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(Senior) Product Designer (m/w/d)
HolidayCheck Group AG, Munich, Bayern
Das erwartet dich bei unsHolidayCheck – make an impact, shape design in tourism Design ist das Herzstück von HolidayCheck. Unsere Mission ist es, das urlauberfreundlichste Reiseunternehmen der Welt zu werden!Wir suchen nach einem/einer leidenschaftlichen Produktdesigner:in (m/w/d), der/die uns dabei hilft, die Grenzen der Kundenfreundlichkeit im Reisebereich weiter zu verschieben. Du wirst dazu beitragen, das Produkterlebnis auf all unseren Oberflächen zu definieren und mit Produktmanagern, Geschäftsinteressenten und Technikern zusammenarbeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass wir weiterhin unserer Vision folgen und innovativ sind, indem wir heute die Probleme von morgen lösen.Ein Produktdesigner (m/w/d) ist ein kreativer Mensch und der Co-Pilot des Produktmanagers. Du kannst groß denken und dies in kurzfristige Ergebnisse umsetzen. Du wirst nicht nur dazu beitragen, das HolidayCheck-Erlebnis zu verbessern, sondern auch das Team inspirieren und fördern, indem Du immer neue Maßstäbe setzt und bei der Lösung von Problemen die Benutzerfreundlichkeit in den Vordergrund stellst. Deine Arbeit wird es unseren Kunden ermöglichen, sich jedes Mal, wenn sie unser Produkt benutzen, begeistert zu fühlen. Zu deinen Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten gehören:Du erstellst User Experiences, die unseren Urlaubern und den Geschäftsanforderungen entsprechenDu bist Teil eines multidisziplinären Teams und arbeitest mit Engineers, Produktmanagern und Geschäftspartnern während des gesamten Designprozesses zusammenDu führst schnelle und qualitativ hochwertige Designarbeit aus und weißt, wie du den Wert deiner Arbeit kommunizieren kannstDu bist datenorientiert und weißt, wie man mit KPIs umgeht, um unseren Kunden auf der Suche nach ihrem perfekten Urlaub etwas zu bietenDu bist offen für Feedback und strebst es aktiv anDu gehst ständig an deine Grenzen und suchst nach Möglichkeiten, dich zu verbessernDu bist aktiv und trägst zu unserer Design-Community und unserem Design-System beiDas können wir dir bieten - Unser "All Inclusive Package"20 Tage Workation: Packe deinen Laptop ein und genieße 20 Tage im Jahr an atemberaubenden Orten innerhalb der EU. Strand, Berge oder lebendige Metropolen - du hast die Wahl!50/50 Hybrid Modell: Mit unserem 50/50 Hybrid Modell kannst du flexibel zwischen Remote-Arbeit und Büropräsenz jonglieren. Gestalte deine Arbeitswoche nach deinen Vorlieben und treffe an unseren 3 Office Tagen pro Woche deine KollegInnen für Brainstorming Sessions, Tischtennis Battles oder inspirierende Gespräche! Zusätzlich hast du eine Flexweek pro Monat, in der du vollkommen remote arbeiten kannst.Vielfältige Unternehmenskultur: Erlebe eine Weltreise in einem einzigen Unternehmen. Mit über 30 Nationalitäten in unserem Team erlebst du eine vielfältige und inspirierende Unternehmenskultur, die dir neue Perspektiven und Möglichkeiten eröffnet.Onboarding Programm: Vom Newbie zum Champion - Wir begleiten dich auf deinem "Roundtrip" durch HolidayCheck und stellen sicher, dass du dich von Anfang an wie zu Hause fühlst.Flexible Arbeitszeiten: Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeiten, damit du deine Arbeit an deine individuellen Bedürfnisse anpassen kannst. Langschläfer oder Frühaufsteher - bei uns ist für jeden etwas dabei!Kostenfreier Parkplatz oder Subventionierung der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel: Du kannst dich entscheiden, ob du dein Auto auf deinem persönlichen kostenlosen Parkplatz parken möchtest oder von der Subventionierung der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel in München profitieren möchtest.Family-Friendly: Mit einem Kita-Zuschuss sorgen wir für die richtige Work-Life-Balance, damit sich auch um deine Liebsten gekümmert wird, während du deiner Passion im Arbeitsalltag folgstWeiterbildungsbudget: Nicht umsonst ist einer unserer Unternehmenswerte #better. Mit einem individuellen Weiterbildungsbudget und einem umfangreichen Trainingsangebot unterstützen wir dich dabei, neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und dein volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen!Jubiläumsjubel: Mit unseren Anniversary Vouchers feiern wir deine langjährige Zugehörigkeit und zeigen dir unsere Wertschätzung u. a. mit zusätzlichen Urlaubstagen oder einem monetären Zuschuss für deine nächste Traumreise.Tech-Freiheit: Bei uns bestimmst du, wie du arbeitest! Du hast die Freiheit, dir deine Arbeits-Hardware selbst auszusuchen, sei es ein MacBook, ein Windows-Laptop oder Linux. Entfalte deine Kreativität mit der passenden Hardware.Fit und Kulinarik: Wir legen Wert auf deine Gesundheit und Fitness. Mit exklusiven Fitnessrabatten und kostenlosen Yoga Stunden im Büro kannst du dich in Form halten und in unserer subventionierten Kantine in München und bei unserer großartigen Köchin Evelyn in Bottighofen erwarten dich köstliche und gesunde Mahlzeiten. Ein Genuss für Körper und Geist!Wir freuen uns auf dich, wenn du folgendes mitbringstWhat you need to succeedDu hast mindestens 2-3 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Designer im Bereich UX/UIDu hast ein Portfolio, das deine Erfahrung mit digitalen Produkten und Dienstleistungen zeigtDu kannst in deiner Rolle als Produktdesigner selbständig arbeiten und verstehst, wie Menschen mit digitalen Produkten und branchenüblichen Mustern interagierenDu hast ein ausgeprägtes Verständnis für visuelles Design und Liebe zum Detail Du kannst schnell iterieren und mehrere Konzepte erstellenDu kannst deine Gedanken und Prozesse kommunizierenDu suchst und gibst regelmäßig Feedback zur kontinuierlichen VerbesserungDu kannst Low- und High-Fidelity-Prototypen erstellenDu bist versiert im Umgang mit Figma oder anderen Design-ToolsDu weißt, wie du qualitative und quantitative Forschungsmethoden in deinen Designprozess integrieren kannstDu sprichst fließend Englisch und DeutschBonus Skills:Du besitzt Motion Design und Animation SkillsDu hast solide deutsche Copywriting SkillsDu hast bereits Erfahrung in der Remote-Arbeit in einem verteilten TeamDesign @ HolidayCheck:Eine strategische Säule bei HolidayCheck ist es, das beste und nicht das größte Team zu sein. Um darauf hinzuarbeiten, stärken wir eine Kultur des Lernens, des Feedbacks und der Eigenverantwortung. Wir ermutigen, offen zu sein und dein Fachwissen innerhalb des Teams und des Unternehmens zu teilen. Bei uns hast du außerdem die Möglichkeit, an Teamevents und gelegentliche Workshops teilzunehmen. Wir treffen uns mindestens einmal pro Woche, um in einer Designkritikrunde über den Fortschritt unserer Designarbeit zu sprechen. Wir bieten stetige Unterstützung, Kollaborationen und Pair-Design-Sitzungen. Aktuell befinden wir uns noch in einer Transformationsphase von unserem ehemaligen Styleguide zu unserem neuen Designsystem namens WAVE. Wir verwenden FIGMA als unser Hauptwerkzeug zum Entwerfen, Dokumentieren und Prototypen.Perks @ HolidayCheck:SelbstorganisationGleitende ArbeitszeitInternationales TeamMVV Ticket oder ParkplatzWir bieten die Möglichkeit gelegentlich remote zu arbeiten. Da uns unsere Unternehmenskultur und ein Miteinander sehr wichtig ist, freuen wir uns auch, dich im Büro zu sehen.KinderbetreuungObstkorb, Getränke und Freizeitmöglichkeiten (z. B. ein Kickertisch) in den BüroräumenSchönes und gemütliches DesignbüroSonderangebote für andere Produkte von BURDA (z. B. Zeitschriften, Bücher und viele andere Dienstleistungen)Arbeite mit dem besten Designteam aller Zeiten zusammen ;)Bist du bereit, dich dem HolidayCheck-Abenteuer anzuschließen? Dann schnapp dir deinen Koffer voller Talente und schicke uns deine Bewerbung! Zeig uns, wer du bist, was dich antreibt und warum du Lust hast, gemeinsam mit uns, Urlaub besser zu machen.Über unsDie HolidayCheck Group AG ist eines der führenden europäischen Digitalunternehmen für Urlauber. Wir vereinen unter unserem Dach das Hotelbewertungs- und Reisebuchungsportal HolidayCheck, den Reiseveranstalter HolidayCheck Reisen sowie die MietwagenCheck und Driveboo Mietwagenportale.Gemeinsam haben wir die Vision, Urlaub besser zu machen. Das Herz unserer Unternehmenskultur sind unsere Werte, die wir im Arbeitsalltag leben und die ein Umfeld schaffen, in dem Du Dich kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln kannst.Stehst Du auch hinter unseren Werten und bist bereit für die Reise mit HolidayCheck? Dann werde Teil unseres Teams!Über das Unternehmen:HolidayCheck Group AG
