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Empfohlene Stellenangebote

Junior Java Developer (m/w/d)
knecon Technologie GmbH, Darmstadt
Salary 50.000 - 60.000 EUR per year Requirements:- Das bringst Du idealerweise mit:- Ein abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Informatik oder eine technische Ausbildung- Du hast bereits erste Berufserfahrungen als Werkstudent:in, Freelancer:in o.. gesammelt- Unseren Tech Stack Java8+, Spring Boot, Docker, Kubernetes und OAuth2 beherrschst Du sicher. Optional kennst Du Dich noch mit Helm, ElasticSearch, REST, Maven, Gradle, JPA/Hibernate, SQL Databases wie PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Git, GitLab Pipelines oder Keycloak aus- Du bist Teamfhig und Kommunikationsstark. Du bist motiviert, arbeitest lsungsorientiert und Deine Leidenschaft gilt dem Programmieren- Sehr gute Deutsch und mindestens gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftResponsibilities:- Deine Hauptaufgaben bei uns sind:- Untersttzung bei der Softwareentwicklung fr bestehende und neue Produkte, sowie deren pflege- Teilverantwortung bei Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen- Untersttzung im Bugtracking und -fixing bestehender Applikationen- Mitentwicklung von Unit- und Integrationstests- Dokumentation der wesentlichen Arbeitsschritte und -ergebnisseTechnologies:- Java- Spring Boot- Docker- Kubernetes- OAuth- Helm- ElasticSearch- REST- Maven- Gradle- JPA- Hibernate- SQL- PostgreSQL- Redis- RabbitMQ- Git- GitLabMore: Als Junior Java Developer (m/w/d) bist Du an der Instandhaltung unserer bestehender sowie an der Entwicklung neuer Applikationen in unserer Produktfamilie beteiligt. Du bist Teil eines hochqualifizierten Teams und hast immer einen Mentor:in zur Seite.Das kannst Du von/bei uns erwarten: - In Deinem individuellen Onboarding erfhrst Du mehr ber unsere Strukturen, Prozesse und die Produktlandschaft. Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Deiner Ansprechperson aus dem Bereich Test/QA erhltst Du praxisnah ein tiefes Verstndnis unserer Anwendungen und kommst schnell in die aktive Mitarbeit- Du bist im gesamten Entwicklungszyklus involviert, von der Planung bis zur Testphase, und gestaltest aktiv mit- Wir arbeiten mit modernen Technologien von Atlassian (Jira, Confluence) sowie mit GitLab und Microsoft 365Und noch ein paar Worte zu uns:Die knecon AG ist ein fhrendes Unternehmen in der Entwicklung semantischer KI-Lsungen mit Sitz in der Schweiz und in Deutschland. Unser IT-Kompetenzzentrum hat seinen Sitz in Mannheim. Wir arbeiten international und branchenbergreifend. Leidenschaft und Knnen sind uns dabei wichtiger als Zeugnisse. Denn wir gestalten Lsungen, die ber den Tellerrand des blichen hinaus gehen. Die besondere Frderung jedes einzelnen Mitarbeitenden ist eine Konsequenz aus diesem Anspruch. Seit ber 22 Jahren sind wir ein organisch gewachsenes Unternehmen und Team, das sich nun auf weiterem Wachstumskurs befindet.Eine Auswahl unserer Benefits- Familienfreundlichkeit: Bei uns bist Du Mensch. Wir wissen, dass Du auch noch andere Lebensbereiche hast, die auerhalb unserer Kontaktzeit zu jonglieren sind. Und dabei untersttzen wir Dich mit u.a. mit komplett flexibler Arbeitszeit, die Mglichkeit Remote zu arbeiten, einem Betreuungszuschuss fr Deine Kinder, Sonderurlaub, Altersvorsorge, Gesundheitsfrderung und der ntigen Portion Verstndnis- Weiterbildung: Nicht nur unsere Zukunft, sondern auch Deine hngt ab von Deinen Hard und Softskills. Daher untersttzen wir Dich bei verschiedensten Fort- und Weiterbildungen, auch wenn diese z.B. abseits unseres Tech Stacks liegen- Ein Internetzuschuss, ein monatlicher steuerfreier Sachbezug oder die Zuzahlung zum Jobticket/Deutschlandticket runden unser Angebot weiter abWir haben Dein Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Deine Bewerbung! Du kannst dazu Deinen aussagekrftigen Lebenslauf per E-Mail an mich, Elli (E-Mail anzeigen), senden. Alternativ geht auch ein Link zu Deiner eigenen Homepage oder zu Deinem gut gepflegten Profil auf LinkedIn/ GitHub/ Stackoverflow oder hnlichem. Uns interessieren weniger die Noten als Deine Erfahrung und Leidenschaft!Bei Fragen wende Dich gerne jederzeit an mich:Elli MohrE-Mail: E-Mail anzeigenTelefon: +49 (0) 171 6831 930Wir freuen uns auf Dich! Standort knecon Technologie GmbH, Darmstadt
Junior Data Migration Developer / Projectmanager - Standort Limburg an der Lahn
Axians Infoma GmbH, Limburg
Junior Data Migration Developer / Projectmanager - Standort Limburg an der Lahn bei Axians Infoma GmbH | softgarden Junior Data Migration Developer / Projectmanager - Standort Limburg an der Lahn Vollzeit Limburg an der Lahn, Deutschland Hybrid Mit Berufserfahrung 21.02.24 Deine Programmier-Skills möchtest Du endlich anwenden und Deiner Leidenschaft freien Lauf lassen? Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder vergleichbare Qualifikation? Wir sind mit unseren Business Applications marktführend und geben Dir die Ausrüstung, für Deine Aufstiegs-Träume, sodass Du Dein Innovationspotenzial voll entfalten kannst!DAS ERWARTET DICHAnalyse, Aufbereitung, Selektion und Import von strukturierten Kunden-DatensätzenÜbertragung der Daten in eine moderne DatenbankVerantwortung für den konkreten Datentransfer vom Quell- ins ZielsystemDatenmanagement und Auswertung sensibler DatenUnterstützung der Fachbereiche bei Datenanalysen, bei der Definition, Berechnung und Validierung von KennzahlenKonzeption und Projektleitung der DatenüberleitungsprojekteGeringfügige ReisetätigkeitDAS BRINGST DU MIT Abgeschlossenes Studium Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder vergleichbare QualifikationPraktische Erfahrung im Umgang mit Datenbanken (SQL)Kenntnisse von relationalen Datenbanksystemen sowie erste Erfahrungen mit dem MS SQL ServerGute Kenntnisse in SQL-AbfragenProgrammierkenntnisse vorzugsweise in Transact SQL, AL, C/Side, C#Ausgeprägte Fähigkeit zu analytischem, lösungsorientiertem und konzeptionellem Denken sowie arbeiten in internationalen TeamsFreude am KundenkontaktVerhandlungssichere Deutschkenntnisse Gerne bieten wir Berufseinsteigern, Wiedereinsteigern oder Absolventen eine ChanceDARAUF