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EMBEDDED SOFTWARE ENGINEER (m/w/d) - Embedded C / Linux
, Stutensee, Karlsruhe
NDT Global is the leading provider of ultra-high-tech diagnostic inspection solutions, advanced data analysis and integrity assessment services for ensuring the safety and longevity of energy-sector infrastructure assets. Recognized as the forerunner in ultrasonic inspection technologies comprising Pulse Echo, Pitch-and-Catch and Phased Array, as well as Acoustic Resonance (ART Scan) methodologies, the company also deploys a range of non-ultrasonic technologies, such as Inertial Measurement Units, with more under development. NDT Global strategically applies its inspection technologies to detect, diagnose and model various types of threat—circumferential or axial cracks, metal loss, geometry, mapping, and more—across diverse classes of assets. By providing predictive, decision-ready insights driven by the world’s most accurate data, NDT Global enables the conditions for asset owners to optimize infrastructure health and drive operational efficiencies while reducing risk and minimizing their carbon footprint.  NDT Global is part of Previan, a fast-growing, innovative industrial technology group focused on advanced diagnostic technologies to monitor the world’s infrastructure health. The Group serves asset owners, large engineering firms, and service companies globally in markets such as Aerospace, Civil Infrastructures, Energy, Mining, Power Generation, and Rail. Previan believes that advancing science and technology via sensors, hardware, robotics, and software makes the world more productive and safer for people, business and nature. The company employs over 1,300 people throughout 28 offices worldwide and serves clients in more than 110 countries     Embedded Software Engineer (m/w/d) - Embedded C / Linux Purpose We are looking for an Embedded Software Engineer to create, design and develop our innovative tools to analyze pipeline integrity. You will work with prototypes in an international environment in our interdisciplinary developer team. Tasks Developing embedded software in C and C++ for our inspection tools: Driver for Linux and embedded operating system Measurement and control applications for Unix environment Microcontroller based control and measurement system Plan of specifications, architecture and design Documentation and presentation of results Requirements Work experience with C / C++ in embedded multi-processor environment Unix and Git experience university degree in information technology, electronics or similar 3 years relevant work experience e.g. embedded software development, firmware or hardware design Fluent in English  Benefits Great long-term career prospects and development opportunities  Challenging tasks in innovative and diverse teams  Attractive compensation system  Flexible working environment Flexible working hours Job bike
IT Consultant & Administrator (M/W/D)
Across Systems GmbH, Karlsbad
IT Consultant & Administrator (M/W/D) Zur Verstu00e4rkung unseres Teams suchen wir einen motivierten IT-Administrator (m/w/d), der Spau00df daran hat, in direktem Austausch mit Kunden zu stehen und in deren IT-Landschaften schnell den u00dcberblick zu gewinnen, um gezielte Empfehlungen zur Optimierung abzugeben. Deine Rolle bei uns: In deiner Position als IT-Administrator bist du der zentrale Ansprechpartner fu00fcr unsere Kunden, wenn es um die Verwaltung und Weiterentwicklung ihrer IT-Infrastrukturen geht. Du liebst es, dich in unterschiedliche Serverumgebungen einzuarbeiten und die beste Lösung fu00fcr individuelle Anforderungen zu finden. Mit deinem fundierten Fachwissen und deiner Kommunikationsstu00e4rke baust du stabile Kundenbeziehungen auf und sorgst dafu00fcr, dass die IT unserer Kunden zuverlu00e4ssig und effizient lu00e4uft. Was du bei uns erwarten kannst: Flexible Arbeitsmodelle: Entscheide selbst, wo du arbeiten möchtest u2013 ob im Bu00fcro oder remote, wir finden die passende Lösung. Work-Life-Balance: Flexible Arbeitszeiten, die sich an deine Lebenssituation anpassen. So kannst du Job und Privatleben optimal miteinander verbinden. Gestaltungsspielraum: Keine Aufgabe gleicht der anderen. Du hast grou00dfen Freiraum fu00fcr eigene Ideen und kannst kreativ und eigenverantwortlich arbeiten. Offene Feedbackkultur: Wir fördern den offenen Austausch im Team. Egal ob im 1:1 Gespru00e4ch oder Teammeeting u2013 deine Meinung zu00e4hlt! Gemeinsamer Erfolg: Wir feiern unsere Erfolge gemeinsam und fördern deine persönliche und berufliche Weiterentwicklung innerhalb des internationalen Volaris-Konzerns. Deine Aufgaben bei uns: Administration und Optimierung: Verwaltung, Pflege und Optimierung der IT-Infrastruktur auf Kundenservern, inklusive Microsoft-Server- und SQL-Server-Umgebungen. Kundenberatung: Du beru00e4tst unsere Kunden in technischen Belangen und entwickelst Lösungen, die optimal auf ihre Bedu00fcrfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Troubleshooting und Support: Du stehst unseren Kunden bei IT-Herausforderungen zur Seite und unterstu00fctzt bei der Lösung komplexer technischer Probleme. Implementierung und Migrationen: Du unterstu00fctzt bei der Implementierung neuer Systeme sowie bei Server- und Datenbank-Migrationen. Technische Dokumentation: Erstellung und Pflege von technischen Dokumentationen und Anleitungen fu00fcr unsere Kunden. Proaktive Empfehlungen: Basierend auf deinem Fachwissen gibst du Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung der IT-Infrastruktur unserer Kunden. Das bringst du mit: Technische Expertise: Hervorragende Kenntnisse und umfangreiche Erfahrung im Umgang mit Microsoft-Server- und SQL-Server-Umgebungen. Kommunikationsstu00e4rke: Du kommunizierst sicher und klar, sowohl im Team als auch mit unseren Kunden. Analytische Fu00e4higkeiten: Du arbeitest lösungsorientiert, denkst analytisch und findest dich schnell in neuen Umgebungen zurecht. Kundenorientierung: Ein hohes Mau00df an Serviceorientierung und die Fu00e4higkeit, sich in die Bedu00fcrfnisse unserer Kunden hineinzuversetzen. Flexibilitu00e4t: Du bist bereit, sowohl remote als auch vor Ort bei unseren Kunden zu arbeiten. Bist du bereit, deine Leidenschaft fu00fcr IT und Kundenkommunikation bei uns einzubringen? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung! Sende deine vollstu00e4ndigen Unterlagen an: hr(at) across.net . Starte jetzt als IT-Administrator (m/w/d) im Hybrid-Modell u2013 remote oder in Karlsbad. Ergu00e4nzende Informationen: Anforderungen an den Bewerber: Grundkenntnisse: Programmiersprache C++, Netzprotokolle LDAP/OpenLDAP, Netzprotokolle TCP/IP, Netzwerktechnik VPN (Virtual Private Network), Netzwerktechnik MS Proxy Server, Cybersecurity, Netzprotokolle SOAP, Netzprotokolle IP, HTML/CSS Framework YAML, HTML/CSS Framework Bootstrap, Sicherheitssysteme (IT), Datensicherheit, Projektmanagement Erweiterte Kenntnisse: Netzwerkadministration, -management, -organisation, Datenbankadministration, -management, -organisation, Systembetreuung, Systemadministration, Systemverwaltung, Betriebssystem Windows Server 2003, Betriebssystem Windows Server 2008, Datenu00fcbernahme, Datenaufbereitung, Betriebssystem Windows Server 2012, Citrix Terminalserver, Betriebssystem Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Windows Terminalserver, Datenschutz, HTML, XML, XHTML, XAML, XSLT, Datenbanksprache SQL Expertenkenntnisse: Betriebssystem Windows Server 2019, Client-Servertechnik, MS-SQL Server, Datenbank SQL
IT - Administrator (m/w/d)
Synergie Personal Solutions, Karlsruhe
About SYNERGIE As a career coach, we accompany people on their professional path and open up new job opportunities for them personally, individually and sustainably! We want to find you a job that offers long-term prospects. You start with temporary work, but the declared goal is to be taken on by the company in a permanent position. We turn opportunities into prospects! IT - Administrator (m/f/d) Location: Karlsruhe (Baden) Type(s) of employment: Shift, full-time Working hours: 37.5 hours per week Are you looking for a job with good pay as an IT administrator (m/f/d) in Karlsruhe? Then we have the right job for you! Because we are looking for you as an IT Administrator (m/f/d) for a medium-sized company in the banking sector in Karlsruhe with immediate effect and as part of a full-time position. Your tasks Installation and commissioning of workstation systems Support during operation Use and administration of technical components in the context of end device support (software distribution, patch management, antivirus protection, directory services) Contributing to the establishment of technical operating processes Supporting the establishment of a technical management infrastructure for mobile device management What you bring with you Completed vocational training as an IT specialist - system integration (m/f/d), a degree in computer science or a comparable qualification Professional experience as an IT administrator (m/f/d) is required Knowledge of written and spoken German Ability to work in a team, initiative and creativity We offer you Permanent employment contract Above-tariff remuneration Assignments close to home Christmas and vacation pay Advance payments and payments on account Public transport travel allowance Are you interested? Then we look forward to receiving your application as an IT Administrator (m/f/d) in Karlsruhe! We are interested in your skills, which is why we are now dispensing with a cover letter Your CV is enough. Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us! Further information on the processing of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy at www.synergie.de/datenschutz Contact details for job advertisement Katja Beyock Phone: +49 721/78166-0 Mail: [email protected] Type(s) of personnel requirement: Temporary employment with possibility of takeover Collective agreement: IGZ/DGB
IT Consultant & Administrator (M/W/D)
Across Systems GmbH, Karlsbad
IT Consultant & Administrator (M/F/D) To strengthen our team, we are looking for a motivated IT administrator (m/f/d) who enjoys being in direct contact with customers and quickly gaining an overview of their IT landscapes in order to make targeted recommendations for optimization. Your role with us: In your position as an IT administrator, you are the central point of contact for our customers when it comes to managing and developing their IT infrastructures. You love familiarizing yourself with different server environments and finding the best solution for individual requirements. With your in-depth specialist knowledge and strong communication skills, you build stable customer relationships and ensure that our customers' IT runs reliably and efficiently. What you can expect from us: Flexible working models: Decide for yourself where you want to work - whether in the office or remotely, we'll find the right solution. Work-life balance: flexible working hours that adapt to your life situation. So you can combine work and private life in the best possible way. Creative freedom: no two tasks are the same. You have plenty of scope for your own ideas and can work creatively and independently. Open feedback culture: We encourage an open exchange within the team. Whether in 1:1 discussions or team meetings - your opinion counts! Shared success: We celebrate our successes together and promote your personal and professional development within the international Volaris Group. Your tasks with us: Administration and optimization: Administration, maintenance and optimization of the IT infrastructure on customer servers, including Microsoft server and SQL server environments. Customer consulting: You