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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Agiler Software-Entwickler in Hessen"

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Überblick über die Statistik des Gehaltsniveaus für "Agiler Software-Entwickler in Hessen"

75 000 € Durchschnittliches Monatsgehalt

Durchschnittliches Gehaltsniveau in den letzten 12 Monaten: "Agiler Software-Entwickler in Hessen"

Währung: EUR USD Jahr: 2024
Das Balkendiagramm zeigt die Änderung des Gehaltsniveaus in der Agiler Software-Entwickler Branche in Hessen

Verteilung des Stellenangebots "Agiler Software-Entwickler" in Hessen

Währung: EUR
Wie die Grafik zeigt, in Hessen gilt Darmstadt als die Region mit der größten Zahl der offenen Stellen in und an zweiter Stelle folgt Kassel. Den dritten Platz nimmt Gießen ein.

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Empfohlene Stellenangebote

IT-Projektleiter (m/w/d)
BAYOONET AG, Darmstadt
IT-Projektleiter (m/w/d) (Darmstadt, München, Berlin, Köln, Ludwigsburg – Festanstellung) Mitdenker:in (m/w/d) gesucht Über uns Die BAYOONET Group mit Standorten in Darmstadt, München, Berlin, Ludwigsburg und Köln gestaltet seit über 20 Jahren maßgeschneiderte Software und Hardware in vielfältigsten Varianten. Wir gehören zu den Top IT-Unternehmen in Deutschland und bestehen aus: BAYOOTEC GmbH – we engineer enterprise software (bayootec.com) BAYOOMED GmbH – we engineer medical software (bayoomed.com) BAYOOSOFT GmbH – we provide management software (bayoosoft.com) BAYOOCARE GmbH – we launch medical devices worldwide (bayoocare.com) Mechatronic Medical Engineers GmbH – we engineer medical devices (mechatronic.de) Puls Produktdesign GmbH – we design industrial products (puls-design.de) UID GmbH – we create user experiences (uid.com) Nur, wenn man etwas wirklich gern macht, macht man es auch wirklich gut. Daher legen wir großen Wert auf eine Atmosphäre, in der unsere vielfältigen Mitarbeiter:innen das ausleben können, was sie verbindet: die Leidenschaft für Technik und das Verantwortungsbewusstsein für sinnvolle Lösungen mit positivem Einfluss auf das Leben anderer. Alle rund 360 Mitarbeitenden der BAYOONET Group haben dabei etwas gemeinsam: Wir sind Mitdenker:innen. In jedes unserer Projekte fließen die Ideen, Visionen, kreativen Leistungen und das fachliche Know-how eines jeden Mitdenkenden mit ein, was den entscheidenden Unterschied macht. Komm auch Du in das Team der u201ebesten Kolleg:innen der Weltu201c, getragen von Teamgeist, Anerkennung, Vertrauen und respektvollem Umgang. Vorteile für Mitdenker:innenVielfältige Teams aus Mitdenker:innen und Kund:innen, die kollaborativ und auf Augenhöhe zusammenarbeitenAktive Mitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten in spannenden und herausfordernden Aufgaben und ProjektenEine positive Fehlerkultur, in der wir Erfolge feiern und unsere Zusammenarbeit kontinuierlich verbessernFreiraum für Deine eigene berufliche EntwicklungObjektives Karrieremodell für Fach- oder FührungslaufbahnenUnsere BAYOONIVERSITY für Erfahrungsaustausch und Weiterbildung, spannende Schulungen, Tech Talks sowie Firmenausflüge und -eventsFlache Hierarchien in crossfunktionalen TeamsFlexible Arbeitszeiten und -modelle, bei denen keine Arbeitsstunde verfälltWachsendes Urlaubskontingent nach FirmenzugehörigkeitLeistungsorientierte Bezahlung mit Option zur betrieblichen AltersvorsorgeHöhenverstellbare Multiscreen-Arbeitsplätze sowie leistungsstarke LaptopsBestens erreichbare Standorte mit dem u00d6PNV und mit dem AutoUnd natürlich moderne, helle Büros, Themen-Meetingräumen, frisches Obst, Kaffee und Getränke Deine Aufgaben Als (Inhouse) IT-Projektmanager:in unterstützt Du unser Team bei spannenden Softwareprojekten unserer nationalen und internationalen Kund:innen. Du übernimmst die Projektleitung innovativer Softwarelösungen und führst fachlich Softwareentwicklungsteams mit Softwarearchitekt:innen, Entwickler:innen, Tester:innen und Requirements Engineers. Zu Deinen vielseitigen Aufgaben gehören unter anderem die Angebotserstellung, Ressourcenplanung, das Projektmanagement, Projektcontrolling und -reporting sowie die Weiterentwicklung der eingesetzten Projektmanagementmethodiken. Dein ProfilAbgeschlossenes Studium der Fachrichtung (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder vergleichbare QualifikationPraktische Erfahrung im Projektmanagement anspruchsvoller SoftwareprojekteErfahrung mit agilen Methoden wie Scrum und KanbanProzess-, kunden- und lösungsorientiertes Denken und HandelnAusgeprägte kommunikative und konzeptionelle FähigkeitenErfahrungen mit Enterprise-IT-Infrastrukturumgebungen und Tools von VorteilSicheres Auftreten, Überzeugungs- und DurchsetzungsvermögenSehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift Neben Deinem technischen und fachlichen Know-how zeichnet Dich soziale Kompetenz aus. Du bist zuverlässig, engagiert und flexibel. Du bist fähig, aktiv zuzuhören und Kund:innenanforderungen fundiert zu analysieren und verfügst sowohl über ein hohes Maß an Eigenständigkeit als auch eine hohe Teamfähigkeit. Vor allem bist du ein:e Mitdenker:in. Unsere Standorte Du möchtest bei uns in Darmstadt arbeiten? Willkommen an unserem Hauptsitz, an dem die meisten Mitdenker:innen zu finden sind. Hier hast Du die besondere Möglichkeit, unsere nicht-menschliche Lieblingskollegin für einen Ausflug auszuleihen: die BAYOONET-Ape, unser Firmen Tuk-Tuk. Dich interessiert der Standort Berlin? Dich erwartet ein Büro direkt am Tempelhofer Hafen im Ullsteinhaus mit Blick auf das Wasser. Um auch während Deiner Arbeit am Schreibtisch Dein tägliches Schrittziel zu erreichen, bieten wir die Möglichkeit, unsere Arbeitsplätze mit integrierten Laufbändern zu nutzen. Unser Standort München ist Deine Wahl? Freue Dich schon mal auf unsere neuen Büroräume mit einem ganz besonderen Schmankerl: Bei schönem Wetter kannst Du Deine Mittagspause zusammen mit Deinen Kolleg:innen auf unserer tollen Dachterrasse genießen. Du wohnst im Großraum Stuttgart? In Ludwigsburg arbeitest Du in unseren hellen Büros in idealer Lage zum Hauptbahnhof. Umgeben von Einzelhandel, Kultur und Gastronomie hat die schöne Barockstadt auch nach Feierabend einiges zu bieten. Du favorisierst unseren Standort in Köln? Im Herzen von Köln, direkt am Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer, liegt unser neues Maisonette-Büro mit Blick auf Rhein, Kunibert und Kölner Dom. Dieser Ausblick kann auch von unserer Dachterrasse aus genossen werden. Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt? Dann sende bitte Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen mit Deiner Gehaltsvorstellung und frühestmöglichem Einstiegstermin über unsere Karriereseite oder an jobs[AT]bayoo.net BAYOONET AG | Europaplatz 5 | 64293 Darmstadt | Telefon: +49 6151 8618-333 | www.bayoo.net