Junior Furniture/Industrial Designer
EUZIEL International GmbH, Cologne
Die Euziel International GmbH wurde 2012 in Deutschland gegründet und hat ihren Hauptsitz in Ziel Home Furnishing Technology Co., Ltd.Es beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit der Forschung und Entwicklung, dem Design und dem Verkauf von Einrichtungsprodukten seiner eigenen Marke. Die Produkte umfassen hauptsächlich Möbelserien, Einrichtungsserien, Gartenserien, Haustierserien und andere Kategorien. Der Vertriebsumfang umfasst Europa, Nordamerika, Japan und andere Länder oder Regionen.Das Unternehmen positioniert sich als globale Internet-Wohneinrichtungsmarke. Es besitzt drei eigene Marken, SONGMICS, VASAGLE und FEANDREA. Es hat sich seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich zu einer der beliebtesten Einrichtungsmarken auf den europäischen und amerikanischen Märkten von Amazon entwickelt. 2017 gewann das Unternehmen den „Amazon Almighty Seller“ 2019 wurde das Unternehmen als „Amazon’s Most Popular Brand Seller of the Year“ ausgezeichnet. Im selben Jahr wurden SONGMICS und VASAGLE auch als „Top 100 Chinese Export Cross-border Brands with Amazon Global Stores“ ausgewählt.TasksThe daily tasks and main responsibilities you would be contributing to are: developing product strategies with the team trend research: CMF, technologies, functionalities, user needs team brainstormings concept generation 3D development and refinement of the selected concepts until a pre-engineering step rendering building up concept presentations to show to the HQ in China fair visits within and outside Europe (we all hope this to come again very soon!)RequirementsHere is the skillset we imagine from our new team member:3D modelling: Fluency with 3Dmax or Solidworks (3Dmax and Rhino are a plus)Rendering: Vray or KeyshotAdobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesignHand sketching and/or other quick and rough visualisation methodsWorkshop/prototyping/3D printing capabilities1-3 years of industrial design experience (furniture and/or houseware is a great plus)Proven examples of products launched in the market is a great plus. Team worker, self organised, able to perform tasks and deliver independently if neededEducation/degree in Furniture/Industrial Design or equivalent fieldSettled in Köln or willing to relocate, with eligibility to work in EU/GermanyAble to start asap (of course eventual relocation timings would be took into consideration)Fluent spoken and written English (German and/or Chinese is a great plus, other languages are welcome!)Everything else you can bring from your cultural and professional background!BenefitsModerner Arbeitsplatz mit Gleitzeit, Zeiterfassung und Mobilen ArbeitenUmfangreiche Einarbeitung mit individuellem EinarbeitungsplanFlachen HierarchienPositive ArbeitsatmosphäreRegelmäßige Events und subventioniertes Essen Standort EUZIEL International GmbH, Cologne
Frontend Developer – Hamburg
Noir, Hamburg
Frontend Developer - AI Marketing – Hamburg, Germany(Tech stack: Frontend Developer, Angular, RxJs, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, VueJS, jQuery, Web, UI, UX, User Interface, User Experience, Front End, Angular Developer)Our client is a leading AI marketing company that utilizes cutting-edge technology to revolutionize the way businesses connect with their target audience. As a Frontend Developer, you'll play a crucial role in creating exceptional user interfaces that enhance the user experience and drive the success of our AI-driven marketing solutions.We are seeking a talented and motivated Frontend Developer to join our development team. In this role, you will be responsible for designing and implementing intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing user interfaces for our AI marketing platform. As a Frontend Developer, you will collaborate with cross-functional teams, including backend developers, UI/UX designers, and product managers, to deliver high-quality software solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible in AI-driven marketing. An ideal candidate will have experience with the following Tech stack: Angular, RxJs, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, VueJS, jQuery, Web, UI, UX, User Interface, User Experience, Front End, Angular Developer.Requirements:Proven experience as a Frontend Developer with a focus on web application development.Proficient understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frontend frameworks such as React, Angular or Vue.Experience with RESTful APIs and asynchronous programming.Knowledge of version control systems (Git) and build tools (Webpack, Babel).Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced, agile environment.Perks and Benefits:Generous bonus.Private healthcare.Flexible work hours / WFH.Onsite gym and games room.Training budget.Free breakfast and lunch.If you are passionate about frontend development, excited about the intersection of AI and marketing, and ready to contribute to a forward-thinking team, we want to hear from you. Apply now and be part of shaping the future of AI-driven marketing.Location: Hamburg, Germany / Remote WorkingSalary: €75,000 - €95,000 + Bonus + BenefitsNOIREURGENSP2NOIRGERMANYRECNOIREUROPERECNC/HT/HAM7595 Standort Noir, Hamburg
Ramp106 GmbH, Hamburg
Das TeamOMR Reviews hat als jüngstes Mitglied des OMR Kosmos die Ambition, sich als führende Software-Bewertungsplattform im DACH Markt zu etablieren. Auf OMR Reviews bringen Erfahrungsberichte echter Nutzer*innen Transparenz in den SaaS-Markt. So geben wir Entscheider*innen Orientierung und Sicherheit beim Kauf von Software-Produkten und helfen gleichzeitig Softwareunternehmen dabei Reichweite, Reputation und neue Kundenpotenziale aufzubauen.Du interessierst dich dafür, wie Menschen digitale Produkte nutzen und wie man ihre Bedürfnisse besser verstehen kann? Dann kommt hier die Chance, ab sofort für 3-6 Monate praktische Erfahrungen im Bereich User Research zu sammeln und einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Benutzererfahrung unserer Plattform zu leisten.Das sind deine AufgabenDu wertest bereits durchgeführte User Research-Projekte ausDu sammelst und analysierst qualitative und quantitative Daten zur Evaluierung der BenutzererfahrungDu erstellst Berichte und Präsentationen, um die Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen des User Research-Teams zu kommunizierenDu arbeitest mit Produktmanagern, Designern und Entwicklern zusammen, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Produkte kontinuierlich zu verbessernDu identifizierst Trends und Best Practices im Bereich User Research und UX-DesignDas erwarten wir von dirDu verfügst über ein grundlegendes Verständnis von qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungsmethoden und hast Interesse an User Experience, Usability und Design ThinkingDu besitzt gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und die Fähigkeit, komplexe Informationen verständlich zu präsentierenDu zeigst Eigeninitiative und die Fähigkeit, eigenständig zu arbeitenDu verfügst über gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (weitere Sprachen sind von Vorteil)Erfahrung mit gängigen Tools und Software im Bereich User Research (Hotjar, Zenloop, Typeform, Google Forms) ist wünschenswertUnd das bieten wir dirDie Möglichkeit, dich in einem der aktuell vielleicht spannendsten deutschen Medienunternehmen mit Wachstumsperspektive einzubringenDie Chance, bei vielen neuen Themen mit den besten Köpfen der Branche zusammenzuarbeitenEine steile Lernkurve in vielfältigen digitalen ThemenfeldernZugang zu allen OMR Weiterbildungsformaten sowie ein großes Inhouse-Expert*innenwissenTeilnahme an allen OMR Events - egal ob OMR Festival, Aftershow-Party, OMR Klassenfahrt usw.Ein Wohlfühl-Office - inklusive höhenverstellbarer Tische, Massage-Sessel, Mini-Gym, Sommer-Deck u.v.m. - direkt im Hamburger SchanzenviertelFahrrad-Leasing sowie HVV-ProficardBetriebliche Altersvorsorge, Firmenfitness über Urban Sports Club und ErholungsbeihilfeVerschiedenste Mental-Health-Formate, wie z.B. OpenUp, für dein seelisches WohlbefindenMüsli, Getränke und von unserem Campus Team liebevoll zubereitete SnacksHybrides Arbeiten mit einer Homebase in oder bei HamburgMitarbeiterrabatte bei unseren Partner*innen und Family MembersDie Gelegenheit, dich über den OMR Kosmos mit den Player*innen der Digitalszene zu vernetzenJeder sagt’s, nur hier stimmt’s: das beste Team der Welt!KontaktWenn du zukünftig morgens mit guter Laune ins Büro fahren willst, freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung :-) Bitte schicke ein kurzes Anschreiben, deinen Lebenslauf und deine Gehaltsvorstellungen an Christian Mathes.Sollte dein Profil nicht alle Kriterien erfüllen, bewirb dich gern trotzdem bei uns. Wir freuen uns darauf, dich kennenzulernen!OMR setzt sich für Chancengleichheit, Vielfalt und Integration am Arbeitsplatz ein. Wir unterbinden Diskrimierung und Belästigung jeder Art aufgrund von Geschlecht, Hautfarbe, Religion, sexueller Orientierung, Herkunft, Behinderung, geschlechtlicher Identität oder anderen geschützten Merkmalen.