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Business Development Manager Intelligente Verpackungen

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Business Development Manager International

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Business Development Manager Kfz-Versicherungen

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Business Development Manager Mit Fokus Datenanalyse

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Business Development Manager Process Automation

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Business Development Manager Surgical Imaging

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Praktikant im Bereich Business Public & Health / Business Development in Düsseldorf 2024
Vodafone Deutschland, Düsseldorf
Bei Vodafone arbeiten wir jeden Tag an einer besseren Zukunft. Für eine Welt, die besser vernetzt, inklusiver und nachhaltiger ist. Denn für uns ist Technologie nur so stark wie die Menschen, die sie nutzen. Sei dabei und lass uns gemeinsam die Welt von morgen gestalten. Aufgaben Du unterstützt Dein Team bei spannenden Aufgaben und bei unseren Projekten, z.B. die Digitalisierungsstrategie unserer KundenDu arbeitest eigenverantwortlich an der Recherche von aktuellen Themen, analysierst Daten und erstellst Tabellen und Präsentationen Du unterstützt das Team bei der Organisation von Kundenevents. Unser Team verantwortet den Vertriebsweg öffentlicher Auftraggeber. Dazu gehören die Länder, Städte und Kommunen sowie Kunden aus dem Gesundheitswesen. Du baust Dir ein großartiges Netzwerk auf durch die enge Zusammenarbeit mit vielen verschiedenen Abteilungen, Kolleg:innen und externen Geschäftspartner:innen und bekommst so einen Einblick in die Vodafone-WeltDu hilfst uns dabei, den Vertriebserfolg des Bereiches sicherzustellen, dazu zählen z.B. Best Practice Sharing und innovative Kundenlösungen und gestaltest so unseren Vodafone Spirit aktiv mit. Anforderungen Du bist entweder immatrikuliert oder gerade in einem Gap Year. Du studierst BWL, VWL, Wirtschafts-, Medien-, Kommunikationswissenschaften oder eine vergleichbare Fachrichtung mit guter Studienleistung.Du treibst mit ersten Kenntnissen in MS-Office 365 wie Word, Excel PowerPoint und Teams eigenverantwortlich Projekte- voran.Du sprichst Deutsch und Englisch fließend.Du lebst mit uns den Vodafone Spirit, bist engagiert, offen und hast Lust auf neue Herausforderungen. Schwerbehinderte Bewerber:innen werden bei gleicher Eignung besonders berücksichtigt. Wir besetzen diese Stelle am Standort Düsseldorf. Benefits Was wir Dir bieten:Du unterstützt Dein Team bei spannenden Aufgaben und übernimmst eigene Projekte. Zusammenhalt schreiben wir groß. Unsere Communities bieten Raum zum Austausch und Netzwerken. Du möchtest einen Blick über den Tellerrand werfen? Dann nimm an einem Job Shadowing teil und entdecke, wie die Arbeit in anderen Teams aussieht. Ab dem ersten Tag steht Dir Dein Buddy zur Seite. Du kannst Dir Deine Arbeitszeit flexibel einteilen. Und auch sonst unterstützen wir Dich bei einer ausgeglichenen Work-Life-Balance. Dazu bekommst Du bei uns eine attraktive Vergütung. Wir sind Future Ready, Du auch? An unseren Standorten als Team zusammenkommen, ist uns wichtig, aber unsere individuelle Flexibilität auch. Nutze unser Full Flex Office Arbeitsmodell und arbeite nach Rücksprache mit Deiner Führungskraft und Deinem Team nicht nur am Dienstsitz, sondern auch von überall dort, wo Du es gut kannst und bis zu 20 Tage pro Jahr aus dem europäischen Ausland. Und auch sonst unterstützen wir Dich z. B. mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und Gesundheitsangeboten bei einer ausgeglichenen Work-Life-Balance.Wann? Ab sofort für Dein drei - bis sechsmonatiges Praktikum. Bereit für das Neue, das Unerwartete, das Eindrucksvolle? Dann bewirb Dich jetzt mit Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Abschluss- und Arbeitszeugnissen, einer aktuellen Immatrikulationsbescheinigung (keine Notwendigkeit beim Gap Year) und Notenübersicht.Möchtest Du ein Pflichtpraktikum absolvieren? Dann benötigen wir zusätzlich einen Auszug aus Deiner Studienordnung.Schreib uns bitte in Deine Bewerbung, zu welchem Startzeitpunkt und über welchen Zeitraum Du gerne ein Praktikum bei uns machen möchtest.Technologie von und für Menschen – damit geht alles. Als Teil von Vodafone unterstützen wir Dich bei einer Karriere, die sich auszahlt. In jeder Hinsicht. Sie beginnt mit Dir. Sie beginnt jetzt. Bewerben Über das Unternehmen Nicolas La Roche Vodafone Deutschland Am Anfang stand eine Online-Bewerbung. Jedoch sollte man anstelle eines klassischen Anschreibens ein 90-sekündigen Selfievideo einreichen. Meiner M... Mitarbeiter:in Vodafone Deutschland Lisanne Lauer Vodafone Deutschland Wir haben keine spezifischen Studiengänge im Fokus, sondern legen Wert darauf, dass Absolvent_innen sich durch ihr Studium oder zusätzliche Erfahru... Arbeitgeber Vodafone Deutschland Mehr Infos zum Unternehmen Standort Vodafone Deutschland, Ferdinand-Braun-Platz 1, 40549 Düsseldorf, Deutschland
International Sales Manager / Business Development / Account Management (m/w/d) für den Bereich Verpackungsdruck
oneflexo GmbH, Aachen
Moin :-)Wir suchen zur Unterstützung unseres motivierten Teams, eine/n neue/n Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterin, im Bereich Account Management.Die OneFlexo GmbH ist Service- und Qualitätsmarktführer im Prepress for Packaging in Europa. Wir sind ein talentiertes Team mit 60+ Mitarbeitern an vier Standorten in Europa und Asien.Unsere Kunden sind Druckereien, Auftragshersteller und Markeninhaber in Westeuropa.AufgabenVertrauensvolle Partnerschaften mit den eigenen Kunden entwickelnPläne und Ziele verfolgen, die die Zukunft unserer Firma direkt betreffenNeukundengewinnung und Betreuung von BestandskundenAuf- und Ausbau eines Netzwerkes im wachsenden Markt für FMCG VerpackungenZusammenarbeit mit Kollegen der Schwesterfirmen in Asien, Osnabrück und UlmNeue Ideen und Chancen direkt mit den Firmengründern realisierenQualifikationDas Talent komplexe Sachverhalte einfach zu kommunizierenFröhliche und optimistische Person, die in unser wachsendes Team passtBerufserfahrung im z.B. Account Management, Vertrieb, Business Development, Projekt Management oder KundenserviceSehr gute Deutsch- und gute EnglischkenntnisseKenntnisse in weiteren europäischen Sprachen wäre sehr vorteilhaftBereitschaft zu regionalen GeschäftsreisenAbgeschlossenes StudiumVorkenntnisse in Druck, Druckvorstufe oder Verpackungsproduktion sind von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend erforderlichBenefitsLangfristige, individuelle Entwicklungsperspektiven in einem großartigem TeamSicherer Arbeitzplatz in einem Zukunftsorientiertes UnternehmenFestes Einkommen und ein unbefristetes ArbeitsverhältnisProvision als Teil des Umsatzes + Firmenwagen + uvm.Weite Selbstentscheidungsmöglichkeitenstrukturiertes und umfassendes TrainingsprogrammHomeoffice und FlexibilitätOneFlexo does many things very differently and we are here today because of our outstanding and highly diverse team. We invite you to apply and look forward to speaking with you :-)One might take it for granted, but what actually goes into packaging print? oneflexo GmbH is a specialist technical company delivering highest quality prepress Standort oneflexo GmbH, Aachen