DARFST DU DICH FREUENTHE BEST OF ICT WITH A HUMAN TOUCH – Getreu unseres Mottos erfährst du von Tag eins an Wertschätzung für deine Arbeit.Wir leben den Teamgedanken – mit viel Gestaltungsfreiraum, kurzen Entscheidungswegen, flachen Hierarchien, einem eigenverantwortlichen Arbeitsbereich, einer klaren Vision für die Zukunft und garantiert mit viel Spaß bei der Arbeit!Unsere Du-Kultur und das Prinzip der offenen Türen gehören zu unserem Miteinander – bei Fragen kannst du dich jederzeit an deine Führungskraft oder deine Kolleg:innen wenden Erfolgsprämien und eine Beschäftigung in einem tarifgebundenen/sicheren, stabilen und wachsenden BranchenumfeldBeteiligung am konzerneigenen Aktienprogramm, inklusive Bezuschussung von Gratisaktien und Förderung der betrieblichen AltersvorsorgeFlexible Arbeitszeitmodelle (z.B. Teilzeit, Gleitzeit, Vertrauensarbeitszeit, 4-Tage-Woche, …) und die Möglichkeit auf mobiles ArbeitenEinkaufsvorteile bei über 700 namhaften AnbieterModernste Arbeitsausstattung, die dich im täglichen Business unterstützt (Laptop, Smartphone) und natürlich kostenfreie Getränke und frisches ObstDAS SIND WIRAxians in DeutschlandDie Unternehmensgruppe Axians in Deutschland ist Teil des globalen Markennetzwerks für ICT-Lösungen von Vinci Energies. Mit einem ganzheitlichen ICT-Portfolio unterstützt die Gruppe Unternehmen, Kommunen und öffentliche Einrichtungen, Netzbetreiber sowie Service Provider bei der Modernisierung ihrer digitalen Infrastrukturen und Lösungen. In den vier Geschäftsbereichen Business Applications & Data Analytics, IT & Managed Services, TI Fixnet & Mobile und TI Fixnet sorgen Berater:innen, Entwickler:innen, Techniker:innen und Monteur:innen dafür, das Leben von Menschen zu verbessern – etwa durch Cloud- und Data-Center-Infrastrukturen, Cybersicherheit, Unternehmens- und Breitbandnetze, IoT-Lösungen, Managed Services sowie führende Software für Abfallwirtschaft, Schüttgutindustrie, technischen Service und die öffentliche Verwaltung. 2022: 524 Millionen Euro Umsatz // 2.340 Mitarbeitende // 33 StandorteAxians Infoma entwickelt eigene Softwarelösungen und Apps für die öffentliche Verwaltung. Themen wie Cloud und Künstliche Intelligenz gehören bereits dazu und werden das kommunale Handeln in Zukunft immer mehr unterstützen. Kommunen, kommunale Rechenzentren, öffentliche Einrichtungen und Kirchen realisieren damit ihre digitalen Prozesse für Smart Government, Finanzwesen, Business Intelligence, Liegenschafts- und Gebäudemanagement sowie Ausländerwesen und Einbürgerung.DEIN ANSPRECHPARTNERDu hast Fragen oder möchtest ohne Umwege Dein Interesse bekunden? Ruf mich gern unter Mobil: (+49) 173 266 21 43 an oder schick mir eine E-Mail an: über den Button „Online Bewerben“ hochladen. Bei Fragen stehe ich Dir jederzeit zur Verfügung:Michele Wagner (Recruiterin/Human Resources)Tel.:(+49) 511 1235 4983 •Mobil: (+49) 173 266 21 43 / E-Mail: Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung! Diesen Job teilen Standort Axians Infoma GmbH, Limburg
Software Developer (m/f/d) HMI/SCADA
Recrutis Consulting GmbH, Burghaun
Software Developer (m/f/d) HMI/SCADA Have you always been good at \"thinking outside the box\" and mathematical puzzles have never forced you to the ground? Do you enjoy getting to grips with systems and your analytical and abstract thinking skills make it easy for you to understand abstract concepts and reprogram them so that they make sense - for you and our customers? Then we need you in our team! We at G.M.W. Industrieautomation GmbH in Burghaun are looking for an HMI/SCADA Software Developer (m/f/d) in permanent full-time employment as soon as possible and you are the ideal candidate! Our internationally active company plans and builds systems according to the individual wishes and requirements of our customers. We support our customers from the pre-planning phase of their automation projects, through circuit diagram creation and programming, to commissioning and support. The G.M.W. team supports each other and needs your support. Develop yourself professionally and become part of us now! These benefits await you A very good starting salary from u20ac45,000 per year with upward development opportunities A secure, permanent job 30 vacation days Attractive monetary benefits Modern Apple equipment (Macbook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone), which can also be used privately A modern and comfortable office, but also the option to work from home Flexible and independent working hours Flat hierarchies and quick, transparent decisions so that you can actively contribute to our and your further development Promising opportunities for advancement and further training that suit your individual career plan Regular seminars, training and courses Subsidies for visual aids Free parking spaces A team that sticks together and supports you at all times Always approachable superiors Regular feedback and target meetings Regular employee events Weekly team and department meetings Your tasks You take over the project planning of machine and system functionalities You have good knowledge of HMI/SCADA systems and create graphical user interfaces for us To ensure that the technology works smoothly, you plan and carry out software tests independently As a project manager, you will regularly take part in project meetings, handle projects independently and work closely not only with your team but also with our customers Commissioning at home and abroad is part of your area of responsibility. However, this will only affect a maximum of 20% of your working time and a maximum of 2-3 weeks at a time What your new employer wants The ideal basis for this challenging job is a degree in electrical engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics or a comparable field of study You have solid programming skills in at least one of the following languages C, C++, C#, .NET You enjoy technical challenges and mathematical tasks You are motivated to learn, committed and like to drive new ideas forward You are characterized by strong communication and closing skills You are well-positioned in German and English and are generally willing to travel Apply now! Send us your CV easily and conveniently via the following link. Website: https://recrutis.de/lebenslauf-hochladen / WhatsApp: +49 176 2483 9484
