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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Embedded Systems Programmer in Deutschland"

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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Embedded Systems Programmer in Deutschland"

68 333 € Durchschnittliches Monatsgehalt

Durchschnittliches Gehaltsniveau in den letzten 12 Monaten: "Embedded Systems Programmer in Deutschland"

Währung: EUR USD Jahr: 2024
Das Balkendiagramm zeigt die Änderung des Gehaltsniveaus in der Embedded Systems Programmer Branche in Deutschland

Verteilung des Stellenangebots "Embedded Systems Programmer" in Deutschland

Währung: EUR
Wie die Grafik zeigt, in Deutschland gilt Baden-Württemberg als die Region mit der größten Zahl der offenen Stellen in und an zweiter Stelle folgt Niedersachsen. Den dritten Platz nimmt Thüringen ein.

Empfohlene Stellenangebote

Embedded System Ingenieur Hardware (m/w/d)
Storz & Bickel GmbH, Mühlheim an der Donau
Embedded System Ingenieur Hardware (m/w/d) Tuttlingen Vollzeit Ab sofort Die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung unserer Produkte sowie die Umsetzung von innovativen Ideen haben uns zu einem international agierenden und erfolgreichen Unternehmen gemacht: STORZ & BICKEL ist der erste und einzige Hersteller von zertifizierten Medizinprodukten für die Inhalation von Cannabinoiden. Unser Unternehmen wächst stetig - gerne mit Dir. Deine Aufgaben Die Tätigkeit untersteht direkt der Entwicklungsleitung und umfasst: Management Erstellen von Systemkonzepten und dazugehöriger FMEA für Medizinprodukte Erstellung von Schaltplänen und Layouts mit Altium Designer Aufbau und Betreuung von Testaufbauten, Prototypen sowie Durchführung der Versuche Analyse retournierter Produkte und Identifizierung der Retoure für kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Produkte Requirements Engineering für Medizin- und Haushaltsprodukte Optionale Mitarbeit bei der Software für Prototypen und der Serie für ARM Cortex-M Prozessoren soweit Interesse besteht Verifizierung und Validierung der Hardware und ggfs. zugehöriger Software Option auf perspektivische Teamleitung vorhanden Dein Profil Du besitzt einen erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Studienabschluss im Bereich Elektrotechnik, Informatik oder Vergleichbares und hast bereits mehrere Jahre Berufserfahrung Du besitzt idealerweise Kenntnisse im Bereich Bluetooth Low Energie, Versionsverwaltung (GIT) Du bist erfahren im Design von Schaltplänen und Layouts im Bereich Embedded Systems Du hast Freude am Bearbeiten von komplexen Fragestellungen im Bereich Verdampfer Du verfügst über gute Englischkenntnisse Du hast Lust Dich als Teamplayer in unserem Unternehmen zu engagieren Dir liegt sorgfältiges und proaktives Arbeiten Was Storz & Bickel dir bietet Ein Arbeitsplatz in einem hochmodernen Firmengebäude bietet Dir eine sehr angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre Flache Hierarchien und kurze Entscheidungswege ermöglichen Dir viel zu bewirken Wir bieten Dir ein wettbewerbsfähiges Vergütungspaket inklusive Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld Bei uns erhältst Du 30 bezahlte Urlaubstage und einen Sonderurlaubstag für Deinen Geburtstag Kostenfreie Getränke und Obst sind bei uns selbstverständlich Weiter- und Fortbildungen werden durch uns finanziell unterstützt Es erwartet Dich ein dynamisches und motiviertes Team, das auch gerne im Rahmen von Firmenevents (z. B. Weihnachtsfeier und Sommerfest) zusammenkommt Falls Du nicht in Tuttlingen wohnst, erhältst Du von uns einen Zuschuss für Deine Fahrtkosten Wir bezuschussen bei Interesse Deine betriebliche Altersvorsorge JobRad: Wir unterstützen die Umwelt und Aktivität unserer Mitarbeiter durch das Anbieten von Leasingfahrrädern (+65,00 EUR Gehaltsextra) Wir unterstützen Deine Fitness durch eine Hansefit-Partnerschaft (Eigenbeteiligung nur 19,50 EUR) Stellennummer JSB HR-068 / 2023
Junior IT-Sicherheitsexpert:in Embedded Systems
TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH, Essen
Job offer from Position to be filled at TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH, Location Essen Contract type Employment – indefinite Working time full-time Was wir dir bieten Wir bieten dir einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz, ein tarifgeschütztes Gehalt und ein unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis. Unser Homeoffice- und Teilzeitangebot sowie unsere flexiblen Arbeitszeiten unterstützen Dich dabei, Dein Berufs- und Privatleben zu vereinbaren. Du arbeitest in einem engagierten Team mit flachen Hierarchien in einer kollegialen Arbeitsatmosphäre und hast einen eigenen Verantwortungsbereich mit hohem Gestaltungs- und Entwicklungsfreiraum. Unser neues und modernes Bürogebäude in Essen ist verkehrsgünstig gelegen, mit ÖPNV Anbindung, und verfügt über ausreichende E-Ladesäulen für Kraftfahrzeuge. Du erhältst von uns eine attraktive und hochwertige Arbeitsausstattung. Wir fördern Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung sowohl durch individuelle und fachspezifische Schulungen als auch durch die Möglichkeit der Teilnahme an namhaften Konferenzen und bieten dir einen Zugang zu virtuellen Lernplattformen. Unseren Beschäftigten bieten wir umfangreiche Zusatzleistungen: Vermögenswirksame Leistungen, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Beratung in allen Bereichen der Kinderbetreuung und