Junior Manager Corporate Strategy and Development (w/m/d)
DTS Systeme GmbH, Herford
Über unsWir sind ein internationaler IT-Provider von Lösungen & Services in den Bereichen Cloud, Managed Services und Cyber Security. Zudem gehen wir als Pionier in der IT-Security-Softwareentwicklung neue Wege am Markt. Dabei bieten wir nicht nur unseren Kunden, sondern auch 400 Mitarbeitenden langfristig Sicherheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung. Eine innovationsgetriebene Branche mit einem familiären Arbeitsklima im Mittelstand ohne festgefahrene Strukturen: GEMEINSAM MIT DIR!AufgabenGemeinsam mit Deinen Kolleg*innen analysierst Du neue IT-Innovationen und Trends im Hinblick auf die aktuelle BranchenentwicklungDu fungierst als wichtige Schnittstelle zu anderen Fachabteilungen, wie beispielsweise der Technik, dem Vertrieb, dem Marketing oder der PersonalentwicklungDarüber hinaus führst Du in Zusammenarbeit mit Deinen Kolleg*innen Standort- und Wettbewerbsanalysen durch, um neue und innovative Vertriebswege zu identifizierenBei Unternehmenskäufen und Change-Management-Maßnahmen unterstützt Du tatkräftig die GeschäftsführungAuch die Erstellung von Präsentationen, Handouts und Flyern liegt in Deinem AufgabenfeldEbenso wie allgemeine Recherchetätigkeiten zu strategischen MaßnahmenZusätzlich unterstützt Du aktiv bei den Vorbereitungen unserer AR-SitzungenProfilDein Know-howAbgeschlossenes Studium (z. B. Wirtschaftsinformatik, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Organisationsentwicklung o. Ä.) oder erste Berufserfahrung im Bereich der strategischen Management-BeratungstätigkeitErste Arbeitserfahrungen in der IT-Branche ist wünschenswertAusgeprägtes Interesse an IT-Themen und aktuellen Trends, sowie ein grundlegendes Verständnis für Abläufe und Prozesse in der ITAusgeprägte analytische und unternehmerische Fähigkeiten, die optimalerweise in der Praxis bereits Anwendungen gefunden habenIdealerweise erste Berührungspunkte mit dem Vertrieb und/oder dem ProjektmanagementSicherer Umgang mit MS-Office Programmen und gängigen agilen Tools der hybriden ArbeitsweltGute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftDeine PersönlichkeitHohes Maß an LernbereitschaftHervorragende Team- und KommunikationsfähigkeitAusgeprägte Hands-On-Mentalität und sicheres AuftretenStrukturierte und selbständige ArbeitsweiseWir bietenGesundheit und VorsorgeBetriebliche Altersvorsorge und Betriebliche Krankenversicherung mit attraktiven KonditionenGroßartiges BetriebsklimaFlache Hierarchien, offene Türen, Mitarbeiterevents und ein familiäres Miteinander unter klasse Kolleg*innenModernste ArbeitsmittelFirmenhandy, Firmenlaptop, Firmenwagen, ParkplatzVerpflegung und leibliches WohlFrisches Bio-Obst, Kaffeespezialitäten aus dem Vollautomat, Wasser und Saft satt. Süßigkeiten lassen sich auch immer irgendwo auftreibenPersönliche und berufliche WeiterentwicklungNachhaltige Personalentwicklung und stärkenorientiertes Coaching - Von der Fachkraft zum/zur Spezialist*inWork-Life-BalanceUnbefristete Festanstellung, flexibel gestaltbare Arbeitszeiten, Vertrauensgleitzeit, 30 Tage UrlaubKontaktDTS Systeme GmbHJulia Wilbers Standort DTS Systeme GmbH, Herford
Team Lead (d/f/m) Development & Construction Controlling Germany/France
RWE, Essen, NW
RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbHTo start as soon as possible, full time, permanent As Team Lead (d/f/m) Development & Construction Controlling, you will act as a Business Partner for our RWE Onshore Wind, PV and Storage development and construction activities in Germany and France. You will be the first point of contact for all financial and economic questions to safeguard the business’ success by appropriate target setting and KPI monitoring. Furthermore, you will provide transparency on the financial situation by implementing proper Development and Capital Expenditure, Project Controlling as well as the risks and opportunities monitoring.Our 70 motivated and focused Controllers at RWE Renewables are working in 11 countries across Europe and Australia providing financial services for more than 250 operational assets as well as numerous projects under development and construction. Join our leadership team to support the profitable growth of our renewables portfolio by 2-3 Gigawatts p.a. We are delivering on our promises and working together as one team. We offer excellent opportunities for you to pro-actively drive change, develop your career and grow in an international, dynamic team and flexible working environment. Your tasksLead a team of 4 German and 2 French Performance Controllers based in Essen and ParisFinancially Work with the Development and Construction teams to support them with reliable and efficient quarterly forecasting and annual planningEnsure that operational and financial KPIs are well-controlled and understood across key stakeholders, i.e. capacity additions and the according development spend on portfolio levelprogress and expenditure of single projects under constructionProvide monthly performance analyses with appropriate commentary and analysisActively monitor risks and opportunitiesStrategically Be first point of contact for the two N-1 functions Development Germany and France as well as the N-2 functions for Construction in both countries regarding all financial topicsEnsure high planning and forecasting accuracy and support further implementation of ‘no surprise culture’Support the target setting process on certain KPIs on unit and country levelCollaborate by Working with the international Controlling team to collectively embed best in class financial controlling practicesBuilding strong and effective relationships within the Controlling function, the development and construction business and across other areas of the business unit and RWE Your profileSuccessfully