Computer Scientist / IT Developer (m/f/d)
Hoppe AG, Stadtallendorf
Do living values mean something to you? Quality of life at work is important to you? HOPPE, the European market leader in the development, manufacture and marketing of hardware systems for doors and windows, operates internationally with around 2,300 employees. In the owner-managed family business, value-based and sense-oriented corporate management is the basis of our daily work. To support and further develop our IT applications division, we are looking for a full-time, permanent position at our Stadtallendorf site for a Computer scientist / IT developer (m/f/d) Your tasks include, among other things: Development, testing and documentation of IT solutions Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of data Maintenance and expansion of EDI solutions Fixing errors in programs and data structures We look forward to talking to you if you - building on your completed training in an IT profession or a degree in computer science - have the necessary knowledge Relevant experience in programming, ideally experience in dealing with databases and EDI systems, knowledge in the implementation of software projects Want Enthusiasm for IT systems and process optimization, willingness to take on responsibility, independent and committed work, creativity and flexibility, willingness to travel, strong practical orientation, compliance with legal / regulatory requirements and internal rules / guidelines Skills Technical understanding with an eye for the essentials, strategic and analytical thinking, structured and goal-oriented way of working, high level of social and communication skills, ability to work in a team, confident German and English skills bring along. Please send your complete application, stating your earliest possible starting date and your salary expectations, to Rene Raabe [email protected] Or simply call Mr. Raabe, Employee Advisor Head Office Stadtallendorf: +49 6428 932 259. HOPPE AG Am Plausdorfer Tor 13 35260 Stadtallendorf www.hoppe.com
IT Technician (m/f/d) (IT Developer (further education/training))
WEISS Personalmanagement GmbH - Hanau, Hanau
IT Technician (m/f/d) (IT Developer (further education/training)) IT TECHNICIAN (M/F/D), HANAU HU S 72981 WE OFFER YOU an annual salary of up to EUR 45,000 Permanent position directly with our client Our offer Individual support from our personnel consultants Optimal preparation by us for the job interview with the new employer Do you have training or several years of professional experience in the IT sector? Then apply now as an IT technician (m/f/d) in Hanau. YOUR AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY Installing and maintaining printers and printer accessories Advising customers on the respective product Carrying out field service assignments in the Rhine-Main area Preparation of order invoices for the end customer YOUR PROFILE: Training in IT or several years of professional experience German spoken and written Driving license Affinity for printers desirable BENEFITS OF THE NEW EMPLOYER Modern workplace (own office) Work without pressure Attractive bonus system company car DOES THIS POSITION APPEAL TO YOU? Would you like to change? We assure you that your application will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your contact person for this position is Ms. Anika Bechthold. We will arrange a telephone appointment for a short interview. Then we'll get to know each other in person. We look forward to receiving your application! Please use our online application via the \"Apply now\" button! Please also upload a current CV. MEET AND GREET simple, open and honest - we always offer our open applicant consultation hours from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 16:00. Get to know us and come directly to our Hanau branch. We look forward to seeing you. WEISS Personnel Management GmbH Nu00fcrnberger Strau00dfe 2-4 63450 Hanau Phone: (0 61 81) 5 07 97-0 Application via WhatsApp: 0173-5328316 Email: jobs.hu [at] weiss-pm.de
Software Developer MatLab/SimuLink (M/F/D)
Brunel GmbH NL Kassel, Kassel
Software Developer MatLab/SimuLink (M/F/D) Your tasks Would you like to reach the next level in your career - at Brunel you have the opportunity to continuously develop yourself with well-known customers - across all industries. Take the decisive step in your career today and apply to Brunel. Responsible for the design, development and implementation of software solutions for thermal management systems in mobile and stationary applications Documentation of the software, taking into account different versions Implementing simulation results in the software Close cooperation with development and the supplier Validation and adaptation of the software both in the laboratory and in the field Independent implementation and documentation of customer-specific adaptations to the CAN interface Active implementation of new functions and continuous further development of existing functions Your qualifications Your advantages Working at Brunel means diversity - from medium-sized companies to hidden champions to DAX-listed corporations; whether road, ship, rail, air or space; traditional or innovative; from development to the finished product; national or international; from career starters to experienced professionals. We offer you countless opportunities to help shape technological progress, all with a single employer. What Brunel stands for Working at Brunel means: attractive work tasks, exceptional career prospects, the security of an expanding engineering service provider and the full diversity of engineering and IT. In the DACH-CZ region alone, we have more than 40 locations and development centers with accredited test laboratories and more than 120 locations worldwide with more than 12,000 employees in over 40 countries. More than 45 years of international success and over 25 years in Germany. Standing still means going backwards - with Brunel you can make a difference!
