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(Junior) PIM Administrator (m/w/d) – Integration und Weiterentwicklung
Sikla Corporate Services Headquarters GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen
Sikla ist einer der führenden europäischen Anbieter von Befestigungssystemen für Rohrleitungs- und Anlagentechnik. Unsere über 50-jährige Erfahrung und unser Anspruch, auf dem Produkt- wie auf dem Dienstleistungssektor Maßstäbe zu setzen, garantieren unseren Kunden wirtschaftliche und hoch qualifizierte Ergebnisse. Die Sikla Corporate Services Headquarters GmbH (SHQ) vereint alle zentralen internationalen Abteilungen der Sikla Gruppe. Alle Abteilungen sind im engen internationalen Austausch mit den Sikla Landesgesellschaften und lokalen Spiegelpositionen. Werden auch Sie ein Teil der Sikla Gruppe! Zur Verstärkung unseres Master-Data-Management-Teams möchten wir Sie als (Junior) PIM Administrator (m/w/d) – Integration und Weiterentwicklung in Villingen-Schwenningen gewinnen. Unsere Vision im Team für Master Data Management bei SIKLA ist es, die Grundlage für die digitale Transformation der SIKLA Firmengruppe durch die effektive Nutzung von Daten zu schaffen. Das vorrangige Ziel ist es daher, sicherzu­stellen, dass sowohl unsere internen als auch externen Kunden stets Zugang zu aktuellen und präzisen Produktinfor­ma­tionen haben. Hierfür arbeiten wir eng mit anderen Teams zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Daten nahtlos integriert werden und einen reibungslosen Informations­fluss gewährleisten. Ihre Aufgaben Sie sind verantwortlich für die Pflege und Optimierung unseres Product-Information-Management-Systems (PIM), um sicherzustellen, dass Produktinformationen stets aktuell und fehlerfrei sind Sie arbeiten aktiv an der Integration des PIM-Systems mit anderen Unternehmensplattformen und -systemen, wie z. B. SAP, CMS und anderen relevanten Tools Sie fördern die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung unseres PIM-Systems, um den sich wandelnden Anforderungen gerecht zu werden Sie generieren aktiv Ideen, wie unser Datenmanagement und insbesondere unser PIM-System die Digitalisierung vorantreiben können Sie arbeiten aktiv in internationalen Digitalisierungsprojekten innerhalb der Firmengruppe Als Datenmanagement-Experte gewährleisten Sie die nahtlose Übertragung von Daten zwischen verschiedenen Systemen und Plattformen, um einen reibungslosen Informationsfluss zu gewährleisten Als Qualitätskontrolleur überwachen und sichern Sie die Qualität der Daten in allen Systemen und etablieren strenge Datenstandards und -richtlinien Als Weiterentwicklungs­pionier unterstützen Sie die Schulung und die Teams bei der optimalen Nutzung des PIM-Systems und fördern die Integration in die Unter­nehmensabläufe. Zudem streben Sie die ständige Weiterentwicklung an und möchten die Systeme auf ein höheres Niveau heben Als analytischer Visionär nutzen Sie Datenanalysen, um wertvolle Einblicke in Produktinformationen und Markt­trends zu gewinnen und die Zukunft aktiv zu gestalten Ihr Profil Sie verfügen über einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder einem verwandten Bereich, oder mehrjährige facheinschlägige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Datenmanagement Sie bringen Erfahrung in der Verwaltung und Optimierung von PIM-Systemen sowie in der System­integration mit, idealerweise mit Contenserv Sie sind mit Datenbankmanagement und -integration vertraut Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sind exzellent, und Sie arbeiten gerne in interdisziplinären Teams Sie sind ein analytischer Denker und lieben es, Herausforderungen anzunehmen und Lösungen zu entwickeln Unser Angebot Wir sind ein international aufgestelltes und motiviertes Team Wir arbeiten in flachen Hierarchien und mit Eigenverantwortung Wir bieten eine unbefristete Fest­anstellung, attraktive Vergütung und Zusatzleistungen, wie betriebliche Altersvorsorge und vermögens­wirksame Leistungen Wir arbeiten flexibel im Office und Remote, ohne bürokratische Hürden Wir haben eine Betriebskantine, kostenlose Getränke, Car- und Bike-Leasing-Angebote u. v. m. Wir sind Hansefit-Partner mit attraktiven Konditionen für unser Team Wir sind familienfreundlich und fördern eine gelebte Work-Life-Balance mit unseren flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodellen und attraktiven Urlaubsregelungen Wir ziehen an einem Strang und feiern Erfolge Wir sind ein buntes und breit gefächertes Unternehmen, wo innovatives Denken, Ideen und Initiative gefördert werden. Ein respektvoller, aber auch familiärer Umgang ist uns in unserer täglichen Arbeit sehr wichtig Unsere mehr als Mitarbeiter:innen an über 24 Standorten sind unsere Basis und unser wichtigstes Kapital. Wir bieten Ihnen spannende Karrieremöglichkeiten, um gemeinsam mit uns zu wachsen. Wenn Sie die Herausforderung annehmen, unser PIM-System zu optimieren, konti­nuierlich weiterzuentwickeln und gleichzeitig die Integration mit anderen Systemen zu fördern, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Eileen Brüggemann Online bewerben Sikla Corporate Services Headquarters GmbH In der Lache 17 VS-Schwenningen sikla.de Standort Sikla Corporate Services Headquarters GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen
Administrator für Projektspezifische IT-Umgebung (m/w/d)
zeitkraft Gesellschaft für Personalservice mbH, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg
StellenbeschreibungIhre AufgabenAdministration der Rhapsody Umgebung inkl. BitBucket und TortoiseAdministration der DOORS DatenbankAnlegung von DOORS Nutzern und Gruppen, Vergabe von Nutzer- und Gruppen-RechtenAnlegung von Modulen und Inhalten mit StandardbelegungenErstellung von Views, die DXL Berechtigung erfordernFehlerbehebung in Modulen (Strukturelle und User-Fehler)Anlegung und Korrektur von SHARE Rechten in den ModulenSynchronisation von DOORS Modulen über Datenbankgrenzen hinweg mit Hilfe von PTC SynchronizerFehlersuche und Behebung bei invaliden SynchronisierungenTemplate-Erstellung und Dokumentgenerierung mit Rational Publishing Engine für DOORS und RhapsodyToolbezogene Unterstützung der Nutzer beim Import/Editieren von neuen Anforderungen, bzw. DOORSObjektenBeratung/Austausch/Support mit Requirementsverantwortlichen von PartnerfirmenErstellung von Informationsausleitungen (wie z.B. Traceability Informationen) z.B. mit Hilfe von DXLSkriptenKontrolle der Prozesskonformität der NutzerEnge Zusammenarbeit mit dem EntwicklungsteamProzess- und Tool-Entwicklung mit den requirementsverantwortlichen Ingenieuren im TeamIhre QualifikationKenntnisse im Requirementsmanagement und Model Based System EngineeringToolkenntnisse für DOORS und RhapsodyUmfangreiches, fundiertes und anwendbares technisches Wissen in den Bereichen IT-Hardware, ITSoftwareund IT-System wünschenswertAusgeprägte Kommunikations- und TeamfähigkeitStrukturierte, gewissenhafte und analytische ArbeitsweiseHohes Maß an Eigeninitiative und EinsatzbereitschaftErweiterte Sicherheitsüberprüfung (Ü2)Sehr gute Deutsch- und EnglischkenntnisseUnsere Benefits:Übertarifliche Bezahlung, VWL, Sonderzahlungen (z.B. Weihnachtsgeld, Urlaubsgeld)Bis zu 30 Tage Urlaubggf. Fahrgeld, Fahrdienst oder Erstattung der FahrkarteVorschuss-/Abschlagszahlungen nach individuellen BedürfnissenWeiterempfehlung wird belohnt mit unserem "Mitarbeiter werben Mitarbeiter" ProgrammJe nach Niederlassung betreuen wir Sie gerne auch in folgenden Sprachen:DEUTSCH, ENGLISCH, ALBANISCH, TÜRKISCH, GRIECHISCH, ITALIENISCHWir freuen uns bald von Ihnen zu hören! Bei der Online-Bewerbung können Sie nach Eingabe Ihrer Kontaktdaten den Lebenslauf "hochladen". Dies dauert nur rund 3 Minuten.ZEITKRAFT. Ihr Partner für HR ManagementZeitarbeit | Arbeitsvermittlung | Outsourcing | Head Hunting | Onsite Management.Wir eröffnen Ihnen neue berufliche Perspektiven durch eine Festanstellung in der zeitkraft Unternehmensgruppe.Auf Sie warten spannende Aufgaben mit vielen Einsatz- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Wir sind zufrieden, wenn Sie es sind.WIR FREUEN UNS AUF IHRE BEWERBUNG!Über das Unternehmen:zeitkraft Gesellschaft für Personalservice mbH
Junior Global IT Support Administrator
Media.Monks, Stuttgart
Description Now, about the opportunity: In the Junior Global IT support administrator role your responsibility is to make sure all your fellow Monks can keep on creating their awesome work. You will do this as part of a global team which specialises in helping our colleagues get back up and running in no time. Additionally, our ideal candidate is a fast and flexible go-getter who jumps on new opportunities to improve efficiency, accuracy and productivity. In this role you will (be): You’re responsible for installing and configuring all computer hardware, software, networking systems (assisting) and printers in our Stuttgart (Leonberg) office, repairing and replacing equipment as necessary. Handling incoming issues and requests from our Monks, you’ll provide first-line support for troubleshooting, and set up new colleagues in a flash. Together with the global IT support team you’re responsible for delivering remote IT support across the globe and specifically in the EMEA region. Handling incoming issues and requests from our colleagues, you’ll provide first-line support to troubleshoot any IT related issues that come up. Contribute to making sure that your colleagues across the globe can collaborate to craft cool stuff for the leading agencies and brands. Your responsibilities as an administrator include managing user accounts, and onboarding new users. While also granting everyone access to the right tools. As a true IT support employee, you have the inexplicable capacity to fix problems simply by looking at the allegedly malfunctioning device. Experience you already have: 1-2 years of experience in IT support Good communication skills – both written and verbal (German and English) Excellent of knowledge of ticketing systems with a preference for Freshservice As an all-round troubleshooter, you can support both Windows and Mac. Hands on experience with Jamf pro and Google device management You can provide application support for all kinds of software packages and are all too familiar with plugins, patches and drivers. A real team player but at the same time able to work independently Constantly exploring new IT territories, you’re so eager to learn on the job we don’t even have to tell you. Onelogin experience or other SSO solutions #LI-NB1 About Media.Monks: Media.Monks is the purely digital operating brand of S4Capital plc that connects 8,600+ digital natives across one global team. We are united by a mission to shift industries forward and pave the path towards ambitious outcomes so our clients and our people can realize their full potential for growth. Our unified model combines solutions in media, data, social, platforms, studio, experience, brand and technology services to help our clients continuously reinvent themselves throughout increasingly rapid cycles of disruption. Our efforts to shape culture, build innovative technologies and unlock the future of growth have earned recognition from numerous esteemed panels: we maintain a constant presence on Adweek’s Fastest Growing lists (2019-22), regular recognition at Cannes Lions, inclusion in AdExchanger’s Programmatic Power Players (2020-23), the title of Webby Production Company of the Year (2021-23), a record number of FWAs, and have earned a spot on Newsweek’s Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces 2023. Together, these achievements solidify our experience in digital innovation, excellence in craft, and commitment to personal growth. While we continue to grow our teams, please be mindful of fraudulent job postings and recruiting activities that may use our company name and information. Please be mindful to protect your personal information, especially your national identification number, and bank account information during a recruiting process. While Media.Monks may reach out to potential candidates via LinkedIn, we will always ask applicants to apply through our website () and will never ask for payment or bank account information during the recruitment process. Disclaimer: Responsible for resourcing and implementing security controls for your teams processes and systems Responsible that all your personnel apply information security in accordance with the established information security policy Standort Media.Monks, Stuttgart