completed university degree in Economics, Finance or Business AdministrationSeveral years of professional experience, preferably in the field of Finance, major capital investment or ConsultingUnderstanding of business model and controlling methodsStrong numerical and analytical skills, strategic thinker mentality, and your striving for high quality results guarantee the success of your measures and projectsBeing a natural leader with the ability to lead teams through change processes, your focus is on the development of your employees, and you support and motivate your team with a view to customer orientation, personal initiative, and solution-oriented collaborationStakeholder adequate communication skillsBusiness fluent in English is mandatory, German and French is a plus rwe.com/career Apply now with just a few clicks: ad code 84482, application deadline 04/02/2024. Any questions? Please reach out to Vanessa Binsch at ********** We value diversity and therefore welcome all applications, irrespective of gender, disability, nationality, ethnic and social background, religion and beliefs, age or sexual orientation and identity. #inclusionmatters We look forward to receiving your application! As one of the world’s leading companies in the renewable energy space in Europe and Australia, RWE Renewables Europe & Australia is proud to be paving the way for a greener future. We’ve got over 1,400 employees, all developing and promoting renewable energies across 12 countries. They specialise in the construction of onshore wind turbines, solar plants, and battery storage systems. And they all share the desire to redefine how millions access energy. We’re well set to hit our 50 GW by 2030 target, and go climate neutral by 2040. That’s thanks to our community of experts currently building Europe and Australia’s largest onshore wind farms – as well as a pipeline of exciting projects across solar and PV. And the focus isn’t just on harnessing clean energy – but also the new technologies that can push our GW ever higher. Now, we’re looking for more people with the skills and ambition to drive the energy transition. Join RWE Renewables Europe & Australia. Your energy has impact, use it for good. If you would like to stay informed about our latest activities, then feel free to visit our Website or follow us on LinkedIn.Über das Unternehmen:RWEBranche:Manager, Social Media, Consulting, Environmental Engineering, Bilingual, Management, Technology, Marketing, Engineering
Junior Business Process Manager/ Prozessmanager (m/w/d)
ATC EH GmbH & Co. KG, Ratingen
Wir sind eine 100%-ige Tochtergesellschaft von American Tower, eines global tätigen Unternehmens aus dem Bereich der Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur. Weltweit gehören wir zu den größten Anbietern unserer Branche. American Tower Germany wurde im Jahr 2012 gegründet und betreibt als Neutral Host über 14.800 Mast- und Dachstandorten in Deutschland. Für die Konnektivität der digitalen Gesellschaft von morgen investieren wir nicht nur signifikant in den Neubau von Standorten für 5G und LTE, sondern bieten auch innovative Lösungen für Smart Cities und Smart Buildings.Zur Erweiterung unserer Prozessmanagement Abteilung suchen wir in Ratingen zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt folgende UnterstützungUnterstützung bei der Analyse und Weiterentwicklung bis hin zur Einführung und Schulung aller ATC-ProzesseÜbernahme einer koordinativen Schnittstellen­funktion zwischen den verschiedenen Fach­bereichenSicherstellung und Überprüfung der ProzessdokumentationMithilfe beim Einsatz und der Einführung agiler Methoden und Tools (bspw. Scrum, Lean Management und Kanban)Erhöhung des Digitalisierungs- und Automa­ti­sie­rungs­grads in den ATC GeschäftsprozessenStärkung der Selbstorganisation und Eigenverantwortung des Teams und Unterstützung des Process Owners sowie der Teammitglieder dabei, die optimalen Rahmenbedingungen und Arbeitsabläufe zu schaffenBachelor- oder Master-Abschluss in beispielsweise Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder vergleichbare abgeschlossene BerufsausbildungMind. 1 Jahr Berufserfahrung vorzugsweise in den Bereichen Prozessmanagement, Projektmanagement oder agilen ArbeitsweisenErste Erfahrungen im Kommunizieren komplexer Zusammenhänge und Erkenntnisse sowie ausgeprägtes Prozessdenken entlang der gesamten Wert­schöpfungs­ketteGute Kenntnisse mit dem MS Office Paket notwendig, sowie erste Kenntnisse mit MS Visio wünschenswertHohes Maß an Teamfähigkeit und pro aktiver ProblemlösungskompetenzFließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse (in Wort und Schrift) notwendigDarauf können Sie sich freuen✓ Work-Life-Balance dank flexibler Arbeitszeiten und 30 Urlaubstagen✓ Umfangreiches Onboarding✓ Vielseitiges Weiterbildungsprogramm, wie z.B. Sprachkurse✓ Zuschuss zum ÖPNV✓ Möglichkeit der Teilnahme am Mitarbeiteraktienprogramm✓ Betriebliche AltersvorsorgeDie Stelle ist unbefristet und in Vollzeit.Weitere Informationen über unser Unternehmen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter http://www.americantower.com.de. Direkten Kontakt können Sie gerne über E-Mail anzeigen aufnehmen. Standort ATC EH GmbH & Co. KG, Ratingen
Senior IT Services Sales Manager
Customertimes, Dortmund
About the projectCustomertimes is looking for a dedicated and experienced Senior Sales Manager with extensive experience in IT services sales, account management, client relationship management, strategy, and business development. The successful candidate has a proven track record of delivering outcomes that align with clients' priorities and driving business growth and profitability.What you’ll help us do: Introduce Customertimes to your business networkGenerate new business for Customertimes by selling IT services to the companies you have close relationships withBuild and lead a mid-/long-term strategy for the marketDevelop long-term C-level relationships to drive revenueTranslating business vision into a short and long-term strategy, backed by tactical actions to deliver business outcomesLand and expand within net new accounts. Managing these accounts by ensuring existing high NPS and customer satisfactionMeet and exceed annual sales quotaEffectively communicate the Customertimes value proposition through proposals and presentationsShare information with Customertimes leadership regarding business challenges faced by our customers and industry trends which may impact our businessContribute to the sales pipeline with detailed information regarding the number of potential and qualified