SAP BTP Developer (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Frankfurt am Main
Als SAP BTP Entwickler (m/w/d) erwarten dich folgende Aufgaben:Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung globaler BTP-Anwendungen im TeamAgile Zusammenarbeit mit Fokus auf BTP CAP Java-EntwicklungErstellung, Optimierung und Aktualisierung von SoftwareanwendungenÜberprüfung von User Stories und Anforderungen auf Plausibilität und KonsistenzDesign und Implementierung von technischen LösungenCode-Review und Testen von User Stories und Features gemäß AkzeptanzkriterienIdentifikation und Behebung von BugsZusammenarbeit an technischen Details mit anderen Entwicklungsteams und externen DienstleisternCrossfunktionale, kollaborative Arbeitsweise zur Entdeckung und Weiterentwicklung von Softwareentwicklungsdisziplinen und TechnologienUmfangreiche Erfahrung in der SoftwareentwicklungFachkenntnisse in einer der folgenden Technologien: SAP BTP Cloud Application Programming (CAP) Java (Backend), SAP Fiori (Frontend), SAP Business Process Automation (Workflows)Interesse an anderen Technologien innerhalb des genannten SpektrumsPräferierte Kenntnisse in JavaVertrautheit mit der SAP BTP-PlattformErfahrung in der Entwicklung von Cloud-basierten SoftwarelösungenProaktive Mitwirkung an Verbesserungen und Ideen für das Produkt, über die reine Softwareentwicklung hinausGanzheitliche Perspektive auf die entwickelte Lösung: von der Konzeption bis zum BetriebFreude an agilen Arbeitsmethoden, wie zum Beispiel Scrum, und an der Optimierung von SystemenTeamorientierung für die Zusammenarbeit in internationalen TeamsSichere Kommunikation in Deutsch und Englisch
Software Developer (m/w/d) ab jetzt
, Frankfurt am Main
+++ kein Vermittlungsgutschein nötig, Arbeitsvertrag direkt mit dem Arbeitgeber +++Bei Fragen einfach unverbindlich anrufen: 03048479484 oder einen Rückruf vereinbaren: https://radas.de/Work location in: Frankfurt am Main, BUT permanent home office is also possibleYour tasks:New development, optimization, and expansion of software products, both internal and customer-specificModeling and integration of MS SQL Server databases, including the analysis and optimization of associated MS SQL scriptsCreation of concepts and architectures of sophisticated software solutionsOpportunity to shape the modeling of business processesIntroduction and maintenance of continuous integration/deploymentPreparation and maintenance of system documentationEnsuring quality and project objectivesYour profile:Completed university or technical college studies, ideally in the areas of computer science or business informatics or comparable knowledgeYou should already know and be able to use C#!Optionally, you already have experience in:ASP.NET Core MVC and MS SQLVueJS, we will teach if necessaryas well as the entire software lifecycle, from planning and analysis to specialist and IT concepts through to development, testing, and maintenanceMotivation to gain knowledge and experience in any field such as: B. NET Core and DockerAnalytical and solution-oriented way of working with a structured working styleQuick comprehension and ability to communicate and work in a teamVery good language skills in EnglishKnowledge of German is not mandatoryWeitere Infos:Branche des Arbeitgebers: Erbringung von Dienstleistungen der InformationstechnologieBeginn der Tätigkeit: ab sofort (nach Vereinbarung)Arbeitszeit: VollzeitBefristung: Unbefristete BeschäftigungEinsatzorte: 60316 Frankfurt am Main, DeutschlandVergütung: Festgehalt pro Monat von 4.100,00 bis 5.400,00 EURInteresse an dem Job?Online-Bewerbung: https://radas.de/de/jobsdb/job/178496/Software-Developer-m-w-d-ab-jetzt.htmloder alternativ per Mail-Bewerbung an: [email protected] Fragen zur Bewerbung erreichen Sie uns telefonisch unter: 03048479484Interne Referenznummer: 12254-2-178496-S (bitte bei Bewerbung angeben)Eine Stellenanzeige von RADAS Jobbörse & Personalvermittlung GmbH
Software Developer Senior C# / .Net Engineer (m/f/d) - Direct placement
persoplan Gesellschaft fu00fcr Personaldienstleistungen mbH, Burghaun
Software Developer Senior C# / .Net Engineer (m/f/d) - Direct placement Working at Persoplan is as exciting as it is challenging... For our client in Burghaun we are looking for you in the field of software development... Personal and professional requirements Degree in computer science or electrical engineering or comparable training Experience in setting up and developing software frameworks, also across divisions/locations Understanding of standardization and industrialization of machines, systems and devices Several years of experience in agile software development (Scrum or similar) of machines, systems or devices Application and programming of software in high-level languages (C# .Net, WPF or HTML) Knowledge of databases (Entity Framework, SQL Server) and web technologies is an advantage Experience in the technical management of software programmers Willingness to travel 20% Independent way of working Customer and result-oriented Very good knowledge of German and English The area of responsibility essentially includes Development of the operating software for the current and future machine generations in the BU Solutions Responsibility for the software architecture (lead architect) Further development and optimization of the architecture of our software platform Machine networking to create a smart factory Design, implementation, simulation and testing of sophisticated software for Windows systems Technical management of the HMI programmers within the Solutions Software Framework Responsibility for know-how transfer to the engineering departments of all Solutions locations Our offer: With us, you will have the opportunity to become part of a successful company. A team-oriented working atmosphere and respectful interaction with one another are very important to us. Our client offers you: Performance-related payment good social benefits Company car (also for private use) An established and strong employer from your region interesting and responsible tasks in a high-performance group of companies, where your commitment will help determine the success of the company a fair and pleasant working atmosphere in a committed team, where cooperative cooperation and open communication form the basis for mutual success The position is to be filled as part of a recruitment agency. Are you interested? Then apply now by email to [email protected] or in writing to our branch in Marburg. If you have any questions or would like to arrange an interview, please do not hesitate to contact us on 06421-59 09 6-0. For organizational reasons, we will not return any application documents received by post. We ask for your understanding. We look forward to receiving your application from your persoplan team Are you looking for a professional challenge that matches your profile and challenges your strengths? You are welcome to send us your unsolicited application, which we will evaluate with regard to future vacancies. The Persoplan Group has been a partner to industry, trade and commerce since 1987, providing personnel services in the form of temporary employment and employee placement. Following steady growth, Persoplan now employs staff at 12 locations in a wide range of industrial, technical and commercial professions. We are a strong partner and fair employer. We offer you excellent opportunities for a career change, further development or entry into the world of work. With our know-how as an experienced personnel service provider, we support you in building your professional future. Are you looking for a job that suits you? The Persoplan team will support you reliably and competently. We will find the right job for you!