advise our customers on technical matters and develop solutions that are optimally tailored to their needs. Troubleshooting and support: You assist our customers with IT challenges and support them in solving complex technical problems. Implementation and migrations: You support the implementation of new systems as well as server and database migrations. Technical documentation: Creation and maintenance of technical documentation and instructions for our customers. Proactive recommendations: Based on your specialist knowledge, you make recommendations for the further development of our customers' IT infrastructure. What you bring with you: Technical expertise: Excellent knowledge and extensive experience in dealing with Microsoft server and SQL server environments. Strong communication skills: You communicate confidently and clearly, both within the team and with our customers. Analytical skills: You work in a solution-oriented way, think analytically and quickly find your way around new environments. Customer orientation: A high degree of service orientation and the ability to empathize with the needs of our customers. Flexibility: You are willing to work both remotely and on site at our customers' premises Are you ready to bring your passion for IT and customer communication to us? Then we look forward to receiving your application! Send your complete documents to: hr(at) across.net . Start now as an IT administrator (m/f/d) in the hybrid model - remote or in Karlsbad. Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge: Programming language C++, network protocols LDAP/OpenLDAP, network protocols TCP/IP, network technology VPN (Virtual Private Network), network technology MS Proxy Server, cybersecurity, network protocols SOAP, network protocols IP, HTML/CSS Framework YAML, HTML/CSS Framework Bootstrap, security systems (IT), data security, project management. Advanced knowledge: Network administration, management, organization, database administration, management, organization, system support, system administration, system management, operating system Windows Server 2003, operating system Windows Server 2008, data transfer, data preparation, operating system Windows Server 2012, Citrix Terminal Server, operating system Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Windows Terminal Server, data protection, HTML, XML, XHTML, XAML, XSLT, database language SQL Expert knowledge: Windows Server 2019 operating system, client-server technology, MS SQL Server, SQL database
IT system administrator (m/f/d)
SYNERGIE Personal Deutschland GmbH, Karlsruhe
About SYNERGIE As a career coach, we accompany people on their professional path and open up new job opportunities for them - personally, individually, sustainably! We want to find you a job that offers long-term prospects. You start with temporary work, but the declared aim is to be taken on by the company in a permanent position. We turn opportunities into prospects! Further information on the processing of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy at www.synergie.de/datenschutz . IT System Administrator (m/f/d) Location: Karlsruhe (Baden) Employment type(s): Part-time, Full-time Are you ready for a career with a future as an IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in Karlsruhe? Then we have the right job for you! Because we are looking for you as an IT System Administrator (m/f/d) for a globally active, family-run high-tech company in the field of sensor system technology and laser spectroscopy. With technical solutions and products, it helps to set new standards in resource efficiency and environmental protection - with immediate effect and as part of a full-time or part-time position. Your tasks Administration and operation of our virtualized server landscape (Windows and Linux) as well as the network components and workstations Conception, planning and implementation of projects for the further development and optimization of the IT infrastructure Implementation of security guidelines and measures to protect against cyber threats User support in the hardware and software environment Procurement, management and configuration of hardware and software What you bring with you Completed training or studies related to IT, e.g. IT specialist (m/f/d) for system integration Experience in the administration of Active Directory (AD) / group policies (GPOs), M365, Teams, OneDrive and MDM with Intune Good knowledge of IT security, routing and network technology Ideally previous experience in the areas of virtualization (VMware), monitoring (Icinga, Nagios), storage and backup concepts (Veeam) and firewalls (Sophos) Self-initiative, self-organization and a structured, precise way of working Good knowledge of German and English Employer benefits / company offer We offer you Permanent employment contract Above-tariff remuneration Assignments close to home Christmas and vacation pay Personal support on site Purchasing benefits with many companies (corporate benefits) Are you interested? Then we look forward to receiving your application as an IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in Karlsruhe! We are interested in your skills, which is why we are now dispensing with a cover letter - your CV will suffice. Do you still have questions? Get in touch with us! Further information on the processing of your personal data can be found in our privacy policy at www.synergie.de/datenschutz . Department(s): Electrical engineering/electronics Type(s) of personnel required: Temporary employment with possibility of transfer
(Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/w/d)
INIT Group, Karlsruhe
(Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/f/d) init SE, Karlsruhe About us: Have you completed your training / studies and want to get going on the IT track? As a (Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/f/d) at INIT, you set the course for the smooth running of our internally used systems. Take the lead and keep the Atlassian systems on track! Shaping the Future of Mobility - together! Together we are making an important contribution to the future of mobility and shaping the public transportation of tomorrow. Find out more on our homepage -www.initse.com What are you waiting for? Apply now, the team is looking forward to meeting you! What you can look forward to with us: Flexible working hours and mobile office option 30 days of vacation and the option of 5 additional days of \"flexi vacation\" Gaming zone, massage chair and creative area Additional financial benefits for travel costs and childcare, among other things Up-to-date smartphone (Android/iOS) for professional & private use What you can expect: As a (Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/f/d), you will be part of the internal service team for the administration and further development of commercial IT applications such as ERP, DMS and other INIT systems. This means specifically: Administration and configuration of Jira and Confluence for INIT and our customers Administration and optimization of workflows, permissions and user settings Integration and customization of plugins and add-ons to extend functionalities Technical support for users in the effective use of Jira and Confluence Collaboration with various teams to continuously improve tools and processes Coordination and support of updates and upgrades The documentation of processes and the system environment complete the range of tasks What you bring with you: If you don't meet all the requirements, don't worry - we look forward to receiving your application and will teach you everything else! Successfully completed training or studies in the field of computer science, business informatics or a comparable qualification Initiative and conceptual skills for process optimization and project work Knowledge of the administration, configuration and customization of Atlassian systems Knowledge of database management, SQL and various data formats (XML, JSON) Basic knowledge of a programming language is an advantage Analytical thinking and the ability to solve complex technical problems Very good knowledge of German and English to convey technical information in an understandable way Any questions? If you have any questions, we are happy to help and can be reached at [email protected] or +49 721 6100-0! Pauline Patzwald HR Recruiter www.initse.com
SAP Basis Consultant (m/w/d) SAP Basis Administrator
bardusch GmbH & Co. KG, Ettlingen
About us Bardusch is an internationally successful service company with around 3,750 employees serving more than 90,000 customers across Europe and providing around 1 million people with workwear. With our headquarters in Ettlingen and more than 20 locations, we traditionally have a particularly strong presence in the German market. Throughout Germany, numerous leading companies from all sectors of the economy have relied on our wide range of sophisticated and innovative textile rental services for decades. To strengthen our central information technology department in Ettlingen, we are looking for a committed and motivated SAP Basis Consultant (m/f/d) SAP Basis Administrator Your tasks Contact person (m/f/d) in IT for basic SAP topics, including interface connections and the implementation of new systems Responsibility for SAP Basis module support incl. monitoring the SAP systems Importing notes, support and enhancement packages Collaboration as part of the group-wide S/4 HANA project Creation of functional & technical specifications for implementation in the SAP landscape by means of customizing or programming Managing the use of external consulting partners, in particular hosting partners Evaluation and support of new technologies, such as the Business Technology Platform (BTP) Your profile Degree in business informatics or business administration or completed commercial training with relevant professional experience Relevant professional experience in SAP Basis S/4HANA experience desirable Experience with SAP BTP and ABAP knowledge an advantage Fluent German and good English skills High degree of independence, quick comprehension and initiative in combination with a structured and analytical way of working A strong service mentality and good communication and teamwork skills round off your profile Our offer to you A secure job with one of the top employers in an attractive region A wide range of tasks in an expanding, crisis-proof company Very modern work equipment in a newly renovated office with height-adjustable desks A permanent employment contract - 40 hours/week Working from home is possible at times Pay and additional benefits: Collective bargaining agreement, pension contributions, capital-forming benefits and vacation and Christmas bonuses Very good public transport connections, free parking spaces in the immediate vicinity, bicycle parking on the premises We challenge and support our employees through our own personnel development and customized training courses As a family business, an open working atmosphere is very important to us, as is working in an open-minded and collegial team We look forward to receiving your application documents, including details of your income expectations and availability. By e-mail to [email protected] or simply via our application form. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Katharina Schott on 0 72 43 / 707-1717. We kindly ask you to refrain from placement requests, as we currently do not require external support to fill this position. Bardusch GmbH & Co KG Pforzheimer Strau00dfe 48, 76275 Ettlingen www.bardusch.com For reasons of readability alone, we do not differentiate between the genders in our texts. We always refer to all genders.
(Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/w/d)
INIT Group, Karlsruhe
(Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/w/d) init SE, Karlsruhe u00dcber uns: Du hast Deine Ausbildung / Studium abgeschlossen und möchtest auf der IT-Schiene Fahrt aufnehmen? Als (Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/w/d) bei INIT stellst Du die Weichen fu00fcr den reibungslosen Ablauf unserer intern genutzten Systeme. u00dcbernimm die Fu00fchrung und halte die Atlassian-Systeme in der Spur! Shaping the Future of Mobility u2013 together! Gemeinsam leisten wir einen wichtigen Beitrag fu00fcr die Zukunft der Mobilitu00e4t und gestalten den u00d6ffentlichen Personennahverkehr von Morgen. Erfahre mehr auf unserer Homepage u2013www.initse.com Worauf warten? Bewirb Dich jetzt, das Team freut sich schon auf Dich! Darauf kannst Du Dich u. a. bei uns freuen: Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Option \"Mobile Office\" 30 Tage Urlaub und die Möglichkeit auf 5 zusu00e4tzliche Tage \"Flexi-Urlaub\" Gaming Zone, Massagesessel und Creative Area Finanzielle Zusatzleistungen fu00fcr u.a. Fahrtkosten und Kinderbetreuung Aktuelles Smartphone (Android/iOS) zur beruflichen & privaten Nutzung Das erwartet Dich: Als (Junior) Jira / Confluence Administrator (m/w/d) gehörst Du zu dem internen Dienstleistungsteam fu00fcr die Administration und Weiterentwicklung von kaufmu00e4nnischen IT-Applikationen wie ERP, DMS und weiteren Systemen der INIT. Das bedeutet konkret: Administration und Konfiguration von Jira und Confluence fu00fcr INIT und unsere Kunden Verwaltung und Optimierung von Workflows, Berechtigungen und Benutzereinstellungen Integration und Anpassung von Plugins und Add-ons zur Erweiterung der Funktionalitu00e4ten Technischer Support fu00fcr User in der effektiven Nutzung von Jira und Confluence Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Teams zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Tools und Prozesse Koordination und Begleitung von Updates sowie Upgrades Die Dokumentation von Prozessen und der Systemumgebung machen das Aufgabenfeld komplett Das bringst Du mit: Solltest Du nicht alle Anforderungen abdecken, keine Sorge u2013 wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung und bringen Dir alles Weitere bei! Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung oder Studium im Bereich Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation Eigeninitiative und konzeptionelle Fu00e4higkeiten fu00fcr Prozessoptimierung und Projektarbeit Kenntnisse in der Administration, Konfiguration und Anpassung von Atlassian-Systemen Kenntnisse in Datenbankmanagement, SQL und verschiedener Datenformate (XML, JSON) Grundlegende Kenntnisse einer Programmiersprache sind von Vorteil Analytisches Denkvermögen sowie die Fu00e4higkeit, komplexe technische Probleme zu lösen Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse, um technische Informationen verstu00e4ndlich zu vermitteln Fragen? Bei Fragen helfen wir gerne weiter und sind u00fcber [email protected] oder +49 721 6100-0 erreichbar! Pauline Patzwald HR Recruiter www.initse.com