System Administrator (m/f/d)
NiCE IT Management Solutions GmbH, Leonberg
NiCE IT Management Solutions GmbHSystem Administrator (m/f/d) Leonberg NiCE IT Management Solutions is an internationally operating company, specializing in monitoring solutions for server applications. Our solutions enable customers to increase availability, performance, and operational security of server applications, but also of databases and network applications. We work in close cooperation with the providers of the products that we monitor and the market leaders for monitoring solutions. Our customer base is spread all over the globe and growing steadily.To address the growth of our market we are looking for a System Administrator Your tasks:Keep our on-prem data center workstations up and running (Hardware & Software)Maintain the NiCE resources in Azure (Entra ID, Microsoft 365 applications, subscriptions, u2026) and other clouds (VMs)Install and configure applications and services we are monitoring (see Monitoring Solutions on our website)Participate in the implementation of new technologies and procedures Your profile:Core competenciesGoal-oriented, planned, and documented practiceWillingness to explore new operating areasOperating systems administration: Windows (Server & Workstation), LinuxAzure administration experienceFluent in EnglishAdditional competenciesScripting: Powershell, Linux ShellVirtualization: Hyper-V, VMwareNetworking: Routers, Switches, Firewalls, u2026Knowledge of the German languageNice to have:Git, JenkinsIBM Power systems knowledgeSoft skillsTeam playerGood communication skillsWork independently BenefitsFlexible work timesHome office possibilityAttractive bonusIf you are eager to dive into new challenges, like the data center as much as the cloud, have flexibility and the willingness to learn – then we should talk.If you are interested in the tasks described and in working in a highly motivated team with people from several different nationalities, please send us your application with a salary indication and information on when you would be available.If you want to learn more about the job, the company, the team or working in Germany in general, feel free to contact Mr. Nebenführ via e-mail to join_us[AT]nice.de. You can also find detailed information about our products on www.nice.de.NiCE IT Management Solutions GmbH Attn. Horst Nebenführ Liebigstraße 9 71229 Leonberg Germany Phone +49 7152 / 939 820 Jetzt bewerben!
(Junior) SAP Basis Administrator (m/w/d)
Michael Page, Heidelberg
Durchführung von Anforderungsanalysen und Aufwandsschätzungen für SAP-ProjekteKonzeption und Implementierung maßgeschneiderter Lösungen auf der SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP)Entwicklung und Integration neuer Anwendungen, die SAP BTP mit anderen Cloud- und SAP-Systemen kombinierenSicherstellung der Qualität durch umfassende Tests und anschließende Überführung der Anwendungen in die produktive UmgebungZusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Stakeholdern, inklusive Dokumentation und WissensvermittlungKontinuierliche Optimierung der bestehenden Systeme und Evaluierung neuer TechnologienMitwirkung an Projekten, insbesondere bei der Transformation zu SAP S/4HANA, und Koordination mit dem LizenzmanagementProzessanalyse und Entwicklung von IT-Lösungen auf Basis von SAP BTPSteuerung und Überwachung externer DienstleisterAbgeschlossenes Studium in Wirtschaftsinformatik, technischer Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation mit relevanter BerufserfahrungMindestens 3 Jahre Erfahrung in der SAP-Administration, insbesondere im S/4HANA-UmfeldFähigkeit zum selbstständigen, prozessorientierten und proaktiven ArbeitenAusgeprägte Kommunikations-, Präsentations-, Team- und ProblemlösungsfähigkeitenInteresse an technischen und innovativen IT-HerausforderungenWünschenswert sind Kenntnisse in ABAP, Java, JavaScript, Python sowie Erfahrung mit Redwood RunMyJobs und der SAP BTPBereitschaft zur kontinuierlichen Weiterbildung
IT system administrator (m/f/d) ID:270406
DIS AG - Office & Management -, Freiburg im Breisgau
Be the one to navigate the virtual rooms and synchronize the systems to ensure a smooth operating environment. Our client is a leading research institute located in Freiburg and is looking for a dedicated IT System Administrator to join their team. In this position, you will be an essential part of the IT team, helping to ensure smooth and secure IT operations. This position is full-time (39h/week) as part of direct recruitment. This position is to be filled within the framework of direct placement / within the framework of personnel placement. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) ID:270406 Your tasks: Active participation in the IT team to ensure IT operations Planning and development of IT systems according to the institute's requirements Implementation of IT systems and application projects, including the coordination and execution of all necessary steps Continuous review and monitoring of the IT infrastructure to ensure its functionality Constant analysis and optimization of the existing IT infrastructure to increase efficiency and performance Your qualifications: Successfully completed training as an IT specialist for system integration Experience in the administration of large IT infrastructures, especially in network or server administration Knowledge of software development, ideally in C#, SQL and scripting languages an advantage Understanding of IT security management Ability to work in a team, structured and solution-oriented approach Very good written and spoken German and English skills An innovative and future-oriented working environment. Opportunities for professional and personal development. Flexible working hours and up to 50% home office. Attractive additional benefits such as job ticket, flexitime, overtime compensation, company pension scheme and other benefits. An inclusive and diverse working environment. Simply and easily send us your CV directly by email or click on \"Apply directly\"!