prospects/opportunities, along with their status and next stepsIt’s all about you: 8+ years of experience building relationships with multi-billion companies and selling IT servicesMillion-Euro mentality. No small deals unless they land with a potential to growAbility to bring net new revenue to Customertimes within the first 6-9 months of your employmentOutstanding negotiation and consultative sales skillsExcellent leadership and management skillsStrong analytical and problem-solving skillsEffective communication skillsExceptional customer service skillsFluency in English and German (or native language)Also, the most successful candidates would have: experience selling Custom Software Development, System Integration, and/or Digital Engineering Services (i.e., outstaffing)experience selling Salesforce-related servicesWe offer: Full-time employment with CustomertimesMedical Insurance (MI): In accordance with Customertimes benefits policyPaid Time Off: 30 working days of vacation, 30 working days of sick daysHome office expense reimbursement: In accordance with Customertimes Business Expense Policy (€50 / month reimbursement for home office Internet expense)Sales bonus and commissions (details to be provided in Job Offer)Ability to work remotely (home office). As a globally distributed organization, we embraced remote work long before it was established as the mainstreamThis position requires working independently as well as coordinating with teams from other locationsYou are expected to contribute an average of 40 hours per week, but time can be managed flexibly – exceeding the quota is the key consideration Standort Customertimes, Dortmund
IT Requirements Engineer / Business Analyst
Cognizant Netcentric, Essen
At Cognizant Netcentric, we come to work every day with the mission of leveraging cutting-edge technology to create memorable digital experiences for the world’s leading brands. And we do it as a diverse, global community of over 1500+ Adobe experts collaborating across countries, cultures, languages and technologies.We’re energized by an inclusive and responsive organizational culture that brings together the entrepreneurial spirit of a startup with the resources, growth opportunities and stability of a larger global organization.Holacracy is the cornerstone of how we work, empowering every individual with the power to make an impact within our organization. All this encourages us to learn and grow as individuals, and unite as a team to build innovative digital experiences that touch people’s lives.Your Tasks:You will be the link between our customers and our development teams and translate business requests to technical requirements and into technical concepts.You will write business requirements, test software, execute operational tasks and provide project management support while strengthening your technical acumen and business consulting skills.You will take responsibility for the conception and design of web-based solutions in the digital marketing domain, designing, testing and launching the technology that meets fully the business need. You will truly be a game-changer for our clients.You will also be brainstorming with the client at the outset of a project, then acting as an assistant project manager as the project progresses.You will support the analysis and implementation of requirements along the entire software development cycle.You will document and present the solutions implemented with your team for internal and external stakeholders.What is required?Strong verbal and written English and German skillsFirst hands-on experience with web-based content management systems (CMS)Solid technical understanding of web development and web application integrationsAble to translate business requirements to technical solutionsBasic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JavaScript and/or web-relevant programming languagesExperience in the creation of wireframes / mock-ups for IT applicationsExperience in the analysis of IT processes and the structured creation of requirements for IT systemsKnowledge of software modelling methods (UML, flow charts, use cases), methodologies and process models in software developmentWhat makes us smile when looking at your profileExperience with Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC) products, especially Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Adobe Analytics (AA), or Adobe Campaign (AC)Knowledge in the area of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Motivation to work in a distributed, international teamExperience in using tools like JIRA / ConfluenceA proactive mindset, ability to share your ideas and bring them to lifeEnthusiasm and an open mind which is looking for continuous improvementYou are not afraid of giving and receiving feedbackWhat we can offer you:Permanent contract30 working days of vacation for all employeesFlexible working hours, with respect to project needsRecognition bonus systemContinuous training and coachingDynamic and international teamSponsored gym membershipApple work equipmentCentral office locations with great office spaceTable footballMany off-site company eventsKitchen access with a large selection of teas, coffee and BionadeChoice of where to work from (office, remote, home) from within the country you liveHigh degree of freedom/independency (but be aware this goes in line with responsibilities)Room to grow in role, in the (holacratic) organization, out of your current geography (we are global!)Everyone has a voice, we are a Holacracy organization! Standort Cognizant Netcentric, Essen
Business Improvement Analyst (m/w/d)
Alulux GmbH, Verl
