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Trainee SAP S/4HANA Consultant (m/w/d)
cbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Dortmund
Führungskräfte und Experten von morgen gesucht! Starte jetzt Deine Karriere in der (SAP) Beraterwelt und arbeite bei einem global agierenden Weltmarktführer mit passionierten Mitarbeitern. Du hast Dein Studium erfolgreich abgeschlossen und möchtest nun in der SAP Beraterwelt den ersten Schritt auf der Karriereleiter nehmen? Du willst im Rahmen von Kundenprojekten bei namhaften Unternehmen schnell Verantwortung übernehmen und Prozesse gestalten? Dann ist unser Traineeprogramm genau das Richtige für Dich!Wir suchen die Fach- und Führungskräfte von morgen und bilden Dich mit einem individuell zugeschnittenen Ausbildungsplan, SAP-Schulungen (inkl. Zertifizierungen) sowie Softskill Trainings in nur vier Monaten zum Unternehmensberater aus. Eine steile Lernkurve garantiert Dir einen erfolgreichen Einstieg in die Beraterkarriere und auch nach dem Traineeprogramm wirst Du gezielt gefördert.Denn Deine persönliche (Karriere-)Entwicklung wird bei uns großgeschrieben!Gestalte Deine und unsere Zukunft und werde Teil eines internationalen, hochmotivierten Teams, das für die Umsetzung globaler Projekte brennt: Wir suchen zum 01.04.2024 und zum 01.10.2024 für die Verstärkung unseres Beratungsgeschäfts engagierte und hochqualifizierte (Master)-Absolventen (m/w/d).Du hast die Wahl – egal ob eher im technischen Bereich System Landscape Transformation oder in der klassischen ERP-Prozessberatung – du kannst dich in einem SAP-Modul deiner Wahl spezialisieren. Du weißt noch nicht welcher Bereich/Modul das richtige für dich ist? Wir unterstützen dich dabei, den richtigen Bereich zu finden.Locations: Heidelberg, Dortmund, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart, Freiburg im Breisgau, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Rhein-Main (Raunheim) Was Dich erwartet 4 Monate Traineeprogramm am Standort Heidelberg, danach freie StandortwahlSpannende, internationale Transformationsprojekte bei WeltmarktführernAb dem ersten Tag praktische Erfahrung und einen Mentor der Dir zur Seite stehtLernen von den Besten mit Hilfe der M-cbs Methodik an unserer cbsAcademyBesuch der SAP Academy in Walldorf mit SAP-ZertifizierungPersönliche und fachliche Entwicklung, hin zur ´Führungskraft von Morgen´Attraktives Einstiegsgehalt Was wir uns wünschen Du hast einen Master oder ein Diplom in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, -informatik, -wissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften mit Erfolg abgeschlossenDarüber hinaus hast Du erste praktische Erfahrungen, zum Beispiel durch Praktika oder Werkstudententätigkeiten gesammeltDu verfügst über gute Englischkenntnisse und konntest diese idealerweise bei einem Auslandsaufenthalt festigenDu sprichst fließend DeutschDu besitzt ein ausgeprägtes betriebswirtschaftliches Interesse und hohe IT-AffinitätDu hast idealerweise erste praktische SAP-Erfahrungen sammeln könnenDich zeichnet eine analytische und lösungsorientierte Denkweise ausDu hast Spaß daran, Neues zu lernen, strahlst Begeisterung aus und übernimmst gerne VerantwortungDu bist kommunikativ, bist ein Teamplayer und hast Lust zu reisen Unsere Benefits Aus- und Weiterbildung - Fachspezifische Schulungen, kompetentes MentoringBetriebliche Gesundheitsförderung - Zuschuss zur betrieblichen Altersvorsorge, Zusatzversicherungen, diverse Sportangebote wie Urban Sports Club, Yoga etc.Events - Weihnachtsfeier, Sommerfest, Teamevents, Jubiläumsfeiern und -reisenPrämien - Prämienzahlungen für erfolgreich abgeschlossene Projekte, Attraktive Gehaltsmodelle, MitarbeiterempfehlungsprämienAusstattung - Notebook / Macbook, Mitarbeiter PC Programm, Ergonomische Arbeitsplätze, Kostenlose Getränke, Gemeinschaftsräume mit WohlfühlcharakterArbeitszeiten - Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, mobiles Arbeiten, 30 Tage Urlaub, WorkationJobrad - Jobrad, JobticketZuwendungen - Zuschüsse für Kindergarten/Kita und außerordentliche Zuwendungen je Lebenssituation und Betriebszugehörigkeit Du denkst das mit uns könnte passen? Dann freuen wir uns über deine Kontaktaufnahme. Du kannst uns entweder über Telefon, E-Mail, Xing oder LinkedIn kontaktieren oder Du besuchst uns online auf unserem Bewerberportal.Dein AnsprechpartnerDaria BonfittoTalent Acquisition Specialist+49 6221 3304-248 Bewerben Wir sind die Berater der Weltmarktführer: Hochmotivierte Experten, die sich miteinander vernetzen, um als erfolgreiches Team digitale End-to-End Geschäftsprozesslösungen voranzutreiben. Gemeinsam stärken wir die Zukunft der beeindruckendsten Unternehmen der Welt aus Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Automotive, Life Science, Pharma und Chemie, mit denen wir viel gemeinsam haben.Unser ausgezeichneter Ruf bei Hidden Champions öffnet Dir die Türen für anspruchsvolle Projekte mit einzigartigen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Werde Teil einer der besten und verlässlichsten Beratungen und nutze vielfältige Entwicklungschancen. Als engagierter Mitarbeiter kannst Du bei uns schnell Verantwortung übernehmen und über Dich hinauswachsen. Du triffst auf Kollegen, die wirklich etwas bewegen wollen und als starkes Team zusammenhalten. cbs ist der Ort, an dem Experten bleiben wollen. Mayra Ortmann Consultant Mein Tipp für die Bewerbung ist, dass man einfach man selbst bleibt. Ich persönlich finde, dass man sich auf die meistens Fragen sowieso eher schle... Mitarbeiter:in cbs Corporate Busin... Dustin Marschall Talent Acquisition Specialist Betriebswirtschaftliches Interesse und eine hohe IT Affinität, analytische und lösungsorientierte Denkweise, Spaß daran Neues zu erlenen, Kommunika... Arbeitgeber cbs Corporate Busin... Mehr Infos zum Unternehmen Standort cbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Voßkuhle 37 c c/o Materna Information & Communications SE, 44141 Dortmund, Deutschland
Salesforce Traineeprogramm (m/w/d)
cbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Dortmund
Start in eine erfolgreiche Zukunft: Das Salesforce-Trainee Programm der cbs CX – Customer ExperienceTiefe Einblicke gewinnen, praktische Erfahrungen sammeln, Expertenwissen generieren – für Trainees bieten sich bei der cbs CX schnell facettenreiche Möglichkeiten. Wir bereiten unsere Nachwuchskräfte in unserem eigenen Trainee-Programm gezielt auf eine Karriere in der Salesforce-Beratung vor. Diese Strategie hat sich bewährt.Gestalte Deine und unsere Zukunft!Das ICH wird stärker durch das WIR – davon sind wir überzeugt. Erfolg braucht beides: Persönlichkeiten, die für ihre Aufgaben brennen, und ein starkes Team. Wer als Trainee bei cbs CX einsteigt, legt den Grundstein für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft in der Welt der Beratung.Denn Deine persönliche (Karriere-)Entwicklung wird bei uns großgeschrieben! Gestalte Deine und unsere Zukunft und werde Teil eines internationalen, hochmotivierten Teams, das für die Umsetzung globaler Projekte brennt. Wir suchen ganzjährig Verstärkung für unsere Salesforce Beratungsorganisation (m/w/d).Locations: Bundesweit, Heidelberg, München, Stuttgart, Dortmund, Hamburg, Berlin Unser Angebot 6-monatiges IntensivprogrammAusbildungsort: Heidelberg oder München, danach freie StandortwahlIndividueller StartterminEinstieg mit unbefristetem Arbeitsvertrag und attraktivemGehaltTraining-on-the-job als Mitglied eines cbs-TeamsIndividuell zugeschnittenes AusbildungsprogrammSalesforce University Schulungen mit Salesforce Zertifizierung Programminhalte Vermittlung von Best Practices und Erfahrungswissen aus der Beratung durch 1:1 Mentorenbetreuung zur direkten persönlichen und fachlichen Begleitung und KarriereführungAnwendung des erworbenen Know-hows im Rahmen konkreter Projekt- und KundenkontexteTrainingssprache: Deutsch und EnglischHigh Professionals Training: Planung, Durchführung und Betreuung des Programms durch erfahrene Senior Consultants und Manager Unsere Benefits Aus- und Weiterbildung - Fachspezifische Schulungen, kompetentes MentoringBetriebliche Gesundheitsförderung - Zuschuss zur betrieblichen Altersvorsorge, Zusatzversicherungen, diverse Sportangebote wie Urban Sports Club, Yoga etc.Events - Weihnachtsfeier, Sommerfest, Teamevents, Jubiläumsfeiern und -reisenPrämien - Prämienzahlungen für erfolgreich abgeschlossene Projekte, Attraktive Gehaltsmodelle, MitarbeiterempfehlungsprämienAusstattung - Notebook / Macbook, Mitarbeiter PC Programm, Ergonomische Arbeitsplätze, Kostenlose Getränke, Gemeinschaftsräume mit WohlfühlcharakterArbeitszeiten - Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, mobiles Arbeiten, 30 Tage Urlaub, WorkationJobrad - Jobrad, JobticketZuwendungen - Zuschüsse für Kindergarten/Kita und außerordentliche Zuwendungen je Lebenssituation und Betriebszugehörigkeit Wir freuen uns auf Dich! Du bist von den Vorteilen die Cloud Lösungen in einer sich rasch wandelnden Geschäfts- und Privatwelt bieten überzeugt? Die Entwicklung von IT Lösungen für große Industrieunternehmen auf Basis von Salesforce empfindest Du als eine reizvolle Herausforderung? Dann komm einfach auf uns zu. Kontaktiere uns über Telefon, E-Mail, Xing oder LinkedIn oder Du besuchst uns online auf unserem Bewerberportal.Werde Teil eines jungen agilen Teams. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung.Dein AnsprechpartnerDaria BonfittoTalent Acquisition Specialist+49 6221 3304-248 Bewerben Über das Unternehmen Mayra Ortmann Consultant Mein Tipp für die Bewerbung ist, dass man einfach man selbst bleibt. Ich persönlich finde, dass man sich auf die meistens Fragen sowieso eher schle... Mitarbeiter:in cbs Corporate Busin... Dustin Marschall Talent Acquisition Specialist Betriebswirtschaftliches Interesse und eine hohe IT Affinität, analytische und lösungsorientierte Denkweise, Spaß daran Neues zu erlenen, Kommunika... Arbeitgeber cbs Corporate Busin... Mehr Infos zum Unternehmen Standort cbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Voßkuhle 37 c c/o Materna Information & Communications SE, 44141 Dortmund, Deutschland
Regional Sales Manager
ADDEV Materials Aerospace, Dortmund
About ADDEV Materials: www.addevmaterials.com ADDEV Materials was established in 2006 and is an intermediate-sized owner-managed company with more than 800 employees on 15 sites throughout the world. It has a turnover of 200 million euros. As a designer and manufacturer of long-lasting, customized materials – adhesives, technical films, glues and chemical products – ADDEV Materials ensures responsible industrial performance for its clients in the Aerospace & Defense, Mobility & Industries and Healthcare & Hygiene markets. ADDEV Materials is an expert manufacturer and distributor and also provides genuine know-how in terms of: - Converting technical films and adhesive solutions.We are currently looking to recruit a home based, self-motivated, ambitious individual with proven aerospace consumables or coatings and related chemicals sales experience.Job Purpose StatementTo develop ADDEV Materials position as a leading supplier to the Aerospace, Defence and similar high-tech industries; within a defined geographical territory and/or market sector. To achieve or exceed sales targets using sales and account management techniques in line with the company’s strategy. To provide consultancy to customers on the correct product selection and use, to enhance the customer’s process for mutual advantage.To identify and call regularly on key customers and prospects, meeting key decision makers and presenting proposals for the sale/purchase and use of ADDEV Materials product range.To increase market penetration and market share for ADDEV Materials.The role will home-based and require external sales visits and marketing events, with frequent trips to the Company’s facilities in the UK. The Sales Manager must be able to conduct themselves in a professional manner and have excellent communication skills to maintain and develop key relationships.Job AccountabilitiesTo achieve sales targets set by and agreed with the VP Sales.Sales region Northern Europe (Germany, Netherlands, Austria)To support and ensure continuity of business with customers through recognised account management techniques.To develop a time management programme and journey plan ensuring that customers are regularly visited at a frequency related to their expenditure and needs.To technically support the use of ADDEV Materials products at the customer.To fully understand and have expertise in the use of non-metallic materials in industry and the related specifications and environmental legislation. To use this knowledge to develop ADDEV Materials business in the marketplace.To develop and maintain an accurate market profile and records of key customers, contacts, and specifications utilising Microsoft Dynamics CRM.To get to know key contacts in the customer base, meet them regularly and be recognised as a competent and knowledgeable consultant.To prepare proposals, technical solutions and service offers to customers as required.To prepare and make formal presentations of the company’s products and services to customers and to secure new markets and orders as a result.Contribute to the activities and success of the company.Work with the customer services department and the Operations manager to ensure that ADDEV Materials offers the best and unrivalled levels of service, quality and value to its customers.Maintain a library of technical and commercial data necessary to support the application of ADDEV Materials products at the customer.Job Knowledge, Skills and ExperienceGraduate or similar calibreKnowledge of coatings and non-metallic materials technology and aerospace manufacturing techniques and requirements.Knowledge of specifications and regulations that affect the industry.Experienced in sales, with formal training in sales techniques and recognised account management skills.Excellent presentation and communication skills; numerate and literate.Motivated and methodical, good team-working skills.Self-starter, used to working unsupervised.Competitive and with a will to overcome objections and succeed in a competitive environment.Language – English and 2nd language preferredKey ChallengesAchieve sales targets and growth objectives in line with plan. Retain customers for the long term good of the company.Create an increased demand for the company’s products in a competitive market, where many similar offers are available.To become fully conversant with ADDEV Materials product and service offerTo become expert in industry specifications and legislation, which affect the success of the business.To attain expertise in the application of ADDEV Materials products in the customer’s process.To identify new customers and opportunities and to progress sales from initial contact through to invoice.To communicate with suppliers and customers and to be recognised as an expert.Our Values:TEAM (Transparency - Enthusiam - Autonomy - Motivation) Standort ADDEV Materials Aerospace, Dortmund
IN-HOUSE SALESFORCE APPLICATION CONSULTANT (m/w/d) 100% REMOTEDeutsch C1 - C2VollzeitTechOhana such für einen Endkunden eine:n Salesforce Application Consultant (m/w/d).* Salesforce Sales Cloud * Salesforce Marketing Cloud * Salesforce Service Cloud *Du evaluierst gemeinsam mit den Stakeholdern Anforderungen an das CRM-System und berätst im Hinblick auf technische Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten. Du unterstützt aktiv bei Implementierungsprojekten mit dem Verfassen von User Stories, Erstellen von Solution Design oder dem Testen der Entwicklung. Dabei hast Du die Vorgehensweise der agilen Produktentwicklung verinnerlicht: Geschäftsprozesse verstehen, Kundenbedürfnisse definieren, eine Lösung erarbeiten, diese implementieren und zuletzt die Akzeptanz überprüfen. Wenn Anwender einmal nicht weiterwissen, stehst Du Ihnen bei Support- und Bug-Anfragen zur Seite. Deine Aufgaben kannst du zu 100 % remote erledigen! DEIN PROFIL Begeisterung für die Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen und Technologie, zuverlässig, engagiert, aufgeschlossen, teamorientiert, kommunikationsstarkAbgeschlossene IT-Ausbildung oder Studium in Wirtschaftsinformatik, IT, Digitalisierung oder ähnlichem BereichErfahrung als Salesforce-Administrator von Vorteil, intensive Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen, Identifizierung von Geschäftsprozessen, Erfahrung in Schulung von Benutzern, Erstellung von Schulungsmaterialien und DatenanalyseStrukturiert, selbstständig, gründlich und verantwortungsbewusstGrundkenntnisse in Salesforce-Architektur und -Datenmodellierung, Verwaltung von Salesforce-Systemen inkl. Konfiguration, Anpassung, Berichterstellung und Datenverwaltung erwünschtSicherer Umgang mit MS-OfficeSehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftBENEFITSFamilienfreundlich, flexible Arbeitszeiten und Work-Life-Balance30 Urlaubstage zum VertragsstartBetriebliche AltersvorsorgeRegelmäßige Firmenevents, monatliche Office-PartyWeiterentwicklungsmöglichkeitenFamiliäres Klima, Teamgedanke steht im VordergrundMitarbeiter duzen sich gegenseitig und haben enge Beziehungen zu Geschäftsführunguvm.!TechOhana als Arbeitgeber setzt sich für Vielfalt und Gleichberechtigung ein. Wir bestätigen, dass wir alle Bewerbungen von Kandidat*innen - unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion, Behinderung, Alter oder Erfahrung - gerne entgegennehmen Standort TECHOHANA, Dortmund
Senior Manager Procurement Excellence & Digital Transformation (f/m/d)
WILO SE, Dortmund
Senior Manager Procurement Excellence & Digital Transformation (f/m/d)Wilo is proud to be one of the leading companies in the pump industry and premium supplier for building services, water management and industrial sectors. By developing excellent products and solutions we move not only water, we also move the future for people all over the world.Your TasksInitiate and manage projects for the standardization, digitalization and optimization of methods and processes for global procurementDrive the implementation of our global procurement digitalization strategy (especially with regards to the SAP ARIBA software suite)Screen technology and industry trends for digitalization and excellence in procurement and derive potential measures for our organizationSetup and drive change management activities in order to ensure a successful implementation of new methods, processes and toolsEstablish KPIs and metrics to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of global (digital) procurement excellence activitiesEmpower WILOu2019s global procurement team with state-of-the-art qualifications and trainings and ensure continuous improvement activitiesEnsure close alignment with global procurement management and key users as well as cross-functional stakeholders like IT, SCM or R&DYour ProfileYou have a degree (diploma/master's degree) in (industrial) engineering, economics, computer engineering, or comparable courses of studyYou have at least 4-6 years of experience in procurement and/or procurement excellence preferrable in technology driven industriesYou are passionate about methods & process optimization and digitalizationYou have a proven track record in leading process excellence and digitalization projects from conception to implementationYou work in a goal-oriented, structured manner and maintain an overview even in complex situations and stressful situationsYou have excellent communication and stakeholder management skillsIf you are open to international business trips (10-20%) and are business fluent in English, then you are the perfect fit for us and the positionWilo offers many advantages as an employerAttractive remuneration – IG Metall Tariff NRW, special and additional paymentsFlexible Working time structure – 35 hour week, flexitime, possibility to work remotelyAttractive working environment – u200bu200bhigh-quality equipment, 3 canteens and barista lounge, free parking spaceFurther development opportunities - individual and professional further training measuresValue-oriented culture – appreciative cooperation, lived diversitySustainability – E-Charging stations, hydrogen project, renewable energies, sustainable productsHealth management – u200bu200bVarious offers such as health days and health screeningsApply now via our online Career Portal stating your earliest possible starting date.If you submit your application to us, your data will be stored electronically for six months for the purpose of the application process.In case you have any additional Questions, please feel free to contact: patrick.sellnies[AT]wilo.com WILO BRINGS THE FUTURE.
IT Consultant (m/f/d) for software projects
ITS Informationstechnik Service GmbH, Dortmund
IT Consultant (m/f/d) for software projects Welcome to the ITS Group, a company with over 600 employees on board and 20 locations in Germany and worldwide. We are known for our leading role in software and services and are pioneers for the changes of tomorrow. Our customers in the network operator sector already rely on our solutions in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Business Information Systems (BIS). But now to you: are you ready to become part of a committed and qualified team that not only works together, but also wants to achieve great things together? With us, it's not just about a career, but also about the opportunity to shape your own path. To strengthen our team, we are currently looking for several Employees (m/f/d) for customer consulting in software projects for our headquarters directly at Dortmund's Phoenixsee and at our locations in Darmstadt and Karlsruhe. Your tasks: Advising and supporting our customers in software projects (software implementation, migration, etc.) in close coordination with the sales managers and project managers Modeling and documenting business processes and workflows Supporting internal requirements management (product development) Your profile: Completed studies (e.g. energy management, urban water management, supply engineering, business informatics) or a comparable qualification Experience in customer consulting and good knowledge of agile project management methods (especially SCRUM) Know-how in the field of business process modeling (BPM) desirable High willingness to communicate and work independently Flexibility and occasional willingness to travel Do you want to become part of our team and are you interested in the position of IT Consultant (m/f/d) for software projects? Then we look forward to receiving your online application at karriere.its-service.de . Discover the fantastic benefits that await you: A six-month training program that not only imparts knowledge, but also passion. Organize your working hours the way you want! With our flexible working hours, individual time-out models and remote work options, you are our priority. Further training opportunities so that you always have your finger on the pulse. An attractive salary that values your performance. Joint sporting events to not only strengthen the team, but also to have fun together Tutors and mentors who have your back and are on hand with help and advice. Collaboration in strong, dynamic teams with flat hierarchies and a working environment at eye level. From inspiring health days and joint workouts to ergonomic workstations - we not only promote physical fitness, but also team spirit and productivity! Discover a world of benefits with Corporate Benefits! Exclusive offers, discounts and special extras are waiting for you! Small gestures that make a big difference - we celebrate your milestones in life with a selection of selected gifts and rewards. A secure job in a future-oriented industry - with your skills, you will help keep the world of network operators digitally up and running.
GIS Consultant/ Solution Architect (m/w/d)
ITS Informationstechnik Service GmbH, Dortmund
GIS Consultant/ Solution Architect (m/f/d) Welcome to the ITS Group, a company with over 600 employees on board and 20 locations in Germany and worldwide. We are known for our leading role in software and services and are pioneers for the changes of tomorrow. Our customers in the network operator sector already rely on our solutions in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Business Information Systems (BIS). But now to you: are you ready to become part of a committed and qualified team that not only works together, but also wants to achieve great things together? With us, it's not just about a career, but also about the opportunity to shape your own path. To strengthen our team, we are currently looking for a GIS Consultant/ Solution Architect (m/f/d) in the field of ArcGIS technologies for our headquarters directly at Dortmund's Phoenixsee. Your tasks: Contact person for our customers regarding ArcGIS Pro technology Customer consulting for all questions in the ArcGIS environment Design, implementation, further development and operation of customer-specific GIS solutions and architectures Your profile: Degree in geoinformatics or a comparable technical-scientific degree as well as initial professional experience good knowledge of ArcGIS products, especially ArcGIS Pro ideally know-how in dealing with ArcPy, ArcObjects and ArcGIS Pro SDK Programming skills in Python and C# High willingness to communicate and motivation to familiarize yourself with new technologies and software solutions Flexibility and occasional willingness to travel Discover the fantastic benefits that await you: A six-month training program that not only imparts knowledge, but also passion. Organize your working hours the way you want! With our flexible working hours, individual time-out models and remote work options, you are our priority. Training opportunities so that you always have your finger on the pulse. An attractive salary that values your performance. Joint sporting events to not only strengthen the team, but also to have fun together Tutors and mentors who have your back and are on hand with help and advice Collaboration in strong, dynamic teams with flat hierarchies and a working environment at eye level. From inspiring health days and joint workouts to ergonomic workstations - we not only promote physical fitness, but also team spirit and productivity! Discover a world of benefits with Corporate Benefits! Exclusive offers, discounts and special extras are waiting for you! Small gestures that make a big difference - With a selection of selected gifts and rewards - we celebrate your milestones in life. A secure job in a future-oriented industry - with your skills, you will help keep the world of network operators digitally up and running.
SAP Consultant (m/f/d) - Process Consulting and SAP Workflow
PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH, Dortmund
SAP Consultant (m/f/d) - Process Consulting and SAP Workflow If you enjoy ... advising our customers on the introduction of workflow solutions in the SAP environment, e.g. for incoming invoices, (Partial) project management and coordination of our developers during the implementation of workflow solutions conducting training courses and workshops, structuring problems, penetrating them analytically, solving them creatively and presenting them in an understandable way, supporting our customers' key users, And you ... have initial professional experience in process modeling or as an SAP consultant, have a high affinity for IT and a good understanding of complex interrelationships and processes are interested in technology trends and enjoy constantly learning new things, have business fluent German language skills to ensure a smooth exchange with our German-speaking customers are a team player and value respectful cooperation, Then you will get with us ... flexible working hours and the opportunity to work wherever you want: either in our attractive offices, in your home office or mobile working in and outside Germany. 30 days' vacation, a 39-hour week for full-time employees or individual part-time models. A fair and industry-oriented salary that matches your experience and qualifications. a balanced program around health@PROMOS, such as an Urban Sports membership, JobRad, monthly health offers and an allowance for workplace glasses, regular team events and annual summer and Christmas parties. other benefits that make PROMOS a great place to work. Your questionsPlease send your documents in PDF format, preferably via our career portal or by e-mail to [email protected] . -- We look forward to your application! Your PROMOS Recruiting Team Sophie, Deborah, Aleyna PROMOS consult GmbH, Rungestrau00dfe 19, 10179 Berlin About usFounded in 1998, PROMOS consult is one of the leading consulting and system houses that develops software solutions specifically for the housing, construction and real estate industries. We have been innovative for many years and have our finger on the pulse of the times. The portfolio consists of a wide range of tools for professional real estate management - from apps and digital workflows in SAPu00ae to full service in the data center. Curious? Then become part of our vision of a digitalized future!
SAP Support Consultant (m/w/d) - First- & Second Level
PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH, Dortmund
SAP Support Consultant (m/w/d) - First- & Second Level Wenn du Spau00df hast an ... dem First Level Support mit direktem Kundenkontakt, der eigenverantwortlichen und lösungsorientierten Bearbeitung von Problem- und Fragestellungen, der Suche von Hinweiskorrekturen und Lösungsansu00e4tzen zur erfolgreichen Fehlerbehebung, der Dokumentation von Analyse und Lösung im SAP Solution Manager, der Unterstu00fctzung unserer internen Beraterinnen und Berater sowie Entwicklerinnen und Entwicklern in verschiedenen IT-Fragestellungen, Und du ... eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung im IT-Umfeld oder vergleichbare Qualifikationen vorweisen kannst, gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Ticketsystemen und Erfahrungen im Service Desk gesammelt hast, idealerweise SAP bzw. eine der SAP Komponenten SAP FI, SAP RE-FX, SAP MM/IH/PS gut kennst, Spau00df an aktiver Kundenkommunikation hast, bereit fu00fcr den Schichtdienst zwischen 07.00 Uhr und 19.00 Uhr bist, Dann bekommst du bei uns ... flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit zu arbeiten, wo du möchtest: entweder in unseren attraktiven Bu00fcroru00e4umen, im Home-Office oder mobiles Arbeiten in und auu00dferhalb Deutschlands. 30 Tage Urlaub, eine 39 Stunden-Woche bei Vollzeit oder individuelle Teilzeitmodelle. ein faires und branchenorientiertes Gehalt, das deiner Erfahrung und Qualifikation entspricht. ein ausgewogenes Programm rund um health@PROMOS, wie z.B. eine Urban Sports-Mitgliedschaft, JobRad, monatliche Gesundheitsangebote und Zuschuss zur Arbeitsplatzbrille, regelmu00e4u00dfige Teamevents sowie ju00e4hrliche Sommer- und Weihnachtsfeste. weitere Benefits, die PROMOS zum Great Place to Work machen. Deine FragenDeine Unterlagen sende bitte im PDF-Format vorzugsweise u00fcber unser Karriereportal oder per E-Mail an [email protected] . -- Wir freuen uns! u00dcber unsBereits 1998 gegru00fcndet, zu00e4hlt PROMOS consult zu den fu00fchrenden Beratungs- und Systemhu00e4usern, das Softwarelösungen speziell fu00fcr die Wohnungs-, Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft entwickelt. Seit vielen Jahren sind wir innovativ und arbeiten am Puls der Zeit. Das Portfolio setzt sich aus einem breiten Spektrum an Tools fu00fcr das professionelle Immobilienmanagement zusammen u2013 von der App u00fcber digitale Workflows in SAPu00ae bis zum Full-Service im Rechenzentrum. Neugierig? Dann werde Teil unserer Vision von einer digitalisierten Zukunft!
Senior IT-Consultant (m/w/d) SAP Data & Analytics in Berlin, Hamburg oder remote
Dataciders GmbH, Dortmund
Senior IT Consultant (m/f/d) SAP Data & Analytics in Berlin, Hamburg or remotely Short descriptionAs a Senior IT Consultant (m/f/d) at SD&C you can expect exciting tasks in areas such as data governance, data warehousing and data integration. We will give you the opportunity to contribute your valuable experience and creative ideas and to act as a valued contact person. With analytical expertise and a high sense of responsibility, we work together to develop suitable solutions for our customers. Is this the challenge you are looking for? ..... Then we really should get to know each other! What you can expect in your new role You will advise our customers on all questions relating to SAP Data & Analytics. You are responsible for creating requirements analyses and designing system architectures for customized SAP Analytics solutions. Together with your motivated colleagues, you implement data warehouse structures based on SAP HANA, BW/4HANA, SAP Datasphere. You work on the design and implementation of ETL processes and data models You create BI and planning applications, e.g. using SAP Analytics Cloud. You will have the opportunity to take on responsibility through (partial) project management What we want from you You have a degree in business informatics, computer science, economics or a comparable qualification. You have a results-oriented, systematic and analytical way of working. You have sound practical experience in support or consulting within the SAP Analytics portfolio (SAP BW, SAP HANA, SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Datasphere, ...). You are customer-oriented, communicative and have a feel for requirements and projects. You have very good communication skills in German and good knowledge of English Nice to have: Ideally you have knowledge and experience in S/4HANA and ABAP programming. What we offer you The opportunity to work from one of our modern offices in Berlin, Hamburg or remotely 30 days vacation Agile, varied and exciting projects Top hardware equipment Close cooperation with helpful colleagues, knowledge sharing and transparency Flat hierarchies, short decision-making processes, communication at eye level Trusting cooperation with our customers Family-friendly company Regular team events Contribution to retirement provision Job bike About usIn August 2003, experienced IT experts and managers founded our company as SD&C Solutions Development & Consulting GmbH. Today, we are an established player in the field of IT services. Our portfolio ranges from technical, methodical consulting, the development of IT and business solutions, integration and maintenance of solutions and thus covers the entire application life cycle. The focus of our holistic and vendor-independent software consulting is always the search for the best solution, not the sale of a specific product. We want to achieve the greatest possible benefit for our customers and thus help to ensure their long-term business success. This is the only way we can ensure that employee productivity can be increased and corporate management optimized. In order to achieve this, however, efficient IT solutions must be developed in advance. As a specialized IT service provider with a high level of technological expertise and industry-specific process know-how, we are therefore at our customers' side. SD&C Solutions Development & Consulting is part of Dataciders GmbH, a group of IT service providers specializing in data & AI and operating throughout Germany.
Junior Consultant (m/f/d) for our software solutions
ITS Digital Solutions GmbH, Dortmund
Junior Consultant (m/f/d) for our software solutions Welcome to the ITS Group, a company with over 600 employees on board and 20 locations in Germany and worldwide. We are known for our leading role in software and services and are pioneers for the changes of tomorrow. Our customers in the network operator sector already rely on our solutions in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Business Information Systems (BIS). But now to you: are you ready to become part of a committed and qualified team that not only works together, but also wants to achieve great things together? With us, it's not just about a career, but also about the opportunity to shape your own path. To strengthen our team, we are currently looking for a Employee (m/f/d) for customer consulting in software projects for our headquarters directly on Dortmund's Phoenixsee. Your tasks: Customer-side consulting in software projects and introduction of our software solutions Recording of customer requirements and their implementation in the context of product configuration Development of solution descriptions based on our software products Regular exchange with the customer and the development teams Your profile: Completed studies in the field of computer science or a comparable qualification Experience in customer consulting High willingness to communicate and motivation to familiarize yourself with new technologies and software solutions Ability to work independently and a high degree of teamwork Flexibility and occasional willingness to travel Do you want to become part of our team and are you interested in the position of Junior Consultant (m/f/d) for our software solutions? Then we look forward to receiving your online application at its-service.de/its-gruppe/karriere . Discover the fantastic benefits that await you: A six-month training program that not only imparts knowledge, but also passion. Organize your working hours the way you want! With our flexible working hours, individual time-out models and remote work options, you are our priority. Training opportunities so that you always have your finger on the pulse. An attractive salary that values your performance. Joint sporting events to not only strengthen the team, but also to have fun together Tutors and mentors who have your back and are on hand with help and advice Collaboration in strong, dynamic teams with flat hierarchies and a working environment at eye level. From inspiring health days and joint workouts to ergonomic workstations - we not only promote physical fitness, but also team spirit and productivity! Discover a world of benefits with Corporate Benefits! Exclusive offers, discounts and special extras are waiting for you! Small gestures that make a big difference - we celebrate your milestones in life with a selection of selected gifts and rewards. A secure job in a future-oriented industry - with your skills, you will help keep the world of network operators digitally up and running.
SAP Support Consultant (m/w/d) - First- & Second Level
PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH, Dortmund
SAP Support Consultant (m/f/d) - First- & Second Level If you enjoy ... first level support with direct customer contact, independent and solution-oriented processing of problems and questions, the search for information corrections and solution approaches for successful troubleshooting, documenting the analysis and solution in SAP Solution Manager, supporting our internal consultants and developers in various IT issues, And you ... have completed training in the IT field or have comparable qualifications, have good knowledge of ticket systems and experience in the service desk ideally have a good knowledge of SAP or one of the SAP components SAP FI, SAP RE-FX, SAP MM/IH/PS, enjoy active customer communication, are prepared to work shifts between 07:00 and 19:00, Then you will get ... flexible working hours and the opportunity to work wherever you want: either in our attractive offices, in your home office or mobile working in and outside Germany. 30 days' vacation, a 39-hour week for full-time employees or individual part-time models. A fair and industry-oriented salary that matches your experience and qualifications. a balanced program around health@PROMOS, such as an Urban Sports membership, JobRad, monthly health offers and an allowance for workplace glasses, regular team events and annual summer and Christmas parties. other benefits that make PROMOS a great place to work. Your questionsPlease send your documents in PDF format, preferably via our career portal or by e-mail to [email protected] . -- We look forward to hearing from you! About usFounded in 1998, PROMOS consult is one of the leading consulting and system houses that develops software solutions specifically for the housing, construction and real estate industries. We have been innovative for many years and have our finger on the pulse of the times. The portfolio consists of a wide range of tools for professional real estate management - from apps and digital workflows in SAPu00ae to full service in the data center. Curious? Then become part of our vision of a digitalized future!
IT Consultant Application Support (w/m/d)
SMF GmbH, Dortmund
SMF Ltd. IT Consultant Application Support (f/m/d) WHO WE ARE We have been advising our customers on digitalization issues at five locations in Europe for over 35 years. We develop software solutions and analyze data. We improve our customers' processes and use our own software products as well as those developed by partners - and we want to keep growing! If you are looking for a professional environment in which you can give your all, where your ideas are valued and your tasks are appropriately rewarded, then become part of the team. We look forward to receiving your application! DRIVING INNOVATION FORWARD Are you at home in the world of IT? Do you enjoy solving problems? Are you looking for a varied job in an innovative company? Then we need to get to know each other! To strengthen our pricing team in our Oil division, we are looking for a permanent IT Consultant Application Support (f/m/d) for the further development and provision of application support for our customers at 1st and 2nd level. YOUR TASKS As part of a growing team, you will support our customers in the operation of the entire fuel pricing application. You are the first point of contact for all disruptions in the end-to-end process, from missing authorizations to critical system failures. Incident, problem and change management are your daily tasks and no problem for you. As part of the continuous improvement process, you are responsible for coordinating with our customers. You are the point of contact for both IT stakeholders and users of the application You work independently on faults or, if necessary, hand them over to the responsible contact persons/teams. If required, you will support IT projects. YOUR PROFILE You have a degree in (business) informatics or have completed training, for example as an IT specialist (f/m/d) specializing in system integration or a comparable qualification. You enjoy a solution-oriented way of working. You are a strong communicator and can adapt well to different users and their different skills. Ideally, you already have experience in the IT Service Desk area. In addition, you are characterized by a strong service mindset, combined with a high degree of service and customer orientation. Ideally, you already have experience in ITIL or the willingness to acquire this in one of our further training courses. Very good German and good written and spoken English skills round off your profile. ITIL certification is desirable, but not a requirement. Previous knowledge of \"Service Now\" and AWS is an advantage. SMF OFFERS YOU Flexible working hours and mobile working Option of a company car with private use Option of a company bike with private use Versatile training opportunities and individual development opportunities in a growing company Company pension scheme Allowance for lunch in the bistro Free use of the fitness studio at the location Excellent working atmosphere, company parties and team events Modern working environment, conveniently located Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes Room for experiments and your own ideas: We award prizes for the best suggestions in our \"SMF Future Program\" OUR VALUES - OUR CULTURE Are you looking for a professional environment where you can give your all? Where your ideas are valued and your work is appropriately rewarded? Do you want to not only work, but also feel good? Then become part of our team! There are many IT service providers in Germany and Europe. What makes us special? Our passion for technology and a family atmosphere. We love what we do and that's why we're good. Our working atmosphere is characterized by relaxed and friendly interaction. We celebrate successes and overcome hurdles together. We stick together because we are a team. Does that sound interesting to you? Then you've come to the right place! Apply now, we look forward to hearing from you!
(Senior) Consultant u2013 SAP Business Intelligence (m/w/d)
PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH, Dortmund
(Senior) Consultant - SAP Business Intelligence (m/f/d) If you enjoy ... advising our customers on the introduction and further development of SAP Business Intelligence solutions, especially in the SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP BW/4HANA, conducting training courses and workshops, structuring problems, penetrating them analytically, solving them creatively and presenting them in an understandable way, supporting our customers' key users, And you ... have knowledge of SAP BW 7.50 and SAP BW/4HANA, have professional experience in the SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) environment have carried out your first SAP BW-IP implementations have a high affinity for IT and a good understanding of complex interrelationships and processes are interested in technology trends and enjoy constantly learning new things, have business fluent German language skills to ensure a smooth exchange with our German-speaking customers are a team player and value respectful cooperation, Then you will get with us ... flexible working hours and the opportunity to work wherever you want: either in our attractive offices, in your home office or mobile working in and outside Germany. 30 days' vacation, a 39-hour week for full-time employees or individual part-time models. A fair and industry-oriented salary that matches your experience and qualifications. a balanced program around health@PROMOS, such as an Urban Sports membership, JobRad, monthly health offers and an allowance for workplace glasses, regular team events and annual summer and Christmas parties. other benefits that make PROMOS a great place to work. About usFounded in 1998, PROMOS consult is one of the leading consulting and system houses that develops software solutions specifically for the housing, construction and real estate industries. We have been innovative and working at the cutting edge for many years. The portfolio consists of a wide range of tools for professional real estate management - from apps and digital workflows in SAPu00ae to full service in the data center. Curious? Then become part of our vision of a digitalized future!
Computer Scientist (m/f/d) Business Model Innovation
ITS Informationstechnik Service GmbH, Dortmund
Computer Scientist (m/f/d) Business Model Innovation Welcome to the ITS Group, a company with over 600 employees on board and 20 locations in Germany and worldwide. We are known for our leading role in software and services and are pioneers for the changes of tomorrow. Our customers in the network operator sector already rely on our solutions in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Business Information Systems (BIS). But now to you: are you ready to become part of a committed and qualified team that not only works together, but also wants to achieve great things together? With us, it's not just about a career, but also about the opportunity to shape your own path. To strengthen our team, we are currently looking for a Computer Scientist (m/f/d) for the technical development of innovative business models and ideas (as a staff position - you will work directly with the company management) for our headquarters directly on Dortmund's Phoenixsee. Your tasks: Developing technical requirements for new business models/ideas in the software sector Prototypical implementation of web- or app-based solutions up to product maturity Deriving relevant topics by analyzing market and technology trends within the energy and network industry Close coordination with management, sales and development Software development and architecture in collaboration with the relevant departments Your profile: Completed studies in the field of computer science (e.g. business informatics, applied computer science, etc.) First professional experience in the field of software development / architecture A good business understanding and interest in new business models Knowledge of common programming languages and technologies (preferably .NET Framework, C#, HTML5) Ideally an understanding of the energy and network industry as well as e-commerce Enjoy implementing new ideas, creativity and motivation Do you want to become part of our team and are you interested in the position of computer scientist (m/f/d) in the area of business model innovation? Then we look forward to receiving your online application at its-service.de/its-gruppe/karriere . Discover the fantastic benefits that await you: A six-month training program that not only imparts knowledge, but also passion. Organize your working hours the way you want! With our flexible working hours, individual time-out models and remote work options, you are our priority. Training opportunities so that you always have your finger on the pulse. An attractive salary that values your performance. Joint sporting events to not only strengthen the team, but also to have fun together Tutors and mentors who have your back and are on hand with help and advice Collaboration in strong, dynamic teams with flat hierarchies and a working environment at eye level. From inspiring health days to joint workouts and ergonomic workstations - we not only promote physical fitness, but also team spirit and productivity! Discover a world of benefits with Corporate Benefits! Exclusive offers, discounts and special extras are waiting for you! Small gestures that make a big difference - With a selection of selected gifts and rewards - we celebrate your milestones in life. A secure job in a future-oriented industry - with your skills, you will help keep the world of network operators digitally up and running.
GIS Consultant/ Solution Architect (m/w/d)
ITS Informationstechnik Service GmbH, Dortmund
GIS Consultant/ Solution Architect (m/w/d) Willkommen bei der ITS Gruppe, einem Unternehmen mit u00fcber 600 Mitarbeitern an Bord und 20 Standorten in Deutschland und weltweit. Wir sind bekannt fu00fcr unsere fu00fchrende Rolle in Sachen Software und Services und sind die Wegbereiter fu00fcr die Veru00e4nderungen von morgen. Unsere Kunden im Bereich der Netzbetreiber setzen schon heute auf unsere Lösungen im Bereich Geographische Informationssysteme (GIS) und Betriebsinformationssysteme (BIS). Aber jetzt zu Dir: Bist Du bereit, Teil eines engagierten und qualifizierten Teams zu werden, das nicht nur zusammenarbeitet, sondern auch gemeinsam Grou00dfes erreichen möchte? Bei uns geht es nicht nur um Karriere, sondern auch um die Möglichkeit, Deinen eigenen Weg zu gestalten. Zur Verstu00e4rkung unseres Teams suchen wir aktuell einen GIS Consultant/ Solution Architect (m/w/d) im Bereich der ArcGIS Technologien fu00fcr unseren Hauptsitz direkt am Dortmunder Phoenixsee. Deine Aufgaben: Ansprechpartner unserer Kunden hinsichtlich der ArcGIS Pro-Technologie Kundenberatung in allen Fragen im ArcGIS Umfeld Konzipierung, Implementierung, Weiterentwicklung und Betrieb von kundenspezifischen GIS Lösungen und Architekturen Dein Profil: abgeschlossenes Geoinformatik-Studium oder ein vergleichbares technisch-wissenschaftliches Studium sowie erste Berufserfahrung gute Kenntnisse im Bereich der ArcGIS Produkte, insbesondere in ArcGIS Pro idealerweise Know-how im Umgang mit ArcPy, ArcObjects und ArcGIS Pro SDK Programmierkenntnisse in Python und C# hohe Kommunikationsbereitschaft und Motivation, sich in neue Technologien und Softwarelösungen einzuarbeiten Flexibilitu00e4t und vereinzelte Reisebereitschaft Entdecke die fantastischen Benefits, die auf Dich warten: Ein sechsmonatiges Schulungsprogramm, das nicht nur Wissen, sondern auch Leidenschaft vermittelt. Gestalte Deine Arbeitszeit wie Du es willst! Mit unseren flexiblen Arbeitszeiten, individuellen Auszeit-Modelle und Remote Work Möglichkeiten, stehst Du bei uns im Vordergrund. Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, damit Du immer am Puls der Zeit bist. Eine attraktive Vergu00fctung, die Deine Leistungen wertschu00e4tzt. Gemeinsame sportliche Events, um nicht nur das Team zu stu00e4rken, sondern auch miteinander Spau00df zu haben. Tutoren und Mentoren, die Dir den Ru00fccken stu00e4rken und mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen. Zusammenarbeit in starken, dynamischen Teams mit flachen Hierarchien und einem Arbeitsumfeld auf Augenhöhe. Von inspirierenden Gesundheitstagen u00fcber gemeinsame Workouts bis hin zu ergonomischen Arbeitsplu00e4tzen u2013 wir fördern nicht nur die körperliche Fitness, sondern auch das Teamgefu00fchl und die Produktivitu00e4t! Entdecke eine Welt voller Vorteile mit Corporate Benefits! Exklusive Angebote, Rabatte und besondere Extras warten auf Dich! Kleine Gesten, die Grou00dfes bewirken u2013 Mit einer Auswahl an ausgewu00e4hlten Geschenken und Pru00e4mien - feiern wir Deine Meilensteine im Leben. Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz in einer zukunftsorientierten Branche u2013 mit Deinen Fu00e4higkeiten tru00e4gst Du dazu bei, die Welt der Netzbetreiber digital am Laufen zu halten.
SAP Consultant (m/w/d) - Immobilienmanagement (SAP RE, RE-FX),
PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH, Dortmund
SAP Consultant (m/f/d) - Real Estate Management (SAP RE, RE-FX), If you enjoy ... advising our customers on the implementation of real estate management solutions based on SAP ERP and PROMOS software products, Analysis, development and implementation tasks in SAP projects, quality assurance of our SAP and PROMOS.GT solutions for real estate management (in the SAP RE, RE-FX module), the planning and implementation of training courses and workshops, support for key users, Perspectively: taking on tasks in (partial) project management, And you ... are a graduate in business informatics or economics, ideally with a background in real estate and project management, or have a comparable qualification, have expertise or a keen interest in real estate management, have good knowledge of at least one of the SAP components FI or RE-FX are open to working with new and innovative technologies have business fluent German language skills to enable a smooth exchange with our German-speaking customers are enthusiastic about teamwork and value respectful cooperation Then you will get ... flexible working hours and the opportunity to work wherever you want: either in our attractive offices, in your home office or mobile working in and outside Germany. 30 days' vacation, a 39-hour week for full-time employees or individual part-time models. A fair and industry-oriented salary that matches your experience and qualifications. a balanced program around health@PROMOS, such as an Urban Sports membership, JobRad, monthly health offers and an allowance for workplace glasses, regular team events and annual summer and Christmas parties. other benefits that make PROMOS a great place to work. Your questionsPlease send your documents in PDF format, preferably via our career portal or by e-mail to [email protected] . -- We look forward to hearing from you! About usFounded in 1998, PROMOS consult is one of the leading consulting and system houses that develops software solutions specifically for the housing, construction and real estate industry. We have been innovative for many years and have our finger on the pulse of the times. The portfolio consists of a wide range of tools for professional real estate management - from apps and digital workflows in SAPu00ae to full service in the data center. Curious? Then become part of our vision of a digitalized future!
Digital Solution Sales Consultant (m/w/d) - IoT Solutions
3C - Career Consulting Company GmbH, Dortmund
Digital Solution Sales Consultant (m/w/d) - IoT Solutions 3C - Career Consulting Company GmbH, Dortmund/hybrid 3C - Career Consulting Company 3C - das steht für Karrieren, die gelingen. Für Beratung, die passende Arbeitgeber und Kandidaten zusammenführt. Und für ein Unternehmen, das sich seit 21 Jahren auf eine Aufgabe konzentriert: Executive Search für höchste Ansprüche. Unser Mandant ist ein in 2020 gegründetes Digitalisierungs Start-Up und Tochterunternehmen eines der führenden Anbieter im Bereich der Luft- und Antriebstechnik. Das Unternehmen hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, digitale Lösungen, beispielsweise zur Verbesserung von Energiebilanz und Luftqualität in Gebäuden oder zur intelligenten Datenanalyse, zu entwickeln, zu vermarkten und zu vertreiben. Im Rahmen des erfolgreichen und nachhaltigen Wachstums suchen wir für das Team in Dortmund einen Digital Solution Sales Consultant (m/w/d) , der mit Leidenschaft und Begeisterung an der Konzeptionierung und Vermarktung der innovativen digitalen IoT Services mitarbeiten möchte. Digital Solution Sales Consultant (m/w/d) - IoT Solutions Standort: Dortmund/hybrid Deine Aufgaben: Beratung und Unterstützung der Vertriebsteams bei der Vermarktung digitaler Lösungen für die Kernprodukte des Mutterkonzerns Identifizierung der Kundenbedürfnisse und überzeugende Vermittlung des Nutzens entlang der Wertschöpfungskette Zusammenarbeit mit dem Marketingteam zur Unterstützung von Marketing- und Kommunikationsaktivitäten Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Schulungsaktivitäten für Konzerngesellschaften, um das Verständnis für digitale Services und vertriebliche Methodiken zu fördern Dein Profil: Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder einem verwandten Fachgebiet Überzeugendes Auftreten und ausgeprägte Kunden- und Ergebnisorientierung Grundlegende Kenntnisse in den Bereichen digitale Transformation, IoT, Cloud Computing, künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning Verhandlungssicheres Deutsch und Englisch in Wort und Schrift Spaß an Problemlösungen und der Zusammenarbeit in einem multidisziplinären Team Was Dich erwartet: Agilität eines Start-ups kombiniert mit der Sicherheit eines weltweit führenden Unternehmens Effizientes und dynamisches Teamumfeld mit agiler Arbeitsweise und Einbeziehung in Entscheidungsprozesse Flache Hierarchien und familiäre Atmosphäre mit Hands-on-Mentalität Attraktive Arbeitsumgebung und Angebot zur kontinuierlichen Weiterbildung Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Möglichkeit zum Homeoffice Sehr gute Erreichbarkeit, auch mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Exzellente Entwicklungs- und Aufstiegschancen Bist Du interessiert? Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen. Persönlich für Dich da! Frau Bianca Fernu00e1ndez T: +49 (0)89 / 17 95 36 - 21 M: [email protected] www.3c-career.com Jetzt bewerben 3C - Career Consulting Company Nibelungenstrasse 84 80639 München +49 (0)89 17 95 36-0 [email protected]
SAP Team Leader - EWM Development (m/f/d) (IT Developer (further education/training))
simplecon GmbH, Dortmund
SAP Team Leader - EWM Development (m/f/d) (IT Developer (further education/training)) Do you want to make a difference and be the hero of your customers? We are currently looking for: SAP Team Leader - EWM Development (m/f/d) in Dortmund simplecon is a nationwide personnel consultancy with a focus on direct recruitment. With our broad network, we are the perfect link between candidates and companies. On behalf of our clients, we search for specialists and managers to fill existing vacancies directly. Our client is a leading project house for logistics solutions with SAP and is looking for a SAP Team Leader - Development (m/f/d) to start as soon as possible. Apply here now Your future area of responsibility Together with your team, you will design and implement creative and innovative solutions for mapping logistics processes in SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) in close cooperation with the Consultants Team In addition to technical responsibility, you will be responsible for managing and developing your team You will be involved in both national and international projects You will take on development tasks in ABAP OO as part of the software implementation at customer companies from various industries Depending on your professional orientation, your focus can be on one of the following areas Implementation of mobile applications, form printing, or material flow systems Your profile You have sound knowledge of development with ABAP OO and a good understanding of logistics in general as well as logistics processes Ideally, you have experience in managing small teams Good knowledge in one or more of the following areas: SAP EWM, EWM RF - Framework and ITSmobile, form printing Smart Forms and Adobe Interactive Forms, material flow systems (MFS) in SAP EWM, connection of partially or fully automated warehouse systems to SAP EWM MFS (e.g. storage and retrieval machines, pallet and container conveyor technology) Very good written and spoken German, good English skills an advantage You impress with your open, team-oriented manner and communicate confidently and skillfully Your ideas inspire others, you recognize customer needs and work in a results-oriented manner We offer you Very good development opportunities in an exciting project environment with the latest SAP technologies at well-known customers from various industries A career plan tailored to your own wishes with continuous further training and qualification A good work-life balance thanks to a flexible working time model and the option of mobile working Attractive company car scheme Numerous employee benefits, e.g. JobRad, team events, etc. This is how it continues You can apply directly online by clicking on the Apply for this job now button.