Pflegebedürftigkeit, Ferienprogramme, Gesundheitsangebote, Bonusprogramme, Jobticket oder Vergünstigungen bei Betriebsrestaurants sind nur einige Beispiele. Was du bei uns bewegst Du verantwortest die Prüfung und Bewertung von state of the art IT-Sicherheitsprodukten gemäß aktuellen IT-Sicherheitsstandards. Du führst Sicherheitsanalysen an verschiedensten Komponenten mit neuesten Analysemethoden durch und sorgst somit für die IT-Sicherheit von morgen. Du stellst deine Prüf- und Bewertungsergebnisse gegenüber nationalen/internationalen Herstellern und Zertifizierungsstellen vor und sensibilisierst bzgl. Abweichungen und Schwachstellen. Zudem unterstützt du im Team Hersteller sowie Behörden im Umfeld der IT-Sicherheit. Was dich ausmacht Hochschulabschluss in einem MINT-Studiengang, idealerweise mit Schwerpunkt Informatik oder IT-Sicherheit grundsätzliches Interesse an IT-Sicherheit idealerweise Erfahrungen in der Kryptographie oder beim Programmieren Freude an der Einarbeitung in neue Produkte und deren Architektur sowie der Analyse von Quellcode, der Testdurchführung und der Identifikation von Schwachstellen analytisches Vorgehen, Teamgeist und Kommunikationsvermögen sicheres Englisch in Wort und Schrift sowie Reisebereitschaft Interessiert? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung. Bewirb dich einfach über den Online-Bewerben-Button. Für einen direkten Austausch besuch uns gerne unter folgendem Link: Die TÜV NORD GROUP legt Wert auf Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Behinderung, ethnischer Herkunft, sexueller Orientierung oder sozialem/religiösem Hintergrund. Wenn du dich für diese Stelle interessierst, deine bisherigen Erfahrungen aber nicht perfekt mit jedem Punkt in der Stellenbeschreibung übereinstimmen, ermutigen wir dich, dich dennoch zu bewerben! JobID: BUIT00056 Bewerbungsschluss: keiner Über die TÜV NORD GROUP Individuelle Karriereplanung und -förderung, abwechslungsreiche und herausfordernde Aufgaben in Verbindung mit Gestaltungsfreiheit: Das macht das Arbeitsumfeld der TÜV NORD GROUP aus und ermöglicht exzellente Lösungen für Menschen, Technik und Umwelt in mehr als 100 Ländern. Wir handeln jederzeit verantwortlich, vereinen Diversität mit Kollegialität und nutzen die soziale Vielfalt konstruktiv als eine Quelle für Kreativität und Innovationskraft in unserem Unternehmen. Bring dein Talent bei uns ein! Über den Geschäftsbereich TÜV Informationstechnik (TÜVIT) steht zu 100 Prozent für IT-Sicherheit. Sie ist Teil unserer DNA – und dies schon seit 1995. IT-Sicherheit ist für TÜVIT kein Trend und kein Hype, sondern jene Aufgabe, der sich all unsere Mitarbeitenden verschrieben haben. Unsere Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen sind komplett auf die Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik ausgerichtet. Über 50 Prozent der DAX 30-Unternehmen und zahlreiche internationale Firmen profitieren bereits von TÜVIT-geprüfter Sicherheit. Denn das Vertrauen in die Sicherheit von IT-Produkten ist ein großer Wettbewerbsvorteil. Recruitment process Standort TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH, Essen
Leiter*in Entwicklung – Embedded Systems (m/w/d) – Ref.-Nr. 4012
Im Rahmen einer Direktvermittlung suchen wir dich zum nächstmöglichenZeitpunkt für unseren Kunden, eine Embedded-Agentur, am Standort Hamburg alsLEITER*IN ENTWICKLUNG – EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (M/W/D) – Ref.-Nr. 4012Wir, die TALENTLOTSEN, sind eine Hamburger Personalberatung und stehen für Orientierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Weil für uns der Mensch im Mittelpunkt steht, wollen wir gemeinsam mit dir dein Potenzial sichtbar machen, um damit das perfekte Jobmatch zwischen dir und deinem neuen Arbeitgeber finden zu können. Ganz nach unserem Credo:Talente erkennen – Zukunft gestalten.DEINE AUFGABEN• Planung, Organisation und Koordination verschiedener hochwertiger Projekte im Bereich Embedded-Systems• Entwicklung technischer Konzepte• Bearbeitung und Umsetzung von Kundenanforderungen und kontinuierlicher Austausch zu Weiterentwicklungen und Verbesserungen• Definition und Gestaltung von Prozessen für die Produktentwicklung und Überwachung der Einhaltung der Prozesse• Leitung eines wachsenden EntwicklerteamsDEIN PROFIL• Fundierte berufliche Erfahrung im Bereich Embedded-Systems oder -software• Erfahrung im Umgang mit Kund*innen• Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Multiprojektmanagement• Qualifikation im Bereich Requirements Management oder Prozessmanagement von Vorteil• Starkes Führungspotenzial, Durchsetzungsvermögen und unternehmerisches Denken• Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und EnglischkenntnisseDEINE BENEFITS• Ein kreatives und abwechslungsreiches Arbeitsumfeld mit flachen Hierarchien und einer offenen Kultur• Möglichkeit zur Mitbestimmung, Entfaltung und individuelle Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten• Ein attraktives Gehalt und Mobilitätszuschüsse• Die Möglichkeit aus dem Home-Office zu arbeiten• Eine Startup-Kultur mit High-Level-ProjektenHaben wir dich neugierig gemacht?Dann sollten wir uns unbedingt kennenlernen!Über E-Mail anzeigen freut sich deine ganz persönliche Talentlotsin Deniz über eine Nachricht von dir. Übrigens brauchst du für uns kein Anschreiben zu verfassen. Wir möchten viel lieber von dir selbst erfahren, wie du bist und was dich ausmacht. Es reicht uns, wenn du in deiner Nachricht die Referenznummer 4012 angibst, sowie deinen Lebenslauf, deine Gehaltsvorstellung und deine frühestmögliche Verfügbarkeit beifügst.Wir freuen uns, von dir zu hören! Standort TALENTLOTSEN GmbH, Hamburg
