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Full Stack Developer (f/m/d) in the Product Development department
Su00fcdwestrundfunk Anstalt des öf fentlichen Rechts Ausland Bade n-Baden, Mainz
Full Stack Developer (f/m/d) in the Product Development department We serve society. We listen to people. We stand for vibrant democracy and living together in solidarity. We offer orientation, home and security to all people in Baden-Wu00fcrttemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate with our independent services. YOUR TASKS You develop applications and their features for digital offerings (websites, apps, etc.) from scratch or further develop them You always have your finger on the pulse in your specialist area, take things into your own hands and bring an innovative breeze, modern working methods and contemporary technologies to the team YOUR PROFILE You have a university or university of applied sciences degree in computer science or comparable training or comparable knowledge acquired through many years of professional experience You are confident in using modern web and programming technologies (JSP, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS, AJAX/JSON, React) Sound knowledge of object-oriented programming (Java) Basic knowledge of XML and SQL is available Your knowledge of classic and modern development languages and tools is balanced Your willingness to apply agile methods (Scrum, Kanban) and practices (e.g. pair programming) in interdisciplinary teams sets you apart You always have your finger on the pulse in your specialist area, take things into your own hands and bring an innovative wind, modern working methods and contemporary technologies to the team This job advertisement is aimed exclusively at people without previous employment at SWR, SWR trainees whose training is about to end and freelancers with an A-circle contract. We would like to point out that in the case of applications from freelancers with an A-circle contract, this contract remains valid; the time limit relates exclusively to the task. WHAT WE OFFER Contemporary, life-phase-oriented working time, work location and time account models as well as other attractive framework conditions accompany and promote the interesting and varied professional careers of our employees. The position is divisible. DIVERSITY AT SWR SWR pursues the goal of equal career opportunities for women and men and therefore encourages women to apply. We are a signatory to the \"Diversity Charter\" and promote diversity in our workforce. We welcome all applications, regardless of gender, cultural or social background, religion, ideology, age, sexual orientation or disability. We look forward to receiving your application! Additional information: Only severely disabled persons or persons with equivalent status
Computer Scientist / Software Developer (m/f/d)
Statistisches Landesamt, Bad Ems
Computer Scientist / Software Developer (m/f/d) Are you a computer scientist/software developer (m/f/d) looking for a secure job in an exciting and modern environment? Would you like to play an active role in the successful implementation of our IT projects? Then become part of our team in the Agricultural Business Database (LBD). We are looking for several software developers (m/f/d) for the new and further development of various specialist procedures in the field of agricultural funding as soon as possible. Compact: Location: Bad Ems Grouping: up to EG 11 TV-L Employment contract: open-ended Application deadline: 22.07.2024 Your tasks Analysis of development specifications and creation of functional specifications Development of IT concepts for the technical handling of one of the specialist processes Development and support of software components throughout the entire software life cycle Technical support for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture as the client Analysis and evaluation of new technologies in the field of software development and IT architecture Coordination and coordination of tasks with external bodies Your qualifications Completed computer science or STEM studies (Bachelor's degree) OR a degree in a comparable apprenticeship in the IT sector in combination with several years of relevant professional experience Knowledge and experience in object-oriented software development with Java (Jakarta EE or Spring/Spring Boot), modeling with UML Knowledge of relational database systems (e.g. Oracle, PostgreSQL) Strong communication and teamwork skills Analytical thinking, initiative and decision-making skills Good written and spoken knowledge of the official language German Knowledge of Javascript, HTML and CSS (React, Angular or Vue) is desirable Ideally knowledge of containerization (Docker, Podman, or similar) Our benefits Standard salary incl. special annual payments, company pension scheme and 30 days' vacation Individual training opportunities Future-proof employer Home office (up to 60 percent) Flexible working hours Company health management Do you have any questions? Orietta Richter (Recruitment Officer) / Tel.: 02603 713358 or Christian Dillinger (Head of Unit LBD) / Tel.: 02603 713028 Aroused interest? Then apply now via our career portal at https://www.statistik.rlp.de/karriere Notes: Please submit your complete documents (cover letter, CV, certificates). We ask for your understanding that, for organizational reasons, applications in paper form or by e-mail cannot be accepted. All supporting documents must be submitted by the application deadline. Experience, knowledge and skills acquired through family work or voluntary work will be taken into account when assessing qualifications in accordance with Section 8 (1) of the State Equal Opportunities Act. Severely disabled applicants will be given preferential consideration if they are suitable. As part of the state government's program to promote women, we are aiming to increase the proportion of women and are therefore particularly interested in receiving applications from women.