Continum AG, Freiburg im Breisgau
IT NETWORK AND CLOUD ADMINISTRATOR (m/f/d) We are looking for the next possible date for the location in the heart of Freiburg or in the home office a IT NETWORK AND CLOUD ADMINISTRATOR Are you in your element when it comes to configuring firewalls? Security is part of your DNA? VPN, VLAN, VXLAN, Spanning Tree, OSPF and BGP are part of your standard vocabulary? Do you know your way around TCP/IP? Do you know your way around sophisticated network configurations and firewall rules? Cloud is not just a term for you, but you move safely in it? Do you understand the opportunities and risks associated with its use? Do you feel at home in virtual environments? \"Infrastructure as code and the automation of standard tasks are nothing new to you? Are you flexible and experienced in mastering the challenges of on-call duty? You don't want to stand still. Instead, do you want to learn new things, be challenged and encouraged? Do you want to work as part of a great team? Then you've come to the right place! Your tasks: You are responsible for the configuration, installation, maintenance and administration of network and firewall components. You configure, install and maintain cloud environments in Microsoft Azure or Windows Server environments. You support the Service Desk at 2nd level. You are the technical contact for all questions concerning network, firewall or Microsoft environments. You ensure the trouble-free operation of the network, firewall, Azure cloud and Microsoft infrastructure You further develop existing systems and implement new infrastructures You ensure the availability of the environments, carry out error analyses and troubleshooting and communicate with internal and external customers You ensure the availability of customer systems, including on-call duty. You have an open ear for the wishes and requirements of our customers What we expect from you: You have successfully completed training as an IT specialist, a degree in IT or equivalent in-depth knowledge acquired in practice. You have at least 3 years of professional experience in the areas listed. You have sound knowledge in the areas of network infrastructure (routing/switching/virtual infrastructure) and firewalls (preferably Fortinet product portfolio) You have experience in managing Microsoft Azure environments You have experience with Powershell as well as Microsoft Active Directory, Azure Entara ID, Server and databases are available. You are customer and service-oriented and have a high degree of motivation, flexibility and commitment. You have above-average problem-solving skills and a strong analytical understanding. Willingness to work outside regular business hours and willingness to be on call. Knowledge of IT processes according to ITIL is an advantage, but not a prerequisite. Confident German (min. C1) and English skills are a matter of course for you. You are enthusiastic about information technologies and the latest developments associated with them You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others. What we offer: Opportunities to work remotely (home office) Flexible working hours Performance-related remuneration Modern office environment and workplace equipment Modern technologies \"Corporate benefits\" employee offers Bike leasing (JobRad) Discounted sports offers via Hansefit Company pension scheme Job ticket for public transport or Deutschland Ticket Employee events Further training offers A challenging and varied job with a high degree of personal responsibility Awarded as a Kununu Top Employer ( https://www.kununu.com/de/continum1 ), we are constantly working to further optimize our great working environment. A collegial atmosphere and an attractive location in the Black Forest capital of Freiburg with excellent public transport connections and the opportunity to work from home round off this interesting workplace. Have we piqued your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your detailed application. Send it to us as a .pdf, stating your salary expectations and starting date, using the contact form below or by email with the subject \"IT Network and Cloud Administrator\" to [email protected] (mailto: [email protected] ). Continum AG Bismarckallee 17 D-79098 Freiburg i.Br. Contact person: Personnel department Phone +49 (0) 761 217111-0 Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge of: Windows Server 2016 operating system Advanced knowledge: Second-level support, Microsoft Azure, Windows Server 2022 operating system, Windows Server 2019 operating system Expert knowledge: Network administration, management and organization
IT system administrator (m/f/d) in Creglingen
temPERSO Rummel & Glass GmbH, Creglingen
Our client is a globally recognized machine manufacturer for the industrial processing of food. As a family business, it offers its employees a secure job, a very good working atmosphere and plenty of scope to take on responsible tasks. Here, everyone can get involved in their team and contribute to the realization of major international projects. JobChance 37-hour week and home office after induction from 54,000 euros Direct placement in a permanent position with the client IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in Creglingen Administration of client and server systems Ensuring the ongoing operation Administration of our internal network and IT landscape Carrying out fault analyses and responsible for troubleshooting Ensuring the security of all stored data (data backup) Collaboration in projects for requirements analysis and implementation of new systems Supporting the specialist departments with the installation and administration of required user software Inventory and monitoring of contract terms (e.g. CarePacks / maintenance contracts) Degree in computer science, completed IT training or equivalent experience Sound knowledge of Windows client-server systems Network knowledge and basic knowledge of databases (SQL, Oracle, ) Knowledge of Crystal reports and VBA programming an advantage Reliable and independent way of working Team orientation and a high willingness to learn and work hard Systematic, solution-oriented approach Open-minded and communicative demeanor 30 days vacation 37h week vacation pay Year-end bonus Special leave for personal events Individual health budget Employee offers - corporate benefits Company pension scheme with employer contribution Very good working atmosphere in a medium-sized family business Thorough induction and support from a competent team Performance-related promotion opportunities Long-term prospects and ongoing training Flat hierarchies and a high degree of personal responsibility Secure job in a successful environment
IT Security & Network Administrator (m/f/d)
Schuler Pru00e4zisionstechnik KG, Gosheim