Senior Entwickler Backend Java / Python (w/m/d)
Dr. Klein Privatkunden AG - Karriere, Darmstadt
Wir sind die Dr. Klein Privatkunden AG und wir bauen einen einzigen Anlaufpunkt für eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen im Leben eines Menschen: Der Kauf der eigenen vier Wände. Dafür entwickeln wir ein digitales Ökosystem, das Menschen mit allen Dienstleistern rund um die Immobilie zusammenbringt. Wir sind der größte B2C-Arm der Hypoport-Gruppe, einem Zusammenschluss leistungsfähiger Technologieunternehmen für die Kredit-, Immobilien- und Versicherungswirtschaft mit mehr als 2000 Mitarbeitenden sowie einer starken, börsennotierten Mutter, der Hypoport SE. Deine Leidenschaft sind innovative digitale Produkte, die die Probleme der Nutzer:innen auf smarte Weise lösen? Als Backend Entwickler:in mit den Schwerpunkten Java & Python arbeitest du mit am Aufbau, dem sicheren Betrieb sowie der Weiterentwicklung unserer Plattform. Darauf hast du Lust Du arbeitest an einem der verschiedenen digitalen Produkte innerhalb unserer wachsenden Plattforminfrastruktur für unsere Endkund:innen, Berater:innen und Immobilienpartner:innen Mit deinen Kolleg:innen aus der Entwicklung und UX/UI entwickelst du neue Features, die Nutzer:innen begeistern Du entwickelst technische Konzepte mit Entwickler:innen aus deinem und den anderen Produktteams Die Weiterentwicklung unserer Infrasturktur liegt mit in deinen Händen. Wir stellen unsere Infrastruktur skalierbar, stabil, sicher, performant und flexibel auf Du möchtest gestalten. Unsere Entwickler:innen entscheiden im Team selbstorganisiert welchen Weg zum Ziel sie wählen. Wenn du bis ins letzte Detail ausgearbeitete und vorgefertigte Tickets erwartest, wirst du bei uns leider nicht glücklich werden Was du mitbringst Du hast mehrere Jahre tiefgehende Erfahrung in der Backendentwicklung mit aktuellen Technologien. Wir verwenden Java / Spring Boot sowie Python / Falcon Du hast idealerweise grundlegende Erfahrungen mit AWS, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, Microservices, Domain-Driven-Design und Continous Deployment Du arbeitest dich schnell und selbständig in neue Technologien ein. Selbst wenn du nicht alle unsere Werkzeuge kennst, passt du zu uns, wenn lebenslanges Lernen für dich Standard ist Du bist agil. Du verstehst, dass es dabei nicht um Methoden und Prozesse geht, sondern um das Managen von Komplexität, das schnelle Reagieren auf neue Anforderungen und das iterative Entdecken des besten Wegs Du hast einen hohen Qualitätsanspruch an deine Arbeitsergebnisse. Du weißt aber auch, wann fertig besser ist als perfekt Du hastsehr sichere Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache und gute Englischkenntnisse Was dich erwartet Eine moderne Event-Driven-Microservice-Software-Architektur, in der wir Innovation für unsere Kund:innen treiben. Ein selbstorganisiertes Team ohne klassische Hierarchien oder lange Entscheidungswege. Wir funktionieren wie ein Startup mit der Sicherheit eines börsennotierten Konzerns im Rücken. Ein Umfeld, in dem du dir deine Rolle selbst erschaffst um deine maximale Wirksamkeit zu entfalten. Vom ersten Tag an bist du bei uns Entscheider:in. Bis zu 100% Remote-Work, 30 Urlaubstage (die um 20 Tage erweitert werden könne), Workation und Vertrauensarbeitszeit Eine technische Ausstattung (Mac-, Windows- oder Linux-Notebook, Smartphone, Tablet etc.), die dem neuesten Standard entspricht Wie geht es weiter? Du hast Lust, mit uns das Thema „Immobilien und smartes Wohnen“ zu revolutionieren und findest dich in der Beschreibung wieder? Dann bewirb dich bei uns und überzeuge uns mit einem CV und einem deiner Projekte – Website, Desktop-Anwendung, App, Shell-Skript, völlig egal, Hauptsache du bist damit zufrieden und meinst, dass du damit zeigen kannst, womit du dich auskennst. Du hast Fragen? Sprich mit Laura Laura Grande People & Culture Recruiting Partnerin für das Hypoport Netzwerk Dr. Klein Privatkunden AGHansestraße 1423558 Lübeck Standort Dr. Klein Privatkunden AG - Karriere, Darmstadt
Software Engineer C++ Sensorenentwicklung (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Frankfurt am Main
Entwicklung von hochleistungsfähiger Software für Messgeräte und Bildverarbeitungssysteme unter Verwendung von C++Design, Implementierung und Wartung von Softwarelösungen für anspruchsvolle optische SystemeOptimierung von Algorithmen für Echtzeitdatenverarbeitung und -analyseZusammenarbeit mit interdisziplinären Teams zur Integration von Software in hardwarenahe UmgebungenTeilnahme an technischen Diskussionen und Entscheidungsprozessen zur Weiterentwicklung der ProdukteAbgeschlossenes Studium der Elektrotechnik, Informatik, oder vergleichbare QualifikationFundierte Kenntnisse in der Softwareentwicklung mit C++ und objektorientierter ProgrammierungErfahrung mit Multithreading, Parallelprogrammierung und Optimierung von C++-Code für PerformanceKenntnisse in der Bildverarbeitung oder Optik von VorteilTeamfähigkeit, Eigeninitiative und eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise
Senior Java Entwickler (m/w/d) für einen Finanzdienstleister
Michael Page, Neu-Isenburg
Entwicklung, Test und Wartung von Geschäftsanwendungen im agilen Team (Scrum)Verfeinerung, Schätzung, Implementierung und Testen von fachlichen und technischen AnforderungenAnalyse und Lösung von technischen und anwendungstechnischen Problemen im ProduktionsbetriebAbstimmung mit anderen TeamsAbgeschlossenes Studium oder Berufsausbildung im Bereich (Wirtschafts-) Informatik, oder eine vergleichbare QualifikationMehrjährige praktische Erfahrung in Entwicklung und Betrieb von Java MicroservicesKenntnisse in Spring Boot sowie im Bereich agiler Methoden und FrameworksStarke konzeptionelle und analytische FähigkeitenFließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
Software developer for automation technology (m/f/d)
Armon Direktvermittlung, Neustadt (Wied)