C Programmer in Research and Development (m/f/d) - 100% Remote
VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH, Zöllnitz
At VACOM, everything revolves around innovation - "We deliver the future" is our motto. As a pioneer in the field of high vacuum and measurement technology, we design groundbreaking high-tech solutions for international industrial companies in the semiconductor, medical technology, automotive and food industries.At our locations in Europe and the USA, you can expect inspiring teams that drive forward future-oriented projects with enthusiasm and creativity. As a C programmer (m/f/d) in our research and development department, you will play a decisive role in shaping the future!C programmer in research and development (m/f/d) - 100% remote Your tasksFinding solutions for complex problems: Develop innovative solutions for demanding applications in the field of sensor technology.Firmware development: design and implement firmware for microcontroller-based operating devices, especially in the vacuum sectorProduct development: Work actively on the development of new products and contribute ideas for the further development of existing products.We look forward to meeting you if youhave successfully completed a degree in practical / applied computer science or have a comparable qualification or experience.have a sound knowledge of programming microcontrollers, FPGAs and embedded systems as well as experience in the use of C and serial interfaces.have knowledge of control engineering. (desirable)have a very good knowledge of German or Italian and speak very good English. (fluency in one of the 3 languages required)Our benefitsFlexible working time models and up to 100% mobile workingFree childcare at our own daycare center in Großlöbichau/DEPermanent contract and 30 days vacation plus special leaveA varied canteen awaits you with freshly cooked, regional food, in Großlöbichau/DESpace for creativity and innovative workIndividual training opportunities for your strengthsTeam-building measures and employee eventsAllowance for the gym and company health programsFree drinks for your refreshmentRecognition on special occasionsMonthly benefit in kind and other benefitsJoint activities such as volleyball, music band and team runContactPlease send us your complete application documents, stating your earliest starting date and salary expectations, preferably online.Anne GrandaEmployeepersonnel management-144VACOM Vacuum Components & Measurement Technology GmbHIn den Brückenäckern 3 07751 Großlöbichau Standort VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH, Zöllnitz
C Programmer in Research and Development (m/f/d) - 100% Remote
VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH, Bucha
At VACOM, everything revolves around innovation - "We deliver the future" is our motto. As a pioneer in the field of high vacuum and measurement technology, we design groundbreaking high-tech solutions for international industrial companies in the semiconductor, medical technology, automotive and food industries. At our locations in Europe and the USA, you can expect inspiring teams that drive forward future-oriented projects with enthusiasm and creativity. As a C programmer (m/f/d) in our research and development department, you will play a decisive role in shaping the future! C programmer in research and development (m/f/d) - 100% remote Your tasks Finding solutions for complex problems: Develop innovative solutions for demanding applications in the field of sensor technology. Firmware development: design and implement firmware for microcontroller-based operating devices, especially in the vacuum sector Product development: Work actively on the development of new products and contribute ideas for the further development of existing products. We look forward to meeting you if you have successfully completed a degree in practical / applied computer science or have a comparable qualification or experience. have a sound knowledge of programming microcontrollers, FPGAs and embedded systems as well as experience in the use of C and serial interfaces. have knowledge of control engineering. (desirable) have a very good knowledge of German or Italian and speak very good English. (fluency in one of the 3 languages required) Our benefits Flexible working time models and up to 100% mobile working Free childcare at our own daycare center in Großlöbichau/DE Permanent contract and 30 days vacation plus special leave A varied canteen awaits you with freshly cooked, regional food, in Großlöbichau/DE Space for creativity and innovative work Individual training opportunities for your strengths Team-building measures and employee events Allowance for the gym and company health programs Free drinks for your refreshment Recognition on special occasions Monthly benefit in kind and other benefits Joint activities such as volleyball, music band and team run Contact Please send us your complete application documents, stating your earliest starting date and salary expectations, preferably online. Anne Granda Employee personnel management -144 VACOM Vacuum Components & Measurement Technology GmbH In den Brückenäckern 3 07751 Großlöbichau Standort VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH, Bucha
Teamlead Embedded Systems & Optical Sensor Platform Design (m/f/d)
trinamiX GmbH, Ludwigshafen