Senior Java Backend Developer (w/m/d)
ING Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main
Senior Java Backend Developer (f/m/d) at the Frankfurt location Do you want to lay the foundation for development, design the house and finish building it? Java, automation and interface development are exactly your topics? And do you feel right at home in an agile team? Perfect! At ING, we attach great importance to team spirit, a productive working atmosphere and the further training of our employees. Do you think that suits you? Then apply - your CV is all we need in the first step! Our team in the IT area \"Home\" is looking forward to hearing from you. Your tasks From A for analysis to Z for access times, from conception to development and implementation to testing: you deliver the all-round carefree package for our IT solutions in construction financing and make projects a reality in an agile team together with our experts. In designing distributed IT architectures, carrying out the build process and in technical documentation: you know where and how you can contribute your expertise. You never lose track of our various systems and ensure smooth and fail-safe operation by defining and implementing the necessary interfaces. Your developments are given your seal of quality, both preventively via automated tests and reactively with various quality assurance measures. You also stay relaxed when it comes to security and compliance issues and ensure that our IT solutions comply with governance and security requirements. With engaging and skillful communication, you also ensure that everyone involved, colleagues and external service providers are on the same page when it comes to our projects. Your profile Completed studies in economics, a STEM subject or a comparable qualification Very good knowledge of Java API and frameworks such as Spring (Boot), Hibernate and synchronous/asynchronous communication protocols (HTTP/REST, Kafka) Confident handling of build tools, version management systems and CI/CD in the Azure environment Practice in test automation (implementation / operation) and enjoy working in an agile team (Scrum) Structured, goal- and solution-oriented way of working Communication skills and a high willingness to learn and develop Good written and spoken German and English Look forward to numerous benefits Company pension scheme, capital-forming benefits, free Germany ticket & Bike LeasING, company restaurant Mobile working depending on position and department within the framework of company, regulatory and legal requirements, individual working time models, sabbatical, subsidization of care & childcare costs Own budget for personal development and health plus personal equipment budget for your mobile workplace
Software Developer (m/w/d) HMI/SCADA
, Burghaun
Du warst schon immer gut darin, "um die Ecke denken" zu können und mathematische Rätsel haben Dich noch nie zu Boden gezwungen? Dir macht es Spaß, Dich in Systeme einzudenken und Dein analytisches und abstraktes Denkvermögen macht es Dir leicht, Abstraktes zu verstehen und so umzuprogrammieren, dass es Sinn ergibt - für Dich und unsere Kunden? Dann brauchen wir genau Dich bei uns im Team!Wir von der G.M.W. Industrieautomation GmbH in Burghaun suchen zum nächstmöglichen Termin einen HMI/SCADA Softwareentwickler (m/w/d) in unbefristeter Vollzeitbeschäftigung und Du bist die ideale Besetzung! Unser international tätiges Unternehmen plant und baut Anlagen nach den individuellen Wünschen und Anforderungen unserer Kunden. Von der Vorplanungsphase ihrer Automatisierungsprojekte über die Schaltplanerstellung und Programmierung bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme und den Support stehen wir unseren Kunden zur Seite. Das G.M.W.-Team unterstützt sich gegenseitig und braucht Dich zur Verstärkung. Entwickle Dich beruflich weiter und werde jetzt Teil von uns! Dich erwartet: ▸Ein sehr gutes Einstiegsgehalt ab 45.000 € pro Jahr mit Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten nach oben▸Ein sicherer, unbefristeter Arbeitsplatz ▸30 Urlaubstage ▸Attraktive Vergütung von Auslandseinsätzen und andere monetäre Zuwendungen▸Modernes Apple-Equipment (Macbook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone), das gerne auch privat genutzt werden kann▸Ein modernes und komfortables Büro, aber auch die Möglichkeit, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten▸Flexible und selbstständige Arbeitszeiteinteilung▸Flache Hierarchien und schnelle, transparente Entscheidungen, damit Du aktiv an unserer und Deiner Weiterentwicklung mitwirken kannst▸Aussichtsreiche Aufstiegs- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, die zu Deinem individuellen Karriereplan passen▸Regelmäßige Seminare, Trainings und Kurse▸Zuschüsse zu Sehhilfen▸Kostenfreie Parkplätze▸Ein Team, das zusammenhält und Dich jederzeit unterstützt ▸Immer ansprechbare Vorgesetzte ▸Reguläre Feedback- und Zielgespräche▸Regelmäßige Mitarbeiterevents▸Wöchentliche Team- und AbteilungsrundenDas erwartet Dein neuer Arbeitgeber: ▸Die ideale Basis für diese anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit ist ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Physik, Mathematik oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung▸Du bringst sichere Programmierkenntnisse in mindestens einer der folgenden Sprachen mit: C, C++, C#, .NET▸Du hast Freude an technischen Herausforderungen und mathematischen Aufgabenstellungen▸Du zeigst Dich lernmotiviert, engagiert und treibst gerne neue Ideen voran▸Dich zeichnet eine ausgeprägte Kommunikations- wie auch Abschlussstärke aus▸ Du bist in Deutsch als auch in Englisch gut aufgestellt und grundsätzlich reisebereitDeine Aufgaben: ▸Du übernimmst die Projektierung von Maschinen- und Anlagenfunktionalitäten ▸Du bringst gute Kenntnisse in HMI/SCADA-Systemen mit und erstellst bei uns grafische Benutzeroberflächen▸Damit die Technik auch reibungslos funktionierst, planst und führst Du Softwaretests eigenständig durch▸Als Projektleitung nimmst Du regelmäßig an Projektbesprechungen teil, wickelst Projekte eigenverantwortlich ab und arbeitest nicht nur eng mit Deinem Team, sondern auch mit unseren Kunden zusammen▸Inbetriebnahmen im In- und Ausland gehören zu Deinem verantwortungsvollen Aufgabengebiet dazu. Dies betrifft aber nur max. 20 % Deiner Arbeitszeit und max. 2-3 Wochen am StückJetzt bewerben!Schicke uns Deinen Lebenslauf einfach und bequem über den nachfolgenden Link.Website: https://recrutis.de/lebenslauf-hochladen/WhatsApp: +49 17624839484Hast Du noch Fragen? Kontaktiere uns unter: +49 17624839484. Gern beantworten wir Dir alle Fragen zur Stellenanzeige.Eine Stellenanzeige von Recrutis Consulting GmbH
Frontend Developer (Web) (m/f/d)
HSH GmbH-NL GS Computerservice, Eschwege
Frontend Developer (Web) (m/f/d) Frontend Developer (m/f/d) Be part of the change - help think, help shape, help develop Making German administrations fit for the digital future. Do you want to be an innovative part of this structural change? Our product: holistic software developed by ambitious developers who are eager to learn. HSH is a successful medium-sized software development company with several locations in Germany. The focus is particularly on software solutions for local authorities and support for this clientele throughout Germany. The projects: We develop a platform product (with components such as device control, data transfer, payment processing) for use by other software manufacturers who develop various specialist applications based on our platform. These individual platform components together form the VOIS platform. What is new and innovative about VOIS is its architecture, a modular system that provides both a software and organizational platform for the integration of various specialist procedures - from residents' registration to business and permit management to driving licenses - and, and, and. Our team at the Eschwege site consists of colleagues who have been driving our specialist processes forward for over ten years