Software developer for automation technology (m/f/d) Are you looking for a new challenge or would you like a change? We are looking for a software developer for automation technology (m/f/d) on behalf of a customer at the earliest possible date. What your employer offers Salary depending on qualifications between 50,000EUR - 65,000EUR per year Security of a long-term job Targeted further training measures Regulated working hours/flexitime 30 vacation days Flat hierarchies Special payments (Christmas and vacation bonuses etc.) Annual target achievement bonus Your area of responsibility Development of complex control systems and innovative visualization systems for new injection molding machines Creation of customer-specific software Testing of sequence programs for injection molding machine control systems Execution of test setups and testing of circuits and devices Advising purchasing, customer service, quality assurance and sales on relevant issues Professional and personal requirements Electrical engineer or electrical technician with experience in automation technology Experience in object-oriented PLC programming in accordance with EN 61131-3 Company description With heart and soul, passion & highest appreciation Welcome to ARMON, your reliable and efficient personnel service provider from the Rhine-Moselle, Eifel, Hunsru00fcck, Westerwald and Taunus regions. As a second-generation family business, we have extensive experience in the hiring and placement of skilled workers for companies of all sizes and industries. We are leaders at our locations and attach great importance to personal support with open and honest dealings at eye level with clients, employees and applicants.
Software Developer (m/f/d) HMI/SCADA
Recrutis Consulting GmbH, Burghaun
Software Developer (m/f/d) HMI/SCADA Have you always been good at \"thinking outside the box\" and mathematical puzzles have never forced you to the ground? Do you enjoy getting to grips with systems and your analytical and abstract thinking skills make it easy for you to understand abstract concepts and reprogram them so that they make sense - for you and our customers? Then we need you in our team! We at G.M.W. Industrieautomation GmbH in Burghaun are looking for an HMI/SCADA Software Developer (m/f/d) in permanent full-time employment as soon as possible and you are the ideal candidate! Our internationally active company plans and builds systems according to the individual wishes and requirements of our customers. We support our customers from the pre-planning phase of their automation projects, through circuit diagram creation and programming, to commissioning and support. The G.M.W. team supports each other and needs your support. Develop yourself professionally and become part of us now! These benefits await you A very good starting salary from u20ac45,000 per year with upward development opportunities A secure, permanent job 30 vacation days Attractive monetary benefits Modern Apple equipment (Macbook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone), which can also be used privately A modern and comfortable office, but also the option to work from home Flexible and independent working hours Flat hierarchies and quick, transparent decisions so that you can actively contribute to our and your further development Promising opportunities for advancement and further training that suit your individual career plan Regular seminars, training and courses Subsidies for visual aids Free parking spaces A team that sticks together and supports you at all times Always approachable superiors Regular feedback and target meetings Regular employee events Weekly team and department meetings Your tasks You take over the project planning of machine and system functionalities You have good knowledge of HMI/SCADA systems and create graphical user interfaces for us To ensure that the technology works smoothly, you plan and carry out software tests independently As a project manager, you will regularly take part in project meetings, handle projects independently and work closely not only with your team but also with our customers Commissioning at home and abroad is part of your area of responsibility. However, this will only affect a maximum of 20% of your working time and a maximum of 2-3 weeks at a time What your new employer wants The ideal basis for this challenging job is a degree in electrical engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics or a comparable field of study You have solid programming skills in at least one of the following languages C, C++, C#, .NET You enjoy technical challenges and mathematical tasks You are motivated to learn, committed and like to drive new ideas forward You are characterized by strong communication and closing skills You are well-positioned in German and English and are generally willing to travel Apply now! Send us your CV easily and conveniently via the following link. Website: https://recrutis.de/lebenslauf-hochladen / WhatsApp: +49 176 2483 9484
Software Developer MatLab/SimuLink (M/F/D)
Brunel GmbH NL Kassel, Kassel
Software Developer MatLab/SimuLink (M/F/D) Your tasks Would you like to reach the next level in your career - at Brunel you have the opportunity to continuously develop yourself with well-known customers - across all industries. Take the decisive step in your career today and apply to Brunel. Responsible for the design, development and implementation of software solutions for thermal management systems in mobile and stationary applications Documentation of the software, taking into account different versions Implementing simulation results in the software Close cooperation with development and the supplier Validation and adaptation of the software both in the laboratory and in the field Independent implementation and documentation of customer-specific adaptations to the CAN interface Active implementation of new functions and continuous further development of existing functions Your qualifications Your advantages Working at Brunel means diversity - from medium-sized companies to hidden champions to DAX-listed corporations; whether road, ship, rail, air or space; traditional or innovative; from development to the finished product; national or international; from career starters to experienced professionals. We offer you countless opportunities to help shape technological progress, all with a single employer. What Brunel stands for Working at Brunel means: attractive work tasks, exceptional career prospects, the security of an expanding engineering service provider and the full diversity of engineering and IT. In the DACH-CZ region alone, we have more than 40 locations and development centers with accredited test laboratories and more than 120 locations worldwide with more than 12,000 employees in over 40 countries. More than 45 years of international success and over 25 years in Germany. Standing still means going backwards - with Brunel you can make a difference!