Über unsHinter der Medienmarke OMR steht die Ramp106 GmbH, ein wachsendes 360°- Medienunternehmen mit Fokus auf Digital Business, Marketing, Finance und Tech mit Sitz in der Hamburger Sternschanze und aktuell rund 400 Mitarbeiter*innen. Mit dem OMR Festival veranstalten wir eines der weltweit größten Präsenz-Events für die Digital-Branche mit zuletzt über 70.000 Besucher*innen in 2023. Auf omr.com sorgen wir täglich für Inspiration und Wissen rund um digitale Fachthemen in Form von Analysen, Erfolgsstorys, abgefahrene Growth Hacks, Adtech-, Mobile- und Social-Themen oder Exklusiv-Interviews.Unsere Tochterfirma Podstars konzipiert, produziert und/oder vermarktet über 100 Podcast-Formate, darunter den OMR Podcast mit Philipp Westermeyer, Fußball MML und Fast & Curious mit Lea-Sophie Cramer und Verena Pausder.OMR Reviews ist auf bestem Wege, sich als führende Plattform für Bewertungen von Software-Produkten im DACH Markt zu etablieren. Erfahrungsberichte echter Nutzer*innen bringen Transparenz in den SaaS-Markt. Mit unserem Service sorgen wir für Orientierung in einem unübersichtlichen Markt und geben Entscheider*innen Sicherheit beim Kauf von Software-Produkten.Unsere Tochterfirma OMR Education GmbH entwickelt und vermittelt unterschiedliche Weiterbildungsformate zum Thema Digital und Marketing. Hierzu gehört der Online Campus OMR Academy, unsere Seminarreihe OMR Deep Dive sowie unsere OMR Reports als praxisnahe Leitfäden zu den wichtigsten Online Marketing Kanälen.Das OMR Jobs & HR Team kümmert sich um alle Aktivitäten rund um die Themen Recruiting & Employer Branding. Von der Digital- und Marketing-Jobbörse OMR Jobs über unsere Recruitingevents bis hin zu gezielten ganzjährigen Employer Branding Kampagnen und Projekten über die gängigen OMR-Kanäle.Weitere Standbeine sind die Medienmarke FINANCE FWD für die Fintech-Branche und der Betrieb des Hamburger Fernsehturms (gemeinsam mit der Messe Hamburg und Home United). Weitere Informationen unter www.omr.com. Standort Ramp106 GmbH, Hamburg
Junior Product Designer
Celus, Munich
Your responsibilitiesWe are looking for a creative and agile Junior Product Designer (F/M/D) who will be shaping the Co-Brand Management Platform - a system to manage the platform configurations, settings and content. You will have the opportunity to design innovative and user-friendly admin panels and dashboards to help revolutionize the world of electronics!Your main responsibilities in this position will include:Own the look and feel of the product, including its overall design and user interfaceDevelop a thorough understanding of use cases and personas who interact with the product, and design exceptional dashboards, admin panels customized to their specific needsConduct design research, generate ideas, and build prototypes that align with user requirements/needs and focus on improving flowsCreate a collaborative environment with internal and external stakeholders sharing the user experience feedback and ensure the product design aligns with the overall product visionStay up to date with design trends and best practices and continuously improve the design processDrive agile product development while prioritizing the business outcomes Your profileWorking experience with product management and engineering in a start-up environment1-3 years experience in product design, while UX research is a plusAdvanced proficiency with designing tools (Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch)Expertise with data visualization and dashboards creation for reporting tools Knowledge of UX/UI, wireframing, prototyping and visual designUndestanding of any product analytics tools like Google Analytics, Quantum Metric, etc. is a plusKnowledge of Product onboarding tools is a plusGreat communication skills, ability to connect people, share your creative ideas and collect/evaluate feedbackFluent EnglishPlease add your portfolio of past projects that demonstrates expertise and accomplishments as a Product Designer.We offer:Shape the future Have a direct impact on the electronics industry with our agile and international team.Feel welcome Enjoy our startup atmosphere including free lunches in the office canteen and experience our unique coffee culture. Get to know the CELUS team at regular team events and our annual company offsiteCommute freely Modern, central location, free metro tickets, free charging for your electric car and free parking.Learn and develop Improve your skills with our learning platforms, English/German language classes, trainings and conferences with a yearly budget up to 1000 EUR. Develop your stamina and endurance with an EGYM Wellpass membership.Decide where and when you work Enjoy hybrid office environment, flexible working schedule, workation program, additional paid Christmas week holiday.Relocate easily Start swiftly and smoothly with our relocation allowance and adaptation program.About usCELUS simplifies and accelerates the electronics design process for the global engineering community with it’s AI-powered CELUS Design Platform. We are a Munich founded start-up on a mission to unleash scalable engineering by providing a comprehensive library of electronics components and CUBOs, automating all the manual and tedious tasks in the design process, so engineers can spend more time on innovation. Join our community of tech enthusiasts and proactive high performers in an amazing journey through the world of electronics. We work with a clear vision, empowered by an ambitious, fast-paced environment and caring atmosphere, where your ideas and contributions are highly valued. We have offices in both Munich, Germany and Porto, Portugal. Embracing diversity is a very important value at CELUS. As an equal opportunity employer, we do not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. Standort Celus, Munich
Senior UX Designer (m/w/d)
Vemcon GmbH, München
Senior UX Designer (m/w/d) München, Deutschland Teilweise Home-OfficeVollzeit JETZT BEWERBEN Über uns:IoT trifft auf Heavy Machinery: Vemcon aus München denkt Maschinensteuerungen neu und vereinfacht durch digitale Lösungen die Prozesse auf Baustellen sowie in der Abwicklung von Bauprojekten. Gegründet 2012 von Jan Rotard und Julian Profanter löst Vemcon grundlegende Herausforderungen seiner Kunden, senkt beispielsweise Kosten auf dem Bau, optimiert Arbeitsprozesse und wirkt auf diese Weise dem Fachkräftemangel entgegen. Herstellern bietet Vemcon unkompliziert neue Erlösquellen. Zum Kundenkreis des rund 50 Mitarbeiter:innen zählenden Unternehmens gehören unter anderem Kiesel, Kinshofer, MTS und Sennebogen.Weltweit sind etwa 20.000 Maschinen mit Technologien von Vemcon ausgestattet. So bieten wir u.a. eine offene und modulare Plattform für Baumaschinen, um diese mit modernen Assistenz- und Steuerungsfunktionen auszustatten, und in der Cloud miteinander zu vernetzen. Auf diese Weise werden Bauprozesse transparenter und effizienter.Wir suchen einen Senior UX Designer (m/w/d), der User Experience verbessern möchte und unsere Vision und unsere Hands-on-Mentalität teilt und zur Digitalisierung der Baustelle beitragen will. Deine Aufgaben:Konzeption, Gestaltung und Visualisierung von Fahrer-Assistenzsysteme für BaumaschinenEnge Zusammenarbeit in Cross-funktionalem Entwicklungsteam mit Frontend- und Backend Entwicklung und ProjektmanagementGestaltung interner Design-Systeme und kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung, um ein konsistentes und benutzerfreundliches Nutzererlebnis sicherzustellenVorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung von User Research- und Usability TestsDefinition neuer UX-Standards für interne Produkte unter Berücksichtigung von Branchentrends und UserfeedbackPixelgenaue und entwicklungsreife Übergabe der UI Designs an die EntwicklungAls Senior UX Designer bei Vemcon trägst Du dazu bei, neue UX Design Maßstäbe und Richtlinien für die Digitalisierung der Baubranche zu setzen Das bringst Du mit:Das brauchen wir:Nachweisbare mehrjähriger Erfahrung in