RESPONSIBILITIESIn your new role you will be responsible for disciplinary and technical leadership of a cross functional team which is responsible for the electronic, firmware and mechanical design of optical sensor platforms, including the development of the needed kernel drivers as well as board support packages.Furthermore, you will be responsible for the definition, documentation and communication of embedded systems designs.In addition, you will develop and maintain the process for requirements analysis, design, testing and release of embedded systems in collaboration with Application SW and other domains.You will develop and meet timeline as well as quality targets in collaboration with program management, research and other design domains.Another task of yours will be to convert internal and external requirements into viable technical concepts.Last but not least, you will be in charge of the management of external suppliers.QUALIFICATIONSdegree in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering or a related field, a master's degree is preferredat least 5 years of work experience with embedded electronicsability to confidently grasp, evaluate and formulate new complex topics / issues2 years of experience as a project or team leaderunderstanding of and willing to work within a structured design process (ex. ASpice)ability to work in a fast changing environmentgood presentation skills as well as good command of written and spoken English, fluency in German is a plusBENEFITSWe combine the agility of a startup with the stable cash flow, infrastructure and benefits of a multinational corporation. An attractive salary based on business success and your individual performance while working on an exciting, revolutionary technology. Mobile working and work-life balance, so you can organize your working day and your private life more flexibly to better combine them. We offer a culture of learning, individual career paths, feedback discussions and the opportunity to develop your career. You will be part of a highly professional, diverse and supportive team with a positive work culture that is at the forefront of technology innovation.ABOUT USWe are stepping up to change the world! trinamiX is a high-tech company developing innovative solutions in the fields of biometric authentication and mobile NIR spectroscopy. Through them, we are completely redefining the boundaries of what is possible for industrial customers and consumers alike - whether it is the security of personal data, the ability to conserve natural resources, or the shaping of one's own health. To do this, we harness the hidden world of data around us and work closely with strong partners from a variety of international markets, including the smartphone and automotive industries. Headquartered in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, trinamiX GmbH was founded in 2015 as a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE. While we live the spirit of a high-tech startup, we are supported by one of the world's leading chemical companies. As a result, more than 200 employees worldwide work operationally independently while being able to rely on the security, expertise and experience of the BASF Group. We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic people to join our team and change the world together with us! Do you have any questions about the application process or the position? Please reach out to: Aramis Richard Albert, First information about our application process can be found here: http://on.basf.com/applicationprocessAt BASF, the chemistry is right.Because we are counting on innovative solutions, on sustainable actions, and on connected thinking. And on you. Become a part of our formula for success and develop the future with us - in a global team that embraces diversity and equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, disability or belief.PandoLogic. , Location: Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, RP - 67059
Teamlead Embedded Systems & Optical Sensor Platform Design (m/f/d)
trinamiX GmbH, Hohen Neuendorf
RESPONSIBILITIESIn your new role you will be responsible for disciplinary and technical leadership of a cross functional team which is responsible for the electronic, firmware and mechanical design of optical sensor platforms, including the development of the needed kernel drivers as well as board support packages.Furthermore, you will be responsible for the definition, documentation and communication of embedded systems designs.In addition, you will develop and maintain the process for requirements analysis, design, testing and release of embedded systems in collaboration with Application SW and other domains.You will develop and meet timeline as well as quality targets in collaboration with program management, research and other design domains.Another task of yours will be to convert internal and external requirements into viable technical concepts.Last but not least, you will be in charge of the management of external suppliers.QUALIFICATIONSdegree in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering or a related field, a master's degree is preferredat least 5 years of work experience with embedded electronicsability to confidently grasp, evaluate and formulate new complex topics / issues2 years of experience as a project or team leaderunderstanding of and willing to work within a structured design process (ex. ASpice)ability to work in a fast