in some cases. At the same time, we have also been able to recruit many new colleagues over the years and want to strengthen our team further. Comprehensive training is guaranteed. Your tasks: Contributing to and further developing our online services and further developing our online portal network for lost property. Further development of our specialist procedures Further development of existing components and their optimization Evaluation, analysis and implementation of customer / partner requirements in a platform for municipal specialist procedures Independent optimization of the software used by continuously comparing it with the latest technological trends What we are looking for: The position is suitable for experienced developers (m/f/d). We would like to assess your skills and motivation not only on the basis of certificates. Show us what you have done so far. We are interested in projects from your previous professional activities, projects developed on your own initiative or your code on Github. Also important for us: At least 2 years of experience in front-end development Good knowledge of C#, .NET and SQL (MySQL) Knowledge of common web and scripting languages (HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript) Experience with .NET MVC Framework Experience with .NET Web API Experience in frontend and web development CleanCode should be a household name Optional experience in Java, JavaScript or Angular We offer: 13th salary Flexible working hours with home office option Permanent employment contract in a system-relevant industry Company pension scheme (from 1 year with the company) Individually plannable further training opportunities Regular workshops and specialist conferences on site together with our partner companies (developer days) Very good working atmosphere (regular employee events, strong collegial cohesion) Family-friendly company management (family parties, assumption of kindergarten care costs, individual organization of parental leave, possibility of loan agreements for home ownership, etc.) Health promotion (massages) Bike leasing Free drinks Uncomplicated cooperation: we are on first-name terms with each other and are free of dress codes We look forward to receiving your application! Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge: Java programming language, C++ programming language, HTML, XML, XHTML, XAML, XSLT, JavaScript programming language, MySQL database, Web Content Management System (CMS) Web Edition, web applications (development, programming), .NET Framework development environment, information technology, computer engineering. Advanced knowledge: Software technology, software engineering, user consulting, user support (IT), programming, HTML editor and web design software Frontpage, front-end development
SAP Developer (m/f/d) BW Administration - hybrid work (remote & presence) (IT Developer (further education/training))
DIS AG, Kassel
SAP Developer (m/f/d) BW Administration - hybrid work (remote & presence) (IT Developer (further education/training)) Do you already have experience in developing SAP applications and are looking for an exciting professional challenge? Then we have the ideal position for you! For a reputable company in Kassel we are looking for a SAP Developer (m/f/d) for BW Administration as part of a permanent placement. Here you will have the opportunity to implement new business requirements in SAP and model SAP applications. Sounds interesting? Then apply today and benefit from our expertise! This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. SAP Developer (m/f/d) BW Administration - hybrid working (remote & presence) Your tasks: Analysis and programming-side implementation of new business requirements in ABAP, ABAP/4 and ABAP OO, preferably with knowledge of SAP HCM programming Form development for specialist departments in Smartforms and, in future, Adobe Forms Modeling and development of SAP BW/HANA or SAP BW/4HANA Responsibility for process optimizations and collaboration on SAP projects, including the planned S/4 HANA implementation project Familiarization with the latest technologies based on UI5 - S/4 HANA Interface and system integration, including IDoc, ALE, SOAP, WebServices, SAP Proxy, BAPI and RFC Your qualifications: Completed technical studies with a focus on information technology, industrial engineering or comparable experience background At least two years of professional experience in ABAP / ABAP OO development and form development (Smartforms or Adobe Forms) Enthusiasm for modeling and development in SAP BW Open-mindedness towards new technologies based on UI5 - S/4 HANA Very good written and spoken German and English skills Ability to work in a team, sense of responsibility, good analytical skills as well as enthusiasm and curiosity for new technologies round off your profile Attractive remuneration package with company pension scheme Flexible working hours for work-life balance 30 days vacation for relaxation Extensive further training Fitness rooms with trainer support Free lunch and health offers Job ticket, bicycle leasing, free parking spaces With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the areas of assistance & secretarial services, marketing, sales, HR and purchasing & logistics. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
Frontend Developer / Developer (m/f/d)
Lohn-und Einkommensteuer Hilfe-Ring Deutschland e.V., Darmstadt
Frontend Developer / Developer (m/f/d) Your future at Steuerring As a Frontend Developer / Developer (m/f/d), you will design and develop appealing frontend applications. You will work constructively in a team of five in the IT department. In total, around 60 employees work in eight departments at the Darmstadt headquarters. The position is designed for 30-40 working hours per week. With 1,100 advisors and around 400,000 members, Steuerring is one of Germany's leading income tax assistance associations. Since 1969, we have been fighting for fair taxation of employees in Germany and offer our employees individual development opportunities within the association - under secure long-term conditions. Your tasks: Design, development and implementation of user-friendly, appealing front-end applications Constant evaluation of new technologies and trends in the area of front-end development Optimization of the user experience through innovative design and interaction concepts Ensuring performance and compatibility through regular testing and documentation Integration of APIs and other external services for various end devices Participation in various projects in the area of development Your profile: Degree in computer science, completed training as a software developer or comparable qualification Professional experience in front-end development is an advantage Experience in responsive web design and the creation of accessible user interfaces Very good knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript strong knowledge in the use of front-end frameworks such as React, Angular or Vue.js good understanding of RESTful APIs and experience in the integration of backend services Basic knowledge of server-side programming, such as PHP desirable Ability to work in a team, initiative and strong communication skills Interest in and willingness for regular further training Fluency in German Our offer for you: Performance-related remuneration and 13th monthly salary Modern and secure workplace in a growing company Permanent employment contract Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes Motivated team and collegial atmosphere 30 days vacation plus Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve off Flexitime arrangements and the option of mobile working after induction Further training budget Capital-forming benefits Fresh fruit and free drinks Join the Steuerring team! We look forward to receiving your application by e-mail or via the application form on our homepage. Kristina Emmert, HR Administrator, will be happy to answer your questions.