der Erstellung von UX-Designs in einer beruflichen Umgebung (Portfolio mit 1-2 Case Studien und dein Lebenslauf, auf Deutsch)Kreative und nutzerzentrierte Herangehensweise sowie strukturiertes ArbeitenErfahrung in nutzerzentrierten Arbeitsweisen und Methoden sowie in der Erstellung von Personas, User Flows, Szenarien und WireframesVerhandlungssichere Deutsch- und gute EnglischkenntnisseFundierte Kenntnisse in Figma (Du beherrschst Auto Layout spielend und erstellst Variants, Booleans & Co. im Handumdrehen)Kunden- & Anwendernähe: Verständnis für deren Probleme und HerausforderungenTeamfähigkeit und die Fähigkeit, in einem dynamischen Umfeld zusammenzuarbeitenEine schnelle Auffassungsgabe, ein gesundes Maß an Pragmatismus und eine ausgeprägte Hands-On MentalitätDu besitzt einen Autoführerschein Klasse BVerantwortungsbewusstsein, Selbständigkeit und Deine Zuverlässigkeit runden Dein Profil abDas wäre nice to have:Ausbildung mit Abschluss in Kommunikationsdesign, Medien-Design, Grafik-Design, Human Factors oder vergleichbar (oder zeige uns, dass Du keinen Abschluss brauchst)Interesse an Baumaschinen, Baumaschinenbediener und deren ArbeitsabläufeIdealerweise Erfahrung mit Fahrerassistenzsysteme in Land- oder Baumaschinen und grobes technisches Verständnis von Baumaschinen Das bieten wir:Ehrlicher Teamgeist, ein freundschaftlicher Umgang unter Kolleg:innen und Wertschätzung durch den VorgesetztenFlache Hierarchien: Kurze Entscheidungswege und Offenheit für Dialoge auf allen EbenenIntensive Einarbeitung mit einem persönlichen MentorSteuer- und Sozialversicherungsfreier Betrag von 40 u20ac in Form einer Prepaid-Kreditkarte30 Tage UrlaubZuschuss zum DeutschlandticketZukunftsorientierter Arbeitsplatz mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten sowie der Möglichkeit zum mobilen ArbeitenHohe Eigenverantwortlichkeit mit viel GestaltungsspielraumGezielte, gemeinsam ausgewählte WeiterbildungsmaßnahmenGute Anbindung an die öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln sowie Parkmöglichkeiten direkt vor OrtEinen wöchentlichen Fitnesstreff und eine Kaffeepause, um Dich up-to-date zu halten sowie regelmäßige Teamevents Interesse geweckt?Du möchtest Spaß mit Deinen neuen Kolleg:innen, ausreichend Koffein, Teein und hast eine Leidenschaft für das User Interface und die User Experience? Dann bewirb Dich jetzt!Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, relevante Zeugnisse) mit Angabe Deines frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins sowie Deiner Gehaltsvorstellung. JETZT BEWERBEN
Graphical UI / UX Designer and Conceptor
Touring Club Suisse (TCS), Berne
Graphical UI / UX Designer and ConceptorBecome a pivotal part of the Digital Services team in Ostermundigen BE, where innovation meets exceptional user experience. We’re seeking a visionary Graphical UI/UX Designer and Conceptor to be our leader in crafting a new WEB experience and enhancing our digital footprint across the TCS.CH, and other web platforms.Join us to shape the future of digital interaction at TCS.ch and deliver experiences that excites our users. We offer you a fixed contract of 12 month for a once in a lifetime challenge, to redesign a mayor WEB experience.Your challengesDesign and maintain an outstanding graphical system for TCS’s digital services and be the graphical light tower for our new WEB experience of TCS.chEstablish an in-house design agency to implement these servicesGenerate development-ready graphic designs and innovative concepts for effective information presentation across our platformsArchitect and refine information structures and navigation concepts to enhance accessibility and user engagementDevelop comprehensive interaction designs to facilitate seamless user experiencesCraft and test prototypes, including wireframes and user flow maps, refining these based on stakeholder and user feedbackEstablish and evolve UX standards, including design patterns and guidelinesCollaborate closely with product management and the broader digital team to translate requirements into functional designsThis will help you get startedUniversity degree in Interaction design, HCI, graphics design or similarMinimum of 5 years’ experience in designing mobile first web and mobile appsA creative thinker with a proactive attitude and excellent teamwork skillsYour technical understanding of front-end development and service platforms is robustStrong presentation and communication skills, capable of effectively articulating ideas and designsFluency in German and proficiency in English are required; French is a plusYou can look forward to thisDynamic work environmentOpen corporate culture with flat hierarchiesSupport for further training and professional developmentOpportunities to assume responsibility and growAttractive employment conditions and benefitsFlexible working hours in various rolesInterested? Apply today and join us in writing TCS’s and its sustainable mobility history.We at TCS respect and value the varied backgrounds and profiles of our employees. Equal treatment is an absolute priority for us.Adrian Mühlethaler, Digital Business Strategist, will be happy to provide you any information about the position. Please contact [email protected]'s why we've been around for over 125 years:(D): https://www.tcs.ch/de/der-tcs/rund-um-den-tcs/(F): https://www.tcs.ch/fr/le-tcs/a-propos-du-tcs/Touring Club SwitzerlandHuman ResourcesMonika Meury3072 Ostermundigen Einzelheiten Art der Berufstätigkeit Vollzeit Standort Land Schweiz Stadt Ostermundigen Employment type Full-Time Photos MARKETING Secteur d'activité MISCELLANEOUS Canton BE
Corporate Designer (m/f/d) with focus on UI/UX
GMK Markenberatung, Köln
Corporate Designer (m/f/d) with focus on UI/UX Your everyday life with us: You develop, plan and manage the visual translation of brand transformation concepts for our clients You develop corporate designs (incl. logo development, color and image worlds, font selection, layout principles, etc.) for brand and product communication based on the brand positioning You ensure an optimal user experience You think holistically about the brand and develop application examples for all digital touchpoints You support the development of customer journeys, wireframes, mockups and prototypes You create application-oriented design guidelines together with your team You can logically derive your design and present it convincingly at customer meetings You keep an eye on trends and developments in corporate design and UX/UI and can implement them skillfully You recognize the potential of new technologies, e.g. AI, for our customers and proactively drive them forward What makes you special: You are an open-minded, strategically thinking and customer-oriented personality You have successfully completed a degree or training in communication design, media informatics, interface design or a comparable qualification You have already gained practical experience in a comparable position in the field of communication design or corporate design, for example in a consultancy, agency or on the corporate side, and have demonstrated your creativity in the process You are confident in using the common tools of the Adobe Creative Suite as well as common software such as Sketch or Figma Ideally, you are familiar with the latest developments in the field of AI/AI or are interested in familiarizing yourself with them You are confident in using the common MS Office programs, especially PowerPoint In addition to German, you are also business fluent in English The unique gmk factor: Working with and learning from the best brand experts in Germany Personal coaching budget for your individual and professional development Your own contributions to the further development of gmk Markenberatung are not only welcome, but will also be rewarded Regular team events with which we strengthen our cohesion \"live and in color\" You work with a view of the Rhine in the most beautiful office in Cologne or flexibly from your home office Clearly defined career levels where you can move up quickly You are involved in the team and with the customer right from the start - together we create real change! About usWe do brand work that has consequences: Our interdisciplinary team of consultants and creatives writes brand history - with and for our clients. For SMEs and blue chips. For Bosch, Merck, Groupe Beneteau, Oventrop and WDR. For brands that have just embarked on the path to digital transformation - right up to digital game changers like IU International University. We are looking for people like you!