Business Analyst / Business Development Manager (m/w/d) Alulux ist einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von modernen Rollladensystemen, Raffstoren, Screens und Garagentoren. Seit 1960 produzieren wir ausschließlich in Deutschland. Mit Engagement und Know-how haben wir uns zu einem weltweiten Vorreiter der Branche entwickelt. Unsere Markenprodukte sind optimal auf die Anforderungen der Fachhandelskunden ausgelegt. Alulux gehört seit dem Sommer 2019 zur Stella.Group. Alulux beschäftigt am Standort Verl ca. 300 Mitarbeiter. Wir suchen Dich ab sofort als: Business Analyst / Business Development Manager (m/w/d) Vollzeit | unbefristet Der Job: Du spielst eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Identifizierung, Analyse und Implementierung von Verbesserungen in der Produktentwicklung und den Geschäftsprozessen. Du leitest und managst Projekte, die die Gesamtleistung des Unternehmens und das Produktangebot verbessern. Du führst umfassende Analysen der aktuellen Geschäftsprozesse, Produktangebote und Portfolios durch. Du erstellst regelmäßig Berichte für das Managementteam über den Fortschritt und die Ergebnisse der Projekte, die sowohl prozess- als auch produktbezogene Initiativen beinhalten. Du nutzt Daten und Kennzahlen, um die Auswirkungen von Prozess- und Produktverbesserungen zu messen. Du identifizierst und empfiehlst technologische Lösungen, die die Optimierung von Prozessen und Entwicklung von Produkten unterstützen. Du berichtest in deiner Funktion direkt an unsere Geschäftsführerin. Dein Profil: Du verfügst über einen Masterabschluss in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL), Business Administration, Management, Ingenieurwesen oder einem verwandten Bereich. Du kannst Erfahrung als Business Improvement / Continuous Improvement / Process Analyst (m/w/d) oder in einer ähnlichen Position vorweisen. Dich zeichnen Organisations- und Koordinationsstärke sowie eine analytische und innovative Denkweise aus. Du arbeitest selbstständig und strukturiert; eine ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Kooperationsbereitschaft und Teamfähigkeit sind für Dich selbstverständlich. Du bringst Kenntnisse in Datenanalysetools und -techniken mit. Du bist vertraut mit Prozesskartierung und -modellierung. Du hast Erfahrung im Projektmanagement. Deine MS-Office-Kenntnisse sind gut bis sehr gut. Insbesondere deine Excel-Kenntnisse liegen auf einem sehr guten Niveau. Zudem kommunizierst Du problemlos in der deutschen und englischen Sprache. Wir bieten Dir: Ein vielfältiges Aufgabenspektrum mit hohem Maß an Eigenverantwortung Eine attraktive Vergütung sowie 30 Tage Jahresurlaub Integration in die Alulux-Familie, welche sich gegenseitig fordert und fördert Eine wertschätzende und offene Unternehmenskultur mit flachen Hierarchien und Duz-Kultur Die Möglichkeit zur Gestaltung und Umsetzung eigener Ideen Zahlreiche Mitarbeiter Benefits, wie z. B. Fahrradleasing Zuschüsse zur privaten Altersversorgung So bewirbst Du Dich: Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung (inkl. Eintrittstermin und Gehaltsvorstellungen) auf elektronischem Weg über unser Karriereportal. Alulux GmbH Linda Berenbrinker Messingstraße 16 D-33415 Verl +49 5246 965-0 www.alulux.de Standort Alulux GmbH, Verl
Business Development / Sales Manager (Global Mobility / Relocation / HHG Industry) - Germany
JAM Global Mobility Recruitment, Essen
Job Ref: AS/75345/GMPackage: €Negotiable + Commission + BenefitsLocation: Germany, flexible home working arrangementJob Type: Business Development Manager - Global Mobility / Relocation / HHG IndustryPosition Type: PermanentHours: Full-timeLanguages: German (desirable), English (essential)Contact Name: Andy ShawContact Company: JAM Global Mobility RecruitmentThe Background:The successful applicant will be required to contact and visit corporate clients with the aim of promoting and up-selling the services of the company. In addition, you'll also be required to represent the company at conferences and industry related events.The Role:The Business Development Manager will be responsible for:- Developing new business relationships within a defined territory assigned by the European Business Development Director;- Developing and implementing action plans to maximize the organisations penetration of target accounts by acquiring new clients;- Networking within industry and business forums to expand sales opportunities and promote the company and its services in general;- Analysing selling situations and creating client-focused solutions;- Building long term relationships with target accounts based on a consultative sales approach;- Co-operating with other divisions in the company to ensure that a full understanding of operational requirements is achieved and maintained;- Actively anticipating, planning and managing sales processes for client acquisition and participating in allocation and execution of marketing activities.The Person:The successful candidate will have:- A proven track record of successful sales / business development- Previous experience of the global mobility, relocation or household goods (HHG) industry - Strong communication and negotiation skills- Fluent English is an essential requirement.APPLY NOWTo apply for the position please send your CV to Andy Shaw via the 'apply now' button.JAM Recruitment is acting as an employment agency with regards to this position.View our latest jobs today on our website and follow us on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn Standort JAM Global Mobility Recruitment, Essen
Werkstudent Business Development & Sales (m/w/d)
, Köln
Das solltest Du mitbringen:Du bist eingeschriebene/r Student/in und hast idealerweise im Studium, bei einem Praktikum oder im Beruf bereits Erfahrungen im Vertrieb gemacht.Du sprichst fließend Deutsch und hast eine gute Ausdrucksweise.Du kennst dich idealerweise mit Hubspot oder anderen CRM-Systemen aus.Du hast keine Berührungsängste im direkten Gespräch und am Telefon.Du besitzt eine hohe Eigeninitiative und arbeitest selbständig.Du zeichnest dich durch dein Durchhaltevermögen aus.Das erwartet Dich bei uns:Individuelle Einarbeitungsphase.Spannende und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeiten.Moderne Tools und neueste Vertriebstechniken.Überdurchschnittliche Verdienstmöglichkeiten mit gutem Fixgehalt und Provision.Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung und darauf, Dich persönlich kennenzulernen!Deine Aufgaben bei uns:Du bist verantwortlich für den Aufbau eines professionellen Sales-Funnels.Du entwickelst gemeinsam mit dem Sales-Team neue Vertriebs-Strategien und setzt diese um.Du qualifizierst Inbound-Leads und generierst darüber hinaus selbst qualifizierte Leads in Form von potenziellen B2B-Kunden über verschiedene Sales-Kanäle wie LinkedIn.Du unterstützt das Sales-Team im Tagesgeschäft.Werkstudent Business Development & Sales (m/w/d)Wir suchen Dich als Werkstudent/in im Bereich Business Development & Sales. Mit unserer Software unterstützen wir mittelständische Unternehmen bei der Suche und Auswahl von Mitarbeitern. Mit inzwischen über 300 Unternehmenskunden ist unser Kurs momentan ganz klar auf Wachstum ausgerichtet. Dazu gehört natürlich auch ein professioneller Sales-Funnel. Du kennst dich hier bestens aus? Dann werde Teil unseres Teams und unterstütze uns beim Aufbau unserer Sales-Abteilung und im aktiven Vertrieb unserer Software-Lösung!Eine Stellenanzeige von Catch GmbH#catchpremium
Truck-Manager für bundesweite Roadshow gesucht!