Full Stack Developer (w/m/d) in der Abteilung Produktentwicklung
Su00fcdwestrundfunk Anstalt des öf fentlichen Rechts Ausland Bade n-Baden, Mainz
Full Stack Developer (w/m/d) in der Abteilung Produktentwicklung Wir dienen der Gesellschaft. Wir hören den Menschen zu. Wir stehen fu00fcr lebendige Demokratie und solidarisches Zusammenleben. Wir bieten mit unseren unabhu00e4ngigen Angeboten allen Menschen in Baden-Wu00fcrttemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz Orientierung, Heimat und Geborgenheit. IHRE AUFGABEN Sie entwickeln Applikationen und deren Feature fu00fcr digitale Angebote (Websites, Apps etc.) neu bzw. weiter Sie sind in Ihrem Fachgebiet stets am Puls der Zeit, nehmen die Dinge in die Hand und bringen innovativen Wind, moderne Arbeitsweisen und zeitgemu00e4u00dfe Technologien ins Team IHR PROFIL Sie haben ein abgeschlossenes Hochschul- oder Fachhochschulstudium der Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung oder vergleichbare, durch langju00e4hrige Berufserfahrung erworbene Kenntnisse Sie sind sicher im Umgang mit modernen Web- und Programmiertechnologien (JSP, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS, AJAX/JSON, React) Fundierte Kenntnisse in objektorientierter Programmierung (Java) Grundkenntnisse in XML und SQL sind vorhanden Ihre Kenntnisse in klassischen und modernen Entwicklungssprachen und -tools sind ausgewogen Ihre Bereitschaft zur Anwendung agiler Methoden (Scrum, Kanban) und Praktiken (z.B. Pair Programming) in interdisziplinu00e4ren Teams zeichnet Sie aus Sie sind in Ihrem Fachgebiet stets am Puls der Zeit, nehmen die Dinge in die Hand und bringen innovativen Wind, moderne Arbeitsweisen und zeitgemu00e4u00dfe Technogien ins Team Diese Ausschreibung richtet sich ausschlieu00dflich an Personen ohne Vorbeschu00e4ftigung im SWR, SWR Auszubildende, deren Ausbildung unmittelbar vor dem Ende steht sowie Freie Mitarbeitende mit A-Kreis-Vertrag. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass bei Bewerbungen von freien Mitarbeitenden mit A-Kreis-Vertrag dieser weiterhin Gu00fcltigkeit hat, die Befristung bezieht sich ausschlieu00dflich auf die Aufgabe. WAS WIR BIETEN Zeitgemu00e4u00dfe, lebensphasenorientierte Arbeitszeit-, Arbeitsort- und Zeitkontenmodelle sowie weitere attraktive Rahmenbedingungen begleiten und fördern den interessanten und vielseitigen beruflichen Werdegang unserer Beschu00e4ftigten. Die Stelle ist teilbar. VIELFALT IM SWR Der SWR verfolgt das Ziel der beruflichen Chancengleichheit von Frauen und Mu00e4nnern und fordert daher Frauen auf, sich zu bewerben. Wir sind Unterzeichner der u201eCharta der Vielfaltu201c und fördern die Vielfalt in unserer Belegschaft. Jede Bewerbung ist bei uns willkommen, unabhu00e4ngig von Geschlecht, kultureller oder sozialer Herkunft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Alter, sexueller Orientierung oder einer Behinderung. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Ergu00e4nzende Informationen: Nur schwerbehinderte oder ihnen gleichgestellte Personen