Schuler Pru00e4zisionstechnik is a technology partner for sophisticated precision turned parts and pre-assembled components. We produce for innovative customer industries with over 400 employees and 30 trainees on state-of-the-art production facilities. To strengthen our IT infrastructure, we are looking for a full-time IT Security & Network Administrator (m/f/d) Your tasks: Responsibility for IT security Administration and maintenance of all security systems and methods Identifying vulnerabilities and developing security concepts/strategies Responsibility for the trouble-free operation of the network and firewall systems Collaboration in general server administration projects Your profile: Professional experience in the security and network environment Experience in the administration and project planning of security/server/network systems You work conscientiously and with commitment You think safety through to the end and can develop feasible concepts Very good German and good English skills round off your profile You can expect a varied and complex task with different technologies. Enjoy the charm of a well-established medium-sized company at Schuler Pru00e4zisionstechnik KG. company with flat hierarchies and a great deal of freedom in your role. HAVE WE PIQUED YOUR INTEREST? Then send a detailed application to [email protected] Schuler Pru00e4zisionstechnik KG Am Forchenwald 7 78559 Gosheim +49 7426 5283 - 0 www.schuler-praezision.de Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Advanced knowledge: Security systems (IT), data security, client-server technology, data protection, network administration, management, organization
IT system administrator (m/f/d)
Bital System GmbH, Gerlingen
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) Your manpower, your knowledge and Bital System GmbH - an unbeatable team! Are you looking for an employer who values professional challenges and personal development as much as you do? Then we should get to know each other! With our IT services, we offer an all-round service for IT environments of all kinds and thus ensure smooth operation for our customers. We are a motivated and ambitious team with a shared vision. With a great deal of ambition and team spirit, our focus is on supporting and setting up complete IT landscapes for small and medium-sized companies. We are looking for a dedicated IT System Administrator (m/f/d) with a focus on Windows & Microsoft 365/Cloud/MIT to join our team. As part of our team, you will have the opportunity to use your deep understanding of IT technologies and networks to translate our customers' individual requirements into customized IT solutions. Tasks Configuration, maintenance and administration of our customers' IT systems in the Microsoft server environment Participation in the team in the administration of our customers' IT infrastructure, including Windows servers, public cloud, on-prem servers, data center infrastructure, network and security, IP telephony, M365 and more Optimal conditions for knowledge building and personal development. Implementation of the latest technologies and services for complex and highly available server and network architectures Technical support for problems at Layer 8 level Implementation of incident and problem management as well as troubleshooting (2nd and 3rd level support) Development of new IT strategies and managed IT services for client and server environments Automation of recurring tasks and problems Management and/or implementation of (sub-)projects in various specialist areas Migration and support of on-prem, hybrid and cloud environments Requirements Completed training as an IT specialist, studies in the field of information technology or a comparable qualification Experience with Microsoft server products as well as hybrid and cloud infrastructures Knowledge of Azure, Active Directory, M365, Microsoft Exchange and MS Teams Customer orientation and service mindset Structured and independent way of working with high motivation Knowledge and certifications in the area of ITIL Foundation are an advantage Experience in the design, implementation and management of IT service processes What we offer Support for various environments and technologies Varied and challenging tasks in a dynamic environment Paid training and comprehensive induction Secure job in a motivated and humorous team Benefits Flexibility through 31 vacation days, flexible working hours and home office options Attractive remuneration package with company pension scheme and bonus system Health bonus, employee recruitment and other benefits Company bike and company car Regular team events and joint activities Have we piqued your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application! Simply and easily by e-mail to [email protected]. We look forward to receiving: CV, certificates, proof of special knowledge and skills. Bital System GmbH Max-Eyth-Strau00dfe 20 70839 Gerlingen Phone: +49 7156 / 35 99 - 390 Fax: +49 07156 / 35 99 - 399 E-mail: [email protected]
Network and System Administrator (m/f/d)
Schwanog Siegfried Gu00fcntert GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen
Network and system administrator m/f/d We are looking for a as soon as possible: Network and system administrator. Your tasks: Administration and maintenance of the complete network and IT infrastructure (LAN, WLAN and WAN) Administration of the Citrix infrastructure (XenApp, XenDesktop, XenServer etc.) Ensuring and further developing the company's internal IT security Support and further development of data backup Implementation of IT projects Support of users in IT matters (VS-Obereschach, FR, USA and China, field staff) Coordination of external service providers Hardware installation in the client and server area What we offer you: A challenging task in a modern& innovative working environment An open and trusting working atmosphere in which you feel comfortable A performance-related salary with additional pension provision Attractive additional benefits (e.g. bike leasing) Flexible working hours thanks to flexitime account and the option of mobile working Joint ventures Your qualifications: Completed studies in computer science or comparable training in the field of IT (e.g. IT specialist for system integration, IT system electronics technician) First professional experience in the IT sector German and English spoken and written Knowledge of MS Windows domain and Windows server systems (>= 2012) Experience in dealing with virtual environments (VMWARE / XENSERVER) Knowledge of MS Exchange, storage systems and VEEAM would be an advantage Analytical and conceptual thinking, ability to work in a team We are a manufacturer of profile tool systems with interchangeable inserts and offer individual and customer-specific grooving tools. Schwanog now has production sites not only in Germany and France, but also in important markets such as the USA and China. Contact us Have we piqued your interest? Then send us your application to: [email protected] For further information, please contact our HR department on 07721/9489-33. SCHWANOG SIEGFRIED Gu00dcNTERT GMBH NIEDERESCHACHER STR. 36 | 78052 VS-OBERESCHACH | GERMANY
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the automotive industry - ID: 245589.5
DIS AG - Office & Management -, Offenburg