, Köln
Verstärke unser junges, motiviertes Team - nur Klasse B Führerschein notwendig!!! Regional oder bundesweit ...Wir suchen für einen unserer INFO&VERKAUFS-TRUCKS motivierte, flexible Mitarbeiter, die auch eine gewisse Reisebereitschaft an den Tag legen ;-)Auch nur regionale Einsätze möglich ...Die Aufgabenbeschreibung variiert leicht von Job zu Job, wobei die grundlegenden Aufgaben und Anforderungen folgende sind:Logistik Info-MobilUnterweisung und Briefing Vertriebspartner am TruckUnterstützung bei der Vorberatung des VertriebspartnersMorgendliches & abendliches ReportingAbsprache des genauen Stellplatzes vor Ort mit dem Ansprechpartner (die Standplätze sind alle vorbesprochen, Abklärung der Details vor Ort)Aufbau und Einrichtung für den täglichen Einsatz. (Stromzufuhr, Sauberkeit, Info-Tisch und Werbemittel aufstellen)Ordnung & Sauberkeit am TruckEinweisung neuer MitarbeiterAktionszeiträume i.d.R. wöchentlich von Mo-Fr oder Di-Sa jeweils 10-18Uhr. Du suchst bei einer geregelten Arbeitszeit eine attraktive und faire Bezahlung?Dann bewirb dich jetzt ;-)Positive Ausstrahlung und KommunikationsfähigkeitZuverlässigkeitFreundliches AuftretenEngagement zum Selbstständigen und flexiblen arbeitenFließende DeutschkenntnisseEin gepflegtes und ansprechendes ÄußeresVertragsart Selbstständig / Freelancer / GewerbescheinKurzfristige BeschäftigungEine Stellenanzeige von promotionbasis.de#pbbasic
IT Application and Application Manager (m/f/d) Microsoft Dynamics BC
Carl Bernh. Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG, Kaarst
IT Application and Application Manager (m/f/d) Microsoft Dynamics BC Your tasks Ensuring the smooth operation and support of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Conducting training courses for key users and users Troubleshooting and error analysis for applications and Microsoft-based systems Collaboration with external IT service providers System administration user management General IT administration Your profile Successfully completed training/studies in the IT sector Experience with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Experience in the administration of Microsoft client operating systems Confident handling of Windows servers and client operating systems incl. DNS, DHCP, AD Structured, independent and autonomous way of working as well as a solution-oriented approach Willingness to travel to our other locations (a few days a year) Our offer Interesting and varied working environment Modern workplace in a growing and innovative company Flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths in a personal environment Qualified induction training Permanent employment contract, free parking, flexitime, company pension scheme, job bike, employee discount, etc.
IT-Servicemanager (m/w/d)
persona service AG & Co. KG Niederlassung Dortmund, Dortmund
Are you looking for a new challenge, do you need new input and are thinking about changing jobs? We will support you with our expertise in the search for highly attractive jobs for specialists and managers. For our client in the field of IT services, we are looking for an IT Service Manager (m/f/d) in direct placement: IT Service Manager (m/f/d) in Dortmund 70,000 - 80,000 p.a. Tasks: You are the central contact person for technical and organizational topics for our long-standing customers You are responsible for ensuring the quality and availability of the agreed managed services You are in regular consultation with customers and the technical team You will also be involved in the design and improvement of new and existing services and processes You will also be responsible for creating and presenting reports on SLAs and KPIs You recognize customer needs and work on the development of solutions in terms of service design Profile: You have completed technical vocational training, e.g. as an IT manager (m/f/d),l a degree in this field or a comparable qualification You have experience in IT service management or IT project management or customer relationship management You have a good and wide-ranging knowledge of IT and a good understanding of business processes Knowledge and certifications in the areas of ITIL and PRINCE2 Foundation or comparable certifications in IT service and project management will benefit you You have very good German and good English skills You enjoy interacting with customers (internal and external) and the technical team Benefits: Further development: With an extensive range of internal academy courses, individual career planning, expert and leadership programs, manufacturer certifications and much more Flexibility: working hours and place of work can be arranged individually depending on the area of responsibility and in consultation with the manager All-round carefree package: attractive occupational disability insurance and our company pension scheme with a subsidy of up to 100% Security: permanent employment Team: The cohesion within the diverse team Modern workplace: The latest technical equipment in an innovative working environment What you can always rely on at persona service: Direct path to permanent employment with our clients Close support throughout the entire application process Close coordination with you and your potential employer, taking your wishes into account Intensive preparation for the interview Apply now! In the job you love. In the industry that suits you. In the city where you live or want to live. At the career level that suits you. We offer numerous positions every day and will always be by your side as an employer. Guaranteed. Whatever direction your career plans take, we will accompany and support you along the way. We are represented nationwide with our branches and have been able to successfully place highly attractive jobs with motivated and qualified applicants for more than 55 years. Over 10,000 people in Germany, Switzerland and Spain rely on our expertise. Shape your successful future with us! We look forward to receiving your application.