Lead Designer (m/f/d) - App & Web - onsite or remote within the EU
ABOUT YOU, HQ Hamburg or remote within the EU
We are currently looking for a skilled & passionate Lead Designer (m/f/d) to become part of our App & Web Team at ABOUT YOU! Our App & Web Team constantly improves the App, Mobile Website and Desktop Website. These big-scale products are each visited by several million people every month. The team’s focus is to provide the most inspiring, convenient, intuitive, and easy-to-use shopping experience for our customers. Our products focus heavily on personalization and fashion inspiration, as well as offering an intuitive and easy-to-use user experience. You want to have an impact on one of the fastest-growing eCommerce platforms in Europe with your creative ideas? Then we’d love to receive your application including your portfolio or website!What you will doSupport a team of UI/UX designers, assist in decision-making processes, and be attentive to challenges and needs during daily operationsBe responsible for overseeing the UI/UX design of our ABOUT YOU mobile and desktop Website, our mobile App, and all other related customer touch points (CRM)Work on leading fashion platforms in the eCommerce industry and collaborate effectively with product managers and engineersTranslate feature requirements into useful and intuitive designs for digital products that provide a great experience for usersCreate prototypes, from low to high fidelityWho you areAn experienced professional with 5+ years of professional experience in the field of UI/UXYou have a design background with a good understanding of complex web and app product structures as well as complex user flows in the field of e-commerceYou have hands-on experience with Figma to create directional designs for major new functionalitiesYou have strong communication and interpersonal skills that help you understand and manage business and tech stakeholder needs as well as maintain a sustainable relationship with stakeholdersYou are willing to “dig deep” into operations and support with a strong sense of ownership for the customer journeyYou are comfortable with working in an international working environment and your written and spoken English skills are very goodBenefitsHybrid working Fresh fruit every day Sports courses Free access to code.talks Exclusive employee discounts Free drinks Language courses Laracast account for free Company parties Mobility subsidy State-of-the-art technology Central Location Flexible Working Hours Company pension Professional training Dog-friendly office Remote AY Academy Feedback Culture Job Bikes YOU ARE THE CORE OF ABOUT YOU. We take responsibility for creating an inclusive and exceptional environment where all genders, nationalities and ethnicities feel welcomed and accepted exactly as they are. We believe that a diverse workforce essentially contributes to the ABOUT YOU culture. In order to maintain talent and diversity, we emphasize the care for physical health, mental health and overall well-being. Our values and work ethics essentially contribute to our brand mission: empower acceptance and shape an inclusive, fair and circular fashion culture.We are looking forward to receiving your application including your portfolio – preferably via our online application portal! Thus we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents. :)
Lead Designer (m/f/d) - App & Web - onsite or remote within the EU
ABOUT YOU, HQ Hamburg or remote within the EU
We are currently looking for a skilled & passionate Lead Designer (m/f/d) to become part of our App & Web Team at ABOUT YOU! Our Web & App Team constantly improves the App, Mobile Website and Desktop Website. These big-scale products are each visited by several million people every month. The team’s focus is to provide the most inspiring, convenient, intuitive, and easy-to-use shopping experience for our customers. Our products focus heavily on personalization and fashion inspiration, as well as offering an intuitive and easy-to-use user experience. You want to have an impact on one of the fastest-growing eCommerce platforms in Europe with your creative ideas? Then we’d love to receive your application including your portfolio or website!What you will doSupport a team of UI/UX designers, assist in decision-making processes, and be attentive to challenges and needs during daily operationsBe responsible for overseeing the UI/UX design of our ABOUT YOU mobile and desktop Website, our mobile App, and all other related customer touch points (CRM)Work on leading fashion platforms in the eCommerce industry and collaborate effectively with product managers and engineersTranslate feature requirements into useful and intuitive designs for digital products that provide a great experience for usersCreate prototypes, from low to high fidelityWho you areAn experienced professional with 5+ years of professional experience in the field of UI/UXYou have a design background with a good understanding of complex web and app product structures as well as complex user flows in the field of e-commerceYou have hands-on experience with Figma to create directional designs for major new functionalitiesYou have strong communication and interpersonal skills that help you understand and manage business and tech stakeholder needs as well as maintain a sustainable relationship with stakeholdersYou are willing to “dig deep” into operations and support with a strong sense of ownership for the customer journeyYou are comfortable with working in an international working environment and your written and spoken English skills are very goodBenefitsHybrid working Fresh fruit every day Sports courses Free access to code.talks Exclusive employee discounts Free drinks Language courses Laracast account for free Company parties Mobility subsidy State-of-the-art technology Central Location Flexible Working Hours Company pension Professional training Dog-friendly office Remote AY Academy Feedback Culture Job Bikes YOU ARE THE CORE OF ABOUT YOU. We take responsibility for creating an inclusive and exceptional environment where all genders, nationalities and ethnicities feel welcomed and accepted exactly as they are. We believe that a diverse workforce essentially contributes to the ABOUT YOU culture. In order to maintain talent and diversity, we emphasize the care for physical health, mental health and overall well-being. Our values and work ethics essentially contribute to our brand mission: empower acceptance and shape an inclusive, fair and circular fashion culture.We are looking forward to receiving your application including your portfolio – preferably via our online application portal! Thus we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents. :)
Senior Designer Outerwear Hugo Menswear (M/F/D)
HUGO BOSS, METZINGEN, Baden-Württemberg
Our vision is to establish HUGO BOSS as the leading premium tech-driven fashion platform worldwide and to be one of the top 100 global brands. At HUGO BOSS, we work as a team to apply our knowledge, skills and experience together and create a diversity of ideas and solutions. What unites us? We love fashion, we change fashion!At HUGO BOSS, you have the opportunity to contribute your personality, ideas and creativity - because only when we break new ground together can we create something unique. Become part of our team of more than 17.000 employees worldwide and shape your future at HUGO BOSS!We are looking for an experienced creative team player who enjoys making a difference in a dynamic, international environment and who is able to advance our collections. The highly motivated HUGO Menswear team is looking forward to meeting you!What you can expect:- Interpreting concept & researching trends for our Outerwear collection assuring the visibility of HUGO DNA in each garment. - Designing balanced and commercially successful outerwear ranges. - Proactive development in execution of sketches, tech packs, fabric direction and ideas as well as leading fitting sessions and meeting collection deadlines. - Strategic thinking in relation to design, process, workflow and direction of the Outerwear collection as a whole. - Intensive collaboration with Concept Design, Brand Management, Fabric Management Collection Coordination, Pattern Design and Technical Product Development to create a cohesive range. - Preparation/management and presentation at milestone meetings (internal/external). - Implementation of the company's strategic guidelines.Your profile:- Minimum 5 years' experience, with proven competence in outerwear design. - Excellent knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop and INdesign, 3D experience (CLO user). - Keen sense of menswear fashion and trends. - Creative and strategic thinker. - An understanding of and passion for sustainability within design. - Organisational talent, assertiveness, strong communication skills, very good structuring ability. - Strong understanding of commerciality within a brand. - Ability to work in a high-pressure environment, open minded and team player. - Fluent English skills.#LI-JW1Your benefits: Made for Me: three days in Metzingen and two days working remotely. Our hybrid working model "Threedom of work" is as individual as your personal needs. Sustainability is one of our key values, and more than just a trend. We are committed to environmental, animal and climate protection, and human rights. Does innovation drive you? Same for us! We have digitized most of our workflows and almost fully automated our logistics centres. Exclusive discounts for shopping and arts: benefit from discounts for family and friends along with free entrance to more than 15 international art museums. High-performing people need a healthy balance. Take advantage of the employee gym, the beach volleyball field or yoga classes on the rooftop terrace. As a fashion company, we value good taste in everything - including food. Welcome to our own restaurant and café, Times. We are a global company with our employees representative of the world at large. Our inclusive culture embraces each person's authenticity and individuality. We are committed to equal employment opportunity. And we believe our equitable work environment helps unleash your full potential and inspires you to thrive.