Do you have an excellent understanding of IT systems and take a solution-oriented approach to new challenges? Then this position is made for you! Our well-known client company from the automotive industry is looking for reinforcement for the IT department in the Infrastructure team at the earliest possible date. The position is to be filled near Offenburg and as part of a direct placement. This position is to be filled within the framework of direct placement / within the framework of personnel placement. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the automotive industry - ID: 245589.5 Your tasks: Administration, maintenance and optimization of IT systems, servers and networks Installation and configuration of hardware and software components Management of user accounts, access rights and security policies Ensuring system security, including firewall configuration and network security monitoring Advice and support for users with queries and problems Participation in IT projects and the further development of the IT landscape Your qualifications: Successfully completed training as an IT specialist (m/f/d) for system integration or a comparable qualification Relevant professional experience in system administration Good knowledge in the administration of Windows servers and network technologies Confident handling of Active Directory, ideally also with virtualization technologies Fluent German and good English skills A strong understanding of IT systems and processes Communication skills, flexibility and the ability to work in a team Very quick feedback on your application Open exchange via telephone, digitally or in person Career prospects beyond the current job offer Preparation, briefing, coaching for job interviews with our clients Appreciative and trusting support The master plan for your career: We will find exactly the job that suits you. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
System Administrator (m/f/d) in the energy sector - ID: 245315.3
DIS AG - Office & Management -, Lörrach
Are you technically adept and have a strong understanding of server and virtualization system support? Would you also like to be part of a dynamic team and contribute to the success of a company? Then you've come to the right place! Our client, a renowned company in the energy sector, is looking for immediate reinforcement for the IT department in the area of infrastructure. The position is located in the greater Lörrach area and is to be filled as part of a direct recruitment process. This position is to be filled within the framework of direct placement / within the framework of personnel placement. System administrator (m/f/d) in the energy sector - ID: 245315.3 Your tasks: You manage and optimize the IT systems, networks and servers. You are responsible for the security of the systems, including implementing and updating security guidelines, firewalls and other security measures. You will also install and configure hardware and software components and carry out upgrades. You will support our employees with technical questions and problems and provide troubleshooting, training and instructions. You will also be responsible for managing user accounts, access rights and authorizations. You will continuously monitor system performance, identify bottlenecks and carry out optimization measures. You work together with other departments on IT projects and develop innovative solutions. Your qualifications: You have successfully completed your training or studies in the field of computer science You also have relevant professional experience as an IT system administrator or in a similar position. You have sound knowledge in the administration of Windows systems as well as experience with virtualized environments. You are familiar with network technologies (LAN, WAN, VPN, DNS) and network security. Knowledge of cloud technologies is an advantage You are also fluent in German and have a very good command of English. Personally, you are an analytical thinker with strong problem-solving skills and excellent communication skills. You are highly motivated, proactive and willing to work in a dynamic and challenging environment. Very quick feedback on your application Open exchange via telephone, digitally or in person Career prospects beyond the current job offer Preparation, briefing, coaching for job interviews with our clients Appreciative and trusting support The master plan for your career: We will find exactly the job that suits you. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
System administrator (m/f/d)
Hays Professional Solutions GmbH Standort Mannheim, Heddesheim
System Administrator (m/f/d) Are you looking for a new professional challenge or would you like to make a successful start to your career? Then benefit from our many years of experience and our large network. We are looking for you immediately as a System Administrator (m/f/d) for our client for employment at Hays Professional Solutions GmbH. Reference number 543697/1 (please state when applying) Hays is one of the world's leading personnel service providers for qualified specialists and managers: in addition to experienced specialists, we also offer good prospects to career changers and career starters. Your advantages Remuneration according to one of the most attractive collective agreements in the industry as well as pay supplements Possible permanent employment with our customers Flexible working time account with the possibility of payment Access to numerous companies with just one application Support throughout the entire application process Career opportunities that match your expectations Subsidy for direct insurance (as a company pension scheme) Your tasks Administration of hardware in an AD domain environment Administration and management of server operating systems and Windows clients Support in setting up Active Directory, assisting users with all Windows-related questions and planning and carrying out migrations Support with software distribution and installation Virtualization Technical support for HW/SW errors Your qualifications Completed training or studies in the field of computer science or comparable qualification Sound knowledge of the Active Directory and Windows environment, in particular server operating systems, client operating systems and infrastructure services Good knowledge of virtualization desirable Experience with migration projects desirable Experience in first and second level support and with various helpdesk tools Very good knowledge of German This position doesn't suit you? Feel free to contact us and let us support you in your job search. Equal opportunities and participation are important to us. That's why we also promote this at our client companies. All applicants - regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, origin or cultural and religious affiliation - are given the same opportunities with us. Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge: Windows Server 2019 operating system, Windows Server 2022 operating system, system support, system administration, system management, Windows Server 2016 operating system.