Business Analyst (m/w/d)
persona service AG & Co. KG Niederlassung Bonn, Bonn
Are you looking for a new challenge, do you need new input and are thinking about changing jobs? We will support you with our expertise in the search for highly attractive jobs for specialists and managers. For our client in the IT services sector, we are looking for an SAP HCM Consultant (m/f/d) in direct placement: Business Analyst (m/f/d) in Bonn 70,000 - 80,000 p.a. Tasks: You are involved in SAP HCM projects for customers You will work on the realignment of the H4S4 transformation project, including the integration of SAP SuccessFactors You support the creation of technical and IT concepts You maintain, service and further develop the central development system based on the entire software development process for SAP HCM products You advise and support customers and users for SAP HCM applications Profile: You have a degree in (business) informatics, a completed apprenticeship with relevant professional experience, preferably in the field of public administration or a comparable qualification You have already gained several years of practical experience in consulting and business analysis You have knowledge of the S/4HANA environment You have in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of SAP HCM solutions and ideally already have experience with SAP BTP Business fluent German language skills will benefit you You show willingness to travel throughout Germany as part of the project activity You are a strong communicator and work in a customer-oriented and independent manner Benefits: Mobile working (2-3 days per week) Training and further education Company pension scheme Company sports community Canteen with subsidized lunch Job bike Good transport connections parking lot 30 days vacation Relocation support Occupational disability insurance Flexible working hours What you can always rely on at persona service: Direct path to permanent employment with our clients Close support throughout the entire application process Close coordination with you and your potential employer, taking your wishes into account Intensive preparation for the interview Apply now! In the job you love. In the industry that suits you. In the city where you live or want to live. At the career level that suits you. We offer numerous positions every day and will always be at your side as an employer. Guaranteed. Whatever direction your career plans take, we will accompany and support you along the way. We are represented nationwide with our branches and have been able to successfully place highly attractive jobs with motivated and qualified applicants for more than 55 years. Over 10,000 people in Germany, Switzerland and Spain rely on our expertise. Shape your successful future with us! We look forward to receiving your application.
IT Project Manager (m/w/d)
Able Management Services GmbH, Gummersbach
Passion enables performance - that is our motto at AMS. With our services, we design the internal service and consulting offering for all processes in the ABLE GROUP. Our core competencies are services in the areas of HR, finance & administration, processes & IT and marketing. We offer variety and diversity and delegate responsibility. In this way, we promote individual development and contribute to success together. Do you love challenges and do you see change as an opportunity to learn and grow? Then join our team. IT Project Manager (m/f/d) Your tasks: These are your tasks in our team You manage complex IT projects from planning to implementation You will work closely with the IT platforms, specialist departments and internal customers of AMS You will discuss and define the project goals in advance together with the specialist departments and the business During implementation, you pay attention to a well thought-out and structured organization according to agile process models You manage your project team members professionally and coordinate them with each other You create regular reports to make the progress of the project visible You monitor the budget and schedule Your benefits with us Flexible working hours, 30 days of vacation and the option to work 2 days/week on a mobile basis Permanent employment contract, capital-forming benefits and company pension scheme Ready to work anywhere with your own laptop and headset as well as digital working with tools from SAP, Microsoft, Salesforce, Atlassian and d.velop Free parking spaces within walking distance of the office building Individual induction and further training program (welcome days, seminars, e-learning, etc.) Open scope for creativity and the opportunity to contribute your own ideas from day one Flat structures and short decision-making paths help you to implement your ideas Your qualifications: What you convince us with You have successfully completed your studies or training in the technical or economic field You have at least two years of professional experience in a comparable position in which you were able to acquire knowledge in the operational and agile management of projects You have good IT know-how and a good basic technical understanding Ideally, you have experience in the use of various project management methods such as PRINCE2u00ae, PRINCE2 AGILu00ae, Scrum or Kanban You are a strong communicator, have a strong service mentality and work independently You think analytically as well as project and process-oriented and are strong in implementation as well as team-oriented and flexible Your profile is rounded off by business fluent German and very good written and spoken English skills as well as very good MS Office skills Fancy the next challenge? Then we should definitely get to know each other! The easiest way is to apply directly - online under the reference number VA36-10606-AMS to Ms. Martina Adolph. With us, you can expect variety and diversity and the opportunity to take on responsibility.
IT Business Analyst and Release Manager (m/f/d) in the Cologne...
IT Business Analyst and Release Manager (m/f/d) in the Cologne... Looking for a new professional challenge? Would you like to contribute your skills and talents to a dynamic company? Then we have just the job for you! For a company in the IT services sector in the Cologne area, we are looking for a committed and talented IT specialist as part of a direct permanent placement. IT Business Analyst and Release Manager (m/f/d) in the Cologne area Your benefits: Permanent full-time position Family-friendly, reliable working hours through hybrid, flexible working models Focus on performance and development with continuous feedback and assumption of responsibility Attractive salary package, benefits and incentives Individual training and extensive benefits for a better work-life balance Corporate culture characterized by diversity, innovation, teamwork and flexibility Work in a successful team in an established company The salary range is between 75,000 and 85,000 euros, depending on qualifications and experience. Your tasks: Planning and implementation of releases from content definition to acceptance by the specialist department to ensure successful completion Advising the specialist department on optimization options and recording user requirements Interface between internal colleagues, the specialist department, the development team (internal/external) and system operations Development of test cases and their implementation, including acceptance tests Independent planning and management of workshops and meetings Your profile: Successfully completed studies in computer science, business informatics or economics or a comparable qualification Extensive professional experience as a business analyst in finance and release management skills required Experience in dealing with SQL and interfaces desirable Ideally experience with a customer relationship management system (CRM) and/or relevant business processes in the area of leasing and factoring Initiative and flexibility Confident oral and written communication in German and English
IT Project Manager / Solution Designer (m/f/d)
DHL, Bonn
IT Project Manager & Solution Designer (m/f/d) GLAV-231420 Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Full-time Corporate Center DHL Group Permanent Job Type: Full Time u2013 Permanent Work Model: Hybrid Job Description Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to apply your knowledge and contribution to a global leader in logistics? Look no further! We are seeking for a skilled technical expert, with project management, strong communication abilities, and experienced in aligning IT solutions with the business needs. Key Responsibilities Collaborate with business departments to capture functional requirements and develop concepts. Work with architects and product owners to create IT Solutions based on the requirements. Coordinate requirements with existing IT systems and projects. Collaborate closely with architects and product owners from different development teams. Communicate regularly with stakeholders from both business and IT, including external software vendors and IT service providers. Manage external IT service providers and software vendors. Take end to end responsibility for specific functional topics and associated systems. Oversee the entire lifecycle of business applications, including development, implementation, quality assurance, configuration, operation and maintenance. Essential Qualifications 5 years of relevant work experience German language skill required (Minimum C1) Solid knowledge in at least one of the following: output management, PDF processing, production processes. Proficiency using tools like Jira, Confluence, O365 or Visio. Knowledge of stakeholder management. Experience in IT project management. University degree in computer science, business informatics, or equivalent qualification. Benefits we Offer. Great opportunity to work for the biggest logistics company in the world. International and virtual environment. Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Does this opportunity spark your interest? We eagerly look forward to receiving your application. For further information you can contact Shawn Gibson at: [email protected] Get tailored job recommendations based on your interests.