UX/UI Designer
Lime, Lund, Lime Technologies Sweden AB, Sankt Lars väg, ...
Job Description Are you a designer who dreams in pixels and wakes up with code coursing through your veins? Do you find yourself doodling on napkins and critiquing billboards while stuck in traffic? Then join the creative force at Lime Technologies in the heart of Lund, Sweden!Join Our Design Team!We’re looking for an UX/UI Designer to enhance our dynamic design team. Collaborate closely with engineering, product management, and customers to deliver exceptional user experiences.Key ResponsibilitiesYou will, together with our other designers, be a beacon of creative inspiration in our product team and company in general while driving exceptional experiences that delights our customers whether they are end-users or admins. You will also engage in various design activities, from hands-on prototyping and gathering actionable insights, to implementing ideas by joining forces with our engineering teams. We offer a position where you can make a real impact! Your design decisions will directly influence the user experience for thousands of people. We have a thriving design environment where we foster a collaborative, fun atmosphere where creativity is celebrated. Think open communication, feedback loops and plenty of opportunities to grow! You will get to work on diverse projects to make sure you’re never bored. We offer a variety of projects and products to challenge your skills and keep you engaged. How we workWe have a lightweight process using the latest Agile techniques with stable feature cycles, where designers and engineers works alongside each other. Even though we try our best, our tech, designs, and processes are far from perfect. That’s where you come in! Join us on our journey of building a company and products we can be proud of!
UX Designer (m/w/d)
generic.de software technologies AG, Karlsruhe
UX Designer (m/f/d) Full-time | permanent | hybrid, Karlsruhe | starting immediately As part of the product team, you are responsible for ensuring that the software becomes a human-centered solution. With your experience and expertise, you ensure that UX works in the project. You are responsible for the user experience of the software we build - from the product idea to productive operation. Exciting tasks: You take the UX lead in the customer project and use user research to identify user requirements and develop suitable interaction concepts for them. You test and optimize existing applications and user interfaces You design the user experience for B2B applications by creating mockups, low-fidelity prototypes through to the final UI design. In close cooperation with our development teams and customers, you test the concepts with users. You support the development teams during implementation and validate the finished software. You design workshops to develop solution concepts and incorporate the needs of users into requirements engineering. The best prerequisites: You have a degree in User Experience, Human Computer Interaction, Human Centered Design, IT or Psychology. You should have at least 5 years of practical experience as a UX designer, including at least 3 years in B2B-UX, Industrial-UX or Enterprise-UX with complex applications. The design tools Figma, Adobe XD and MURAL are part of your daily toolkit. Ideally, you have some experience with AI-based tools. Teamwork is at least as important to us as working independently. You have a good feel for customer needs and are a strong communicator and presenter. You have a very good command of German and English. What we offer you Training as a clean code developer Flexible trust-based working hours Flexible working for more freedom Flat hierarchies and a family company culture Lifelong learning with the generic.de academy Job bike, company car or company mobile phone options Allowance for company pension scheme Subsidy for the gym Joint events and celebrations Employee discounts from partners Good transport links and company parking spaces Fun with table football, table tennis, darts or Playstation Time to relax Great things must be celebrated Healthy working environment Apply now as a UX Designer (m/f/d) Simply fill out the online form and send us your application documents. Tell us about your last big challenges and how you would like to support us with your strengths. We look forward to getting to know you! Any questions? Slava Markert PERSONNEL OFFICER +49 721 619096-0 [email protected] We are a founder-managed IT service company based in Karlsruhe. For 25 years, we have been developing individual software solutions with a focus on sustainability through the company-wide use of clean code development. We support and accompany well-known customers from the B2B sector throughout the entire development process - from the conception to the realization of individual end customer solutions. generic.de software technologies AG - Johann-Georg-Schlosser-Strau00dfe 66 - 76149 Karlsruhe - Germany - www.generic.de
Teamcenter (PLM Tool) System Administrator (f/m/x)
Valmet Automotive Solutions GmbH, Bad Friedrichshall
Careers for those Who prefer the fast lane YOUR FRONT-ROW SEAT FOR REVOLUTIONARY ELECTROMOBILITYWe are Valmet Automotive: Since 1968, we have stood for integrated automotive engineering on behalf of world-renowned OEMs. Today, around 3,700 employees in Finland, Germany and Poland shape our success as a complete vehicle manufacturer in the automotive sector, and as a system supplier for battery systems as well as kinematic and convertible top systems. Our entire strategy, and especially our EV Systems branch, focuses on tomorrowu2019s mobility. We develop and manufacture battery systems from 48V to high voltage for vehicles and off-highu00adway applications.As part of our team, you'll not only ignite the turbo boost for your professional development – you'll be at the forefront of the electromobility revolution. Our work culture? Straightforward and honest. Arrogance is not our thing. We let our actions speak for themselves, are courau00adgeous, constantly learn new things – and respect each other. Because respect is at the heart of our team spirit. We take our tasks and you seriously. So, hit the start button and enrich us as a Teamcenter (PLM Tool) System Administrator (f/m/x) in Bad Friedrichshall near Heilbronn or Munich; Germany Your job site and teamNo matter whether you join us in Bad Friedrichshall or Munich – at every Valmet Automotive lou00adcau00adtion you can be sure of state-of-the-art working environments, motivated colleagues and of consideration for your wishes.As a member of our IT department, you can expect strong team spirit and real variety. Every day, you will ensure that our employees can work with efficient and modern IT solutions. Hereu2019s where youu2019ll make an impactYou'll support our users for all Teamcenter applications. This includes the creation and modification of basic data, EBOM/MBOM management, workflow designer, mou00addiu00adfiu00adcau00adtion and deployment of the BMIDE data model.Training courses for u201cteamcenteru201d users are created and conducted by you.You'll communicate with the application prou00advider for higher-level support (GTAC) and carry out new installations, software upu00adgrades and software patch installations in cooperation with TC service providers.Creation, maintenance and docuu00admenu00adtau00adtion of appropriate security and control meau00adsures and compliance with infrau00adstrucu00adture archiu00adtecture standards.Last but not least, youu2019ll support and/or lead special IT projects. This is your basic equipmentBachelor's degree in the field of IT or a vou00adcau00adtiou00adnal apprenticeship with relevant work experience.First experience administrating TeamcenterIdeally, you have some experience with NX and CATIA.Your English: Off the charts! Your German: Ebenfalls prima! Other strong points of yours: open-minded and ability to commuu00adniu00adcate with different characters. Your foru00admuu00adla for success: u201cchange = chanceu201d. Our special extrasWell-structured onboardingGreat development opportunities with clear career paths, target agreements and regular feedbackAn employer committed to sustainable, environmentally conscious business practices that is expanding rapidly30 days of vacation as well as special leave days and great bonuses for certain private occasionsCapital-forming benefits and above-average company pension schemeFriendly colleagues who want to set things in motionAttractive, performance-related bonusesPossibility of remote, flexible working (if your position allows it)Ergonomic and modern workstationsFree coffee, fruits and waterEmployee discounts with Corporate Benefits and an employee referral programWe support your mobility with BikeleasingVersatile e-learning opportunities to explore new horizonsEntertaining, often unforgettable company events Off to the starting line!Simply upload your application documents via our application tool. If we have what youu2019d like, and youu2019ve got what weu2019re looking for, there's nothing standing in the way of a first interview, in which we'll be happy to clarify all your questions!If you have any questions before you apply, Enrico Springer from HR will be happy to hear from you on +491755305467.Apply now! Note: Colorful teams are one of our key strengths. We welcome anyone who recognizes her- or himself in the ad above. We explicitly promote diversity, equal opportunities regardless of age, origin and gender, and the inclusion of handicapped people.