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the industrial sector - ID: 245589.1
DIS AG - Office & Management -, Offenburg
Do you have a passion for IT systems and enjoy working in an environment characterized by creativity, teamwork and continuous development? Then you've come to the right place! For a well-known client, a successful industrial company based in Offenburg, we are looking for an enthusiastic and experienced support in IT system administration. The position is full-time within the framework of direct recruitment. This position is to be filled within the framework of direct placement / within the framework of personnel placement. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) in the industrial sector - ID: 245589.1 Your tasks: Ensuring smooth processes with the help of the cloud infrastructure Installing and configuring systems and maintaining servers, network devices and other IT systems Ensuring network security coupled with monitoring network traffic and troubleshooting network problems Managing user accounts and the domain infrastructure Introduction of new technologies Creation and maintenance of documentation Your qualifications: Successfully completed training or studies in the IT sector Professional experience in the above-mentioned areas of responsibility Experience with servers and ideally knowledge of Linux/Unix High interest in innovative technologies IT affinity and flexibility Service-oriented way of working and high team spirit Very quick feedback on your application Open exchange via telephone, digitally or in person Career prospects beyond the current job offer Preparation, briefing, coaching for job interviews with our clients Appreciative and trusting support Simply and easily send us your CV directly by email or click on \"Apply directly\"!
IT Network Administrator Firewall (m/f/d) - 714-8464
top itservices AG, Heilbronn
IT Network Administrator Firewall (m/f/d) - 714-8464 Competent, personal and proactive - that's top itservices AG. We provide companies with comprehensive advice on their IT projects and support them with the professional placement of specialists and managers. For permanent positions, projects or on a temporary basis. Are you looking for your next challenge? Then we are looking for you! Together we want to create significant added value both for your individual development and for the success of our clients! Take up the challenge and join us in filling a vacant permanent position as IT Network Administrator Firewall (m/f/d). Field of activity Organization and monitoring of network operations in global data centers Implementation of new components in the area of networks, firewall and proxy systems Development of standards for the network and security environment Analysis and rectification of faults (2nd/3rd level) Required knowledge Completed IT training, e.g. IT specialist for system integration or a (technical) IT degree Professional experience in network administration as well as in networks in the area of data centers, VPNs, proxy systems and network automation Certifications in CCNA/CCNP or comparable qualification are desirable Business fluent in written and spoken German and English Information about the project Trustworthy & personal support at all times - partnership is the basis of our cooperation Job bike - leasing of company bicycles Location-independent and flexible thanks to the option to work remotely Discounted job ticket Transparent and fast application process with a binding response within 14 days Direct placement in a permanent position with our client company Apply Do you recognize yourself? Then send your documents to [email protected] quoting the reference number 714-8464. Shari Schmidt will be happy to answer your initial information requests and questions by telephone on +49 621 170279-59. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Apply directly at https://www.top-itservices.com/p7636a You can also find other interesting vacancies on our homepage: https://www.top-itservices.com/annoncen If no explicit differentiation is made in the text between the female, male and other forms for the sake of better readability, all are always meant.
HR Payroll Administrator / Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d) Entgeltabrechnung
GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG, Ingelfingen
Herzlich Willkommen bei GEMÜ! Wir suchen Sie! HR Payroll Administrator (m/w/d) / Personalsachbearbeiter (m/w/d) Entgeltabrechnung Ihre Aufgaben Als Payroll Administrator (m/w/d) in unserer Personalabteilung steht für Sie der Dienstleistungsgedanke im Mittelpunkt Ihres Arbeitsalltags. Sie sind kommunikativ, eigenverantwortlich, verantwortungsbewusst und empathisch? Dann kommen Sie in unser Team!Diese vielseitigen Aufgaben warten auf Sie:Verantwortung: Sie sind zuständig für die eigenständige Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Prüfung der monatlichen EntgeltabrechnungenSupport: Sie betreuen die Zeitwirtschaft eines definierten MitarbeiterkreisesInnovation: Sie wirken aktiv an der Digitalisierung und Automatisierung unserer Prozesse mitTeamwork: Sie arbeiten eng im Team zusammen und unterstützen sich gegenseitig, um den gemeinsamen Erfolg zu gewährleistenIhr Profil Sie verfügen über eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung im kaufmännischen Bereich, (z.B. Industriekaufmann (m/w/d), Kaufmann (m/w/d) für Büromanagement) oder ein Studium (z.B. Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Personalmanagement)Sie bringen bereits Berufserfahrung in der Lohn- oder Gehaltsabrechnung sowie dem deutschen Steuer- und Sozialversicherungsrecht mitSie sind ein Teamplayer (m/w/d), sind kommunikativ und zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Serviceorientierung ausSie sind affin im Umgang mit IT-Systemen und bringen innovative Ideen für unsere digitalen Prozesse einWerden Sie Teil der GEMÜ Familie ArbeitszeitFlexibel - Hybrid/ Lukrative Schichtmodelle ArbeitsplatzModern - Innovativ - Klimatisiert GesundheitJobrad - Gym - Wellness RestaurantFrisch - Regional - Vielseitig - Lecker EinarbeitungIndividuell - Professionell - Gemeinsam EventsSpaß - Kulinarisch - Überraschend anders Informationen zur Bewerbung Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung, die Sie direkt hier über unser Onlineportal hochladen und abgeben können. (Aus Sicherheitsgründen akzeptieren wir ausschließlich Bewerbungsanhänge im PDF-Format.).Felder, die mit * gekennzeichnet sind, sind Pflichtfelder. Bei allen weiteren Feldern handelt es sich um freiwillige Angaben.Gerne dürfen Sie sich auch weiterhin per E-Mail unter personal[AT]gemue.de mit Ihren Bewerbungsanhängen in PDF-Format bei uns bewerben. Wir wurden ausgezeichnet! Details Kennziffer: 2024/3586-YFWerk: Criesbach Standort: IngelfingenAufgabengebiet: Verwaltung / Personalwesen / Recht & Compliance Vertragsart: Vollzeit Ansprechpartner Laura Bäuml +49 7940 123-709 personal[AT]gemue.de