IT Project Manager Web Platforms and Applications (m/f/d)
Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH, Köln
Bundesanzeiger Verlag is a media company based in Cologne that is both rich in tradition and forward-looking. As a legislative partner, we operate online platforms for the publication of statutory announcements, company data and registers. In addition, we offer a continuously growing range of multimedia content in the fields of law, business and tax. IT project manager for web platforms and applications (m/f/d) Your tasks are: As part of a project team, you will be responsible for exciting projects for the new and further development of various web platforms, applications, satellite systems and interfaces. Determine, analyze and document IT requirements in coordination with the respective stakeholders Create and review epics and user stories with the corresponding acceptance criteria Develop and take responsibility for project plans, taking into account budgets, capacities and timelines using tools such as JIRA, Confluence or similar Accompany and manage the service providers during development Create test plans and carry out functional tests for technical and functional acceptance on this basis Control the product deployment on the production environments That's what we want: Completed studies or training in the IT environment or comparable qualifications Several years of professional experience in IT project management Several years of experience in the field of requirements analysis and the resulting creation of technical concepts, epics and user stories Experience of working in an agile environment is an advantage Business fluent German and very good English skills Your prospects: 35-hour week Work-life balance thanks to flexible working time models Targeted and individual development opportunities Extensive induction and personal training measures Attractive location in Cologne with very good public transport connections and employee parking spaces Working in an agile and innovative team Use of leading technologies and agile processes Discounted and varied choice of food in our modern company restaurant We look forward to receiving your online application via our online form for the position of IT Project Manager Web Platforms and Applications (m/f/d). Contact person Christian Karnakowski Recruiting T: +49 (221) 9 76 68 -8475 Federal Gazette Publisher GmbH Amsterdamer Street 192 50735 Cologne Our privacy policy
IT Project Manager with focus on test coordination (m/f/d)
Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH, Köln
Bundesanzeiger Verlag is a media company based in Cologne that is both rich in tradition and forward-looking. As a legislative partner, we operate online platforms for the publication of statutory announcements, company data and registers. In addition, we offer a continuously growing range of multimedia content in the fields of law, business and tax. IT project manager with a focus on test coordination (m/f/d) Your tasks are: Support the development of test plans, test cases and acceptance criteria in close coordination with the respective stakeholders Contribute to establishing cross-project processes and standards relating to testing Create test plans and carry out functional tests for technical and functional acceptance on this basis Participate in product deployment in the test, staging and production environments and work closely with the Scrum development team to continuously improve the quality of the software Identify software bugs through black box testing, capture bug reports and support the development team in bug fixing Evaluate test results and create comprehensive test reports to ensure transparency and documentation of test processes Continuously update your knowledge of software testing to stay informed of the latest developments and optimize testing procedures This is what we want: Completed studies or training in the IT environment or comparable qualifications Ideally experience in testing and coordination of tests and/or requirements gathering Experience in the field of test automation is an advantage High level of comprehension and willingness to acquire complex professional and technical background knowledge Experience of working in an agile environment is an advantage Business fluent German and good English skills Your prospects: 35-hour week Work-life balance thanks to flexible working time models Targeted and individual development opportunities Extensive induction and personal training measures Attractive location in Cologne with very good public transport connections and employee parking spaces Working in an agile and innovative team Use of leading technologies and agile processes Discounted and varied choice of food in our modern company restaurant We look forward to receiving your online application via our online form to join us as an IT project manager with a focus on test coordination (m/f/d). Contact person Christian Karnakowski Recruiting T: +49 (221) 9 76 68 -8475 Federal Gazette Publisher GmbH Amsterdamer Street 192 50735 Cologne Our privacy policy
Wholesale Menswear Manager - Germany
Since its establishment in 2005, American Vintage has grown in success across France and abroad, with a focus on simplicity, authenticity and natural style for the contemporary man and woman. American Vintage is first and foremost about redefining basics and transforming them into elegant essential wear. As part of our development for our Wholesale Organisation DACH we are looking for a Wholesale Menswear Manager Germany in fulltime following our customer development. In this role you will be based in our Showroom in Dusseldorf. Job Responsibilities You will be responsible for, but not limited to : * Sales responsibilities for all field & key customers (Germany) * Acquisition for new clients * Building up of perfect relationship with new and existing customers * Order entry and notification management * Daily delivery check and follow up * Digital sales and re-order follow up for all customers * Creating re-order proposals * Re-order and Sales reporting * Attending to all relevant fashion fairs As our new Wholesale Menswear Manager you will have the opportunity to be a key player in our sales organization by creating a successful wholesale business. Key Responsibilities * Ensuring efficient sales work with all our customers with pre and reorders * Creation and expansion of new and existing customer portfolio * Creating newsletter and reorder proposals according to sell through results * Bestseller management / Swap Management * Preparation and follow-up of reorder and sell through reports * Ad-hoc duties and assistance with special projects as neededTo be successful in this role, you will need to be confident, have a bright personality, a strong work ethic and pride yourself on your ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities, many of them complex and confidential. Highly effective administrative and communication skills are important, while high attention to detail is essential. The successful candidate will also have: * Training as wholesale or retail sales person with focus on fashion and textile industry * At least 1 - 3 years previous experience in a similar role * Excellent communication and interpersonal skills * A commitment to maintaining confidentiality and applying discretion * Exceptional organisational skills and high proficiency in using Microsoft Office * The capacity to work under pressure with, at times, conflicting demands * The ability to be focused, structured and solution oriented * A willingness to take responsibility, be proactive and act on your own initiative * A positive attitude towards life and the willingness to be a real team player * Hands on mentality is key to be successful in this role * Fluent proficiency in spoken and written English; proficiency in French is of advantage Are you fair minded, flexible and can't wait to work in a familiar atmosphere and be part of a motivated and committed success team? Then don't hesitate, because we can't wait to meet you! Start : 01.08.24