changing environmentgood presentation skills as well as good command of written and spoken English, fluency in German is a plusBENEFITSWe combine the agility of a startup with the stable cash flow, infrastructure and benefits of a multinational corporation. An attractive salary based on business success and your individual performance while working on an exciting, revolutionary technology. Mobile working and work-life balance, so you can organize your working day and your private life more flexibly to better combine them. We offer a culture of learning, individual career paths, feedback discussions and the opportunity to develop your career. You will be part of a highly professional, diverse and supportive team with a positive work culture that is at the forefront of technology innovation.ABOUT USWe are stepping up to change the world! trinamiX is a high-tech company developing innovative solutions in the fields of biometric authentication and mobile NIR spectroscopy. Through them, we are completely redefining the boundaries of what is possible for industrial customers and consumers alike - whether it is the security of personal data, the ability to conserve natural resources, or the shaping of one's own health. To do this, we harness the hidden world of data around us and work closely with strong partners from a variety of international markets, including the smartphone and automotive industries. Headquartered in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, trinamiX GmbH was founded in 2015 as a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE. While we live the spirit of a high-tech startup, we are supported by one of the world's leading chemical companies. As a result, more than 200 employees worldwide work operationally independently while being able to rely on the security, expertise and experience of the BASF Group. We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic people to join our team and change the world together with us! Do you have any questions about the application process or the position? Please reach out to: Aramis Richard Albert, First information about our application process can be found here: http://on.basf.com/applicationprocessAt BASF, the chemistry is right.Because we are counting on innovative solutions, on sustainable actions, and on connected thinking. And on you. Become a part of our formula for success and develop the future with us - in a global team that embraces diversity and equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, disability or belief.PandoLogic. , Location: Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, RP - 67059
Teamlead Embedded Systems & Optical Sensor Platform Design (m/f/d)
trinamiX GmbH, Mannheim
RESPONSIBILITIESIn your new role you will be responsible for disciplinary and technical leadership of a cross functional team which is responsible for the electronic, firmware and mechanical design of optical sensor platforms, including the development of the needed kernel drivers as well as board support packages.Furthermore, you will be responsible for the definition, documentation and communication of embedded systems designs.In addition, you will develop and maintain the process for requirements analysis, design, testing and release of embedded systems in collaboration with Application SW and other domains.You will develop and meet timeline as well as quality targets in collaboration with program management, research and other design domains.Another task of yours will be to convert internal and external requirements into viable technical concepts.Last but not least, you will be in charge of the management of external suppliers.QUALIFICATIONSdegree in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering or a related field, a master's degree is preferredat least 5 years of work experience with embedded electronicsability to confidently grasp, evaluate and formulate new complex topics / issues2 years of experience as a project or team leaderunderstanding of and willing to work within a structured design process (ex. ASpice)ability to work in a fast changing environmentgood presentation skills as well as good command of written and spoken English, fluency in German is a plusBENEFITSWe combine the agility of a startup with the stable cash flow, infrastructure and benefits of a multinational corporation. An attractive salary based on business success and your individual performance while working on an exciting, revolutionary technology. Mobile working and work-life balance, so you can organize your working day and your private life more flexibly to better combine them. We offer a culture of learning, individual career paths, feedback discussions and the opportunity to develop your career. You will be part of a highly professional, diverse and supportive team with a positive work culture that is at the forefront of technology innovation.ABOUT USWe are stepping up to change the world! trinamiX is a high-tech company developing innovative solutions in the fields of biometric authentication and mobile NIR spectroscopy. Through them, we are completely redefining the boundaries of what is possible for industrial customers and consumers alike - whether it is the security of personal data, the ability to conserve natural resources, or the shaping of one's own health. To do this, we harness the hidden world of data around us and work closely with strong partners from a variety of international markets, including the