IT System Administrator (m/f/d) with experience ID: 267312
DIS AG - Office & Management -, Weil am Rhein
An exciting and varied field of activity in an international environment with a high level of personal responsibility is exactly what you are looking for? Look no further, you've found the job! Our client, an internationally active industrial company in the Weil am Rhein area, is looking for an IT System Administrator with experience to join their team. The position is being offered on a full-time basis as part of a direct recruitment agency. Do you want to be the person? This position is to be filled as part of a direct placement / as part of a recruitment agency. IT System Administrator (m/f/d) with experience ID: 267312 Your tasks: Ensuring the daily operation (second and third level support) of the IT infrastructure on site and in the cloud, virtualization, servers, etc. with a focus on Microsoft-based solutions System configurations, integrations, licence management and performance optimization Infrastructure provision and design Proper documentation of the infrastructure environment and system administration activities Involvement in IT projects in relation to all infrastructure aspects Technical advice, support and monitoring Your qualifications: Completed vocational training in the IT environment with several years of professional experience in the field of activity described above Proven very good experience in the development, management and organization of infrastructures Strong expertise in Active Directory, Win 10, various servers, security implementations in mixed environments and experience with virtual environments (VMware) Technical understanding of databases, cloud technology (Azure, Office 365) and current network hardware, protocols and standards, including TCP/IP, Fast Ethernet etc. Fluency in written and spoken German and English Enjoy working in a team as well as independently, strong communication skills and a service-oriented approach Open-ended employment contract Flexible working hours and possibility of hybrid working Individual support Profit-sharing and capital-forming benefits and much more. With us, your career path will become your personal walk of fame - we offer you exciting prospects in the field of IT. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!
IT Network Administrator (m/f/d) (LAN / WLAN)
Marcel Stegmu00fcller, Leingarten
IT Network Administrator (m/f/d) (LAN / WLAN) We are looking for one as soon as possible: IT Network Administrator (m/f/d) (LAN / WLAN) full-time and permanent Change is the norm in the IT industry! More and more new developments in less and less time require creativity, courage and initiative. STEGMu00dcLLER offers you a working environment in which you can actively shape the future! YOUR TASKS: You support us with: Advising and supporting our customers (also on site) in the conception and implementation of future-oriented infrastructure projects in the areas of LAN, WLAN and security Supporting our customers in the network environment Monitoring, performance optimization and monitoring of the entire network Independent rectification of network fault messages and processing of messages Commissioning of firewalls, switches, routers and VPNs Changes to switch and router configurations (change management) Maintenance and updating of network documentation Preparation and implementation of security audits YOUR PERSPECTIVE: Comprehensive induction and numerous opportunities to develop personally and professionally to expert status A modern workplace in a future-proof industry A fair salary We highly value personal responsibility and commitment We offer a good work-life balance through flexible working hours Are you interested? Then please apply by e-mail or in writing to: STEGMu00dcLLER | THE IT-PROFESSIONALS Ms. Katja Schuster Benzstr. 6-8 74211 Leingarten [email protected] Additional information: Requirements for the applicant: Basic knowledge: Programming, customer service, customer support Advanced knowledge: Client management, database administration, management, organization, configuring, network administration, management, organization, data protection, hardware installation, software installation, system support, system administration, system management, system integration, software engineering, software engineering, license management, security systems (IT), data security, system software (development, programming, analysis), IT coordination Expert knowledge: Information technology, computer technology
System Administrator (m/f/d) in the software industry - ID: 245589.4
DIS AG - Office & Management -, Offenburg
Are you ready to take the IT infrastructure of a successful company to the next level? Then this position is made for you! For our client, a well-known software company, we are looking for reinforcement for the IT department in the Infrastructure team at the earliest possible date. The position is to be filled at the Offenburg location and as part of direct recruitment. This position is to be filled within the framework of direct placement / within the framework of personnel placement. System Administrator (m/f/d) in the software industry - ID: 245589.4 Your tasks: Administration and optimization of IT systems, networks and servers Monitoring and maintaining system security, including implementing and updating security policies, firewalls and other security measures Installing and configuring hardware and software components and performing upgrades Support with technical questions and problems, including troubleshooting, training and guidance Management of user accounts, access rights and authorizations Continuous monitoring of system performance, identification of bottlenecks and implementation of optimization measures Collaborating with other departments to support IT projects and develop innovative solutions Your qualifications: Successfully completed training or studies in the field of computer science Relevant professional experience as an IT system administrator or in a similar position Sound knowledge in the administration of Windows systems and experience with virtualized environments Confident handling of network technologies (LAN, WAN, VPN, DNS) and network security Familiarity with cloud technologies is an advantage Fluent German and very good English skills Analytical thinking, problem-solving skills and excellent communication skills High level of self-motivation, initiative and willingness to work in a dynamic and challenging environment Very quick feedback on your application Open exchange via telephone, digitally or in person Career prospects beyond the current job offer Preparation, briefing, coaching for job interviews with our clients Appreciative and trusting support The master plan for your career: We will find exactly the job that suits you. Click on \"Apply directly\" now!