Lead Web Developer (w/m/d) E-Commerce
Holzprofi24, Offenbach am Main
Lead Web Developer (f/m/d) E-Commerce Since our beginnings in 1819, we have reinvented ourselves time and again. We were one of the first retailers to recognize the opportunities of digitalization and have been selling online for 20 years. Our fast-growing online stores are the driving force behind our group of companies, generating sales of almost 100 million euros per year. We are currently one of the largest players in the Home and Living segment. At HOLZPROFI24, everything revolves around wood in the home & garden. Every day, we are on the lookout for the latest trends and bring our passion for wood to our online platforms. Together, we work to improve our customers' quality of life by finding the right product for every taste, every need and every budget. Our goal is to create the perfect shopping experience on our platforms - simple, personal, inspiring. To achieve this, we combine all areas of the e-commerce world of work. Are you looking for a new, exciting challenge? Development opportunities and prospects at one of Germany's leading online retailers? With a team of over 200 employees, we are continuing the success story of HOLZPROFI24 - and we need reinforcements. Job description As Technology Lead you are significantly involved in the introduction of new systems and drive the further development of existing applications and processes Responsibility for the technical implementation of business requirements, scalability, performance and security of our systems Design and implementation of complex e-commerce systems, interfaces, plugins and themes Technical management and mentoring of the development team, as well as managing external service providers Job requirements Successfully completed IT studies or comparable training with several years of experience in software development Sound knowledge of PHP, Symfony, JavaScript, Vue.js / Nuxt.js and Shopware is desirable Experience in technical team management and architecture design Analytical mindset and problem-solving skills Strong communication and teamwork skills Benefits #Discounts Attractive employee conditions on our entire product range #Snacks Fruit and drinks on the house #ModernWorkspace Modern office space in a top location in the middle of the Rhine-Main area #FlexWork Work flexitime and use the flexibility of our digital time recording system #Culture Learn to appreciate our family atmosphere in the team, in a secure, owner-managed company #Events Whether it's a barbecue, beach party or Christmas party: we work together - we celebrate together! #CorporateBenefits A wide range of discounts from various partners in the areas of sport, home and living, travel, technology and much more. ____________________________________________ Send your application to: [email protected] Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge: PHP programming language, Symfony framework, JavaScript programming language, Shopware e-commerce software.
Load and performance test developer (m/f/d)
PAR GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
We are looking for Load and performance test developer (m/f/d) Frankfurt am Main - full-time Another one of those job ads... You have exactly this thought, you don't want to be informed by pages of blah blah blah, where it only says the same thing everywhere and in the end there is nothing suitable anyway? No problem - then you've come to the right place. Because we bring together what belongs together! What you can expect: You will work in an agile team on comprehensive load and performance tests on a distributed microservice architecture based on Springboot, NodeJS, Kubernetes and Gitlab You plan, design and develop load tests and auxiliary code in an agile Scrum team You coordinate with other teams about necessary deliveries and support You set up and configure test environments for automated load and performance tests in a distributed microservice architecture and a CI/CD pipeline You support the definition, production and provision of required test data You monitor, analyze, evaluate and document test results and deviations What do you bring with you? You have successfully completed a university degree in computer science, a natural or engineering science or have comparable knowledge You have several years of demonstrable experience as a software developer in the field of load and performance testing in medium to large projects You have good knowledge of Java and at least one tool for determining system performance (preferably JMeter) You have experience in integrating automated load performance tests into CI/CD pipelines You have in-depth technical expertise with a focus on software development
Software Developer MES (m/f/d)
Akkodis Germany Tech Experts GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Have you gained experience as a project manager in software development? Are you interested in a challenging position that actively shapes the mobility solutions of the future? Then we are looking for exactly you as a motivated Software Developer MES (m/f/d) for one of our customers from the automotive industry in Frankfurt am Main. This opportunity is initially within the framework of temporary employment (with the option of being taken on) at the earliest possible date. We are looking for a:n This position is to be filled within the framework of temporary employment. Software developer MES (m/f/d) Your tasks: Programming and expansion of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) clients for production plants Maintenance and administration of the local MES Contact person for production in the MES area Advising the development department on traceability and interlocking Implementing new start-ups in the MES, taking into account customer and production requirements in collaboration with suppliers and local industrial engineering Connecting complex test systems to the MES in collaboration with the local test engineering and IT departments Cost estimates for changes or new projects Your qualifications: Successfully completed technical/university studies in the field of computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or comparable Ideally practical experience in the field of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) Knowledge of at least one high-level programming language, preferably C# Interest in vehicle technology Independent and careful way of working Fluency in German and English What you can expect: Team spirit and diversity Work-life balance Attractive remuneration Social benefits Versatile further training opportunities Team and sporting events Global network Attractive employee referral program Benefits may vary depending on position and location. An overview of our benefits can be found on our website under Careers and Benefits. Send us your application directly. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We welcome applications from people who contribute to the diversity of our company.
Backend Developer