Software Developer (m/w/d) ab jetzt
, Frankfurt am Main
+++ kein Vermittlungsgutschein nötig, Arbeitsvertrag direkt mit dem Arbeitgeber +++Bei Fragen einfach unverbindlich anrufen: 03048479484 oder einen Rückruf vereinbaren: https://radas.de/Work location in: Frankfurt am Main, BUT permanent home office is also possibleYour tasks:New development, optimization, and expansion of software products, both internal and customer-specificModeling and integration of MS SQL Server databases, including the analysis and optimization of associated MS SQL scriptsCreation of concepts and architectures of sophisticated software solutionsOpportunity to shape the modeling of business processesIntroduction and maintenance of continuous integration/deploymentPreparation and maintenance of system documentationEnsuring quality and project objectivesYour profile:Completed university or technical college studies, ideally in the areas of computer science or business informatics or comparable knowledgeYou should already know and be able to use C#!Optionally, you already have experience in:ASP.NET Core MVC and MS SQLVueJS, we will teach if necessaryas well as the entire software lifecycle, from planning and analysis to specialist and IT concepts through to development, testing, and maintenanceMotivation to gain knowledge and experience in any field such as: B. NET Core and DockerAnalytical and solution-oriented way of working with a structured working styleQuick comprehension and ability to communicate and work in a teamVery good language skills in EnglishKnowledge of German is not mandatoryWeitere Infos:Branche des Arbeitgebers: Erbringung von Dienstleistungen der InformationstechnologieBeginn der Tätigkeit: ab sofort (nach Vereinbarung)Arbeitszeit: VollzeitBefristung: Unbefristete BeschäftigungEinsatzorte: 60316 Frankfurt am Main, DeutschlandVergütung: Festgehalt pro Monat von 4.100,00 bis 5.400,00 EURInteresse an dem Job?Online-Bewerbung: https://radas.de/de/jobsdb/job/178496/Software-Developer-m-w-d-ab-jetzt.htmloder alternativ per Mail-Bewerbung an: [email protected] Fragen zur Bewerbung erreichen Sie uns telefonisch unter: 03048479484Interne Referenznummer: 12254-2-178496-S (bitte bei Bewerbung angeben)Eine Stellenanzeige von RADAS Jobbörse & Personalvermittlung GmbH
Software Developer Senior C# / .Net Engineer (m/f/d) - Direct placement
persoplan Gesellschaft fu00fcr Personaldienstleistungen mbH, Burghaun
Software Developer Senior C# / .Net Engineer (m/f/d) - Direct placement Working at Persoplan is as exciting as it is challenging... For our client in Burghaun we are looking for you in the field of software development... Personal and professional requirements Degree in computer science or electrical engineering or comparable training Experience in setting up and developing software frameworks, also across divisions/locations Understanding of standardization and industrialization of machines, systems and devices Several years of experience in agile software development (Scrum or similar) of machines, systems or devices Application and programming of software in high-level languages (C# .Net, WPF or HTML) Knowledge of databases (Entity Framework, SQL Server) and web technologies is an advantage Experience in the technical management of software programmers Willingness to travel 20% Independent way of working Customer and result-oriented Very good knowledge of German and English The area of responsibility essentially includes Development of the operating software for the current and future machine generations in the BU Solutions Responsibility for the software architecture (lead architect) Further development and optimization of the architecture of our software platform Machine networking to create a smart factory Design, implementation, simulation and testing of sophisticated software for Windows systems Technical management of the HMI programmers within the Solutions Software Framework Responsibility for know-how transfer to the engineering departments of all Solutions locations Our offer: With us, you will have the opportunity to become part of a successful company. A team-oriented working atmosphere and respectful interaction with one another are very important to us. Our client offers you: Performance-related payment good social benefits Company car (also for private use) An established and strong employer from your region interesting and responsible tasks in a high-performance group of companies, where your commitment will help determine the success of the company a fair and pleasant working atmosphere in a committed team, where cooperative cooperation and open communication form the basis for mutual success The position is to be filled as part of a recruitment agency. Are you interested? Then apply now by email to [email protected] or in writing to our branch in Marburg. If you have any questions or would like to arrange an interview, please do not hesitate to contact us on 06421-59 09 6-0. For organizational reasons, we will not return any application documents received by post. We ask for your understanding. We look forward to receiving your application from your persoplan team Are you looking for a professional challenge that matches your profile and challenges your strengths? You are welcome to send us your unsolicited application, which we will evaluate with regard to future vacancies. The Persoplan Group has been a partner to industry, trade and commerce since 1987, providing personnel services in the form of temporary employment and employee placement. Following steady growth, Persoplan now employs staff at 12 locations in a wide range of industrial, technical and commercial professions. We are a strong partner and fair employer. We offer you excellent opportunities for a career change, further development or entry into the world of work. With our know-how as an experienced personnel service provider, we support you in building your professional future. Are you looking for a job that suits you? The Persoplan team will support you reliably and competently. We will find the right job for you!
Senior Java Backend Developer (w/m/d)
ING Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main
Senior Java Backend Developer (f/m/d) at the Frankfurt location Do you want to lay the foundation for development, design the house and finish building it? Java, automation and interface development are exactly your topics? And do you feel right at home in an agile team? Perfect! At ING, we attach great importance to team spirit, a productive working atmosphere and the further training of our employees. Do you think that suits you? Then apply - your CV is all we need in the first step! Our team in the IT area \"Home\" is looking forward to hearing from you. Your tasks From A for analysis to Z for access times, from conception to development and implementation to testing: you deliver the all-round carefree package for our IT solutions in construction financing and make projects a reality in an agile team together with our experts. In designing distributed IT architectures, carrying out the build process and in technical documentation: you know where and how you can contribute your expertise. You never lose track of our various systems and ensure smooth and fail-safe operation by defining and implementing the necessary interfaces. Your developments are given your seal of quality, both preventively via automated tests and reactively with various quality assurance measures. You also stay relaxed when it comes to security and compliance issues and ensure that our IT solutions comply with governance and security requirements. With engaging and skillful communication, you also ensure that everyone involved, colleagues and external service providers are on the same page when it comes to our projects. Your profile Completed studies in economics, a STEM subject or a comparable qualification Very good knowledge of Java API and frameworks such as Spring (Boot), Hibernate and synchronous/asynchronous communication protocols (HTTP/REST, Kafka) Confident handling of build tools, version management systems and CI/CD in the Azure environment Practice in test automation (implementation / operation) and enjoy working in an agile team (Scrum) Structured, goal- and solution-oriented way of working Communication skills and a high willingness to learn and develop Good written and spoken German and English Look forward to numerous benefits Company pension scheme, capital-forming benefits, free Germany ticket & Bike LeasING, company restaurant Mobile working depending on position and department within the framework of company, regulatory and legal requirements, individual working time models, sabbatical, subsidization of care & childcare costs Own budget for personal development and health plus personal equipment budget for your mobile workplace
Software Developer (m/w/d) HMI/SCADA
, Burghaun
Du warst schon immer gut darin, "um die Ecke denken" zu können und mathematische Rätsel haben Dich noch nie zu Boden gezwungen? Dir macht es Spaß, Dich in Systeme einzudenken und Dein analytisches und abstraktes Denkvermögen macht es Dir leicht, Abstraktes zu verstehen und so umzuprogrammieren, dass es Sinn ergibt - für Dich und unsere Kunden? Dann brauchen wir genau Dich bei uns im Team!Wir von der G.M.W. Industrieautomation GmbH in Burghaun suchen zum nächstmöglichen Termin einen HMI/SCADA Softwareentwickler (m/w/d) in unbefristeter Vollzeitbeschäftigung und Du bist die ideale Besetzung! Unser international tätiges Unternehmen plant und baut Anlagen nach den individuellen Wünschen und Anforderungen unserer Kunden. Von der Vorplanungsphase ihrer Automatisierungsprojekte über die Schaltplanerstellung und Programmierung bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme und den Support stehen wir unseren Kunden zur Seite. Das G.M.W.-Team unterstützt sich gegenseitig und braucht Dich zur Verstärkung. Entwickle Dich beruflich weiter und werde jetzt Teil von uns! Dich erwartet: ▸Ein sehr gutes Einstiegsgehalt ab 45.000 € pro Jahr mit Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten nach oben▸Ein sicherer, unbefristeter Arbeitsplatz ▸30 Urlaubstage ▸Attraktive Vergütung von Auslandseinsätzen und andere monetäre Zuwendungen▸Modernes Apple-Equipment (Macbook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone), das gerne auch privat genutzt werden kann▸Ein modernes und komfortables Büro, aber auch die Möglichkeit, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten▸Flexible und selbstständige Arbeitszeiteinteilung▸Flache Hierarchien und schnelle, transparente Entscheidungen, damit Du aktiv an unserer und Deiner Weiterentwicklung mitwirken kannst▸Aussichtsreiche Aufstiegs- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, die zu Deinem individuellen Karriereplan passen▸Regelmäßige Seminare, Trainings und Kurse▸Zuschüsse zu Sehhilfen▸Kostenfreie Parkplätze▸Ein Team, das zusammenhält und Dich jederzeit unterstützt ▸Immer ansprechbare Vorgesetzte ▸Reguläre Feedback- und Zielgespräche▸Regelmäßige Mitarbeiterevents▸Wöchentliche Team- und AbteilungsrundenDas erwartet Dein neuer Arbeitgeber: ▸Die ideale Basis für diese anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit ist ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Physik, Mathematik oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung▸Du bringst sichere Programmierkenntnisse in mindestens einer der folgenden Sprachen mit: C, C++, C#, .NET▸Du hast Freude an technischen Herausforderungen und mathematischen Aufgabenstellungen▸Du zeigst Dich lernmotiviert, engagiert und treibst gerne neue Ideen voran▸Dich zeichnet eine ausgeprägte Kommunikations- wie auch Abschlussstärke aus▸ Du bist in Deutsch als auch in Englisch gut aufgestellt und grundsätzlich reisebereitDeine Aufgaben: ▸Du übernimmst die Projektierung von Maschinen- und Anlagenfunktionalitäten ▸Du bringst gute Kenntnisse in HMI/SCADA-Systemen mit und erstellst bei uns grafische Benutzeroberflächen▸Damit die Technik auch reibungslos funktionierst, planst und führst Du Softwaretests eigenständig durch▸Als Projektleitung nimmst Du regelmäßig an Projektbesprechungen teil, wickelst Projekte eigenverantwortlich ab und arbeitest nicht nur eng mit Deinem Team, sondern auch mit unseren Kunden zusammen▸Inbetriebnahmen im In- und Ausland gehören zu Deinem verantwortungsvollen Aufgabengebiet dazu. Dies betrifft aber nur max. 20 % Deiner Arbeitszeit und max. 2-3 Wochen am StückJetzt bewerben!Schicke uns Deinen Lebenslauf einfach und bequem über den nachfolgenden Link.Website: https://recrutis.de/lebenslauf-hochladen/WhatsApp: +49 17624839484Hast Du noch Fragen? Kontaktiere uns unter: +49 17624839484. Gern beantworten wir Dir alle Fragen zur Stellenanzeige.Eine Stellenanzeige von Recrutis Consulting GmbH
IT Product Manager (f/m/d) for financial collaboration applications
KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt am Main
Welcome to KfW's IT department! We are an internationally active promotional bank that stands for the sustainable development of the environment, society and companies. As a driving force, we are actively involved in the issues that will shape the world of tomorrow. Our Information Technology division covers the entire range of demanding IT tasks: from the implementation of a business idea from the customer journey to the operation of applications. We shape KfW's digital transformation and use agile methods, modern infrastructure and cloud-based technologies. Here you have the opportunity to contribute your skills and creativity. With us, you will find an open and trusting working environment in which we embrace diversity and inclusion - because only where many different perspectives come together can groundbreaking ideas emerge. That's why we encourage your skills, your ideas and your commitment to projects that make the world a better place. Join us on your journey into the future. Become part of our team in Frankfurt am Main and support us as a IT Product Manager (f/m/d) for Financial Cooperation applications We offer multifaceted tasks Software development with purpose: In an agile setting, the specialist area and IT jointly develop applications to promote investments and reform processes in developing and emerging countries - you are one of KfW's digitalization drivers. As part of the Scrum team, you have an overview of the entire software lifecycle and play a key role in it - typical areas of responsibility include requirements management, software design, test management, release planning, communication with external suppliers, management of SaaS solutions and incident handling. You will work in a scrum team within a scaled agile environment. Our teams cover a wide range of technologies - e.g. Java-based in-house developments on-premise, cloud native applications, standard software, data warehouse / business intelligence, geodata processing. You will use your specialist knowledge to advise our specialist departments and to further develop our IT processes/tools. What you bring with you A degree in (business) informatics or a comparable degree/career forms the basis for your professional experience. You are well versed in IT methods and processes and know what is important for stable operations and secure software in regulated environments. You have sound experience in IT product management tasks and have been able to gain knowledge in several of our technology worlds. You feel confident in communicating with stakeholders such as specialist departments, developers, operations and contractual partners and enjoy the diverse tasks involved. Agile working suits you. You are open to contributing your skills in areas that are important for our department and for the team. Our business language is German, so we would be delighted if you are confident in using it both written and spoken. A very good command of English complements your profile. Find out more about the IT department at KFW. How we support you - benefits at KfW Company pension scheme We build on your future with a company pension plan. Living diversity As a signatory to the Diversity Charter, diversity and equal opportunities are part of everyday life for us. Health promotion We support your health with over 30 company sports groups, health courses and an employee restaurant. Remuneration in line with the market With us, you can expect an appropriate remuneration package with capital-forming benefits and a job ticket. Further development & training Always up to date with personal and professional development opportunities. Work-life balance We support you with flexible working hours, home office, 30 days' vacation, individual part-time models and parent-child offices. Would you like to take on responsibility and shape the future together with us? Then we look forward to receiving your application by clicking on the Apply button. If you have any questions about the position, please contact Christoph Burger on +49 69 7431 8222. Follow us Contact us Christoph Burger Phone +49 69 7431 8222 Email [email protected] KfW career Application tips How to perfect your application to KfW. u276f Read more
Load and performance test developer (m/f/d)
PAR GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
We are looking for Load and performance test developer (m/f/d) Frankfurt am Main - full-time Another one of those job ads... You have exactly this thought, you don't want to be informed by pages of blah blah blah, where it only says the same thing everywhere and in the end there is nothing suitable anyway? No problem - then you've come to the right place. Because we bring together what belongs together! What you can expect: You will work in an agile team on comprehensive load and performance tests on a distributed microservice architecture based on Springboot, NodeJS, Kubernetes and Gitlab You plan, design and develop load tests and auxiliary code in an agile Scrum team You coordinate with other teams about necessary deliveries and support You set up and configure test environments for automated load and performance tests in a distributed microservice architecture and a CI/CD pipeline You support the definition, production and provision of required test data You monitor, analyze, evaluate and document test results and deviations What do you bring with you? You have successfully completed a university degree in computer science, a natural or engineering science or have comparable knowledge You have several years of demonstrable experience as a software developer in the field of load and performance testing in medium to large projects You have good knowledge of Java and at least one tool for determining system performance (preferably JMeter) You have experience in integrating automated load performance tests into CI/CD pipelines You have in-depth technical expertise with a focus on software development
Software Developer MES (m/f/d)
Akkodis Germany Tech Experts GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Have you gained experience as a project manager in software development? Are you interested in a challenging position that actively shapes the mobility solutions of the future? Then we are looking for exactly you as a motivated Software Developer MES (m/f/d) for one of our customers from the automotive industry in Frankfurt am Main. This opportunity is initially within the framework of temporary employment (with the option of being taken on) at the earliest possible date. We are looking for a:n This position is to be filled within the framework of temporary employment. Software developer MES (m/f/d) Your tasks: Programming and expansion of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) clients for production plants Maintenance and administration of the local MES Contact person for production in the MES area Advising the development department on traceability and interlocking Implementing new start-ups in the MES, taking into account customer and production requirements in collaboration with suppliers and local industrial engineering Connecting complex test systems to the MES in collaboration with the local test engineering and IT departments Cost estimates for changes or new projects Your qualifications: Successfully completed technical/university studies in the field of computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or comparable Ideally practical experience in the field of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) Knowledge of at least one high-level programming language, preferably C# Interest in vehicle technology Independent and careful way of working Fluency in German and English What you can expect: Team spirit and diversity Work-life balance Attractive remuneration Social benefits Versatile further training opportunities Team and sporting events Global network Attractive employee referral program Benefits may vary depending on position and location. An overview of our benefits can be found on our website under Careers and Benefits. Send us your application directly. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We welcome applications from people who contribute to the diversity of our company.
Software Architect Industrial IT / IoT (m/f/d)
Akkodis Germany Tech Experts GmbH, Hanau
Would you like to apply your in-depth knowledge of software architecture to innovative projects in special machine construction? Are you passionate about IT and excited by the prospect of new, exciting challenges? Then we are looking for exactly you as a motivated Software Architect Industrial IT / IoT (m/f/d) for one of our customers from the mechanical/plant engineering sector in Hanau. This opportunity is currently available as part of a permanent placement (with the option of being taken on) at the earliest possible date. We are looking for a:n This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a permanent placement. Software Architect Industrial IT / IoT (m/f/d) Your tasks: Development and implementation of various forms of software architecture, including layered architecture, microservices, event-driven architecture and other modern architectural approaches Application and integration of design patterns to address recurring challenges, including scalability and maintainability Leading team meetings and architecture reviews to promote continuous improvement and quality awareness within the team Design, programming, implementation and maintenance of web-based software solutions and applications Creation of backend architectures and their implementation Analysis of complex technical customer requirements Support in the further development of our market-oriented product and service range Your qualifications: Successfully completed technical/university studies in the field of computer science, electrical engineering or comparable Sound knowledge of object-oriented/functional programming methods and software architecture Experience in programming with Python in agile software development is a great advantage Experience with the REST architecture style and, if possible, with GraphQL as well as an affinity for DevOps topics such as Docker containers, Kubernetes, etc. Basic knowledge of common machine communication protocols (OPC UA, Modbus TCP, MQTT) and in dealing with programmable logic controllers is desirable Fluency in German and English What you can expect: Team spirit and diversity Work-life balance Attractive remuneration Social benefits Versatile further training opportunities Team and sporting events Global network Attractive employee referral program Benefits may vary depending on position and location. An overview of our benefits can be found on our website under Careers and Benefits. Send us your application directly. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We welcome applications from people who contribute to the diversity of our company.
Backend Developer
activjob GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Backend Developer Location: Frankfurt am Main Employment type(s): Full-time Description: We have been a listed and valued partner of Deutsche Bahn for many years. We offer Deutsche Bahn selected specialist personnel with comprehensive qualifications in the various regions on a project-related basis. We focus primarily on employees who work close to home. With us you are not applying for Deutsche Bahn jobs, with our expertise we offer you your job with our client Deutsche Bahn. Development potential / prospects You will receive a permanent employment contract. You will be paid according to the BAP tariff + bonuses, this corresponds to an annual salary of approx. 90Tu20ac, with regular working hours of 39 hours/week! By building up a working time account, additional flexible working time planning is possible! Please note, this position is advertised on a temporary basis! Applications received after: 20.05.2024 can no longer be considered!!! Tasks, competencies and responsibilities Support, conception, development and optimization of complex, innovative software solutions in Smalltalk using agile approaches Development of a software solution to implement customer-specific requirements Fixing errors from the test phases in the applications / components Performing component tests, module tests and module group tests Creating system documentation and technical component documentation Quality assurance with the help of static code analysis and code reviews Recording and evaluation of technical debts Documentation and assessment of technical risks and development of options for action to eliminate or minimize risks Determining non-functional requirements and coordinating and documenting non-functional requirements Conception and further development of measures to ensure the operation of the developed software Creating, estimating and planning user stories and features in accordance with the SAFe process model Attendance remote: 80% (can be successively increased) onsite: 20% Professional requirements Successfully completed IT or computer science studies at least 3 years of experience in the last few years as a developer with the Smalltalk programming language at least 3 years of practical experience in procedures according to Scrum and SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) or in scaled agile projects with several teams and in a comparable context 2 years of practical experience with the tools JIRA and Confluence 1 year of practical experience with Agile Hive At least 5 years of practical experience in database development and further development (preferably Oracle) Knowledge as an architect with object-oriented modeling (UML) Knowledge of front-end development of web applications with Java Basic technical knowledge in the railroad sector, ideally in the timetable or timetable IT sector (at least 1 year) able to work in a team reliable conscientious communicative Contact details for job advertisement If you are interested, please send us your application documents, preferably by e-mail. Our job advertisements apply equally to applicants of all genders, regardless of the job title used. Severely disabled persons or persons with equivalent status are also invited to apply. Of course, we guarantee you absolute discretion. Heiko Röhrich Technical Manager Phone: 03591 890270-0 E-mail: [email protected] Type(s) of personnel requirement: New appointment Collective agreement: BAP collective agreement
Java Backend Entwickler (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Frankfurt am Main
Konzeption, Entwicklung und Umsetzung von hochwertigen, skalierbaren und effizienten Java-Backend-Lösungen für Bankenanwendungen.Integration verschiedener Systeme und Datenbanken mithilfe von Java EE Frameworks wie Spring oder Hibernate.Gewährleistung der hohen Verfügbarkeit, Performance und Sicherheit der entwickelten Softwarelösungen.Aktive Mitarbeit in einem agilen Entwicklungsteam und enge Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Entwicklern, Testern und Produktmanagern.Analyse von Anforderungen, Erarbeitung technischer Konzepte und Implementierung neuer Features und Funktionen.Durchführung von Code-Reviews, Tests und Erstellung von Dokumentationen, um die Qualität der Software zu gewährleisten.Erfolgreicher Abschluss eines Studiums in Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung.Solide Kenntnisse in Java-Entwicklung sowie Erfahrung im Bereich Backend-Entwicklung.Gute Fähigkeiten in der Entwicklung von Webanwendungen und der Implementierung von RESTful APIs.Erfahrung mit Java EE Frameworks wie Spring, Hibernate oder ähnlichen Technologien.Vertrauter Umgang mit verschiedenen Datenbanken wie SQL, Oracle oder MySQL.Praktische Erfahrung mit agilen Entwicklungsmethoden wie Scrum oder Kanban.Hohe Motivation, Initiative und ausgeprägte Teamfähigkeit.Ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.