Senior UI / UX Designer (m/f/d)
jacando AG, München
Are you an experienced UI/UX Designer with a passion for creating exceptional digital experiences? Do you thrive on turning complex concepts into intuitive, visually captivating designs? If you're ready to redefine user interactions and shape the future of design, your next adventure awaits with us!At jacando, we're on the lookout for a talented and innovative UI/UX Designer to join our dynamic team. As a UI/UX Designer, you will play a pivotal role in crafting intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interfaces that delight users while aligning with our brand vision. Senior UI/UX Designer (m/f/d) Responsibilities:Design with Purpose: Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to create user-centric designs that seamlessly integrate functionality and aesthetics. Your attention to detail and understanding of user behavior will be the foundation of captivating interfaces.User-Centered Solutions: Apply your expertise to develop wireframes, prototypes, and user flows that translate user needs into effective and engaging design solutions.Innovate Continuously: Keep a pulse on emerging design trends, techniques, and technologies. Your passion for exploration will ensure our designs remain fresh and ahead of the curve.Collaborate Seamlessly: Work alongside developers, product managers, and other stakeholders to bring your designs to life. Your ability to effectively communicate design decisions will drive collaboration and successful outcomes.User Testing and Iteration: Conduct user testing sessions and gather feedback to refine designs iteratively. Your commitment to improving user experiences will be instrumental in achieving design excellence. Qualifications:Proven Design Portfolio: Showcase your expertise with a portfolio demonstrating your skills in creating intuitive interfaces, user flows, wireframes, and prototypes.Proficiency in Design Tools: Mastery of design tools like Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, Figma, or similar tools that allow you to create captivating visuals and interactive prototypes.User-Centric Mindset: A deep understanding of user-centered design principles, with the ability to empathize with users and translate their needs into impactful designs.Strong Communication Skills: Clear communication of design ideas, rationale, and user feedback to stakeholders. Your ability to articulate design decisions will be crucial in collaborative environments.Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail and a commitment to pixel-perfect designs that maintain a consistent brand identity.Responsive Design: Experience designing for various platforms and devices, ensuring seamless user experiences across desktop, tablet, and mobile.Effective Problem Solver: A creative thinker with the ability to solve design challenges and balance user needs with technical constraints. What We Offer:A flexible work environment that prioritizes work-life balance, including part-time work and flexible working hours.Up to 80% home office and remote work opportunities.We embrace a flat hierarchy, ensuring efficient communication and decision-making processes.Collaborative culture: Join a team of like-minded individuals who are passionate about their craft. We foster an environment of open communication, where every voice is heard and valued.Cutting-edge technology: Work with state-of-the-art tools and frameworks, harnessing the power of the latest technologies to create exceptional frontend experiences.Professional growth: We are committed to investing in your development. Together with your manager, you will create a tailored development program that may include mentorship programs, training resources, and opportunities to attend industry conferences and events.Enjoy 30 days of vacation to recharge your batteries.We provide a well-structured onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition.Take advantage of generous employee discounts on hundreds of well-known brands.If you're ready to craft digital experiences that captivate and inspire, apply now! We're excited to see your portfolio and welcome you to our creative journey. Your design expertise will play a key role in driving our brand's success.Jacando GmbHWelfenstraße 2281541 MünchenDeutschlandJacando AGMünchensteinerstrasse 414052 BaselSchweizAPPLYReference Number: YF23915398
UX-UI Designer (m/f/d) in Augsburg
AuA24 AG, Augsburg
UX-UI Designer (m/f/d) in Augsburg AuA24 AG is an innovative technology company for the development of software and the automation of B2B processes. Together with its specialized providers, which are firmly linked to AuA24 AG, the company focuses on four business areas: the digital data center, automated defense against cyber risks and the digitization of business processes with a focus on occupational safety and corporate health. The latest business area to be added in future is the industry-specific use of artificial intelligence. The aim is to make all of these services economically accessible to small and medium-sized companies in particular. We are looking for a UX/UI Designer (m/f/d) in Augsburg as soon as possible. Your tasks: User research: Conducting interviews, surveys and usability tests to understand user needs and behavior Concept development: creating personas, user stories and scenarios to plan design strategies and solutions Design: Designing wireframes, prototypes and graphical interfaces, taking into account user guidance, accessibility and responsiveness Usability tests: testing prototypes and existing products for user-friendliness and identifying opportunities for improvement Collaboration: Working closely with UI designers, developers and product managers to ensure design solutions are technically feasible and meet project goals Your requirements profile: Completed training or a degree in the IT environment or a related field Media designers with experience or career changers are welcome Several years of professional experience in UX design, preferably with a focus on SaaS software, desirable: cyber security or related technical areas Proficiency in design and prototyping tools such as Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma or similar Experience in conducting user research, including interviews, surveys, usability testing and user behavior analysis Excellent communication skills Advanced knowledge of English We offer: Above-average pay depending on qualifications Very pleasant team atmosphere 30 vacation days A secure full-time job Flexitime Ergonomic working An open and collegial team A respectful corporate culture Are you interested? Then apply now! If you are interested, we look forward to receiving your application with your CV and references at [email protected] . Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Advanced knowledge of: Adobe XD, cloud computing, interface and web design tool Figma
Westhouse Job: UX Designer*in (m/w/d)
Westhouse Consulting GmbH, Mufcnchen
Westhouse ist eines der fu00fchrenden internationalen Recruitment Unternehmen fu00fcr die Vermittlung von hochqualifizierten Fachexperten in Bereichen wie IT Life Cycle, SAP, Engineering, Kaufmu00e4nnischem und Fachberatung. Westhouse Job: UX Designer*in (m/w/d) Ihre Aufgaben: Unterstu00fctzung des Projektteams mit breiter UX & Design Thinking Erfahrung zur Entwicklung von Produktideen Planung und Durchfu00fchrung von Workshops mit interdisziplinu00e4ren Teams (z.B. Ideation Session, Rapid Prototying) Auswahl passender Methoden, Durchfu00fchrung Design-Thinking-Prozess, Workshop Moderation und Team-Coaching Erstellung von Konzepten, Personas, Costumer Journeys, User Flows, (interaktiven) Prototypen Durchfu00fchrung von Befragungen, Analysen zum Nutzerverhalten und Anwendertests Pru00fcfung der Umsetzungsqualitu00e4t und Definition von UX KPIs Ihre Qualifikationen: Mindestens drei Jahre Berufserfahrung in den Bereichen User Experience, Research und Design Thinking Experte in UX und Design-Thinking Methoden, um nutzerzentrierte Produktideen zu entwickeln Erfahrungen in der Anwendung und Durchfu00fchrung quantitativer und qualitativer Erhebungsmethoden und User Tests Erfahren in der Erstellung/Erarbeitung von Personas, KPIs, Opportunity-Areas, Story-Maps und Customer Journeys Fundierte Erfahrungen im Wireframing und Prototyping Breites Fach- und Methodenwissen, das gezielt und effizient in Workshops vermittelt werden kann Sicherer Umgang mit Figma, Zeplin sowie mit den Atlassian-Tools Jira und Confluence Was Sie erwartet: Rahmenbedingungen werden persönlich besprochen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekru00e4ftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen in elektronischer Form.