smartphone and automotive industries. Headquartered in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, trinamiX GmbH was founded in 2015 as a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE. While we live the spirit of a high-tech startup, we are supported by one of the world's leading chemical companies. As a result, more than 200 employees worldwide work operationally independently while being able to rely on the security, expertise and experience of the BASF Group. We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic people to join our team and change the world together with us! Do you have any questions about the application process or the position? Please reach out to: Aramis Richard Albert, First information about our application process can be found here: http://on.basf.com/applicationprocessAt BASF, the chemistry is right.Because we are counting on innovative solutions, on sustainable actions, and on connected thinking. And on you. Become a part of our formula for success and develop the future with us - in a global team that embraces diversity and equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, disability or belief.PandoLogic. , Location: Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, RP - 67059
Teamlead Embedded Systems & Optical Sensor Platform Design (m/f/d)
trinamiX GmbH, Velten
RESPONSIBILITIESIn your new role you will be responsible for disciplinary and technical leadership of a cross functional team which is responsible for the electronic, firmware and mechanical design of optical sensor platforms, including the development of the needed kernel drivers as well as board support packages.Furthermore, you will be responsible for the definition, documentation and communication of embedded systems designs.In addition, you will develop and maintain the process for requirements analysis, design, testing and release of embedded systems in collaboration with Application SW and other domains.You will develop and meet timeline as well as quality targets in collaboration with program management, research and other design domains.Another task of yours will be to convert internal and external requirements into viable technical concepts.Last but not least, you will be in charge of the management of external suppliers.QUALIFICATIONSdegree in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering or a related field, a master's degree is preferredat least 5 years of work experience with embedded electronicsability to confidently grasp, evaluate and formulate new complex topics / issues2 years of experience as a project or team leaderunderstanding of and willing to work within a structured design process (ex. ASpice)ability to work in a fast changing environmentgood presentation skills as well as good command of written and spoken English, fluency in German is a plusBENEFITSWe combine the agility of a startup with the stable cash flow, infrastructure and benefits of a multinational corporation. An attractive salary based on business success and your individual performance while working on an exciting, revolutionary technology. Mobile working and work-life balance, so you can organize your working day and your private life more flexibly to better combine them. We offer a culture of learning, individual career paths, feedback discussions and the opportunity to develop your career. You will be part of a highly professional, diverse and supportive team with a positive work culture that is at the forefront of technology innovation.ABOUT USWe are stepping up to change the world! trinamiX is a high-tech company developing innovative solutions in the fields of biometric authentication and mobile NIR spectroscopy. Through them, we are completely redefining the boundaries of what is possible for industrial customers and consumers alike - whether it is the security of personal data, the ability to conserve natural resources, or the shaping of one's own health. To do this, we harness the hidden world of data around us and work closely with strong partners from a variety of international markets, including the smartphone and automotive industries. Headquartered in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, trinamiX GmbH was founded in 2015 as a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE. While we live the spirit of a high-tech startup, we are supported by one of the world's leading chemical companies. As a result, more than 200 employees worldwide work operationally independently while being able to rely on the security, expertise and experience of the BASF Group. We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic people to join our team and change the world together with us! Do you have any questions about the application process or the position? Please reach out to: Aramis Richard Albert, First information about our application process can be found here: http://on.basf.com/applicationprocessAt BASF, the chemistry is right.Because we are counting on innovative solutions, on sustainable actions, and on connected thinking. And on you. Become a part of our formula for success and develop the future with us - in a global team that embraces diversity and equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, disability or belief.PandoLogic. , Location: Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, RP - 67059
Teamlead Embedded Systems & Optical Sensor Platform Design (m/f/d)
trinamiX GmbH, Frankenthal