activjob GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Backend Developer Location: Frankfurt am Main Employment type(s): Full-time Description: We have been a listed and valued partner of Deutsche Bahn for many years. We offer Deutsche Bahn selected specialist personnel with comprehensive qualifications in the various regions on a project-related basis. We focus primarily on employees who work close to home. With us you are not applying for Deutsche Bahn jobs, with our expertise we offer you your job with our client Deutsche Bahn. Development potential / prospects You will receive a permanent employment contract. You will be paid according to the BAP tariff + bonuses, this corresponds to an annual salary of approx. 90Tu20ac, with regular working hours of 39 hours/week! By building up a working time account, additional flexible working time planning is possible! Please note, this position is advertised on a temporary basis! Applications received after: 20.05.2024 can no longer be considered!!! Tasks, competencies and responsibilities Support, conception, development and optimization of complex, innovative software solutions in Smalltalk using agile approaches Development of a software solution to implement customer-specific requirements Fixing errors from the test phases in the applications / components Performing component tests, module tests and module group tests Creating system documentation and technical component documentation Quality assurance with the help of static code analysis and code reviews Recording and evaluation of technical debts Documentation and assessment of technical risks and development of options for action to eliminate or minimize risks Determining non-functional requirements and coordinating and documenting non-functional requirements Conception and further development of measures to ensure the operation of the developed software Creating, estimating and planning user stories and features in accordance with the SAFe process model Attendance remote: 80% (can be successively increased) onsite: 20% Professional requirements Successfully completed IT or computer science studies at least 3 years of experience in the last few years as a developer with the Smalltalk programming language at least 3 years of practical experience in procedures according to Scrum and SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) or in scaled agile projects with several teams and in a comparable context 2 years of practical experience with the tools JIRA and Confluence 1 year of practical experience with Agile Hive At least 5 years of practical experience in database development and further development (preferably Oracle) Knowledge as an architect with object-oriented modeling (UML) Knowledge of front-end development of web applications with Java Basic technical knowledge in the railroad sector, ideally in the timetable or timetable IT sector (at least 1 year) able to work in a team reliable conscientious communicative Contact details for job advertisement If you are interested, please send us your application documents, preferably by e-mail. Our job advertisements apply equally to applicants of all genders, regardless of the job title used. Severely disabled persons or persons with equivalent status are also invited to apply. Of course, we guarantee you absolute discretion. Heiko Röhrich Technical Manager Phone: 03591 890270-0 E-mail: [email protected] Type(s) of personnel requirement: New appointment Collective agreement: BAP collective agreement
Operative Gesamtkoordination für die Schul-IT im Wetteraukreis (m/w/d) Vollzeit (39 h /Woche), unbefristet
Wetteraukreis, Friedberg (Hessen)
Bei uns ...gold.richtig. Neben einem krisensicheren Job hat der Wetteraukreis als Arbeitgeber viel mehr zu bieten. Vielfältige Aufgaben, die einfach Sinn machen und tolle Angebote, die unser Team in der Work-Life-Balance unterstützen sind nur Beispiele. Weiterlesen kann sich lohnen und vielleicht unterstützen Sie bald unser Team in der Fachstelle Schul-IT und Medienzentrum in der Funktion Operative Gesamtkoordination für die Schul-IT im Wetteraukreis (m/w/d) Vollzeit (39 h /Woche), unbefristet Die Fachstelle Schul-IT und Medienzentrum ist für den Betrieb und die Weiterentwicklung der Informationstechnologie und IT-Infrastruktur für die 85 Schulen des Wetteraukreises verantwortlich. Der operative Betrieb und die Rollouts der Schul-IT werden von unserem IT-Dienstleister durchgeführt. Ihre AufgabenPlanung und Steuerung von Projekten zur Fortsetzung des Digitalisierungsprozesses unserer Schulen insbesondere IT-Rollouts, Neu- und ErsatzbeschaffungenManagement der gesamten Schul-IT auf operativer Ebene – Prozesssteuerung, KalkulationenBeratung und Betreuung der Schulen hinsichtlich der Nutzung von digitalen Medien sowie bei allen Fragestellungen rund um die Schul-ITHaushalts- und Finanzplanung mit entsprechender BudgetverantwortungSteuerung von Vergabeverfahren Ihr ProfilStudium / Ausbildung im Bereich der Medien-/InformationstechnikErfahrungen in der Leitung von Projekten sowie fundierte Kenntnissen im ProzessmanagementErfahrungen bei Implementierung und dem Betrieb von IT-Netzwerken und InfrastrukturBerufserfahrung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung ist von VorteilSehr gute EDV-Kenntnisse insbesondere der MS-Office-ProdukteErfahrungen bei Erstellung von Dokumentationen und HandreichungenDurchsetzungsvermögen sowie Team- und KonfliktfähigkeitZielstrebige, strukturierte Arbeitsweise, BelastbarkeitGute Kommunikationsfähigkeit im persönlichen und telefonischen KontaktGute schriftliche AusdrucksfähigkeitFührerschein der Klasse 3 bzw. B und die Bereitschaft, Dienstfahrten mit dem eigenen PKW gegen Fahrtkostenerstattung durchzuführen Unser AngebotDie Stelle ist bewertet nach Entgeltgruppe 11 TVöD. Es erwarten Sie Jahressonderzahlungen sowie regelmäßige Tariferhöhungen auf Grundlage des TVöD.Darüber hinaus bieten wir eine attraktive betriebliche Altersvorsorge.Ihre Fahrtwege - ob zur Arbeit oder in Ihrer Freizeit - unterstützen wir mit einem PremiumJobTicket im gesamten Gültigkeitsbereich des Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbundes zu einem geringen Eigenanteil oder mit unserem Angebot u201eJobradleasingu201c für Tarifbeschäftigte. Was uns als Arbeitgeber noch ausmacht: Wir übernehmen Verantwortung. Daher ist aufgrund des Tätigkeitsfeldes die Vorlage eines einwandfreien erweiterten Führungszeugnisses unumgänglich. Auch ist im Fall einer Einstellung von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern, die nach dem 31.12.1970 geboren sind, ein Nachweis über einen ausreichenden Impfschutz oder Immunität gegen Masern nach dem Infektionsschutzgesetz erforderlich. Wir begleiten unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gerne in ihren unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen – ob während der Ausbildung, in der beruflichen Weiterentwicklung oder innerhalb der Elternzeit. Flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie teilbare Stellen unterstützen zusätzlich die individuelle persönliche Situation unserer Beschäftigten. Auch kulturelle und nationale Vielfalt gehören bei uns zum Alltag. Ein Widerspiegeln der Vielfalt der Kreisbevölkerung ist unser Ziel. Schwerbehinderte Menschen berücksichtigen wir bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt. Wir freuen uns auf Sie. Wir freuen uns auf Sie. Ihre Online-Bewerbung können Sie über www.interamt.de, Stellen-ID 1138488 an uns senden. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 16.06.2024. Für nähere Infos können Sie sich gerne an Tel.-Nr. 06031/83-6231 Werner.Metz[AT]wetterkreis.de) oder an Tel.-Nr. 06031/83-6227 (Katja.Mueller-Lind[AT]wetterkreis.de) wenden. Und natürlich können Sie auf unsere Karriere-Seite reinschauen und viele Infos zu uns als Arbeitgeber erhalten: www.wetteraukreis.de/karriere Online bewerben #software #programmierung #entwicklung #developer #informatik
Frontend Developer (f/m/x)
Michael Page, Wiesbaden
Entwicklung und Implementierung moderner und benutzerfreundlicher Web-FrontendsOptimierung der Performance und Usability bestehender Web-AnwendungenEnge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Backend-Team und anderen Stakeholdern zur Umsetzung neuer FeaturesVerwendung neuester Technologien und Frameworks zur Schaffung herausragender NutzererlebnisseTeilnahme an Code Reviews und kontinuierlicher Verbesserung der EntwicklungsprozesseAbgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder eine vergleichbare QualifikationMehrjährige Erfahrung in der Frontend-Entwicklung mit HTML, CSS, JavaScript und modernen Frameworks wie React, Angular oder Vue.jsFundierte Kenntnisse in Responsive Design und Cross-Browser-KompatibilitätLeidenschaft für sauberen, gut strukturierten Code und ein Auge für DesignTeamfähigkeit, Kommunikationsstärke und eine lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweis