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Senior IT-Administrator (m/w/d) in einem mittelstu00e4ndischen Unternehmen
jobtimum GmbH Personalvermittlung, Bremen
Senior IT-Administrator (m/w/d) in einem mittelstu00e4ndischen Unternehmen Senior IT-Administrator (m/w/d) in einem mittelstu00e4ndischen Unternehmen Fu00fcr unseren Mandanten, ein erfolgreiches und mittelstu00e4ndisches Industrieunternehmen, suchen wir zum nu00e4chstmöglichen Zeitpunkt und fu00fcr eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit einen erfahrenen IT-Administrator (m/w/d). Das Unternehmen u00fcberzeugt durch eine langju00e4hrige Mitarbeiterbindung, stabile Auftragslage und einen steten Blick fu00fcr Weiterentwicklungen am Puls der Zeit. DAS WIRD SIE u00dcBERZEUGEN Familiu00e4re Arbeitsatmosphu00e4re und Flache Hierarchien Nachhaltiger Umgang mit Ressourcen Fahrradleasing sowie Parkplu00e4tze fu00fcr Mitarbeitende Unternehmenskultur, welche die berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung fördert DAS SIND IHRE AUFGABEN In Ihrer Position als Senior IT-Administrator (m/w/d) u00fcbernehmen Sie die ganzheitliche Betreuung der IT-Infrastruktur unseres Mandanten und stellen sowohl Verfu00fcgbarkeit sowie Leistungsfu00e4higkeit sicher Hierzu verantworten Sie neben dem Ausbau und der Administration auch die regelmu00e4u00dfige Wartung der betriebseigenen Server, Netzwerke, Firewalls und Clients Durch die u00dcberwachung der Netzwerke, der Server und der Hardware sowie durch die Implementierung geeigneter Mau00dfnahmen sorgen Sie als Senior IT-Administrator (m/w/d) fu00fcr einen reibungslosen Ablauf aller IT-relevanten Prozesse Als vertrauensvoller Sparringspartner der Geschu00e4ftsfu00fchrung erarbeiten Sie eigenstu00e4ndig IT-Projekte und planen den weiteren Ausbau der IT-Infrastruktur Schlieu00dflich stehen Sie als Senior IT-Administrator (m/w/d) bei Ru00fcckfragen und Problemen zur Verfu00fcgung und arbeiten vertrauensvoll mit den Mitarbeitenden und Fu00fchrungskru00e4ften unseres Mandanten zusammen DAMIT Ku00d6NNEN SIE PUNKTEN Ihre Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker (m/w/d) fu00fcr Systemintegration, zum Fachberater (m/w/d) fu00fcr integrierte Systeme oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung haben Sie erfolgreich abgeschlossen Wir wu00fcrden uns gleichermau00dfen u00fcber Ihre Bewerbung freuen, wenn Sie unabhu00e4ngig von Ihrer Ausbildung, relevante praktische Erfahrungen im genannten Aufgabenbereich mitbringen Sie verfu00fcgen u00fcber gute Kenntnisse in der Installation und Einrichtung moderner IT-Hardware sowie mit den gu00e4ngigen Microsoft-Betriebssystemen und Applikationen Ihre fachliche Erfahrung konnten Sie bereits erfolgreich als IT-Netzwerkadministrator (m/w/d), IT-Manager (m/w/d) oder IT-Administrator (m/w/d) in einem mittelstu00e4ndischen Unternehmen einbringen Als Senior IT-Administrator (m/w/d) haben Sie Lust darauf, Wissen zu teilen und sukzessive ein schlagkru00e4ftiges IT-Team aufzubauen Ein hohes Mau00df an Serviceorientierung, Eigenstu00e4ndigkeit, Teamfu00e4higkeit sowie Verantwortungsbewusstsein runden Ihr Profil PASST NICHT? Sie möchten eigentlich gerne etwas anderes tun, aber auch Ihre Erfahrungen nutzen? Wir suchen immer wieder Quereinsteiger. Alles, was Sie dafu00fcr wissen mu00fcssen, können Sie bei uns lernen. Bei jobtimum hat Ihre Bewerbung mehr als nur eine Chance. JOB DETAILS Job-Kategorie: Personalberatung Arbeitsort: Bremen Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit Anstellung: Direktvermittlung IHR MEHRWERT Karriere-Coaching Nachhaltige Verbindungen Exklusivitu00e4t Jahrelange Erfahrung und Expertise WIR SIND AUF EMPFANG Markus Leonhardt jobtimum GmbH Am Wall 113 28195 Bremen 0421 398885-00 [email protected] Unsere Ansprache richtet sich an alle Mitglieder der Gesellschaft.
IT system administrator (m/f/d)
Office People Personalmanagment GmbH BremenHastedt, Bremen
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) About us At office people, we bring thousands of people together with our extensive customer network every day. As an experienced personnel service provider, we work successfully for our employees and customers at over 130 locations in 10 countries. What should you bring with you? Successfully completed training in the IT sector (e.g. IT specialist for system integration) or a comparable qualification. Experienced professionals with the relevant \"know-how\" are welcome anyway A quick grasp of things and a willingness to continue learning. An open and honest manner that enriches our team atmosphere German & English language skills are required What can you expect? Installation, configuration and maintenance of IT systems, including servers and network components. Specialization in virtualization technologies and their management. Monitoring system performance and carrying out regular maintenance work. Working on IT projects, including the planning and implementation of system upgrades. Documentation of the IT infrastructure and regular review of security guidelines. Active participation in the continuous optimization of IT-supported fleet and operational processes to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs. Why us in particular? Payment according to GVP collective agreement Comprehensive training and further development opportunities Excellent chance of being taken on by the customer Special annual payments such as vacation and Christmas bonuses Individual support and advice during the application process Contact information office people Personalmanagement GmbH Dominik Schmeichel T: +49 421 515731-13 Knochenhauerstrau00dfe 41-42 28195 Bremen
Network Administrator - Senior (m/f/d)
Gesundheit Nord gGmbH | Klinikverbund Bremen, Bremen
Network Administrator - Senior (m/f/d) We are looking for you to join our team in the Medical and Information Technology division. Using IT expertise where it really helps people: in hospitals. Gesundheit Nord gGmbH is one of the largest municipal hospital groups in Germany. We offer highly specialized healthcare services in four large hospitals with more than 7,500 employees. A modern and reliable IT infrastructure is an important basis for the professional medical and nursing care of our patients. And now you come into play! This is your job with us: Design, operation and administration of the entire network infrastructure WAN, LAN, WLAN and firewall are part of your daily tasks you provide active support in the integration of solutions into the existing landscape you are interested in working on and managing IT projects, user support for the network area you work on the conception and implementation of IT security and data protection requirements in the network area What you bring with you: you have successfully completed a degree in computer science, engineering or computer engineering Alternatively, you are an IT specialist for system integration (m/f/d) with several years of professional experience you have good knowledge of network design and network management and experience in service provider management What we offer you: A permanent employment contract with 38.5 hours / week full-time, 30 days vacation / year good work-life balance thanks to flexible working hours with up to 5 days / week in mobile work / home office A varied and exciting job with lots of creative opportunities and a wide range of further training opportunities company health management \"Healthy with us\" with many in-house exercise and relaxation offers and company fitness with EGYM Wellpass, job ticket and bicycle leasing Offers for child and family care, e.g. daycare close to the company, back-up daycare or care placement and advice in the event of a family care case A collectively agreed basic annual salary of between around u20ac51,500 and u20ac72,100 in accordance with TVöD-K (EG 11) for the full-time position, including annual special payment, automatic collectively agreed salary increases, additional pension scheme (VBL) Contact: Ronald App Head of Infrastructure Department Tel. 0421 497 - 81151 Application deadline: 10.05.2024 Four large hospitals, over 55 specialist clinics, a dozen affiliated institutes and, last but not least, more than 7,500 employees as well as numerous highly specialized medical services: Gesundheit Nord gGmbH is one of the largest municipal hospital groups in Germany and the second largest employer in Bremen. Equal opportunities and diversity are an important part of our HR policy. This is why we give priority to women in areas where women are underrepresented, provided they have the same professional and personal qualifications. Severely disabled applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable.