RESPONSIBILITIESIn your new role you will be responsible for disciplinary and technical leadership of a cross functional team which is responsible for the electronic, firmware and mechanical design of optical sensor platforms, including the development of the needed kernel drivers as well as board support packages.Furthermore, you will be responsible for the definition, documentation and communication of embedded systems designs.In addition, you will develop and maintain the process for requirements analysis, design, testing and release of embedded systems in collaboration with Application SW and other domains.You will develop and meet timeline as well as quality targets in collaboration with program management, research and other design domains.Another task of yours will be to convert internal and external requirements into viable technical concepts.Last but not least, you will be in charge of the management of external suppliers.QUALIFICATIONSdegree in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering or a related field, a master's degree is preferredat least 5 years of work experience with embedded electronicsability to confidently grasp, evaluate and formulate new complex topics / issues2 years of experience as a project or team leaderunderstanding of and willing to work within a structured design process (ex. ASpice)ability to work in a fast changing environmentgood presentation skills as well as good command of written and spoken English, fluency in German is a plusBENEFITSWe combine the agility of a startup with the stable cash flow, infrastructure and benefits of a multinational corporation. An attractive salary based on business success and your individual performance while working on an exciting, revolutionary technology. Mobile working and work-life balance, so you can organize your working day and your private life more flexibly to better combine them. We offer a culture of learning, individual career paths, feedback discussions and the opportunity to develop your career. You will be part of a highly professional, diverse and supportive team with a positive work culture that is at the forefront of technology innovation.ABOUT USWe are stepping up to change the world! trinamiX is a high-tech company developing innovative solutions in the fields of biometric authentication and mobile NIR spectroscopy. Through them, we are completely redefining the boundaries of what is possible for industrial customers and consumers alike - whether it is the security of personal data, the ability to conserve natural resources, or the shaping of one's own health. To do this, we harness the hidden world of data around us and work closely with strong partners from a variety of international markets, including the smartphone and automotive industries. Headquartered in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, trinamiX GmbH was founded in 2015 as a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE. While we live the spirit of a high-tech startup, we are supported by one of the world's leading chemical companies. As a result, more than 200 employees worldwide work operationally independently while being able to rely on the security, expertise and experience of the BASF Group. We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic people to join our team and change the world together with us! Do you have any questions about the application process or the position? Please reach out to: Aramis Richard Albert, First information about our application process can be found here: http://on.basf.com/applicationprocessAt BASF, the chemistry is right.Because we are counting on innovative solutions, on sustainable actions, and on connected thinking. And on you. Become a part of our formula for success and develop the future with us - in a global team that embraces diversity and equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, disability or belief.PandoLogic. , Location: Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, RP - 67059
Teamlead Embedded Systems & Optical Sensor Platform Design (m/f/d)
trinamiX GmbH, Hennigsdorf
RESPONSIBILITIESIn your new role you will be responsible for disciplinary and technical leadership of a cross functional team which is responsible for the electronic, firmware and mechanical design of optical sensor platforms, including the development of the needed kernel drivers as well as board support packages.Furthermore, you will be responsible for the definition, documentation and communication of embedded systems designs.In addition, you will develop and maintain the process for requirements analysis, design, testing and release of embedded systems in collaboration with Application SW and other domains.You will develop and meet timeline as well as quality targets in collaboration with program management, research and other design domains.Another task of yours will be to convert internal and external requirements into viable technical concepts.Last but not least, you will be in charge of the management of external suppliers.QUALIFICATIONSdegree in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering or a related field, a master's degree is preferredat least 5 years of work experience with embedded electronicsability to confidently grasp, evaluate and formulate new complex topics / issues2 years of experience as a project or team leaderunderstanding of and willing to work within a structured design process (ex. ASpice)ability to work in a fast changing environmentgood presentation skills as well