Senior Software-Entwickler Java (m/w/d) in Frankfurt am Main
, Frankfurt am Main
+++ DIREKTVERMITTLUNG in Festanstellung (keine Zeitarbeit) / Vermittlungsgutscheine (AVGS) werden akzeptiert +++ Bei Fragen einfach unverbindlich anrufen: 03048479484 oder einen Rückruf vereinbaren: https://radas.de/Ihre Aufgaben:Agile Software-EntwicklungInternationale TeamarbeitKonzepterstellung & ProduktentwurfKundenabstimmung & BeratungBackend-Programmierung inkl. Pflege & WartungsarbeitenWeb-Service-OptimierungIhr Profil:IT-Studium/ - Ausbildung mit Praxis & ReferenzenSehr gutes technisches Know-how & Erfahrungen in projektorientierter Programmierung mit XML/ JavaSprachkompetenz Deutsch/ Englisch- verhandlungssicherKommunikative Ader u. hohe KundenorientierungVersierter Umgang mit Jira, Hipchat und Confluences sowie Java-Scripts/ MS Office u. a.Gute WEB-Service-Kenntnisse und JSON/ REST/ SOAP oder SQL-MethodenkompetenzSouveränes Umgehen mit Git/Eclipse/Gradle/Hibernate/ JAXB/Nexus/ JenkinsJUnit-Kenntnisse, Interesse an Entwicklungsinnovation, Business Travel- und Reservierungssystem-Wissen von VorteilWeitere Infos:Branche des Arbeitgebers: Sonstige mit Finanzdienstleistungen verbundene TätigkeitenBeginn der Tätigkeit: ab sofort (nach Vereinbarung)Arbeitszeit: VollzeitBefristung: Unbefristete BeschäftigungEinsatzorte: 60325 Frankfurt am MainFührungsverantwortung: Keine FührungsverantwortungVergütung: nach VereinbarungInteresse an dem Job?Online-Bewerbung: https://radas.de/de/jobsdb/job/174834/Senior-Software-Entwickler-Java-m-w-d-in-Frankfurt-am-Main.htmloder alternativ per Mail-Bewerbung an: [email protected] Fragen zur Bewerbung erreichen Sie uns telefonisch unter: 03048479484Interne Referenznummer: 12254-1-174834-S (bitte bei Bewerbung angeben)Eine Stellenanzeige von RADAS Jobbörse & Personalvermittlung GmbH
Software Developer iOS / Swift (m/f/d)
medDV GmbH, Fernwald
Saving lives. Optimize processes. Reduce costs. Join us in designing solutions that save lives. medDV GmbH offers efficient system solutions for the emergency services. The comprehensive NIDA solution family (Emergency Information and Documentation Assistant) includes hardware and software solutions to optimize processes and documentation, data acquisition and communication in the rescue service from the control centre to the clinic. If you would like to work with us to develop quality-enhancing software solutions for the emergency services and close gaps in patient care, apply as a Software developer iOS / Swift (m/f/d) A s s e s s m e n t s Development of applications for the rescue service environment Concept design, deployment and testing Technical consulting for product owners and other clients Self-organized work in an agile environment Familiarization with new technologies and collaboration on diverse projects Application of quality assurance measures in the form of unit tests, code reviews Functional documentation and knowledge transfer S k i l l s Completed studies in computer science, training as an IT specialist for application development (m/f/d) or a comparable qualification Strong knowledge of iOS / Swift development and experience in working with Xcode Good knowledge of common web technologies Creative, independent, structured and solution-oriented work Cooperative and communicative collaboration with team colleagues A s s e s s m e n t Challenging and meaningful tasks in a collegial environment A creative and dynamic team Personal development opportunities through further education and training on specialist topics Possibility of flexible home office Permanent position with performance-related pay and flexible working hours Business bike, company pension scheme, private supplementary health insurance, Company health management, e.g. support with the EGYM Wellpass sports program Free coffee, tea, water and salad bar Joint parties and modern equipped workstations A n s p r e c i a t i o n p a r t n e r Isabeau Klein Phone: 06404 20517-54 Mail: [email protected] Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Advanced knowledge of: iOS operating system
Software Developer Automation Platform (m/f/d)
Akkodis Germany Tech Experts GmbH, Hanau
Are you interested in contributing your expertise to exciting software projects? Do you have specific experience and proven solutions that you have successfully applied in the development of applications and websites? Then we are looking for exactly you as a competent Software Developer Automation Platform (m/f/d) for one of our customers in the field of special machine construction in the Hanau area. This vacancy is initially within the framework of temporary employment (with the option of being taken on) at the earliest possible date. We are looking for a:n This vacancy is to be filled within the framework of temporary employment. Software developer automation platform (m/f/d) Your tasks: Creation of microservices with Python for automation platforms Maintenance and creation of GraphQL APIs Creation of complex queries and mutations with GraphQL as well as user interface concepts for various end devices Further development of the image processing solution for automated quality control with OpenCV (Python) Testing and documenting software solutions and applications Collaboration with product owners and stakeholders Your qualifications: Successfully completed technical/university studies in the field of computer science, mathematics or engineering or comparable Experience in object-oriented programming (ideally Python) Knowledge of GraphQL, databases, Docker, Git and Linux is desirable Familiarity with the principles of agile software development and code testing Knowledge of common machine communication protocols and working with PLCs is a plus Business fluent German and good English skills are a great advantage What you can expect: Team spirit and diversity Work-life balance Attractive remuneration Social benefits Versatile further training opportunities Team and sporting events Global network Attractive employee referral program Benefits may vary depending on position and location. An overview of our benefits can be found on our website under Careers and Benefits. Would you like to find out more about us and about this and possibly other positions? Then send us your application directly. We welcome applications from people who contribute to the diversity of our company.