Senior IT Administrator (m/f/d) in a medium-sized company
jobtimum GmbH Personalvermittlung, Bremen
Senior IT Administrator (m/f/d) in a medium-sized company Senior IT Administrator (m/f/d) in a medium-sized company For our client, a successful and medium-sized industrial company, we are looking for an experienced IT administrator (m/f/d) for a long-term collaboration at the earliest possible date. The company impresses with long-term employee retention, a stable order situation and a constant eye for further developments at the cutting edge. THAT WILL CONVINCE YOU Familiar working atmosphere and flat hierarchies Sustainable use of resources Bicycle leasing and parking spaces for employees Corporate culture that promotes professional and personal development THESE ARE YOUR TASKS In your position as Senior IT Administrator (m/f/d), you will be responsible for the holistic support of our client's IT infrastructure and ensure both availability and performance In addition to expansion and administration, you will also be responsible for the regular maintenance of the company's servers, networks, firewalls and clients By monitoring the networks, servers and hardware and implementing suitable measures, as a Senior IT Administrator (m/f/d) you will ensure that all IT-relevant processes run smoothly As a trusted sparring partner for the management, you will independently develop IT projects and plan the further expansion of the IT infrastructure Finally, as a Senior IT Administrator (m/f/d), you will be available for queries and problems and work in a trusting manner with our client's employees and managers YOU CAN SCORE POINTS WITH THIS You have successfully completed your training as an IT specialist (m/f/d) for system integration, as a specialist consultant (m/f/d) for integrated systems or comparable training We would be equally pleased to receive your application if, regardless of your training, you have relevant practical experience in the above area of responsibility You have good knowledge of installing and setting up modern IT hardware as well as common Microsoft operating systems and applications You have already successfully contributed your professional experience as an IT network administrator (m/f/d), IT manager (m/f/d) or IT administrator (m/f/d) in a medium-sized company As a Senior IT Administrator (m/f/d), you are keen to share knowledge and gradually build up a powerful IT team A high degree of service orientation, independence, the ability to work in a team and a sense of responsibility round off your profile DOES NOT FIT? Would you like to do something else, but also use your experience? We are always looking for career changers. You can learn everything you need to know from us. At jobtimum, your application has more than one chance. JOB DETAILS Job category: Personnel consulting Place of work: Bremen Working hours: full-time Employment: Direct placement YOUR ADDED VALUE Career coaching Sustainable connections Exclusivity Years of experience and expertise WE ARE ON RECEPTION Markus Leonhardt jobtimum GmbH Am Wall 113 28195 Bremen 0421 398885-00 [email protected] Our address is aimed at all members of society.
Systemadministrator:in | First-Level-Support (m/w/d)
Governikus GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen
System Administrator | First-Level Support (m/f/d) Your tasks: As a system administrator (m/f/d), you will advise your internal colleagues on inquiries and IT problems (first-level support) for the client area. You will be the first point of contact for hardware and software problems on the work devices. The following tasks await you: Internal first level support for Windows & Linux clients User support for hardware & software via our ticket system Management of IT hardware (asset management) Documentation and maintenance of the internal support knowledgebase Assistance with the administration of user and e-mail accounts Your profile: Initial experience, e.g. in IT support or relevant professional training desirable - but career changers are also welcome! Passion for IT Knowledge of the operating systems Windows 10/11 and Linux Ubuntu Desktop LTS Good knowledge of standard applications such as Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.), common browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc.) Experience with devices such as laptops, desktops, iPhones, iPads and printers desirable Ability to recognize and grasp complex issues and explain them in an understandable way Good communication and teamwork skills characterize you Good written and spoken German and ideally a basic knowledge of English