as good command of written and spoken English, fluency in German is a plusBENEFITSWe combine the agility of a startup with the stable cash flow, infrastructure and benefits of a multinational corporation. An attractive salary based on business success and your individual performance while working on an exciting, revolutionary technology. Mobile working and work-life balance, so you can organize your working day and your private life more flexibly to better combine them. We offer a culture of learning, individual career paths, feedback discussions and the opportunity to develop your career. You will be part of a highly professional, diverse and supportive team with a positive work culture that is at the forefront of technology innovation.ABOUT USWe are stepping up to change the world! trinamiX is a high-tech company developing innovative solutions in the fields of biometric authentication and mobile NIR spectroscopy. Through them, we are completely redefining the boundaries of what is possible for industrial customers and consumers alike - whether it is the security of personal data, the ability to conserve natural resources, or the shaping of one's own health. To do this, we harness the hidden world of data around us and work closely with strong partners from a variety of international markets, including the smartphone and automotive industries. Headquartered in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, trinamiX GmbH was founded in 2015 as a wholly owned subsidiary of BASF SE. While we live the spirit of a high-tech startup, we are supported by one of the world's leading chemical companies. As a result, more than 200 employees worldwide work operationally independently while being able to rely on the security, expertise and experience of the BASF Group. We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic people to join our team and change the world together with us! Do you have any questions about the application process or the position? Please reach out to: Aramis Richard Albert, First information about our application process can be found here: http://on.basf.com/applicationprocessAt BASF, the chemistry is right.Because we are counting on innovative solutions, on sustainable actions, and on connected thinking. And on you. Become a part of our formula for success and develop the future with us - in a global team that embraces diversity and equal opportunities irrespective of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, disability or belief.PandoLogic. , Location: Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, RP - 67059
Testengineer I&C (m/w/d) Embedded Systems
, Erlangen
Testengineer I&C (m/w/d) Embedded Systems in Erlangen Als Test Engineer I&C (m/w/d) Embedded Systems sind Sie zuständig für die Verifizierung und Validierung leittechnischer Hardwarekomponenten und Embedded Systems. Sie begleiten die Komponenten von der Anforderungsspezifikation bis zur Qualifizierung durch den gesamten Entwicklungszyklus. Das sind Ihre Aufgaben:Prüfung von Anforderungsspezifikationen und Designbeschreibungen von Baugruppen und embedded Systems (HW, SW, CW, FPGA)Bewertung von analogen und digitalen SchaltungenErstellen von Spezifikationen der Funktions- und der Umweltprüfungen für leittechnische Hardwarekomponenten und embedded SystemsAufbau, Implementierung und Modifikation von geeigneten Prüfaufbauten und SimulationsumgebungenDurchführung der Funktionalen- und der Umwelttests an den leittechnischen Hardwarekomponenten und embedded SystemsDokumentation der Testdurchläufe und der Ergebnisse unter Berücksichtigung der geforderten Normen und QualitätValidierung und Verifizierung der Prototypen sowie der SerienmusterQualifizierung der Serienmuster Das bringen Sie mit:abgeschlossenes Studium der Elektrotechnik, Mechatronik oder einer verwandten Ingenieurwissenschaftmehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich der Elektronikentwicklung oder ValidierungKenntnisse der analogen und digitalen Elektronik/SchaltungstechnikKenntnisse in Designanalyse von Baugruppen und embedded SystemsKenntnisse in Erstellung und Prüfung von Design-, Test- und V&V-DokumentenKenntnisse im Aufbau von Prüfaufbauten und TestdurchführungKenntnisse in FPGA-Programmierung und -testKenntnisse im Test-, Anforderungs- und Konfigurationsmanagement und der entsprechenden TestmethodenKenntnisse der allgemeinen und leittechnischen RegelwerkeDarüber hinaus:verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisseinterdisziplinäres Denken und ausgeprägte analytische FähigkeitenInnovationsgeist, schnelles Erfassen technischer Zusammenhänge Das bieten wir:Interessante und vielseitige Position in einem innovativen und internationalen UnternehmenFlexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung innerhalb einer 35 Std.-Woche für eine gute Vereinbarkeit von Beruf, Familie und FreizeitIndividuelle Betreuung durch Ihren festen Ansprechpartner bei unsGute Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollegen, damit Sie sich vom ersten Tag an wohlfühlenGute Verkehrsanbindung am attraktiven Standort ErlangenÜbertarifliche Vergütung mit attraktiven Zusatzleistungen wie Urlaubs-/ Weihnachtsgeld, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, übertariflicher Urlaub Neugierig? Dann bewerben Sie sich gleich online bei uns, wir freuen uns auf Sie! Für Fragen vorab steht Ihnen Frau Elena Herbert gerne telefonisch unter 09191/341515-0 zur Verfügung. Eine Stellenanzeige von Victoria Consulting GmbH