team with an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competition. Outside of work, we organize events such as beach volleyball in the summer, barbecues, cooking evenings and canoe trips. Your benefits with us: Super team Flat hierarchies Job crafting/flexible workplace design Flexible working hours Further development Home office/mobile working Team Events Company pension scheme Promotion of physical and mental health Fruit and drinks Company bike lease/job bike Employee discounts Convinced? Then apply to us now! Simply upload your detailed application including cover letter, CV and the relevant certificates (school, training, university and work certificates) online on our homepage. Please don't forget to include your possible start date and salary expectations. Do you have any questions? Then contact our HR department. Juliane and Sabrina will be happy to answer your questions. You can reach them at [email protected] . You can also find more information on our website. About usWe are an innovative, creative and not-so-young family business based not far from Paradise in Jena. Together as a team, we are constantly developing tomedou00ae, our rapidly growing Apple-based software for medical practices, which has achieved the highest customer satisfaction in independent surveys. Flat hierarchies and communicative teamwork give your creativity and ideas scope to help shape exciting projects. Working from home and flexible working hours also give you the chance to organize your everyday life according to your own ideas. We offer you the opportunity to develop yourself further and actively drive the growth of zollsoft GmbH. What are you waiting for? Become a zollsofti and do something (system) relevant!
Software developer (m/f/d) virtual vehicle simulation
Younivers GmbH, Mufcnchen
Software developer (m/f/d) virtual vehicle simulation For our client, we are looking for a Software Developer (m/f/d) virtual vehicle simulation in the southwest of Munich at the earliest possible date The company is based in Munich and focuses on the development and production of specialized vehicles and system technology. The company offers international solutions and logistical support for various applications. Your tasks: Creation of software components for the realistic simulation of vehicles that interact with virtual environments Detailed replication of vehicle components and properties in virtual simulations Ongoing further development of existing vehicle simulators Coordination and cooperation with developers of engines and vehicles Integration, documentation and maintenance of the developed software Support with presentations and demonstrations of the system Carrying out tests and adjustments to improve system stability Your profile: Completed studies in the field of computer science or comparable Sound knowledge of software technology Experience in the development of commercial software for Windows and Linux Expertise in programming with C++, including applications such as Qt, STL and multithreaded/multicore programming Good written and spoken English skills Our benefits for you: You will receive a permanent employment contract and have the chance of being taken on permanently by our client We offer inflation compensation payments of up to 2300 euros, vacation and Christmas bonuses in accordance with the IGZ collective agreement First bonus payment of 700 euros gross after 4 months and a further 700 euros gross after 14 months Possibility of a job ticket for the train (talk to us about it) Successfully recommend someone for the job and you will receive a promotion bonus of 500 euros We support flexible vacation planning so that you can achieve a good work-life balance Free work clothes are provided to ensure you are well equipped Have we piqued your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application via our application form. Simply click on the \"APPLY NOW\" button. Do you know someone who fits the vacancy? Then get our referral bonus now! Get in touch with us right away by phone. We look forward to receiving your application!