Westhouse Job: UX Designer*in (m/w/d)
Westhouse Consulting GmbH, Mufcnchen
Westhouse is one of the leading international recruitment companies for the placement of highly qualified professionals in areas such as IT Life Cycle, SAP, Engineering, Commercial and Technical Consulting. Westhouse Job: UX Designer (m/f/d) Your tasks: Definition of UI/UX requirements and coordination with department stakeholders, REs and developers Conception and documentation of personas, user flows and wireframes as well as information architecture UI design (styles, UI patterns, widgets and layouts based on OutSystems UI Framework) Implementation of surveys and analysis of user behavior Checking the quality of implementation Creation of interactive prototypes and implementation of user tests Working in an agile product team Your qualifications: Several years of experience in user interface & user experience design as well as the associated processes and methods Expertise in the development of solid concepts via transfer into wireframes and visual designs Very good knowledge in the creation of information architecture, customer journeys, user & process flows Sound experience in working with UI frameworks / design systems (ideally OutSystems) Expert in the application and implementation of user tests and in-depth interviews Expertise with Figma (!) and confident handling of Jira and Confluence Experience in agile product development according to SCRUM What you can expect: General conditions will be discussed personally. We look forward to receiving your informative application documents in electronic form.
Senior UX/UI Designer
ClimatePartner GmbH, Berlingen
Senior UX/UI Designer What you will doJoin us in helping companies of all sizes and industries take their own climate action today. We are dedicated to working as a team towards our common goal: improving lives. Become part of our Digital team in Munich/Berlin/Barcelona, where we work in cross-functional and autonomous teams that co-create digital products and take ownership from idea to impact. You take full responsibility for all design elements within a cross-functional product team, owning the design process and contributing to overarching design topics. You drive discovery work in close collaboration with your product team (PO/Dev/Design triangle). You plan and conduct user interviews, validate your ideas, and comfortably present your UX and UI concepts to stakeholders. You create wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs, ensuring a user-centered approach at every stage. You are experienced in collaborating with engineering, handing off designs, and ensuring seamless implementation. You use and actively contribute to our design system, strengthening our design values across the organisation. You identify challenges in the overall customer journey and develop new solutions to improve the status quo. Who you are You have 5+ years of professional experience as a UX/UI Designer, working in product teams with a product triangle (PO/Dev/Design) setup. You have highly developed design skills that are demonstrated in your portfolio, with broad know-how in user-centered design. You can identify user needs, interpret qualitative and quantitative results, and break down complex scenarios to find the best-fitting solutions. You are a strong communicator and can demonstrate the added value of user-centered design to the organisation. You are a team player who enjoys taking responsibility and shaping the culture of the UX/UI Design Team. You are passionate about climate action and want to make the world a better place through your work. You embrace constant learning and are enthusiastic about new technologies, trends, and innovations . You are comfortable using design and prototyping tools, such as Figma. You are fluent in English and have excellent communication skills. Knowledge of German is a plus. BenefitsJoin our dynamic and international team where you can be who you are. We work together in an open and uncomplicated way and also enjoy socialising outside of work. In addition to a job with meaning, we also offer you the following benefits: Our bright, modern offices are centrally located and easily accessible by all modes of transport. We love environmentally friendly alternatives for travelling to the office! To support this, you can opt for a JobRad. Sport clears your head and makes us feel good! We support you with a subsidy for various sports programs. We offer 30 days holiday, because we believe that time off is important. We enable you to work flexibly and in a hybrid way so that you can achieve an even better work-life balance. Regular check-ins and development meetings are part of our feedback culture. You have the opportunity to take out a company pension scheme with an employer subsidy. It goes without saying that we provide free tea, coffee and fruit to ensure your well-being at work. How to applySimply click the application button to apply to this position. Make sure that you include the following documents in English: your latest CV a cover letter Have any questions? Feel free to contact Lukas Ziegler ( [email protected] ) from the Design team. Creating an inclusive environment is important to us. We provide equal opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to any aspect which makes them unique. If you need any reasonable adjustments to make the application process accessible for you, weu2019ll do our best to accommodate you. Find out more about working at ClimatePartner and see all our current job openings at climatepartner.com/careers . We look forward to your application! About usClimatePartner supports companies in climate action: With our solution combining software and consulting, we support our clients in making a contribution to climate action and anchoring it in their strategy. Companies calculate carbon footprints for them or their products, set reduction targets, implement reductions, finance climate projects and are supported by ClimatePartner through to the communication of their climate action commitment. These five steps can be transparently tracked with the label ClimatePartner certified and the corresponding climate-ID page. Where these requirements cannot yet be met, we provide the opportunity to contribute to financing climate projects. This commitment can be demonstrated via the Financial climate contribution label as well as ClimatePartneru2019s established ID tracking. As we want to take climate action to a new level, we develop high-quality, certified climate projects with our ClimatePartner Impact business division. In addition to the positive effects on the climate, these and the other projects from the ClimatePartner portfolio provide additional benefits for the local communities, guided by the UNu2019s Sustainable Development Goals. ClimatePartner was founded in Munich in 2006. Our more than 500 employees in Barcelona, Berlin, Boston, Essen, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Munich (HQ), Paris, Stockholm, The Hague, Vienna, and Zurich support more than 6,000 companies from over 60 countries.
UI/UX Designer (m/w/d)
Exclusive Associates GmbH, Osnabrufcck
UI/UX Designer (m/f/d) Are you a creative mind with an eye for design and a knack for user experience? Do you love designing user interfaces that not only look good, but are also intuitive and user-friendly? Then we're looking for you! We are looking for a talented UI Designer for our client in the Osnabru00fcck area to take their digital products to the next level. Your tasks: Design and implementation of high-quality UI designs and further developments for the web applications Collaborate with the product and development team to understand and implement requirements Conduct user research and testing to continuously improve the user experience Maintaining and developing our design system to ensure a consistent user experience What you bring with you: Sound knowledge of UI design, basic knowledge of UX design an advantage Experience with common design tools such as Sketch, Adobe XD or Figma A good understanding of usability principles and experience in designing user-centered products Creativity, innovative spirit and the ability to solve complex problems Ability to work in a team and strong communication skills to collaborate effectively with different stakeholders We offer: An exciting and varied job in a dynamic team The opportunity to contribute your ideas and make a significant contribution to the further development of our products Innovative and creative projects Flexible working hours and the option to work remotely up to 100% Regular training opportunities and support for personal development Attractive salary package If you are ready to shape the future of design, apply now and become part of the team! Send us your application documents to [email protected] (https://mailto: [email protected] ) or contact our lovely colleague Serap Cakir on 0211 975 300 13 if you have any questions. We look forward to getting to know you! Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge of: Customer loyalty systems, development, work, operational, organizational psychology